Psych Exam 2

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What is the lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder in the United States?


Adults with persistent depressive disorder need to have met a limited set of the criteria for major depressive disorder for at least what length of time to receive the diagnosis?

2 years

It is estimated that approximately ______ percent of all individuals with bipolar disorder can live symptom free if they receive adequate treatment.


Women are ______ percent more likely than men to experience major depressive disorder at some point in their lives.

70 %

Which of the following is NOT one of the diagnostic criteria areas for personality disorders?

Affectivity Impulse control Psychosis XXXXX Cognition

What is a personality trait?

An enduring pattern of thinking about the environment and others, which characterizes the majority of a person's experiences

What does a diagnosis of bipolar II mean?

An individual has had one or more major depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode.

Of all psychological disorders, we most likely associate ______ disorder with substance abuse


Which of the following diagnoses has replaced the term "manic depression"?

Bipolar disorder

A review of randomized clinical trials comparing cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) conclude

CBT and IPT are equally effective in treating major depressive disorder.

Which of the following cognitive distortions describes a person who believes the worst is always going to happen?


Schizotypal personality disorder is part of

Cluster A

Which of the following statements about SNRIs is FALSE

Compared to SSRIs, the SNRIs seem to be statistically more efficacious. T Compared to SSRIs, the SNRIs seem to be clinically less efficacious. T Compared to SSRIs, the SNRIs have less side effects or chances of adverse reactions. (FALSE) Compared to SSRIs, the SNRIs have greater side effects or chances of adverse reactions. T

Which of the following disorders is characterized by an alteration between dysphoric and hypomanic states?

Cyclothymic disorder

Rapid cyclers who do not respond to lithium seem to respond to which of the following medications?


Which of the following is used for treatment-resistant depression?

Electroconvulsive therapy Deep brain stimulation Light therapy ALL OF THEM

The term ____ refers to a discrete period of time during which an individual experiences symptoms of a mood disorder.


Interpersonal therapists believe that depressive episodes are often triggered by negative interpersonal events, which they classify into four types. Which of the following is NOT one of these types?

Grief Role transitions Interpersonal disputes Dysfunctional thought processes XXXXXXXX

Which of the following theorists created the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)


Which of the following characteristics does NOT correlate with low resilience?

High levels of perfectionism High levels of self-efficacy xxxx High levels of hopelessness Low levels of social support

Which of the following risk factors are individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder more likely to experience?

Higher mortality due to illness Elevated rates of suicide Elevated rates of violent death ALL OF THESE

_____ is a personality disorder characterized by exaggerated emotional reactions, approaching theatricality, in everyday behavior

Histrionic personality disorder

According to the maturation hypothesis, we should expect people with which of the following personality disorders to display less maladaptive behavior as they age?

Histrionic, borderline, antisocial

Which disorders comprise Cluster B?

Histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, antisocial

Which of the following is TRUE of bipolar II disorder?

It necessarily involves periods of major depression

Which of the following is NOT considered a core aspect of the psychopathic personality?

Lack of empathy and remorse Glibness and superficial charm High anxiety in interpersonal situations XXXXXX A grandiose sense of self-worth

Clinicians advise clients who have frequent manic episodes to remain on which of the following drugs as a preventive measure?


Which of the following is true regarding a diagnosis of major depressive disorder

Major depressive disorder is often diagnosed with a range of disorders. EX: anxiety substance abuse

Which of the following personality disorders shares the most features with antisocial personality disorder?


Which of the following is NOT an example of a tricyclic antidepressant?

Nardil xxxxxxx Elavil Norpramin Tofranil

A team of researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health appears to have narrowed the search for a gene involved in bipolar disorder to which of the following genes?


What is a chronic, less severe mood disturbance, in which the individual does not experience a major depressive episode called?

Persistent depressive disorder

Which neurotransmitter seems to play an important role in causing genetically predisposed individuals to develop major depressive disorder?


What is the "file drawer problem"?

The bias toward only publishing positive results

Why is the treatment prognosis poor with avoidant personality disorder?

The client is intensely sensitive to any form of negative evaluation.

What are pharmacogenetics?

The use of genetic testing to determine who will and will not improve with a particular medication

Which of the following is NOT true of persistent depressive disorder

To meet criteria, symptoms must persist for at least 2 years. Its course is chronic rather than episodic. Symptoms are similar to major depressive disorder but are fewer and less intense. It can be diagnosed if the individual also meets criteria for bipolar II, but not bipolar I disorder. (NOT TRUE)

How many criteria must be met in order to make the diagnosis for a personality disorder?

Two criteria, out of the four areas

Which of the following is considered a benefit for women who are diagnosed with premenstrual dysphoric disorder?

Women with severe episodes of depression can receive treatment that might not be available without the diagnosis.

According to the biopsychosocial model, clients whose symptoms reflect a heavy influence of biology should have access to

a range of therapeutic interventions.

In his groundbreaking research in the field, Harvey Cleckley used the terms "sociopath" and "psychopath" to refer to

antisocial personality disorder.

The PCL-R is designed to assess core personality traits for which disorder?

antisocial personalty disorder

The common element of the Cluster C (obsessive-compulsive, avoidant, and dependent) personality disorders is

anxious and fearful behavior.

People with ______ define themselves as lacking in social skills and having no desirable qualities that would make others want to be with them.

avoidant personality disorder

The personality disorders represent a mix of long-standing personal dispositions and

behavior patterns in identity and personal relationships.

If a clinician asks a client to engage in activities that will produce a positive mood and then keeps a record of these activities to increase their frequency over time, the clinician has incorporated in her treatment plan

behavioral activation

After Ralph has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, his doctor explains that depression often runs in families. Which of the following factors is Ralph's doctor exemplifying?


The ______ perspective believes that personality disorders evolve over an individual's life.


It is the hope of clinicians who hold the______ that additional research on personality disorders will yield more information not only about the disorders themselves, but also a richer appreciation for the multiple factors that contribute to normal personality growth and change throughout the lifespan.

biopsychosocial perspective

Emotional dysregulation is seen in clients with

borderline personality disorder.

One of the main criticisms of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder is that

clinicians worry that this diagnosis would pathologize a child's temper tantrums.

The maladaptive, inflexible patterns of behavior and inner experience characteristic of a personality disorder must be evident in at least two of following areas: affectivity, interpersonal functioning, impulse control, and


Major depressive disorder is to persistent depressive disorder as bipolar disorder is to

cyclothymic disorder.

The most effective form of therapy for individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder is known as

dialectical behavior therapy.

Treatment of individuals who have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder

does not tend to be successful given the personality traits associated with this disorder.

Medications that act on ______ are most effective in treating schizotypal personality disorder and can help alleviate cognitive deficits in memory and executive functioning.


Cleckley believed that "psychopathic" individuals lack

emotional reactivity

If an individual with bipolar disorder experiences ___________, the specifier rapid cycling will be added to his or her diagnosis.

four or more discrete episodes within the previous year

The response modulation hypothesis proposes that individuals high on the trait of psychopathy

have difficulty learning from negative experience as they focus on rewards.

In addition to elevating mood, SSRIs appear to

have fewer unpleasant side effects.

Individuals with depression tend to have a smaller _____ than those without depression.


All of the following are symptoms of a manic episode

inflated self-esteem. pressured speech. increases in goal-directed activities.

What is borderline personality disorder's central feature?


Rapid speech and racing thoughts are symptoms of


What term did Harvey Cleckley coin to indicate an inability to react appropriately to expressions of emotionality?

mask of sanity

Individuals with ________ personality disorder view themselves as exceptional (compared to others) and entitled while they are simultaneously engaged in a pursuit to gain approval from others.


Cluster A disorders share which of the following behaviors?

odd and eccentric behavior

Bert is extremely suspicious of other people and has trouble maintaining relationships with friends and family due to his inability to trust other people. He is very confrontational and does not accept that his suspicions might be inaccurate. Bert would most likely be diagnosed with

paranoid personality disorder.

Clinicians who work with borderline individuals refer to attention-getting self-injurious behavior as


Robert Hare developed a set of criteria for the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R) that assesses two factors known as

psychopathy and antisocial lifestyle.

Clinicians diagnose people who have four or more episodes of major depression, mania, hypomania, or mixed symptoms with

rapid cycling

The Cluster A personality disorders are

schizoid, schizotypal, paranoid.

People with __________ personality disorder avoid social and sexual relationships because they prefer to be solitary; people with _________ personality disorder avoid social and sexual relationships because they fear rejection and ridicule.

schizoid; avoidant

The social isolation, eccentricity, peculiar communication, and poor social adaptation that come with schizotypal personality disorder place it within the

schizophrenic spectrum.

Individuals with _________ have odd or magical beliefs about the world and are very eccentric in their behavior.

schizoptypal personality disorder

James prefers to be alone and has never sought out an intimate relationship. He avoids his family and is indifferent to their pleas for contact with him. James would most likely be diagnosed with

schizoptypal personality disorder.

Generational differences, gender differences, and socioeconomic status are all examples of ______ factors of major depressive disorder.


Kara has borderline personality disorder. She has a tendency to go from friendly and loving when she perceives someone as "good" to flying into a rage when she thinks that person has rejected her. Which of the following terms does Kara's behavior exemplify?


The tendency for people with borderline personality disorder to alternately adore and hate others—to see them as all good or all bad—is often referred to as


Genetics research on mood disorders has shown that

there is a substantial genetic contribution to the development of mood disorders

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