Psych Exam 3 Study Guide

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An adult tells the nurse, "My partner abuses me when I make mistakes, but I always get an apology and a gift afterward. I've considered leaving but haven't been able to bring myself to actually do it." Which phase in the cycle of violence prevents this adult from leaving? a. Tension-building b. Acute battering c. Honeymoon d. Stabilization


An older adult drove to a nearby store but was unable to remember how to get home or state an address. When police intervened, they found that this adult was wearing a heavy coat and hat, even though it was July. Which stage of Alzheimer's disease is evident? a. Sundowning b. Early c. Middle d. Late


An older adult was stopped by police for driving through a red light. When asked for a driver's license, the adult hands the police officer a pair of sunglasses. What sign of dementia is evident? a. Aphasia b. Apraxia c. Agnosia d. Anhedonia


An older adult with Lewy body dementia lives with family and attends a day care center. A nurse at the day care center noticed the adult had a disheveled appearance, strong odor of urine, and bruises on the limbs and back. What type of abuse might be occurring? a. Psychological b. Financial c. Physical d. Sexual


A hospitalized patient diagnosed with delirium misinterprets reality. A patient diagnosed with dementia wanders about the home. Which outcome is the priority in both scenarios? The patients will a. remain safe in the environment. b. participate actively in self-care. c. communicate verbally. d. acknowledge reality.


A patient admitted to an alcohol rehabilitation program tells the nurse, "I'm actually just a social drinker. I usually have a drink at lunch, two in the afternoon, wine with dinner, and a few drinks during the evening." The patient is using which defense mechanism? a. Denial b. Projection c. Introjection d. Rationalization


A patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder was hospitalized several times after multiple episodes of head banging and carving on both wrists. The patient remains impulsive. Which nursing diagnosis is the initial focus of this patient's care? a. Self-mutilation b. Impaired skin integrity c. Risk for injury d. Powerlessness


A patient diagnosed with delirium is experiencing perceptual alterations. Which environmental adjustment should the nurse make for this patient? a. Provide a well-lit room without glare or shadows. Limit noise and stimulation. b. Maintain soft lighting day and night. Keep a radio on low volume continuously. c. Light the room brightly day and night. Awaken the patient hourly to assess mental status. d. Keep the patient by the nurse's desk while awake. Provide rest periods in a room with a television on.


A patient has progressive memory deficits associated with dementia. Which nursing intervention would best help the individual function in the environment? a. Assist the patient to perform simple tasks by giving step-by-step directions. b. Reduce frustration by performing activities of daily living for the patient. c. Stimulate intellectual function by discussing new topics with the patient. d. Read one story from the newspaper to the patient every day.


A patient says, "I get in trouble sometimes because I make quick decisions and act on them." Select the nurse's most therapeutic response. a. "Let's consider the advantages of being able to stop and think before acting." b. "It sounds as though you've developed some insight into your situation." c. "I bet you have some interesting stories to share about overreacting." d. "It's good that you're showing readiness for behavioral change."


A patient tells the nurse, "My husband lost his job. He's abusive only when he drinks too much. His family was like that when he was growing up. He always apologizes and regrets hurting me." What risk factor was most predictive for the husband to become abusive? a. History of family violence b. Loss of employment c. Abuse of alcohol d. Poverty


After treatment for a detached retina, a survivor of intimate partner abuse says, "My partner only abuses me when I make mistakes. I've considered leaving, but I was brought up to believe you stay together, no matter what happens." Which diagnosis should be the focus of the nurse's initial actions? a. Risk for injury related to physical abuse from partner b. Social isolation related to lack of a community support system c. Ineffective coping related to uneven distribution of power within a relationship d. Deficient knowledge related to resources for escape from an abusive relationship


An 11-year-old says, "My parents don't like me. They call me stupid and say they wish I were never born. It doesn't matter what they think because I already know I'm dumb." Which nursing diagnosis applies to this child? a. Chronic low self-esteem related to negative feedback from parents b. Deficient knowledge related to interpersonal skills with parents c. Disturbed personal identity related to negative self-evaluation d. Complicated grieving related to poor academic performance


An adult has a history of physical violence against family when frustrated, followed by periods of remorse after each outburst. Which finding indicates a successful plan of care? The adult: a. expresses frustration verbally instead of physically. b. explains the rationale for behaviors to the victim. c. identifies three personal strengths. d. agrees to seek counseling.


An elderly person presents with symptoms of delirium. The family reports, "Everything was fine until yesterday." What is the most important assessment information for the nurse to gather? a. A list of all medications the person currently takes b. Whether the person has experienced any recent losses c. Whether the person has ingested aged or fermented foods d. The person's recent personality characteristics and changes


An older adult is prescribed digoxin and hydrochlorothiazide daily as well as lorazepam as needed for anxiety. Over 2 days, the patient developed confusion, slurred speech, an unsteady gait, and fluctuating levels of orientation. What is the most likely reason for the patient's change in mental status? a. Drug actions and interactions b. Benzodiazepine withdrawal c. Hypotensive episodes d. Renal failure


An older adult patient in the intensive care unit is experiencing visual illusions. Which intervention will be most helpful? a. Use the patient's glasses. b. Place personally meaningful objects in view. c. Position large clocks and calendars on the wall. d. Assure that the room is brightly lit but very quiet at all times.


An older adult patient takes multiple medications daily. Over 2 days, the patient developed confusion, slurred speech, an unsteady gait, and fluctuating levels of orientation. These findings are most characteristic of a. delirium. b. dementia. c. amnestic syndrome. d. Alzheimer's disease.


An older adult with Lewy body dementia lives with family. After observing multiple bruises, the home health nurse talked with the daughter, who became defensive and said, "My mother often wanders at night. Last night she fell down the stairs." Which nursing diagnosis has priority? a. Risk for injury related to poor judgment, cognitive impairments, and inadequate supervision b. Wandering related to confusion and disorientation as evidenced by sleepwalking and falls c. Chronic confusion related to degenerative changes in brain tissue as evidenced by nighttime wandering d. Insomnia related to sleep disruptions associated with cognitive impairment as evidenced by wandering at night


An older adult with moderately severe dementia forgets where the bathroom is and has episodes of incontinence. Which intervention should the nurse suggest to the patient's family? a. Label the bathroom door. b. Take the older adult to the bathroom hourly. c. Place the older adult in disposable adult briefs. d. Limit the intake of oral fluids to 1000 mL/day


During the third week of treatment, the spouse of a patient in a rehabilitation program for substance abuse says, "After this treatment program, I think everything will be all right." Which remark by the nurse will be most helpful to the spouse? a. "While sobriety solves some problems, new ones may emerge as one adjusts to living without drugs and alcohol." b. "It will be important for you to structure life to avoid as much stress as you can and provide social protection." c. "Addiction is a lifelong disease of self-destruction. You will need to observe your spouse's behavior carefully." d. "It is good that you are supportive of your spouse's sobriety and want to help maintain it."


Goals of care for an older adult patient diagnosed with delirium caused by fever and dehydration will focus on a. returning to premorbid levels of function. b. identifying stressors negatively affecting self. c. demonstrating motor responses to noxious stimuli. d. exerting control over responses to perceptual distortions.


The parents of a 15-year-old seek to have this teen declared a delinquent because of excessive drinking, habitually running away, and prostitution. The nurse interviewing the patient should recognize these behaviors often occur in adolescents who a. have been abused. b. are attention seeking. c. have eating disorders. d. are developmentally delayed.


What is the priority intervention for a nurse beginning to work with a patient diagnosed with a schizotypal personality disorder? a. Respect the patient's need for periods of social isolation. b. Prevent the patient from violating the nurse's rights. c. Teach the patient how to select clothing for outings. d. Engage the patient in community activities


What is the priority nursing diagnosis for a patient diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder who has made threats against staff, ripped art off the walls, and thrown objects? a. Risk for other-directed violence b. Risk for self-directed violence c. Impaired social interaction d. Ineffective denial


What is the priority nursing diagnosis for a patient with fluctuating levels of consciousness, disturbed orientation, and visual and tactile hallucinations? a. Risk for injury related to altered cerebral function, fluctuating levels of consciousness, disturbed orientation, and misperception of the environment b. Bathing/hygiene self-care deficit related to cerebral dysfunction, as evidenced by confusion and inability to perform personal hygiene tasks c. Disturbed thought processes related to medication intoxication, as evidenced by confusion, disorientation, and hallucinations d. Fear related to sensory perceptual alterations as evidenced by visual and tactile hallucinations


Which comment by the nurse would best support relationship building with a survivor of intimate partner abuse? a. "You are feeling violated because you thought you could trust your partner." b. "I'm here for you. I want you to tell me about the bad things that happened to you." c. "I was very worried about you. I knew you were living in a potentially violent situation." d. "Abusers often target people who are passive. I will refer you to an assertiveness class."


Which intervention is appropriate for an individual diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder who frequently manipulates others? a. Refer requests and questions related to care to the case manager. b. Encourage the patient to discuss feelings of fear and inferiority. c. Provide negative reinforcement for acting-out behavior. d. Ignore, rather than confront, inappropriate behavior.


A 10-year-old cares for siblings while the parents work because the family cannot afford a babysitter. This child says, "My father doesn't like me. He calls me stupid all the time." The mother says the father is easily frustrated and has trouble disciplining the children. The community health nurse should consider which resources as priorities to stabilize the home situation? (Select all that apply.) a. Parental sessions to teach childrearing practices b. Anger management counseling for the father c. Continuing home visits to give support d. A safety plan for the wife and children e. Placing the children in foster care


A community health nurse visits a family with four children. The father behaves angrily, finds fault with the oldest child, and asks twice, "Why are you such a stupid kid?" The wife says, "I have difficulty disciplining the children. It's so frustrating." Which comments by the nurse will facilitate an interview with these parents? (Select all that apply.) a. "Tell me how you discipline your children." b. "How do you stop your baby from crying?" c. "Caring for four small children must be difficult." d. "Do you or your husband ever spank your children?" e. "Calling children 'stupid' injures their self-esteem."


Which assessment findings would the nurse expect in a patient experiencing delirium? (Select all that apply.) a. Impaired level of consciousness b. Disorientation to place, time c. Wandering attention d. Apathy e. Agnosia


For which patients diagnosed with personality disorders would a family history of similar problems be most likely? (Select all that apply.) a. Obsessive-compulsive b. Antisocial c. Borderline d. Schizotypal e. Narcissistic


A patient diagnosed with moderate stage Alzheimer's disease has a self-care deficit of dressing and grooming. Designate appropriate interventions to include in the patient's plan of care. (Select all that apply.) a. Provide clothing with elastic and hook-and-loop closures. b. Label clothing with the patient's name and name of the item. c. Administer antianxiety medication before bathing and dressing. d. Provide necessary items and direct the patient to proceed independently. e. If the patient resists dressing, use distraction and try again after a short interval


A nurse assists a victim of intimate partner abuse to create a plan for escape if it becomes necessary. Which components should the plan include? (Select all that apply.) a. Keep a cell phone fully charged. b. Hide money with which to buy new clothes. c. Have the phone number for the nearest shelter. d. Take enough toys to amuse the children for 2 days. e. Secure a supply of current medications for self and children. f. Assemble birth certificates, Social Security cards, and licenses. g. Determine a code word to signal children when it is time to leave.


An older adult diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease lives with family in a rural area. During the week, this adult attends a day care center while the family is at work. In the evenings, members of the family provide care. Which factor makes this adult most vulnerable to abuse? a. Multiple caregivers b. Alzheimer's disease c. Living in a rural area d. Being part of a busy family


A hospitalized patient diagnosed with alcohol use disorder believes spiders are spinning entrapping webs in the room. The patient is fearful, agitated, and diaphoretic. Which nursing intervention is indicated? a. Check the patient every 15 minutes b. One-on-one supervision c. Keep the room dimly lit d. Force fluids


A hospitalized patient diagnosed with alcohol use disorder believes the window blinds are snakes trying to get in the room. The patient is anxious, agitated, and diaphoretic. The nurse can anticipate the health care provider will prescribe a(n) a. narcotic analgesic, such as hydromorphone. b. sedative, such as lorazepam or chlordiazepoxide. c. antipsychotic, such as olanzapine or thioridazine. d. monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressant, such as phenelzine.


A nurse cares for a patient experiencing an opioid overdose. Which focused assessment has the highest priority? a. Cardiovascular b. Respiratory c. Neurological d. Hepatic


A nurse counsels the family of a patient diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease who lives at home and wanders at night. Which action is most important for the nurse to recommend for enhancing safety? a. Apply a medical alert bracelet to the patient. b. Place locks at the tops of doors. c. Discourage daytime napping. d. Obtain a bed with side rails.


A nurse reviews vital signs for a patient admitted with an injury sustained while intoxicated. The medical record shows these blood pressure and pulse readings at the times listed: 0200: 118/78 mm Hg and 72 beats/minute 0400: 126/80 mm Hg and 76 beats/minute 0600: 128/82 mm Hg and 72 beats/minute 0800: 132/88 mm Hg and 80 beats/minute 1000: 148/94 mm Hg and 96 beats/minute What is the nurse's priority action? a. Force fluids. b. Begin the detox protocol. c. Obtain a clean-catch urine sample. d. Place the patient in a vest-type restraint.


A nurse set limits while interacting with a patient demonstrating behaviors associated with borderline personality disorder. The patient tells the nurse, "You used to care about me. I thought you were wonderful. Now I can see I was wrong. You're evil." This outburst can be assessed as a. denial. b. splitting. c. defensive. d. reaction formation.


A nursing diagnosis appropriate to consider for a patient diagnosed with any of the personality disorders is a. nonadherence. b. impaired social interaction. c. disturbed personal identity. d. diversional activity deficit.


A patient asks for information about AA. Select the nurse's best response. "AA is a a. form of group therapy led by a psychiatrist." b. self-help group for which the goal is sobriety." c. group that learns about drinking from a group leader." d. network that advocates strong punishment for drunk drivers."


A patient diagnosed as mild stage Alzheimer's disease tires easily and prefers to stay home rather than attend social activities. The spouse does the grocery shopping because the patient cannot remember what to buy. Which nursing diagnosis applies at this time? a. Self-care deficit b. Impaired memory c. Caregiver role strain d. Adult failure to thrive


A patient diagnosed with alcohol use disorder asks, "How will Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) help me?" Select the nurse's best response. a. "The goal of AA is for members to learn controlled drinking with the support of a higher power." b. "An individual is supported by peers while striving for abstinence one day at a time." c. "You must make a commitment to permanently abstain from alcohol and other drugs." d. "You will be assigned a sponsor who will plan your treatment program."


A patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder has a history of self-mutilation and suicide attempts. The patient reveals feelings of depression and anger with life. Which type of medication would the nurse expect to be prescribed? a. Benzodiazepine b. Mood stabilizing medication c. Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) d. Cholinesterase inhibitor


A patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder has self-inflicted wrist lacerations. The health care provider prescribes daily dressing changes. The nurse performing this care should a. maintain a stern and authoritarian affect. b. provide care in a matter-of-fact manner. c. encourage the patient to express anger. d. be very rigid and challenging.


A patient says, "The other nurses won't give me my medication early, but you know what it's like to be in pain and don't let your patients suffer. Could you get me my pill now? I won't tell anyone." Which response by the nurse would be most therapeutic? a. "I'm not comfortable doing that," and then ignore subsequent requests for early medication. b. "I understand that you have pain, but giving medicine too soon would not be safe." c. "I'll have to check with your doctor about that; I will get back to you after I do." d. "It would be unsafe to give the medicine early; none of us will do that."


A patient with severe dementia no longer recognizes family members and becomes anxious and agitated when they attempt reorientation. Which alternative could the nurse suggest to the family members? a. Wear large name tags. b. Focus interaction on familiar topics. c. Frequently repeat the reorientation strategies. d. Place large clocks and calendars strategically


A survivor of physical spousal abuse was treated in the emergency department for a broken wrist. This patient said, "I've considered leaving, but I made a vow and I must keep it no matter what happens." Which outcome should be met before discharge? The patient will a. facilitate counseling for the abuser. b. name two community resources for help. c. demonstrate insight into the abusive relationship. d. reexamine cultural beliefs about marital commitment.


An elderly patient is admitted with delirium secondary to a urinary tract infection. The family asks whether the patient will ever recover. Select the nurse's best response. a. "The health care provider is the best person to answer your question." b. "The confusion will probably get better as we treat the infection." c. "Unfortunately, delirium is a progressively disabling disorder." d. "I will be glad to contact the chaplain to talk with you."


An older woman diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease lives with family and attends day care. After observing poor hygiene, the nurse talked with the caregiver. This caregiver became defensive and said, "It takes all my energy to care for my mother. She's awake all night. I never get any sleep." Which nursing intervention has priority? a. Teach the caregiver about the effects of sundowner's syndrome. b. Secure additional resources for the mother's evening and night care. c. Support the caregiver to grieve the loss of the mother's cognitive abilities. d. Teach the family how to give physical care more effectively and efficiently.


Consider these cerebral pathophysiologies: Lewy body development, frontotemporal degeneration, and accumulation of protein b-amyloid. Which diagnosis applies? a. Cyclothymia b. Dementia c. Delirium d. Amnesia


Consider these phenomena: accumulation of -amyloid outside the neurons, neurofibrillary tangles, and neuronal degeneration in the hippocampus. Which health problem corresponds to these events? a. Huntington's disease b. Alzheimer's disease c. Parkinson's disease d. Vascular dementia


During morning care, a nurse asks a patient diagnosed with dementia, "How was your night?" The patient replies, "It was lovely. I went out to dinner and a movie with my friend." Which term applies to the patient's response? a. Sundown syndrome b. Confabulation c. Perseveration d. Delirium


Personality traits most likely to be documented regarding a patient demonstrating characteristics of an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are a. affable, generous. b. perfectionist, inflexible. c. suspicious, holds grudges. d. dramatic speech, impulsive.


Police bring a patient to the emergency department after an automobile accident. The patient demonstrates poor coordination and slurred speech but the vital signs are normal. The blood alcohol level is 300 mg/dL (0.30 g/dL). Considering the relationship between the assessment findings and blood alcohol level, which conclusion is most probable? The patient a. rarely drinks alcohol. b. has a high tolerance to alcohol. c. has been treated with disulfiram (Antabuse). d. has ingested both alcohol and sedative drugs recently.


What feelings are most commonly experienced by nurses working with abusive families? a. Outrage toward the victim and discouragement regarding the abuser b. Helplessness regarding the victim and anger toward the abuser c. Unconcern for the victim and dislike for the abuser d. Vulnerability for self and empathy with the abuser


What is the most challenging nursing intervention with patients diagnosed with personality disorders who use manipulation? a. Supporting behavioral change b. Maintaining consistent limits c. Monitoring suicide attempts d. Using aversive therapy


What is the priority intervention for a patient diagnosed with delirium who has fluctuating levels of consciousness, disturbed orientation, and perceptual alterations? a. Distraction using sensory stimulation b. Careful observation and supervision c. Avoidance of physical contact d. Activation of the bed alarm


Which assessment finding would be likely for a patient experiencing a hallucination? The patient a. looks at shadows on a wall and says, "I see scary faces." b. states, "I feel bugs crawling on my legs and biting me." c. reports telepathic messages from the television. d. speaks in rhymes


Which rationale best explains why a nurse should be aware of personal feelings while working with a family experiencing family violence? a. Self-awareness enhances the nurse's advocacy role. b. Strong negative feelings interfere with assessment and judgment. c. Strong positive feelings lead to healthy transference with the victim. d. Positive feelings promote the development of sympathy for patients.


A nurse plans care for an individual diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. Which characteristic behaviors will the nurse expect? (Select all that apply.) a. Reclusive behavior b. Callous attitude c. Perfectionism d. Aggression e. Clinginess f. Anxiety


An 11-year-old reluctantly tells the nurse, "My parents don't like me. They said they wish I was never born." Which type of abuse is likely? a. Sexual b. Physical c. Emotional d. Economic


A new psychiatric technician says, "Schizophrenia ... schizotypal! What's the difference?" The nurse's response should include which information? a. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia is not usually overtly psychotic. b. In schizotypal personality disorder, the patient remains psychotic much longer. c. With schizotypal personality disorder, the person can be made aware of misinterpretations of reality. d. Schizotypal personality disorder causes more frequent and more prolonged hospitalizations than schizophrenia


A nurse gives anticipatory guidance to the family of a patient diagnosed with mild early stage Alzheimer's disease. Which problem common to that stage should the nurse address? a. Violent outbursts b. Emotional disinhibition c. Communication deficits d. Inability to feed or bathe self


A nurse reports to the treatment team that a patient diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder has displayed the behaviors below. This patient is detached and superficial during counseling sessions. Which behavior by the patient most clearly warrants limit setting? a. Flattering the nurse b. Lying to other patients c. Verbal abuse of another patient d. Detached superficiality during counseling


A patient admitted for injuries sustained while intoxicated has been hospitalized for 48 hours. The patient is now shaky, irritable, anxious, diaphoretic, and reports nightmares. The pulse rate is 130 beats/minute. The patient shouts, "Bugs are crawling on my bed. I've got to get out of here." Select the most accurate assessment of this situation. The patient a. is attempting to obtain attention by manipulating staff. b. may have sustained a head injury before admission. c. has symptoms of alcohol withdrawal delirium. d. is having an acute psychosis.


A patient with fluctuating levels of awareness, confusion, and disturbed orientation shouts, "Bugs are crawling on my legs. Get them off!" Which problem is the patient experiencing? a. Aphasia b. Dystonia c. Tactile hallucinations d. Mnemonic disturbance


As a nurse prepares to administer medication to a patient diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder, the patient says, "Just leave it on the table. I'll take it when I finish combing my hair." What is the nurse's best response? a. Reinforce this assertive action by the patient. Leave the medication on the table as requested. b. Respond to the patient, "I'm worried that you might not take it. I'll come back later." c. Say to the patient, "I must watch you take the medication. Please take it now." d. Ask the patient, "Why don't you want to take your medication now?"


Consider this comment to three different nurses by a patient diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder, "Another nurse said you don't do your job right." Collectively, these interactions can be assessed as a. seductive. b. detached. c. manipulative. d. guilt-producing.


One month ago, a patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and a history of self-mutilation began dialectical behavior therapy. Today the patient phones to say, "I feel empty and want to hurt myself." The nurse should a. arrange for emergency inpatient hospitalization. b. send the patient to the crisis intervention unit for 8 to 12 hours. c. assist the patient to choose coping strategies for triggering situations. d. advise the patient to take an antianxiety medication to decrease the anxiety level.


Others describe a worker as very shy and lacking in self-confidence. This worker stays in an office cubicle all day, never coming out for breaks or lunch. Which term best describes this behavior? a. Narcissistic b. Histrionic c. Avoidant d. Paranoid


Several children are seen in the emergency department for treatment of various illnesses and injuries. Which assessment finding would create the most suspicion for child abuse? The child who has a. complaints of abdominal pain. b. repeated middle ear infections. c. bruises on extremities. d. diarrhea.


The history shows that a newly admitted patient is impulsive. The nurse would expect behavior characterized by a. adherence to a strict moral code. b. manipulative, controlling strategies. c. acting without thought on urges or desires. d. postponing gratification to an appropriate time.


Two patients in a residential care facility are diagnosed with dementia. One shouts to the other, "Move along, you're blocking the road." The other patient turns, shakes a fist, and shouts, "You're trying to steal my car." What is the nurse's best action? a. Administer one dose of an antipsychotic medication to both patients. b. Reinforce reality. Say to the patients, "Walk along in the hall. This is not a traffic intersection." c. Separate and distract the patients. Take one to the day room and the other to an activities area. d. Step between the two patients and say, "Please quiet down. We do not allow violence here."


What is a nurse's legal responsibility if child abuse or neglect is suspected? a. Discuss the findings with the child's parent and health care provider. b. Document the observation and suspicion in the medical record. c. Report the suspicion according to state regulations. d. Continue the assessment.


What is an appropriate initial outcome for a patient diagnosed with a personality disorder who frequently manipulates others? The patient will: a. identify when feeling angry. b. use manipulation only to get legitimate needs met. c. acknowledge manipulative behavior when it is called to his or her attention. d. accept fulfillment of his or her requests within an hour rather than immediately.


When a patient diagnosed with a personality disorder uses manipulation to get needs met, the staff applies limit-setting interventions. What is the correct rationale for this action? a. It provides an outlet for feelings of anger and frustration. b. It respects the patient's wishes, so assertiveness will develop. c. External controls are necessary due to failure of internal control. d. Anxiety is reduced when staff assumes responsibility for the patient's behavior.


Which characteristic of personality disorders makes it most necessary for staff to schedule frequent team meetings in order to address the patient's needs and maintain a therapeutic milieu? a. Ability to achieve true intimacy b. Flexibility and adaptability to stress c. Ability to provoke interpersonal conflict d. Inability to develop trusting relationships


Which medication prescribed to patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease antagonizes N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) channels rather than cholinesterase? a. Donepezil b. Rivastigmine c. Memantine d. Galantamine


Which referral will be most helpful for a woman who was severely beaten by intimate partner, has no relatives or friends in the community, is afraid to return home, and has limited financial resources? a. A support group b. A mental health center c. A women's shelter d. Vocational counseling


Which statement made by a patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder indicates the treatment plan is effective? a. "I think you are the best nurse on the unit." b. "I'm never going to get high on drugs again." c. "I felt empty and wanted to hurt myself, so I called you." d. "I hate my mother. I called her today, and she wasn't home."


Which nursing diagnoses are most applicable for a patient diagnosed with severe late stage Alzheimer's disease? (Select all that apply.) a. Acute confusion b. Anticipatory grieving c. Urinary incontinence d. Disturbed sleep pattern e. Risk for caregiver role strain


A health care provider recently convicted of Medicare fraud says to a nurse, "Sure I overbilled. Everyone takes advantage of the government. There are too many rules to follow and I deserve the money." These statements show a. shame. b. suspiciousness. c. superficial remorse. d. lack of guilt feelings


A nurse determines desired outcomes for a patient diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder. Select the best outcome. The patient will a. adhere willingly to unit norms. b. report decreased incidence of self-mutilative thoughts. c. demonstrate fewer attempts at splitting or manipulating staff. d. demonstrate ability to introduce self to a stranger in a social situation.


A older patient diagnosed with severe, late-stage dementia no longer recognizes family members. The family asks how long it will be before this patient recognizes them when they visit. What is the nurse's best reply? a. "Your family member will never again be able to identify you." b. "I think that is a question the health care provider should answer." c. "One never knows. Consciousness fluctuates in persons with dementia." d. "It is disappointing when someone you love no longer recognizes you."


A patient admitted yesterday for injuries sustained while intoxicated believes insects are crawling on the bed. The patient is anxious, agitated, and diaphoretic. What is the priority nursing diagnosis? a. Disturbed sensory perception b. Ineffective coping c. Ineffective denial d. Risk for injury


A patient diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease calls the fire department saying, "My smoke detectors are going off." Firefighters investigate and discover that the patient misinterpreted the telephone ringing. Which problem is this patient experiencing? a. Hyperorality b. Aphasia c. Apraxia d. Agnosia


A patient diagnosed with alcohol use disorder says, "Drinking helps me cope with being a single parent." Which therapeutic response by the nurse would help the patient conceptualize the drinking objectively? a. "Sooner or later, alcohol will kill you. Then what will happen to your children?" b. "I hear a lot of defensiveness in your voice. Do you really believe this?" c. "If you were coping so well, why were you hospitalized again?" d. "Tell me what happened the last time you drank."


A patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder self-inflicted wrist lacerations after gaining new privileges on the unit. In this case, the self-mutilation may have been due to a. an inherited disorder that manifests itself as an incapacity to tolerate stress. b. use of projective identification and splitting to bring anxiety to manageable levels. c. a constitutional inability to regulate affect, predisposing to psychic disorganization. d. fear of abandonment associated with progress toward autonomy and independence


A patient with fluctuating levels of consciousness, disturbed orientation, and perceptual alteration begs, "Someone get these bugs off me." What is the nurse's best response? a. "No bugs are on your legs. You are having hallucinations." b. "I will have someone stay here and brush off the bugs for you." c. "Try to relax. The crawling sensation will go away sooner if you can relax." d. "I don't see any bugs, but I can tell you are frightened. I will stay with you."


A person's spouse filed charges after repeatedly being battered. The person sarcastically says, "I'm sorry for what I did. I need psychiatric help." Which statement by this person supports an antisocial personality disorder? a. "I have a quick temper, but I can usually keep it under control." b. "I've done some stupid things in my life, but I've learned a lesson." c. "I'm feeling terrible about the way my behavior has hurt my family." d. "I hit because I am tired of being nagged. My spouse deserves the beating."


A young adult has recently had multiple absences from work. After each absence, this adult returned to work wearing dark glasses and long-sleeved shirts. During an interview with the occupational health nurse, this adult says, "My partner beat me, but it was because I did not do the laundry." What is the nurse's next action? a. Call the police. b. Arrange for hospitalization. c. Call the adult protective agency. d. Document injuries with a body map.


An adult has recently been absent from work for 3-day periods on several occasions. Each time, the individual returned wearing dark glasses. Facial and body bruises were apparent. What is occupational health nurse's priority assessment? a. Interpersonal relationships b. Work responsibilities c. Socialization skills d. Physical injuries


For which behavior would limit setting be most essential? The patient who a. clings to the nurse and asks for advice about inconsequential matters. b. is flirtatious and provocative with staff members of the opposite sex. c. is hypervigilant and refuses to attend unit activities. d. urges a suspicious patient to hit anyone who stares.


The nurse caring for an individual demonstrating symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder would expect assessment findings to include a. arrogant, grandiose, and a sense of self-importance. b. attention seeking, melodramatic, and flirtatious. c. impulsive, restless, socially aggressive behavior. d. socially anxious, rambling stories, peculiar ideas.


What is the priority need for a patient diagnosed with severe, late-stage dementia? a. Promotion of self-care activities b. Meaningful verbal communication c. Preventing the patient from wandering d. Maintenance of nutrition and hydration


When preparing to interview a patient diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, a nurse can anticipate the assessment findings will include a. preoccupation with minute details; perfectionist. b. charm, drama, seductiveness; seeking admiration. c. difficulty being alone; indecisive, submissiveness. d. grandiosity, self-importance, and a sense of entitlement.


Which medication to maintain abstinence would most likely be prescribed for patients with an addiction to either alcohol or opioids? a. Bromocriptine b. Methadone c. Disulfiram d. Naltrexone


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