Psych exam 6

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Autism spectrum disorder is marked by all but which of the following categories of symptoms?

. severe depressive symptoms

Researchers have found that approximately _____ percent of those with dissociative identity disorder were physically and/or sexually abused in childhood, leading to the conclusion that trauma can be a cause of this disorder.


Which of the following is a drug that can be used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?


Which classification system is used by most mental health professionals in the United States of America?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of autism spectrum disorder?

Gemma exhibits deficits in social interaction by not initiating conversations with other children, and she turns her head away when spoken to.

Which principle underlies cognitive therapy?

How you think determines how you feel.

How is behavior therapy different than psychoanalysis?

In behavior therapy, a therapist employs principles of learning to help clients change undesirable behaviors, while psychoanalysis involves digging deeply into one's unconscious.

Apollonia was diagnosed with major depressive disorder five years ago. She knows her mother took medicine to combat depression and she worries her daughter will experience depression too. Why?

Mood disorders have been shown to have a strong genetic and biological basis

Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about dissociative disorders?

People with these disorders exhibit a personality style that differs markedly from the expectations of their culture.

Which of the following is an example of hopelessness theory?

Rochelle has an expectation that terrible things will happen and there is nothing she can do about it—this leads her to become depressed.

Piper is terribly afraid of a number of different situations. She doesn't like riding on public busses or subways, finds open spaces very intimidating, does not like feeling "lost in a crowd," and prefers the safe and secure feeling of her own home. If these symptoms cause disruptions in her life, Piper might be diagnosed with ________.


Egon can't pay attention in class. He is easily distracted, won't sit still, and displays poor impulse control. The school counselor suggested that his parents take him to a doctor to have him assessed for ________.

attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Kaz wants to stop biting his nails, so he rubs a strong bitter paste under his nails to make his nails taste bad. What technique is Kaz using to stop biting his nails?

aversive conditioning

Nicole is socially inhibited and oversensitive to negative evaluation. She was thinking about a career in nursing, but she changed her mind because she believes the doctors would criticize her and patients would reject her. She has never been on a date because she feels socially inept and unappealing; she avoids meeting new people because anything less than immediate, unconditional acceptance causes her anxiety. Just yesterday she was invited to go on a kayak trip, but she didn't go because she was worried she would embarrass herself. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Nicole's personality?

avoidant personality disorder

Which of the following is a common characteristic of all dissociative disorders?

becoming split off, or separated, from one's core sense of self

According to the textbook, which of these events would have the highest likelihood of causing posttraumatic stress disorder?

being assaulted and robbed of your cash and credit cards

The approach to psychology suggesting that psychological disorders may be best explained by looking at genetic factors, chemical imbalances, and brain abnormalities is the ________ perspective.


Phyllis cannot be alone. Her moods and behaviors are unstable, as are her relationships with other people. She often displays inappropriate and intense anger. Recently, Phyllis wrote a suicide note and offered to show it to her husband. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for her personality?

borderline personality disorder

In order to overcome an eating disorder, Sevilla's therapist works to change her distorted ways of thinking and self-defeating actions by helping her learn to identify such behaviors. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation does this exemplify?

cognitive-behavioral therapy

A psychological disorder is a ________.

condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Which term refers to the fact that the therapist cannot disclose private communications to any third party unless mandated or permitted by law to do so?


Anti-anxiety agents work by ________.

depressing central nervous system activity

Dr. Xavier encourages his client to relax and say whatever comes to mind at the moment. Dr. Xavier is using ________ to treat his client.

free association

Fidel suddenly wanders away from his home and experiences confusion about his identity. Fidel may be experiencing dissociative ________.


During the therapist's first meeting with the client, called ________, the therapist gathers specific information to address the client's immediate needs.


If Laura has bipolar disorder, then she ________.

often experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania

Which brain region is believed to play a critical role in the development of symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder?

orbitofrontal cortex

Jarl makes several minor mistakes during his conversational French class. Instead of thinking, "everyone makes mistakes sometimes," he thinks, "I am so stupid." What kind of cognitive distortion is this?


Dr. Kaplan is working with a Japanese-American client, and regards the client's silence as an indication that he is not happy to be in therapy. He fails to consider that his client has learned that authority figures should be shown deference and that his silence is a sign of respect. Dr. Kaplan is demonstrating ________.

poor cultural competence

At the most basic level, schizophrenia is best conceptualized as a(n) ________ disorder


Cultural competence is a therapist's understanding of, and attention to, ________.

race, culture, and ethnicity in providing treatment

Mental or behavioral acts that reduce anxiety in social situations, such as avoiding eye contact or rehearsing sentences before speaking are called ________.

safety behaviors

Alexis experiences the symptoms of major depressive disorder, but only during the fall and winter months when she gets less direct exposure to sunlight. What kind of depression does Alexis have?

seasonal pattern

Electroconvulsive therapy is effective in alleviating symptoms for people with ________.

severe depression who have not responded to traditional drug therapy

What kind of family therapy involves the therapist guiding the therapy session and developing treatment plans for each family member's specific problem?


Dr. Piccolo is working with a family and determines that the parents do not make rules together and often contradict each other. This leads to confusion among the children who act out because they don't understand what is expected of them in the home. She helps them to get "on the same page" with regard to each family member's place in the home and helps the parents work on their own relationship as co-parents. This is called ________ family therapy.


Martha and Mikey go to meet with a psychotherapist and other parents to learn about their adult son's symptoms of schizophrenia. They spend time discussing the illness, learning to understand his challenges, and getting information about how to most effectively help him recover. This approach is called a ________ group.


The ________ perspective of psychological disorders attributed symptoms of such ailments to forces that were beyond scientific understanding, such as black magic or evil spirits.


On the advice of her therapist, Thora decides to treat her fear of heights by exposing herself to heights using a hierarchy of stimuli related to her phobia. Which form of therapy is she using?

systematic desensitization

What is meant by the term etiology?

the cause of a disorder

In the African American community, what has been found to play a significant role as an alternate source of support to mental health services?

the church

What principle underlies cognitive-behavioral therapy?

thoughts affect behavior

Dr. Duncan is a therapist who works with men accused of domestic violence. Although it is difficult, she does her best to be non-judgmental during therapy sessions. Which aspect of client-centered therapy is this?

unconditonal positive regard

How long does traditional psychoanalysis typically take?


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