psych final

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displacement (defense mechanism)

shifting attention

psychiatric nurse

A nurse, typically with a bachelor's degree, who receives specialized training in mental illness. A nurse practitioner may prescribe psychiatric medications.

humanistic approach

An approach to psychology emphasizing a person's positive qualities, the capacity for positive growth, and the freedom to choose any destiny.

cognitive approach

An approach to psychology emphasizing the mental processes involved in knowing: how we direct our attention, perceive, remember, think, and solve problems.

Repression (defense mechanism)

Banishes anxiety-arousing wishes and feelings from consciousness

Identity Delusion

Belief that one is someone else, such as Jesus Christ or the president of the United States

anxiety disorder treatments

CBT exposure component- client exposed to anxiety producing stimulus and eventually produces extinction

OCD treatment

CBT with an addition of antidepressants

Hannah enjoys playing video games because every time she scores a point, processing in her brain simultaneously causes an excited emotion and an increase in her heart rate. The theory that has been proposed to explain emotion in the way Hannah experienced it is the _________ theory


personality disorder treatment

DBT, SSRIs, and psychotropic medications

Carl Rogers

Developed "client-centered" therapy


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

While walking through the woods one day, Ricardo sees a large bear. His sympathetic nervous system will most likely _______

cause his heart to beat faster as he prepares to run away

alternative treatments


genital stage

Freud's stage of psychosexual development when adult sexuality is prominent

goal of psychoanalysis

Increase the client's awareness of his or her own unconscious psychological processes and how these processes affect daily functioning

Carolina wants to investigate how mental processes, such as attention, affect the amount of time that a child will work on a difficult task. Carolina's research is most similar to the research approach taken by _________, who helped develop __________

Miller; cognitive psychology

latent stage

a period where children develop gender roles

Causes of Autism

Not clear, some genetic component, focus is on prenatal exposure, deficits in oxytocin

While sleeping, Kevin dreamed about being in a dancing competition. As he dreamed about doing dance moves, he kicked his foot against the wall. The kick was most likely due to ________

REM behavior disorder


a person's typical thoughts, emotional responses, and behaviors that are relatively stable over time and across circumstances

major depressive disorder

a mood disorder in which a person feels sad and hopeless for weeks or months

autism spectrum disorder

deficits in social interaction, by impaired communication, and by restricted, repetitive behavior and interests

Belinda, a woman, and Joe, a man, are in excellent health and are highly motivated to sexual relations with each other. According to the research of Masters and Johnson, the sexual response cycles of Belinda and Joe are likely to differ in all of the following ways except ____________ a. only Joe will experience increased blood flow to his genitals in the excitement phase b. Belinda is more likely to remain in the plateau phase for a long period of time c. Joe will almost always reach the orgasm phase d. Belinda will have no refractory period between her orgasms


diathesis-stress model

a diagnostic model that proposes that a disorder may develop when an underlying vulnerability is coupled with a precipitating event

bipolar 2 disorder

a disorder characterized by alternating periods of extremely depressed and mildly elevated moods


a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.

biopsychosocial model

a model of health that integrates the effects of biological, behavioral, and social factors on health and illness

counseling psychologist

a psychologist who usually helps people deal with problems of living


a sickness or disorder of the mind

psychiatric social worker

a social worker with some training in therapy methods who focuses on the environmental conditions that can have an impact on mental disorders, such as poverty, overcrowding, stress, and drug abuse

Dr. Riecker does research in the field of behavioral genetics. He wants to investigate associations between different siblings' grades in school. To study the role of "nature" in siblings' grades, he should conduct _______. By contrast, to study the role of "nurture" in siblings' grades, he should conduct ________

a twin study; an adoption study

bipolar 1 disorder

a type of bipolar disorder marked by full manic and major depressive episodes

Clark's corpus callosum was surgically cut to reduce epilepsy. When a picture of his dog is shown only to Clark's left hemisphere, he will be _______ to name the object as "dog" and will be _________ to use his left hand to pick up a toy dog out of a group of objects

able; unable

Mia is taking a hearing test. The technician instructs her to tell him when she hears a sound. The test moves from louder to softer sounds, until Mia can hear a sound of a certain volume only half the time it is given. The technician is determining Mia's ____________ auditory stimuli

absolute threshold for

unconditional positive regard

accept and prize children no matter how children fulfill the parents expectations

Chris used to drink water from a drinking fountain just before physics class. One time, he felt nauseated right after drinking the water. After that, to avoid the risk of nausea, he stopped drinking at the fountain. Chris learned a connection between the water fountain and feeling nauseated because he experienced __________


disorganized behavior

acting in strange or unusual ways, including strange movement of limbs, bizarre speech, and inappropriate self-care, such as failing to dress properly or bathe

3 aspects of temperament

activity level, emotionality, sociability

When Elizabeth's fellow students show up late to class, she thinks they are lazy and irresponsible. But when Elizabeth is late to class, she tells the professor it is not her fault because her bus was late. Elizabeth's explanations best illustrate the ____________

actor/observer bias

Steven goes to a hypnotism show with his friend Missy and is chosen to be brought on stage to be hypnotized. Missy believes in the dissociation theory of hypnosis, so she thinks that when Steven is hypnotized he will ________

actually be in a trancelike state where he can't access his conscious awareness

social skills training

address interpersonal difficulties, helps them learn appropriate ways to act in social situations through modeling

Kenny has to give an oral presentation in 15 minutes. He is very anxious and experiencing shortness of breath, dilated pupils, and a huge lump in his throat. Kenny is most likely experiencing the ________ stage of Selye's general adaptation syndrome


When Fiona was a child, her grandmother taught her to make lasagna. Now, when Nicholas asks Fiona for her lasagna recipe, she realizes she doesn't know the measurements for the ingredients because she always "just makes it". Fiona's ability to cook lasagna without being aware of measuring the ingredients is best described as an example of _________

automatic processing

Peter is 2 years old, and his mother takes him to see a new dentist. When Peter's mother leaves him alone with the dentist for a few minutes, he begins to cry and cannot be calmed down. When his mother returns, Peter lets her pick him up, then pushes her away. This scenario suggests that Peter has most likely formed a _______ attachment with his mother


After Bernadette is in a car accident, she is extra friendly to people she meets. In fact, she does not seem to realize when she might be revealing personal information to untrustworthy strangers. This information suggests that Bernadette may have brain damage in her ________


Remy likes to go home after a hard day at work and relax in a chair, watching the fire roar in his fireplace. In these situations, he often feels "zoned out". His thoughts and the world around him seem very fuzzy and indistinct. Remy is most likely experiencing ___________

an altered state of consciousness

Corbin, a 13-year-old, asks his brother if hormones are responsible for Corbin's sudden growth of facial hair. His brother responds, "Yes, because of hormones called ________ are being released into you bloodstream, where they affect the organs in you body through the _________ system"

androgens; endocrine

Gloria identifies as male when she puts on rocker clothes, puts her hair in a bun, plugs in her bass guitar, and plays AC/DC songs with the guys in her band. However, she identifies as female when she lets her hair down and wears a dress to her job at a day care center. Based on this information, Gloria's gender identity is best described as _________


Professor Linsmeier was recently in a motorcycle accident that left him with brain damage. He has no trouble teaching his economics course, which he has taught for 15 years. However, he has lost the ability to remember new information, such as the names of his students. He is most likely experiencing ________

anterograde amnesia

types of psychotropic drugs

anti-anxiety, antidepressant, mood stabilizer, antipsychotics, and stimulants

Cluster B: Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic

antisocial and borderline

disorders of emotion

anxiety, OCD, PTSD, depressive disorders, and bipolar disorders

cycle of OCD

anxiety, compulsion, relief, and obsession


anxiety, insecurity, emotional instability

How long do you have to experience symptoms to be diagnosed with schizophrenia?

at least 6 months

neurodevelopmental disorders

autism spectrum disorder and ADHD

Cluster C: Anxious/Fearful

avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive



Dante is working with a personal trainer to create an exercise program to improve his health. Dante is surprised to learn that exercising has so many benefits, including all of the following except __________ a. creating a more positive emotional state b. reducing the risk of anorexia c. improving memory and cognitive abilities d. reducing chance of heart problems


autism and ADHD treatment

behavior therapy

trait approach

behavioral tendencies are generally consistent over time and across most situations

Rotter's Expectancy Theory

behaviors are part of our personality

referential delusions

belief that certain gestures, comments, environmental cues, and so forth are directed at oneself

persecution delusion

belief that others are out to get them

control delusion

belief that their thoughts and behaviors are being controlled by external forces

Guilt Delusion

belief that they have committed a terrible sin

Brian and Zariah have been dating for years and have a good relationship. If they get married, they are likely to experience _________

better health than other people their ages who are not married

Ben injured one of his eyes and needs to wear an eye patch over it for the next 6 weeks. He finds it difficult to reach out and grab things, such as the buttons on his shirt, because with the use of only one eye he lacks the depth cue of __________

binocular disparity

Michelle is a doctor who has just delivered a newborn. She sees that the baby has a vagina, not a penis, and announces, "Its a girl!". Michelle's statement is about the new baby's _________

biological sex


biologically based tendencies to feel or act in certain ways

Chuck is often stressed because he suffers from severe arthritis. If Chuck is also very dissatisfied with life life and has very few close friends, then he is likely to become ill according to the ________

biopsychosocial model

Derek is sexually attracted to women, and all of his romantic relationships have been with women. He finds some men very attractive, though, and often fantasizes about having sex with these men. Based on this information, Derek's sexual orientation is best described as ____________


Matilda's boyfriend just sent her a beautiful teddy bear as a gift. According to the global workspace model, Matilda's awareness of how the teddy bear looks is mostly likely due to ____________

brain activity in her occipital lobe

biological part of biopsychosocial model

brain function and genetics

Emilia is of average weight. However, she often hides food in her bedroom and eats late at night when she feels anxious. She compensates for this behavior by chronically abusing laxatives to help get rid of calories. This information suggests that Emilia is most likely to be diagnosed with ________

bulimia nervosa

Chang wants to quit smoking. Which of the following methods is most likely to help him be successful? a. trying to convince other smokers to quit b. using e-cigarettes with high dose of nicotine instead of smoking cigarettes with tobacco c. avoiding the places where he used to smoke, and using an agonist drug that blocks nicotine receptors d. smoking several packs of cigarettes at once so he feels nauseated and vomits


Marisol enjoys her first cup of coffee in the morning. Which of the following statements correctly describes the communication of Marisol's neurons in this situation? a. axons of neurons receive neurotransmitters b. neurons fire stronger action potentials c. dendrites of neurons receive neurotransmitters d. neurons are in resting state


Mary and her younger brother, Eric, are playing in the front yard. Eric has mastered correct grammar in English, but he displays over regularization when he says, a. Ball me pass to play b. water now c. mary! i forgetted to feed my pet worms d. we need to play outside and not watch tv


positive symptoms of schizophrenia

delusions and hallucinations

Louis recovers from a severe illness. While he used to be a good piano player, now he cannot remember what finger movements to make to play his favorite pieces. Louis most likely has damage to his ________


sublimation (defense mechanism)

channeling impulses as constructive


characterized by excessive fear in the absence of danger

causes of anxiety

childhood temperament and learned fears

Thomas sends his daughter Sophia to spend the summer with her grandparents, who eat dinner at 5:00pm. Upon her return home, Sophia wants to eat dinner at 5:00pm every night, because she now associates that time of day with eating. Sophia's change in desired mealtime has most likely been influenced by _____________

classical conditioning

cognitive reconstructing

clinician helps client recognize distorted thought patterns and replaces them with ways of viewing the world that are more in tune with reality

Before a big charity event, Bridget decides to get a hair cut at an expensive salon. Afterward, she doesnt think it looks any different from her normal cut and is worried that she wastes money. A few hours later, she tells her friends that it was the best hair cut she has ever gotten. Bridget's change in attitude is best explained by _________

cognitive dissonance

upward social comparison

comparing ourselves to people who are better than we are with regard to a particular trait or ability

downward social comparison

comparing ourselves to people who are worse than we are with regard to a particular trait or ability

temporal comparison

comparing yourself currently with former view of self

Whenever Erin first sees her boyfriend, her heart beats fast. And whenever her boyfriend comes to her dorm room and the door is closed, he knocks five times before entering the room. After a while, Erin's heart jumps with excitement whenever she hears five knocks. The knocking is a _________ for Erin

conditioned stimulus

NEO Personality Inventory

consists of 240 items, which are designed to assess the Big Five personality factors

generalized anxiety disorder

constant anxiety and worry not associated with any specific object or event

Dr. Chen designs an experiment to study the effect of facial expressions on dating preferences. His participants see photographs of people who have a neutral facial expressions or who are smiling. Dr. Chen asks participants to rate the attractiveness of each photograph. In this experiment, the participants seeing the neutral faces are the ____________ and the participants seeing the smiling faces are the __________

control group; experimental group


controlling vs not controlling

Kurt's friend Fred steals an iPad from another student in their dorm. Kurt decides to tell the police what Fred did because Kurt thinks that stealing the iPad was against the law. This reasoning reveals that Kurt is most likely in the ________ age of moral development


Shay's parents pay attention to the new thinking skills that Shay acquires. They realize he has passed out of Piaget's preoperational stage into the next stage of cognitive development when he _________

correctly answered the question "What is 8 minus 2? with the help of his fingers

cognitive behavioral therapy

corrects client's faulty cognitions and train them to engage in new behaviors

Keyshawn learns that, according to psychology research, students' active reading is related to their getting higher quiz scores. The research method used to get this data must have been _______


Interaction of the Id, Ego, and Superego

creates individual personality

When he works on a sudoku puzzle, Alex begins by filling in all the number 1's. Then he moves on to all the 2's and 3's and so on until he finished with the number 9's. Alex's problem solving strategy of filling in one number at a time until the entire puzzle is complete is based on __________

creating subgoals

Fritz is an A student who easily learns and remembers facts from school and recalls them for tests. Jason is skilled at diagnosing car troubles and solving them creatively so he can get around. Fritz is most likely considered to be intelligent based on _________, while Jason is most likely considered to be intelligent based on ______________

crystallized intelligence; triarchic theory

Carla conducts a study and finds evidence supporting a correlation between nurture and intelligence. Which of the following is Carla most likely to have found? a. identical twins receive similar scores on traditional IQ test b. adopted siblings vary greatly in their ability to learn new tasks c. children who are able to teach themselves to read are more likely to go to college d. children whose parents provide them with many books perform better academically


Cosette is experiencing a decline in her sense of smell. The doctor correctly tells her that the problem could be with any one of the following structures except for her _______ a. olfactory cortex b. olfactory bulb c. olfactory nerve d. thalamus


Mr Ray is a middle school math teacher who wants to help his students learn achievement motivation so they can reach the long-term goal of doing well on the state math tests. Mr Ray helps the students develop achievement motivation through all of the following ways except ____________ a. helping them develop grit b. showing them hard work leads to success c. training them to wait for delayed gratification d. making sure they have a need to belong


When Terry's stomach starts growling, he decides its time for lunch. After eating a burrito and tortilla chips, he feels full and does not want to eat more. Which of the following does not play a role in his short-term feeling of fullness? a. increased glucose in bloodstream b. decreased ghrelin in his stomach c. activation of his hypothalamus d. release of leptin in his saliva


stimulant medications

decrease hyperactivity and increase attention; amphetamine; symptoms: insomnia, body twitches and vomiting; example: adderal


deep brain stimulation which is a brain surgery technique which involves implanting electrodes deep in brain

loosening of associations

frequently changing topics

5 major symptoms of schizophrenia

delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, negative symptoms

types of defense mechanisms

denial, repression, projection, reaction formation, rationalization, displacement, sublimation

persistent depressive disorder

depressive disorder characterized by a chronically sad and melancholy mood

In a science fiction movie, the villain wants to cause deafness in people by preventing auditory transduction. The villain tries to achieve this goal by ________ in her victims

destroying all the hair cells


detachment from social relationships

dissociative identity disorder

develop two or more distinct identities

projection (defense mechanism)

disguising one's own threatening impulses by attributing them to others

bipolar disorders

disorders marked by alternating or intermixed periods of mania and depression

Tori sometimes refrains from arguing with her colleagues in staff meetings because she believes it is not appropriate for women to show anger. Tori's belief about emotional expressiveness in women is best explained by ___________

display rules


disregard for and violation of the rights of others; lack or remorse

dissociative disorder

disruption of identity, memory, or conscious awareness

dissociative amnesia

disruption of memory for personal facts or loss of conscious awareness for a period of time

cognitive therapy

distorted thoughts can produce maladaptive behaviors and emotions


disturbances in identity, emotional states, and impulse control; fear of abandonment, lack a sense of self


easily brought to awareness


electroconvulsive therapy where electrodes are placed on skull and administer an electrical current to produce a seizure

individualist cultures

emphasize individual rights and freedoms, self-expression and diversity

collectivist cultures

emphasize the collective self rather than individual self

antidepressant medications

increases positive mood; SSRIs; symptoms: nervousness and weight gain; example: Prozac

Johanna was asked to remember a string of letters. She heard x during the presentation of the letters. In her brain, this input was changed into the neural code s. Later, when she was asked to recall the letter, Johanna included s, not x, in her list. She most likely made this error on the recall test due to an error in the _____ phase of memory


Bandura's Reciprocal Determinism

environment, personal factors, and behavior work together and affect how personality is expressed through how we behave

sociocultural part of biopsychosocial model

environment, socioeconomic status, and relationships

Nat's friend asks him what he ate for breakfast this morning. When Nat remembers he ate eggs, toast, and bacon, this recall is an example of _______ memory. When Nat tells his friend what he ate, his ability to verbalize that information is an example of ________ memory

episodic; explicit

Rationalization (defense mechanism)

excuse for behaviors

How is personality influenced?



experience severe stress or emotional trauma and develop negative reactions long after the danger has passed

projective measures

explore the unconscious by having people describe or tell stories about ambiguous stimulus items


extreme alterations in their thought, perceptions, and/or consciousness that causes a break in reality causing pyschosis

Vince and Edith are training for a marathon. When asked why they are running the race, Vince says he wants the medal they give out to everyone who crosses the finish line. Edith responds that she enjoys trying new things. Vince's behavior is most likely explained by _________, whereas Edith's behavior is most likely explained by _______________

extrinsic motivation; intrinsic motivation


factors that contribute to the development of disordered thoughts, emotions, and/or behaviors


false beliefs that reflect breaks from reality

grandiose delusions

false, persistent beliefs that one has superior talents and traits

While playing soccer, Viveca was kicked in her thigh. She felt sharp pain due to ________ fibers. The immediacy of this sensation was due to the ________ of myelin on the axons of these fibers

fast; presence

external locus of control

fates result from forces beyond control

specific phobia

fear of a specific object or situation that is exaggerated and out of proportion of the actual danger


fear of being in situation in which escape is difficult or impossible

social anxiety disorder

fear of being negatively evaluated by others, fear of social situations, and public speaking


fear of contamination, accident, or injury

symptoms of anxiety

feelings of dread, restlessness, rapid heart beat, and shortness of breath.

Latonia is pregnant. Her doctor told her that the baby has developed enough that it can live outside of the womb. Right now, Latonia is mosts likely in the _______ period of pregnancy


Glen and Lynda are hired to rake leaves. Glen is paid $3 for each bag of leaves he rakes. Lynda is paid $7 for each hour she works. Glen is paid according to a ________ schedule of reinforcement. Lynda is paid according to a ___________ schedule

fixed ratio; fixed interval

hidden motives

forces that drive our behaviors often conflict with each other

psychosexual stages of development

four distinct stages of the development of the self between birth and adulthood, according to Freud; personality quirks are a result of being fixated, or stuck, at any stage

obsessive-compulsive disorder

frequent intrusive thoughts and compulsive actions

Florin wants to go out on Halloween, but he doesnt have a costume. His wife replies "No problem. Just use this sheet." But Florin doesnt see how the sheet could be a costume. His wife says "Put this sheet over your head, poke out two holes for your eyes, and now youre a ghost". The fact that Florin didnt see how he could use the sheet as a ghost costume is most likely explained by his experiencing ___________

functional fixedness

One day, Aidan, a 4 year old boy, plays dress up by wearing his sister's princess gown. When Aiden's mother sees him, she reprimands him and says boys dont wear dresses, girls do. Aidan quickly takes off the dress. In this example, Aidan is learning about gender roles in his culture through _________

gender role socialization

Mrs. Thomaselli knows that her student Eli has an average IQ. She also has observed him having difficulty spelling long words and multiplying double-digit numbers. Because of these facts, Mrs. T assumes that Eli will have trouble with other specific abilities, such as solving science problems. Mrs. T's assessment of Eli's abilities is best explained by a belief in __________

general intelligence

Zach, a 42 year old, very much wants to have children, but he has never found the right person to have them with. He decides to adopt a child because he wants to make a positive contribution to the future. Zach's decision to adopt and raise a child most likely reflects that he is successfully dealing with the psychosocial challenge of _________


Causes of Schizophrenia

genetic factors, biochemical imbalances, brain abnormalities, psychosocial influences and stress

causes of depressive disorders

genetic, psychological, and social component

3 year old Sam watches as his 5 year old sister, Mindy, draws on her bedroom wall with crayons. Their mother enters the room, but doesnt yell at Mindy. Instead, as Sam watches, their mother gets cleaning supplies and scrubs the wall clean. The next day, Sam displays modeling when he __________

gets his markers and colors on the laundry room wall

freudian slips

glimpse into unconscious conflicts

Madison frequently checks the cell phone for her husband, Max, to see if he is texting other women. Max catches her and is very hurt by her behavior. Madison loves Max very much and feels bad that she hurt him. In this situation, Madison is most likely to feel the emotion of __________


Sanjay's roommate has a habit of chewing gum very loudly. At first, Sanjay found the noise really disruptive when he was studying. After a week, however, the noise stopped bothering him. Sanjay's adjustment resulted from a type of learning called _________


Vivian is under the influence of a psychoactive drug. She is experiencing changes in her emotions and perceptions. In particular, she sees in "Technicolor" because everything looks so vivid. Vivian is most likely experience an altered state of consciousness due to the effects of _______


When Jerry began college, he rarely drank coffee, so it didn't take much coffee to get caffeine to make him feel energetic. But now Jerry must drink much more coffee to get enough caffeine to experience the same energy level. However, he experiences no negative side effects from drinking so much coffee. Taken together, this information most likely indicates that Jerry __________

has developed a tolerance for caffeine

Felicia has a high IQ and is excellent in trivia. Felicia always answers the questions several seconds before anyone else. Felicia's cognitive performance suggests she is intelligent because she ___________

has fast reaction times

client-centered therapy

has the client get insight into their problems to address and become the best person they can be

For spring break, you spend ten days with friends, going dancing late every night and not getting enough sleep. According to the consolidation theory of sleep, afterward you will _______

have trouble remembering things you did during spring break

mood stabilizing medications

helps even out moods; mineral; symptoms: blunting of positive affect; example: Lithium

introverts are ______ in optimal arousal


low level of rejection=

high self-esteem

Rachel, an 18 year old woman, has a lot sexual thoughts and desires. In response, she engages in frequent sexual behavior. Rachel's motivation for sexual activity is most likely influenced by her having __________ levels of a certain class of hormones called _________

higher; androgens

Alyssa's grandmother had a stroke. Afterward, she experienced trouble keeping her balance and stumbled when she walked. Alyssa correctly believes her grandmother's stroke affected a structure in her ______ called __________

hindbrain; cerebellum

Ever since he had a motorcycle accident, Cornelius has been unable to form new memories. What has been damaged?


conditions of worth

how parents show affection to their children effects the child's development of personality

psychological part of biopsychosocial model

how thoughts, emotions, and personality contribute

reflected apprasial

how you believe others perceive you


how you feel about your sense of self

Simon, a psychologist, studies whether people who watch a greater amount of TV are more likely to be good at memorizing visual information than those who watch less TV. To investigate this testable ________, Simon uses the number of remembered visually presented words as the ________ of amount of TV watching

hypothesis; dependent variable


idea that behavior is determined jointly by situations and underlying traits


idea that behaviors are determined more by situations than by personality traits

working self-concept

immediate experience of yourself that varies depending on which aspect of yourself is most relevant at that time

You participate in a medical study testing a drug that temporarily increases the function of the neurotransmitter glutamate. You correctly believe that the increased glutamate will _________

improve your ability to remember

free association

in psychoanalysis, a method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing

disorganized speech

incoherent, failing to follow a normal conversational structure


incorporates prescribed rules and behaviors

personality disorders

inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning

self schema

integrated set of memories, beliefs, and generalizations about the self


internal monitor of social acceptance or rejection

Assessing Symptoms

interview, self-reports, observations, and psychological testing


introversion vs extraversion

Dr. Cantor puts several questions about his political views on an American history exam. Students complain that those questions have nothing to do with how well they know American history and should not be used to determine their grades. The students are arguing that the test __________

lacks validity

Dante often shopped at the same grocery store. One day, another customer asked Dante is he knew where the plastic storage containers were located in the store. Dante immediately gave directions to the correct aisle, even though he had never bought plastic storage containers from that store. The fact that Dante knew the location of the containers is best explained by _________

latent learning

causes of OCD

learning by conditioning and genetic component

To do his math homework, Brandon looked at the formulas and solved the problems by keeping track of the variables that he manipulated in his mind. However, when Brandon took his math test, he could not recall the formulas. Brandon's problem during the test reveals that he most likely did not retain the information in his ________

long-term storage

Demetra's husband is watching a football game on TV. When Demetra asks if he will pick up their daughter, Zoe, from day care the next day, he doesnt reply. When Demetra asks, "Did you hear me?" her husband replies, "Yes, I heard you. I'll pick Zoe up tomorrow". However, the next day, her husband comes home without Zoe. He claims to have no memory of being asked to pick her up. The fact that he did not have the information about picking Zoe up from day care in ________ storage was most likely due to his ________

long-term; not paying attention to the request

dissociative fugue

loss of identity, traveling to another location, or new identity entirely

extraverts are _____ in optimal arousal


high level of rejection=

low self-esteem

Types of Depressive Disorders

major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder

strong situations

makes differences in personality due to power of social environment

behavior therapy

maladaptive behaviors can be replaced with adaptive ones through classical or operant conditioning

Roberto has strong taste sensations and is very sensitive to spiciness. Hot spices are almost physically painful to him. To find out if Roberto is a supertaster, you would determine if he has _________

many papillae


material cannot be easily retrieved

Dr. Cortez, a pediatrician, focuses on the biological factors that influence physical development. In his view, children learn to walk only after they can stand and crawl. His wife reminds him that their children learned to walk at somewhat different ages, depending on how often each child was willing to practice walking with her. From this information, you might assume that Dr. Cortez believes that physical development is primarily influenced by ________ and his wife believes that it is mainly affected by ________

maturation; nurture

severe form of autism

may be unaware of others, do not establish eye contact, do not smile, or look at caregivers, impairments in verbal and nonverbal communication, and self-injury is common

high functioning autism (Aspergers)

may have normal intelligence but deficits in social interactions

When Russell was growing up, he thought his grandma Betty was a hoarder because she had so much junk that you could hardly walk around her house. Now that Russell is an adult, he obsessively buys old board games and action figures that remind him of his youth. He has so many boxes lying around, he can barely make a pathway from his bedroom to his kitchen. Russell claims that learned to collect from his grandma whose house he loved visiting because she always collected really cool, meaningful stuff. The fact that Russell's memory about his grandmother is currently positive can best be described by _________

memory bias

sense of self

mental representation of personal experiences, physical body, and conscious awareness


mentally ill or unstable person, especially one showing aggressive antisocial behavior; smooth-talking, high sense of self-worth, unemotional, manipulative, lack empathy, cold blooded killer


most basic component and at unconscious level and operates on the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification.

Harry has a different girlfriend every week. Jim's explanation for Harry's behavior is that Harry has a naturally high level of testosterone. Carolyn's explanation is that Harry's mother died when he was young. These explanations tell you that Jim likely believes that ______ influences who we are, whereas Carolyn believes that _______ influences who we are.

nature; nurture

Ajeet's younger sister is always bugging him. One day, Ajeet lets her play his video game, and she stops bugging him for several hours. Ajeet now lets her play his video game more and more, because doing so stops her from bugging him. Ajeet's learning in this situation is best explained by ________

negative reinforcement

Jool wants to study whether children in public playgrounds tend to play with children of their own gender. To begin her study, Jool goes to the local playground, watches the kids for about 20 minutes, and takes notes about what she sees. Jool is conducting her research by using the descriptive method of a(n) ___________

observational study

Nancy is conducting a study on how couples communicate. However, she doesn't have the money to conduct laboratory tests, so she collects data in the field. To ensure that she does not violate the ethical rule of privacy, Nancy must _________

observe couples only in public settings

Dane is looking at a photo that his friend emailed him. During this task, the part of Dane's brain that processes his ability to see the information in the photo is most active. This part of his brain is in the ________ lobes


Big 5 Trait Theory

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

Rosie wants her cat to meow when the doorbell rings. Each time a visitor rings the bell and the cat meows, Rosie gives him a treat. Soon, the cat always meows when the doorbell rings. Rosie's cat is demonstrating _____

operant conditioning

Luis stares at Marigold's green dress, then looks at a white wall. On the wall, he sees a red afterimage of the dress. The fact that Luis sees a red afterimage is best explained by ___________

opponent-process theory

Dwayne enjoys spending calm, quiet evenings at home watching old movies. Debbie likes to do exciting activities, such as skydiving, on her days off. The fact that Dwayne and Debbie choose to spend their free time in these ways is best explained by ____________

optimal level of arousal


organized and punctual


outgoing and sociable


overly active, inattentive, and impulsive behavior, have trouble maintaining friendships, may appear as exaggerated toddler behavior, and must show symptoms before age 12


overly suspicious

Cluster A: Odd or Eccentric Behavior

paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal

Victoria and Ryne have been married for five years. They still have as much sexual desire for each other as when they first started dating. This information suggests that Victoria and Ryne experience __________

passionate love


peculiarities of thought and behavior

high-self esteem

people report being happier although self-esteem is weakly related to objective life outcomes


perceptual disturbances that are experienced without an external source



types of delusions

persecution, referential, grandiose, control, identity, and guilt

electronically activated records

person wears a device that unobtrusively tracks your real-world-moment-to-moment interactions with auditory information


person with no professional training who provides mental health services under supervision

Hans Eysenck's Trait Theory

personality has 3 major traits including outgoing, stability, and constraint

self-report measures

personality tests that use questionnaires to let people respond to items that reveal traits and behaviors

Frank is always polite and reserved. Elrico thinks that Frank's behavior can be explained by his shyness. Aidan thinks that Frank's behavior can be explained by his having been raised in rural Kentucky. Elrico's view of Frank's behavior most closely reflects the perspective of ______ psychology, whereas Aidan's view most closely reflects the perspective of ______ psychology

personality; cultural

Kai has been attending loud rock concerts for several years. Recently, she has been having problems hearing high-pitched sounds. This loss is mostly likely due to impaired ________ coding in her __________

place; cochlea

Louisa had a stroke that damaged the motor cortex in her right hemisphere, making it impossible for her to walk. However, over time and with practice, Louisa started walking again because different, undamaged parts of her brain took over control of this ability. Louisa was able to walk again most likely because of the influence of ________ on her brain


Bianca is sad and anxious because her sister is moving across the country for a new job. To make herself feel better, Bianca thinks of her sister's new city as a vacation destination--a place Bianca can visit and explore. Bianca is successfully regulating her emotional state by using _________

positive reappraisal

causes of PTSD

predisposition, chronic stress, health problems, anxiety, and trauma

Jase's phone is on vibrate. Jase feels the vibration due to processing by his _________

pressure receptors

observational methods

procedures for systematically watching behavior in order to summarize it for scientific analysis

4 methods of assessing personality

projective measures, self-report measure, electronically activated records, and observation methods

Ayanna doesn't know what a clunker is, so her friend says "You know that old car Bruce has? That's the best example of a clunker. It has all the characteristics: It's an older car, it looks terrible, and its always breaking down, yet its still driveable". Her thinking about Bruce's clunker is based on the ________ model of thought



psychological disorders were caused by prior experiences, traumatic experiences, that created unconscious conflicts

clinical psychologist

psychologist who treats people serious psychological problems or conducts research into the causes of behavior

anal stage

psychosexual stage that focuses on toilet training

schizophrenia treatment

psychotropic medication, conventional antipsychotics, atypical antipsychotics, and behavior therapy

bipolar disorder treatment

psychotropic medications

depressive disorder in children treatment

psychotropic medications and CBT

depressive disorder treatment

psychotropic medications, CBT, ECT, TMS, and DBS

Antipyschotic Medications

reduce positive or negative symptoms of schizophrenia; conventional or atypical; symptoms: seizures and weight gain; example: Cluzaril

Denial (defense mechanism)

refusing to believe or even perceive painful realities

You and a friend are debating how sexual orientation develops in people. You correctly tell your friend, "According to the best scientific evidence, sexual orientation is ___________

related to genetics, prenatal hormones, the maternal immune system, and brain structure and processses

Tanya is 78 years old and has stayed physically and mentally active, so she is experiencing only the normal cognitive decline of a person her age. As a result, Tanya is least likely to have trouble with _________

remembering what she learned long ago, such as the names of the state capitals

Preston told his supervisor that he is unable to work when he has soccer practice, but she keeps scheduling him for shifts during those times. Preston uses problem-focused coping when he decides to _______

remind his supervisor about his schedule conflicts

Linda is a psychologist. During her day at work, she is most likely to _________

research thought processes

weak situations

reveal differences in personality

Tara and her mother prefer to take baths, whereas her father and brother prefer to take showers. As a result, Tara has mentally characterized baths as girl things and showers as boy things. This organization of knowledge about what is feminine and what is masculine is part of Tara's gender ___________


disorders of thought


Eva was 9 years old when she started to develop breasts, which is a _________. Then at age 12, she began menstruation which is a _________

secondary sex characteristic; primary sex characteristic

Daniel is an adult with XXY chromosomes. Since puberty, his penis has been unusually small. His voice never deepened and he does not have chest or facial hair. He has breasts. Given this information regarding Daniel's genetics and his _________ sex characteristics, Daniel may be intersex due to a condition called _________

secondary; Klinefelter syndrome


self-centered, feel entitled, and are manipulative, love for self and have poor relationships

McKayla and Ben are walking at night and looking at the stars. They are able to detect the dim light of the stars due to the process of ________, which occurs in their __________

sensation; rods

Leo is participating in a sleep study. During his sleep, his brain shows delta wave activity. At that point, the researchers wake him up, and he is very disoriented. When the researchers wake Leo up, he is most likely in _______ sleep

slow wave


social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation

George touches a baby lamb at the local petting zoo. George says the lamb feels soft. The softness of the fur is a result of how the feel of the lamb was processed in George's ______ system

somatic nervous

types of anxiety disorders

specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and agoraphobia

When someone says the word doctor, 13 year old Vanessa remembers her most recent medical visit. She also thinks of objects related to the concept of a doctor such as examination room, a stethoscope, and an x-ray machine. The fact that a word brings up memories about many related ideas is best explained by _________

spreading activation models of memory


stable vs unstable

Cadence, a teacher, is currently frustrated with a coworker. She wants to write a recommendation for one of her students, Jamie, who has many talents and is a hard worker. However, as she writes the letter, the only memories that come to mind are times when she was frustrated with Jamie. Cadence's experience of remembering only situations where Jamie frustrated her is best explained by _______

state-dependent memory

Lola's new dog, Hoss, is afraid of loud noises. Every time her cell phone rings, Hoss starts barking out of fear. After a while, Hoss also starts barking when a phone rings on a television show. The fact that Hoss now barks when he hears a telephone ring on TV is most likely due to __________

stimulus generation

Monica believes that the human mind, like a piece of music, must be broken into component parts to be understood. Monica's beliefs best reflect the psychological school of thought called ________


defense mechanisms

struggle between the id and superego creates anxiety


stuck in the middle of id and superego; reality principle- rational thought and problem solving


submissive, clinging

panic disorder

sudden, overwhelming attacks of terror and worry about having additional panic attacks

Camden is learning to play pool. He thinks about how his knowledge of math formulas in physics can help him make different types of shots. Camden is using a ___________ to think about how to play pool

symbolic representation

dimensional approach

symptoms are placed on a continuum based on severity

self-serving bias

take credit for your successes and blame failures on outside factors

anti-anxiety medication

temporarily increases sense of calm; minor tranquilizers; symptoms: drowsiness and addiction; example: Xanax

Reagan is 3 weeks pregnant, but doesn't know it yet. She drinks a few glasses of wine two or three days each week. In this case, alcohol is a ________ that may put her baby at risk for _______

teratogen; malformation of the face and limbs and intellectual disabilties

negative symptoms of schizophrenia

the absence of appropriate behaviors (apathy, lack of emotion)

Dawson thinks about going to Las Vegas on his vacation. But he remembers the recent mass shooting and decides that Las Vegas is too dangerous. So he books a flight to Sarasota instead. Dawson's overestimation of the danger in Las Vegas is a result of _________

the availability heuristic

Darren is walking through a busy grocery store when he knocks over a display full of paper towel rolls. Many people saw the paper towel fall, but no one helps him pick them up. People's failure to help can most likely be attributed to _________

the bystander intervention effect

oral stage

the first psychosexual stage, in which experience centers on the pleasures and frustrations associated with the mouth, sucking, and being fed

internal locus of control

the perception that you control your own fate

clang associations

the stringing together of words that rhyme but have no other apparent link

dream analysis

the therapist interprets the symbolic meaning of the client's dreams

phalic stage

the third psychosexual stage (from 3 to 6 years) in which gratification is focused on the genitals

Lily gets a new debit card and must memorize her PIN, vt0806. To remember this sequence, she thinks of vt as representing Vermont. She thinks of 0806 as representing August 6th, her husband's birthday. With this combination in mind, Lily remembers the PIN easily. She has used _________

the working memory strategy of chunking

rational-emotive therapy

therapist acts as a teacher and explains the clients errors in thinking and will demonstrate more adaptive ways to think

group therapy

therapy conducted with groups rather than individuals, permitting therapeutic benefits from group interaction

psychodynamic therapy

therapy deriving from the psychoanalytic tradition that views individuals as responding to unconscious forces and childhood experiences, and that seeks to enhance self-insight

family therapy

therapy that treats the family as a system

Within a few seconds of meeting her new coworker, Greg, Lucy noticed his nice smile. Because of his smile, Lucy assumed she would enjoy working with Greg. Lucy most likely made a judgment based on _________

thin slices of behavior

Logan works at an investment company and has been embezzling money from his clients. Last year, he was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison. As Logan adjusts to life in prison, he is most likely experiencing stress due to _________

this major life stressor

Behavior and Cognitive Therapies

thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are the problem


tolerant and sensitive


transcranial magnetic stimulation which creates an electrical current and interrupts activity of neurons in the designated brain region


treat yourself with care, acceptance, and kindness during difficult times as you a friend


treatment for psychological disorders where a therapist works with a client to overcome symptoms and problems (eclectic approach)

When faced with stress, Ross reacts with aggressiveness and impatience, whereas Tia is more relaxed and easy going. In these situations, Ross exhibits a ________ behavior pattern and is _________ likely than Tia to develop heart disease

type A; more

psychodynamic approach

unconscious forces such as wishes, desires, and hidden memories determine behavior and influence behavior


uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly

positive illusions

unrealistic idea that we can control what happens

psychotropic medications

use in a result of an imbalance of specific neurotransmitters or from improperly functioning receptors for those neurotransmitters

During a spelling test, Jung's friend is caught cheating and gets suspended from school for 3 days. Jung decides not to cheat because she does not want to get suspended for cheating. In this example, Jung is most likely displaying learning that is due to ________

vicarious conditioning

reaction formation (defense mechanism)

warding off an uncomfortable thought by overemphasizing its opposite


when people describe themselves as above average in nearly every way possible

social comparisons

when you evaluate your own actions, abilities, and beliefs by contrasting them with those of other people


willingness to try new things and be open to new experiences

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