Psych Final

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on an _____________________ level, prejudice is linked to expectations that members of the target group will behave poorly, say, in the workplace or engage in criminal behavior or terrorism


Which of these is a function of prolactin?

It regulates maternal behavior in lower mammals.

Your friend Suki's grandmother has always told her that happier people experience less stress. Since she knows that you are taking a psychology course, she asks you whether or not psychologists would agree with her grandmother. Which of the following would you be most likely to tell her?

Yes, Grandma was correct, research has shown that humor can moderate the effects of stress.

School psychologists are employed by school districts to

identify and assist students who have problems that interfere with their learning.

A(n) _____ primarily focuses on the relationships between people and work.

industrial psychologist

in the context of group decision making, which of the following is true of the majority-wins scheme?

it is the most commonly used social decision scheme

according to the social-cognitive perspective, aggressive skills are mainly acquired by

observation of other people acting aggressively

________is a factor that contributes to attraction

physical appearance

Keisha takes care to look smart and attractive for her job interview. She knows that her interviewers will evaluate her based on the first impression she creates. In this scenario, the impression created by Keisha is an example of the ______________

primacy effect

a reason people tend to have partners from the same background is


As you leave a darkly lit movie theater and enter the parking lot on a bright sunny day, the ______ in your eyes adjust so you are not blinded by the increase in light.


A prisoner is punished with solitary confinement. This punishment consists of the deprivation of a need for


Correcting power imbalances in a relationship increases happiness and can decrease the incidence of domestic violence. t/f


A child looks at rain and thunder and says that they are caused by the change in weather. In the sensorimotor stage, this is termed as artificialism. t/f


Research shows that apes are very reliable in their sequencing of signs, suggesting that they comprehend the rules of grammar. t/f


Unlike babbling, crying and cooing are inborn and prelinguistic. t/f


the fundamental attribution error is the tendency to attribute others' behaviors to situations, not their dispositions t/f


the sole purpose of Solomon Asch's study in the early 1950s was to examine the effects of social facilitation t/f


__________remove dead neurons and waste products from the nervous system.

glial cells

In the context of posttraumatic stress disorder, women, who are more likely than men to ruminate about stressors, were more likely than men to report difficulty falling asleep. t/f


Jenna has not eaten in eight hours. She experiences hunger. According to the drive-reduction theory, Jenna is experiencing a primary drive. t/f


Odors trigger firing of receptor neurons in the olfactory membrane high in each nostril. t/f


One of the concepts of evolutionary psychology is that not only physical traits but also many patterns of behavior, including social behavior, evolve and can be transmitted genetically from generation to generation. t/f


People with borderline personality disorder show instability in their relationships, self-image, and mood and a lack of control over impulses. t/f


Positive events such as learning that the person we love also loves us can raise our level of happiness at a particular moment. t/f


Prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke during childhood is a risk factor for lung cancer. t/f


Psychotherapy is based on research in areas such as personality, learning, motivation, and emotion. t/f


Sensory receptors embedded in the skin fire when the surface of the skin is touched. t/f


Stress elevates blood levels of cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine) and heightens the probability that a dormant Epstein-Barr virus will be reactivated. t/f


With well-known information such as our names and occupations, retrieval is effortless and rapid. t/f


The organ of Corti is a membrane that lies coiled within the cochlea. t/f


The clinical psychologist's aim in applying prediction and control principles to a client's behavior is to

help the client meet his or her goals in treatment.

Which of the following is true of estrogen production in females?

It stimulates the growth of tissue in the hips.

Which of the following statements is true of correlational research methods?

They might be chosen because true experiments would be unethical

A(n)__________rat is characterized by under eating.


Jack just finished a 26-mile marathon. In spite of the physical strain he feels euphoric and elated due to the release of


_____ specialize in basic processes such as the nervous system, sensation and perception, learning and memory, thought, motivation, and emotion.

experimental psychologists

According to the linguistic-relativity hypothesis, language does not affect the way we perceive the world.t/f


Alia was just about to fall asleep when she heard something crash in the kitchen. The noise jolted her awake. This was due to the secretion of oxytocin. t/f


Attitude formation is a fully mechanical process. t/f


Biofeedback training (BFT) increases stress, tension, and anxiety in people. t/f


Discrimination is the tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the stimulus to which the response was conditioned. t/f


Emotions do not involve behavioral tendencies. t/f


females are more likely than males to behave aggressively because males empathize with the victim t/f


in the context of altruism, people who are apathetic are more likely to help people in need t/f


in the context of changing attitudes through persuasion, fear appeals are most effective when the audience believes that the risks are insignificant t/f


in the context of stereotyping, attractive children and adults are judges and treated more negatively than their unattractive peers t/f


one reason for the fundamental attribution error is that people tend to infer traits from social roles and obligation t/f


Shawna is in her mid-fifties. Her college-going son lives in a separate apartment in the same city while her parents live with her. She cooks meals for her son regularly and does his laundry. At the same time, she looks after her parents, who are dependent on her. Shawna is facing the difficulties _____.

of the sandwich generation

A person who feels very strongly about the sanctity of human life is likely to support pro-life legislation, whereas someone who merely agrees that people have a right to live is less likely to be concerned over the legislation. This demonstrates the effect that the __________ of attitudes has on behavior.


in the experiment on social influence conducted by Solomon Asch, the discomfort faced by the participants in the study was caused by

the pressure to conform

Aaron Beck's methods of cognitive therapy focus on arguing clients out of beliefs that are making them miserable and exposing them to situations they avoid because of irrational fear. t/f


People with frequent nightmares are more likely than others to have anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems. t/f


Strong attitudes are more likely to determine behavior than weak attitudes. t/f


The hippocampus does not become mature until we are about two years old. t/f


The preconscious mind contains ideas that are out of awareness but can be made conscious by focusing on them. t/f


The reliability of a test refers to the stability of one's test results from one testing to another. t/f


attitudes with a strong emotional impact are more accessible t/f


from the behavioral perspective, organisms that are reinforced for aggressive behavior are more likely to behave aggressively in situations similar to those in which reinforcement occurs t/f


in the Milgram studies on obedience, lack of social comparison was a factor contributing to why people complied to perform immoral tasks t/f


prejudice involves stereotyping t/f


Which of the following is not a criterion for the ethical use of non-human animals in psychological research?

The research cannot be accomplished any other way

You meet with your therapist for the first time, and she tells you that she believes that we have a natural tendency toward health and growth and that we are free to make choices and control our destinies. She also tells you that therapy is intended to help people get in touch with their genuine feelings. What kind of therapy is she likely to practice?


Chantel's friends all prefer long hair and low-rise jeans. They have encouraged her to adopt the same look. Chantel now prefers this mode of dress and criticizes others who dress differently. Chantel's attitude was acquired through

direct experience and reinforcement.

According to Freud, moderate gratification in any stage could lead to fixation in that stage and to the development of traits that are characteristic of the stage. t/f


According to structuralists, maladaptive behavior patterns tend to drop out, and only the fittest behavior patterns survive. t/f


According to the law of similarity, we perceive different objects as belonging together. t/f


Electroconvulsive therapy has no side effects. t/f


Inflammation decreases blood circulation to parts of the body that are injured. t/f


Mindfulness meditation (MM) provides clients with techniques they can use to attain spiritual enlightenment. t/f


Norepinephrine is manufactured exclusively by the adrenal glands. t/f


People share similar psychological needs because people's biological makeups are similar. t/f


People who develop illness anxiety disorder are not sensitive to bodily sensations and tend to disregard them. t/f


Short-term memory is also known as semantic memory. t/f


The James-Lange theory suggests that emotions cause our behavioral responses to events. t/f


The Rorschach inkblot test is an example of an objective test. t/f


The belief that one is in control of a panic attack heightens anxiety. t/f


The communication systems of the birds and the bees have high semanticity. t/f


The embryonic stage of pregnancy lasts from the beginning of the third month until the birth of the baby. t/f


When the eyeball is too short, the images of nearby objects are focused in front of the retina, causing farsightedness. t/f


according to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, consummate love is romantic love plus infatuation t/f


according to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, intimacy is most crucial in short-term relationships t/f


according to the elaboration likelihood model, the central route associates objects with positive or negative cues t/f


attitude formation is a fully mechanical process t/f


cross cultural studies on male selection find that mend tend to place relatively greater emphasis on professional status, consideration, dependentability, kindness, and fondness for children t/f


deindividuation is the tendency to avoid helping other people in emergencies when other people are also present and apparently capable of helping t/f


Norbert, a musician, wanted to produce his own solo album under a budget of $50,000. However, when he changed the project into a group album with his bandmates, Norbert escalated the budget to $200,000. In this scenario, Norbert is displaying a group effect known as _____.


Physical needs give rise to drives like hunger and thirst. t/f


Which of the following statements is true about the different types of psychologists?

Clinical psychologists help clients resolve problems and change self-defeating behavior.

Which of the following statements applies to the institutional review boards (IRBs) that ethically oversee psychologists' research?

IRBs are required at institutions that receive federal funding

Dreams are most likely to be vivid during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, whereas images are vaguer and more fleeting during rapid eye movement sleep (REM) sleep. t/f


During middle adulthood, people are at their height of sensory sharpness, strength, reaction time, and cardiovascular fitness. t/f


Genetic components do not contribute to an individual's sensitivity to basic tastes. t/f


Girls can become pregnant immediately after menarche. t/f


According to the cognitive-dissonance theory, we are generally more likely to appreciate what we must work to obtain. t/f


Attitudes with a strong emotional impact are more accessible. t/f


Direct artificial stimulation of the occipital lobe produces visual sensations. t/f


Freud believed that children encounter conflict during each stage of psychosexual development. t/f


From the behavioral perspective, organisms that are reinforced for aggressive behavior are more likely to behave aggressively in situations similar to those in which reinforcement occurs. t/f


Gestalt therapy assumes that people disown parts of themselves that might meet with social disapproval or rejection. t/f


Personality psychologists are concerned with the nature and causes of individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behavior in social situations. t/f


Hippocrates suggested that psychological disorders are caused by brain abnormalities. t/f


In the context of classical conditioning, the cognitive focus is on the information learned by the organism. t/f


In a stratified sample, each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected to participate. t/f


In counterconditioning, an organism learns to respond to a stimulus in a way that is completely compatible with a response that was conditioned earlier. t/f


In language development, over inclusion of instances in a category is labeled overregularization. t/f


In psychoanalysis, the tendency to block the free expression of impulses and primitive ideas is referred to as transference. t/f


In the context of stress, predictability is of greater benefit to externals—that is, to people who wish to exercise control over their situations—than to internals. t/f


Positive reinforcers increase the probability that a behavior will occur when the reinforcers are removed. t/f


Research suggests that brain levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine tend to be higher in introverts than in extraverts. t/f


Sleep terrors, bedwetting, and sleepwalking all occur during light sleep. t/f


Spontaneous recovery of learned responses occurs only in operant conditioning. t/f


Stimulus motives provide an evolutionary disadvantage. t/f


Studies generally suggest that the heritability of intelligence is less than 20%. t/f


The loss of memory in a person with dissociative amnesia can be attributed to organic problems such as a blow to the head or alcoholic intoxication. t/f


The method of savings is a measure of time taken for short-term memory to become long term. t/f


The method of savings was devised by Ebbinghaus in order to study the efficiency of recall. t/f


Type B people are highly driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, and aggressive—so much so that they are prone to getting into auto accidents. t/f


As a juror attempting to make a decision regarding the possible guilt of a defendant, you recall how the lawyer kept referring to this individual as a criminal, so you assume he/she must be guilty. You have allowed _________ to influence your decision-making.

framing effect

Hassles and life changes can predict physical health problems such as heart disease and cancer, and even athletic injuries. t/f


In Pavlov's experiments on classical conditioning, salivation of the dog in response to the meat powder is an unlearned or unconditioned response. t/f


In long-term memory, we tend to organize information according to a hierarchical structure. t/f


In the Milgram studies on obedience, lack of social comparison was a factor contributing to why people complied to perform immoral tasks. t/f


In the case of cardiovascular problems and cancer, genes create predispositions toward the health problem. t/f


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