Psych Final

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Cattell's personality test identified ________ personality traits that were scored on a continuum from high to low.


Most modern intelligence tests, such as the newly developed WISC-V, are based off of work done by

David Wechsler.

Which of the following describes sleep apnea?

Disorder characterized by pauses in breathing that last at least ten seconds during sleep.

Which of the following statements most closely aligns with humanism?

Each person is inherently good and motivated to be a healthy functioning individual.

The cognitive revolution turned the emphasis in psychology away from the behavioral focus on only observable behavior to instead

acknowledge the existence of internal mental states.

While behaviorism focused on only observable behavior, cognitive psychology

acknowledges the existence of internal mental states

Jane writes a song to help her remember all of her terms for anatomy class. She is utilizing ________ encoding.


What is the electrical signal that typically moves from the cell body down the axon to the axon terminals?

action potential

Genetic influences are represented by a measure that estimates how much of some behavior is due to genetic influences; this measure is referred to as ________.


A measure of the strength of the relationship between individual differences in a given trait and individual genetic differences is called the

heritability coefficient.

Miranda has to make a decision, but has a ton of information and not a lot of time. Which problem-solving strategy should she use?


The hormone ________ signals feelings of fullness to the brain.


Which idea says that if you want to remember a piece of information, you should think about it more deeply and link it to other information?

levels of processing theory

High rates of attrition are particularly problematic for ________ research.

longitudinal research.

Epigenetics examines gene expression and how those with identical genes may have different


If you participate in a study and find out that the medication you received did not contain actual medication inside, then that pill is considered a


Most traits are controlled by more than just one gene, meaning that they are


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are drugs that

prevent unused neurotransmitters from being transported back to the neuron.

Did you read the second "the" in the sentence in the image? You probably didn't, because your brain doesn't expect to have "the" a second time and skips over it so that the sentence works in the context of what you are familiar with. This is an example of

top-down processing

If you are in a crowded room at a noisy party having a conversation with an interesting new acquaintance, studies show that if you are looking at him while talking,

you are more likely to hear what he is saying.

Remembering ________ is a good example of episodic memory.

your 16th birthday party

The average IQ score is


Nearly ________ of women who had recently given birth screen positive for peripartum onset depression.


A circadian rhythm is a pattern where the biological clock dictates fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and body temperature over roughly

24 hours.

If Greg's mother has a cleft chin (genotype Bb) and his father does not (genotype bb), what are the chances that Greg has a cleft chin?


Donna is going through something like a "mid-life crisis" at age 48. Her twin sons just left for college and she feels like she's in a rut at work. Her feelings coincide with Erikson's ________ conflict.

Generativity vs. stagnation

Two people may look at the identical image but perceive different things. This phenomenon is studied by

Gestalt psychologists.

According to ________, personality traits can be categorized into three categories: cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary traits.

Gordon Allport

The early trait theorist, ________, found 4,500 words to describe people and then organized these into different trait categories.

Gordon Allport

Most mental health professionals use the ________ to diagnose and read about the details, symptoms, prevalence, and risk factors of mental disorders.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by

a lack of regard for other people's rights or feelings.

Psychoanalytic theory focuses on ________ and early childhood experiences.

a person's unconscious

If Samaria demonstrates behavioral inhibition early in on life by crying or not speaking when in new situations or around unfamiliar people, she will be

at a greater risk for developing social anxiety disorder.

Demarco was good at every sport growing up, but decided to focus on just baseball and the discus once he got to college. What area of intelligence does he exemplify?

bodily kinesthetic

Ingrid is energized by being alone, speaks slowly and softly, and avoids attention. Carl Jung would call her a(an) ________.


An experiment is valid if it

measures what it is supposed to measure.

According to the Atkinson-Shiffrin model, ________.

memories are processed the same way that a computer processes information.

If you need to remember the names of all 50 states, the most recommended technique would be for you to

memorize five states at a time—group the information into a more manageable size.

A person's ________ is the amount of energy that is expended in a given period of time

metabolic rate

Shalisha doesn't play sports or workout at the gym, but she does make an effort to walk to class everyday. She seems to always have a big appetite and eats large meals at least 4 times a day. She still remains quite thin. You could say that Shalisha probably has a high ________.


Carla began injecting heroin as a young age and is now in her early 20s. She's tried to get off of the drug a few times, but the flu-like symptoms and intense pain have been too much to handle. She's hopefully now that doses of ________ will help her finally overcome her addiction.


When Brad got into a minor car accident, he hopped right out of the car to assess the damage. He didn't notice until later that night that he had a pretty serious cut on his leg. The fact that he didn't notice is consisted with the

motivation-decision model.

According to Maslow, which needs should be met just before self-actualization can be achieved?


If Marshall has a high score in openness and a low score in neuroticism on the Big 5 personality test, he is likely to be

independent and calm.

Which variable is manipulated by the experimenter?

independent variable

People who live in ________ cultures tend to believe that independence, competition, and personal achievement are important


During the late 18th century, ________ became a popular practice for interpreting personality traits and intelligence. It consisted of measuring and analyzing bumps and ridges on the brain.


Developmental psychologist study the ________ that occur throughout life.

physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes

The ________ gland in the endocrine system is important in releasing ________, which helps regulate biological rhythms.

pineal gland; melatonin

Which is the correct sequence that describes how sound reaches the brain?

pinna - auditory canal - tympanic membrane - ossicles - cochlea - auditory nerve

If the threshold of excitation is reached, action potential begins, which causes the inside of the cell to temporarily have a ________ charge.


Brian, an officer in the Air Force, was injured while serving in Iraq. He was involved in a roadside ambush and although he sustained only minor injuries to his arm, one of his soldiers was killed during the gunfire. He has had a hard time sleeping ever since and often has nightmares of the event. He often blames himself for what happened and feels terribly guilty about it all. Brian has symptoms of

posttraumatic stress disorder

Which type of intelligence is sometimes called "street smarts"?


Water, food, and sleep are examples of

primary reinforcers.

A person will be less likely to fall prey to the Asch effect if there is at least one other dissenter in the group, if the group is small, or if responses are made in ________.


Derek's email log-in forced him to create a new password, but now when he logs on, he only remembers his old password. This is an example of ________ interference.


________ interference occurs when old information hinders the recall of newly learned information, while ________ interference happens when information learned more recently hinders the recall of older information.

proactive; retroactive

The unconscious and early childhood experiences are emphasized by the ________.

psychodynamic school of psychology

Our temperament is influenced by ________, or how we respond to new or challenging environmental stimuli and ________, our ability to control our response.

reactivity; self-regulation

Hamlin and Wynn found that babies as young as 5 months prefer a puppet that ________ another puppet.

returns a ball to

What did the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart suggest about intelligence? The findings from this study ________.

revealed a genetic component to intelligence

In Pavlov's classic experiment with dogs, the unconditioned response is ________ and the conditioned response is ________.

salivation; salivation

Intrapersonal things focus on topics like emotions, attitudes that things that affect the ________, while interpersonal things examine topics like prejudice, discrimination, relationships, and ________ behavior.

self; group

Explicit memories include ________ and episodic memory.


Thinking about the meaning of a word and categorizing it into the context of other words you already know is an example of ________ encoding.


According to the law of effect, behaviors that are followed by consequences that are satisfying to the organism are more likely

to be repeated.

What best describes the purpose of the IRB?

to review proposals for research that involves human participants

After drinking casually for a few years, Eric finds that he needs more and more alcohol in order to get a "buzz." This is an example of


You are trying to enter a prize drawing at the radio station but the lines are busy. You continue to call every 1-5 minutes hoping to get on the air. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

variable interval

Multi-modal perception is the idea that

various sensory modalities are integrated.

Neuroimaging studies show that patients with schizophrenia often have enlarged ________.


Sven eats popcorn every time he goes to the movies. He goes to a new theatre with no concessions and finds that his mouth is watering for popcorn the entire time. In this example, what is the conditioned stimulus?

watching a movie

The McGurk effect occurs when ________.

we combine information from speech and from the way the speaker's lips are moving to hear something different from either

Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?

when a rabbit goes to the bathroom in the litter box, she gets a piece of carrot

Before Bandura proposed his Bobo doll experiment, most learning specialists believed that learning only occurred ________.

when an individual did something and discovered the consequences directly

What are the three types of encoding?

semantic, acoustic, and visual

Which part of the ear is most involved in motion and balance?

semicircular canal

A person is most likely to assist another

when the costs of helping are low and the rewards are high.

Mental sets occur

when you approach a problem the same way, even if it is ineffective.

As drug use increases, the user may develop negative experiences that accompany reducing or stopping drug use, including physical pain and other symptoms. This is otherwise known as ________.


Before a memory makes it to long-term memory, it must first pass through ________ and short-term memory.


Jenny's softball team always came close to winning, but seemed to give up during the 6th inning. Her coach scheduled an appointment with the ________ to discuss performance anxiety.

sport psychologist.

Sleep spindles appear in ________ sleep.

stage 2

To fulfill one of the three requirements of good test design, Dr. Billimek administered his new test, under uniform conditions, to a large number of people at various ages and who were representative of the population of interest. Dr. Billimek has gone through a procedure called ________, and the scores of this representative group will be used to establish the ________ against which an individual score will be compared and interpreted.

standardization; norms

The retina

contains photoreceptor cells.

The key components of the peripheral nervous system are ________.

somatic and autonomic nervous systems

What is motivation?

wants or needs that direct behavior toward a goal

Unrelated variables probably have a correlation coefficient of


Which of the following best defines autism spectrum disorder?

A disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and repetitive behavior.

________ was asked by the French government to develop an intelligence test to use on children to determine which ones might have difficulty in school.

Alfred Binet

The first intelligence test, aimed to test for children who might struggle in school, was designed by

Alfred Binet.

________ provide step-by-step instructions for solving a problem or performing a task.


The ________ says that memories are processed the same way that a computer processes information.

Atkinson-Shiffrin model

Brittni's mom leaves the room during the Strange Situation experiment, and Brittni doesn't show any distress, nor does she care when her mom returns. Brittni is showing ________ attachment.


The Sea World animal trainers use rewards (reinforcements) to teach whales, sea lions and dolphins to perform tricks. These training techniques are based on principles from which early school of psychology?


How is bulimia different from binge eating?

Bulimia consists of binge eating and then purging the food, while binge eating consists of overeating and then feeling guilty.

Which of the following definitions regarding fluid and crystallized intelligence is accurate?

Crystallized intelligence is the knowledge and skills gained through experience and education.

________ intelligence tends to increase with age, whereas ________ intelligence decreases with age.

Crystallized; fluid

Slow-wave sleep is characterized by which of the following?

Deep sleep

Which of the following statements best summarizes the current state of the field regarding dissociative identity disorder?

Dissociative identity disorder is a controversial disorder, and research can help determine the boundaries of it.

Which questions would a biopsychologist most likely address when studying schizophrenia?

Does stress or lack of exercise affect the nervous system and hormones to either cause or prevent schizophrenia?

Which best fits the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming?

Electrical brain impulses pull random thoughts and imagery from our memories.

________ is characterized by a continuous state of excessive, uncontrollable, and pointless worry and apprehension.

Generalized anxiety disorder

________ psychology seeks to study the genetic causes of behavior.


Which of the following statements about eyewitness testimony is correct?

Eyewitness misidentification is the leading cause of wrongful convictions.

________ focus on the muscles in our fingers, toes, and eyes, and enable coordination of small actions.

Fine motor skills

The ________ shows that each generation tends to have a higher IQ than the last generation.

Flynn Effect

In which of Piaget's stages does the child start to reason regularly in terms of abstract concepts and properties?

Formal operational

According to Freud, when Martin accidentally said, "nice to beat you" while being introduced to his friend's acquaintance on the opposing soccer team instead of "nice to meet you," Martin's unconscious desires were revealed. This is called a/an

Freudian slip

Ryan is conducting an experiment on the type of breakfast eaten by high schoolers and their wakefulness and alertness during the day. Which is the best way for Ryan to prevent experimenter bias?

He should not know what the students ate for breakfast.

________ causes euphoria followed by agitation, and is the major opioid drug of abuse.


Stefan had a terrible work experience when cooking at a local diner while in high school. That experience led him to want to study business management and best practices in improving the workplace environment. He should consider studying

I-O psychology.

What is the main idea of levels of processing theory?

If you want to remember a piece of information, you should think about it more deeply and link it to other information and memories to make it more meaningful.

________ is an example of a monocular cue.


Which of the following situations is an example of instrumental aggression?

John really wants his toy back from Evan, so he pushes him out of the way.

The fact that we fear things that are actually harmful has been proposed as an evolutionary explanation for:


Which personality researchers would claim that personality is also formed by individual choices and not determined by biology?

Rogers and Maslow

According to the frustration aggression theory, what would you expect to happen after Mekayla bombs her performance at the piano recital?

Mekayla kicks her cat.

One of the most widely used personality tests, consisting of several hundred true/false questions is the

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Babies who show the ________ will spread their arms and quickly pull them back if they feel like they are falling.

Moro reflex

Which of the following is an example of a fixed interval reinforcement schedule?

Nikita taking her dog to the vet once a year

Sam, a 17-year-old high school student, has just moved to a new city and enrolled in a new school. At his old school, there were strong social norms against teenagers smoking cigarettes. At his new school, several of his friends regularly smoke and say that "It's no big deal." As a result, Sam begins smoking also. Which type of conformity is this?

Normative conformity

________ drugs mimic natural painkillers in the body.


Which of the following is the correct order of psychosexual stages proposed by Freud?

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Which theory holds that the pitch we hear is determined by the particular location on the cochlea where the hair cells vibrate the most?

Place theory

At the beginning of this stage, Thad knew about 50 words and could make a few two- or three-word sentences. By the end of the stage, Thad is a fluent speaker of the language, with most of the spoken language skills of an adult. What stage is Thad passing through?


"Eyeblink conditioning" can be used to demonstrate classical conditioning safely with a human volunteer. A puff of air aimed at your eye will naturally produce a blinking response. Using this reflex, what could we do to create a complete classical conditioning demonstration?

Ring a bell just before the puff of air, until the person blinks to bell alone.

The ________ within the hypothalamus plays an important role in sleep-wake cycles and it is considered a biological clock.


You feel your heart pounding and your breathing quickening while in a job interview and conclude you're anxious. Later, when another person insults you, your heart is pounding and your breathing is quickening, and you conclude you're angry. These two scenarios are consistent with which theory of emotion?


The day Kim is in Nairobi she notices the honking, engine sounds, yelling, and other street noises. By the second day, however, she no longer notices these. Which of the following is the best explanation?

Sensory Adaptation

In which of the following situations is pluralistic ignorance being demonstrated?

Several people walk by a man who is lying motionless on the sidewalk but nobody helps. Some assume he is homeless and asleep. None recognize that he is in a diabetic coma.

What is a major problem with intelligence tests mentioned in the text? You Answered

Some ethnic and socioeconomic groups perform better than others on IQ tests.

What disorder is characterized by an individual leaving his or her bed while still asleep?


Night terrors are apparent during ________ sleep and generally require ________.

Stage 3; no treatment

________ is the name for Wundt's approach of asking patients to look inward and describe their feelings in order to understand consciousness.


What is the partly conscious self-evaluative, moralistic component of personality that is formed through the internalization of parental and societal rules?


Which of the following people should be least likely to conform to a unanimous majority in a situation similar to that faced by the participants in Asch's study concerning line judgments?

That's correct! The research of Asch and of others has shown that having an ally in dissent can break the spell cast by a unanimous majority and reduce the normative pressure to conform.

Where would the fundamental attribution error most likely occur?

The United States

Janet goes to the casino and plays the slot machines for hours. She never knows how times she needs to pull down the lever before she gets a pay-off. What type of reinforcement schedule is most likely being used here?


While you may not notice the change in the music's volume while at a party, you would definitely notice the change if you were trying to study in a quiet library. This supports the idea that the difference threshold is a constant fraction of the original stimulus, also known as

Weber's law

After a severe car accident, Tristan struggles to comprehend what people are saying when they speak to him. He probably has damage to

Wernicke's area.

According to the ________, the source, content, and audience will all influence the persuasiveness of a message.

Yale attitude change

________believed that physiological arousal is very similar across the different types of emotions that we experience. For example, our body might respond similarly to getting a new job or getting fired from a job. These researchers claim that the cognitive appraisal of the situation is critical to the actual emotion experienced.

a Schachter-Singer

Kitty Genovese was brutally murdered in front of several eyewitnesses who did not intervene or call for help. According to social psychologists, this failure to assist Kitty was due to ________.

a diffusion of responsibility

A condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is called

a psychological disorder.

Believing that old people think slowly is an example of ________, but refusing to hire a person because they are advanced in age is an example of ________.

a stereotype; discrimination

In classical conditioning, organisms learn to

associate events that repeatedly happen together.

According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, when is the most efficient time for Bronte to complete the easy task of vacuuming her apartment?

after coming back in from a short jog

The opponent-process theory is supported by


Cocaine acts as a ________ for the neurotransmitter dopamine.


Depressants are ________ of the GABA neurotransmitter, which has a quieting effect on the brain.


The loudness of a sound is determined by the ________ of sound waves.


In the movie "50 First Dates," the main character wakes up each day not remembering the day before or having met her new boyfriend. She suffers from ________ amnesia.


Shaquallah suffered a head injury in a soccer game and can remember everything from her past, but can no longer make new memories. What type of amnesia does she have?


Scientific theories

are supported by evidence.

In the modeling process, you learn by watching someone else. Sophie learns by watching her older brother get in trouble for staying out too late that she should also not stay out late. Sophie learned this by following the steps of the modeling process, which are

attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation.

Auditory receptor cells are embedded within the ________, which is found in the ________.

basilar membrane; cochlea

When questioning a victim about the perpetrator of a crime, the police should

be intentionally vague and provide opportunities for the victim to offer information.

What are the three components of reciprocal determinism?

behavior, cognitive factors, situational factors

Which school of thought emphasized observable behavior and objectivity?


Which is an example of a positive reinforcer?

being told "nice work!" after completing your homework

Using the different images that each eye receives in order to perceive depth is called using ________ cues.


The study of "nature" in the nature-nurture debate is really a study of the ________ bases of behavior.


Which of the following are the main psychological domains?

biological, cognitive, developmental, social and personality, mental and physical health

According to the ________ model, health and illness are determined by psychological, biological, and social factors.


Marquesas is suffering from anxiety. According to the ________ model, her illness is probably determined by psychological, biological, and social factors.


Measuring a person's height and weight reveals their ________, which is in the normal range between 18-25.

body mass index

Those with ________ are known to have relationships that are intense and unstable. They also have an unstable view of self and might suddenly display a shift in personal attitudes, interests, career plans, and choice of friends.

borderline personality disorder

If Neveah eats large meals and then forces herself to vomit afterwards, she probably has ________ nervosa.


when an individual did something and discovered the consequences directly


Which of the following are stimulants?

caffeine and cocaine

An experiment is reliable if it

can be replicated by another researcher and provide similar results.

Although uncommon, a ________ personality trait is one that dominates an entire personality.


Etiology is another word for ________.


Because taste and smell have sensory receptors that respond to molecules, they are considered

chemical senses.

Neo-Freudians generally agreed that ________ experiences are important in personality development, but that ________ experiences are not as significant.

childhood; sexual

Erik Erikson proposed that at each stage of development, there is a/an

conflict that needs resolution.

According to Carl Rogers, we find ________ when our thoughts about our real self and ideal self are very similar.


3-year old twins, Paige and Elsie, love graham crackers. When their dad gives them a cracker, Elsie's breaks in half. Paige notices immediately, and says that it's not fair because she also wants two pieces. Her dad breaks hers in half and then she is satisfied because she does not understand the law of ________. She is in the ________ stage of cognition.

conservation; preoperational

________ reinforcement is giving a reinforcer every time that a behavior is displayed.


At the ________ level, people focus on laws and the importance of obeying authority, whereas at the ________ level, the focus is on ethics and univesal moral behavior.

conventional; postconventional

You can describe something seen in your left visual field with ease because the ________ relays the information to your right hemisphere.

corpus callosum

Jonas wants to understand the relationship between head size and intelligence. What type of study might he perform?


An older person's "wisdom" can be described by the term ________ intelligence.


What are cultural display rules?

culturally specific standards that govern the types and frequencies of displays of emotions that are acceptable

Perhaps the most surprising result from Milgram's study was that

so many of the "teachers" continued to provide shocks because they were told to do so.

A psychology class participates in an experiment measuring bystander intervention at the mall. They tell people the experiment is about fashion trends, collect data about the ways number of times a subject intervenes when a bystander needs help, then thank the participants for their time. In this example, the class forgot to ________ in order to resolve the ________ in the study.

debrief participants; deception

Punishment ________ the likelihood that a behavior will occur while reinforcement ________ the likelihood of a behavior.

decreases; increases

The branchlike fibers extending in clusters from the neuron's cell body are called ________.


The input sites of neurons where signals are received from other neurons are known as


As drug use increases, the user may develop a need to use a drug or other substance regularly. This is known as ________.


In a study about anxiousness, researchers have participants either read a story about a girl who is stressed about her final exams and other work and family commitments or a classic fairytale. Before the study, they plan to have students self-report on their levels of anxiety, then re-test them after the study to see if the anxious story increased anxiousness levels. In this example, the students reported anxiousness after reading a story is the

dependent variable

What measures the effects of the independent variable?

dependent variable

Alcohol and barbiturates are examples of


An important milestone in a child's social development is

developing a positive sense of self.

If Marco is interested in changes in reasoning and thinking that occur during adolescence, he should specialize in ________ psychology.


Damage to Broca's area may cause

difficulty speaking.

Racism is both prejudice and ________ toward another group because of their skin color.


Blaming the poor for their poverty is a ________ explanation, and ignores other factors like high unemployment or family situations.


While Julie was hypnotized, she acknowledged the fact that her arm was in ice water and knew that it should hurt, but didn't actually feel pain. Which theory of hypnosis does this support?

dissociation view

Diana exhibits two separate personalities, each well-defined with distinct characteristics. She could be diagnosed with ________ disorder.

dissociative identity

Which personality disorder is the most controversial?

dissociative identity disorder

he pattern of variation in data is called the


Madison needs to wrap a present but doesn't have any wrapping paper. She quickly searches the apartment and finds a brown grocery bag to use instead. This is an example of

divergent thinking.

Thinking outside of the box is considered

divergent thinking.

An overabundance of ________ is linked to schizophrenia and may be the cause of delusions and hallucinations.


When both the researchers and the participants do not know which conditions the participants are assigned to, the research design is known as ________.


According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following is a way to access the unconscious mind?

dream analysis

Jenessa's low blood sugar signals to her brain that she need some food. This is an example of ________ theory.


Thalia suffers from insomnia. She tries everything, and she finally develops the habit of counting backward when she wants to sleep but cannot. Thalia finds that she falls asleep much easier once she starts counting backward, so she continues to do so. ________ theory suggests that she continues this habit because it results in homeostasis.


Both distress and ________ are things a psychologist may look for in determining if a person has a mental disorder.


Colton is an average middle school student who has a good group of friends and enjoys practicing the drums and playing baseball. Despite this, he struggles with writing and has a hard time putting his thoughts on paper. Which learning disability does he have?


Rihanna has difficulty spelling words correctly while writing and mixes up letters within words and sentences. Which learning disability does she have?


According to Freud, defense mechanisms are used by the ________.

ego to prevent threatening impulses from being consciously recognized

Daniel excitedly yells from the backseat of the car to his mom, telling her to look at the bug crawling on his seat. He doesn't yet understand that his mom can't see his carseat while she's driving. This inability to see from another perspective is known as


Schachter and Singer conducted two experiments in which two groups of participants were injected with epinephrine. One group was told of the arousal effects of the drug before the experiment began and the other group of participants was not told of the arousal effects of the drug. Later, participants observed a confederate displaying euphoric behavior in the first experiment and angry behavior in the second experiment. The results of both experiments supported Schachter and Singer's theory of emotion in which ________.

emotion is the interpretation of the interaction of physiological arousal and the cognitive label we apply to explain the arousal.

Someone who understands their own emotions, shows empathy, and understands social relationships and cues would have high ________ intelligence.


The belief that our sleep patterns evolved as an adaptive response to predatory risks, which increase in darkness, is consistent with ________ theories about sleep.


The defining feature of Generalized Anxiety Disorder is:

excessive worry

What are the stages of the sexual response cycle?

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Children who live in poverty perform worse on intelligence tests because they________.

experience more pervasive daily stress, which affects how the brain functions and develops, thus causing a dip in IQ scores.

If a researcher wants to understand if eating more bananas causes increased irritability, what type of study should they perform?


Episodic memories and semantic memories are both examples of ________ memory.


Long-term memories you have to consciously think about are

explicit memories

Illusions are valuable to psychologists because they are used to

explore what people experience and what parts of the brain are involved in perception.

When a previously learned behavior disappears because the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus, we call it ________.


Amber, a manager for a large company, wants to motivate her employees by offering them large bonuses for productivity. This is an example of which type of motivation?


Hans and Sybil Eysenck viewed people as having two specific personality dimensions: ________.

extroversion/introversion; neuroticism/stability

Eli seeks attention, acts first while thinking later, and prefers verbal communication. Carl Jung would describe him as a(an) ________.


Participants in a study thought cartoons were funnier when holding a pen between their teeth (mimicking the facial action of a smile) compared to when holding a pen between their lips (similar to a frown). This study was testing the ________.

facial feedback hypothesis

An exceptionally clear recollection of an important event, such as 9/11, is a ________.

flashbulb memory

Jerome had bipolar disorder. While eating lunch with some friends, he abruptly changed the conversation topic and went off on irrelevant tangents. He is showing signs of ________.

flight of ideas

A young adult, compared to an elderly adult, will probably be superior at learning the ins and outs of the latest online social media networks (like Facebook and Twitter), because the younger adult will tend to have stronger ________ intelligence than the older adult.


As people age, they hold on to their accumulated knowledge and memories and tend to increase in emotional intelligence. There is typically a decline, however, in their ability to see complex relationships and solve problems. This is a decline in ________ intelligence.


A noninvasive technique that uses magnetic fields to map brain activity by measuring changes in the brain's blood flow and oxygen levels is called ________.

functional MRI (fMRI)

A light and a shock are associated so the light now produces a fear response without presentation of the shock. If a new light that is similar to, but not identical to the original light produces the fear response, we have an example of ________.


Genetic and neurological factors have a ________ impact on ADHD than social or environmental factors.


Bill's company is developing a new product. There are indications that the product may be defective and could result in substantial liability for the company. Bill argues that the company's strong record of developing and marketing products suggests that they will pull through this time as well. The board members quickly decide to go ahead with the product despite its dangers. Their reasoning is an example of ________.


A pattern of behavior that we regularly engage in is known as a/an


The seven universal emotions are

happiness, surprise, sadness, fright, disgust, contempt, and anger.

Lewis Termin did research on those with ________ IQs and found them to be well-adjusted adults.


A popular, new personality test consistently yields the same results when given to the same people over a period of several months and when administered to similar people. The test asks so many cultural questions, however, that many think the test does not accurately measure personality. This test has________ reliability and ________ validity.

high; low

H.M. was unable to form any new semantic memories because of the removal of his ________.


When your parasympathetic nervous system works to maintain vital bodily functions so that your body is in its natural balance, it is called ________.


Functionalism focused on

how mental activities help a person adapt to its environment

Several areas of the ________ are particularly important to regulating eating behavior.


The ________ helps maintain the body's level of homeostasis and regulates things like body temperature and appetite.


A ________ is a general, tentative explanation that proposes explanations for observed behavior that can be used to predict future outcomes, whereas a/an ________ is a specific prediction about the relationship between two or more variables that is to be tested.

hypothesis; theory

A/an ________ is a testable prediction that is arrived at logically from a/an ________.

hypothesis; theory

According to the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, ________ twins have very similar personalities when ________.

identical; together or apart

According to Erik Erikson, the primary developmental dilemma of adolescence is

identity vs. confusion.

Between ages 7 and 11, a child may compare himself to his peers and wonder if he measures up. Erikson's conflict during this stage of development is called

industry vs. inferiority.

A new born baby knowing how to suck to get food is an example of a


Learning that does not reveal itself until it is needed is called

latent learning

The corpus callosum

is a thick band of neural fibers enabling communication between the two brain hemispheres.

Random assignment is important in grouping participants in a research study because

it balances out the differences that might naturally exist between participants.

When internal circadian cycles do not align with the environment and are out of synchrony from one another, the result is known as

jet lag.

Manuel thinks that if you want to get positive outcomes in life, all you need to do is work hard. His philosophy supports the ________.

just-world hypothesis

The belief that people get the outcomes they deserve is called the ________

just-world hypothesis

A bell curve relies on a ________ sample.


Acquiring knowledge and skills through experience is called ________.


An axon is a ________.

long, tubelike structure extending from a neuron's cell body

Following a group of kindergarteners every other year until they graduate and evaluating their performance is an example of

longitudinal research.

Contrary to what Piaget had concluded, Renee Baillargeon found that infants could understand the properties of objects. She proved this in her study by demonstrating that infants ________ at the impossible situation of a truck rolling through a box.

looked longer

Which best describes the basic steps of the scientific method?

make an observation, ask a question, form a hypothesis, do an experiment, analyze the results, prove or disprove the hypothesis

Katie spends most of her daytime hours taking care of her four kids, but enjoys teaching two psychology courses in the evenings at a local community college. Katie likely has a

master's degree in psychology.

During resting potential, before the electric charge is sent, the inside of a neuron has a ________ charge.


There is a ________ correlation between the number of hours of sleep a person gets and how tired they feel.


A rat is placed in an environment where the floor gives the rat small electric shocks. The only way to get rid of the shocks is to press a lever in the corner of the box. The rat quickly learns to press the lever. This is an example of

negative reinforcement

As Jack develops, he will first master the concept of ________ during the sensorimotor stage of development, and then understand another person's perspective, adopting what is called a ________.

object permanence; theory of mind

Carrie processes visual information using her

occipital lobe.

What are the big five traits measured in the five factor model of personality?

openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

Susanna's parents give her an allowance every day that her bed is made and her room is picked up. Her parents are utilizing principles o

operant conditioning.

The ________ carries visual information from the retina to the brain.

optic nerve

According to Freud, a child who is weaned too early or too late, may become fixated in the ________ stage of development.


A ________ is a short period of extreme worry sometimes manifested by an accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, choking sensations, hot flashes or chills, dizziness or lightheadedness, fears of losing control or going crazy, and fears of dying.

panic attack

Students were asked about the speed of cars involved in an accident. When the verb was changed from "contacted" to "smashed", ________.

participants estimated the speed of the vehicle involved in the crash to be higher.

How did the perceived hole size affect the putting performance of participants?

participants putted better when they perceived the hole as larger.

Companionate love consists of intimacy and commitment, but may be lacking in ________.


Mason has a cochlear implant. He is able to hear because the implant

receives incoming sound information and directly stimulates the auditory nerve to transmit information to the brain.

Which type of memory is tested on a multiple choice test?


According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, cones in the retina are responsive to ________.

red, green, and blue

If cognitive theories of panic disorder are correct, how can you treat panic disorder?

reducing thoughts about catastrophes caused by sensations

Reinforcement differs from punishment in that ________.

reinforcement is any outcome that leads to an increase in a behavior and punishment is an outcome that leads to a decrease in a behavior

A child sees a guinea pig for the first time and says, "rabbit!" After explanation that it is fact not a bunny rabbit, the child modifies her ________ of rabbits to include only animals with long ears. This is an example of ________.

schemata; accommodation

________ is a psychotic disorder characterized by major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior.


Money is an example of which type of reinforcer?


If Dana's management team wants to avoid falling prey to groupthink, they should

seek outside opinions on group decisions.

According to the principles of social learning theory, Claire is likely to demonstrate aggressive behavior if she

sees a character on t.v. get rewarded for being violent towards another character.

An individual's belief in her own capability to complete a task is called


Jamal is placed in the remedial reading class at school and labels himself as a bad reader, thereby causing him to read less and not improve his reading. This is an example of the

self-fulfilling prophecy.

Low levels of ________ are linked to depression, aggression, impulsivity, and suicide.


A person with high self-efficacy would likely

set attainable goals.

A theory is a/an

set of ideas that proposed an explanation for observed phenomena

Social and environmental factors play large roles in the regulation of body weight. These factors are not necessarily considered in the ________, which claims that each individual has an ideal body weight that is resistant to change.

set point theory

Jackie wants her dog to bring her the mail each day after it's dropped in through the mail slot. Instead of trying teach her dog, Dodger, at at once, she begins by giving him treats each time he goes to the mail slot. This is an example of


According to the APA, a psychological disorder includes significant disturbances in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that reflect some type of dysfunction. These disturbances lead to

significant distress or disability in one's life.

Bethany's friendship with Raquel has always been one of mutual enjoyment, but recently, Raquel has been needing a lot of help with rides to various places. Bethany is thinking that maybe her relationship with Raquel is costing her more than what she is getting out of it. This is an example of the ________ theory.

social exchange

The behaviors by the prison guards in the Stanford prison experiment coincided with expected________; the guards gave orders and expected the prisoners to follow them.

social roles

Which theory of hypnosis suggests that people are performing the role of a hypnotized person?

social-cognitive theory

Conscious and voluntary movements are associated with the ________ nervous system.


Destiny is excellent at working with shapes and models. Her dream job is to design for Lego one day. This exemplifies ________ intelligence.


Cocaine, amphetamine, and MDMA are all central nervous ________ that agonize dopamine neurotransmission.


Which school of thought emphasized the use of introspection to categorize and break down sensations into basic elements?


A stimulus presented below the absolute threshold is called


A newborn baby is able to nurse from her mother because of the ________.

sucking reflex

Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs are all examples of ________ that cause damage to a developing baby.


Sexual motivation for both men and women varies as a function of circulating ________ levels.


Most people are likely to be surprised by the results of Milgram's initial obedience experiment because ________.

the "teachers" were more obedient than most people would have predicted

Keesha finds it helpful to unwind at the end of the day by practicing meditation. This is defined as

the act of focusing on a single target to increase awareness of the moment.

The most accurate definition of psychology is the scientific study of

the mind and behavior

If co-witnesses of a crime are permitted to talk to each other, they are prone to contaminate each other's memories. This is an example of

the misinformation effect.

Where is the primary visual cortex housed?

the occipital lobe

The ego is

the rational and reasonable part of personality

Research shows that both hemispheres of the brain are involved in most tasks, but split-brain studies demonstrate that

the right hemisphere is mostly non-verbal.

A correlation coefficient can indicate ________.

the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables

Heather is conducting a study on music and memory. She plays different types of music while students memorize lists of words, then tests them again on their retention after 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 week. In this example, which is the independent variable?

the type of music

Perception is

the way sensory information is organized, interpreted, and experienced.

Alexis, age 4, is shown a matchbox filled with buttons. Alexis's friend, Kinesha, joins the room, and Alexis smiles because she knows that Kinesha will be surprised to discover the buttons inside the matchbox instead of matches. Alexis's understanding of Kinesha's perspective demonstrates

theory of mind.

Phineas Gage's accident revealed that

there is a relationship between the frontal lobes, limbic system, and impulse control.

When a memory fades over time, it is called


An IQ score of 70 would be described as

two standard deviations below the mean

The peripheral route to persuasion

typically results in less permanent behavior changes.

Braden has a pounding headache and is disoriented after riding a twisting roller coaster. What sense was impacted by the ride?


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