Psych Final Exam

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According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), approximately one out of _______ women experience the symptoms of depression after the birth of a baby.


Bipolar II

At least one major depressive episode with at least one episode of hypomania

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the difference between Bipolar I Disorder (BD I) and Bipolar II Disorder (BD II)?

BD I involves at least one manic episode, while BD II involves at least one hypomanic episode.

You are a correctional officer in a juvenile facility. What should you expect from a new fourteen-year-old inmate who has a high score on the Impulsive-Conduct problems factor of the Antisocial Process Screening Device but not the Callous-Unemotional factor?

Below average intelligence, emotional reactivity and aggression

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of anxiety disorders?

CBT is often effective, and in some cases even more effective than the use of medication

In which of these scenarios has extinction occurred?

Connor has quit smoking and no longer feels excited when he sees a cigarette.

This person was among those who pioneered psychological measurement. Among other contributions, he was possibly the first to popularize the notion that the heritability of psychological traits could be assessed by looking at identical and fraternal twins.

Francis Galton

Which historical event led directly to Milgram's research on obedience?

German citizens' willingness to go along with Nazi leaders during the Holocaust

Dr. Andorski is working with a client whom he believes suffers from a personality disorder, but the symptoms do not fall clearly within the diagnostic criteria of any of the ten personality disorders. According to DSM-5, which of the following would be the best course of action for Dr. Andorski to take?

He should diagnose the client with Unspecified Personality Disorder (UPD)

Alice's Hotel has noticed that they spend a lot of money on water and electricity devoted to washing linens (towels, sheets, and pillowcases). In order to reduce this expense, the owner wants to encourage guests to reuse linens for more than one day. What would be the best way to accomplish this task?

Put a note on the bed indicating that most of their guests reuse linens, and asking this guest to do the same.

Jaspreet has been nagged by his parents to make his bed.

When Jaspreet makes his bed and the nagging stops, he is negatively reinforced

Which of the following is true of Milgram's (1963, 1965, 1974) research on obedience to authority?

With each increment of shock voltage, fewer participants obeyed, but about 65% still administered 450 volts (the highest level).

Manpreet experiences high levels of anxiety about exposure to germs. As a result, he typically washes his hands more than 100 times a day. What is the clinical term for this behavior?

a compulsion

Kelly is at a college party and notices everyone is drinking. She concludes that the majority of students on campus must also drink alcohol frequently. What would we call Kelly's perception of what most people are doing?

a descriptive norm

A Pavlovian conditioned response elicits:

a whole system of responses in which some are more easily measured or observed

A psychotropic drug is one that:

affects moods and emotions

When a person experiencing depression demonstrates the symptom of psychomotor __________, they might fidget, pace, tap their feet, or wring their hands.


A person who avoids public places or situations because they are viewed as not "safe" would most likely be diagnosed with:


Stuart loves to play golf. He typically plays 2 or 3 times a week. Lately, he has been feeling down and has lost interest in the game, and has asked his friends to find someone to play in his place. This loss of interest and pleasure in an activity that Stuart used to enjoy is called ________ and is a symptom of depression.


Donald is dishonest and manipulative, often has temper tantrums and wants to have fistfights. These traits have been part of his life for as long as anyone can remember. Which personality disorder seems to describe Donald?

antisocial personality disorder

In the famous Harry Potter books, one of the main characters is Voldemort. This individual kills at will, thinks only of his own needs, and manipulates people into doing his bidding. He even uses magic to destroy anyone who gets in his way! If Voldemort were seeing a psychologist, which diagnosis would be the most appropriate?

antisocial personality disorder

__________ can be defined as a negative mood state that is accompanied by bodily symptoms, muscle tension, a sense of unease, and apprehension about future danger or misfortune.


histrionic personality disorder

attention seeking, hypersexuality, and overly dramatic behavior

Jacinta beliefs that people who are military veterans are all brave, honorable, and respectable. She tends to treat them with an enhanced sense of consideration, and thanks them for their service whenever she can. These beliefs represent a(n) ________ that Jacinta has for veterans.


________ are opinions, feelings, and beliefs that a person holds about another person, a concept, or a group.


The study of ________, which is a major topic of focus for social psychologists, examines the psychological processes involved in having a sexual interest in another person.


Shortly after she gets to her new college 2,500 miles from home, Tomasa goes to the school's activity fair to find some groups to join. She immediately signs up to audition for two different musical clubs, which are her interest. Her desire to join these groups may help to satisfy her need to _______.


For the previous six weeks or so, Carlton's co-workers have noticed that he has seemed very sad much of the time. He has also stopped going to team lunches and stays in his office on his own far more than usual. However, in the last few days, he has seemed very different. He has been in an excited state much of the time, talking more rapidly than usual, and many of his ideas at team meetings seem unrealistic and overambitious. Which of the following disorders are Carlton's symptoms most consistent with? Group of answer choices

bipolar disorder

One day, Betty felt lethargic, hopelessly sad, fatigued, and had no interest in anything. A few days later she was feeling extremely euphoric and powerful, engaged in risky sexual exploits, and spent money irresponsibly. Betty could be diagnosed with:

bipolar disorder

Which of the following is the best definition of conformity?

changing one's attitude or behavior to match a perceived social norm

Which of the following is/are behavioral patterns that can be present in OCD?

cleansing rituals, ordering rituals, and checking rituals

Vicenta is looking at a book at the local library when Daina brushes past her, gently pushing Vicenta backward. "Wow, she is very rude," Vicenta thinks. This is an example of social ________, which occurs when we make educated guesses about the efforts or motives of another person.


Shania notices that all of her high school friends have started wearing glitter eye shadow to school. She doesn't really like the look but she wants to fit in with the crowd, so she starts wearing it too. Shania has engaged in __________.


A person does not "have" or "not have" a personality trait but instead can possess varying amounts of it. This is because personality traits reflect ____________________ rather than distinct personality types.

continuous distributions

A combination of neuroticism and maladaptive agreeableness would most likely result in a person suffering from __________ personality disorder.


Josh exhibits clinging behavior, submissiveness, and feats of separation. He likely has which personality disorder?

dependent personality disorder

Symptoms related to this disorder include: loss of appetite/ over eating to improve mood

depression (any)

Dr. Flynn, a present day psychiatrist, uses the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed. (DSM-5) to

diagnose mental illness


difficulty processing information that is read

Which of the following terms refers to the process through which a drug can increase the enzymes produced by the liver?

enzyme induction

A Major Depressive Episode requires ________ of nine symptoms, including a depressed mood and/or diminished interest in activities for at least two weeks.


Chet was in a car accident in which he could easily have been killed had he not been wearing his seat belt. He is aware of how lucky he was to survive without serious injury. Lately, when he drives past the location of the crash, he has a sudden, intense sensation that he is re-experiencing the accident. On one occasion he had to pull his car over to sit for several minutes until the feeling subsided. Chet is experiencing __________.


Which of the following is NOT a form of biological treatment for a person suffering from depression?

functional magnetic resonance imaging

Jessica thinks the guy who cut her off on the freeway is a jerk. When she needs to exit she cuts off the driver next to her as she switches lanes. She does not believe that she, herself, is a jerk; instead, she thinks the situation led to her behavior. This is an example of __________.

fundamental attribution error

The tendency to overemphasize the importance of personality factors when explaining someone else's behaviors while overemphasizing situational factors when explaining your own behaviors is called the __________.

fundamental attribution error

April is starting to spend money quickly to buy the fanciest clothes, car, and hotel rooms because she has an inflated sense of self-importance and self-worth, believing she deserves these things due to her superior powers and abilities. What symptom of mania is April displaying?


Which common saying is the foundation of the concept of reciprocity?

if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

__________ influence refers to conformity that results from a desire to act in a manner that is clearly socially approved such as speaking softly in libraries.


Nora has decided to visit the new community recreation center for a swim. As she enters the change room she notices both of the two other people present put their shoes into a locker. Before she walks out to the pool she does the same. What concept helps explain her actions?

informational influence

Leonard is a psychotherapist and is very good at his job partly because he has a strong sense of empathy for others. Which type of intelligence from Gardner's multiple intelligences theory does this most clearly indicate?


Marguerite knows that when she goes to the dentist's office she tends to get physical symptoms that are similar to those that occur when she has a panic attack. As a result, she avoids going to the dentist even though she has tooth pain and has not had her teeth cleaned in several years. Marguerite is engaging in __________ avoidance.


Dr. Shaw is conducting research on marital behaviors that predict divorce. He trains his students to observe and code videotapes of couples interacting. The students are looking for specific types of behaviors but they are unaware of the anticipated outcomes of the study. In this regard, the students are being ________.

kept blind to the research hypothesis

Celine has been having difficulty sleeping, cannot seem to concentrate at work, is sad most of the time, and seems to have lost interest in things that she always used to enjoy. Which disorder is Celine most likely suffering from?

major depressive disorder

What part of Cleckley's conceptualization of psychopathy is not well-covered by the Psychopathy Checklist- Revised?

manipulative behavior

Which researcher produced the famous studies of obedience that involved deceiving participants into believing that they were delivering electric shocks to a helpless victim?


This disorder is characterized by an exaggerated and grandiose sense of self-importance and worth.

narcissistic personality disorder

Which trait contained in the Five-Factor Model can be roughly described as a person's level of emotional stability or instability?


When he leaves his house, Carlton experiences high levels of anxiety about whether he has locked his front door. As a result, he goes back to check the door multiple times, and sometimes he is so anxious about not having locked up that he is unable to leave his home at all. Which disorder is he most likely experiencing here?

obsessive compulsive disorder

Renette has been trying to paint her bathroom for 3 weeks now, but she has made almost no progress. Every time she paints a wall, she uses a magnifying glass to ensure that the job is "perfect." If there is even the slightest imperfection, she will strip the paint off and start again. Renette is demonstrating the symptoms of __________ personality disorder.


Kyle is so preoccupied with avoiding germs that he washes his hands as many as 20 times an hour. Kyle most likely suffers from:

obsessive-compulsive disorder

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

perfectionist, overly concerned with details and organization

In order to study fear, a neuroscientist connects Natividad to an electroencephalograph (EEG) and then shows her a brief movie of scary animals. These include wasps, snakes, and alligators. He then observes as Natividad shows activation in her amygdala. At which level of analysis has this scientist made his observation?


Richard, an institutionalized schizophrenic patient has poor personal hygiene. He is given a token each time he completes a personal hygiene behavior (e.g., brush their teeth in the morning). At the end of the week Richard can exchange these tokens for his favorite snack. The token acts as a:

positive reinforcement

After serving two terms in Afghanistan, Kurt is suffering from insomnia, is agitated and jumpy, and has intrusive thoughts that cause great distress. Kurt is most likely suffering from:

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Devin is interviewing candidates to work at the cash register in his convenience store. When Margaret applies, she indicates on her application that she has been in rehab for a drug addiction and that she has been clean and sober for over 3 years. Devin decides not to hire her, because he thinks that people with drug habits are not trustworthy. Devin is demonstrating a ________.


Bethany has found herself pacing with a feeling of restlessness while Bernard is starting to perform normal routine actions in an unusually slow manner. While Bethany is likely experiencing ________________, Bernard is showing _________________.

psychomotor agitation; psychomotor retardation

Present day individuals seeking help with mental illness will most likely receive what type of treatment?


Russell has been suffering from the symptoms of a major depressive episode for the past three weeks, and his symptoms have included both hallucinations and delusions. Which specifier would be added to his diagnosis of a major depressive episode?

psychotic features

A person suffering from extreme traits of introversion, to the point of being described as withdrawn, cold, and isolated, might be properly diagnosed with __________ personality disorder.


Because people suffering from ego-syntonic personality disorders are comfortable with their selves, they rarely seek treatment for their conditions. Which of the following is one such condition?

schizoid personality disorder

Walking down the street, Areanna is approached by a police officer. The police officer encourages Areanna to be a Good Samaritan and put money in a parking meter that's about to expire on a stranger's car. What factors might lead Areanna to obey this police officer's order and help pay for the parking meter?

she views the police as an authority figure

Which of the following is one of the physical responses that are immediately inspired by an emotional experience?

shutting down of unneeded digestive processes

The fact that none of us are alone in the world - that we are all affected by others and, in turn, affect others - is the emphasis of the study of ________.

social psychology

Which theory proposes that stressors which disrupt daily routines can trigger relapses in mood disorders?

social zeitgeber theory

Today, mental illness is often treated with psychotherapy and medication. These treatments reflect what two categories of causes of mental illness?

somatogenic and psychogenic

Cory has an intense fear of flying and endures flights with extreme distress. Although she knows her fear is irrational, it is overwhelming and uncontrollable. Cory most likely suffers from:

specific phobia

Rueben is in a biology class and the professor tells the students to find a lab partner. Rueben immediately approaches an Asian classmate because Rueben believes that all Asian students are naturally gifted in mathematics and science. Ruben's mental shortcut is an example of a(n) ________.


A group of people who share some common feature and suffer from social disapproval based on that characteristic is called a(n) ________ group.


In classical conditioning, the animal behaves as if it has learned to associate a ________with a significant event. In operant conditioning, the animal behaves as if it has learned to associate a ________with a significant event.

stimulus; behavior

Which of the following factors does NOT influence conformity?

the age group

Occasionally, a drug is used to treat a particular mental illness but also ends up affecting other non-related neurotransmitters. This contributes to ________.

the experience of side effects

Emotions serve a cultural function. One such function is

to guide how people ought to feel in various situations

Panic disorder

unpredictable periods of intense fear

Research indicates that typically,

women are twice as likely to experience depression.

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