Psych Final Exam

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A person who feels very strongly in the sanctity of human life is likely to support pro-life legislation, whereas someone who merely agrees that people have a right to live is less likely to be concerned over the legislation. This demonstrates the effect that the ______ of attitudes has on behavior a. conformity b. specificity c. accessibility d. strength

it is easily brought to mind

An attitude is said to be accessible when a. it is easily brought to mind b. it can be referred to in research studies c. one is more likely to act on it d. all of the above


In response to stress the hypothalamus releases a. corticosteroids b. corticotrophin c. adrenaline d. cortisol

all of the above

Life expectancy can be affected by a. marriage b. divorce c. remarriage d. all of the above

more stressful than marriage

Thomas recently became divorced from his wife. According to the Life Change Unit Scale, this event is a. less stressful than marriage b. more stressful than marriage c. equally stressful when compared with marriage d. a perfect example of eustress

adrenocorticorophic hormone

When stimulated by the CRH the pituitary gland secretes a. corticosteroids b. prednisone c. adrenocorticorophic hormone d. none of the above


Which is an example of animistic thinking a. i like dogs better than cats b. listen i can growl like tiger c. daddy, that mean sidewalk tripped me d. people are just better educated and less well behaved than other animals


___ is the traditional form of psychodynamic therapy as pioneered by sigmund freud a. psychoanalysis b. insight therapy c. ego psychology d. psychogenesis


a _____ ranks stimuli according to their capacity a. relaxation b. sensitization procedure c. hierarchy d. anxiety scale


a counselor believes the cause of depression in his client is their insistence that they have no choices in life because of fate and chance a. learning b. cognitive c. psychodynamic d. behaviorl


a recent divorcee is struggling in the area of communication a. client centered b, psychodynamic c. cognitive d. behavior


an adolescent dancer maintains a strict diet as she competes, loses the part, and goes home and overeats. this demonstrates a. the influence of stress on eating behavior b. the strict influence of brain regulatory mechanisms on eating behavior c. influence of diet on metabolism d. that people have a natural tendency to develop adipose issue


cut judy's hot dog into 8, sylvias into 6. sylvia said unfair, piaget would say sylvia doesnt understand a. object perm b. object equivalence c. egocentrism d. conservation


it is easiest to measure the outcomes of a. self actualization b. behavioral c. ego analysis d. psychodynamic

self actualizer

karen is open to new experience, not afraid to take risks, and always strives to do her best, according to maslow a. free spirit b. self actualizer c. depressed d. self assessor

social facilitation

lesyk and boyan are arguing about whether playing in a team of tug-of-war makes a person work a. the facility reciprocation effect b. the foot in the door technique c. social facilitation d. all of the above


motives can take the form of a. needs, drives, and incentives b. requirements, desires, impulses c. stimuli, events, actions d. both a and b


older adults do not perform as well on ___ tests as do younger adults. a. vocab b. practical problem solving c. speeded d. all of the other alternatives are correct


one child takes great pride in academic accomplishments. Another takes pride in pleasing her parents. Examples of ___ on psycho. needs. a. survival b. intelligence c. learning d. biology


patty is outgoing, sociable and assertive. according to the five factor model she is a. open to experience b. conscientious c. agreeable d. extraversion


piaget is to erikson as a. cognitive is to psycho-social b. stage is to continuity c. education is to recreation d. intellectual is to cognitive


psychological needs are generally based on a. biological needs b. inner weaknesses c. learning experiences d. reflexes


researcher known for her work on death a. erikson b kubler ross c piaget d. kohlberg


"why me?" and being irritable with loved ones is character. of the __ stage of dying a. anger b. bargaining c. denial d. depression


the ___ model argues for an interaction of biological predispositions with a range of psychosocial stressors a. biological b. multiaxal c. multifactoral d. sociobiological


the diagnostic and statistical manual provides the most widely used system for a. curing b. classifying c. labeling d. causes of

both a and b

the manner in which learning helps to shape attitudes is through a. reinforcement b. observation c. extinction d. both a and b


the moral development theory of lawrence kohlberg focuses on a. moral behavior b. moral reasoning c. the morality of young children d. morality of adults


therapies that influence physiological a. clinical b. biological c. psychological d. formal


victims of rape generally feel anxiety and helplessness. what is this?


what type of parenting "Because I said so" a. authoritarian b. permissive c. conforming d. authoriative


when college women were dressed in KKK hoods, they demonstrated more aggression. This finding is best explained by ___ a. social faciliation b. modeling c. groupthink d. deindividuation e. ingroup bias


when milgram replicated his study in 1974 but did so in a dingy storefront, the % of people who complied a. increased from 45 to 68 b. remained the same c. decreased from 65 to 48 d. decreased from 95 to 6


which neurotrans. is associated with eating disorders? a. serotonin b. dopamine c. endorphins d. GABA

cognitive behavioral

which of the following therapies has shown more widespread success a. psychodynamic b. gestalt c. client centered d. cognitive behavioral


which personality tests are more reliable? a objective b projective c rorschach d none


which theory of emotion would agree that we are fearful because we run away a. common sense b. james lange c. cannon bard d. all of the above


it appears that many people w/schizo have undergone a variety of birth complications. this suggests that atypical ___ may be involved a. mothering b. genes c. central nervous system development d. fertilization


the extreme emotions of a major depression can result in suicide and even displays of faulty perception of reality or ___ a. multiple personalities b. depersonalization c. psychotic behaviors d. amnesias


twin studies suggest that emotional instability is influenced by a. genetic predispositions b erotic plasticity c. gender schemas d. testosterone

integrate conflicting parts of their personalities

both client centered and gestalt therapy aim to help a. integrate conflicting parts of their personalities b. gain access to repressed material in the unconscious c. experience catharsis d. overcome pessimism

different brain structures

brain imaging suggests different emotions (happy/sad) involve a. different levels of activity b. different brain structures c. the same brain structure d. none of the above


consider the moral dilemma faced by the husband trying to decide whether to steal a drug he cant afford, which will save his wifes life. Nigel says he shouldn't because he'll be punished. nigel is showing judgment at the a. preconventional level b. conventional c. postconventional d. egocentric


ihor has been in the army for almost two years. he has gone through bootcamp, learned drill, and is now able a. social comparison b. the foot in the door technique c. accessibility of values d. buffers

interaction of

in panic disorder, biological imbalances might initially trigger an attack. However, later feelings of helplessness can increase fear. Demonstrates ____ a. interaction of b. impossibility of understanding the role of c. cause/effect relationship d. lack of relationship


individuals who are least likely to exhibit conversion disorders a. soldiers b. fighter pilots. c. concentration camp prisoners d. farmers

essential hypertension

Eric has high blood pressure, and his doctors have found no specific cause. This is most properly called a. pulmonary hypertension b. essential hypertension c. emesis hypertension d. electrolyte hypertension


Hannah's therapist believes her anxiety is the result of unconscious impulses breaking through to the conscious level. her therapist endorses the a. behavioral b. psychodynamic c. cognitive d. humanistic


If Newt Gingrich was running for office again, he would try to get people worked up over the issues. If he were a social psychologist, he would explain that he does this because attitudes with a strong emotional impact are more a. specific b. vested c. accessible d. all of the above


In the solomon asch study, the only real subject was always given the __ seat out of seven a. first b. second c. sixth d. seventh

self efficacy expectations

Researchers show that ______ are related to alcohol abuse with Native Americans a. self efficacy expectations b. psychological hardiness c. personality type d. consequence

he makes physical contact with the person he is asking for help

When Yoseph finds himself in a situation where he is needing help, he is more likely to get it when a. he keeps a safe physical distance b. he makes physical contact with the person he is asking for help c. he avoids eye contact d. he avoids touching the person he is asking for help

type A behavior can lead to disease

Which of the following best describes the beliefs of Albert Ellis? a. people are able to reduce stress through biofeedback b. people frequently minimize the significance of events c. emotions are not caused by events but are the result of beliefs d. type A behavior can lead to disease

an attitude

a mental representation of a person, place, or thing that evokes an emotional response and related behavior is a. a cognition b. an attitude c. a stereotype d. all of the above


a therapist is helping a client ascertain what rewards are maintaining a. client centered b. cognitive c. behavioral d. psychodynamic


according to freud, ___ represents aggressive and sexual impulses in a way that varies with background a. dreams b. lifestyles c. superego d. ego

dysfunction is more pervasive

difference between depression and major depression a. dysfunction is more pervasive b. depression lasts longer c. major depression-> suicide d. depression is more sever


eriksons first stage centers around a. trust vs mistrust b. autonomy vs. shame/doubt c. generativity vs. stagnation d. competence vs. inferiority


good grades serve as a ____ for studying a. incentive b. drive c.stimulus d. requirement


hunger is to drive, as food deprivation is to ____ a. desire/motive b. drive/need c. incentive/drive d. motive/desire


which is not an adult crises in Eriksons' stages? a. generativity vs. stagnation b. industry vs. inferiority c. integrity vs. despair d. intimacy vs isolation


which of the following attribution statements is most likely to be made by a depressed person? a. i never do anything right b. if at first you dont succeed c. if life gives you lemons, make lemonade d. i wont make that mistake again

social shyness

which of the following factors increases the tendency to conform? a. high self esteem b. belonging to an individualistic society c. social shyness d. all of the above

progressive relaxation

which of the following focuses on muscle tension to reduce the state of arousal caused by stress a. biofeedback b. meditation c. ossification d. progressive relaxation

both a and b

which of the following is true about prejudice? a. stereotyping b. attitude c. hostile behavior towards group d. both a and b e. all of the above

shaping successive approximations

you go to a therapist because you are having trouble finishing your school work a. shaping successive approximations b. token rewards c. negative reinforcement d. all of the above

assertiveness training

you tell your therapist that you have difficulty refusing unreasonable demands a. social skills training b. token training c. assertiveness training d. exposure therapy

client centered

your therapist is accepting and warm. you are encouraged a. psychoanalytic b. ego analytic c. client centered d. behavioral

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