Psych Flatword ch 5-9

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internal consistency example

"The split-half correlation was +.75.

test-retest reliability example

"There was a strong correlation between the students' motivation scores at the beginning of the semester and the end of the semester."

interrarter reliability example

"Two research assistants rated the attractiveness of each participant; the correlation between the two sets of ratings was +.84."

How many independent variables are there in a 2x3 factorial design?


2x2x3 independent variables

3- just count number of terms

ordinal ex

Alberto ranked 20th out of 130 students in his graduating class.

Which of the following article titles clearly indicates a study with multiple dependent variables? Effect of Cognitive, Behavioral, and Humanistic Therapies on Levels of Social Anxiety How Lack of Sleep Affects Mathematical Problem Solving and Verbal Reasoning Does Working Alone Versus With Others Affect Productivity? Effect of Cognitive Therapy and Exercise on Depression

How Lack of Sleep Affects Mathematical Problem Solving and Verbal Reasoning

face validity

If people generally think the measure looks like it measures the characteristic


Involves direct manipulation and control of variables of participants that are NOT randomly assigned

ratio ex

Kiana got 37 out of 40 questions correct on the math exam.

nominal ex

Monica went to a private high school rather than a public one.

Socially desirable responding

Responding as you think you are supposed to rather than according to your true thoughts and feelings

Which of the following describes an interaction between independent variables? Politically conservative research participants are in favor of more government programs, while politically liberal participants are in favor of fewer government programs. Women tend to smile more often than men do. There is a strong correlation between empathy and generosity. The effect of psychotherapy is stronger for people who are strongly motivated to change than for people who are weakly motivated to change.

The effect of psychotherapy is stronger for people who are strongly motivated to change than for people who are weakly motivated to change.

The split-half correlation for a new measure is +.24. Which of the following does this imply?

The measure has poor internal consistency.

Which of the folliwing is the definition of a main effect? When the effect of one independent variable depends on the level of another. The strongest effect. The effect that is of most interest to the researcher. The overall effect of one independent variable.

The overall effect of one independent variable.

Which of the following is clearly true of a study on the effect of font size on judgments of a written statement's understandability and truthfulness? There are multiple independent variables. There are multiple dependent variables. Internal validity is relatively low. There is no manipulation.

There are multiple dependent variables.

A study uses a 3x3 factorial design. Which of the following is true about the number of main effects and interactions that the researcher must consider? There are two main effects and one interaction. There are two main effects and nine interactions. There are three main effects and three interactions. There are three main effects and two interactions.

There are two main effects and one interaction.

Which of the following is NOT true of manipulation checks? The are not always necessary. They are done at the beginning of the procedure. They are done after the independent variable is manipulated. Their purpose is to confirm that the independent variable was successfully manipulated.

They are done at the beginning of the procedure.

interval ex

Veronica's IQ score was 106.

In a study on the effect of the emotion of "awe" on feelings of connectedness to other people, which of the following would be an example of a manipulation check? a measure of blood pressure administered at the beginning and end of the study a self-report measure of people's feelings of connectedness to other people a self-report measure of the extent to which participants are experiencing awe a behavioral measure of connectedness, such as participants' willingness to shake hands

a self-report measure of the extent to which participants are experiencing awe

mixed factorial design

at least one between-subjects factor and at least one within-subjects factor


cannot be unambiguously established by correlational research

interaction example

cockroaches completed simple maze faster with an audience and complex maze slower with audience

manipulation check

confirm manipulation was successful

internal consistency

consistency across items

interrater reliability

consistent scores are obtained no matter who measures or observes

While reading about a correlational study with several variables, you might see a table showing the Pearson's r values for every possible pair of variables. What is this called? results array design table correlation matrix Pearson's r grid

correlation matrix

content validity

covers all aspects of the characteristic

within-subjects design

each participant tested in all conditions

between-subjects design

each participant tested in only one condition


effect of one independent variable depends on the level of another


examples include extroversion and enjoyment of "intense and rebellious" music

design table used to illustrate

factorial design

A psychological measure is useless unless it is perfectly reliable.


In measurement, reliability is the same thing as accuracy.


In measurement, reliability is the same thing as validity.


It is impossible to measure psychological constructs like self-esteem, love, and honesty.


The true definition of a psychological construct like self-esteem can be found in a good dictionary.


The validity of an intelligence test would be established by comparing people's scores on that test to their true levels of intelligence.


constructs example

happiness, distrust of govt, environmental awareness

Factor analysis has been used to show which of the following? identify six types of psychology majors show that psychotherapy is highly effective show that feelings of disgust affect the harshness of people's moral judgments identify four dimensions of people's popular music preferences

identify four dimensions of people's popular music preferences

not constructs example

income, # of children, city of residence

factorial design

incorporate two independent variable in the same study

Cronbach's alpha is used to assess

internal consistency


involves assigning scores to individuals so that they represent some characteristic of the individuals

strong demand characteristics

it is clear to participants how they are expected to behave in the study


manipulation of an independent variable and random assignment

Pearson's r

measure of the strength of the statistical relationship between two quantitative variables


measuring 2 variables with no manipulation

statistical control

measuring a variable to account for it in later statistical analyses

main effect example

men scored higher than women, treatment group improved more than control group

how many conditions? 2x2x4

multiply- 16

nonmanipulated independent variable

often a participant characteristic

single variable

one variable rather than a relationship between two variables

the big 5 traits

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

main effect

overall effect of one independent variable

Which of the following independent variables is most likely to require a manipulation check? visual versus verbal presentation of a list of words number of bystanders participant mood participant gender

participant mood

test-retest reliability

refers to consistency across time


refers to the consistency of a measure. Psychologists consider three types of consistency: over time (test-retest reliability), across items (internal consistency), and across different researchers (interrater reliability).

criterion validity

scores on the measure are correlated with related variables in the expected ways

discriminant validity

scores on the measure are uncorrelated with unrelated variables

Multiple regression analysis can be used to do which of the following? identify three distinct types of psychology majors: scientific, clinical, and undecided prove that people's incomes has a strong effect on their levels of narcissism show how strongly social class is related to generosity while controlling for religiosity manipulate two independent variables at the same time

show how strongly social class is related to generosity while controlling for religiosity

multiple regression analysis

simultaneously assesses the relationship between several independent variables and a single dependent variable

piff et. al- complex correlational study to explore relationship between

socioeconomic status and generosity

correlation matrix

table showing the correlations among between several pairs of variables

conceptual definition

tells us essentially what that construct is ex. stress refers to a complex set of responses to a threatening situation

operational definition

tells us how that construct is to be measured in a particular context ex. stress was measured via a saliva sample and measuring cortisol


the extent to which the scores from a measure represent the variable they are intended to

for every conceptual definition...

there are many operational definitions

correlation matrix

to display relationships of all possible pairs of a set of variables

factor analysis

to reduce a large number of variables to a smaller number of clusters or dimensions

multiple dependent variables

to study how one variable influences 2 or more

multiple independent variables

to study how two or more variables influence another variable

multiple-regression analysis

to study the relationships between each of several independent variables and on dependent variables in a correlational design

Good psychological measures are both reliable and valid.


If it were impossible to measure psychological constructs, then scientific psychology could not exist.


In measurement, reliability is the same thing as consistency.


In measurement, validity means that scores obtained from a measure represent the characteristic they are meant to.


Psychological constructs are variables that cannot be observed directly.


Psychological constructs like depression, happiness, and anxiety can be measured using operational definitions.


Psychology is unique among the sciences because it studies unmeasurable concepts.


Scientific psychologists evaluate their measures by collecting data using them.


when is Interrater reliability relevant

when The measure involves an element of human judgment.

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