Psych - PsychSim Timeline
Plaget - 1952
Children's Intelligence
Pavlov - 1905
Classical Conditioning
Gazzaniga - 1967
Cognitive Neuroscience
Emphasized the purpose of each type of behavior, with a focus on the adaptive functions that the behavior played in helping our ancestors survive
Emphasized the study of mental processes and focused on inner sensations, feelings, and thoughts
Emphasizes the positive potential of humans
Darwin - 1859
Evolution, Natural Selection
Evolutionary Psychology
Examines the adaptive significance of behavior and views natural selection as needed to promote survival
Social Psychology
Examines the power of the social environment
Washburn - 1908
First Female Ph.D, Book on Animal Behavior
Hall - 1883
First Psychology Lab in USA
Wundt - 1879
First Psychology Lab, First Teacher of Scientific Psychology
Watson - 1913
Founded Behaviorism, "Little Albert"
James - 1890
Functionalist, Textbook
Wertheimer - 1910
Gestalt Psychology
Aristotle - 335 B.C.E.
Greek Philosopher, Empiricist
Plato - 387 B.C.E.
Greek Philosopher, Nativist
Lewin - 1947
Group Dynamics, Organizational Psychology
Maslow - 1943
Humanistic, Motivation, Hierarchy of Needs
Rogers - 1951
Humanistic, Psychotherapy
Broadbent - 1958
Information Flow
The electrical stimulation of the brain is conducted while the patient
Is Awake
Thorndike - 1905
Law of Effect
The _____ Hemisphere Controls Language
How Long Has Psychology Been An Academic Discipline For?
Less Than 200 Years
Miller - 1956
Memory Limitations, Magical Number 7
Ebbinghaus - 1885
Memory, Nonsense Syllables
Calkins - 1894
Memory, Paired-Associates, Denied Ph.D
Helmholtz - 1849
Neural Impulse, Color Vision
Milgram - 1963
Obedience Experiments
Skinner - 1938
Operant Conditioning
Freud - 1899
Descartes - 1637
Reflex Movements, Nativist
Locke - 1690
Rights For Common Citizen, Empiricist, Tabula Rasa
Bacon - 1605
Scientific Method, Father of Empiricism
Asch - 1950
Social Conformity
Loss of Language Can Result From
Titchener - 1892
Structuralist, Introspection
Electrical stimulation of the brain indicates that
Various brain regions have particular functions