psych quizzes for exam 1:

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Astrid spends a lot of time thinking about her own motivations and thoughts - about why she feels and believes and behaves the way she does. Astrid is best described as spending a lot of time in ____.

appraisal motive

Frances has just scheduled an appointment with a personal trainer. She knows she is not in perfect shape, and wants to get a thorough assessment of her strengths and weaknesses. Frances is apparently driven by a strong ____.


George loves to play football because of all the attention it gets him from his peers, parents, and teachers. He also likes that it might provide a way to pay for college. George is ____ motivated to play football.

low in internal validity and high in external validity

Compared to laboratory experiments, field experiments tend to be ____.

distinguishing the faces of two very similar-looking people

Compared to other animals' sensory organs, humans' sensory organs are especially good at ____.

internal validity

Compared to true experiments, MOST correlational studies are low in

ideas, or culture, impacting human behavior

Vegetarianism is best described as an example of ____.


A tradeoff is a choice in which choosing in one direction will maximize one benefit, but force you to sacrifice another benefit.

She cannot conduct a true experiment, because people cannot be randomly assigned to be "girls" or "boys."

Dr. Pow is interested in whether exposure to TV advertisements has a different impact on girls' self-image than it does on boys' self-image. To examine this question, she conducts a quasi-experiment. Why doesn't Dr. Pow conduct a true experiment instead?


Dr. Shar wants to test her theory that people feel less stressed after exercising. She measures students' stress levels and then has them perform 30 minutes of moderate exercise on a treadmill. After the treadmill segment, she measures their stress levels again. This is an example of a(n) ____ design.


Driving on the right-hand side of the road in the United States is an example of praxis.


During eating binges, people's self-awareness tends to be especially high.

They both tend to favor experiments and the scientific method.

How are social psychologists generally similar to behaviorists?


Humans appear to be the only animals that can take on multiple social roles across their lives.

The automatic system, because it is a "gut reactor"

If a stranger provoked you by saying something to you that was highly offensive, and you experienced a strong, immediate urge to get violent with the stranger. What would the origin of the impulse most likely be?


If the effects of two variables cannot be separated from each other, the variables are said to be confounded.

people look to other people (rather than the environment) for information

In describing general patterns in human nature, the textbook discusses the notion of "putting people first." This is the idea that most of the time, ____.


Jake grew up in a really religious home, but when he is at college he never goes to church. He considers how rarely he goes to church without his family, and decides that religion must not be very important to him. Jake's experience is best explained by social comparison theory.


People sometimes take life-threatening risks—such as not wearing helmets when riding motorcycles, sunbathing against a doctor's advice, and driving far over the speed limit—in order to "look cool." This best demonstrates the strong power of ____.


People with low self-esteem do not necessarily think they are horrible. They just tend to think of themselves as "so-so," "not that great," or "average."


Replication is essential to the self-correcting nature of science.


Research indicates that humans and other primates (e.g., chimpanzees) evolved to care more about the future than about immediate costs and benefits.

complexity of social structures

Research on the brain sizes of various animals has indicated that brain size is MOST strongly linked to a species' ____.

changing the social environment

Research suggests that the most effective way to change the self-concept is by ____.


Researchers usually test their hypotheses at the .05 level of significance.

downward social comparison

Sally lives in a middle class neighborhood. It really isn't anything special, but most of Sally's friends live in smaller homes in lower class neighborhoods, so Sally thinks of herself as well-off. When Sally compares her home to the homes of her friends, she is making a(n) ____.

aggression; compromise

Social animal is to cultural animal as ____ is to ____.

prompt him to snatch the snack away from the neighbor

Suppose that Ricardo is sitting in class, that he is extremely hungry, and that he spots his neighbor munching on a tempting snack. If Ricardo is like MOST people, then his automatic system would ____.


Suppose that you are a research participant in a study, and a researcher asks you to work on a puzzle while sitting in front of a mirror. He also mentions that your performance will be videotaped. Given these two pieces of information, you would be wise to suspect that the researcher is trying to increase ____.


Suppose that you are working as a research assistant for a social psychologist. To assist her with a research study, the social psychologist asks you to stand in a laboratory waiting room with research participants, act as though you are a research participant yourself, and then pretend to have an epileptic seizure. (The social psychologist is interested in how many people will try to help you.) In other words, your task is to be a ____ in the research.

how aggressive the children were

Suppose that you conducted an experiment to test the effects of violence in TV shows on the aggressiveness in children. The dependent variable in this study would be ____.


Suppose that you want your child to be intrinsically motivated to play the violin well. Research suggests that your best bet is to reward your child (e.g., with money or candy) each time that he or she practices the violin.


The automatic system (not the deliberate system) runs almost everything we do.


The automatic system and the deliberate system operate almost completely independently of one another.

to regard items that they own as more valuable and desirable than they really are

The endowment effect refers to the tendency for people ____.

positive illusions

The tendencies for people to overestimate their positive qualities, to see themselves as having more control over external events than they really do, and to have an unrealistically optimistic outlook on life are known as ____.


The term "experimental realism" refers to whether the physical setting of a research study resembles the "real world."


The two defining features of an experiment are control and random assignment.

initiative and feeling good

The two main advantages of high self-esteem are ____.

sometimes help complete strangers

Unlike social animals, cultural animals ____.

A testable prediction

What is a hypothesis?

internal validity

When a researcher conducts an experiment and is fairly certain that changes in the independent variable caused changes in the dependent variable, that experiment is said to be high in ____.

care more about the present than the future

When faced with a time trade-off, nature tends to ____.

Only cultural animals have complex divisions of labor

Which of the following is one of the ways that cultural animals differ from social animals?

The number of hours since one has last slept

Which of the following would be the BEST operational definition for tiredness?

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