Psych tratamientos :)

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A famous 12-step program is associated with

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

Xanax and Ativan are ________ drugs.

Anti anxiety

Melissa suffers from auditory hallucinations and falsely believes that her former high school teachers are trying to kill her. Melissa's symptoms are most likely to be relieved by ________ drugs.


Sluggishness, tremors, and twitches similar to those of Parkinson's disease are most likely to be associated with the excessive use of certain ________ drugs.


What procedure is most likely to result in a loss of memory?


Kammy vividly imagines being abused by her own mother while her therapist triggers eye movements by waving a finger in front of Kammy's eyes. The therapist is apparently using a technique known as


Instead of focusing on unconscious and repressed thoughts and impulses, ________ therapies focus on conscious thoughts and self-perceptions.


Xanax would most likely be prescribed in order to help

Jerome overcome feelings of nervous apprehension and an inability to relax.

Edith, a 45-year-old journalist, alternates between extreme sadness and lethargy and extreme euphoria and overactivity. The drug most likely to prove beneficial to her is


Which of the following individuals is most likely to benefit from Prozac? A) Jack, who has lost his sense of identity and wandered from his home to a distant city B) Andrea, who hears imaginary voices telling her that she will suffer a fatal accident C) Tami, who is so addicted to cigarettes that she doesn't want to quit smoking D) Shannon, who feels helpless and apathetic and thinks her life is meaningless and worthless

Shannon, who feels helpless and apathetic and thinks her life is meaningless and worthless

Psychoanalysts are most likely to view patient transference as

a helpful aid to the process of therapy

An important feature of client-centered therapy is

active listening

When Murli told his therapist, "I came to see what you could do for me," the therapist responded, "It sounds like you're feeling you need some help. Am I right?" The therapist's response illustrates the technique of

active listening

One good alternative to antidepressant drugs is

aerobic exercise

Antidepressant drugs are increasingly being prescribed for the treatment of

anxiety disorders

Connor is constantly chewing tobacco. To reduce his appetite for this product, a behavior therapist would most likely use

aversive conditioning

To help Claire quit smoking, a therapist delivers an electric shock to her arm each time she smokes a cigarette. The therapist is using

aversive conditioning

Two counterconditioning techniques for replacing unwanted responses are

aversive conditioning and exposure therapy

Therapists practice ________ by using positive reinforcers to reward closer and closer approximations of a desired behavior.

behavior modification

Ron is a 22-year-old mechanic who suffers from claustrophobia. The most effective way to treat Ron's problem would involve ________ therapy.


Professor Bensfield emphasizes that recovery from bipolar disorder involves a continuous interplay among patients' physical reactions to mood-stabilizing drugs, their positive expectations that their lives will improve, and the supportive responses of patients' families and friends. The professor's emphasis best illustrates a(n) ________ approach to therapy.


Treating our mind and body as independent entities seems especially inappropriate to those who take a ________ approach to therapy.


According to psychoanalysts, resistance refers to the

blocking from consciousness of anxiety-laden material during therapy

A common ingredient underlying the success of diverse psychotherapies is the

client's expectation that psychotherapy will make things better

During a marriage counseling session, the therapist suggests to Mr. and Mrs. Gallo that they each restate their spouse's comments before making their own. The therapist was applying a technique most closely associated with

client-centered therapy

In one massive experiment, potentially delinquent boys were assigned to a 5-year treatment program that included professional counseling and family assistance. Many years later, Joan McCord's investigation of this program's effectiveness revealed that

clients' accounts of the program's effectiveness were often misleading and overly positive.

Psychologists with a Ph.D. or Psy.D. who specialize in the practice of psychotherapy are typically

clinical psychologists

Although originally trained in Freudian techniques, Aaron Beck developed a ________ therapy for depression.


A procedure that trains people to make new responses to stimuli that currently trigger unwanted responses is called


Benny's mother tries to reduce his fear of sailing by giving the 3-year-old his favorite candy as soon as they board the boat. The mother's strategy best illustrates


Chlorpromazine is an antipsychotic drug that reduces paranoia and hallucinations by

dampening responsiveness to irrelevant stimuli

Lithium reduces bipolar patients' vulnerability to future


Light exposure therapy was developed to relieve symptoms of


Psychodynamic therapy has been found to be especially successful in the treatment of


Psychoanalysts would be most likely to discourage patients from

discontinuing psychotherapy whenever they felt it was no longer necessary

One group of ocean voyagers is given a new but untested pill for seasickness and a second group is given an inactive pill. Neither the voyagers nor the experimental researchers know which group has received the new pill. In this experiment, the investigators are making use of

double-blind procedure

Deep-brain stimulation involves the implantation of ________ into the brain.


Group therapy is typically more effective than individual therapy for

enabling people to discover that others have problems similar to their own

Clinical decision making that integrates the best available research with clinical expertise and an understanding of patient characteristics best illustrates

evidence based practice

After performing a meta-analysis of some 475 psychotherapy outcome studies, researchers reported that

evidence supports the efficacy of psychotherapy.

According to Mary Cover Jones, 3-year-old Peter lost his fear of rabbits when one was repeatedly presented while he was eating his midafternoon snack. This episode best illustrated the potential usefulness of

exposure therapies

The value of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is in part due to the effectiveness of

exposure therapy

Which form of therapy is most likely to emphasize the importance of examining a person's role within a social system?

family therapy

Insight therapies aim to improve psychological functioning by

increasing a person's awareness of underlying motives and defenses

Which form of therapy would most likely help depressed patients by teaching them how to resolve disagreements with their friends?

interpersonal psychotherapy

Cognitive therapy works, top-down, by changing thought processes. Antidepressant drugs work, bottom-up, on the emotion-forming

limbic system

Inserting a medical instrument through each eye socket was part of a procedure known as


Lithium is often an effective ________ drug.


One possible explanation for the delayed effect of antidepressant drugs is that the increased availability of serotonin seems to promote


Hans Eysenck launched a spirited debate regarding the effectiveness of psychotherapy because he found that it appeared to be

no more beneficial than no treatment at all

D-cycloserine helps relieve the symptoms of

obsessive compulsive disorder

MRI-guided precision surgery is occasionally done to cut the brain circuits involved in severe cases of

obsessive compulsive disorder

A token economy represents an application of the principles of

operant conditioning

Praising socially withdrawn children when they make eye contact with others and ignoring them after a temper tantrum best illustrates an application of

operant conditioning

The placebo effect typically leads us to ________ the effectiveness of therapy, and regression toward the mean typically leads us to ________ the effectiveness of therapy.

overestimate; overestimate

ECT studies that include a control condition in which people receive simulated ECT without the shock indicate that the effectiveness of ECT is partially due to

placebo effect

Dr. Miller prescribes drugs for the treatment of chronic depression, and she encourages rest and relaxation training for clients suffering from excessive anxiety. It is most likely that Dr. Miller is a


In the United States, managed health care has limited the number of psychotherapy sessions that may be covered by insurance. This is particularly likely to discourage the widespread practice of


Which form of psychotherapy is LEAST likely to occur in therapist-led small groups?


Which of the following therapists would most likely try to understand an adult's psychological disorder by exploring that person's childhood experiences?


The least used biomedical intervention for changing behavior is


Although Albert Ellis and Allen Bergin disagree about the value of self-sacrifice and marital fidelity, as professional therapists they both agree that

psychotherapists' personal values influence their practice of therapy.

The best outcome studies for evaluating the effectiveness of psychotherapy typically use

randomized clinical trials

Which therapeutic approach emphasizes that people are often disturbed because they are unrealistic in their belief that they should never experience rejection.

rational emotive behavior therapy

There is little or no scientific support for the therapeutic effectiveness of A) systematic desensitization. B) aversive conditioning. C) rebirthing therapies. D) cognitive-behavioral therapy.

rebirthing therapies

Gina is so fearful of taking tests for college courses that she experiences mild anxiety when registering for a course, intense anxiety when studying for a test, and extreme anxiety when answering actual test questions. Her greatest fear, however, is experienced while waiting for a professor to hand out tests. During the process of systematically desensitizing her test anxiety, the therapist is likely to ask Gina first to imagine

registering for a college course.

Colette received a surprisingly high grade on her first biology test. She failed to perform as well on her second test, even though she studied equally for both tests. Which of the following best explains Colette's deteriorating pattern of performance? A) the placebo effect B) systematic desensitization C) meta-analysis D) regression toward the mean

regression toward the mean

Psychosurgery involves

removing or destroying brain tissue

Which of the following biomedical treatments provides some of the benefits of ECT without triggering seizures or memory loss?

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

Stress inoculation training focuses on helping people to

replace negative self-talk with more positive comments.

Several widely used antidepressant drugs are most often called ________ because they are used in treating disorders other than depression—from anxiety to strokes.

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

By overestimating the actual benefits of their psychotherapeutic treatment, clients are most likely attempting to satisfy their need for


In one experiment, Asian-American clients were more likely to perceive counselor empathy if their counselor

shared the clients' cultural values.

Many professionals outside the field of psychology are prepared to offer psychotherapy in the process of completing a graduate program in

social work

A natural return to a state of psychological health following an extended period of depression illustrates

spontaneous recovery

Most self-help and support groups focus on ______ illnesses.


Cognitive therapists would be most likely to encourage depressed clients to

stop blaming themselves for negative circumstances beyond their control.

Compared with placebos, antidepressant drugs provide ________ benefits to patients with severe symptoms of depression and ________ benefits to patients with mild symptoms of depression.

substantial; minimal

Jonathan is afraid to ask a girl for a date, so his therapist instructs him to relax and simply imagine he is reaching for his cell phone and then calling a potential date. The therapist's technique best illustrates the process of

systematic desensitization

Psychological disorders that researchers believe are learned, such as phobias, are most likely to be treated with

systematic desensitization

Which of the following is a type of exposure therapy?

systematic desensitization

Clients often stay in touch with their psychotherapists only if satisfied with the treatment they received. This helps us understand why therapists

tend to overestimate the effectiveness of psychotherapy

People often enter psychotherapy during a period of crisis in their lives. This helps us understand why they

tend to overestimate the effectiveness of their psychotherapy.

Light exposure therapy sparks activity in a brain region that influences

the body's arousal

By earning a client's trust, empathic and caring therapists promote

therapeutic alliance

Mrs. Coleman is a withdrawn schizophrenia patient. To help her become more socially active, institutional staff members give her small plastic cards whenever she talks to someone. She is allowed to exchange these cards for candy and cigarettes. Staff members are making use of

token economy

Proponents of behavior modification have suggested that institutionalized patients can be weaned from ________ by shifting them to other rewards common to life outside an institution.

token economy

Systematic desensitization is to classical conditioning as ________ is to operant conditioning.

token economy

Lynn has begun to buy small gifts for her therapist, and she feels extremely jealous of the time he spends with his other patients. To a psychoanalyst, this is most indicative of


Carl Rogers referred to a caring, nonjudgmental attitude as

unconditional positive regard

During the 1940s and 1950s, lobotomies were most likely to be performed on psychologically disturbed patients who were

uncontrollably violent

Regression toward the mean refers to the tendency for

unusual events to be followed by more ordinary events

A therapist who takes an eclectic approach is one who

uses techniques from various forms of therapy

Which of the following techniques have behavior therapists used to help people overcome a fear of flying?

virtual reality exposure therapy

After discontinuing heavy use of an antianxiety drug, Angela experienced increased anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Angela was experiencing symptoms of


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