Psych Unit 4

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In the 1990s, singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette titled a song, "You Learn." Presumably, Morissette meant that people:

acquire new behaviors through experience

Henry, a heavy smoker, is interested in quitting. Given what you know about the cognitive processes involved in classical conditioning, what is the MOST likely reason he still has trouble quitting after he is treated with a drug that induces nausea when he smokes a cigarette?

He realizes his nausea is due to the drug, not simply the cigarette

Which statement correctly classifies one of the types of learning mentioned in the textbook?

Operant conditioning is a type of associative learning.

Which example demonstrates that learning has occurred? a. pulling one's hand back from a sharp object b. blinking when something goes into one's eye c. avoiding speeding in an area where you received a ticket previously d. flinching when one hears the sound of a car accident

c. avoiding speeding in an area where you received a ticket previously

Five-year-old Arianna is frightened by the noise thunder makes. Arianna associates lightning with thunder because lightning always precedes thunder. Thus, when Arianna sees lightning she often cries in anticipation that she will hear thunder soon afterward. This is an example of _____ conditioning.


When Miguel was a child, he was attacked by a swarm of hornets in his backyard. Now, every time he hears the sound of hornets he immediately becomes frightened. This is an example of _____ conditioning.


People have been observed to form negative attitudes toward Pokemon characters who were repeatedly shown with negative words and images next to them. This BEST illustrates the impact of:

classical conditioning

The textbook states that "by watching models, we experience vicarious reinforcement . . . and learn to anticipate a behavior's consequences in situations like those we are observing." The term vicarious links observational learning MOST directly to:

cognitive learning

Six-year-old Davey developed a fear of going down steps after falling down the steps in his house several times. When he was at his grandmother's house he demonstrated no fear of climbing the steps to her front door. Unlike Little Albert's fear of white rats and other furry objects, Davey was demonstrating:


Laurie and her lab partner conditioned a rat to press a lever for food when a red light was on, but discovered that the rat would also press the lever when a white light was on. Laurie and her partner reported that the rat had exhibited _____ through _____ conditioning.

generalization, operant

John just started his vacation from work and scheduled a tee time with friends to play golf Monday morning. On Monday morning, he started driving his car to work instead of the golf course. Driving his car to work instead of the golf course is an example of:

habitual behavior

In the United States and Canada, _____ rates doubled between 1957 and 1974, coinciding with the introduction and spread of television


Juan easily taught his cat to jump through a hoop for the reward of food, but could not get his cat to fetch a ball and return the ball to him. The cat would chase the ball but use his paws to roll the ball so he could chase the ball again. The reason the cat had difficulties with fetching the ball was because of:

instinctive drift.

An experimenter visits a preschool with a big box of markers and paper. The children are told that they can draw as many pictures as they want. The children enjoy the task very much. On another visit, the children are told that for every picture they draw they will earn a prize. Two weeks later when the experimenter returns, he offers the markers and paper for drawing but says that no prizes will be given. The children draw very little with the markers because extrinsic rewards can undermine _____ motivation.


A rat is allowed to explore a maze for several trials. On the last trial, it finds a piece of food at the end of the maze. Having developed a cognitive map, its speed through the maze increases dramatically. This is an example of _____ learning.


Latent learning is:

learning that is not demonstrated until one is motivated to perform the behavior.

If a child is watching a favorite sibling getting scolded for misbehavior, a type of brain cell called a _____ is likely to be activated in an empathetic response to this observation.

mirror neuron

Animals can be trained to perform many behaviors through _____; that is, by providing well-timed rewards as the animals progressively better approximate the desired behaviors.


Michelle always drives down Hampton Avenue to go to work. One morning, Michelle discovers that Hampton Avenue is closed at Wood Street because of construction. Michelle immediately takes a different route to work. She is able to make a quick route change because:

she has formed a cognitive map of the area.

In both classical and operant conditioning the reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished response is called:

spontaneous recovery

Jane had leukemia as a child and had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. She had grown to associate the waiting room with nausea. Now 35 years old, she had to take her mother to the same hospital for breast cancer treatment. She became nauseous while in the waiting room with her mother. Her nausea BEST illustrates:

spontaneous recovery

Most learning involves the process of association. In classical conditioning, an organism comes to associate:

two stimuli

In conditioned taste aversion, spoiled or poisoned food is a powerful:

unconditioned stimulus

For professional baseball players, swinging at a pitched ball is reinforced with a home run on a _____ schedule.

variable ratio

In operant conditioning, which reinforcement schedule reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses?

variable ratio schedule

Seven-year-old Mark likes to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles every day after school. When the program is finished, he meets his friends in his backyard and they playfully dropkick each other over and over. This eventually leads to real fighting between the children. This is an example of the _____ effect.


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