Psychological Testing and Assessment

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define ecological momentary assessment

"in the moment" evaluation of specific problems and related cognitive and behavioral variables at the very tmie and place that they occur. EX: sing smartphones

normalizing a distribution

"stretching" the skewed curve into teh shape of anormal curve and create a coresponding scale of standard scores. (then called a normalized standard score scale)

Who was Oscar Buros?

"tested the tests" through a journal

What was the Middle Ages concerned with in testing?

"who is in league with the devil?"

rights of testtakers

1. informed consent 2. right to be informed of test findings 3. right to privacy and confidentiality 4. right to the least stigmatizing label

3-level classification of test-user qualifications

A: tests or aids that can be adequately administered, scored, and interpreted with aid of manual and general orientation to kind of institution or organization in which one is working B: require some techincal knowledge of test construction and use of supporting psych and ed fields like stats, individ diffrences, psych of adjustment, personnel psych, adn guidance C: require substantial understanding of testing and supporting psych fields together with supervised experience in use of these devices

What launched the intelligence testing movement

Binet's intelligence test

When did a semantic distinction between testing and assessment begin to emerge?

By World War 2, this distinction began to emerge

When did test and testing programs first come into being

China around 2200BCE

Who spurred scientific interest in individual differences?


Where can the roots of contemporary psychological testing and assessment be found?

Early 20th Century France, Alfred Binet, testing to place Paris schoolchildren in appropriate classes

Who is Cattell?

He coined teh term mental test. responsible for getting mental testing unerwqy in America. Influenced/reinforced by Galton. had many publications.

Who is Goddard?

Person who tested immigrants. Fueled fires of ongoing nature-nurture debates about what intelligence tests actually measure. Impressed with Binet's test. coined teh term "moron" Believed one's placement on test revealed many facets of one's life. Associated low intelligence with many of the day's social poblems (addressing low intelligence prerequisite to addrsesing social problems). Once was a nurture supporter, then worked with a eugenics guy and became believer in nature part Kallikak family study. "feeblemindedness" hereditary brought Binet's test to America made special education services law

Who is Christian von Wolff?

Renaissance many that anticipated psych as a science and psychological measurem,ent as a specialty within that science

When did psychological assessment in the modern sence begin to emerge? And by whom?

Renaissance with Christian von Wolff

Who is Wundt?

University of Leipzig, studied general description fo human abilities (reaction time, perception, attention span. Focused on how people were similar.

define therapeutic psychological assessment

a collaborative psychological assessment where therapetic selfdiscovery and new understandings are encougaged throughout assessment process

define test

a measuring device or procedure

define cut score

a reference point, usually numerical, derived by judgement and used to divide a set of data into two or mroe clsasifications

definition of quota system

a selection procedure where a fixed number or percentage of applicants from certain backgrounds are selected

define role play

assessees are directed to act as if they wre in a particular situation, then they are assessed from that.

define collaborative psych assessment

assessor and assessee work as partners from initial contact through final feedback. Therapy can be part of the process.

define CAT (computer adaptive testing)

basically a test on a computer. Can have more advanced processes

define educational assessment

broadly seaking hte use of tests and other tools to evaluate abilities and skills in a school or preschool context

How did ancient Greco-Roman writings use for assessment of personality types?

by body fluid

Daubert ruling

canceled long-standing police (set forth in Frye vs US) of admitting into evidence only scientific testimony that had won general acceptance in scientific community. opposing xpert testimony, whether or not it was popular, is not admissable.

Who is Wechsler?

clinical psychologist who designed first test to measure adult intelligence. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) (poor for lack of diversity)

Who is Henri?

collaborated with Binet suggesting how mental tests could be used to measure higher mental processes


concerns matters of communication outside the coutroom

define disparate treatment

consequence of an employer's hiring or promotion practice that was INTENTIONALLY devised to yield some discriminatory result or outcome

disparate impact

consequence of employer's hiring or promotion practice that UNINTENTIONALLY resulted in discriminatory result or outcome

interval scale

contain equal intervals between numbers. no absolute zero. we can math these.

Who is Binet?

created first intelligence test, to help identiy Paris schoolchildren with intellectual disability. Launched intelligence testing movement.

Who is Kraepelin?

developed word association technique as formal test

What importance does Woodwoth have for testinga nd assessment?

developing a measure of adjustment and emotional stability that could be adminsitered quickly and efficiently to groups of recruits for ww1. Woodworth Psychoneurotic Inventory first widely used self-report measure of personaltiy

What is Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing?

document addressing ethics in test construction and evaluation, test administration and use, and special applications. Reference for test developers and test users

When did group intelligence tests dvelop in US?

duing world war 1, in response to military's need for efficient method of screening of intellectual ability. Also became urgent during world war 2

what is the world's largest private measurement institution

educational testing service, based

effect size

estimate derived impact


eyeball gauge of how curved a graph is


family of techniques used to statistically combine info across studies to produce single estimates of the data under study

What big thing did Karl Pearson do?

first to refer to curbve as a normal curve

define minimum competency testing programs

formal testing programs designed to be used in ecisions regarding various aspects of students' education

Who is Witmer?

founder of clinical psychology. Treated a "chronic bad speller." Founded first psych clinic in US at University of Pennsylvania.

privacy right

freedom of indiv to choose circumstances and extent to which he wishes to share or withold from others is scores. protects people in legal proceedings

Define psychological assessment

gathering and integration of psychology-related data for the purpose of making a psychological evaluation

ratio scale

has true zero point, math itup.

z score

indicates how many standard deviation units the raw score is below or above the mean of distribution

t score

indicates how many standard dviation units raw score is below or above mean of distribution, by 5 std deviations around mean.

define integrative report

integrates data from sources other than test itself

Examples of tests used in schools

intelligence tests, achievement tests, reading comprehension tests

define dynamic assessment

interactive approach that usually follows a model of evaluation, intervention of some sort, and evaluation again.

define interpretive report

interpretive statements in report, either numerical or narrative. step above simple scoring and extended scoring report. Can simply call attention to certain high, low, or unusual scores that need to be focused on

What are some examples of psychological assessment?

interviews, case studies, behavioral observation, specially designed apparatuses and measuremet procedures are examples of this

define simple scoring report

listing or a score or scores

define variance

measure of variability

what is standard deviation?

measure of variability

coefficient of correlation

measures strength of relationship between two things

When might be assessment more preferable to testing?

military, clinical, educational, and business settings prefer ____ over ___.

can the internet test and assess?

no, just test.

what is the most frequently used measurement scale in psych?


Who is Spearman?

originated concept of test reliability. built mathematical framework for facot analysis

Pearson's r

pearson correlation coefficient. Althoug Galton should really be credited with developing concept of correlation. Measure of correlation.

ordinal scales

permit classification and rank. cannot be mathed in significant way.

Who is Galton?

pioneered coefficient of correlation. Started interest in heredity with peas, moved to heredity in humans and the ways of measuring aspects of people adnt their abilities. Anthropometric laboratory. Focused on how people are different. excited widespread interst in measurement of psychology-related variables

online databases pros and cons

pro: "gold mine" of useful info containing varying amounts of detail. Online self-administered tests sometimes valid con: some sites masquerade as databases, produce online tests that are not valid

reference volumes pros and cons

pro: descripts and citical reviews of a test written by 3rd parties con: can provide misleading picture if 3rd party is biased, typically not though. Best to consult test manual itself for detailed accounts of standardization sample and related matters

Tests catalogue available from publisher of test pros and cons

pro: general description of test, readily available to most anyone who requests it con: designed to sell the test, seldom contains critical reviews. Info not detailed enough for basing a decision to use test

professional books pros and cons (info about tests)

pro: may contain one-of-a-kind, authoritative insights of highly experienced assessment professional con: book author may be strongly tied to a specific theoretical perspective and have bias that way.

test manual pros and cons

pro: usually most detailed source available for info. may also contain useful info regarding theory test is based on. typically contains at least some info regarding psychometric soudness of test. cons: details regarding test's psychometric soudness are usually self-serving and based on studies conducted by biased people. may be difficult for students to obtain, may be restricted to qualified professionals

journal articles pros and cons

pros: up-to-date source of reviews and studies of psychometric soundness. can provide practical examples of how an instrumetn is used in research or applied contexts con: only as valuable as they are informed and unbiased. readers should research multiple articles

define consultative report

provides expert opinion concerning analysis of data

standard score

raw score that has been converted from one scale to another scale, where latter scale has some arbitrarily set mean and standard deviation

define psychlogical autopsy

reconstruction of a deceased individual's psychological profile on basis of archival records, artifcats, interviews previously conducted withthe deceased assessee or people who knew him or her

define case history data

records, transcripts, and other accounts in written, pictorial, or other form that presrve archival information and data relevant to an assessee

nonlinear transformation

resulting standard score does not necessarily have a direct numerical relationship to the original, raw score

define central processing

scores conducted at another central location

define local processing

scores done on-site

nominal scales

simplest form of maesurement. classification/categorization, no absolute zero. cannot be meaningfully added, subtracted, ranked, or averaged. Includes yes/no responses

measure of central tendency

statistic that indicates average or midmost score between teh extreme scores in a distribution. May be mean, median, or mode.

define extended scoring report

statistical analyses of testtaker's performance

How are the objectives of testing and assessment different?

test: typically to obtain some gauge with regard to an ability or attribute assessment: typically to answer a referral question, solve a problem, or arrive at a decision through the use of tools of evaluation

Does testing or assessment require greater education, training and skill?

testing or assessment requires greater education, training, and skill?

How are the processes of testing and assessment different?

testing: may be individual or in a group. After test administration, tester will typically add up number OF CERTAIN RESPONSES WIT HLITTLE, IF ANY, REGARD FOR THE HOW OR MECHANICS OF SUCH CONTENT assessment: typically individualized. more typically focuses on how an individual processes rater than simply the results of that processing

how are the roles of the evaluator different between testing and assessment?

testing: tester is not key to practice. One tester can generally be switched with another without affecting evaluation assessment: assessor is key to process of selecting tests and/or other tools of evaluation as well as in drawing conclusions from entire evaluation

how is skill of evaluator different between testing and assessment?

testing: typically requires technician-like skills in terms of administering and scoring a test as well as in interpreting a test result assessment: typically requires an educated selection of tools of evaluation, skll in evaluation, and thoughtful organization and integration of data

How is the outcome different between testing and assessment?

testing: typically, testing yields a test score or series of test scores assessment: typically, entails a logical problem-solving approach that brings to bear many sources of data designed to shed light on a referral question

define culture-specific tests

tests designed for use with people from one culture but not from another

define protocol

the form or sheet or booklet on which a testtaker's resonses are entered. may also refer to description fo a set of test or assessment related procedure

privilegted information

the information withheld and protected by law from disclosure in a legal proceedign

define psychometrics

the science of psychological measurement

define remote assessment

the use of tools of psych evaluation to gather data and draw conclusions about a subject who is not in physical proximity tohte person or people conducting the evaluation

define motivational interviewing

therapeutic dialogue that combines person-centered listening skills such as oppenness and empathy, with the use of cognition-altering techniques designed to positively affect motivation and effect therapeutic change

define truth-in-testing legislation

to give testtakers a way to learn teh criteria by which they are being judged.

linear transformation

transformation of scores with same meaning

define retrospective assessment

use of evaluative tools to draw conclusions about psychological aspects of a person as they existed at some point n time prior to assessment

Spearman's rho

used when sample size is small

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