psychology 101 chapter 3

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In terms of Selye's general adaptation syndrome, coping occurs in the _____ stage. a) alarm b) resistance c) exhaustion d) resolution

b) resistance

You have a minor car accident after which you experience sweaty palms, rapid breathing, and a racing heart. In this situation, _____ is the stressor, and _____ is the stress. a) your racing heart; the accident b) the accident; your physical reaction c) your sweaty palms; your rapid breathing d) the accident; the accident

b) the accident; your physical reaction

. A physiological alarm reaction, followed by resistance, and ending with exhaustion is known as _____. a) the fight or flight response b) the general adaptation syndrome c) HPA axis d) SAM system

b) the general adaptation syndrome

A state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion attributable to long-term involvement in emotionally demanding situations is called _____. a) primary conflict b) technostress c) burnout d) secondary conflict

c) burnout

Which of the following statements is TRUE? a) Eustress is pleasant stress, while distress is threatening/unpleasant stress b) All stress is bad c) A total absence of stress would eventually lead to death d) A & C are true

d) A & C are true

This person is LEAST likely to experience burnout. a) A doctor b) A teacher c) A police officer d) A secretary

d) A secretary

. Dr. Friedman is treating a Type A client by modifying only the cynical hostility that is associated with heart disease. Dr. Friedman is practicing _____. a) unethically b) the shotgun approach c) the target behavior approach d) long-term therapy

c) the target behavior approach

Which of the following statements is true? a) Chronic stress produced a state of ongoing physical arousal, in which our parasympathetic nervous system cannot activate the relaxation response. b) Hassles are little, everyday problems that "pile up" to cause major stress c) A stressor is a trigger for s stressful reaction d) All of the above statements are true

d) All of the above statements are true

Which of the following has been implicated in the origin and/or progression of cancer-related diseases? a) Heredity b) The environment c) Changes in the body's immune system d) All of these options

d) All of these options

Which of the following is TRUE of health psychology? a) It studies the relationship between psychological behavior and physical health. b) It studies the relationship between psychological behavior and illness. c) It emphasizes wellness and the prevention of illness. d) All of these options

d) All of these options

Which of the following is NOT a stressor? a) Winning the lottery b) A death in the family c) Taking a test d) All of these options ARE stressors

d) All of these options ARE stressors

Which of the following persons is NOT adversely affecting his immune system functioning? a) A fifteen-year-old cigarette smoker b) A high school student who stays up all night to "party" c) A college student who stays up all night to study d) All of these people are adversely affecting their immune systems

d) All of these people are adversely affecting their immune systems

_____ plays a critical role in the long-term effects of stress, and it is the most common measure of stress. a) Epinephrine b) Norepinephrine c) Insulin d) Cortisol

d) Cortisol

_____ is the general term for all disorders that affect the heart muscle, and can ultimately result in heart failure. a) Heart attack b) Atherosclerosis c) Angina d) Heart disease

d) Heart disease

Rationalizing is a _____ form of coping. a) emotion-focused b) problem-focused c) primary appraisal d) juvenile

a) emotion-focused

More than half of the mortality from the top 5 leading causes of death in the world come from: a) factors within our control b) mythical health crisis c) cardiovascular disease d) smoking and obesity

a) factors within our control

Small problems of daily living that accumulate and sometimes become a major source of stress are called _____. a) hassles b) stressors c) chronic stressors d) frustrators

a) hassles

. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), constructed by Holmes and Rahe, measures the stress in a person's life on the basis of _____. a) life changes b) stress tolerance c) daily hassles d) the balance between eustress and distress

a) life changes

If the circumstances that are creating your stress can be changed, _____ forms of coping are likely to be MOST effective. a) problem-focused b) emotion-focused c) Lazarus's d) Folkman's

a) problem-focused

When one is forced to choose between two or more different and incompatible personal or professional functions, one is experiencing ______. a) role conflict b) eustress c) burnout d) vestress

a) role conflict

The fight or flight response is triggered by the _____ nervous system. a) sympathetic b) synthetic c) GAS d) parasympathetic

a) sympathetic

According to Selye, pleasant, positive, desirable stress is called _____. a) Eustress b) Pseudo-stress c) Excitement d) Happiness

a) Eustress

_____ is an unpleasant state of tension, anxiety, and heightened sympathetic activity that results from a blocked goal. a) Frustration b) Hostility c) Conflict d) Anger .

a) Frustration

______________ is a negative emotional state generally associated with a blocked goal. a) Frustration b) A hassle c) Stress d) Conflict

a) Frustration

Than was recently laid off. His bills are now piling up, he hasn't found a new job yet, and his wife is pregnant. Which phase of the general adaptation syndrome is he MOST likely experiencing? a) Resistance b) Alarm c) Exhaustion d) Burnout

a) Resistance

The body's immediate fight-or-flight response is facilitated by the _______ system(s). a) SAM b) HPA c) EPA d) SAM and PDQ

a) SAM

John was planning to ask Susan to marry him. When he saw Susan kissing another man at a party, he was quite upset. In this situation, John's seeing Susan kissing another man is _____, and it illustrates _____. a) a stressor; distress b) eustress; a stressor c) distress; a stressor d) astressor; eustress

a) a stressor; distress

Moya really wants to stay home and talk to her best friend on the telephone tonight, but she also wants to go out with her new boyfriend tonight. This is an example of _____ conflict. a) an approach-approach b) an avoidance-avoidance c) an approach-avoidance d) all three kinds of

a) an approach-approach

A stressor is defined as: a) an environmental trigger that prompts a stressful reaction b) the physiological reaction of the body to environmental factors c) a negative emotion resulting from environmental unpleasantness d) the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it

a) an environmental trigger that prompts a stressful reaction

The most difficult conflict to resolve is usually the _____ conflict. a) avoidance-avoidance b) approach-approach c) approach-avoidance d) none of these options

a) avoidance-avoidance

Samsara is an idealistic person who is exposed to chronic stress in her emotionally draining job as an air traffic controller. The BEST term to describe what Samsara is likely to experience as a result of this situation is _____. a) burnout b) frustration c) technostress d) work hassles

a) burnout

According to your text, most people do NOT have cancer because _____. a) the immune system keeps cancer cells in check b) they engage in essentially healthy habits c) the fight or flight syndrome functions today as well as it did in prehistoric times d) the general adaptation syndrome prevents the growth of cancer cells

a) the immune system keeps cancer cells in check

. According to the American psychological Association (2011) website, about 70% of U.S. adults have experienced a severe traumatic event, and one in ____ go on to develop symptoms of PTSD. a) 3 b) 5 c) 10 d) 15

b) 5

As Michael watches his instructor pass out papers, he suddenly realizes this is the first major exam and he is totally unprepared. Which phase of the GAS is the he most likely experiencing? a) Resistance b) Alarm c) Exhaustion d) Phase out

b) Alarm

Which of the following is NOT part of your textbook author's directions for progressive relaxation? a) Get into a comfortable position. b) Begin and end the session with muscles slightly tensed. c) Breathe deeply and slowly. d) Notice the difference between muscles when they are tense and relaxed.

b) Begin and end the session with muscles slightly tensed.

Which of the following would NOT be researched by health psychologists? a) Work pressures b) Broken bones c) Life-threatening situations d) Chronic illness

b) Broken bones

_____________ is an attempt to manage stress in some effective way. a) Focus b) Resiliency c) Appraisal d) Coping

b) Broken bones

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics associated with hardiness? a) Challenge b) Competition c) Commitment d) Control

b) Competition

Which of the following is NOT one of the major causes of stress identified in your TEXT? a) Life changes b) Daily routines c) Burnout d) Hassles

b) Daily routines

This term refers to a person's belief that life's circumstances are either under their internal, personal control or due to outside, external factors. a) Localization belief b) Locus of control c) Attribution of control d) Location of efficacy

b) Locus of control

. In simple terms, coping is defined in your text as _____. a) avoiding stress b) attenuating stress c) managing stress in an effective way d) solving problems

c) managing stress in an effective way

Which of the following situations is the BEST example of eustress? a) Akiko is struggling to complete the last mile of her first triathlon. b) Mose is performing his regular, moderate workout at the gym. c) Alban just sprained his ankle playing a grueling tennis match. d) Both Akiko and Mose best exemplify eustress.

b) Mose is performing his regular, moderate workout at the gym.

Survivors of cataclysmic events may develop a prolonged and severe stress reaction, known as _________. a) DEF b) PTSD c) OCD d) COPD


Which of the following is NOT among the characteristics associated with Type-A personality? a) Time urgency b) Patience c) Competition d) Hostility

b) Patience

This is a TRUE statement about SRRS scores. a) High scores cause an increase in illness. b) They are correlated with illness. c) Illness causes high scores. d) Scores of 150-199 are associated with an 80% chance of illness.

b) They are correlated with illness.

Intense ambition, competition, exaggerated time urgency, and a cynical, hostile outlook on life are associated with _____. a) Type B personalities b) Type A personalities c) most heart disease patients d) all of these options

b) Type A personalities

_____ is one of the largest sources of chronic stress for adults. a) Birth b) Work c) Christmas d) Moving

b) Work

A calm, patient, relaxed attitude toward life is associated with _____. a) an under-achiever b) a Type B personality c) a Type A personality d) all of these options

b) a Type B personality

Desmond sees an attractive woman whom he would like to meet. As he approaches her, his heart starts racing and his pupils dilate. In this situation, _____ is the stressor, and _____ is the stress. a) Desmond; Desmond's attraction to the woman b) approaching the attractive woman; Desmond's racing heart c) Desmond's racing heart and dilated pupils; the attractive woman d) none of these options; this is an enjoyable experience

b) approaching the attractive woman; Desmond's racing heart

A negative emotional state caused by having to choose between two or more incompatible goals or impulses is called _____. a) frustration b) conflict c) stress d) hostility

b) conflict

According to your text, the chemical that gives feedback information to the brain about the body's response to stress is _______. (p. 101) a) serotonin b) cortisol c) dopamine d) adrenaline

b) cortisol

Problem-focused forms of coping focus on _____. a) the severity of stress experienced b) decreasing or eliminating the source of stress c) eliminating the pain caused by the stressor d) all of these options

b) decreasing or eliminating the source of stress

. A small plane just crashed in your neighborhood. You take a fire extinguisher and blankets to the scene, then stand back and silently gather with others on the scene when you realize there is nothing you can do to help. In this situation, gathering quietly with others out of reverence and respect is an example of _____ coping. a) problem-focused b) emotion-focused c) active d) passive

b) emotion-focused

People who experience flashbacks, nightmares, and impaired functioning following a life-threatening or other horrifying event are _____. a) suffering from a psychosomatic illness b) experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder c) having a nervous breakdown d) weaker than people who take such events in stride

b) experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder

The H. pylori bacterium that is associated with ulcer formation is _____. a) not affected by antibiotics b) found in 75% of people who do not have ulcers c) found in 100% of patients with ulcers d) all of these options

b) found in 75% of people who do not have ulcers

Research suggests that people with higher _____ have less psychological stress than those with higher _____. a) external locus of control; internal locus of control b) internal locus of control; external locus of control c) emotion-focused coping styles; problem-focused coping styles d) problem-focused coping styles; emotion-focused coping styles

b) internal locus of control; external locus of control

Charles is eager to start a new career. He is committed to solve any problems that come his way, and believes he has control over what happens in his life. This suggests that Charles _____. a) has a Type A personality ' b) is psychologically hardy c) is at risk for a heart attack d) suffers from delusions of grandiosity

b) is psychologically hardy

Hardiness is _____. a) based on genetics b) learned c) undesirable d) positively correlated with cancer and heart disease

b) learned

Emotion-focused forms of coping are based on changing your _____ when faced with stressful situations. a) actions b) perceptions c) strategies d) all of these options

b) perceptions

According to your text, the degree of frustration you feel is related to _____. a) the number of stressors in your life b) your level of motivation to achieve a blocked goal c) the ratio of intrinsic to extrinsic motivators in the situation d) your innate frustration threshold

b) your level of motivation to achieve a blocked goal

If you want to apply a problem-focused form of coping to answering difficult questions on this exam, your BEST strategy would be to _____. a) make a guess and cross your fingers b) argue with your professor after class that some questions were unfair c) mark the questions about which you are uncertain, and return to answer them after checking other questions for clues d) all of these options

c) mark the questions about which you are uncertain, and return to answer them after checking other questions for clues

During the _____ phase of Selye's theory of stress, considerable energy is expended to adapt to the stressor. a) alarm reaction b) accelerated responsiveness c) resistance d) exhaustion

c) resistance

Dr. Sidney is treating a client with Type A personality by teaching him behavioral strategies for changing at least one characteristic per week until all the Type A traits disappear.. Dr. Sidney is practicing _____. a) unethically b) the target-behavior approach c) the shotgun approach d) short-term therapy

c) the shotgun

Research suggests that this Type A characteristic is MOST associated with heart disease. a) Intense ambition b) Impatience c) Cynical hostility d) Time urgency

c) Cynical hostility

Research on exercise and stress has found which of the following to be TRUE? a) It produces stress hormones, and can be more harmful than good. b) It exacerbates the muscle tension that builds up during stress. c) It increases strength and stamina for coping with future stress. d) Only mild or moderate exercise is helpful; strenuous exercise is detrimental to coping.

c) It increases strength and stamina for coping with future stress.

A man was viciously beaten three months ago and is suffering from PTSD. Which of the following symptoms is he LEAST likely to develop? a) Nightmares and sleep disturbances b) Withdrawal from personal relationships c) Manic and depressive episodes d) Anxiety and loss of control

c) Manic and depressive episodes

_____ is the field that studies the effects of psychological factors on the immune system. a) Psychosomatology b) Neurobiology c) Psychoneuroimmunology d) Biopsychology

c) Psychoneuroimmunology

. In your text, the physical and mental arousal to situations that we perceive as threatening or challenging is called _____. a) Distress b) Eustress c) Stress d) All of these options

c) Stress

. A small plane just crashed in your neighborhood. You take a fire extinguisher and blankets to the scene, and then stand back silently with others at the scene when you realize there is nothing you can do to help. As you gather, some by-standers begin to hold hands with each other or to cry softly. You are all silent as you watch the fire. Which behavior is an example of problem-focused forms of coping? a) Realizing there is nothing you can do to help b) Praying c) Taking the extinguisher and blankets to the scene d) All of these actions are problem-focused

c) Taking the extinguisher and blankets to the scene

. An elevator got stuck between floors and kept its occupants trapped for hours. Which of the occupants was likely to experience the MOST frustration? a) The child who was late for school b) The husband who was late for breakfast with his mother-in-law c) The woman who was late for her job interview d) The man who was late for root canal work at his dentist's office

c) The woman who was late for her job interview

In an approach-approach conflict, a person must choose between two or more goals that will lead to _____. a) less conflict b) frustration c) a desirable result d) effective coping

c) a desirable result

In an avoidance-avoidance conflict, a person must choose between two or more goals that will lead to _____. a) more conflict b) hostility c) an undesirable result d) ineffective coping

c) an undesirable result

Stress increases the risk of heart disease because unused fat cells released during the stress response may _____. a) erode the muscles of the heart b) force the heart to beat too rapidly c) be deposited on and block coronary arteries d) increase HDL cholesterol levels

c) be deposited on and block coronary arteries

Poor working conditions and/ or a bad marriage are classified in your text as: a) stressful life events b) hassles c) chronic stressors d) eustress

c) chronic stressors

The top five causes of death in the world today include: a) high blood pressure, poor nutrition, cancer b) mental illness, obesity, cancer and asthma c) coronary heart disease, strokes, lower respiratory infections, and diarrhea d) PTSD, COPD, smoking, and alcoholism

c) coronary heart disease, strokes, lower respiratory infections, and diarrhea

. The two chemicals released during the fight or flight stress response that are associated with the development of heart disease are _____. a) high-density and low-density cholesterol b) adrenaline and epinephrine c) cortisol and epinephrine d) insulin and leptin

c) cortisol and epinephrine

The end result of a total absence of stress is _____. a) euphoria b) eustress c) death d) nirvana

c) death

Karoshi" means _______. a) heart disease b) sing for your supper c) death from overworking d) job burnout

c) death from overworking

Tanner wants to make his mother's favorite dish - but he has no cardamom, an essential ingredient. He tries, unsuccessfully, to borrow some from three of his neighbors. He drives to several stores, but none of them have it. The negative emotion Tanner begins to experience is called _____. a) an avoidance-avoidance conflict b) the failure syndrome c) frustration d) stress-induced anger

c) frustration

People who interpret stress as challenging and interesting rather than threatening or frustrating are exhibiting _____. a) Type B thinking b) Type A thinking c) hardiness d) foolishness

c) hardiness

The release of cortisol during the fight or flight response occurs at the end of the _____ pathway. a) pituitary, Hypothalamus, Adrenal cortex b) pituitary, Adrenal cortex, Hypothalamus c) hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenal cortex d) adrenal Cortex, Hypothalamus, Pituitary

c) hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenal cortex

Money is an important coping resource because _____. a) people with money seldom experience stress b) it compensates for a lack of other coping resources or skills c) it increases your options for eliminating stressors or reducing stress d) none of these options; money is not an important coping resource

c) it increases your options for eliminating stressors or reducing stress

The stressor that includes role conflict and burnout is . a) eustress b) situational stress c) job stress d) role conflict

c) job stress

Which of the following persons is MOST likely to experience chronic stress? a) Zachary's father died of a heart attack three weeks ago. b) Junko has been in labor for 10 hours so far. c) Wen-Ho is stuck on a Los Angeles freeway at rush hour while visiting his aunt for the week. d) Paulette is shy and attending a new high school.

d) Paulette is shy and attending a new high school.

According to Selye, distress is _____. a) Neutral b) The result of internal stressors c) The result of external stressors d) Unpleasant

d) Unpleasant

In Selye's general adaptation syndrome theory of stress, the initial response of the autonomic nervous system to a stressor occurs in the _____ phase. a) resistance b) primary response c) global responsiveness d) alarm reaction

d) alarm reaction

The following is/are example(s) of cataclysmic events: a) hurricane Katrina in 2005 b) the Gulf oil spill in 2010 c) the nuclear accident in Japan in 2011 d) all of these

d) all of these

People with cynical hostility are more prone to heart disease because _____. a) they are nearly always in a stressful state b) their hostility and suspiciousness create interpersonal conflicts c) they tend to have higher blood pressure and heart rates d) all of these options

d) all of these options

The following disease(s) of adaptation that may occur after the resistance phase of the GAS: a) asthma b) high blood pressure c) ulcers d) all of these options

d) all of these options

Ulcers are associated with _____. a) the H. pylori bacterium b) an increase in stress hormones and hydrochloric acid c) a decrease in blood flow to the stomach d) all of these options

d) all of these options

Holmes is running for congress and has to decide whether or not to tell the truth about his use of drugs in high school. This is an example of _____. a) approach-approach conflict b) avoidance-avoidance conflict c) the problem with a democracy d) an approach-avoidance conflict

d) an approach-avoidance conflict

58. After exposure to a severe and prolonged stressor, illness and death may occur in the _____ phase of the general adaptation syndrome. (p. 102) a) terminal b) alarm c) resistance d) exhaustion

d) exhaustion

When diagnosed with diabetes, Derek placed his fate in the hands of the universe. Derek's method of coping suggests that he has an _____ locus of control. a) extrinsically motivated b) intrinsically motivated c) internal d) external

d) external

The body's state of equilibrium is called ______. (p. 103) a) corporal equilibrium b) corporal stability c) pathostability d) homeostasis

d) homeostasis

People who think of their professions as a "calling", such as nurses, _________. a) rarely experience burnout due to their idealism. b) may experience burnout, but do so significantly less often than police officers. c) are not vulnerable to burnout. d) may burnout due to loss of idealism.

d) may burnout due to loss of idealism.

A cataclysmic event a) is a high-level, chronic stressor b) is a personal, intense stressor involving loss c) causes interpersonal distress d) may not be as stressful as we think

d) may not be as stressful as we think

Smoking prevention programs that focus on adolescents tend to be _________ . a) very effective b) moderately effective c) immediately effective d) relatively ineffective

d) relatively ineffective

Cancer can result from: a) problems metabolizing oxygen b) abnormal pancreatic functioning, which can alter hormone levels c) the adrenal glands releasing insufficient cortisol d) stress, which releases hormones that suppresses immune functioning

d) stress, which releases hormones that suppresses immune functioning

Hans Selye defined stress as . a) environmental factors that result in anxiety b) the physiological reaction of the body to environmental factors c) a negative emotion resulting from environmental unpleasantness d) the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it

d) the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it

Hypercortisolism can lead to all EXCEPT which of the following: a) hypertension b) depression c) PTSD d) drug and alcohol abuse e) it can lead to all of these choices

e) it can lead to all of these choices

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