Psychology ch. 1

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experimental group

group that receives the experimental maniuplation


has a medical degree and is a medical doctyor who has specialize din the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders

experimenter effect

has to do with the expectations of the experimenter, not the participants

Participant observation

observers might use one-way mirrors, or they might actually become participants in a group

case studies

one individual is studied in great detail, and try to learn everything about that individual

single-blind study

participants are "blind" the the treatment they receive

critical thinking criteria

1. there are very few "truths" that do not need to be subjected to testing. 2. All evidence is not equal in quality 3. Just because someone is considered to be an authority or to have a lot of expertise does not make everything that person claims automatically true 4. critical thinking requires an open mind.

Mary Whiton Calkins

Fire female president of the American Psychological Association (Denied a Ph. D. degree by Harvard because she was a woman) established a psychological laboratory at Wellesley College

Francis Cecil Sumner

First African American to earn a Ph. D. in psychology at Clark University Eventually became the chair of the psychology department at Howard University Father of African American Psychology


Focus on how the mind allows people to function in the real world -- how people work, play, and adapt to their surroundings

Cognitive (Perspective)

Focus on memory, intelligence, perception, thought processes, problem solving, language, and learning has become a major force in psyhology

Behavioral (Perspective)

Focus on operant conditioning, punishment, and reinforcement Operant conditioning, explains how voluntary behavior is learned _________ responses that are followed by pleasurable consequences are strengthened, or reinforced

Max Wertheimer

Gestalt "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" events such as perceiving and sensing could not be broken down into any smaller elements and still be properly understood


Has not medical training but has a doctorate degree

Evolutionary (perspective)

biological, mental traits shared by all humans; why we lie; afraid of snakes (fruit stickers) mind is seen as a set of information- processing machines designed by the game process of natural selection that Darwin first theorized allowing human beings to solve the problems faced in the early days of human evolution

random assignment

best way to ensure control over other interfering, or extraneous, variables

psychiatric social worker

trained in the area of social work and usually possesses a master's degree in that discipline

Laboratory Observation

used for observing things that is not practical to observe any other way / in its natural environment Control environment

control group

used to control for the possibility that other factors might be causing the effect that is being examined.

Independent variable

will not change despite whatever the partcipants do


"An organized whole" or "Configuration" studying sensation and perception

Representative sample

randomly select a certain number from a group to represent the whole group


The science of ______ reflex could be caused to occur in response to a formerly unrelated stimulus


Belief that every experience could be broken down into its individual emotions and sensations

Sigmund Freud

Neurologist in late 18th century in Vienna Proposed unconscious mind that we push, or repress, all of our threatening urges and desires psychoanalysis

John B. Watson

OF Babies and Rats, Little Albert behaviorism

Humanistic (Perspective)

Often called the "third force" in psychology People have the freedom to choose their own destiny Free will own full potential aimed at self-understanding and self-improvement


One of Wundt's students, took his ideas to Cornell University, expanded on his ideas and called it structuralism Believed objective introspection could be applied to thoughts as well as physical sensations "Tell me about things that are yellow"

Scientific method

Perceiving the question Forming a hypothesis testing the hypothesis drawing conclusions report your results

Ivan Pavlov

Russian physiologist who showed that a reflex could be caused to occur in response to a formerly unrelated stimulus Worked with dog and metronome, made dog salivate by sound of metronome


Sigmund Freud Insight therapy for fear and anxiety Unconscious - where you push or repress deepest wants and desires Focus on early childhood

Kenneth and Mamie Clark

Worked to show the negative effects of school segregation on African American Children

objective introspection

Wundt, process of objectively examinining and measuring one's own thoughts and mental activities


anything that can change or vary


ask questions ("I'm pretty sure naturalistic observation of human sexual behavior could end in an arrest!")

Biopsychological (Perspective)

attributes human and animal behavior to biological events; animal and human behavior is seen as direct result of things within the body

Sociocultural (Perspective)

combination of social psychology and cultural psychology; PErspective is important because it reminds people how peoples behavior affects others; social norms; fashion

Harvard university

first school in America to offer classes in psychology


entire group in which the researcher is interested

(Dr.) Charles Henry Thompson

first African American to receive a doctorate in educational psychology in 1925 from the University of Chicago. For 30 years he was the editor of the Journal of Negro Education.

(Dr.) Ruth Howard

is knon as the first African American woman to earn the Ph. D. in Psychology in 1934 from the University of Minnesota

critical thinking

means making reasoned judgments. The worded reasoned means that people's judgments should be logical and well thought out.


measure of the relationship between two or more variables

double-blind study

neither the participants nor the researcher know who got what

William Wudnt

physiologist, attempted to apply scientific principles to the study of the human mind. Rock in the hand. Laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879.

(Dr.) Albert Sidney Beckham

received his Ph. D in psychology in 1930 from NEw York University. He was senior assistant psychologist at the National Committee for Mental Hygiene at the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Rsearch in the early 1930s; he also counseled many Black youths in his role as the psychologist at Dusable High school in chicago.

correlation coefficient

represents the direction of the relationship and its strength


researchers deliberately manipulate the variable they think is causing some behavior while holding all of the others variables that might interfere with the experiment's results constant and unchanging.

Dependent variable

response of the participants that is measured

Operational definition

specifically names the operations that the experimenter must use to control or measure the variables in the experiement

William James

taught psychology at Harvard (First school to teach psychology), Wrote Principles of Psychology which is still in use today, interested in the importance of consciousness to everyday life rather than just its analysis "Conscious ideas are constantly flowing in an ever-changing stream, and once you start thinking about what you were just thinking about, what you were thinking about is no longer what you were thinking about -- it's what you are thinking about... etc" functionalism

observer effect

the act of observing something changes the way the thing being observed would behave

placebo effect

the expectations and biases of the participants in a study can influence their behavior

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