Psychology Ch 13- Learning

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studied the similarities of IQ between fraternal and identical twins


ranking of test cores in a way that indicates the ratio of scores lower and higher than a given score

percentile system

is used to assess personality characteristics, to identify problems and psychological disorders, and to predict a person's future behavior

personality test

how well a test predicts performance

predictive validity

test that focuses on how a person takes in information, makes decisions and approaches day-to-day tasks

projective personality tests

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is an example of this test of personality because the test taker is asked to tell a story about 20 different pictures

projective test

this type of personality test encourages test takers to respond freely and often invites them to tell stories about pictures, diagrams, or objects

projective test

proposed that a person's intelligence involves analytical, creative, and practical thinking skills

triarchic theory

proposed that a person's intelligence is composed of a general ability level and specific mental abilities

two-factor theory

he developed intelligence tests specifically for adults, children and preschoolers

David Wechsler

he proposed a theory of multiple intelligences

Howard Gardner

a test void of cultural bias

dove counterbalance intelligence test

mental processes that result in original, workable ideas


Larry P vs the California State Superintendent of Education was a court case against

cultural bias

criticism of some intelligence tests; the wording used may be more familiar to people of one social group than to another group

cultural bias

understanding and using knowledge of emotions effectively

emotional intelligence

ability to perceive and control movement, balance, agility and grace

body kinesthetic

come up with unusual and unexpected ideas; use something in a way different from the way in which it is normally used

break set creativity

criticisms of sternberg's theory of intelligence

hard to measure, at least with traditional measures

degree to which a characteristic is related to inherited genetic factors


the degree to which a characteristic is related to inherited genetic factors


ability to derive general rules and principles from presented information

inductive reasoning

ability to understand and adapt to the environment by using a combination of inherited abilities and learning experiences


standardized measure of intelligence based on a scale in which 100 is average

intelligence quotient

The Kuder Preference test is an type of ______________

interest inventory

the purpose is to determine a person's preferences, attitudes and interests

interest inventory

to decide on an occupation you might like, you'd take an_______________

interest inventory

the mathematical equation on IQ

Mental age/chronological age x100 = IQ

person with below normal mental capacity that possesses a special talent/mental ability to extremely high degree

savant syndrome

tendency to solve problems in the same way over and over

set creativity

criticisms of emotional intelligence

simply a measure of extraversion more research is needed

criticisms to gardner's theory of multiple intelligences

skills or talents? hard to measure

ability to visualize and manipulate patterns and forms in space

spatial relations

if you divide a test in half, score each half separately, and the two scores are approximately the same

split-half reliability

means a test must be administered and scored the same way every time


4 major aspects of emotional intelligence

-ability to perceive and express emotions accurately and appropriately -ability to use emotions while thinking -ability to understand emotions and use knowledge effectively -ability to regulate one's emotions to promote personal growth

highest IQ of a mentally handicapped person


he developed the first useful intelligence test

Alfred Binet

Two scientists that came up with the stanford-binet intelligence scale, the discovered the difference between mental and chronological age

Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon

came up with the theory of predictive validity

Anne anastasi

he proposed the two-factor theory

Charles Spearman

Standardized measure of intelligence based on a scale in which 100 is average

Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

he proposed that 7 factors made up one's intelligence


studied thousands of children with scores of over 150 on IQ tests

Lewis Terman

he proposed triarchic theory

Robert Sternberg

a test that measures the difference of a verbal scale and a performance scale

The Wechsler Test

is administered by a computer and may be called adaptive testing

achievement test

is validated in terms of its content validity

achievement test

not only allows instructors to assess student's knowledge but also allows students to assess their own progress

achievement test

Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence

analytical thinking skills creative thinking skills practical thinking skills

The American College Test is an example of an ____________

aptitude test

attempts to discover a person's talents and to predict how well he or she will be able to learn a new skill

aptitude test

is assessed primarily in terms of its predictive validity

aptitude test

people who are not mentally retarded but have a disorder found in people of normal intelligence who have difficulties in learning specific skills

learning disabilities

a below average intellectual functioning in which an individual is unable to handle tasks appropriate to his/her physical age

mentally handicapped

Standards of comparison for test results developed by giving the test to large, well-defined groups of people are the test's _______


The Myers-Briggs test is an example of this type of personality test because the test takers answer a series of multiple-choice questions

objective test

the revised Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI) is an example of this test of personality because the test taker's responses are limited to true, false, and cannot say

objective test

when taking this type of personality test, a person must select one of a small number of possible responses

objective test

the count of the number of items on a test to which one has provided the correct answer

raw score

the ability of a test to arrive at the same result under a variety of different circumstances


the fairness and usefulness of a test depends on these three things

reliability, standardization and validity

the ability of a test to measure what is is intended to measure


Howard Gardner's 9 intelligences

verbal- linguistic logical- mathematical visual- spatial musical- rhythmic bodily-kinesthetic interpersonal intrapersonal naturalist existential/pedagogical (under consideration)

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