Psychology Ch. 9, Psychology Ch. 10, Psychology Ch. 11, Psychology Ch. 12, Psychology Ch. 13, Psychology Ch. 14

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Troy is an American high school graduate who chose not to go on to college. He is likely to

be working in a low-paid, unskilled job.

Most Americans eat

because they feel like it or it is time to do so.

From the freshman to the senior year of college, most students

become better at reflecting on the quality of their thinking.


begins once body structures reach maximum capacity and efficiency.

School-age friends

behave more prosocially with each other.

Research has shown that parents promote gender stereotypes by

behaving in a more mastery-oriented fashion with sons than with daughters.

Mr. and Mrs. Frishman recently divorced. Their 5-year-old son is likely to

blame himself for the marital breakup.

Beginning in middle childhood, children's self-descriptions start to emphasize

both negative and positive traits.

The dropout rate in the United States is higher among __________ than __________ and is particularly high among __________.

boys; girls; lower-SES ethnic minorities

Carlie engages in strict dieting and excessive exercise accompanied by binge eating, often followed by deliberate vomiting and purging with laxatives. Carlie suffers from

bulimia nervosa.

Studies of friendship during middle childhood show that

by age 8 or 9, most children name only a handful of good friends.

Biological aging

can be modified substantially through interventions.

As long as loneliness is not overwhelming, it

can encourage young people to reach out to others.

The main reason for limiting saturated fats is that they are strongly connected with

cardiovascular disease.

To work well, vocational education must

carefully integrate academic and job-related instruction.

The most commonly abused substances in the United States are

cigarettes and alcohol.

In families with 5 to 10 siblings,

close sibling bonds may replace friendships.

With the birth of Brenda's first child, she felt more fulfilled than ever before. However, she also acknowledged feelings of concern and fear over being able to meet all of her parental responsibilities while maintaining personal happiness and satisfaction. Brenda's thinking reflects

cognitive-affective complexity.

People who cohabit after separation or divorce __________ than never-married cohabiters.

cohabit longer

Russell and Janine are involved in a sexually intimate relationship and share an apartment. Their relationship is referred to as


Homosexuals tend to live in

college towns.

The voluntary childless are usually


In the transformation of romantic involvements from passionate to companionate, __________ may be the aspect of love that determines whether a relationship survives.


Karen considers two theories she studied in her college philosophy course. She determines that neither theory is entirely accurate, and she tries to formulate a more satisfying perspective that synthesizes contradictions. Karen is engaged in

commitment within relativistic thinking.

Adam and Drake have a warm and trusting relationship. They share attitudes and values. They exchange trusting affection and caregiving. According to Sternberg, Adam and Drake display __________ love.


College students of Asian heritage are more likely than those of American or European descent to endorse a view of love strongly based on


To study the impact of biological aging on motor skills, researchers focus on

competitive athletes.

Following a social clock of some kind seems to foster

confidence and social stability.

By age 7 or 8, children

consider prosocial and antisocial intentions for truthfulness.

Levinson found that during the transition to early adulthood, most young people

constructed an image of themselves in the adult world that guided their decision making.

Ryan is a typical emerging adult. Which of the following is he likely to say is the most essential for attaining adult status?

constructing a set of beliefs and values to live by

An important feature of good communication in a romantic relationship is

constructive conflict resolution.

On a measure of peer acceptance, Michael received a large number of positive and negative votes. Michael would be considered a __________ child.


Alan likes well-structured tasks and values material possessions. Alecia prefers working with people. According to Holland's six personality types, Alan is __________ and Alecia is __________.

conventional; social

Regardless of the extent of their friction, divorcing parents who manage to engage in __________ greatly improve their children's chances of growing up competent, stable, and happy.


Effective parents gradually shift control from adult to child. They do not let go entirely but, rather, engage in


Employed mothers who value their parenting role are more likely to use


Seven-year-old Adea is asked to evaluate evidence about a hypothesis. She will probably

deal with only one or two possible variables and be unable to deal with three or more.

Rejected-aggressive children are

deficient in perspective taking.

Contemporary men and women

differ little in average number of lifetime sexual partners.

Colleges that __________ have a higher percentage of dropouts.

do little to help high-risk students

Xavier believes everything his college professor says because she is in a respected position. Xavier accepts what the professor says because he believes that knowledge is certain and the professor has that knowledge. Xavier is engaged in

dualistic thinking.

During middle childhood,

each parent tends to devote more time to children of their own sex.

Telomere shortening predicts

earlier death.

When an adult suffers from atherosclerosis, it typically develops

early in life and progresses during middle adulthood.

Follow-ups reveal that __________-maturing __________, especially, are prone to lasting difficulties.

early; girls

Girls with a history of family conflict tend to reach puberty __________, whereas those with warm, stable family ties tend to reach puberty __________.

early; relatively late

Postponing childbearing until the late twenties or thirties

eases the transition to parenthood.

Early sexual activity is more common among young people from

economically disadvantaged homes

Asian parents and teachers are more likely than their American counterparts to view __________ as key to success.


Cliff and Claire are married and have four children. Cliff works as a doctor, and Claire works as a lawyer. They both try to balance the time and energy they devote to their occupations, their children, and their relationship. They have a(n) __________ marriage.


Most well-educated, career-oriented women expect a(n) __________ marriage.


The life pursuits and subjective judgments of many contemporary young people have spawned the __________ transitional period, extending from the late teens to the mid- to late-twenties.

emerging adulthood

When Erica's best friend makes her angry, she takes a deep breath and counts to ten. Erica is using

emotion-centered coping.

Threats to __________ health accelerate puberty, whereas threats to __________ health delay it.

emotional; physical

Danielle saw a man carrying a sign that said "I'm hungry." She took the man's perspective, imagined how he felt, and asked her mom if she could give her allowance to the man so that he could buy some food. Danielle has developed


By third grade, most school-age children justify their preference for verbal strategies for coping with negative emotion by

emphasizing concern for others' feelings.

Parents who __________ are more likely to gain in marital interaction, feel competent as parents, use effective child-rearing practices, and have children who are developing well.

engage in effective coparenting

Bryson and his co-workers are developing a new sales strategy. When Bryson's conclusions differ radically from the rest of the team, he considers the justifiability of his conclusions and revises them slightly. Bryson is engaged in

epistemic cognition.

In 1972, the U.S. federal government required schools receiving public funds to provide

equal opportunities for males and females in all educational programs.

Contemporary research suggests that the storm-and-stress notion of adolescence is


African Americans usually __________ than Caucasian Americans with equivalent job qualifications.

experience less stable employment

For young adults, __________ is supported by the specialization that begins with selecting a college major or an occupation.


During the realistic period of vocational development, the first step is often __________ and the final phase is __________.

exploration; crystallization

Girls __________ are more likely to become lesbian or bisexual.

exposed prenatally to very high levels of androgens or estrogens

Children in Western nations mention __________ as the most common source of their fears.

exposure to negative information in the media

The imaginary audience is most likely responsible for adolescents'

extreme self-consciousness and sensitivity to public criticism.

Research shows that many adolescents do not use contraception during sexual activity because they

fail to apply their reasoning skills to everyday situations.

With respect to propositional thought, young children have great difficulty reasoning from premises that contradict reality or their own beliefs because they

fail to grasp the logical necessity of propositional reasoning.

In making decisions, teenagers, more often than adults,

fall back on well-learned intuitive judgments.

Maddy, age 7, is presented with the following statement: If rats are bigger than cats and cats are bigger than mice, then rats are bigger than mice. She will probably judge such reasoning to be

false because not all relations specified occur in real life.

Emma left home to attend college and lived on her own until she got married. As her own children grew up and left home, her parenting responsibilities declined. She eventually retired and her husband died. This series of phases that Emma has experienced is referred to as the

family life cycle.

Frequency of __________ is strongly associated with healthy eating in adolescents.

family meals

The most successful treatment for anorexia usually involves

family therapy and medication to reduce anxiety and neurotransmitter imbalances.

As school-age children move into adolescence, self-concept is increasingly vested in

feedback from close friends.

Christine, a college graduate, held a variety of part-time jobs in her early twenties. She had neither married nor begun a career by age 30. According to Neugarten, Christine is likely to

feel inadequately grounded.

Which of the following three-phase sequences do many homosexual adolescents and adults move through in coming out to themselves and others?

feeling different, confusion, and self-acceptance

Dwayne feels that his parents and peers disapprove of his knitting hobby. His parents have tried to encourage him to consider other hobbies, such as woodworking or coin collecting. Dwayne is distressed and stops knitting. Which of the following accurately describes Dwayne's gender identity self-evaluation?

feels pressure to conform to gender roles

According to Vaillant, men become "keepers of meaning," or guardians of their culture, in their

fifties and sixties.

On average, people in their twenties experience __________ job changes.

five or six

When John succeeds, his father says, "You're so smart!" However, when he fails, his father says, "You can't do that, can you? It's OK if you quit." John's father's messages could play a key role in John's adoption of a

fixed view of ability.

Children who believe that people's personality traits are __________ rather than __________ often judge others as either "good" or "bad."

fixed; changeable

Coregulation is a(n)

form of supervision in which parents exercise general oversight while letting children take charge of moment-by-moment decision making.

Central Middle School has a large student body. Staff can minimize the effects of school transitions by

forming smaller units within the school.

In the United States, one in every _____ individuals is likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease at some point in life.


In middle childhood, __________ contributes to the development of trust and sensitivity.


Marleen, an obese adult, lost 20 pounds over the course of a year. Within the next two years, she is most likely to

gain back 20 or more pounds.

Research findings indicate that

gay and lesbian parents are as committed to and effective as heterosexual parents.

Octavio feels comfortable being a boy, which consequently makes him happy. Which of the following self-evaluations reflects Octavio's gender identity?

gender contentedness

Some aspects of __________, such as childbearing and child rearing, are under way in the twenties and thirties.


The __________ theory of aging receives some support from kinship studies indicating that longevity is a family trait.

genetically programmed

Decreased vigor of the immune response seems to be

genetically programmed, but intensified by other aging processes.

Children whose mothers enjoy their work outside the home and remain committed to parenting __________ than children of stay-at-home mothers.

get better grades in school

Despite their higher achievement, __________ often blame poor performance on __________.

girls; lack of ability

Part-time maternal employment and flexible work schedules are associated with

good child adjustment.

The earlier people start smoking, the

greater their cigarette consumption.

By the end of middle childhood, children display a strong desire for

group belonging.

The more adults highlight __________, the more likely white children will express in-group favoritism and out-group prejudice.

group distinctions

Compared to his Western agemates, Chao, who lives in China, will most likely describe himself by referencing his

group memberships and relationships.

The average age of leaving home

has risen since the 1960s.

Stimulation and fun, as well as growth and learning experiences, are some of the most important reasons that many adults cite for choosing to

have children.

Teachers who are __________ and emphasize __________ tend to have mastery-oriented students.

helpful; learning over getting good grades

Studies show that __________ makes an important contribution to homosexuality.


Self-esteem takes on a __________ structure in the mid-elementary school years.


Immigrants from collectivist cultures report

higher levels of loneliness than people born in the United States and Canada.

Compared to his Caucasian-American agemates, Leonard, an African-American fourth grader, is more likely to have

higher self-esteem and a stronger sense of ethnic pride.

Compared with __________ adults, __________ adults show a stronger cardiovascular response to stress.

higher-SES; low-SES

Fifteen-year-old Mary has become critical of her parents and siblings, yet envisions a world with no injustice or discrimination. This is typical of the __________ that manifests during the development of abstract reasoning.


While __________ development continues to be a central focus from the late teens into the mid-twenties, the decade of the twenties is accompanied by a rise in feelings of __________.

identity; personal control over life events

The ability to distinguish theory from evidence and use logical rules to examine their relationship

improves steadily from childhood into adolescence.

The majority of women with children are

in the work force.

Lesbian mothers, Michelle and Diana, and gay fathers, Cameron and Neil, are concerned that their children will be stigmatized by their parents' sexual orientation. Most studies indicate that

incidents of teasing or bullying are rare because parents and children carefully manage the information they reveal to others.

After marriage, other-sex friendships

increase for women.

Research shows that divorce mediation

increases involvement of both parents in child rearing.

Jacob, a sixth grader, entered the middle school academic bowl. According to Erikson, by entering the competition, Jacob shows


Erikson's sense of __________ combines several developments of middle childhood: a positive but realistic self-concept, pride in accomplishment, moral responsibility, and cooperative participation with agemates.


According to Erikson, a sense of __________ can develop in middle childhood when family life fails to prepare children for school life or when teachers and peers destroy children's self-confidence with negative responses.


Most researchers today believe that adolescent development is

influenced by biological, psychological, and social forces.

Compared to preschoolers, school-age children are more likely to explain emotion by referring to __________ rather than to __________.

internal states; external events

Deficits in __________ foreshadow poor conflict-resolution skills and eventual weakening of the marital tie.


According to Erikson, the psychological conflict of early adulthood is

intimacy versus isolation.

According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love,

intimacy, passion, and commitment shift in emphasis as romantic relationships develop.

Max enjoys working with ideas; Madison is emotional and has a high need for individual expression. According to Holland's six personality types, Max is __________ and Madison is __________.

investigative; artistic

Bernice and Leo never had children. They married in their thirties, and their efforts at fertility treatments did not succeed. Bernice and Leo are

involuntarily childless.

The most common nutritional problem of adolescence is __________ deficiency.


Dr. Rodin is conducting a study on environmental factors that contribute to telomere length. Dr. Rodin can expect to find that telomere shortening

is accelerated by certain health behaviors and psychological states

Compared to men, the coordination of identity and intimacy __________ for women.

is more complex

Among American young people, cohabitation

is now the preferred mode of entry into a committed intimate partnership.

The overall rate of STDs is higher among women than men because

it is at least twice as easy for a man to infect a woman with any STD than for a woman to infect a man.

Leaving home very early is associated with

job seeking rather than education.

Adolescents whose parents engage in __________ decision making achieve better academically.


Jennifer and Joel's children reside with Joel and see Jennifer on a fixed schedule. Both parents have an equal say in important decisions about their children's upbringing. Which type of custodial arrangement do they have?

joint custody

When faced with a propositional reasoning problem, 17-year-old Max is likely to

justify his reasoning by explaining the logical rules on which it is based.

High-achieving students typically have parents who

keep tabs on their child's progress.

Research shows that maternal employment

leads fathers to take on greater child-care responsibilities.

Children who develop __________ attribute their failures, not their successes, to ability.

learned helplessness

Over time, the ability of __________ children no longer predicts how well they do.


Men and women today are __________ than in previous generations.

less certain about how to rear children

Trena is an overweight adult. Compared with her normal-weight agemates, Trena is

less likely to receive financial aid for college.

According to Levinson, wide individual differences exist in the weights of central and peripheral components of a person's

life structure.

Jason, a late-maturing boy, is

likely to be viewed by both peers and adults as anxious.

A survey of a nationally representative sample of U.S. 8- to 18-year-olds found that their most frequent type of media multitasking is

listening to music.

99) Differences in __________ skills are believed to be major contributions to a widening gender gap in college enrollments.


Children who __________ are especially vulnerable to sexual abuse.

live in homes with a constantly changing cast of characters

Lisa, age 27, is unhappy because she lacks the gratifying friendships she once had during college and she does not have an intimate partner. Lisa is experiencing


Compared to shorter-term friendships,

long-lasting male friends disclose more personal information to one another.

Animal species with __________life expectancies tend to display __________ free-radical damage to DNA.

longer; slower rates of

According to the cross-linkage theory of aging, bonds between protein fibers in connective tissue can lead to

loss of flexibility in the skin and clogging of arteries.

The most common disadvantage of parenthood cited by contemporary couples is

loss of freedom.

Kia, age 14, uses hypothetico-deductive reasoning. Therefore, she probably

makes predictions about variables that might affect an outcome and then deduces logical, testable inferences from that hypothesis.

In the United States,

many people show large weight gains between the ages of 25 and 40.

Children who are high in academic self-esteem and motivation make __________ attributions, crediting their successes to __________.

mastery-oriented; ability

Adolescents feel most comfortable with peers who

match their own level of biological maturity.

Recent research on gender-stereotyped beliefs about achievement found that a majority of elementary and secondary students agreed with the idea that __________ is a "__________" subject.

math; feminine

The gender gap favoring males in mathematical reasoning is large for

mental rotation tasks.

88) Researchers believe that sophisticated __________ is vital for scientific reasoning.

metacognitive understanding

A large, nationally representative sample of U.S. working adults showed that employees with several time-flexible options

missed fewer days of work.

In adolescence, the speed of thinking and processing capacity increase. As a result,

more information can be held at once in working memory and combined into increasingly complex, efficient representations.

Compared with adult mothers, adolescent mothers

more often engage in child abuse.

During the school years, friendship becomes

more psychologically based.

Free radicals are thought to be involved in

more than 60 disorders of aging.

Compared with men in China and Japan, American men place __________ emphasis on their mate's __________.

more; financial prospects

Fathers frequently turn to __________ to figure out how to relate to their child.


Research shows that declines in well-being following divorce are greatest for

mothers of young children.

In the chemistry of aging, a free radical is a

naturally occurring, highly reactive chemical that forms in the presence of oxygen.

At the end of high school, about 65 percent of U.S. young people have had sexual intercourse; by age 25, __________ have done so.

nearly all

Nadia's parents are repeatedly disapproving and insulting. As a result, Nadia probably __________ and relies heavily on __________ to affirm her self-worth

needs constant reassurance; peers

On a measure of peer acceptance, Dustin was seldom mentioned either positively or negatively. Dustin would be considered a __________ child.


Adolescents who reach the formal operational stage of cognitive development

no longer require concrete things and events as objects of thought.

Ellen and Jane recently had a new baby. If they are like most new parents, the arrival of the baby will

not cause significant marital strain.

Between the ages of 6 and 12, children become more aware

of circumstances likely to spark mixed emotions.

Family and friends can help a dieter by

offering encouragement and helping foster the dieter's self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Low-SES young people in Western nations who experience a limited or nonexistent emerging adulthood

often encounter a "floundering period" during which they alternate between unemployment and dead-end, low-paying jobs.

Sam is an American sixth grader. Compared to his Asian agemates, when asked to describe himself, Sam is more likely to say which of the following?

"I like hockey."

Which of the following questions or statements will likely elicit accurate, detailed information from a child witness?

"Tell me what happened."

About _____ percent of North American and Western European teenage girls are affected by anorexia nervosa.


Boys account for about __________ percent of cases of anorexia.

10 to 15

Most cases of school phobia appear around age

11 to 13.

The high school dropout rate in the United States is about _____ percent.


Among new marriages in the United States, _____ percent are between partners of a different race or ethnicity


Which of the following teens is likely to have the most stable moods?

19-year-old Jesse

About __________ percent of children in divorced families display severe problems

20 to 25

About _____ percent of children are bullies, while _____ percent are repeatedly victimized.

20; 25

24) Which of the following statements about identity development is true?

24) Which of the following statements about identity development is true? A) Adolescents of both sexes typically make progress on identity concerns before experiencing genuine intimacy in relationships.

About _____ percent of U.S. 18- to 29-year-olds are unaffiliated with a particular faith.


By the end of high school, _____ percent of U.S. young people have tried at least one highly addictive and toxic substance.


In males, semen volume, sperm motility, and percentage of normal sperm decrease gradually after age


By age 6 to 7, children in diverse Western cultures have formed at least __________ broad self-evaluations.


Today, about _____ percent of U.S. births are to single mothers.


At age 6, the average North American child weighs _____ pounds and is _____ feet tall.

45; 3½

In the United States, 1 out of _____ sexually active teenagers contracts a sexually transmitted disease each year.


School-age children are likely to view which of the following activities as nearly as bad as a moral transgression?

5-year-old Mark wearing his mother's nail polish

About _____ percent of young people report getting information from parents about intercourse, pregnancy prevention, and sexually transmitted disease.


Nearly _____ percent of adolescents in the United States and other Western countries report having had sexual intercourse.


Many gay men and lesbians first sensed their biologically determined sexual orientation between ages __________, when they discovered __________.

6 and 12; their play interests were more like those of the other gender

According to a recent survey of all 50 U.S. state high school athletic associations, ______ percent of sports participants are boys.


After age __________, both majority and minority children express in-group favoritism.

7 to 8

Today, ____ percent of American married couples bear children.


What percent of Americans have been married at least once?


Ryan is a long-distance swimmer. Ryan can expect his speed to drop off at an accelerating pace when he reaches about age


Adolescents need about _____ hours of sleep each night.


By the early thirties, _____ percent of U.S. young adults live on their own.


Today, the percentage of U.S. young people completing high school by age 24 is just over _____ percent.


52) Research on the origins of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) indicates that

A) ADHD is highly heritable.

117) Which of the following statements about racial integration in U.S. schools today is true?

A) African-American children are just as likely to attend a school that serves a mostly black population as they were in the 1960s.

83) Which of the following statements about sibling relationships in adolescence is true?

A) Attachment between siblings remains strong for most young people.

84) Which of the following individuals would be the most likely to mention cognitive traits when asked to describe an intelligent first grader?

A) Barbara, a Caucasian

24) __________ contribute greatly to emotional and social development and are rarely contests of individual ability.

A) Child-invented games

72) Which of the following contributes to the superiority of Chinese over U.S. children's math knowledge?

A) Chinese parents provide their preschoolers with extensive practice in counting and adding.

39) Which of the following statements about children's map-making abilities is true?

A) Cultural frameworks influence children's map making.

119) As a child, David was negative, restless, willful, and physically aggressive. By age 8, he was already engaging in petty theft. Jason was a happy child who did well in school but began displaying antisocial behavior around age 13, and gradually moved to more severe delinquent acts. Which of the following statements about David and Jason is true?

A) David is at higher risk for leading a life full of aggression and criminality.

114) Which of the following statements about adolescent suicide is true?

A) Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths are at a high risk for suicide.

109) Which of the following statements about sex differences in adolescent depression is true?

A) In developing countries, rates of depression are similar for males and females.

28) Which of the following statements about children's rough-and-tumble play is true?

A) It helps children form a dominance hierarchy.

28) __________ individuals are the least mature in identity development.

A) Long-term diffused

99) Which of the following statements about dating is true?

A) Secure attachment to parents in infancy and childhood, together with recollections of that security in adolescence, predicts quality of teenagers' romantic ties.

86) __________ rises over the adolescent years.

A) Self-disclosure between friends

111) The suicide rate is low in __________, intermediate in __________, and high in __________.

A) Spain; the United States; Finland

37) Gilles finds it difficult to consider two points of view when presented with the "Heinz dilemma." He tends to overlook people's intentions and, instead, focuses on fear of authority and avoidance of punishment as reasons for behaving morally. Gilles is at which of Kohlberg's stages of moral development?

A) Stage 1: The punishment and obedience orientation

90) __________ is the preferred means of electronic interaction between teenage friends.

A) Texting

115) Which of the following statements about cooperative learning is true?

A) When more expert students cooperate with less expert students, both benefit in achievement and self-esteem.

70) With regard to teaching mathematics, most experts agree that

A) a blend of both drill in computing and "number sense," or understanding, is most beneficial.

112) According to research on class size, in which of the following elementary classrooms will children likely score the highest in reading and math achievement?

A) a class of 13 to 17 students with only one teacher

40) Although 8-year-old Claire can easily arrange sticks of differing lengths from shortest to tallest, she cannot solve the following problem: "Jack is taller than Sam, and Sam is taller than Max. Who is the tallest?" This is because Claire's concrete mental operations work poorly with

A) abstract ideas.

32) Roni is an adolescent immigrant from a collectivist culture. The longer his family has been in the United States, the lesser Roni feels committed to obeying his parents and fulfilling family obligations. As a result, Roni may experience

A) acculturative stress.

106) Research shows that children who engage in as little as 21 minutes of independent reading per day

A) are exposed to nearly 2 million words per year.

62) In a study of rural children in Cameroon, Africa, those who __________ performed much better on theory-of-mind tasks.

A) attended school

115) Which of the following contributes to the sharp rise in suicide from childhood to adolescence?

A) belief in the personal fable

13) Landon's parents wonder how his self-esteem will differentiate in adolescence. Landon will probably add which of the following dimensions of self-evaluation to those of middle childhood?

A) close friendship, romantic appeal, and job competence

121) Which of the following is a characteristic of late-onset delinquency?

A) conduct problems arising from the peer context of early adolescence

76) The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition,

A) contains nonverbal subtests that do not require spoken language.

4) Once formed, identity

A) continues to be refined in adulthood as people reevaluate earlier commitments and choices.

9) Thirteen-year-old Sarah describes herself as "shy" and "outgoing." She also says she is "a smart airhead." These disparities probably result from the expansion of Sarah's social world, which

A) creates pressure to display different selves in different relationships.

94) In high school, Jamie is a class leader. She is highly social and involved in several activities. Jamie socializes with a large, loosely organized group of popular classmates. This group is Jamie's

A) crowd.

104) School-age children's attitude toward language undergoes a fundamental shift when they

A) develop language awareness.

50) On hypothetical dilemmas as well as everyday moral problems, adolescent and adult females

A) display reasoning at the same stage as their male agemates and often at a higher stage.

56) To help herself remember that she needed cat food and gloves at the store, Cheryl imagined a cat wearing gloves. Which memory strategy did Cheryl use?

A) elaboration

74) Researchers use a complicated statistical technique called factor analysis to

A) evaluate a child's behavior during an intelligence test.

68) According to the pragmatic approach to morality,

A) everyday moral judgments are practical tools that people use to achieve their goals.

47) The information-processing perspective

A) examines separate aspects of thinking.

79) Componential analysis involves

A) examining relationships between aspects of information processing and children's intelligence test scores.

30) Adolescents who __________ tend to be in a state of moratorium or identity achievement.

A) feel attached to their parents but also free to voice their own opinions

20) Shelby accepts her family's religious beliefs without question. She is characterized by identity

A) foreclosure.

52) Kremlin, age 15, firmly asserts he has control over his clothing and hairstyle choices. Which of the following will Kremlin also argue is not subject to control by authority figures?

A) friendships

67) Educators who advocate a whole-language approach argue that

A) from the beginning, children should be exposed to text in its complete form so that they can appreciate the communicative function of written language.

69) As Lucinda enters adolescence, she begins to worry about walking, talking, eating, dressing, and laughing in ways consistent with a feminine gender role. Lucinda is experiencing

A) gender intensification.

43) Some investigators have concluded that the forms of logic required by Piagetian tasks do not emerge spontaneously but, rather, are

A) heavily influenced by training, context, and cultural conditions.

96) Once adolescents join a clique or crowd,

A) it can modify their beliefs and behavior.

16) Middle-ear infections become __________ frequent in middle childhood because the Eustachian tube becomes __________.

A) less; longer, narrower, and more slanted

122) Serious violent crime is

A) mostly the domain of boys.

87) A major shortcoming of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is that

A) neurological evidence for the independence of his abilities is weak.

58) Cross-cultural research on memory indicates that

A) people in non-Western cultures who lack formal schooling do not use or benefit from instruction in memory strategies.

66) As children make the transition from emergent literacy to conventional reading, __________ continues to predict reading and spelling progress.

A) phonological awareness

36) At Kohlberg's __________ level, morality is externally controlled.

A) preconventional

119) Compared to single-grade classrooms, multigrade classrooms

A) produce students who perform better academically.

82) During adolescence, sibling

A) relationships often become less intense, in both positive and negative feelings.

89) Mrs. Ritchie wants to foster her students' emotional intelligence. Her lesson plans should use active learning techniques that provide skill practice in __________ and __________.

A) respect and caring for others; resistance to unfavorable peer pressure

34) Jamal is able to think through a series of steps and then mentally return to the starting point. Therefore, Jamal is capable of

A) reversibility.

101) Research shows that __________ predicts school performance at least as well as, and sometimes better than, IQ does.

A) self-discipline

25) During middle childhood, child-invented games usually involve

A) simple physical skills and a sizable element of luck.

5) Among school-age children from middle- to high-SES families, insufficient dietary iron and folate predicted

A) slightly lower mental test performance.

71) Which of the following is the most likely to contribute to gender intensification in adolescence?

A) the magnification of sex differences in appearance caused by puberty

77) Throughout adolescence, __________ is the single most consistent predictor of mental health

A) the quality of the parent-child relationship

21) Research on sex differences in motor skills during middle childhood indicates that

A) they become more pronounced in some instances.

Which of the following statements about alcohol use in adulthood is true?

About half of police activities in large cities involve alcohol-related offenses.

Which of the following statements about diets and dieters is true?

About one-third of Americans on weight-reduction diets are within their normal weight range.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about divorce statistics?

About two-thirds of divorced parents marry again.

Some evidence suggests that __________-American families may better prepare girls for menarche, treat it as an important milestone, and express less conflict over girls reaching sexual maturity.


__________ is the most consistent predictor of marital stability.

Age of marriage

Which of the following statements about alcoholism is true?

Alcoholism crosses SES and ethnic lines but is higher in some groups than others.

_________ leads the globe in overweight and obesity.

American Samoa

Research on mathematical abilities in adolescence shows that

American boys and girls reach advanced levels of high school math study in equal proportions.

Which of the following statements about the "random events" theory of biological aging is true?

Animal studies confirm an increase in DNA breaks and deletions and damage to other cellular material with age.

Which of the following statements about children's understanding of individual rights is true?

As early as age 6, children view freedom of speech and religion as individual rights.

Which of the following statements about the sex lives of American adults is true?

As number of sex partners increases, satisfaction declines sharply.

Which of the following statements about cultural influences on self-esteem is true?

Asian children score lower in self-esteem than U.S. children.

Which of the following statements about homosexuality is true?

Attraction to members of the same sex is not limited to teens who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual.

__________ parenting is linked to higher grades in school among adolescents varying widely in SES.


__________ secrete antibodies into the bloodstream that multiply, capture foreign substances, and permit the blood system to destroy them.

B cells

11) Which of the following statements exemplifies 15-year-old Noah's awareness that psychological qualities can vary from one situation to the next?

B) "I have a fairly quick temper."

112) The number of boys who kill themselves exceeds the number of girls by a ratio of

B) 3 or 4 to 1.

45) Among college-educated young adults, Kohlberg's Stage _____ reasoning is the typical response.

B) 4

7) A body mass index (BMI) above the __________ percentile for a child's age and sex is considered overweight, a BMI above the __________ percentile obese.

B) 75th; 85th

34) Which of the following statements about bicultural identity is true?

B) Biculturally identified adolescents tend to have especially favorable relations with members of other ethnic groups.

120) Which of the following statements about inclusion is true?

B) Children with special needs often do best when they receive instruction in a resource room for part of the day and in the regular classroom for the remainder.

102) Which of the following statements is supported by research on dynamic assessment?

B) Children's capacity to transfer what they have learned to novel problems contributes substantially to gains in intelligence test performance.

8) Which of the following statements about obesity rates in China is true?

B) Chinese boys are more likely than Chinese girls to be obese.

92) Which of the following statements about adolescent friendships is true?

B) Close friendships provide a foundation for future intimate relationships.

29) Which of the following statements is supported by research on recess?

B) Elementary school students are more attentive in the classroom after recess than before it.

88) Which of the following statements is supported by research on emotional intelligence?

B) Emotional intelligence is positively associated with self-esteem and prosocial behavior.

123) Which of the following statements about factors related to juvenile delinquency is true?

B) Families of delinquent youths tend to be low in warmth, high in conflict, and characterized by harsh, inconsistent discipline and low monitoring.

108) Which of the following statements about the factors related to depression is true?

B) Genes can induce depression by affecting the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain.

125) Which of the following statements about multisystemic therapy aimed at preventing delinquency is true?

B) It leads to improvement in parent-adolescent relationships and school performance.

99) Which of the following statements is supported by research on intelligence test bias?

B) Low-income minority children, who often grow up in more "people-oriented" than "object-oriented" homes, may lack toys and games that promote certain intellectual skills.

122) Which of the following statements about gifted children is true?

B) Many gifted children are socially isolated.

10) Which of the following statements is supported by research on childhood obesity?

B) Overweight children tend to have overweight parents.

Which of the following statements about parenting young children is true?

B) Rearing young children is a powerful source of adult development.

107) Which of the following statements about language development during middle childhood is true?

B) School-age children's more reflective, analytical approach to language permits them to appreciate the multiple meanings of words.

40) In response to the "Heinz dilemma," Marlee says, "No one will think you're bad if you steal the drug, but your family will think you're an inhuman husband if you don't. If you let your wife die, you'll never be able to look anyone in the face again." Marlee is at which of Kohlberg's stages of moral development?

B) Stage 3: The "good-boy-good-girl" orientation

41) In response to the "Heinz dilemma," Dolph states, "Even if his wife is dying, it is still Heinz's duty as a citizen to obey the law. If everyone started breaking the law, there'd be no civilization, just crime and violence." Dolph is at which of Kohlberg's stages of moral development?

B) Stage 4: The social-order-maintaining orientation

84) Teenagers in the United States spend more time together outside the classroom than teenagers in Europe and Asia because

B) U.S. teenagers experience a shorter school year and less demanding academic standards.

55) __________ is a powerful predictor of movement to Kohlberg's Stage 4 or higher.

B) Years of schooling

61) Mrs. Shigoka wants to strengthen her high school students' moral identity. What type of classroom should she create?

B) a just educational environment, in which Mrs. Shigoka guides the students in democratic decision making and rule setting

87) Travis and Chase, both age 13, are best friends. Their discussions probably focus on

B) achievements in school.

26) Adolescents in moratorium resemble identity-achieved individuals in using a(n) __________ cognitive style to make personal decisions and solve problems.

B) active, information-gathering

88) Teenage boys who are __________ are just as likely as girls to form intimate same-sex ties.

B) androgynous

23) Identity-diffused individuals

B) are apathetic, lacking both exploration and commitment.

17) By far, the most common chronic disease or condition of children in the United States is

B) asthma.

12) Inactivity is __________ excessive weight gain in children.

B) both a cause and consequence of

98) As interest in dating increases

B) boys' and girls' cliques come together.

62) Schools can foster students' opportunities to experience and explore moral emotions, thoughts, and actions through

B) civic engagement.

101) Mr. Dunn is concerned about his 17-year-old daughter, who has been exchanging text messages with one particular boy. You should tell him that

B) close romantic ties promote sensitivity, empathy, self-esteem, social support, and identity development.

76) Which of the following is linked to a variety of positive outcomes, such as prevention of delinquency, reduction in sexual activity, improved school performance, and positive psychological well-being?

B) consistent parental monitoring of daily activities, through a cooperative relationship in which the adolescent willingly discloses information

95) "Brains," "jocks," "populars," and "druggies" are typical examples of teenage

B) crowds.

75) An improved ability to reason about social relationships leads teenagers to

B) deidealize their parents.

103) Ken, age 14, has trouble concentrating, sleeps excessively, eats little, and has low energy. These might be symptoms of

B) depression.

104) The most common psychological problem of adolescence is

B) depression.

9) Research shows that obesity has caused a dramatic rise in cases of __________ in children.

B) diabetes

22) When asked about her political beliefs, Blair responds, "Oh, I don't know. It doesn't make much difference to me." Blaire is demonstrating identity

B) diffusion.

121) Rochelle is taking a test in which she is asked to come up with as many different ways as possible to make use of a straw. This is most likely a test of

B) divergent thinking.

118) Magnet schools

B) emphasize a specific area of interest.

35) Margerite passed Piaget's class inclusion problem. This indicates that Margerite can

B) focus on relations between a general and two specific categories at the same time.

65) Teachers who promote discussion of controversial issues, while insisting that students listen to and respect one another,

B) foster knowledge and critical analysis of political issues and commitment to social causes.

41) School-age children master concrete operational tasks

B) gradually, in a continuum of acquisition.

91) Arthur Jensen's 1969 monograph, "How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?" was controversial because he argued that

B) heredity is largely responsible for individual, ethnic, and SES variations in intelligence.

Adolescents develop scientific reasoning skills

B) in a step-by-step fashion on different types of tasks.

100) Early dating

B) is related to drug use, delinquency, and poor academic achievement.

53) Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

B) is usually a lifelong disorder.

63) Civic engagement involves

B) knowledge of political issues, commitment to making a difference in the community, and skills for achieving civic goals.

96) An observational study carried out in low-SES African-American homes in a southeastern U.S. city revealed that black parents rarely asked their children

B) knowledge-training questions.

32) According to Piaget, thought in middle childhood is far more __________ than in early childhood.

B) logical

48) The influence of situational factors on moral judgments indicates that like Piaget's cognitive stages, Kohlberg's moral stages are

B) loosely organized and overlapping.

51) Some evidence indicates that although the morality of males and females taps both care and justice

B) males more than females tend to focus equally on justice and care.

19) Along with body growth, __________ plays a vital role in improved motor performance in middle childhood.

B) more efficient information processing

57) Adolescents who __________ are advanced in moral reasoning.

B) more often participate in conversations with their friends

80) Individuals whose __________ systems function more efficiently appear to have an edge in intellectual skills.

B) nervous

3) As muscles adapt to an enlarging skeleton, children often experience

B) nighttime "growing pains."

45) In Case's neo-Piagetian theory, children acquire central conceptual structures

B) once cognitive schemes are sufficiently automatic.

55) When Mike had to learn the state capitals, he grouped the states by region to assist his memory. Which memory strategy did Mike use?

B) organization

77) Which intellectual factor of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition, is the most likely to contain culturally biased problems?

B) quantitative reasoning

59) According to Kohlberg, mature moral thinkers

B) realize that behaving in line with their beliefs is vital for creating and maintaining a just social world.

81) A major shortcoming of the componential approach is that it

B) regards intelligence as entirely due to causes within the child.

5) According to Erikson, if the psychological conflict of adolescence is resolved negatively, a young person experiences

B) role confusion.

8) Changes in __________ and __________ set the stage for developing a unified personal identity.

B) self-concept; self-esteem

37) A concrete operational child can __________ mentally, an ability called __________.

B) seriate; transitive inference

22) Research confirms that __________ plays a large role in accounting for boys' gross-motor superiority.

B) the social environment

27) One valid criticism of youth sports is that

B) they overemphasize competition and substitute adult control for children's natural experimentation with rules and strategies.

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to quickly establish positive bonds with stepchildren?

Barry, a stepfather with children of his own

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to have an especially hard time following a divorce?

Beatrice, who was a homemaker throughout her marriage

Frankie and Mike are a dual-earner couple. They would like to have a better balance between work and family. Which of the following is good advice to help them combine their work and family roles?

Both should critically evaluate the time they devote to work in view of their family values and priorities.

Which of the following statements about the sexual behavior of U.S. adolescents is true?

Boys tend to have their first intercourse earlier than girls.

Which of the following statements about emotional self-regulation in middle childhood is true?

By age 10, most children shift adaptively between problem-centered and emotion-centered coping.

Which of the following statements about moral development is true?

By middle childhood, children have had time to internalize rules for good conduct, which leads them to become considerably more independent and trustworthy.

105) Among U.S. teens, __________ percent have had one or more major depressive episode.

C) 15 to 20

105) During the elementary school years, on average, children learn about _____ new words each day.

C) 20

4) Between the ages of 6 and 12, __________ primary teeth are lost and replaced by permanent ones.

C) 20

Which of the following statements about school transitions is true?

C) Adolescents facing added strains at school transitions are at greatest risk for self-esteem and academic difficulties.

125) Cross-cultural research shows that

C) Asian parents devote many more hours than American parents to helping their children with homework.

51) Which of the following statements about attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is true?

C) Boys are diagnosed with ADHD about four times as often as girls.

90) Which of the following statements is supported by research on group differences in IQ?

C) Differences in SES do not fully explain the IQ gap between black and white American children.

120) Which of the following statements about persistent adolescent delinquency is true?

C) Early-onset youths seem to inherit traits that predispose them to aggressiveness.

72) Which of the following children is likely to be psychologically healthier?

C) Gabriella, a girl who has an androgynous gender identity

123) Which of the following statements about gifted education is true?

C) Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has inspired several model programs that provide enrichment to all students in diverse disciplines.

100) Carter, an 8-year-old African-American boy, is told by a researcher that certain verbal tasks are "not a test." He is told that other verbal tasks are "a test of how good children are at school problems." If Carter is aware of ethnic stereotypes, which of the following is probably true?

C) He will perform far worse in the "test" condition.

35) Which of the following statements about Lawrence Kohlberg's well-known "Heinz dilemma" is true?

C) Kohlberg emphasized that it is the way an individual reasons about the dilemma, not the content of the response, that determines moral maturity.

113) Which of the following teenagers is at the highest risk for suicide?

C) Lou, a Native-American boy

13) Which of the following statements about the consequences of obesity is true?

C) Obese children are stereotyped as lazy, self-doubting, and deceitful.

116) Which of the following statements about the prevention and treatment of suicide is true?

C) Restraint by journalists in the media in publicizing teenage suicides aids prevention.

107) Which of the following statements about adolescent depression is true?

C) The stereotypical view of adolescence as a period of storm and stress leads many adults to minimize the seriousness of adolescent depression.

53) A researcher asks Timmy, a fourth grader, and Thom, a tenth grader, whether it is OK to exclude a child from a peer group on the basis of gender. Which of the following responses is the researcher most likely to hear?

C) Thom will say that the exclusion is OK under certain circumstances.

124) Which of the following is Tord most likely to experience in his Finnish classroom?

C) a nationally mandated curriculum aimed at cultivating creativity

111) Research on bilingual education shows that

C) a strategy that promotes children's native-language skills while they learn English is most effective for non-English-speaking minority children.

102) High school seniors Geoff and Joy have been dating steadily for eight months. This is the first romance for each of them. How many relationships like theirs survive high school graduation?

C) about 50 percent

65) Children who acquire effective self-regulatory skills develop a sense of

C) academic self-efficacy.

83) According to Sternberg's triarchic theory, applying strategies and engaging in self-regulation are examples of __________ intelligence.

C) analytical

80) Parents who __________ usually find it easier to grant teenagers appropriate autonomy and experience less conflict with them.

C) are content with their marriages

58) Responses to moral dilemmas in collectivist cultures

C) are often more other-directed than in Western cultures.

75) The Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler intelligence tests

C) are often used to identify highly intelligent children and to diagnose children with learning problems.

16) Which of the following factors is predictive of high self-esteem in adolescence?

C) authoritative parenting

97) The positive impact of having academically and socially skilled peers is greatest for teenagers whose parents are

C) authoritative.

73) Seventeen-year-old Saffron strives to rely on herself and not her parents for decision making. Saffron is developing

C) autonomy.

11) Obese children tend to

C) be less responsive than normal-weight children to internal hunger cues.

93) Twelve-year-old Isabel spends most of her time with a group of six girls, who are friends and have similar family backgrounds, attitudes, and values. This group is Isabel's

C) clique.

10) From middle to late adolescence, cognitive changes enable teenagers to

C) combine their traits into an organized system.

31) Many experts believe that schools should not only offer more physical education classes but should put less emphasis on __________ and more emphasis on __________ in their physical education programs.

C) competitive sports; informal games and individual exercise

2) Sixteen-year-old Max has been introspective lately. He has been wondering who he really is, thinking about his values, and pondering the direction he will pursue in the future. Max is

C) constructing his identity

113) Research on educational philosophies indicates that

C) constructivist classrooms are associated with gains in critical thinking and greater social and moral maturity.

89) When focusing on deeper thoughts and feelings, adolescent friends Glenda and Anne repeatedly mull over problems and negative emotions, which sometimes triggers anxiety and depression. Glenda and Anne are demonstrating

C) corumination.

Excessive guilt is linked to

C) depressive symptoms.

86) According to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences,

C) education often interferes with the transformation of raw potential into a mature social role.

74) Autonomy is made up of a(n) __________ component and a(n) __________ component.

C) emotional; behavioral

49) Carol Gilligan believes that feminine morality

C) emphasizes an "ethic of care" that Kohlberg's system devalues.

47) Postconventional morality is

C) exceedingly rare.

6) Current theorists agree that for most young people, identity development is not traumatic and disturbing but, rather, a process of __________ followed by __________.

C) exploration; commitment

46) Although Kohlberg proposes six stages of moral development,

C) few people move beyond Stage 4.

42) The very experience of __________ seems to promote mastery of Piagetian tasks.

C) going to school

93) On the basis of twin studies and other kinship evidence, researchers estimate that about __________ of the differences in IQ among children can be traced to their genetic makeup.

C) half

92) Herrnstein and Murray's 1994 book, The Bell Curve, implies that

C) heredity plays a sizable role in the black-white IQ gap.

98) With increasing education, parents establish a __________ style of communication, like that of classrooms and tests

C) hierarchical

39) At Kohlberg's conventional level,

C) individuals believe that actively maintaining the current social system ensures positive relationships and societal order.

78) Mild family conflict

C) informs parents of the changing needs and expectations of their children, signaling a need for adjustments in the parent-child relationship.

110) Having friends with depressive symptoms

C) is linked to a rise in teenagers' own depressive symptoms.

20) Paul is concerned because his 6-year-old son prints using large letters and numbers. You can tell Paul that his son's writing is large because he

C) makes strokes with his entire arm rather than just the wrist and fingers.

60) Nine-year-old Brett views his mind as an active, constructive agent that selects and transforms information. Brett's awareness of thought is known as

C) metacognition.

19) Jacob has begun to question his parents' political beliefs and has attended several rallies to find out about alternatives. He is characterized by identity

C) moratorium.

25) Both identity __________ and __________ are psychologically healthy routes to mature self-definition.

C) moratorium; achievement

46) Hannah listens to and tells stories but rarely draws pictures. According to Case's neo-Piagetian theory, Hannah probably displays

C) more advanced central conceptual structures in storytelling.

30) Teacher ratings of classroom disruptive behavior decline for children who have

C) more than 15 minutes of recess a day.

15) The most common vision problem in middle childhood is

C) myopia.

23) Gains in __________ contribute to a child's ability to play games with rules.

C) perspective taking

42) Individuals at Kohlberg's __________ level move beyond unquestioning support for their own society's rules and laws.

C) postconventional

17) In adolescence, encouragement from teachers

C) predicts high self-esteem.

73) IQ often enters into educational decisions because it

C) predicts school performance and educational attainment.

67) Religious involvement

C) promotes responsible academic and social behavior.

85) Matthew, age 14, is likely to report that the most important characteristic of friendship is

C) psychological closeness.

43) At Kohlberg's Stage 5 of moral development, individuals

C) regard laws and rules as flexible instruments for furthering human purposes.

54) When Taylor was given a list of ingredients to memorize, she immediately repeated the list to herself over and over. Which memory strategy did Taylor use?

C) rehearsal

33) Which of the following is a strategy for helping minority adolescents resolve identity conflicts constructively?

C) respecting native languages and unique learning styles in school

118) Both police arrests and self-reports show that delinquency

C) rises over early and middle adolescence and then declines.

50) Dr. Goldberg introduces irrelevant stimuli into a task and records how well children attend to its central elements. Dr. Goldberg is probably studying

C) selectivity of attention.

64) Throughout elementary and secondary school, __________ predicts academic success.

C) self-regulation

12) Compared with school-age children, teenagers' self-evaluations place more emphasis on

C) social virtues.

108) African-American children's narratives are usually longer and more complex than those of white children because African-American children

C) tend to use a topic-associating narrative style.

95) Dr. Whittier believes that many intelligence tests sample knowledge and skills that not all groups of children have had equal opportunity to learn. Dr. Whittier's belief reflects the controversial question that ethnic differences in IQ have to do with

C) test bias.

106) Teenage girls are __________ as likely as boys to report persistent depressed mood.

C) twice

59) Research on metacognitive development shows that preschoolers

C) view the mind as a passive container of information.

31) Teenagers with __________ are more involved in exploring relationship issues, such as what they value in close friends and in a life partner.

C) warm, trusting peer ties

Men with a high school diploma or less and highly educated women in prestigious careers are overrepresented among singles after age 30 because

C) women tend to "marry up" and men tend to "marry down."

Which of the following college students is the most likely to show improvements in propositional thought?

Cali, who took a science course

Which of the following statements about gender identity and behavior in middle childhood is true?

Children who experience rejection because of gender-atypical personality traits suffer profoundly.

__________ is the single most important preventable cause of death in industrialized nations.

Cigarette smoking

Which of the following statements about children's temperament and sex differences in adjustment to parental divorce is true?

Coercive maternal behavior and defiance by sons are common in divorcing households.

Which of the following statements about controversial and neglected children is true?

Controversial children display a blend of positive and negative social behaviors

Which of the following statements about creativity in adulthood is true?

Creativity is a function of "career age," not chronological age.

Barney and Cynthia met in college and married after they both graduated. They both work full-time. Which of the following is most likely true?

Cynthia spends nearly twice as much time as Barney on housework.

64) Harry holds socially responsible values. Which of the following statements is he most likely to make?

D) "I think the unemployment rate is caused by a combination of government policies and the state of the economy."

56) Which of the following statements about the influence of schooling on moral reasoning is true?

D) College students who report more perspective-taking opportunities tend to be advanced in moral reasoning.

60) Frank and Derol are both college students. Derol is functioning at a higher moral reasoning level than Frank. Which of the following statements is the most likely to be true?

D) Derol is more likely than Frank to defend victims of injustice.

91) Which of the following statements about online communication is true?

D) In unmonitored chat rooms, teenagers are likely to encounter degrading racial and ethnic slurs and sexually obscene and harassing remarks.

103) Which of the following statements regarding intelligence tests in schools is true?

D) Intelligence tests are useful when interpreted carefully by psychologists and educators who are sensitive to cultural influences on test performance.

44) In response to the "Heinz dilemma," Ruby explains, "It doesn't make sense to put respect for property above respect for life itself. Respect for human life is absolute." Ruby is at which of Kohlberg's stages of moral development?

D) Stage 6: The universal ethical principle orientation

70) Which of the following individuals will likely show stronger gender intensification?

D) Tamar, a 14-year-old girl

18) Which of the following is supported by research on unintentional injuries in middle childhood?

D) Use of protective helmets leads to a 25 percent reduction in risk of head injury.

14) Which of the following is regarded as one of the most effective interventions for treating childhood obesity?

D) a family-based approach focused on changing behaviors

18) Laurent plans to major in engineering in college. When asked if he might change his career path, he responds, "I might, but I doubt it. I've spent a lot of time studying my options. I'm pretty sure engineering is right for me." Laurent is demonstrating identity

D) achievement.

117) When asked directly and confidentially about lawbreaking, __________ teenagers admit to having committed some sort of offense, usually a minor crime.

D) almost all

3) According to Erikson, teenagers in complex societies experience

D) an identity crisis.

82) In Sternberg's triarchic theory, intelligent behavior involves balancing __________ intelligences.

D) analytical, creative, and practical

57) Children who are expert in an area

D) are usually highly motivated.

54) Parents can foster adolescents' moral understanding by

D) asking clarifying questions.

2) After age 8, girls __________ than boys.

D) begin accumulating fat at a faster rate

81) Teenagers who develop well despite family stress tend to have a(n)

D) bond with a prosocial adult outside the family who cares deeply about the adolescent's well-being.

68) Educators who advocate a phonics approach argue that

D) children should learn the basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds before being given complex reading material.

38) Kim Lee is able to mentally represent her neighborhood and describe it to others. Kim Lee's representation is known as a

D) cognitive map.

63) Quinn knows that he should group items when memorizing lists, but he does not always do so. Quinn is not yet good at

D) cognitive self-regulation.

97) Many ethnic minority parents without extensive schooling prefer a(n) __________ style of communication when completing tasks with children.

D) collaborative

69) Many studies show that

D) combining phonics with whole language is the best approach for teaching beginning reading.

33) During a conservation-of-water experiment, Emme can focus on several aspects of the problem and relate them, rather than centering on just one aspect. Therefore, Emme is capable of

D) decentration.

85) Gardner believes that

D) each intelligence has a unique biological basis and a distinct course of development.

27) Jesse is an adolescent who is identity-foreclosed. As such, he will tend to

D) fear rejection by people on whom he depends for affection and self-esteem.

7) Michael is a young adult who is trying out life possibilities, gathering important information about himself and his environment, and moving toward making enduring decisions. In doing so, Michael is probably

D) forging an organized self-structure.

21) Identity-foreclosed individuals

D) have committed themselves to values and goals without exploring alternatives.

71) Children who learn how to solve math problems by rote

D) have difficultly applying "math rules" to new problems.

124) Some studies on zero tolerance policies show that they

D) heighten school dropout and antisocial behaviors.

29) Adolescents who assume that absolute truth is always attainable tend to be

D) identity-foreclosed.

44) In Robbie Case's neo-Piagetian theory, repeated practice of cognitive schemes

D) leads them to become more automatic.

6) Research on nutrition indicates that

D) malnutrition that persists from infancy or early childhood into the school years usually leads to permanent physical and mental damage.

15) Teenagers who feel highly dissatisfied with __________ are often aggressive and antisocial.

D) parental relationships

61) Research on metacognitive development shows that school-age children know that

D) people can extend their knowledge by making mental inferences.

14) In adolescence, self-esteem __________ for most young people.

D) rises

109) Children of bilingual parents who teach them both languages in infancy and early childhood

D) separate the language systems early on and attain early language milestones according to a typical timetable.

36) Seven-year-old Paolo can efficiently arrange a series of sticks of different lengths from shortest to longest. Paolo has developed an ability called

D) seriation.

110) Yolanda and Steve want their son, Manny, to attain full proficiency in English and Spanish. To achieve this goal, Manny's mastery of the second language should begin

D) sometime in childhood.

114) In social-constructivist classrooms,

D) students' learning is jointly constructed with the teacher and peers.

49) Heritability evidence suggests __________ genetic influences on various aspects of executive function, including combining information in working memory, controlling attention, and inhibiting inappropriate responses.

D) substantial

79) The reduced time that Western teenagers spend with their parents results from

D) the large amount of unstructured time available to teenagers.

26) Ten-year-old Nadia enjoys making up games and playing them with her friends. Playing these child-invented games probably allows Nadia to

D) try out different styles of cooperating and competing with little personal risk.

66) In recent national polls, nearly __________ of Americans reported actively practicing religion.

D) two-thirds

38) At Kohlberg's Stage 2 of moral development, children

D) view right action as flowing from self-interest and understand reciprocity as equal exchange of favors.

78) The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

D) was the first test to be standardized on children representing the total population of the United States.

94) Adoption studies reveal that

D) when children of low-IQ mothers are adopted at birth by parents who are well above average in income and education, they score above average in IQ during the school years.

116) Studies show that educational self-fulfilling prophecies are especially strong

D) when teachers emphasize competition and publicly compare children.

48) Children with persistent learning difficulties in reading and math are often deficient in

D) working-memory capacity.

According to the "random events" theory of biological aging,

DNA in body cells is gradually damaged through spontaneous or externally caused mutations.

Jim is a musician, Joy is an artist, and Danielle is a scientist. Which of the following statements is probably true?

Danielle's creativity will peak later than that of the other two.

Which of the following statements about death rates and causes in the United States is true?

Death rates for all causes in the United States exceed those of other industrialized nations.

Which of the following statements about the impact on U.S. children of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is true?

Distress reactions declined more slowly for children with conflict-ridden parent-child relationships.

If they are all statistically average, which of the following individuals is the most likely to be lonely?

Donna, who is 25 years old and has recently divorced

Which of the following high schools is the most likely to help its students adjust to the school transition?

East High, which provides homerooms for students

Which of the following statements about the relationships among SES, education, and health is true?

Economically advantaged individuals sustain better health over most of their adult lives.

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to experience a psychological crisis during the age-30 transition?

Eddie, who has no romantic relationships and a dissatisfying job

Which of the following college freshmen is the most likely to graduate?

Elyssa, who feels that her college community is concerned about her as an individual

Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez want to foster a positive, secure self-image in their son. Which of the following would you suggest?

Encourage him to strive for worthwhile goals because his eventual achievement will foster his self-esteem.

Which of the following statements accurately explains the recent appearance of the emerging adulthood transitional period?

Entry-level positions in many fields require more education than in the past.

Which of the following diets meets the U.S. national dietary recommendations?

Fat is 30 percent of total caloric intake, with 7 percent made up of saturated fat.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about risk and resilience in emerging adulthood?

Feelings of loneliness are higher during the emerging adulthood years than at any other time in life.

Which of the following statements about gender differences in same-sex adult friendships is true?

Female friends often say they prefer to "just talk" when they get together.

Which of the following statements about physical skill in midadolescence is true?

Few girls perform as well as the average boy.

Stephanie is a new mother. While she is entitled to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave from work, she returns to her job after only four weeks. What is the most likely reason for Stephanie's decision?

Financial pressures do not allow her to take more time off without pay.

Elliott, age 11, is suddenly afraid to go to school. Which of the following is the best advice you can give to Elliott's parents?

Firmly insist that he return to school, and train him in how to cope with difficult situations.

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to master formal operational tasks?

Geni, an American high school student

Which of the following statements about sex differences in computer use is true?

Girls typically focus on information gathering and social networking.

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to establish early residential independence?

Gretchen, whose parents are divorced and combative

Harrison is a popular-antisocial child. Which of the following characteristics is he likely to display?

He is athletically skilled but is a poor student who causes trouble and defies adult authority.

Fernando recently got married. What will probably happen to his same-sex friendships?

He will share less personal information with his friends.

After meeting through friends, the most common way to meet a partner is

on the Internet.

Approximately __________ of U.S. young people with a high school diploma have no current plans to go to college.


When adults of any age are asked how many sexual partners they have had in the past year, the usual reply is


Childlessness seems to interfere with adjustment and life satisfaction

only when it is beyond a person's control.

Paul is graduating from a university with a bachelor's degree. Out of Paul's class of 100, how many are likely to enter a career in their chosen field?

over 50

Which of the following parent-child relationships is the most common among anorexic teenagers?

overprotective and controlling mothers and emotionally distant fathers

When Sayuri is distressed, her father is dismissive and her mother is hostile. Sayuri is probably

overwhelmed by negative emotion.

1) According to Erikson, the major personality achievement of adolescence is development of


Which of the following statements about perceptions of intimate relationships in Eastern cultures is true?

In choosing a mate, young people are expected to consider obligations to others.

Which of the following statements about the impact or prevention of sexual coercion is true?

In some U.S. states, a woman legally cannot rape a man.

__________ parenting is correlated with unrealistically high self-esteem.


Which of the following statements about divorce in the United States is true?

Infidelity and substance abuse are among the strongest predictors of divorce.

__________ improves both school achievement and social acceptance of rejected children.

Intensive academic tutoring

Which of the following statements about intergenerational continuity in adolescent parenthood is true?

Intergenerational continuity in adolescent parenthood is far greater when teenage mothers remain unmarried.

Which of the following statements about attitudes regarding marriage in the United States today is true?

Irrespective of SES and ethnicity, most U.S. 18- to 23-year-olds say they want to marry and have children.

Which of the following statements about self-esteem in elementary school is true?

It declines during the first few years of elementary school and then, from fourth grade on, rises for the majority of young people.

Yao is 45 years old. How has the maximum vital capacity of his lungs changed from when he was 25?

It has decreased by about 20 percent.

Which of the following statements about the spread of STDs, including AIDS, is true?

It is at least twice as easy for a male to infect a female, as for a female to infect a male.

Which of the following statements about attribution retraining is true?

It is best begun early, before children's views of themselves become hard to change.

Which of the following statements about role overload is true?

It is magnified for women in low-status work roles with rigid schedules and little autonomy.

Which of the following statements about exercise is true?

It produces high-density lipoproteins that help remove LDLs.

Jenelle, a divorced mother with two children, is marrying William, a divorced father with three children. Which of the following statements is most likely true?

It will take three to five years for Jenelle and William's blended family to develop the connectedness and comfort of intact biological families.

Which of the following high school students is most likely to show accelerated academic progress?

Juan, who is assigned to a college preparatory track

Which of the following young adults is more likely to live on her own?

Julia, an economically well-off Caucasian American

Which of the following individuals will probably have the highest number of other-sex friends?

Kari, an employed female chemist

Hank, a noncustodial father of four, is remarrying. Which of Hank's children is the most likely to have difficulty getting along with his new wife?

Kate, his 9-year-old daughter

Which of the following couples will face extra challenges in achieving a successful transition to married life?

Ken, an African-American Baptist, and Eileen, an Asian-American Mormon, who married at age 21

Which of the following statements about mate selection is true?

Little support exists for the idea that "opposites attract."

Which of the following statements may explain why SES disparities in health and mortality are larger in the United States than in other industrialized nations?

Low-income and poverty-stricken U.S. families are financially less well-off than families classified in these ways in other countries.

Which of the following statements about sexual coercion is true?

Male victims often report that women perpetrators threatened to end a relationship unless the victim complied.

Which of the following statements about emerging adulthood is true?

Many emerging adults can engage in activities of the widest possible scope.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about singlehood?

Many single people go through a stressful period in their late twenties or early thirties when most of their friends have married.

Mark is from Texas, and Daryl is from Alberta, Canada. Which of the following statements about the likelihood of each sexually active teen contracting AIDS or another STD is true?

Mark is more likely than Daryl to contract AIDS or another STD.

Mary and Ashley are identical twins. Abbie and Chandra are fraternal twins. Which of the following is likely to be true about the timing of puberty?

Mary and Ashley will reach menarche within a month or two of each other.

_________ adults are better than __________ adults at coping with stress.

Middle-aged; young

__________ million U.S. adults identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual.

More than 8

According to Levinson, which of the following statements about gender differences in dreams is true?

Most career-oriented women have "split dreams" involving both marriage and career.

Which of the following adults is the most likely to engage in commitment within relativism?

Nadia, a 30-year-old college professor

Which of the following statements about Levinson's findings is true?

Not until middle age did many women reach career maturity and take on more authority in the community.

Which of the following statements about the obesity epidemic is true?

Obesity-related medical coverage in government-sponsored health insurance programs for low-income families could help combat the obesity epidemic.

Which of the following statements about gender stereotypes in vocational choice is true?

One explanation for women's attraction to male-dominated careers is a change in gender-role attitudes.

Which of the following statements about Americans and exercise is true?

Over half of Americans are inactive, with no regular brief sessions of even light activity.

Which of the following statements about sex differences in adolescents' reactions to pubertal changes is true?

Overall, boys get much less social support than girls for the physical changes of puberty.

__________ predicts confidence in career choice and career attainment beyond SES.

Parental guidance

Paul is a male librarian. Which of the following individuals is the most likely to be critical of Paul's career choice?

Paul's male friends in traditional careers

Which of the following statements about sexual coercion is true?

People of all SES and ethnic groups are offenders and victims.

Which of the following 22-year-olds is the most likely to experience emerging adulthood?

Percy, a high-SES male in the United Kingdom

Which of the following statements about the development of self-concept is true?

Perspective-taking skills are crucial for developing a self-concept based on personality traits.

Which of the following statements about rape prevention and treatment is true?

Practically no services are available for victimized men, who are often too embarrassed to come forward.

Which of the following statements about self-conscious emotions in middle childhood is true?

Pride motivates children to take on further challenges, whereas guilt prompts them to strive for self-improvement.

__________ is a modern substitute for the actual physical departure of young people from the family group that takes place in industrialized nations.

Psychological distancing

Which of the following women is the most likely to thrive in a nontraditional career?

Raelynne, whose three aunts have successfully dealt with family-career role conflict

Which of the following individuals will probably have the most rapid changes in hearing as a result of aging?

Randolph, a Caucasian-American male

Randy is viewed by both adults and peers as relaxed, independent, and self-confident. Maria is viewed by both groups as physically attractive, lively, and sociable. Which of the following is likely to be true?

Randy is an early-maturing boy, and Maria is a late-maturing girl.

Which of the following statements about the "wear-and-tear" theory of aging is true?

Regular, moderate-to-vigorous exercise predicts a longer life, which is contrary to the theory.

__________ children are at the highest risk for poor school performance, substance abuse, and antisocial behavior in adolescence and delinquency with criminality in early adulthood.


Which of the following women is more likely to delay parenthood or decide against it altogether?

Renée, who has a high-status, demanding job

Which of the following statements about the consequences of child sexual abuse is true?

Repeated sexual abuse is associated with central nervous system damage.

Which of the following statements about resilience is true?

Resilience enables children to use internal and external resources to cope with adversity.

Which of the following statements about dropping out of high school is true?

Risk factors in first grade predict dropout nearly as well as risk factors in secondary school.

Which of the following athletes' skills will probably peak latest in life?

Rolf, a long-distance runner

__________ fat generally comes from meat and dairy products and is solid at room temperature.


According to research on blended families, which of the following children is the most likely to have adjustment problems when his or her mother remarries?

Selma, a 15-year-old girl

Which of the following statements about sex differences in spatial abilities is true?

Sex differences in spatial abilities emerge as early as the first few months of life.

__________ may heighten the effects of a high-fat diet.

Sex hormones

Which of the following statements about a school-age child's ability to use hypothetico-deductive reasoning is true?

She can understand that hypotheses must be confirmed by appropriate evidence.

Sarah is socially anxious and has an avoidant attachment history. Which of the following statements is probably true?

She has periods of intense loneliness.

Which of the following is supported by research on sibling rivalry?

Sibling rivalry often increases when siblings intentionally strive to be different from one another.

__________ of U.S. 18- to 25-year-olds return to their parents' home for brief periods after first leaving.

Slightly over one-half

Which of the following statements about the family life cycle is true?

Some people do not experience all family life-cycle phases.

Which of the following statements regarding students' ratings of their elementary, middle-, and high school learning experiences is true?

Students report that their middle- and high school teachers care less about them and are less friendly than their elementary school teachers.

__________ originate in the bone marrow, mature in the thymus, and attack foreign substances directly.

T cells

__________ can cause telomeres to lengthen.


Which of the following statements about cognitive development in early adulthood is true?

The cognitive changes of early adulthood are supported by further development of the cerebral cortex, especially the prefrontal cortex.

Which of the following statements about the role of physical attractiveness and the timing of puberty in Western society is true?

The ideal male image is a muscular shape that favors the early developer.

Which of the following statements about part-time work during high school is true?

The more hours students work, the more likely they are to drop out of school.

Which of the following statements about marital satisfaction is true?

The sharing of family responsibilities usually enhances both men's and women's marital satisfaction.

Which of the following statements about the psychological impact of attending college is true?

The type of four-year institution attended makes little difference in psychological outcomes or even in ultimate career success and earnings.

Which of the following statements about research on homosexuality is true?

There is limited information about the sex lives of homosexuals because many people who are gay do not report themselves as such in surveys.

Which of the following statements about children of never-married mothers is true?

They are benefited by parental marriage only if the father is a reliable source of economic and emotional support.

Dennis and Kristen are an American cohabiting couple who are not engaged to be married. Compared with their friends who waited to live together until after they were engaged or married, which of the following is likely to be true?

They are more androgynous.

Which of the following statements about most basic sex education programs is true?

They last only a few sessions and provide basic facts about anatomy and reproduction to teenagers who are already sexually active.

Which of the following statements about individuals with anorexia nervosa is true?

They typically deny or minimize the seriousness of their disorder.

Which of the following statements about individuals with bulimia nervosa is true?

They usually feel depressed and guilty about their abnormal eating habits and desperately want help.

Which of the following statements about men who choose nontraditional careers is true?

They usually report feeling socially accepted while in training and on the job.

Toby lives in the United States. Gerri lives in Europe. Based on research on adolescent drug use, which of the following can you infer?

Toby is less likely to use tobacco and alcohol than Gerri.

Which of the following individuals is the most likely to be a smoker?

Troy, a high school dropout

Philip, Bob, Bill, and Walter recently joined Alcoholics Anonymous. Which of the following is probably true?

Two of them will relapse within a few months.

Which of the following adults in the most likely to be obese?

Veronica, an African-American

Which of the following statements about adolescent mothers is true?

Very few give up their infants for adoption.

Which of the following individuals has a higher risk of hypertension and heart disease?

Vivica, an African-American female

Which of the following statements about other-sex friendships is true?

When a solid other-sex friendship evolves into a romance, it may be more stable and enduring than a romantic relationship formed without a foundation in friendship.

Which of the following statements about the differences between American and Western European attitudes toward cohabitation is true?

When cohabiting Western Europeans decide to marry, they more often do so to legalize their relationships.

Which of the following statements about violence in families is true?

When researchers ask American couples about fights that led to acts of hostility, men and women report similar rates of assault.

Which of the following children is most likely to believe in racial and ethnic equality?

Yaowu, a child who attends an ethnically diverse school and shares feelings with close, cross-race friends

__________ adults report more depressive feelings than __________ adults.

Young; middle-aged

Which of the following statements about adolescent moodiness is true?

Younger adolescents' mood swings are strongly related to situational changes.

Alcoholism is a more common problem in cultures where alcohol is

a carefully controlled sign of adulthood.

Scientists have found that __________ best explains the complexities of biological aging.

a combination of theories

The most important cause of the age-related drop in female fertility is

a decline in the number and quality of ova.

Which student is most at risk for dropping out of college?

a freshman at a school with open enrollment

Research indicates that __________ may predispose males to become homosexual.

a gene or group of genes on the X chromosome

Jay wants to protect the health of his endocrine system. The safest approach for Jay is

a healthy diet and physical activity.

Laurie just started a new job in her chosen field. She wants to select a helpful mentor. Which of the following people would probably be her best choice?

a member of her professional association

Amelia has well-developed emotional self-regulation. She feels that she is in control of her emotional experience. Amelia has acquired

a sense of emotional self-efficacy.

Anorexia nervosa is

a tragic eating disorder in which young people starve themselves because of a compulsive fear of getting fat.

U.S. government surveys following 9,000 U.S. college-educated workers for a decade revealed that a year after receiving their bachelor's degree, women earned __________ as much as men.

about 80 percent

Ann is having more frequent disagreements with her teenage daughter. If they argue over typical parent-adolescent issues, these disagreements are most likely

about everyday matters, such as driving, dating partners, and curfew.

Rachel is the child of gay fathers. Rachel will most likely have __________ children of heterosexual parents.

about the same rate of issues with mental health and peer relations as

Compared with previous generations, American youths are

achieving less well.

Mr. Peabody is frustrated with his daughter's exaggerated sense of her personal uniqueness. One way he could deal with this is to

acknowledge her unique characteristics, but also point out how he felt similarly as a teenager to encourage the development of a more balanced perspective.

When Paul started his job, he developed a close relationship with Richard, a senior colleague. Richard helped Paul succeed in his job, and with his help, Paul was quickly promoted. According to Levinson, Richard

acted as a mentor to Paul.

In a study involving weather predictions, media multitaskers

activated subcortical areas involved in implicit memory.

In most tribal and village societies,

adolescence is only a brief intervening phase between childhood and full assumption of adult roles.

Parents of __________ often report a dip in marital and life satisfaction.


Teenage pregnancies are a far greater problem today than several decades ago because

adolescents are far less likely to marry before childbirth, increasing the negative consequences for both mother and baby.

Research on peer victimization shows that

aggression and victimization are not polar opposites.

Which of the following substances do American adolescents experiment with most during high school?


Researchers have found that satisfying sex generally involves

an emotionally fulfilling relationship.

Goran is a child victim of war. Research shows that Goran is likely to experience

an increase in anxiety and depression.

Carly, age 24, has a 22 percent greater body weight than she should have, based on her age, sex, and physical build. Carly is

an obese adult.

Brian is a star high school athlete, who has recently exhibited severe mood swings and aggressiveness. An initial health screening also indicates that Brian has acne, excess body hair, and high blood pressure. Brian's symptoms are consistent with

anabolic steroid use.

The immune response is the combined work of specialized cells that neutralize or destroy __________ in the body.


According to Piaget, around age 11, young people enter the formal operational stage of development, in which they

are able to come up with new, general logical rules through internal reflection.

Research demonstrates that only children __________ compared to children with siblings.

are higher in self-esteem and achievement motivation

Compared to their traditional-career counterparts, men who enter traditionally female-dominated careers

are more interested in working with people.

Children in self-care, who regularly look after themselves for some period of time after school, __________ than children in after-school programs.

are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior

Sleep-deprived adolecents

are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

Studies show that most adolescents are aware of basic facts about AIDS but

are poorly informed about how to protect themselves against other STDs.

Students placed in general education and vocational tracks

are three times as likely to drop out of high school as those in a college preparatory track.

A recent study of same-sex couples found that same-sex civil unions were __________ heterosexual marriages.

as stable as

Principal Allen wants to reduce prejudice at his middle school. Which of the following interventions should he use?

assign children to cooperative learning groups with peers of diverse backgrounds

For boys, voice change usually takes place

at the peak of the growth spurt.

Darlene has heavy deposits of plaque containing cholesterol and fats collected on the walls of her main arteries. Darlene has


Marlena is enrolled in an intervention program that encourages learned-helpless children to believe that they can overcome failure by exerting more effort. This approach is known as

attribution retraining.

Children whose parents use a(n) __________ child-rearing style feel especially good about themselves.


Despite the concerns of middle childhood, child rearing becomes easier for those parents who established a(n) __________ style in the early years.


Fernando's parents respond sensitively and helpfully when he is distressed. Fernando is probably


A strong cardiovascular response, interference with immune system functioning, and reduced digestive activity are all symptoms of

psychological stress.

Which of the following is a secondary sexual characteristic?

pubic hair

Research shows that school-age children

rate "masculine" occupations as having higher status than "feminine" occupations.

Nora's grandfather lived to be 87, and her father is still alive at the age of 98. Nora concludes that longevity is inherited and anticipates a very long life. Nora should know that

rather than inheriting longevity directly, people probably inherit risk factors that influence their chances of dying earlier or later.

During puberty, neurons become more responsive to excitatory neurotransmitters. As a result, adolescents

react more strongly to stressful events and experience pleasurable stimuli more intensely.

According to Holland, the __________ person prefers working with objects and tends to choose a mechanical occupation.


Regular physical activity is linked to

reduced incidence of cancer.

Physical activity

reduces anxiety and depression.

For never-married low-SES women, child support enforcement

reduces financial stress.

Cross-linking can be reduced by

regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Compared to other cultures, North American adolescents have

relatively restrictive sexual attitudes.

In college, Edward comes to the realization that his own beliefs are often subjective. He notes that his roommate, who holds vastly different beliefs from his own, has his own "truth." Edward is engaged in

relativistic thinking.

One hypothesized cause of age-related DNA and cellular abnormalities is the

release of free radicals.

Nearly two-thirds of divorced adults


Which of the following is most helpful in keeping potential dropouts in school?

remedial instruction in small classes

Many perpetrators treated for partner abuse

repeat their violent behavior with the same or a new partner.

Gloria's marriage was riddled with jealousy, emotional highs and lows, and desperation about whether her husband returned her affection. Though she offered support to her husband, Gloria did so in ways that poorly fit his needs. She was also quick to express fear and anger. Based on this information, it is likely that Gloria has a(n) __________ attachment history.


Mrs. Frishman is concerned because her teenage son has become increasingly critical of others, while maintaining a high sense of idealism for the world at large. Mrs. Frishman could

respond patiently to his remarks and point out positive features of his targets to help him see that the world is made up of blends of virtues and imperfections.

The good news about American high school dropouts is that about one-third of them

return to finish their secondary education within a few years.

During the school years, children refine their __________, organizing their observations of behaviors and internal states into general dispositions.


Janet, an emerging adult, believes in her ability to succeed. She is determined to overcome obstacles and takes personal responsibility for both positive and negative outcomes. Janet has a well-developed

sense of personal agency.

The overriding factor in positive adjustment following divorce is

shielding the child from family conflict and using authoritative child rearing.

Adolescent drug experimentation

should not be taken lightly because a single heavy dose can lead to permanent injury or death

Sexual partners, whether dating, cohabiting, or married, tend to be

similar in age and education.

Adult friends are usually

similar to each other in age, sex, and SES.

In view of recent trends, it is likely that most Americans will spend a substantial part of their adult lives


Which of the following fosters a mastery-oriented approach to learning?

small class size and cooperative learning

The most powerful influence on extracurricular involvement is

small school size.

During the twenties and thirties, changes in physical appearance and declines in body functioning are

so gradual that most are hardly noticeable.

In the United States and a few European countries, __________ are responsible for a modest, continuing trend toward earlier menarche.

soaring rates of overweight and obesity

When Yolanda thought about the future, she planned to get her first job at 22, be married by 24, and have her first child at 27, just like her older brother did. According to research by Bernice Neugarten, Yolanda has a well-defined

social clock.

School-age children use frequent __________ in their self-descriptions

social comparisons

Raylynne is well-liked by all of her classmates. She probably has high

social self-esteem.

Which of the following motor skills will probably peak earliest in life?

speed of limb movement

Children who believe in the changeability of human attributes

spend more time volunteering to help the needy.

Divorce rates in the United States have __________ since the mid-1980s.


Research suggests that __________ cause(s) girls to do worse than their abilities allow on difficult math problems.

stereotype threat

From third to sixth grade, boys tend to __________ their identification with "masculine" personality traits, whereas girls' identification with "feminine" personality traits __________.

strengthen; declines

A second birth typically requires that fathers

take an even more active role in parenting.

Ingredients of effective rape intervention include

teaching social skills and social awareness.

When adults make positive lifestyle changes,

telomerase activity increases.

When asked about her future vocational choice, 14-year-old Grace says, "I'm good at math and I like solving problems. But I like helping people. So maybe teaching math or working as an engineer would be good." Grace is in the __________ period of vocational development.


Fourteen-year-old Phil experiences muscle growth and notices the growth of body and facial hair. Which of the following hormones is responsible for this change?


Research on child sexual abuse indicates that

the abuser is typically a parent or someone the parent knows well.

Female puberty usually begins with

the budding of the breasts and the growth spurt.

During puberty,

the cephalocaudal growth trend of infancy and childhood reverses.

Male puberty usually begins with

the enlargement of the testes.

The imaginary audience is adolescents' belief that they are

the focus of everyone else's attention and concern.

Compared to Canadian agemates, Chinese schoolchildren are more likely to rate lying favorably when

the intention is modesty.

With regard to verbal abilities, girls have a biological advantage in earlier development of

the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex.

Research on children's ability to provide eyewitness testimony in legal situations shows that

the more distinctive and personally relevant an event is, the more likely children are to recall it accurately over time.

Jonathan views himself as reaching great heights of omnipotence and also sinking to unusual depths of despair. Which of the following cognitive distortions contribute to Jonathan's views?

the personal fable

Certain that others are observing and thinking about them, teenagers develop an inflated sense of their own importance known as

the personal fable.

Beginning in middle childhood, a common fear is

the possibility of personal harm.

The first outward sign of puberty is

the rapid gain in height and weight known as the growth spurt.

According to anthropologist Margaret Mead, __________ is/are entirely responsible for the range of teenage experiences

the social environment

Sal and Sadie have been married for 40 years. When asked to compare their current relationship to when they were newlyweds, they are most likely to say that

they love each other more now than they did earlier.

Nadine, an average-weight adult, gained a small amount of weight between the ages of 25 and 50. Nadine should know that

this is a normal part of aging, resulting from a drop in basal metabolic rate.

When it comes to dietary fat, the best suggestion is

to eat less fat of all kinds.

Mike and Carol are married. Mike is the head of the household. He works outside the home as an architect. Carol devotes herself to caring for Mike and their children and creating a comfortable home. They have a(n) __________ marriage.


Bulimia is usually treated by

training in changing eating habits.

Adrian developed a secure attachment to his parents when he was a child. Adrian probably characterizes his most important adult love relationship in terms of

trust, happiness, and friendship.

On average, girls reach puberty __________ boys.

two years earlier than

The majority of rape victims are __________, and the abusers are __________.

under age 30; men they know well

Raymond is a single African American in his thirties. Statistically, what is the most likely reason for Raymond's singlehood?


American employers regard recent high school graduates as

unprepared for skilled business and industrial occupations and manual trades.

Weight-loss maintainers are more likely than individuals who relapse to

use social support and to keep a record of their weight.

After the birth of a child, gender roles of husband and wife

usually become more traditional.

Initiation ceremonies in industrialized nations, such as the Jewish bar or bat mitzvah and the quinceañera in Hispanic communities, have less effect on the timing of puberty than initiation ceremonies in tribal and village societies because they

usually do not mark a significant change in social status in larger society.

Women who pursue nontraditional careers

usually have "masculine" traits, such as high achievement orientation and self-reliance.

Minimal drug experimenters are

usually psychologically healthy, sociable, curious young people.

Children and adults with __________ are more likely to hold racial and ethnic prejudices.

very high self-esteem

Western adolescents are granted partial adult status upon the happening of many different events, including


In Western nations, there has been an especially dramatic increase in cohabitation among

well-educated young people.

Attribution research shows that

well-intended messages from adults sometimes undermine children's competence.

Sociologist George Herbert Mead proposed that a __________ emerges when children adopt a view of the self that resembles others' attitudes toward the child.

well-organized psychological self

Studies in diverse Western nations confirm that by age 5 or 6, __________ children generally evaluate their own racial group favorably and other racial groups less favorably or negatively


U.S. government surveys following 9,000 U.S. college-educated workers for a decade revealed that ten years after college graduation, the gender pay gap had


Eight-year-old Marcie is involved in community theater. She fantasizes about starring in a Broadway musical. Marcie's desire to be an actress

will probably bear little relation to the vocational decisions that she will eventually make.

Creative individuals are

willing to try again after failure.

Andrew has high academic self-esteem. Andrew is probably

willing to try hard.

Research on peer groups during middle childhood shows that

within peer groups, children learn cooperation, leadership, followership, and loyalty to collective goals.

Most divorces occur __________ marriage.

within the first seven years of

Friendship continuity is greater for __________, in part because they __________.

women; see one another more often

Skye, a rejected-withdrawn child, is most likely

worried about being scorned and attacked.

Loneliness rises during early adulthood because

young adults expect more from their intimate ties. .

Improved family communication, improved parent-child interaction, and social support are all benefits of

parent education courses.

A study conducted showed that fifth and sixth graders describe __________ as the most influential people in their lives.


Young people's vocational aspirations correlate strongly with their

parents' jobs.

Maddy spends most of her time with a particular set of girlfriends. Within this group, there are specific standards of behavior, a specialized dress code, and identified leaders. Maddy is most likely

part of a peer group.

Gayle has had a few dates with Joine. Early __________ love is a strong predictor of whether they will keep dating.


Appreciating mixed emotions helps children realize that

people's expressions may not reflect their true feelings.

Compared with adults making decisions, teenagers

perform less well because they must inhibit emotion and impulses in favor of thinking rationally.

G. Stanley Hall described adolescence as a

period so turbulent that it resembles the era in which humans evolved from savages into civilized beings.

Noncustodial fathers who see their children only occasionally tend to take on a(n) __________ style of parenting.


During childhood and adolescence, perceived __________ correlates more strongly with overall self-worth than any other self-esteem factor.

physical appearance

Michaela performs well in school and communicates with her peers in sensitive, friendly, and cooperative ways. She is a __________ child.


When classmates are asked to rate each other's likeability, __________ children get many positive votes, whereas __________ children are seldom mentioned.

popular; neglected

Eleven-year-old Leah has developed a sense of competence at a number of useful skills and tasks. She has a positive but realistic self-concept and takes pride in her accomplishments. According to Erikson, Leah has

positively resolved the psychological conflict of middle childhood.

According to some researchers, cognitive development continues beyond Piaget's formal operational stage to the __________ level.

postformal thought

Quality of the marital relationship

predicts mental health similarly for both men and women.

In Canada and Western Europe, where community- and school-based clinics offer adolescents contraceptives and where universal health insurance helps pay for them, __________ than in the United States.

pregnancy, childbirth, and abortion rates are much lower

The best way to reduce the suffering of a child sexual abuse victim is to

prevent sexual abuse from continuing.

A major obstacle to the implementation of an apprenticeship program that even Germany has not overcome is

preventing low-SES youths from being concentrated in the lowest-skilled apprenticeship placements.

Michele openly lives her life as a lesbian. Statistics indicate that Michele

probably has a college degree.

In __________ coping, children appraise the situation as changeable, identify the difficulty, and decide what to do about it.


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