Psychology Chapter 1

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Who is Skinner and what did he do?

-studied principles of modifying behavior through reinforcement and punishment

What are the potential ethical concerns associated with Milgram's research on obedience?

-subjects were unaware that they were not truly hurting the other people

How is the study of psychology beneficial to people in other fields or professions, such as business, education, or law?

-useful to understand why and how others think

Psychological perspectives

Structuralism, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Cognitive, Psychoanalytic, Humanistic, Biological, Psychological, Sociocultural

health psychology

a subfield of psychology that provides psychology's contribution to behavioral medicine

forensic psychology

area of psychology that applies the science and practice of psychology to issues within and related to the justice system

Sports and Exercise Psychology

area of psychology that focuses on the interactions between mental and emotional factors and physical performance in sports, exercise, and other activities

To what aspect of psychology was the behaviorist approach to psychology as a reaction to the operant chamber


Other than a potentially greater salary, what would be the reasons an individual would continue on to get a graduate degree in psychology?

different career opportunities


emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans

Biopsychology and Evolutionary Psychology

explores how our biology influences our behavior

Who is John B. Watson?

father of behaviorism

psychoanalytic theory

focus on the role of the unconscious in affecting conscious behavior


focused on how mental activities helped an organism adapt to its environment

Why is an undergraduate education in psychology so helpful in a number of different lines of work?

helps to understand people and how to work with them

Cognitive Psychology

the scientific study of all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating

social psychology

the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another

personality psychology

the study of an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting


understanding the conscious experience through introspection

developmental psychology

a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span

clinical psychology

a branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders

Gestalt Psychology

focuses on humans as a whole rather than individual parts


focuses on observing and controlling behavior

If a researcher is studying memory loss after brain injuries, what type of psychologist are they most likely to be?

Cognitive Psychology

Who created the operant chamber and what did it show?

-Skinner -that animals can learn behavior(ex. pressing a button, pulling a lever)

Who is Sigmund Freud and what did he do?

-founded psychoanalytic theory -believed that one way the unconscious mind could be accessed was through dream analysis

How has psychology changed our understanding of our minds and behaviors

-gaining a better understanding of how human and animal minds work -comparing the two to learn more information

Describe the Cognitive revolution. Why was it called a "revolution"?

-in 1950's -mind became the new focus of scientific inquiry -lead by Noam Chomsky -said psychology needed to include mental functioning into its focus to understand human behavior

Who is Pavlov and what did he do?

-studied conditioned reflexes -pavlovs dogs

Based on chapter 1, which theorist would most likely agree with this sentence: Perceptual phenomena are best understood as a combination of their components. (Wundt, James, Freud, Kohler, Koffka, Wertheimer, Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, Chomsky, Maslow, Rogers)


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