Psychology Chapter 10

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Freud's first stage of psychosexual development, beginning at birth, is the _____ stage.


Freud's last stage of psychosexual development, which begins at puberty, is the _____ stage. latent


(0-18 months) Pleasure centers on the mouth—sucking, biting, chewing


(18-36 months) Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands for control


(3-6 years) Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings


(6 to puberty) A phase of dormant sexual feelings


(puberty on) Maturation of sexual interests

Carl Rogers

A Person-Centered Perspective; Humans are primed to reach their potential in a growth-promoting environment; Acceptance (unconditional positive regard); Conditions of worth; Self-concept

The personality

A pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behavior that characterizes the way an individual adapts to the world is called what?


A test that requires the interpretation of ambiguous images, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, is considered a _____ test.


According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, toddlers' (ages 18-36 months) erogenous zones are centered around which of the following?

A person becomes stuck at a particular stage of psychosexual development.

According to Freud, a fixation occurs when what happens?

Latency or Latent

According to Freud, from about age 6 through puberty, children set aside interest in sexuality. Freud called this time the ______ period.

A young boy's desire to replace his father so he can enjoy his mother's affections

According to Freud, the Oedipus complex is which of the following?

The ego

According to Freud, the _______ must balance the wishes of the id and the demands of the superego.


According to psychodynamic theory, the _____ deals with reality.


Alfred Adler believed that people are primarily motivated to achieve perfection, not find pleasure. His approach is known as _____ psychology.


An individual who thinks, "Sex is pleasurable, I want it," but also thinks "I feel guilty about having sex at all" is struggling with conflict between the_____ and the superego.

18 months

Around what age does the anal stage begin?


At what age does the oral stage begin?


Behavior and personality vary across contexts

Reticular activation system theory (Eysenck)

Behavioral patterns aim to regulate arousal


Characteristic pattern of behavior or tendency to feel and act in a certain way; Personality is a stable and enduring pattern of behavior


Clusters of behavior tendencies that occur together; Biology and personality; Genes influence temperament

The Basics of the Social

Cognitive Perspective - Behavior is influenced by the interaction between persons and their social context; Reciprocal determinism: interacting influences; Past learning; Self-efficacy; Personal control


Compared to other approaches to personality, psychodynamic approaches put greater emphasis on _____mental processes

The unconscious

Defense mechanisms are an example of _____ processes.


Freud's third stage of psychosexual development, occurring from ages 3 to 6 years, is the _____ stage.


Freudian and Later Psychodynamic Theorists - Adler, Horney, and Jung; Emphasized the conscious mind, Doubted that sex and aggression were allconsuming motivations, Emphasized social interactions


Heritability estimates for the big five personality traits are around _____ percent.

Sociocultural influences

Horney insisted that Freud's hypotheses needed to be supported with observable data and argued that _____ on the development of personality should also be considered.

Criticisms of Freud

Emphasis on sexual impulses; Development is lifelong; Emphasis on early family experience; Can the unconscious mind control behavior?


Enduring ideas of the unconscious; Early life experience is important

The Basics of Psychodynamic Theories

Focus on the unconscious childhood experiences; Derived from Freud's psychoanalysis

The Basics of Humanistic Theories

Focus on ways healthy people strive for self-determination and self-realization; Ask people to report their experiences and feelings experiences and feelings

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

ID feelings and interests through stories

Rorschach test

ID feelings by analyzing blot interpretations

Evaluate the morality of our behavior

In psychoanalytic theory, the superego's job is to do which of the following?

The Rorschach Test

In this projective test, people tell what they see in a series of symmetrical inkblots. Some who use this test are confident that the interpretation of ambiguous images will reveal unconscious aspects of the testtaker's personality


Individual psychology is the view that people are motivated by purposes and goals and strive for perfection over pleasure. Who developed it?


Freud felt that an individual might become stuck in a stage of psychosexual development if that person received too much or too little gratification during that stage. This is known as a(n) _____.

Psychoanalytic theory

The idea that unconscious forces influence personality is related to which of the following?

Freud on Personality

It's all about conflict; impulse and restraint

Id thought

The purpose of using repression is to push unacceptable ______ impulses back into the unconscious minds.

Repeatedly over time and in many different situations

Traits are stable characteristics that tend to manifest themselves how?


True or false: Social cognitive theorists believe that we acquire a wide range of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings through observing others' behavior and that these observations form an important part of our personalities.

Behavioral genetics

Twin studies

Reinforcement sensitivity theory (Gray)

Two neurological systems shape personality

The id

What are an individual's unconscious drives and reservoir of sexual energy called?

To reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality

What is the purpose of defense mechanisms?

From puberty through adulthood

When does the genital stage of psychosexual development occur, according to Freud?

He was unduly preoccupied with sexuality. He did not give sufficient attention to sociocultural factors. He underestimated the importance of conscious thought.

Which of the following are problems with Freud's theory, as cited by modern critics? (Select all that apply.)

Phallic Genital Anal Oral

Which of the following are the psychosexual stages as outlined by Freud? (Select all that apply.)

It triggers the Oedipus complex. It typically occurs between 3 and 6 years of age.

Which of the following are true of the psychoanalytic phallic stage of development? (Select all that apply.)

Unconscious ia not

Which of the following is NOT one of the psychosexual stages outlined by Freud?


Which of the following is the motivation to develop one's full potential as a human being?

They are not widely accepted today.

Which of the following is true of Freud's ideas?

Sigmund Freud

Which theorist most strongly suggested that unconscious processes influence personality?

Humanistic Perspectives Contributions

Wide-ranging influence


You know you are about to do something your parents would not approve of. In other words, your _____ is warning you that you are about to make a mistake. superego

The superego

Your friend went out to drink last night, even though he knew he should have stayed in and studied for an exam. According to Freudian theory, what personality structure is causing the guilt he felt about it afterward?


_____ believed that the need for security is the primary motive in human existence.


_____ genetics is the study of the inherited underpinnings of characteristics.

Observational learning

_____, also called imitation or modeling, occurs when a person learns from watching and imitating another's behavior.

Traits Contributions

are linked to health, thinking, careers success, and relationships; Help predict a person's average behavior


conscious executive


ideals, standards of judgment


is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behavior that characterizes the way an individual adapts to the world.


unconscious psychic energy

Social Cognitive Perspective


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Most widely researched and clinically used of all personality tests

HP Criticisms

Overestimate our freedom and rationality; Could attitudes lead to negative outcomes?; Human capacity for "evil" is not recognized

Personality Assessment

Projective Tests


Pushing unacceptable id impulses back into the unconscious mind is called _____.


Self-_____ is a state of self-fulfillment in which people realize their highest potential.

CAPS model of personality

Stability over time; How personality works

Personality Assessment: The Humanistic Perspective

Standardized assessment of personality is depersonalizing; Interviews and intimate conservations are critical

Defense Mechanisms

The Ego protects; Repression

identifying as a member of one's own gender being sexually attracted to the opposite sex

The Oedipus complex is typically resolved by the child _____. (Select all that apply.)


The _____ perspective views personality as a collection of broad, enduring dispositions that lead to characteristic behaviors.


The _____ theory views personality as primarily unconscious.

The psychodynamic

The _____ theory views personality as primarily unconscious.

An unconscious thought process

The id is exclusively _____.

Traits Criticisms

Dismisses situational factors; Misses the nuances of an individual's personality

Nonsexual interests

During the latency period, the child focuses on which of the following?

Social Cognitive Perspectives Contributions

Theories are built from cognition and learning research, and observation of behavior

Biological Perspectives Contributions

Theories are built from learning research, brain imaging, and evolutionary theory

BP Criticisms

Theories can't tell us whether biology is the cause or the effect

SCP Criticisms

Theories focus more on the situation than a person's inner traits; Ignores biology; Specific predictions make generalization impossible

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