Psychology Chapter 13

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Examples of Rational Emotive Therapy

"Where is this written that you must?...."

Advantages of group therapy

-low cost -exposure to other people with similar problems; social interaction with others -social and emotional support from people with similar disorders or problems


-the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, with an updated "text revision"; a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders. -psychological disorders based on presenting behavior patterns

Cognitive errors/distortions

1. Clients may selectively perceive the world as a harmful place and ignore evidence to the contrary. 2. Clients may overgeneralize on the basis of a few examples. For example, they may perceive themselves as worthlessness because they were laid off work or as unattractive because they were refused on a date. 3. Clients may magnify, or blow out of proportion, the importance of negative events. They may catastrophize failing a test by assuming they will flunk out of college or catastrophize losing a job by believing that they will never find another one and that serious will befall their family as a result. 4.Clients may engage in absolute thinking, or looking at the world in black and white rather than in shades of gray. In doing so, a rejection on a date takes on the meaning of a lifetime of loneliness; an uncomfortable illness takes on life-threatening proportions.

Five Factor Model

1. Neuroticism- Contrast nervousness, moodiness, and sensitivity to negative stimuli with coping ability. 2.Extraversion- Contrasts talkativeness, assertiveness, and activity with silence, passivity, and reserve. 3. aggreeableness-Contrasts kindness, trusts, and warmth with hostility, selfishness, and distrust. 4. Consientiousness-Contrast organization, thoroughness, and reliability with carelessness, negligence, and unreliability. 5.Openness to experience-Contrast imagination, curiosity, and creativity with shallowness and lack of perceptiveness.

Social Skills Training

A behavior-therapy method for helping people in their interpersonal relations that utilizes self monitoring, behavior rehearsal, and feedback.

Token Economy Method

A controlled environment in which people are reinforced for desired behaviors with tokens (such as poker chips) that may be exchanged for privileges.

Positive Correlation

A correlation where as one variable increases, the other also increases, or as one decreases so does the other. Both variables move in the same direction.

Cognitive Therapy

A form of therapy that focuses on how clients' cognitions (e.g. expectations, attitudes, beliefs) lead to distress and may be modified to relieve distress and promote adaptive behavior.

Correlation Coefficient

A number between -1.00 and +1.00 that indicates the direction (the negative or positive) and extent (from none to perfect) of the relationship between two variables. (Ex. Grade Point Average).

Purpose of Monasteries

A source of spiritual strength Served as seminaries for priests and bishops Centers of evangelization and education for barbarians Attempted to teach people how to read and write.


A systematic interaction between a therapist and a client that brings psychological principles to bear on influencing the client's thoughts, feeling, or behavior to help the client overcome psychological disorders, adjust to problems in living, or develop as an individual.


A type of average that is calculated by adding all the scores and then dividing by the number of the scores.

Human Intelligence permits us to...

All of the above Think about abstractions, adapt to a great variety of living conditions, challenge our physical limitations

Behavior Modification Reinforcement

Also known as Behavior Therapy, a systematic application of the principles of learning to the direct modification of a clients problem behaviors.

Medication for schizophrenia

Anti psychotics drugs, including: phenothiazines (e.g. Throazine) and clozapine (Clozaril)

Rebound Anxiety

Anxiety that can occur when one discontinues use of a tranquilizers.

minor tranquilizers for generalized anxiety disorder

Benzodiazepines, Valium and Ativan

The Function of Early Asylum

Early Asylums originated in European Monasteries. They were first institutions intended primarily for housing people with psychological disorders. But their function was warehousing, not treatment.

Industrial Psychologist

Focus on the relationships between people and work.

Albert Ellis Rational Emotive Therapy

Form of therapy that encourages clients to challenge and correct irrational expectations and manipulative behaviors

Couple Therapy

Helps couples enhance their relationship by improving their communication skills and helping them manage conflict.

Successive Approximations

In operant conditioning, a series of behaviors that gradually become more similar to a target behavior.


In psychoanalysis, the expression of repressed feeling and impulses to allow the release of the psychic energy associated with them.

Free Association

In psychoanalysis, the uncensored uttering of all thoughts that come to mind.

physiological needs

Includes needs for achievement, power, self-esteem, social approval, and belonging. Physiological needs are not necessarily based of deprivation.

Unconscious levels as it relates to psychotherapy

Levels of consciousness: Conscious, Pre-conscious and Unconscious. Conscious-Aware of and responding to one's surrounding; awake. Pre-conscious- Contains ideas that are out of awareness but can be made conscious by focusing on them. Unconscious-Is shrouded in mystery. It contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression. Some urges cannot be experienced consciously because mental images and words cannot portray them in all their color and fury. How

1950-Mental Hospitals

More than a million people resided in state, county, Veterans Administrations, or private facilities. The mental hospital's function is treatment, not warehousing. Still, because high patient populations and under staffing, many patients received little attention.

Treatments in Asylums

No treatments in Asylums, just warehousing. Inmates were chained and beaten.

Major Tranquilizers

People with schizophrenia are often given anti psychotic drugs. In most cases, these drugs reduce agitation, delusions, hallucinations.

Reformers who advocated for the mentally ill patients

Physician named Philippe Pinel (French). William Tuke (Engalnd) and Dorothea Dix (United States)

Salem 1692-psychological disorders resulted from....

Possession by the devil


Responding to one person (such as psychoanalyst) in way similar to how one responded to another person (such as a parent) in childhood.

Examples of SSRI medications

SSRI known as Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors: such as Prozac and Zoloft block the re-uptake of serotonin by presynaptic neurons.

Organizational Psychologist

Study the behavior of people in organizations such as business.

Lithium Medication for bipolar disorder

The ancient Greeks and Romans were among the first to use the metal lithium as a mood stabilizer. They prescribed mineral water-which contains lithium-for people with bipolar disorder. Lithium can also be used to strengthen the effects of antidepressants medication.


The central score in frequency distribution; the score beneath which 50% of the cases fall.


The most frequently occurring number or score in a distribution.

Selective Perception

The phenomenon that people often pay the most attention to things they already agree with and interpret them according to their own predispositions.

Biofeedback training

The systematic feeding back to an organism of information about a bodily function so that the organism can gain control of that function.

Aversive Conditioning

a form of treatment that consists of repeated pairings of a stimulus with a very unpleasant stimulus.A behavior-therapy in which undesired response are inhibited by pairing repugnant or offensive stimuli with them.

Meta Analysis

a procedure for statistically combining the results of many different research studies


a systematic procedure for solving a problem that works invariably when it is correctly applied.

operant conditioning

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher.

Negative Correlation

as one variable increases, the other decreases

Minor Tranquilizers

drugs having a relatively mild depressant effect.


drugs that lower anxiety and reduce stress


electroconvulsive therapy. Treatment of disorders like major depression by passing an electric current (that causes a convulsion) through the head

Psychoactive substances will target what?

psychoactive drugs typically target a protein that performs a normal function in neurons.

Positive Psychology

the field of psychology that is about personal well-being and satisfaction; joy, sensual pleasure, and happiness; and optimism and hope for the future


the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

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