Psychology Chapter 3

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A brain tumor in the limbic system is most likely to produce changes in a persons A. Coordination B. Emotions C. Hearing D. Sleep patterns E. Vision


A drug that is used to treat seizures functions by preventing inhibitory neurotransmitters from returning to the presynaptic neuron. This slows the rate of neurons firing by increasing the amount of the inhibitory neurotransmitter in the synapse. The drug is most likely to be classified as a A GABA reuptake inhibitor (GRI) B selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) C hallucinogen D stimulant E beta blocker


A neuron sends a signal along its A dendrite B optic chiasm C axon D neurotransmitter E nucleus


A person whose body is not producing enough testosterone is most likely to exhibit A overly aggressive behavior B fatigue C memory loss D increased hunger E increased thirst


Abnormalities with this neurotransmitter can cause Alzheimer's disease


According to Darwin's theory of natural selection, A. The environment select organisms that are more complex and more advance B.The members of a species that are best adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and produce more offspring C. Giraffes evolved a longer neck because they were constantly reaching for the tender, higher leaves in the tall trees of their environment D. Evolution is a process whereby experience modifies an organisms genes E. Evolution is the sole factor affecting the behavior of current species


Although Darwin never knew it, evolution takes advantage of genetic _____ that enhance survival and reproduction of the individual. A. Variations B. Environments C. Thoughts D. Diseases E. Theories


An adult with a healthy sleep cycle is most likely to enter REM sleep A immediately after falling asleep B after the dream stage is completed C after cycling through the NREM sleep stages D only as necessary to prevent waking E soon after falling asleep and then remain there for the majority of the night


An organisms genetic makeup


An organisms observable physical characteristics


Antagonists function by A mimicking neurotransmitters that bind to neural receptors to cause neural firing B blocking receptors to prevent other neurotransmitters from binding to the neural receptors C prompting the production of neurotransmitters D strengthening the connections between neurons E raising the threshold at which the neuron will fire


At a synapse, neurotransmitters released by the sending neuron do which of the following? A They combine with neurotransmitters released by the receiving neuron. B They combine with neurotransmitters released by other sending neurons. C They pass through channels into the receiving neuron. D They bind to receptors at the receiving neuron, which opens ion channels. E They bind to ions in the synapse, which creates a chemical reaction that causes the receiving neuron to fire.


Behavior constantly found in a species is likely to have a genetic basis that evolved because the behavior has been adaptive. which of the following human behaviors illustrates this concept A. Driving a car B. Sending astronauts to the moon C. Down syndrome D. Language E. Thinking


Carl Wernicke discovered the region of the brain that is responsible for A visual perception B sense of balance C memory consolidation D language comprehension E language production


Consist primarily of DNA

Association cortex

Cortical regions that combine information from various other parts of the brain


Dr. Kovacs is conducting a study of how the brain responds to reading. He records subjects' brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG) while they read sentences. He is looking for the N400 signal, a negative EEG spike that occurs 400 milliseconds after someone processes something semantically surprising. There are two conditions in the study. The two figures below show average EEG activity for the subjects in the two conditions (Condition A on the left; Condition B on the right). The x-axis indicates time in milliseconds; time 0 indicates when the subjects first read the last word in each sentence. The figure presents two line graphs, labeled A and B, each representing the EEG activity for the subjects with two conditions. The horizontal axis indicates the values 400 and 800. The vertical axis indicates the value, 0. A horizontal line extends across the graph at value 0. Negative values appear above the horizontal axis and positive values appear underneath the horizontal axis. In graph A, the EEG result fluctuates slightly above and slightly below the value of 0. In graph B, the EEG result also fluctuates slightly above and slightly below the value of 0, with a spike into the negative range occurring at 400 milliseconds. Which of the following pairs of conditions would produce results such as the ones Dr. Kovacs found? A Condition A included sentences such as "Strawberries are sweet," and Condition B included sentences such as "Strawberries is sweet." B Condition A included sentences such as "Strawberries is sweet," and Condition B included sentences such as "Strawberries are sweet." C Condition A included sentences such as "Strawberries are nervous," and Condition B included sentences such as "Strawberries are sweet." D Condition A included sentences such as "Strawberries are nervous," and Condition B included sentences such as "Strawberries are furious." E Condition A included sentences such as "Strawberries are sweet," and Condition B included sentences such as "Strawberries are nervous."


Drug or other chemical that enhances or mimics the effects of neurotransmitters


Drug or other chemical that inhibits the effects of neurotransmitters


During a neural impulse, a neuron "fires" when A. It is physically contacted by another cell that is transmitting the signal B. An electric charge travels down the axon C. It contracts and releases powerful chemicals directly into the bloodstream D. Signals entering at the axon travel the length of the cell and exit through the dendrites E. Neurotransmitters attach to the dendritic receptors


Encodes directions for inherited characteristics of an organism


If a body does not have enough potassium, how might that affect neuronal firing? A The neurons will fire too easily because there will not be enough negatively charged ions to maintain a negatively charged resting state. B The neurons will fire too easily because there will not be enough positively charged ions to maintain a positively charged resting state. C The neurons will struggle to fire because there will not be enough positively charged ions to trigger the firing of the neuron. D The neurons will struggle to fire because there will not be enough negatively charged ions to trigger the firing of the neuron. E The neurons will struggle to fire because potassium binds to receptors and inhibits neuronal firing.

Right parietal lobe

If you feel pain in your left arm you likely have damage to this specific part of the cerebral cortex

Absolute refractory phase

In neurons, this occurs immediately following the process of action potential


In purely evolutionary terms which one would be a measure of your own success as an organism? A. Your intellectual accomplishments B. The length of your life C. The number of children you have D. The contributions that you make to the happiness of humanity E. Your ability to find food and water


In the split brain operation, what part of the brain is severed? A. The cerebrum B. The corpus callosum C. The left hemisphere D. The occipital lobe E. The right hemisphere


It is the lobe that is most associated with vision- it houses the optic nerve.


Johnny often hits his brother even though his brother does not do anything to antagonize him. Johnny's aggression is most likely due to a combination of A his genetic makeup, the fact that aggression can be evolutionarily adaptive, and a lack of neuroplasticity B developmental delays, the fact that aggression can be evolutionarily adaptive, and a lack of neuroplasticity C the environment he grew up in, developmental delays, and the fact that aggression can be evolutionarily adaptive D his genetic makeup, developmental delays, and a lack of neuroplasticity E his genetic makeup, the environment he grew up in, and the fact that aggression can be evolutionarily adaptive


Madeline has previously been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. She has an identical twin sister, Josephine, and a nonidentical sister, Abigail. Neither of Madeline's sisters have previously been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Which of the following statements is true of Madeline's sisters? A Because their sister has been diagnosed, it is highly likely that both sisters will be diagnosed with major depressive disorder at some point in their lives. B Neither sister is likely to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder because it is rare for family members to be diagnosed with the same disorder. C The sisters are equally likely to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder in response to a stressful or traumatic event. D Josephine is less likely to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder than Abigail in response to a stressful or traumatic event. E Josephine is more likely to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder than Abigail in response to a stressful or traumatic event.

See figure 3.4

Make a sketch of two connecting neurons. Describe the location and function of the dendrites, Soma, axon, Mylan sheath, terminal buttons, synapse.

See figure 3.13 The left hemisphere controls language, and the right hemisphere controls your left hand.

Make a sketch showing the four lobes of the cerebral cortex indicate the main functions of each lobe. Which hemisphere of the brain controls language in most people? Which hemisphere of your brain controls your left hand?


Michael Gazzaniga is best known for A showing that cats can learn to escape puzzle boxes B conditioning Little Albert to be fearful of rats C studying attachment styles in children D studying false memories E studying split-brain patients

Spinal cord

Most automatic, or reflex, reactions are initiated in this part of the body

The brain stem and cerebellum, the limbic system, the cerebrum

Name the three main layers of the human brain discussed in the text

Motor cortex

Narrow vertical strip of cortex in the frontal lobes


Neurotransmitters are released by the terminal buttons into the ______, and hormones are releases by the endocrine system into the ______ A. Sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system B. Cortex and brain stem C.Left hemisphere and right hemisphere D.Receptor sites and glands E. Synaptic cleft and bloodstream

Nervous system/endocrine system

Of the body's two main communication systems, the ______ is faster, while the ______ sends longer- lasting messages


Researchers trained monkeys to perform two tasks: an object-matching task and a location task. In the object-matching task, the monkeys are given an object and must choose a matching object from two objects placed in front of them. In the location task, an object is placed near one of two locations, and the monkeys must reach toward the location the object is closest to. Separating the monkeys into two groups, researchers created a lesion in one area of the brains of the monkeys in one group and a lesion in a different area of the brains of the monkeys in the second group. The researchers then tested the monkeys' performance on the two tasks. The figures below show the monkeys' accuracy on the two tasks. The figure presents a bar graph with four bars of data. Two categories are listed on the horizontal axis: Group 1 and Group 2. A key indicates that both categories contain data for object matching and location. The vertical axis is labeled, Accuracy, and the numbers 0 through 1.0, in increments of 0.2, are indicated. The data represented in the bar graph are as follows. Note that all values are approximate. Group 1, Object Matching; Accuracy, 0.95. Group 1, Location; Accuracy, 0.48. Group 2, Object Matching; Accuracy, 0.55. Group 2, Location; Accuracy, 0.90. The lesions were most likely performed in the A frontal lobe for Group 1 and the occipital lobe for Group 2 B occipital lobe for Group 1 and the frontal lobe for Group 2 C temporal lobe for Group 1 and the parietal lobe for Group 2 D occipital lobe for Group 1 and the parietal lobe for Group 2 E parietal lobe for Group 1 and the temporal lobe for Group 2


Ruth and Debbie are identical twins who were raised by the same family. Vince and Frankie are identical twins who were separated at birth and raised by different families. According to research on the heritability of personality traits, Ruth's and Debbie's personalities are statistically A. more likely to be similar to one another than are Vince's and Frankie's personalities B. likely to be as similar and dissimilar to one another as are Vince's and Frankie's personalities C. more likely to be dissimilar to one another than are Vince's and Frankie's personalities D. less likely to match on the personality dimensions of agreeableness and extraversion than are Vince and Frankie but not on other personality dimensions E. less likely to match on the personality dimensions of openness and neuroticism than are Vince and Frankie but not on other personality dimensions


Say yes to pass the question how are genes and behavior linked? Charles Darwin's theory of evolution explains behavior as the result of natural selection. Variation among individuals and competition for resources lead to survival of the most adaptive behavior and features. This principle underlies human behavior, as well as that of other animals. Research in genetics has clarified for the biological basis for natural selection and inheritance. Our chromosomes contain thousands of genes, carrying traits inherited from our parents. Each gene consists of a DNA segment that encodes for a protein. Proteins, in turn, serve as the building blocks for the organism's structure and function, including the functioning of the brain. While a draft of the human genome was recently completed, we do not yet know precisely how specific genes influence behavior and mental processes.


Say yes to pass the question how does the body communicate internally? the body's two communication systems are the nervous system and the endocrine system. the neuron, the basic unit of the nervous system, is specialized for processing information. It receives messages by means of stimulation on the dendrites and soma and, when sufficiently aroused, generates an action potential along the axon. neurotransmitter chemicals relay the message to receptors on cells across the synapse The nervous system, composed of billions of interconnected neurons, has two main divisions: the central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system, in turn, can be divided into the somatic nervous system (further divided into sensory and motor pathways) and the autonomic nervous system, which communicates with the internal organs and glands. The somatic division of the autonomic NS is most active under stress, while the parasympathetic division attempts to maintain the body in a more calm state. The glands of the slower endocrine system also communicates with cells around the body by secreting hormones into the blood stream. It's activity is controlled by the pituitary gland attached to the base of the brain, where it receives orders from the hypothalamus. Psychoactive drugs affect the nervous system by influencing the effects of neurotransmitters. Moreover, they may act as a agonist or antagonist. Unfortunately for drug users, many neural pathways in the brain may employ the same neurotransmitter, causing unwanted side effects.


Say yes to pass the question how does the brain produce behavior and mental processes? Early medicine learned about the brain from the study of brain injured persons, such as Phineas Gage. In modern times, researchers have opened windows on the brain, using the electroencephalogram to sense the brains electrical activity, along with electric probe sometimes used to stimulate the brain during surgery. In recent years, computer technology has led to brain-scanning techniques, such as CT, PET, MRI, and FMRI-each having its advantages and disadvantages. We can' conceive of the brain as being organized in three integrated layers. The brain stem and associated structures (including the medulla reticular formation Pons thalamus and cerebellum) control many vital body functions, along with influencing alertness and motor movement. The limbic system (including the hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus) plays vital roles in motivation, emotion, and memory. The cerebral cortex contains highly specialized modules-each with distinct functions. It's frontal lobe's involve both motor functions and higher mental functions. The parietal lobes specialize in sensation, especially the senses of touch and body position. the occipital lobes deal exclusively with vision, while the temporal lobe's have multiple roles involved in vision, hearing, and smell. Even though the functions of the brain are highly localized within specific modules, they normally work seamlessly together. The two cerebral hemispheres are also differently specialized. Language, analytical thinking, and positive emotions are regulated by specific parts of the left hemisphere, while circuits in the right hemisphere control spatial interpretation, visual and musical memory, and negative emotions. If the hemispheres are surgically severed, as when the corpus callosum is cut and split brain patients, a duality of consciousness emerges. In such cases, each hemisphere functions independently and has no direct awareness of stimulation or cognitive activities affecting the other. In people with intact brains, however, the two hemispheres communicate and cooperate with each other.


Some neurotransmitter molecules are not received by the receiving neuron. Those molecules return to the sending neuron in a process called this.


Some people seem to have high blood pressure because they have anxiety response while having their blood pressure taken at the doctors office. Which part of the nervous system produces this anxiety response? A. The cortex B. The parasympathetic nervous system C. The somatic nervous system D. The spinal cord E. The sympathetic nervous system


The _________ Division of the autonomic nervous system increases the heart rate during an emergency, while the _____ division slows the heart rate after an emergency is over.


The brains central relay station


The chemical messengers in the brain are called ______ while in the endocrine system they are called ______


The fatty casing that helps speed up the neural transmissions of a neuron is called the A medulla B myelin sheath C cerebrum D soma E corpus callosum


The hormone most associated with the fight or flight response is A oxytocin B epinephrine C testosterone D estrogen E dopamine


The idea that there is a part of the mind that is not directly accessible to awareness but still drives a person's thinking and behavior is most directly attributable to A William James B Edward Thorndike C Margaret Floy Washburn D Sigmund Freud E Paul Broca


The left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is usually more involved in the right hemisphere in activities such as A. Recognizing and appreciating visual stimuli B. Enjoying and appreciating music C. Using spoken and written language D. Understanding spatial relationships E. Processing emotions


The limbic system structure helps you recognize that another person may be agitated


The medulla oblongata is a part of the A cerebellum B prefrontal cortex C occipital lobe D brain stem E corpus callosum


The nervous systems ability to adapt or change as a result of experience


The parietal lobe is most involved in A processing sensory information B storing information in long-term memory C coordinating complex motor movements D regulating emotions E triggering the fight-or-flight response


The phenomenon of declining physiological effects of taking a drug after sustained use is referred to as A endorphin release B withdrawal C long-term potentiation D tolerance E a relapse


The psychodynamic theory of dreaming would postulate that A time spent dreaming helps with problem solving and creativity B people sleep more after they have engaged in strenuous physical activity C dreams are the brain's way of making sense of random neural activity D dreams fulfill unconscious wishes E lions sleep more than deer

action potential

The sequence of shifts in the electrical charge of a neuron is called this


The split brain patients in figure 3.18 has trouble using the ______ hand to select the object fast on the left side of the screen A. Right B. Left

Broca's area

The structure is housed in the frontal lobe and controls our ability to produce speech


These parts of the neurons receive information from other neurons

Mirror neurons

These types of neurons are crucial in observational learning

Wernicke's area

This area at the confluence of the occipital, parietal, and temporal lobes helps us understand written and spoken language

Medulla Oblangata

This area of the brain stem is important in controlling breathing


This hormone is most closely linked with aggressive behavior

Spastic C.P.

This is the form of cerebral palsy in which muscle tone is too high or too tight, causing stiff and jerky movement and possible paralysis


This neurotransmitter is the one most associated with Parkinson's disease


This part of the Peripheral Nervous System is most immediately activated by sudden fear

Ascending reticular formation

This part of the brain stem is important in keeping us alert during Simoncini's boring classes


This permanent loss of memory as was portrayed in the commercial film 50 first dates can be attributed to an injury to this part of the brain

pre-frontal cortex

This specific part of a lobe in the cerebral cortex is critical in processing the working memory

Anterior Pituitary

This structure helps women to produce breast milk

PET scan

This type of procedure is the best way to visualize metabolic activity in different areas of the brain


Though not part of it, this structure, by analyzing our blood, is an integral part of the Endocrine system

right temporal

Visual memory and spatial reasoning are centered in this specific lobe


Waking up frequently, loud snoring, silent pauses in breathing, and sleepiness during the day are symptoms of A somnambulism B sleep apnea C narcolepsy D circadian rhythm sleep disorders E insomnia


What effect do agonists have? A They decrease the likelihood that a person will get a good night's sleep. B They stimulate the gastric system, leading to increased hunger. C They decrease the likelihood that a postsynaptic neuron will fire. D They increase the likelihood that a postsynaptic neuron will fire. E They lead to a decreased sex drive.

It favors genetic variations that produce adaptive behavior

What has evolution fundamentally shaped psychological processes

Specialized modules that work together to create mind and behavior

What is the brain composed of


What part of the cerebral cortex is most involved with initiating and controlling body movements? A. The frontal lobes B. The hippocampus C. The temporal lobes D. The occipital lobes E. The parietal lobes

The brain coordinated the body's two communications systems which use similar chemical processes to communicate with targets throughout the body

What's the correlation between the nervous system and the endocrine system?


Which form of brain scanning employs radioactive tracers to reveal the most active regions of the brain? A. EEG B. CT C. PET D. MRI E. FMRI


Which hormone is released when a person is under stress? A Progesterone B Testosterone C Estrogen D Oxytocin E Cortisol


Which of the following best describes a major role of the thalamus? A It regulates body temperature. B It regulates hunger. C It regulates the autonomic nervous system. D It relays most sensory signals to the cortex. E It relays olfactory signals to the cortex.


Which of the following describes what happens when a neuron sends a signal? A The neuron goes from being positively charged to briefly being negatively charged, and finally returns to being positively charged again. The magnitude of the negative charge is fixed regardless of the strength of the input signal it receives. B The neuron goes from being negatively charged to briefly being positively charged, and finally returns to being negatively charged again. The magnitude of the negative charge is fixed regardless of the strength of the input signal it receives. C The neuron goes from being negatively charged to briefly being positively charged, and finally returns to being negatively charged again. The magnitude of the positive charge varies depending on the strength of the input signal it receives. D The neuron goes from being positively charged to briefly being negatively charged, and finally returns to being positively charged again. The magnitude of the negative charge varies depending on the strength of the input signal it receives. E The neuron goes from being negatively charged to being positively charged, and then it remains at that level until it fires again. The magnitude of the positive charge varies depending on the strength of the input signal it receives.


Which of the following is a characteristic that might be a part of your phenotype? A. your height and eye color B. the members of your family C. what you have learned in school D. the childhood diseases you have had E. your genetic make up


Which of the following processes are involved in natural selection the driving force behind evolution (more than one maybe correct) A. individuals best adapted to the environment have a survival advantage B. some individuals reproduce more successfully than others C. the offspring some individuals survive in greater numbers than do those of others D. individuals that are poorly adapted tend to have fewer offspring E. All are correct


Which of the following statements expresses the correct relationship? A. Genes are made of chromosomes B. DNA is made of chromosomes C. Nucleotides are made of genes D. Genes are made of DNA E. Phenotype dictates genotype


Which of the following statements identifying the locations of important brain structures is true? A. The hypothalamus is part of the brain stem B. The medulla is part of the limbic system C. The occipital lobe is part of the cerebral cortex D. The limbic system regulates breathing E. The pons is responsible for processing of memory


Which of the three brain layers is often thought of as the emotional brain? A. The brain stem B. The cerebellum C. The limbic system D. The medulla E. The cerebrum


Which one of the following is an example of behavior controlled primarily by the autonomic nervous system? A.Typing a sentence accurately on a keyboard B.Solving a mathematical problem C.Reading this text book D.Feeling hungry E. Breathing and swallowing while asleep


Which part of the brain communicates directly with the " master gland" of the endocrine system? A. The brain stem B. The cerebellum C. The cortex D. The hypothalamus E. The pituitary


Which technique for studying the brain relies on the brains electrical activity A. CT B. EEG C. fMRI D. MRI E. PET


Which the following might carry a neural impulse across the synapse A. An axon B. The blood C. The cerebrospinal fluid D. Dopamine E. An electrical charge


n a study mimicking Roger Sperry's work, Dr. Kornhauser compared the responses of split-brain patients against a control group of neurotypical participants. In his study, participants focused on a dot in the center of a computer screen and objects are presented in either the left or right visual field. After seeing the object, the participants named the object. The results of the experiment are presented below. The figure presents a bar graph with four bars of data. Two categories are listed on the horizontal axis: Split-brain and Control. A key indicates that both categories contain data for the left visual field and right visual field. The vertical axis is labeled, Accuracy, and the numbers 0 through 100, in increments of 10, are indicated. The data represented in the bar graph are as follows. Split Brain, Left Visual Field; Accuracy, 5. Split Brain, Right Visual Field; Accuracy, 90. Control, Left Visual Field; Accuracy, 90. Control, Right Visual Field; Accuracy, 90. What is the most appropriate conclusion Dr. Kornhauser can draw from the results? A Split-brain patients cannot process objects using the right half of their brain and thus are not able to identify the objects in the right visual field. B Split-brain patients have a much faster reaction time to objects in the right visual field due to having a more direct connection between the visual cortex and their language center. C Because the connection between the left visual cortex and language center has been severed, split-brain patients are not able to retrieve the name of objects seen in the right visual field. D Because the connection between the right visual cortex and language center has been severed, split-brain patients are not able to retrieve the name of objects seen in the left visual field. E Because accuracy in the control group was low, the objects he used were likely too difficult for the participants.

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