Psychology chapter 9

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Identify the examples as pertaining to either the internal or the external environment.

Internal Environment: quantities of nutrients in the body. dissolved oxygen levels External Environment: the inside of your home. availability of food.

Genie's family moves to a new state, and she is forced to attend a new school. She notices that a small group of students have interests similar to hers, but they dress and act differently than Genie's friends at her last school. Place the following events in chronological order, based on research regarding the drive for social belonging.

1) Genie feels depressed due to perceived isolation. 2) Genie changes her style of dress and behavior to increase her acceptance. 3) Genie has positive social interactions with the group, which yield positive emotions. 4) Positive emotions lead to increased social interactions, strengthening her sense of belonging.

Hakim has a negative view of himself and feels intense hopelessness. Place the following events in order from first to last, in accordance with the escape-from-self hypothesis.

1) Hakim feels overwhelmed and wants to decrease his overall suffering. 2) Hakim burns himself. 3) Intense pain causes Hakim to focus on the moment at hand. 4) Hakim's awareness of broader concerns decreases.

Identify the true and false statements about what researchers are referring to when using the terms wanting and liking.

Applies to Wanting and Liking Liking applies to receiving rewards whereas wanting applies to the anticipation of a reward. Wanting is applied to both the anticipation and the active seeking of something good. Liking refers to someone receiving something good, not the measure of how fond of it they are. Does not Apply Wanting is used to describe the desire for something regardless of attainability. Anticipation and receiving are combined, much like the pain matrix.

Identify the consequences as benefits or risks of social media.

Benefit Increased communication. Access to health information. Learning outside of school. Risk Cyberbullying. Spreading bias toward certain cultures.

Lani has an upbeat and energetic approach to the social and physical world. People are often surprised when they meet her because she is regularly quite happy, despite growing up without access to a quality education and living below the poverty line for most of her life. Which of the following statements are plausible explanations for Lani's happiness, despite her life circumstances?

Contributing to Lani's Happiness Life circumstances are only a small portion of a person's happiness. Adaptation has allowed Lani to grow accustomed to the challenges in her life. Lani's genetic set point for happiness is probably higher than most people's. Not Contributing to Lani's Happiness Lani has accepted that she has little control over her intentional activities.

In the 2010 study described in the text (Mischel et al., 2010; Moffitt et al., 2011), the ability to delay gratification was tested on children using snacks. Identify the outcomes that were correlated with the higher self-control test subjects later in life.

Correlated to Childhood Self-Control Lower levels of physical illness. lower levels of substance dependence. Not Correlated to Childhood Self-Control Lower levels of athletic ability. Lower levels of socioeconomic status.

Identify each method of classifying emotions as demonstrating the discrete emotions approach or the dimensional approach.

Discrete Emotions Approach using specific categories to identify emotions. distinguishing anger from shame. Dimensional Approach assessing how pleasant or unpleasant an emotion feels. describing emotions with "more this" or "less that".

Which of the following are examples of emotion regulation?

Emotion Regulation Dampening one's own happiness to comfort a friend. Increasing, decreasing, or maintaining behavioral aspects of emotion. Intensifying negative emotions to help achieve a goal. Efforts to decrease an experience associated with anxiety. Not Emotion Regulation Becoming angry with a situation that happened to someone else. Feeling overwhelmed by several conflicting emotional states.

Which of the following are features of the pain matrix?

Feature of the Pain Matrix Contains the amygdala. Consists of a distributed set of brain regions. Can be activated by fear Not a Feature of the Pain Matrix Refers to a scale that is used when individuals describe their pain. Contains brain regions that exclusively underlie physical pain.

Keiji is an exchange student from Japan. His American friends have noticed that he sometimes responds differently to movies. According to the display rules set by his culture, which expressions of emotion is he most likely to display under the following circumstances?

Likely Display of Emotion While watching a funny movie with American friends, Keiji's reaction will be more reserved. When Keiji watches a gruesome film with his friends, his facial reactions will display less negative emotion than his friends. When watching a gruesome film by himself, Keiji's reaction will be similar to his American friends. Unlikely Display of Emotion When watching a comedy by himself, Keiji will hold back his laughter just as much as when watching with his friends.

Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) has come into public view due to celebrities sharing their experiences. Which of the following are examples of NSSI?

NSSI: burning oneself with the butt of a cigarette. cutting after a difficult day. Not NSSI: getting a tattoo of an insignificant image. getting a piercing in a painful location.

Identify each example as reappraisal or suppression.

Reappraisal Decreasing an emotional response by changing the meaning of the situation. Thinking about a former relationship as learning and growing instead of a regretted waste of time. Suppression Decreasing the emotion shown on one's face in reaction to one's behavior. Being stoic so as to not show weakness in front of someone that you do not like, despite wanting to cry.

Which of the following are problems associated with a lack of self-control?

Related to Self-Control Spending more than one's income. Road rage. Marital infidelity. Not Related to Self-Control Getting hit by a car. Being bullied.

The text describes a study in which congenitally blind athletes in the Paralympic Games had their facial expressions compared to expressions of sighted athletes in the Olympic Games (Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1970; Galati, Scherer, & Ricci-Bitti, 1997; Goodenough, 1932). Identify the significant findings of the study.

Supported by the Study The winning and losing expressions were universal. Emotional expressions are likely part of our evolutionary heritage. Not Supported by the Study Sighted competitors had less expressive faces. Emotional expressions for loss are learned.

Match each of the factors that affect happiness with the correct description, according to Lyubomirsky, Sheldon and Schkade (2005).

The middle-sized component that people have the most control over:-Intentional activity. The genetic component and most influential factor-Happiness set point. The smallest component:-life circumstances.

Neuroscientists argue that there are benefits to changes in emotional states and facial expressions. Match each emotional state with its potential benefit.

a highly aversive state that will motivate us to avoid the same mistake in the future:-embarrassment. widening of the eyes and flaring of the nostrils to increase sensory information intake:-fear. decreases sensory intake with narrowing of the eyes and decreased nasal volume:-disgust. associated with leadership in group problem solving:-pride.

Which of the following is the best definition for self-control?

making efforts that conflict with our momentary happiness.

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