Psychology Disorders of Children Final Exam Material

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Which statement is false regarding ADHD

a. ADHD cannot be diagnosed after age 12

In addition to changing the name from mental retardation to intellectual disabilities (intellectual disorder), the DSM-5 changed the way severity is categorized. What is the new categorization strategy?

a. Adaptive behavior functioning

Chandler is 17 years old. He primarily smokes marijuana, but he likes a good drink now and then. Over the past two years he has been drunk about five or six times, although he usually just has a beer or two on the weekends. Just like when he first started drinking, he still has to drink about 3 to 4 beers before he feels a buzz. Once he received a DUI When driving after drinking. He prefers smoking marijuana to drinking, however. When he started smoking pot two years ago, he could get high with just one hit or two. Now he smokes a couple of joints before he even begins to feel mellow. He's received two public intoxication citations because of being high on marijuana. He has promised his parents he would stop all drinking and smoking. Although he feels fine when he starts drinking for a few weeks at a time, he feels really bad when he doesn't smoke marijuana at least once a day. His parents finally sent him to treatment. Which of the following are his most likely DSM-5 diagnoses?

a. Alcohol use disorder and cannabis use disorder

Kristina has a high need for approval, preference for familiar settings and situations, and having a safe and predictable consistency to her life. This personality style is most consistent with people who suffer from which of the following disorders?

a. Anorexia

Helvetica is 16 years old. She is 5'5" and weighs 80 pounds. She suffers from amenorrhea and is losing her hair. Last night she ate a box of donuts and then made herself throw up. Which of the following diagnoses her most likely diagnosis?

a. Anorexia, binge - purge type

Which of the following children is most likely to be diagnosed with diurnal enuresis?

a. April is 6 years old, and pees her panties almost every day at school because she is scared to ask to go to the bathroom

Etiology refers to the ____ of childhood disorders.

a. Causation

Which of the following is not true about ADHD-HI?

a. Children with ADHD-HI are usually identified when they are older as compared to those with ADHD-PI.

Which of the following would most likely be used as an effective treatment for an adolescent diagnosed with a substance use disorder, especially if he /she also had externalizing behavior problems?

a. Cognitive therapy

____ and ____ are the two psychotherapies that have the most research showing efficacy in treatment of depression.

a. Cognitive-Behavioral therapy; Interpersonal psychotherapy

In any research study or therapy done with children the researcher or therapist must get permission for the child's participation. A researcher or therapist must get both consent and assent. What is the difference between consent and assent?

a. Consent is a legal requirement of giving permission to participate and it must be given by a person age 18 or older who is the child's legal guardian; assent is simply an agreement to participate, which is not a legal requirement but an ethical one.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding gender differences in the prevalence of depression among males and females?

a. Depression is equally common among preadolescent boys and girls, but after about age 13 the rate is higher for females

This neurotransmitter has been implicated in both ADHD and schizophrenia.

a. Dopamine

Stimulant medications work by

a. Enhancing dopamine activity in the frontostriatal region of the brain (stimulating areas that are under aroused)

Which of the following statements about genetics is false?

a. Genes determine behavior

Matilda, age 9, was sexually abused. Which of the following people is the most likely perpetrator?

a. George, Matilda's 30 year old father

In the movie The Horse Boy, which the following occurred the day after Rowan saw the shaman of the reindeer people?

a. He stopped defecating in his pants

Which of the following is not likely to increase the risk of substance abuse?

a. High parental expectations for abstaining from alcohol

Jasmine Is an adorable five-year-old who loves to have her parents play with her. Jasmine's mother asked her to go to her bedroom to select a toy they could play with together. Jasmine went upstairs to her bedroom and chose her favorite stuffed bear. On her way back downstairs, Jasmine's father asked her what she was doing. Jasmine smiles, shows her dad a stuffed bear, and says "mommy bear play." Based on this description, what would be her diagnoses in the DSM-5?

a. Language disorder

Deficiencies of or receptor binding problems with this protein, which binds the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus to signal the brain that a person has eaten enough, plays a major role in some genetic cases of obesity.

a. Leptin

Which of the following would be considered an "objective" personality test?


The first disorder unique to children and adolescents was:

a. Masterbatory insanity

Which of the following statements best describes the intelligence of a child with ADHD?

a. Most children with ADHD are of average intelligence

Which of the following is true about nightmare disorder?

a. Nightmares usually occur during the second half of sleep, within the few hours before waking

Vance has been diagnosed with ADHD. he does not exhibit any oppositional behavior or conduct problems beyond his hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Chuck has been diagnosed with conduct disorder. He does not exhibit any hyperactivity or attention problems. Which of the following treatment has been shown to be helpful for both Vance and Chuck?

a. Parent management training

An early symptom of conduct disorder in girls is often

a. Sexual misbehaviors

_____ has been implicated in several psychological disorders, especially those connected to a person's response to stress, such as in anxiety and mood disorders.

a. The HPA axis

Which of the following statements about encopresis is not true?

a. encopresis usually results from psychological disturbances

Shirley tells everyone she is feeling elated. What is the term for extremely high levels of elation?

a. euphoria

Harry is sitting in class when a man with a gun runs into the classroom. Everyone in class screams and runs around. Harry jumps out of the window. Which of the following was Harry (and his classmates) exhibiting?

a. fear

"Anaclitic Depression" was the term used by Rene Spitz in the 1940s to describe the pattern of behavior he saw in:

a. institutionalized infants

Although not common in adults, ___________ is one of the most common symptoms of depression in children, occurring in 80% of clinic-referred youngsters with depression.

a. irritability

Although __________ is typically the first choice of medication for classic adult bipolar disorder, ___________ has become the first choice in the treatment of pediatric bipolar disorder because of children's rapid cycling and this drug's better-tolerated side-effects.

a. lithium; aripiprazole (Abilify)

___________ is the most common form of child abuse.

a. neglect

Which theory of depression posits that depression in children stems from anger toward inward because of unacceptable anger at or loss of a loved one?

a. psychoanalytic

Kathy was diagnosed with childhood onset conduct disorder and continued to experience conduct problems through adolescence and into her 20s. She is now 28 and still shows signs of antisocial behavior. Mack, also 28, showed very similar path in his life. Which of the following outcomes is more likely for Kathy than for Mack?

a. suicide

When Jasmine sits down to do her homework and study she can seldom get through 5 minutes before she gets bored and starts looking around for something else to do. Jasmine demonstrates a deficit in

a. sustained attention

By the age of _____, a child's perceptual maps for phonetic discrimination is complete.

b. 1 year

Failure to thrive is categorized by weight below the ___ percentile and/or deceleration in weight gain from birth to the present of at least ____ standard deviations.

b. 5th, 2

Margaret just had a baby and is concerned about her baby attaching to her. You explain to her that the process of attachment typically begins between ____ of age.

b. 6-12 months

When working with children who have suffered a significant trauma, such as a parent's suicide, which of the following treatment approaches does the research indicated you should do as a therapist?

b. After education about trauma reactions and teaching coping skills have the child discuss the traumatic event and about their thoughts and feelings about it

Petunia is a 14-year-old who suffers from depression. She is irritable, withdrawn, isolated, and feels hopeless and helpless. Given what we know of common family reactions to depressed children, which of the following is most likely to be characteristic of Petunia's parent(s)?

b. Angry, critical, and punitive towards Petunia

Harry has conduct problems and often bullies others. His teachers have become concerned about his tendency to be aggressive with others. Which of the following attachment patterns is most likely for Harry?

b. Anxious-avoidant

Though similar in their concerns about eating and gaining weight, individuals with bulimia differ from individuals with anorexia in that they _____, while those with anorexia do/are not.

b. Are close to "normal" weight

The DSM-5 changed the way groups of disorders are categorized. For example, ADHD used to be grouped with conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder, but now it is the same overarching category as disorders such as intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. How are disorders in the DSM-5 now categorized?

b. Based on suspected underlying etiologies

Marjorie experienced a major depressive episode, and after her depression subsided over the course of a few months, she experienced a hypomanic episode. What would be her diagnosis?

b. Bipolar II

Christopher has been diagnosed with severe intellectual disorder. Given what you know about the most common cause for severe intellectual disorders (as compared to mild or moderate), which of the following is most likely the cause of Christopher's intellectual disability?

b. Chromosomal abnormality

The earliest signs of antisocial behavior may be

b. Difficult temperament as an infant

Noah is a second grader who is learning disabled in reading. Which of the following approaches is indicated to help him with his reading disability?

b. Direct instruction from a trained teacher that begins with phonics

Lionel is 3 years old. While shopping with his mother in Wal-Mart, he runs over to a stranger and asks if he can go home with him. His mother comes over and pulls him away while yelling at him to stay near her. Lionel often runs over to strangers and wants to go home with them. Even at home he will wander over to people walking by and ask if he can go with them. He will give them hugs and walk along with them even if they say he can't go home with them. If you found out that he had been emotionally neglected or abused, which is why he now often goes up to strangers and asks to go home with them, what would be his likely diagnosis?

b. Disinhibited Social engagement disorder

Brian used to be diagnosed with Asperger disorder, but now that the DSM-5 has changed the criteria, he is now diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, he is at the high end of the spectrum in that his IQ is higher than average. Casper is also diagnosed with ASD;however, he has below average intelligence. Which of the following is more likely to be true of Brian as compared to Casper?

b. Displays greater interest in social contact

Conduct disorder may arise from different developmental pathways, a concept known as:

b. Equifinality

Nancy has been described as a "slow-two-warm-up Child", Who is cautious in approaching novel or challenging situations. Which of the following behaviors or moods is she most likely to exhibit?

b. Fear or inhibited

In direct contrast to large research studies that try to determine general inferences to apply to groups of people, most clinical psychologists examine one person at a time in order to evaluate problems or concerns for that individual person. The detailed representation of the individual child or family as a unique entity, such as when conducting a psychological evaluation to diagnose problems in a child, is referred to as a(n) ____ case formulation.

b. Idiographic

The protective triad refers to:

b. Individual, family, and community factors that characterize resilient children

Which of the following is an example of joint social attention?

b. Joshua and his mother read a book together and point out funny pictures to each other

In the movie The Horse Boy Rowan's mother, Kristin Neff ( a psychology professor at UT Austin), said the most important change she wanted to see in Rowan after he saw the shamans was to _____, while his father, Rupert, most wanted him to ______.

b. Learn to go potty by himself; ride a horse by himself

Which of the following is a type of down syndrome that is most likely to show fewer symptoms of down syndrome because some cells are normal?

b. Mosaicism

A correlation of -.85 between age and amount of time spent in REM sleep means that:

b. Older people spend less time in REM sleep

In the video on the F.A.T City workshop, Richard Lavoie defines "motivation" as

b. Performing to the best of our ability that which we are capable of doing.

Which of the following is NOT a core feature of PTSD?

b. Persistent irritability and agitation

Aaron is 5 years old. He eats dust bunnies, dead cockroaches, and wood chips. What is his likely diagnosis?

b. Pica

Learning disorders appear to be most likely caused by genetic-based neurological problems this region of Wernicke's area, which has to do with understanding language and talking meaningfully, is typically larger in the left hemisphere of non-learning disabled children, but it is the same size in both the left and right hemispheres of children with some learning disorders. This brain region also shows increased excitation in children taught phonics. What is the name of this brain region?

b. Planum temporale

In the documentary can't stop eating, Joe Blackburn is an extremely overweight and immature 21-year-old who suffered from _____.

b. Prader-Willi Syndrome

The ____ contain functions that include reasoning, planning, and organization.

b. Pre-frontal lobe

Besides conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder, which of the following disorders is one of The diagnosable disorder is in the general DSM-5 category of disruptive, impulse control, and conduct disorders?

b. Pyromania

Reese is regularly spanked. Reese gets a whipping at least twice a week. Based on what you know about children who are physically abused, which of the following is most likely to be accurate about Reese?

b. Reese is a boy.

This neurotransmitter has been implicated in depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and some eating disorders:

b. Serotonin

How did Jean-Marc Itard believe he could tame the "wild boy of Averyon"?

b. Teaching appropriate social skills and environmental stimulation

In class we discussed a teenager who suffered from ADHD and was placed on a token reward system where he was given a nickel every 5 minutes for appropriate behavior. The behavior plan worked for the first week but failed the second week. Why did it fail the second week?

b. The nickels were put into a locked box and he couldn't see the nickel after he earned them

Research suggest that children cope best with painful medical procedures when

b. The procedure is explained first

This is the original Sally-Anne test, as developed by Simon Baron-Cohen. The test is designed to measure ____.

b. Theory of mind

The Roman war of chastisement placed some restrictions on men. What was the restriction placed on men with this rule?

b. They were not allowed to beat their wives with a stick any bigger around than their thumbs

In inside out Riley's parents reaction clearly influence Riley's responses. Riley's behavior also influences her parents reactions, such as when she rolls her eyes and yells and then her father "puts the foot down." What is the term that is used to describe when the child is influenced by people and events in the environment, while at the same time the child is influencing others and the environment around them?

b. Transactional

Approximately 50%-75% of growth hormone production occurs:

b. after the onset of deep sleep

Children with conduct disorder (CD) show some structural abnormalities in some parts of the brain as compared children with conduct disorder, one structure, which is part of the limbic system, mediated aggressive behavior, and is involved in the ventromedical pathways associated with "hot" executive functioning, is often smaller in children with CD than those without it . What is the name of this brain structure?

b. amygdala

The absence of joy and interest in activities that were previously enjoyable is called:

b. anhedonia

This hormone, which is released by the adrenal cortex, is often called the "stress hormone" and is released during times of stress and anxiety.

b. cortisol

Unlike adults, children with specific phobias:

b. do not recognize that their fears are extreme and unreasonable

A factor that predicts increased delinquency among girls especially those who attend mixed-gender schools, is:

b. early onset of menarche

Constance is afraid of spiders. Her fear of spiders has gotten worse over the years so that now she can't even read the word "spider" or hear someone say "spider" without feeling immense anxiety. She clearly suffers from spider phobia. What is the name of the process where people avoid the feared stimulus, thereby causing their phobic anxiety to become even greater over time?

b. fear incubation

Children with this disorder used to be classified as suffering from OCD, while adults with this disorder were diagnosed with either OCD or obesssive-compulsive personality disorder. However, in the DSM-5 it is diagnosed as a separate disorder. What is the new disorder in the DSM-5?

b. hoarding

By age 2, which of the following words or phrases should a child of normal development be able to say (i.e., which one is the level to which a 24 month old is typically able to speak)?

c. "More milk"

Although autism is most reliably identified after a child is one year old, it can sometimes be noticed as early as _____ because this is the age a child should be able to smile in direct response to a parent's smile.

c. 4 months

The evidence points to a heritability of intelligence of approximately:

c. 50-60%

Heritability of ADHD is at least (%)

c. 75%

Viola is 10 years old and recently was diagnosed with ADHD. Her mother is concerned about stimulant medications, such as Ritalin, because she heard they cause sleep and appetite problems. Even though her doctor recommended the medication, Viola's mother refuses to consider it because Viola is already very thin. Her doctor tells her about a non- stimulant medication that has properties similar to antidepressants which treats ADHD. Which medication is he talking about?

c. Atomoxetine (Strattera)

The part of the brain that is implicated in disorders affecting motor behavior, such as motor tics and Parkinson's, as well as motor components seen in ADHD, is the:

c. Basal ganglia

He won't district decides to test all incoming kindergarten students with a new attitude test that has been shown to predict how well the students will perform in elementary school. Scores on the test have been shown to correlate .81 with grades in first and second grade. By predicting future performance, this test has strong ____.

c. Criterion-related validity

Which of the following is not a category of learning disorders but is often seen in children with learning disorders?

c. Developmental coordination disorder

John Locke (1632-1704) advanced the believe that children were:

c. Emotionally sensitive beings

Complete the following sentence, "Children with autism experience profound difficulties relating to others, _____."

c. Even when they have average or above average intelligence

Denise was diagnosed with anorexia and completed a month in the hospital. She is now medically stable and has been released home. Which of the following is the recommended treatment for children and adolescents with anorexia who are mentally stable and living at home?

c. Family therapy

This medication, approved for use in youth ages 8 and older for depression and 6 an older for OCD, is one of two FDA-approved drugs for treating depression in persons under the age of 18:

c. Fluoxetine (Prozac)

The neurotransmitter systems most often implicated in anxiety disorders are the ___________ systems, which is why benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax) are often given to adults and SSRIs (e.g., Zoloft) are often given to children with anxiety.

c. GABA-ergic and serotonergic

The prevalence rate of ADHD has generally reported around 6-8% for many years. New data from the CDC in 2018 and 2019 indicate that the prevalence rate _____.

c. Has risen to about 10%

Around the turn of the century from the 1800s-1900s, many scientists believe that most human functioning, including intellectual functioning, was most exclusively based on heredity and biology as opposed to environment. These ideas stimulated the eugenics movement, which proposed getting rid of disorders, such as low IQ, through sterilization so people with such problems couldn't procreate and pass on "faulty" genes. The famous "Kallikak" study on feeblemindedness led to many states adopting laws allowing sterilization of women with low intellectual functioning. Who is the famous psychologist who conducted the Kallikak study?

c. Henry Goddard

From a scientific standpoint, which the following is the most likely explanation for the improvement seen in Rowan in the documentary The Horse Boy?

c. Intensive interaction with others has been shown to improve some symptoms of autism, such as Rowan's improved social interactions with other children

This small nucleus in the Pons (located in the brainstem) alerts people to danger. In children who have suffered chronic abuse or other trauma, this nucleus can reset at higher firing levels so that the child continues to be wary and oversensitive even in calm, non-stressful situations.

c. Locus coeruleus

Delinquency, in the legal sense, may result from ____, where as mental disorder requires ____.

c. One or two isolated acts, a persistent pattern of antisocial behaviors

Harvey is a 10-year-old fifth grader who refuses to do his schoolwork. When his teacher asked him to sit down at his desk, he sneers "you're not my mom!" Whenever he gets a bad grade he says others were bothering him so he couldn't get his work done. When another child complained that Harvey was bothering her, he walked by her desk and knocked her books off her desk when she wasn't looking. The teacher usually just let him sit and glare at her because at least she doesn't have to argue with him. What is Harvey's most likely diagnosis?

c. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

Prior to the 1800s, children's disturbing behaviors were attributed to:

c. Possession by the devil and other evil forces.

Gertrude suffers from binge eating disorder. Penelope suffers from bulimia. Which of the following would differentiate Gertrude from Penelope?

c. She does not have compensatory behaviors

Rene wants to run for high school class president. However, in junior high school she ran for president and every laughed at her when she messed up her speech during the presidential debate. Now she can't even think about talking to all the students without feeling like her heart is going to burst. She believes she would be a good student class president, but she drops out of the race right before the first debate with her opponent. Rene suffers from:

c. Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)

The ___________ mobilizes the body for action in a fight/flight situation

c. Sympathetic nervous system

In class, we discussed a client of mine (Dr. Calvert) who was a young boy diagnosed with pediatric bipolar disorder. He often threw fits or temper tantrums that lasted hours. He often exhibited constant cycling of daily episodes of depression and mania. This type of cycling with main occurring every day is called:

c. Ultradian Cycling

Which of the following is an example of Mowrer's two-factor theory of anxiety?

c. Zelda was scared by loud, barking dogs. She runs away from dogs and can't calm down until she can neither see nor hear the dogs.

For youth who experience suicidal ideations, what is the peak period for them to first attempt suicide?

c. ages 13-14

The most frequent co-occuring disorders in clinic-referred youngsters with major depressive disorder is/are:

c. anxiety disorders

Which of the following is NOT a common occurrence among children with separation anxiety disorder?

c. co-occurence of conduct disorder

Graciela is a 13-years-old teenage girl who has been very depressed. She decides life is not worth living. Which of the following methods of suicide is she most likely to use?

c. drug overdose or wrist-cutting

In the early 1900s children with enuresis were considered:

c. emotionally and behaviorally disturbed

The greater the degree of control that a researcher has over the ______, the more a study approximates a true experiment.

c. independent variable

Other than dysphoric mood, ___________ is the symptom that most distinguishes youngsters (especially preteens and teens) with depression from those with other disorders.

c. social withdrawal

Hannah was diagnosed with ADHD-PI.. Which of the following is likely to be the most difficult ask for her?

c. working for 45 minutes of a math worksheet

Approximately what percentage of children with classic autism (as opposed to higher functioning autism spectrum disorders, such as those previously diagnosed with Asperger disorder) never develop useful verbal language skills?

d. 50%

juveniles with conduct problems account for approximately -----% of all crimes in the US

d. 50%

Approximately what percentage of people with OCD suffer from both obsessions and compulsions?

d. 85%

What is the scared straight program?

d. A program where adolescence with severe conduct problems are taken to prisons and yelled at and verbally warned by prison inmates about how they will be treated very harshly and abused by other prisoners if they ever go to prison

In class we watched a video of Liam, the boy from England who frustrated his parents, what was his diagnosis/diagnoses?

d. ADHD and ODD

Zander is an 8yr old third grade student who is always getting in trouble at school because he just wont sit still and do his work. His teacher gets very frustrated with him because he seldom remembers to complete his work, his desk is a mess, he talks constantly, and shouts the answers before he is even called on. In addition, he refuses to do what she tells him and remarks "you can't make me!" or "I'm not gonna do it!" Zander's mom reports that he is easily irritated and sneers when he doesn't get his way. He always tells his parents, "no" and sticks his tongue out when they ask him to clean his room. He is moving constantly and even stands and jumps during dinner. He most likely suffers from:

d. ADHD and ODD

Walter, 15 years old, wants to get the new PS4 game "Mortal Kombat X." His mother doesn't like M-rated games, but she says he can get it if he goes to the store himself. He can ride his bike to the nearest GameStop. However, just the thought of riding his bike to the store by himself and standing in that small store in those long lines is enough to make shivers run down his spine. He can't even make himself walk out the door, let alone ride to the store. What is his most likely diagnosis?

d. Agoraphobia

In 1905 ____ developed the first modern IQ test to assess intellectual functioning in school children.

d. Alfred Binet

Children from poor and disadvantaged families demonstrate significantly more ____ than children who are not poor

d. All of the above

In the movie inside out, which of the following would be indicative of a psychoanalytic or Freudian perspective?

d. All of the above

Anthony is a six grade student. His IQ is 108. On his achievements as he obtains standard scores of 75 in math, 84 in written language, and 94 in reading. Which of the following is the most accurate description of Anthony's condition when using the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria?

d. Anthony suffers from a learning disorder in math because his math score is the only score 2 standard deviations below his IQ score

Sarah is two years old. She is very wary of new situations and strangers, clings to her mother, but cannot be comforted by her mother. She often cries while clinging to her mother until she gets back to the comfort of her own home. Sarah is likely to have a(n) ____ attachment pattern.

d. Anxious-resistant

Tyrus has been diagnosed with childhood schizophrenia. He presented with the most common presenting psychotic symptoms seen in children with schizophrenia. With which of the following symptoms did he present?

d. Auditory hallucinations

Chrissy has always been self-conscious about her chin. At age 13, a boy in school told her that her chin looked puffy, and she became even more focused on how "ugly" and "hideous" her chin was. She demanded that her mother take her to the plastic surgeon. The doctor told her that her chin was normal and looked fine. However, Chrissy insisted that her chin was hideous and demanded that he operate. Her mother gave her permission and the surgeon took a little fat our under her chin to slightly slim down the underside of her chin. After the surgery, Chrissy still thought her chin was hideous and she was distraught. She eventually got seven more surgeries but was never happy with her chin. What is her likely diagnosis?

d. Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Porky Pig says, "T-T-That's a-a-all f-f-folks." Based on the DSM-5, Porky suffers from what disorder?

d. Childhood-onset fluency disorder

Jacob is a six-year-old boy with ASD. When asked what this picture is, he responds that there are many triangles, a few circles and rectangles, and some curved lines. He never mentions it is a picture of a baby carriage. Why not?

d. Children with ASD often have a weak drive for making meaning of whole objects and are more likely to focus on specific parts

Which of the following treatments have been the most efficacy in treating bulimia?

d. Cognitive behavior therapy and interpersonal therapy

Kanner believed that autism resulted, in part, from parents who were _____ and didn't form loving relationships with their child.

d. Cold and detached

Lance is a 15 yr old boy in 9th grade. His parents divorced when he was 3 and he hasn't seen his father since. By age 6 he was popping eyes of lizards that he would catch around his house. At age 7 he was shooting birds with his BB gun. He enjoys watching the animals squirm and flounder after they are blinded. None of the other kids want to play with him since he likes to punch them and laugh at them when they cry. His teachers are frustrated because he rips up the tests and tosses them in the garbage. He doesn't seem to care when he gets sent to the principle. He tells them he is just biding his tie until he can drop out of school, which seems to have already happened since he skips school at least two times a week. What is Lance's DSM-5 diagnosis?

d. Conduct disorder, childhood onset type, with limited prosocial emotions

This hormone, often called the stress hormone, is released by the adrenal gland and excess amounts have been implicated in stress related disorders.

d. Cortisol

In the video we watched in class, Latarian stole his mothers SUV and went for a joyride. Latarian showed many symptoms of conduct disorder. Which of the following issues, which are often found in juveniles with conduct disorder, did we not see or learn about Latarian during the video?

d. His father being in jail

Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) is one of the newest stimulant medications for ADHD and was developed so that it cannot be abused by being crushed and snorted (as Ritalin and other stimulants can) because _____.

d. It is a prodrug and only becomes therapeutically active when it is transformed by the liver

Which of the following persons believed that children were born as "blank slates" (tabula rasa), conducted a famous experiment showing that fear can be instilled in young children through classical conditioning, and stated that he/she could train any child to become a doctor, lawyer, beggar-man or thief?

d. John Watson

These areas of the brain are most often implicated in ADHD

d. Limbic system and ventromedial cortex

Alejandra is 15 years old. She has been diagnosed with bulimia. Last night she ate a dozen donuts, three hamburgers, three fish sandwiches, four snickers and a gallon of Pepsi. Which of the following did she most likely do after getting home from that binge episode?

d. Make herself throw up

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder is characterized by:

d. Marked deceleration of weight gain

Pauline is a 35-year-old mother of two who who was just arrested for repeated poisoning of her 5-year-old daughter. Even her husband was surprised that Pauline had done such a thing because she always seemed like such a loving, caring mother. The five-year-old had been ill much of her life and everyone had admired Pauline for how she stayed with her daughter constantly and always comforted her, although now it appears that Pauline was poisoning her daughter and keeping her ill all this time. What is the likely diagnosis for Pauline?

d. Munchhausen's syndrome by proxy

The only dyssomnia that often requires drug therapy is

d. Narcolepsy

Although classes in personality psychology teach about the "Big 5" personality factors (e.g., timid-bold, agreeable-disagreeable) the personality test in clinical psychology don't actually measure these personality factors. Why?

d. Personality tests in clinical psychology are designed to measure aspects of psychopathology, such as depression or anxiety, as opposed to general personality characteristics

Martha is a six-year-old girl who has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). When her mother asked her, "would you like a slice of pie?" Martha responds, "she wants pie." What is this type of language impairment called?

d. Pronoun reversal

The work of Rene Spitz in the late 1940s

d. Raised serious questions about the harmful impact of institutionalization of children and their development of "anaclitic" depression

Jasper is an adolescent with autism who has an IQ of 51. However he is able to paint exact copies of famous paintings after seeing them once. He once painted a copy of Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring with such exactitude that he fooled a famous art critic. Jasper exhibits _____.

d. Savant skills

Although not related as disorders, autism and childhood schizophrenia were often seen as related disorders. However, children with schizophrenia exhibit psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions, while children with autism spectrum disorders do not. In addition when compared to children with autism, children with schizophrenia:

d. Show less intellectual impairment

Marshall is a third-grade student who is having difficulty learning in school. His teacher believes that he processes information slowly and that he just isn't as smart as other children in the class. She believes he may need special classes. The school psychologist administers a test to measure Marshalls general cognitive ability. Which of the following test is the most commonly administered test to conduct such an assessment?

d. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)

A central tenet of developmental psychopathology is that to understand maladaptive behavior it is necessary to consider:

d. What is normative for a given period of development

DRD4,k dopamine receptor gene, has been linked to:

d. all of the above

Which of the following bodily processes are controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system?

d. all of the above

An educational intervention for ADHD may include:

d. all of these

A child with antisocial behavior has:

d. an over active BAS and an under active BIS

Non-suicidal self-harm was proposed as a new diagnosis to be included in the DSM-5; however, it was not included in the DSM-5 so that more research could be done on it as a separate diagnosis. There are people suffering from many diagnoses who do intentional self-harming behavior (e.g., cutting their arms) without intention of killing themselves. However, only one DSM diagnosis has this type of self-harms as a primary diagnosable symptom. What is this diagnosis?

d. borderline personality disorder

Preston is a 10-year-old boy. When he was 7 years old he got his hands stuck together with glue while putting together a model airplane. His father was able to get his hands unstuck by soaking them in warm, soapy water for 30 minutes. However, now Preston is afraid to get anything on his hands and washes his hands at least 50 times a day. Even at school he will leave class to wash his hands. What do we call this repetitive hand-washing behavior and what use does it serve Mike?

d. compulsion; to reduce anxiety

There is concern about whether the symptoms we have used to diagnosis pediatric bipolar disorder are actually bipolar disorder or some other disorder. In fact, many of these children look like they have oppositional-defiant behavior, with bursts of extreme temper tantrums, coupled with severe depression rather than mania. The DSM-5 offers a new diagnosis for the constellation of symptoms, which had been diagnosed in the DSM-IV-TR as a pediatric bipolar disorder. What is the new diagnosis?

d. disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

Walter is a 14 year old boy raised by his mother. He was arrested for breaking into a store and stealing beer. This is the third arrest for stealing. He also gets in fights at school when he isn't being truant. Which of the following treatments is likely to be helpful in treating his conduct problem?

d. functional family therapy

Abigail worries about minor everyday occurrences and often complains about headaches, stomachaches, and other physical concerns. She is concerned about everything from whether she will make it to school on time to what the neighbors think about her playing too loud in the backyard. Her parents are concerned about her constant fretting. What is her most likely DSM-5 diagnosis?

d. generalized anxiety disorder

Which of the following would not be considered a type of traumatic event required for a diagnosis of PTSD?

d. hearing a TV news report about a woman who was crushed and killed by a car while crossing the street

Which of the following psychologist was the first to distinguish between people with mental retardation and those with mental illness?

d. leta Hollingworth

For the past 6 months Kristen, a 12-year-old sixth grader, has been very irritable and edgy. She cries easily. She is tense and ruminated or worries about her problems. She has a difficulty concentrating in school and doesn't want to go to school anymore. She doesn't want to play with friends and seems more withdrawn from others. She tells her mother she is just too tired to even do her chores. She doesn't sleep well, often waking up at 3am and is unable to get back to sleep. What is her most likely diagnosis?

d. major depressive disorder

Even though other children don't like him because he can't sit still, bothers everyone by his incessant talking, and makes up his own rules for games Mark thinks everyone is his friend and he is the best at sports. Mark's exaggerated sense of his own abilities is called:

d. positive illusory bias

Which of the following personality characteristics has a clear link to adolescent substance use?

d. sensation seeking

Lani is afraid to ride in a car. She read a story at school about a car accident where people died, and now she won't ride in a car. She runs away screaming every time her parents try to get her to go anywhere in a car. She will ride her bike to school and enjoys other aspects of her life, just not riding in the car. What is her diagnosis and which of the following is likely to be the most successful approach to helping her eventually feel comfortable riding in a car?

d. specific phobia; sitting in a car for a long time

Many studies have examined the link between sugar and overactivity. Studies such as Hoover and Milich (1994) have found that mothers who believed that their children ingested sugar, even though their child had not actually eaten any sugar, ____.

d. were more critical of their children and rated them as more hyperactive than did mothers of the children in the control condition

Which of the following statements best highlights the concept that depressed people tend to make internal, stable, and global attributions to negative events in their lives?

e. "Things always get messed up because I am stupid and never make the right decisions."

There are many factors that help build resistance in children. There are also gender differences such that some factors predict resilience more in boys, while other factors predict resilience in girls. Which of the following family factors is more predictive of building resistance in boys than in girls?

e. A and C a male role model & structure and rules

Which of the following statements about the stability of aggressive behavior is true?

e. Aggressive behavior is highly stable over the course of the lifespan, almost as stable as IQ scores

Skepticism exists regarding research in abnormal child psychology because:

e. All of the above

______ is the absence of a menstrual period and is often seen in ______.

e. Amenorrhea; anorexia

The ____ is part of the limbic system and is involved in processing emotions (e.g., emotional learning and level of intensity) and has been studied extensively regarding its role in anger and aggression.

e. Amygdala

Which of the following is the most common chronic childhood illness?

e. Asthma

Which of the following research designs can show causality (i.e., that the independent variable caused the change in the dependent variable)?

e. B and C

Which of the following should be considered the primary treatment approach for anxiety disorders in children?

e. Cognitive-behavioral therapy

William suffers from ADHD and conduct disorder. This overlapping or cooccurrence of disorders is called:

e. Comorbidity

To record electrical activity of the brain, one would want to use a(n):

e. EEG

Dr. Smith conducted a series of tightly controlled experimental studies on a new treatment for ADHD. Now that he has established that the treatment works under controlled conditions, he wants to see if his treatment works in the community. To know if his treatment would truly be used in community settings, Dr. Smith's community research should focus on treatment ______.

e. Effectiveness

This is a leading known cause of preventable mental retardation and is seen at rates four times higher in African-American children and 16 times higher in Native American children as compared to majority populations.

e. Fetal alcohol syndrome

What of the following statements best describes how to establish good sleep hygiene?

e. Go to bed at the same time every night and get up every morning at the same time

In the late 1800s and early 1900s mental disorders were viewed as diseases. Because of fear of "contamination", the eugenics movement (primarily forced sterilization of women) became a force in America. This psychologist's work with the "Kallikak" family led to many states passing laws allowing sterilization of "feebleminded" persons:

e. Henry Goddard

Ned has been having difficulties remembering things that happened earlier that day. What structure in the brain is primarily responsible for memories being transferred from short term into long-term memory?

e. Hippocampus

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a(n) _____ that can cause mental retardation if untreated.

e. Inborn error of metabolism

Joel has deficits in the pragmatic use of language. Which of the following is a likely response he would had to his parents saying, "can you pick up your toys?"

e. Joel says, "Yes."

Which of the following is at the root of all problems seen in autism spectrum disorders.

e. Lack of emotional and communication reciprocity

George exhibits significant self-mutilation by biting off his tongue and lips. His IQ is 55. What recessive disorder, which is seen almost exclusively in males, does he have?

e. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

The nucleus, located in the pons, mediates the effects of the sympathetic nervous system and has been implicated in the development of long-term anxiety in response to excessive levels of stress, such as might be seen in a child who experiences significant trauma in early childhood.

e. Locus Coeruleus

Walter completed a personality test in which he answered true false questions. The three validity scales (faking good or L-scale, faking bad or frequency scale, and defectiveness or K-correction scale) indicate he answered questions in an honest and non-defensive fashion. His psychologist told him that based on the test he had a 2-0 a profile, which indicated he was depressed, lonely and socially isolated. Which personality test which is a downward extension of a popular personality test for adults, did Walter complete?


Which of the following treatment has been found to be an effective cure for intellectual disabilities?

e. None are a cure

As adolescence move into adulthood, those with learning disabilities often continue to suffer problems that extend beyond the learning difficulties. Which the following problems is more likely to experience by men with learning disorders than women with learning disorders?

e. None of the above

Carrie is a 13-year-old girl who presents with sadness, low self-esteem, feelings of hopelessness, and low energy. She has felt this way for over a year, though about eight months ago she suffered through 3 weeks when she became extremely socially isolated and depressed to the point of attempting suicide by hanging herself. She no longer feels like killing herself and wants to be friends, but she still has low self-esteem and feels sadness every day. In the DSM-5, what would be her likely CURRENT diagnosis?

e. Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)

Paul is 16 years old. He is short and quite overweight. When you perform a physical exam on him he has poor muscle tone and under developed penis and testes. His mother explained that around age 3 he started eating excessively and gain a lot of weight. His IQ is 60. What is his most likely diagnosis given these characteristics?

e. Prader-Willi Syndrome

A child lacking central coherence ____.

e. Processes information in a bit and pieces but fails to see the big picture.

Assuming a continuity perspective of abnormal development, which of the following would you expect from a 14-year-old who at age 6 would push and shove other children?

e. Punching peers

An infamous real-life incident occurred to a boy who had been adopted from Russia and his adoptive mother got so frustrated with him that she put him on a plane and sent him back to Russia. This boy had been about 2 years old when adopted. His mother was very frustrated because he never seemed interested in her and showed no love or caring to her or other family members. He didn't seem interested in others and didn't even play much with other children. He had eventually gotten rather aggressive, which is why his mother finally put him on a plane back to Russia. Although this was considered abandonment on her part (i.e. it was child abuse to put him on a plane and send him back), she felt too frustrated to let him back in the family. What diagnosis did we discuss in class that seemed to best describe the behavior this boy exhibited?

e. Reactive attachment disorder

During a study to see if a particular questionnaire is consistent across time, Wilma's mother was asked to complete a behavior checklist on two separate occasions several weeks apart. The results yielded from both occasions were very similar. Assuming the findings were similar across many parents completing the checklist, the behavior checklist can be said to be:

e. Reliable

Windows of time during which environmental influences on development are enhanced are called:

e. Sensitive periods

Victor's mother said to him, "can you pick up your toys?" Victor responded, "yes" and continued playing. His mother then said, "please pick up your toys." Victor immediately went and picked up his toys. At school Victor told another boy, "did you know elephants can't jump?" The boy responded with amused surprise and said, "get out of here." Victor, his head hung low turned around and left. Victor's teacher describes him as bright and hard-working. She said he seems like other boys his age except he just doesn't seem to get sarcasm or humor, especially when there is a double meaning, and tends to talk formally even when playing with other children. He doesn't have iContact problems and doesn't exhibit odd or repetitive behaviors. What is most likely his DSM-5 diagnoses?

e. Social (pragmatic)communication disorder

Children with a shy-inhibited or slow-to-warm-up temperament may be less likely to develop a later anxiety disorder if:

e. Their parents set clear limits and teach them how to cope with stress

Freud was the first to link mental disorders to:

e. early childhood experiences

Which of the following is an example of a hot (affective) executive function?

e. motivation

Willow is a 6-year-old first grade student. Her teacher sees her as a shy child because she only interacts with one other child in class. Whenever the teacher approaches Polly, Polly just smiles and never responds. When asked a question in class Polly will whisper the answer to her friend. Polly's parents have told the teacher that Polly talks all of the time at home but seldom talks when she is out in public. When in public, she will whisper to her mother but no one else. Polly always gets her work done at school and plays with everyone on the playground, though she only talks with her one friend at school. Willow suffers from:

e. selective mutism

Research of the treatment of ADHD indicates that ___ is the best for treating the core symptoms of ADHD such as hyperactivity and inability to sustain attention, but ____ has been shown to be important for improving symptoms such as poor social skills and problematic parent-child interactions.

e. stimulant medication; behavioral therapy

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