Psychology- FINAL

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According to James Marcia, ____ adolescents base their identity on the suggestion of others and tend to be rigid, while ____ adolescents choose their identity based on many possible identities and tend to be more flexible.

1). identity foreclosure 2). identity confused or diffused

according to lawrence kohlberg, the three levels of moral development are ____, _____, and ______

1). preconventional morality 2). conventional morality 3). post-conventional self-accepted

what are the two most common eating disorders?

Anorexia Nervosa, and Bulimia Nervosa

Adolescent depression may result from the breakdown of the ____ unit.


Jean Piaget described the higher processes of thinking characteristic of adults as _____

formal operations

Your ____ is your physical or biological makeup.

gender identity

freud's theory asserts that during the ____ an individual's sexual satisfaction depends on giving pleasure, as well as receiving it

genital stage

____ parents are distant from their children and uncommitted to parenting


children and adolescents have the final say in a ____ family


3 main issues studied by developmental psychologists-

1.) continuity v. discontinuity 2.) stability v. change 3.) nature v. nurture

According to ____, building an identity is a task that is key to adolescent development

Erik Erikson

according to ____, we all face many "crises" as we grow from infancy to old age

Erik Erikson

The psychologist ____ believed that an adolescent identity crisis arises from the commitments individuals must make on matters such as occupation, religion, and politics.

James Marcia

What events trigger depression in adolescents?

Lose of loved one, relocation, divorce, or family conflict.

on major matters, whose advice do most teens rely upon?

Most still rely on parents.

What is the major drawback to cliques?

Requirement that the individual conforms to the wants and need of cliques.

What is the illusion of invulnerability?

The belief that noting bad can happen to "me". It may lead adolescents to do things with their peers that they wouldn't do alone.

What are the potential drawbacks of belonging to a clique?

The fear of being dislikes, which leads to conformity. Group pressures may lead young people to do more serious things that run opposite to their better judgment.

how do cliques help an adolescent establish identity?

The group helps the individual achieve self_confidence, develop a sense of independence from family, clarify values, & experiment new roles

adjusting your conceptual framework of the world to fit newly observed events and experiences-


according to freud, children associate erotic pleasure with the elimination process during the ____

anal stage

Sandra Bem found that ____ people were more flexible


counseling psychologists who help people with problems of everyday life view psychology as a(n) _____

applied science

process of fitting objects and experiences into your mental representation of the world-


Awkwardness during adolescence stems from ___, the condition of uneven growth or maturation of bodily parts.


how does a newborn's auditory perception differ from his or her visual perception?

auditory perception is in place at birth. visual perception continues to develop after the baby is born

in the ____ family, parents control, shape, and evaluate the behavior of children and adolescents using a set code of conduct


a time in development when skills or abilities are most easily learned is called the ____ period


experimental psychologists who conduct scientific studies practice _____

basic science

What is primarily developmental task of an adolescent?

becoming independent of families.

examples of physiological needs-

breathing and sleeping

symptoms include binge eating and purging. also people suffering from ____ have a distorted body image

bulimia nervosa

how are mnemonic devices used?

by association

authoritarian families-

children do not have the right to question their parents


children have the final say


children participate in decision making as their age allows

A small social group within a larger group is called a?


fulfills the needs for closeness and it provides a way for adolescents to define themselves.


anger is a(n) _____ behavior


type of behavior that cannot be observed-


An androgynous role is one that?

combines traditional male and female characteristics.

Peer groups are held together by _____. also discomfort with dressing differently than the group you belong to often is an examples of pressures caused by _____


the principle that a given quantity does not change when its appearance changes-


adolescents are encouraged to participate in decision making in ____ families


what are the 4 goals of psychology?

describe, explain, predict, and influence behavior

overburdened and stressed parents are more likely to abuse their children. abuse has many ____ effects for victims


why do many developmental changes follow predictable steps and time frames?

developmental milestones, physical, or behavioral signs of maturation and development of infants and children. children may meet milestones a little earlier or later than others. however, there are definite windows of time when most children will meet a milestone. it's predictable because it is environmental events and transitions over time. almost everyone goes through the process

What characterizes social groups in most schools?

early on most groups are divided by gender, later genders mix, and usually groups from across social class lines

Stage 3 or the second level of moral development, in which children try to live up to the expectations of friend's and family, us referred as the "____" stage

good boy/good girl

rules for the organization of language symbols are called?


an assumption or prediction about behavior that is tested through scientific research is a(n) _____


hypothesis and theory-

hypothesis is a guess/prediction about a behavior that is tested through scientific research. theory is a explanation based on findings from many scientific studies

during the ____ process, a child adopts the values and principles of the same-sex parent


the ____ process occurs when boys relate better to their fathers and girls to their mothers.


how does identification help with socialization?

identification teaches morals and culture

jean piaget's research shows that ____

intelligence develops as children grow

what claims does psychologist Judith Rich Harris make about the role of parents and peers?

peers teach children how to behave in the world, parents influence then is limited to supplying the environment in which kids can meet the "right" peers.

why does sublimation help with role taking?

it allows us to act out socially unacceptable impulses by converting them into a more acceptable form

describe the changes that happen when an embryo becomes a fetus-

it becomes 3 inches long and looks like a tiny adult. as organs develop the fetus grows in size. the brain continues to develop, and by week 8 the nerve cells in the brain increases at the rate of 100,000 cells per minute

how can explanations of behavior improve one's confidence?

it can help them to address certain issues and better those issues resulting in a higher self-confidence

an infant who has developed object permanence ____

knows that an object exists even if it cannot be seen

freud claimed that at about age five a child pushes aside sexual desires in order to explore the world and learn new skills in the ____

latency stage

Stage 4, in which children try to follow the rules and do their duty, is referred as the "____" stage

law & order

in democratic/authoritative families, ____ are established and responsibility is assumed gradually


Many societies consider ____ to be the beginning of womanhood.


lawrence kohlberg's theory of ____ development stresses the importance of seeing others' points of view during social development.


what are some factors that might prevent a child from achieving typical maturational readiness?

no coaching will enable children to speak or walk before they are physiologically ready

according to sigmund freud, infants associate erotic pleasure with the mouth during the ____

oral stage

the first stage of sigmund freud's psychosexual theiry of development is known as the ____ ____

oral stage

What problems may parents face during the transitions that occur during adolescence?

parents are reluctant to let kids go, fear of advancing age, worried kids aren't ready to cope with real life

What roles do peers serve in a teen's life?

peers don't treat each other like children, helps define themselves.

during the ____, freud believed that children associate erotic pleasure with their genitals

phallic stage

hunger is a(n) _____ need


physiological needs and cognitive needs-

physiological when applied to humans, covers the way people think, feel, and explains the things they do. cognitive involves conscious intellectual activity like: thinking, reasoning, and remembering

the scientific study of behavior and mental processes is called _____


erik erikson's theory of ____ development assumes that much development occurs when the crisis of life are resolved.


Sexual maturation, or ____, is the biological event that marks that end of childhood.


You might use ____ to justify reckless behavior so you can preserve your image of yourself as a moral person


a newborn infant has certain automatic movement patterns called ____


when children can picture things in their minds, they are engaging in ____ thought


3 steps for learning languages-

rhythm of sounds and pauses, the pitch in the voice, and the pattern of loudness and softness

the cognitive-developmental approach to development recognizes children's games as a time when children practice ____ ____.

role taking

when children try on adult roles during play, they are engaged in ____

role taking

an infant's response in turning toward the source of touching anywhere near his or her mouth-

rooting reflex

conceptual framework used to make sense of the world-


studies that gather information in ways that try to avoid errors and biases use the _____

scientific method

what is psychology?

scientific study of behavior and mental processes

a common reaction among infants when the mother is absent-

separation anxiety

____ is theps process of learning the cultural rules of behavior.


the process of learning the rules of behavior for a culture called ____


the process of learning the rules of behavior of one's culture ____


Mary Ainsworth's technique for measuring attachment in children is called the ____

strange situation

the process, according to sigmund freud, of redirecting sexual impulses into learning tasks-


a(n) _____ is a complex explanation based on findings from many scientific studies


what functions do clique serve?

they fulfill need for closeness of others, allow the individual to define themselves, helps with self-confidence and clarify values

why are newborn baby's reflexes important?

they help them respond to their new environment

who proposed that psychological experience is composed of compounds similar to chemical compounds?

wilhelm wundt

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