Psychology Final - Chapter 19

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voluntary active

___ ___ euthanasia: the doctor ends a suffering patient's life at the patient's request. for example, a doctor administers a lethal dose of drugs.

involuntary active

___ ___ euthanasia: the doctor ends suffering patient's life without the patient's permission.


___ death: a short interval follows in which heartbeat, circulation, breathing, and brain functioning stop but resuscitation is still possible.


___ phase: refers to gasps and muscle spasms during the first moments in which the regular heartbeat disintegrates.


____: the individual passes into permanent death.


a comprehensive program of support services for terminally ill people and their families. it aims to provide a caring community sensitive to the dying person's needs so patients and family members can prepare for death in ways that are satisfying to them.

appropriate death

a death that makes sense in terms of the individual's pattern of living and values, and at the same time, preserves or restores significant relationships and is as free of suffering as possible.

advance medical directive

a written statement of desired medical treatment should someone become incurably ill. is the best way that someone can ensure that their wishes will be followed.


all living functions, including thought, feeling, movement, and bodily processes, cease at death. the third understood component of the death concept.


all living things eventually die. the second understood component of the death concept.

durable power of attorney

authorizes appointment of another person to make health-care decisions on one's behalf.


death anxiety - fear and apprehension of death - is _____.


death applies only to living things. the fourth understood component of the death concept.


death is caused by breakdown of bodily functioning. the last understood component of the death concept.

death anxiety

fear and apprehension of death. influenced a lot by culture and religion. as long as it is not overly intense, however, it can motivate people to strive to live up to cultural values and provide purpose in life.

living will

in a ___ ___, people specify the treatments they do or do not want in case of a terminal illness, coma, or other near-death situation. For example, it may specify that someone should not be kept alive through medical intervention without reasonable expectation of recovery.

brain death

in most industrialized nations today, doctors rely on __ __ to signify death.

brain death

irreversible cessation of all activity in the brain and the brain stem, which controls reflexes. used in most industrialized nations.

passive euthanasia

life-sustaining treatment is withheld or withdrawn, permitting a patient to die naturally.


most American deaths take place in ____.


most people who reach ___, a state of peace and quiet about upcoming death, do so only in the last weeks or days. the weakened patient yields to death, disengaging from all but a few family members, friends, and caregivers. some dying people withdraw into themselves for long periods of time.


on learning of the terminal illness, the person denies its seriousness, refusing to accept the diagnosis and avoiding discussions about it to escape from the prospect of death. is self-protective, allowing the individual to deal with the illness at their own pace (Kubler-Ross).


once a living things dies, it cannot be brought back to life. the first understood component of the death concept.


persistent ___ state: the cerebral cortex no longer registers electrical activity but the brain stem remains active.


realizing the inevitability of death, the terminally ill person attempts to ____ for extra time, by trying to make a deal with family members, doctors, God, etc. the best response is to listen sympathetically (Kubler-Ross).


recognition that time is short promotes ___ at having to die without having had a chance to do all one wants to do. family members and health professionals may be the target of it. the underlying cause is the unfairness of death (Kubler-Ross).


thanatology is the study devoted to ___ and dying.

assisted suicide

the doctor helps a suffering patient take his or her own life.


the practice of ending the life of a person suffering from an incurable condition


when denial, anger, and bargaining fail to postpone the illness, the person becomes ____ about the loss of their life - a response that intensifies suffering (Kubler-Ross).

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