Psychology: Final Exam

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Three-year old Esteban watches the children's television show "Spongebob Squarepants." At first, Esteban became really excited whenever he saw a Spongebob doll. Now Esteban gets excited whenever he sees any yellow sponge. Esteban is displaying stimulus ________


Due to repeated exposure to media violence, viewers' sensitivity to violence may decrease. This is called ______________ .


In order to form new memories, you must have a fully functioning _________.


The fact that a young child objects to certain tastes may be due to

the fact that young children's taste buds are more plentiful and sensitive to tastes that fade over time

In Pavlov's experiments on the salivary conditioning of dogs, the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) was

the food

The average amount of time it takes to complete each cycle through the stages of NREM sleep and RE sleep lasts about

90 minutes

Which of the following terms denotes a trick of perceptual constancies on the eye?

A visual illusion

Which of the following statements is true of applied research?

It is designed to find solutions to "real life" personal or social problems

Which of the following statements is true of the absolute threshold?

It is determined by exposing individuals to progressively stronger stimuli until the minimum stimuli a person can detect is found

Which of the following is NOT true about an individual's sense of taste?

It is pretty set by the time of birth

Which of the following phrases most accurately represents the concept that learning is best obtained by engaging in learning by reading, participating, and questioning

Learning is not meant to be a spectator sport

To remember the names of all the countries in Asia, Jennifer is mentally repeating all the names several times. This scenario illustrates _______

Maintenance rehearsal

Which of the following is an altered state of conciousness?


Which hormone promotes sleep?


One of the possible explanations for why we yawn when we see others yawn is related to which of the following?

Mirror neurons

Which of these is best defined as sudden variation in an inheritable characteristic, as distinguished from a variation that results from generations of gradual selection?


The electroencephalograph is a method of _____

detecting brain waves by means of measuring the current between electrodes placed on the scalp

People woken up during NREM are more likely to report which of the following?

fewer dreams than those awaken during REM sleep

What percentage of genes are shared by monozygotic twins?


Which theory related to dreams states that acetylcholine and the pons stimulate responses that lead to dreaming?

Activation-synthesis model

Your friend Adelina tells you that she is red-green color blind. This means that she sees things in ________.

All colors except either red or green

The Blue Eyes/ Brown Eyes "experiment" likely violated which of the following ethical standards that govern psychological research?

All of these

Charles Whitman was called the Texas Town murderer. He was a student who went to the University of Texas at Austin in the late 1960s. One day, for unexplained reasons, he climbed the tower in the middle of the campus and began randomly shooting people. He had to be killed. Upon autopsy, it was found that there was evidence of abnormal activity in his _____.


Which individual contributed significantly to both the field of philosophy and psychology?


When you are training a pet, you are most likely relying on which of the following psychological perspectives?


Sergei is having disturbing thoughts. His therapist suggests doing blood work to measure the level of hormones. Which perspective is Sergie's therapist using?


Which part of the brain is responsible for involuntary functions of the body such as heart beat and breathing and if severely injured will likely result in death?

Brain stem

Cochlear implants help individuals "hear" by what process?

Bypassing damaged hair cells and directly stimulating the auditory nerve

During a sobriety test, individuals are asked to walk a straight line. This test evaluates if alcohol has impaired the part of their brain associated with balance. This is the


Which of the following substances is a stimulant?


Which imaging technology takes several X-rays to reveal deformities in shape and structure that are connected with blood clots, tumors, and other health problems?

Computerized axial tomography scan (CAT scan)

What is a schedule of reinforcement in which every correct response is reinforced?

Continuous reinforcement

Through his observation of children playing during their morning recess, Dr. Vance states that children who play more are better learners. Dr. Vance's findings most likely represent which type of research?

Correlational research

_____ is defined as a way of evaluating the claims and comments of other people that involves skepticism and examination of evidence

Critical thinking

The case of Phineas Gage is important in understanding how the brain works for which of the following reasons?

It demonstrated the localization of various functions within the brain

_______ study how humans grow and change from conception to death

Developmental psychologists

Which neurotransmitter has been implicated in depression and schizophrenia?


Abe and Rose, who have been married for 13 years, are discussing the events that led to their very first date. Rose distinctly remembers giving Abe her telephone number at a party, but Abe is certain that he got her number from her best friend, Linda. Abe and Rose have different _____ of the event.

Episodic memories

Dasha developed an intense fear of flying ten years ago when she was in a plane crash. Now she can fly again without fear which indicates that her conditioned fear response has undergone____________.


Mindfulness meditation (MM) provides clients with techniques they can use to

Focus on the present

Jane is a practicing psychologist who assessed the mental status of people charged with crimes and shares her findings with the courts. Jane is most likely a

Forensic psychologist

Terry is 15-years-old and often makes impulsive and seemingly irrational decisions. Terry's parents can be comforted in the fact that which part of Terry's brain is not yet fully developed?

Frontal lobe

Which of the following represents your full genetic potential?


Alicia was recently in a car accident. Since then, she cannot retain memories of events that occurred after the accident. However, she can recall events that took place before the accident. She recognizes her family and friends and important dates, such as her birthday and her marriage anniversary, but has to be constantly reintroduced to the new people in her life. Alicia has most likely sustained damage to her ________.


The phrase, "everything physiological is biological" implied that

Human behavior, thinking and emotion is based on what happens in the body

The learning "research" conducted in class demonstrated which of the following?

Individuals learn better when given positive reinforcement

Which structure in the front of the eye dilates and constricts to determine how much light will be allowed to get into the eye?


Which of the following statements is true in the context of classical conditioning?

It always involves reflexes and demonstrates that reflexes can be learned by association

Which of the following is NOT true of one's central nervous system?

It consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

On his first day as a school psychologist, Daniel took a trip to the school ground and quietly sat in the corner watching the children play. He noticed several patterns in the way children behaved with each other, especially when they were playing games. Daniel is most likely using the method of __________.

Naturalistic observation

Biofeedback training, behavior modification, and programmed learning are all applications of _________

Operant conditioning

One of the problems associated with the accuracy of surveys is

Participants may inaccurately represent their true beliefs or behaviors

Which of the following statements is true of hypnosis?

People who are easily hypnotized are said to have hypnotic suggestibility

In the context of the brain's language functions, identify the correct statement.

People who have suffered a stroke and have difficulty with language production but not language comprehension, have suffered damage to Broca's area.

Traits such as sociability and aggressiveness are thought to be ______


A parent buys their child a toy in order to stop the temper tantrum they are throwing. Next time they go to the store, the child throws another tantrum and the parent buys them another toy so they stop throwing a fit. The parent's behavior of buying the child a toy has been _______.

Positively reinforced

Each kind of neurotransmitter has a unique chemical structure, and each can fit into a specifically tailored harbor, also known as a ________.

Receptor site

According to your text, children watching violence in the media are potentially impacted by all of the following EXCEPT

Reduced probability of aggressive behavior

What are defined as stimuli that increase the frequency of behavior?


Professor Gage wants to study how males complied with a perceived authority figure. In order to study this, Professor Gage recruits 40 males from Stanford University and eventually published his study which states that males comply with unreasonable demands to inflict harm when it is given by a perceived authority figure. The 40 males are considered a research ____ and the males in the study wrote-up are considered the research _______.

Sample, population

Professor Schwiesow is trained as which of the following?

School psychologist

Exposure to very loud sounds can lead to damage of the auditory nerve or hair cells, resulting in__________.

Sensorineural deafness

After moving to Nebraska, Bobbi did not notice any distracting sounds. As time passed she became more and more aware of the loud chirping of cicagas in her backyard. What is this an example of?

Sensory (positive) adaptation

One night when Denzel was four years old he was sleeping soundly in his bed when he started screaming and thrashing about. His parents rushed to his side but could never fully wake him up. The next day he had no recollection of the event. Denzel most likely experienced a(n) _____.

Sleep terror

A contemporary psychologist who believes that an individual's behavior is shaped by their ethnicity and culture would be viewing behavior from which perspective?


Labib has been having severe epileptic seizures since a very young age. His seizures have become less frequent since he underwent an operation. However, he has problems expressing what he feels. When he feels happy, his facial expressions often show anger. Labib has most likely undergone a(n) _______ operation.


When our brain waves slow down from the alpha rhythm and enter a pattern of theta waves, which stage of sleep have we entered?

Stage 1 sleep

A hypothesis is a:

Statement about behavior or mental processes that is testable through research

Visual stimuli can be flashed too briefly, below our absolute threshold for conscious perception, to enable us to process them. This is an example of _____

Subliminal stimulation

In the context of altering consciousness through drugs, which disorder is characterized by loss of control over consumption, risky use, and tolerance and withdrawal symptoms?

Substance use disorder

Ray, a 5-year-old, wakes up at night saying that he saw monsters chasing him in his dreams. His parents should do all EXCEPT the following:

Take him to see a psychiatrists since this is highly unual behavior for a 5-year-old

Silas is recovering from COVID which has caused him to have a stuffy nose. Besides not being able to smell, what other sense may be affected?


Following brain damage, Theresa cannot process sensory input from her ears. She probably suffered damage to which portion of the brain?

Temporal lobe

Which of the following causes Down's syndrome?

The presence of an extra chromosome on the 21st pair

Which of the following is a drawback of case studies?

The results cannot be generalized to a large population of people

Samantha cries every time she hears a song on the radio that she and her ex-boyfriend used to enjoy. Hearing the song brings back memories of the good times they had before he broke off the relationship. How come Samantha cries when she hears the song?

The song is a conditioned stimulus that she still associates with the good times that she now misses

Julie's research work requires her to interview a sample of 200 people within two months. She needs to gather data about the sample group's attitude toward certain situations through a questionnaire, but she has limited time to gather the information. Which of the following methods should Julie use to gather the required information?

The survey method

According to the American Psychological Association's Handbooks of Ethics in Psychology, which of the following criteria must be met for psychologists to use deception in their experiments?

There is no other way to conduct the research to support the hypothesis and participants are debriefed afterwards

A person with normal color vision is labeled as a ______


Cochlear implants contain microphones that sense sounds and electronic equipment that transmits sounds past damaged hair cells to stimulate the auditory nerve


One of the main reasons commercials are successful in selling their product is that they trigger emotions which when connect that emotion with the product. In this case the emotion is the _______ and the product is the ________-

Unconditioned response; conditioned stimulus

Which of the following senses is dominant in human beings?


Visual acuity is highest when images are focused on the fovea because the high concentration of ____ in the region


The fact that you stopped smelling an essential oil at a given time is due to which of the following?

When the olfactory receptor is constantly stimulated, it will begin to fatigue and become accommodated to the odor.

A girl with Turner Syndrome either has a missing or partial _____________

X chromosome

When you moved an index card close to your eyes, one of the marks on the card appeared to disappear. This is due to what portion of your retina?

blind spot

The loudness of a sound is expressed in _________

decibels (dB)

People deprived of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep:

learn more slowly

As we age and reach our late 30's to mid-40's, what structure in our eyes tends to have difficulty accommodating?


The purpose of the Human Genome Project was to

map out the DNA sequences found in the human body

According to Weber's Law, the absolute threshold for all senses is

not the same for everyone

According to your text, older adults sleep less because

of physical discomfort

How many pairings of the unconditioned stimuli and conditioned stimuli are needed for taste aversion to occur?


The ____ conducts sensory input to the brain, where it is relayed to the visual area of the occipital lobe

optic nerve

Professor Schweisow has her class engage in discussion, both in class and online, which encourages them to apply information and generate examples based on individual experiences. Using levels of processing terminology, Professor Schweisow is encouraging her students to

process the information at a "deep" level so that it is more likely to be encoded into long-term memory

In the context of the human eye (as well as little kitties), the size of the ______ is activated by the sympathetic nervous system and is sensitive to emotions


In the context of operant conditioning, when you keep posting comments on social media to receive more "likes", this is an example of ______


When a person focuses their consciousness on a particular stimulus, they are utilizing

selective attention

The fact that you were able to smell an essential oil is because of your olfactory ________ while your ability to identify it as a lavender scent is due to your brain's ability to ____________ it as lavender.

sense, percieve

A sleep disorder in which the person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep is called ______

sleep apnea

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