Psychology maybe

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Which line is pointing to the myelin sheath? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


Which philosopher believed that sense perceptions and observations are essential for knowledge?

D. Aristotle

__________ was the first African American to earn a doctoral degree in psychology from a university in the US and is considered the father of African American psychology.

D. Francis C. Sumner

Which of the following is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter?

D. GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

Which of the following statements is a prediction?

D. Giving better supplies of food to chimpanzees will decrease their aggressive behavior.

__________ is the systematic self-observation and analysis of one's conscious experience.

D. Introspection

In the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, what information did researchers keep from their subjects about their illnesses?

D. They were not treated for or told they had syphilis.

Which of the following is not a reason psychologists may subject an animal used in research to pain, stress, or hardship?

D. When the goal is justified by the potential for recognition.

Abnormal levels of __________ may lead to Alzheimer's disease.

D. acetylcholine

Creating a testable hypothesis comes after which step in the scientific method?

D. developing a research question

A psychologist working from the cognitive perspective would most likely believe that anxiety is caused by __________.

D. erroneous perceptions or thoughts

Of the following statements, in which does rehabilitation psychology specialize?

D. helping people with disabilities manage adjustment issues

The __________ is the fatty substance that insulates and protects the axon.

D. myelin sheath

During World War I, mental tests were administered to army recruits. The results of these tests were wrongly interpreted to suggest that Caucasians were superior to minorities. This is an example of __________ bias in early psychology.

D. racial

When researchers replicate a study, they are seeking to __________.

D. support or reject the hypothesis upon which the study was founded

Research indicates that catharsis does not appear to be useful in evoking calm feelings if ___________. catharsis is carried out immediately after feeling anger one's emotional release is targeted at the provoker one's counterattack feels justifiable one's provoker is not intimidating to the one venting anger


What is the observed effect of altruistic tendencies among female vampire bats? A. Vampire bats who share food tend to live longer than other bats. B. Vampire bats who share food tend to have fewer offspring than other bats. C. Vampire bats who share food tend to die younger than other bats. D. Vampire bats who share food tend to have more luck hunting fresh food.


The majority of occupations in psychology only require a bachelor's degree and a license to practice.


The sociocultural perspective was greatly influenced by an increase in cultural diversity.


Research on trait heritability has revealed which of the following? Please select the best answer from the choices provided Both differences and similarities regarding personalities have been found in families. The influence of heredity on personality is about 20 percent. There are more differences in personality characteristics among family members than there are similarities. There are more similarities in personality characteristics among family members than there are differences.


A(n) __________ is a one-celled organism formed by the union of a sperm and an egg. A. zygote B. blastocyst C. embryo D. fetus


A(n) __________ test measures what it is supposed to measure. A. valid B. standardized C. reliable D. intelligence


Abnormal levels of __________ are linked to anxiety disorders, seizures, and insomnia. A. GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) B. norepinephrine C. endorphins D. acetylcholine


According to B. F. Skinner's view on personality, behavior is __________. A. determined by the environment B. influenced by one's thoughts C. determined by innate tendencies D. determined by cognitive processes


According to Crick's adaptive model of dreaming, what is the purpose of dreaming? A. Dreams help people strengthen useful neural connections and weaken nonuseful ones. B. Dreams help people distinguish between waking life and the state of dreaming. C. Dreams help people remember symbols from past lives and alternate realities. D. Dreams help people rehearse the daily activities they plan to accomplish the next day.


According to Erik Erikson, if individuals do not create significant relationships as a young adult, __________ may develop as a result. A. feelings of isolation B. identity confusion C. feelings of inadequacy D. feelings of stagnation


According to Erikson's __________ stage of psychosocial development, children learn to trust and eventually form a close attachment to those who fills their needs. A. trust versus mistrust B. initiative versus guilt C. autonomy versus shame and doubt


According to self-perception theory, which of the following is the best indicator of a person's reported attitude? A. behavior B. intentions C. dissonance D. persuasion


According to the Big Five, a person who can be described as independent, imaginative, and flexible most likely scored high in __________. A. openness to experience B. neuroticism C. conscientiousness D. extraversion


According to the article "Multiple Intelligences," what makes simultaneous teaching to all of Gardner's theorized intelligences possible? A. multimedia B. better teachers C. newer schools D. school psychologists


Mark and Sansa are playing hopskotch outside on the sidewalk. What type of motor skill is being illustrated through this game? Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Motivation is necessary for self-regulation and behavior modification because __________. A. if one isn't driven to change behaviors, then one cannot change B. coping with weakness is a necessary skill for changing behavior C. understanding current behaviors is vital to changing them D. recruiting others is helpful for changing behaviors


Organizing sensory input that guides movement is a function of the __________. A. cerebellum B. pons C. medulla D. brainstem


Parker is grounded and not allowed to go to a concert with her friends tonight. She screams at her brother when he asks her for help with his homework and slams her bedroom door. Her behavior is an example of ___________. A. striking out at others B. overindulgence C. blaming oneself D. giving up


Personality is used to represent how __________ and __________ one's behavior is. A. consistent . . . unique B. abnormal . . . inconsistent C. unique . . . dysfunctional D. eccentric . . . consistent


Positive psychological effects that one can experience from stressful events include which of the following? A. developing resilience B. acquiring a psychosomatic illness C. adopting destructive coping abilities D. losing hours of sleep


Regulating unconscious biological functions is a function of the __________. A. medulla B. pons C. cerebrum D. cerebellum


Repetitively focusing attention on unwanted thoughts and feelings is known as __________. A. excessive thought reflection B. being optimistic C. depression D. being pessimistic


All of the following were barriers to minority participation in early psychology except __________.

A. school desegregation

A specific factor having a range of possible values is a __________.

A. variable

A team of psychologists is studying how negative feedback affects self-esteem in independent cultures, such as the United States, and interdependent cultures, such as Japan. These psychologists are most likely working from the __________ perspective.

B. sociocultural

For psychologists, controlling electronic information is important because electronic information is __________.

B. trivially easy to copy and redistribute

Which of the following statements concerning the sample size of an experiment is not accurate?

C. A smaller sample size increases generalizability of a study

The extraordinary results of this study are beyond reproach; the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them. -Frances Wallace, page 15 Now read the following passages from a separate article. Which of the following uses of the above passage is not considered plagiarism?

C. Although it is startling to contemplate, "the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them" (Wallace 15).

Which of the following is the most accurate definition of behavior?

C. Behavior is an action that can be observed and measured.

When a psychologist is making a determination regarding whether or not a study is ethical, one should first consider __________ versus the demand or desire for increased knowledge in a particular field of study.

C. an individual's privacy

A psychologist conducts research on life span development by interviewing numerous men and then uses the research findings to describe the different stages of development that both men and women experience. This is an example of __________.

C. androcentrism

The goals of psychology are the same as the goals of science, except that in psychology, the focus is on __________ and __________.

C. behavior . . . cognitive processes

The __________ perspective focuses on how people process, store, and use information.

C. cognitive

All of the following are benefits of statistics except that it __________.

C. creates biases

A researcher wants to compare math performance scores of high school juniors who are located in various urban areas. The researcher will most likely conduct the research by using which descriptive research method?

C. cross-sectional study

A team of psychologists study personality development in the United States and generalize their research findings to describe personality development in China, Japan, and Korea. This is an example of __________ bias.

C. cultural

Humanistic therapy attempts to help people __________.

C. develop their individuality and realize their full potential

In which of the following does personality psychology specialize?

C. focusing on resolving workplace issues to increase job satisfaction and productivity

How many years of residency does a psychiatrist have to complete before being licensed to practice psychiatry?

C. four years

In the 19th century, women were expected to conform to a certain role that entailed __________.

C. getting married and having children

During World War II, psychologists redesigned the layout of instruments in airplane cockpits to help pilots fly safely. This is an example of __________ psychology.

C. human factors

In an experiment, researchers want to determine if the __________ variable causes changes in the __________ variable.

C. independent . . . dependent

In the "Little Albert" experiment, psychologist John Watson conditioned a(n) ____________.

C. infant to fear a lab rat

Statistics used to analyze sample data in order to make conclusions about a population are called __________ statistics.

C. inferential

Life coaches use __________ to teach people life skills, relationship skills, and communication skills.

C. motivational interviewing

Statistics can increase knowledge in all of the following ways except __________.

C. providing nonuseful information on ways to improve the educational system

A __________ score allows a researcher to compare scores across different scales.

C. standard

Plagiarism is unethical because it implies that __________.

C. the work that one has plagiarized is an original creation

An invalid study may have all of the following problems except __________.

C. variables that relate to the topic

A researcher assigns the following number scale to high school classes: 1 = Freshman 2 = Sophomores 3 = Juniors 4 = Seniors For this study, the researcher is analyzing data by using __________ measures.

NOT descriptive

What was Howard Gardner's concern about traditional intelligence tests? A. He claimed intelligence tests did not cover important skills. B. He claimed intelligence tests did not take emotional aspects into consideration. C. He claimed intelligence tests did not consider culture. D. He claimed intelligence tests did not show mental age.


When an infant progresses from crawling to walking an advancement in the infant's __________ has occurred. A. gross motor skills B. simple motor skills C. complex motor skills D. fine motor skills


Which endocrine gland is responsible for controlling the stress response? A. adrenal gland B. pineal gland C. thyroid gland D. thymus gland


Which of the following is a reason that groups are likely to enter into a conflict? A. The groups are competing for resources. B. The groups are equivalent in influence and power. C. The groups are able to accomplish their own goals. D. The groups are able to acquire necessary goods.


Desensitization is a cognitive phenomenon in which those exposed to violence tend to __________. A. behave more aggressively B. become numb to more violence C. see violence as exceptional D. savor violent iconography


One frequent sign of gender inequality in the United States is that women do not ___________. A. enjoy the same voting rights as men B. earn as much as men in similar occupations C. receive admission to college as much as men D. have equal power in most relationships


One support of the behavioral perspective is how B. F. Skinner's ideas have brought to light how the __________ and __________ influence personality. A. subconscious . . . conscious B. environment . . . learning C. environment . . . subconscious D. subconscious . . . learning


Our brain enables us to do all the following except __________. A. think B. socialize C. talk D. move


People are sometimes able to detect their name being spoken in an alternative conversation even when they are presently engaged in a different conversation. This example demonstrates the ability to hear one's voice among many when encountering meaningful information, which is known as ___________. A. top-down processing B. the cocktail party effect C. inattentional blindness D. feature analysis


Physical and emotion exhaustion, cynicism, and lowered self-efficacy attributable to chronic, work-related stress are elements of __________. A. learned helplessness B. burnout C. a psychological disorder D. lack of control


The only way to recover from sleep deprivation is to __________. A. take medication B. get recovery sleep C. consume caffeine D. exercise vigorously


The reflex that causes an infant to suck when the roof of the mouth is touched is called the ___________ reflex. Please select the best answer from the choices provided moro sucking grasping rooting


The theory stating that we form attitudes through observing another's behavior or through conditioning is the __________ theory. A. elaboration B. learning C. dissonance D. self-perception


Theorist Albert Ellis claimed that one's emotional reaction to stress can be controlled by ___________. A. engaging in particular defense mechanisms to decrease stress B. altering thoughts or evaluations about stressful events C. avoiding certain events that cause stress D. using humor to reduce negative effects of stress


What is the effect of social facilitation on those performing a difficult task? A. Performance tends to improve. B. Performance tends to suffer. C. Performance tends to be average. D. Performance tends to be unaffected.


What is the likely effect on the performance of Caucasian students who are told that Asian students usually outperform Caucasians on the assessment they are taking? A. The Caucasian students will most likely study harder for the next exam. B. The Caucasian students may perform worse than normal. C. The Caucasian students may perform much better than normal. D. The Caucasian students will most likely not be affected by the information.


What is the typical minimum duration of a meditation session? A. 5 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 35 minutes D. 45 minutes


What method of reconciliation did Muzafer Sherif attempt with success in the Robbers Cave study? A. noncompetitive contact B. superordinate goals C. roundtable discussions D. superficial goals


When a psychologist claims that developmental processes occur rapidly and are marked by distinct periods, the psychologist most likely supports which theories of development? A. stable B. stage C. continuity D. fluid


When an individual is attempting to evaluate and comprehend what they are feeling, they are utilizing the __________ component of emotion. Please select the best answer from the choices provided behavioral cognitive physiological biological


Which figure was responsible for the initial use of hypnosis as a medical treatment? A. Milton Erickson B. Franz Mesmer C. James Braid D. Jean Martin Charcot


Which nervous system is comprised of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems? A. the central nervous system B. the peripheral nervous system C. the sympathetic nervous system D. the parasympathetic nervous system


Which of the following are signs that a boy is going through puberty? A. growth of facial hair and longer finger nails B. voice gets deeper and growth of facial hair C. voice gets deeper and hair color changes D. shoulders broaden and skin darkens


Between work and school, Harley is feeling a lot of stress. He claims that the issue he is experiencing is due to his lack of ability to handle stress. He feels incompetent and unworthy of the responsibilities work has assigned him. Harley's thoughts would be an example of ___________. A. striking out at others B. overindulgence C. blaming oneself D. giving up


Compared to Type B personalities, Type A personalities are more likely to experience all of the following except __________. A. self-imposed stress B. heart problems C. reduced anxiety D. intense reactions to stress


Computer-enhanced x-rays are called __________ scans. A. TMS B. PET C. CT D. MRI


Depression and bipolar disorder are categorized as __________ disorders. A. dissociative B. somatoform C. mood D. anxiety


Which of the following best describes the human skin's multiple receptive fields that are found throughout the body? A. clusters of sensory receptors in tiny bumps called papillae B. areas of skin where stimuli must occur to activate receptors C. sensitive locations in the skin most sensitive to light stimuli D. sensory fields in the skin that respond to mechanical stimuli


Which of the following best explains how music influences behavior? A. Music has no effect on teen behavior. B. Music can not be blamed for violent behavior. C. Music is the main cause of teen violence. D. Music is the sole contributor to suicidal behavior.


Which of the following factors makes a minority influence more convincing to the majority? A. having an opinion in opposition to the majority B. being firmly committed to a particular opinion C. believing in the group decision-making process D. trying to achieve compromise with the majority


Which of the following is an example of cultural appropriation? A. the spread of soccer as a sport across countries B. the use of acupuncture in the United States C. releasing old traditions after moving to a new country D. participating in the pop culture of one country while maintaining personal beliefs


Which of the following is not a parenting style? A. authoritarian B. disorganized C. authoritative D. permissive


Which of the following is not one of the four basic principles underlying the Vygotskian framework? A. Children construct their knowledge. B. Growth is independent of cultural skills. C. Learning can lead to development. D. Language plays a central role in mental development.


Which of the following is one of the reported benefits of effective meditation? A. increased functional strength B. increased positive emotions C. increased respiratory rate D. increased resting heart rate


Which of the following researchers conducted the Stanford prison experiment in order to test the effects of social roles on behavior? Please select the best answer from the choices provided B. F. Skinner Phillip Zimbardo Solomon Asch Stanley Milgram


Which of the following statements about the thyroid gland is not correct? A. The thyroid gland is located in the neck. B. The thyroid gland controls reproductive cycles. C. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism. D. The thyroid gland helps to regulate bone growth.


Which of the following statements best describes the importance of attention in social learning? A. Without attention, a behavior cannot be forgotten. B. Without attention, a behavior cannot be remembered. C. Without attention, a behavior cannot be justified. D. Without attention, a behavior cannot be reinforced.


Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between culture and the environment? A. Culture and the environment are unrelated. B. Cultures and environments influence one another. C. Cultures do not change environments. D. Environments cannot influence culture.


Which of the following statements concerning mental illness is accurate? A. Individuals with mental disorders are often violent. B. Many psychological disorders are curable. C. Individuals with a psychological disorder are very different from people without a psychological disorder. D. Individuals experiencing a mental disorder are incapable of living a normal life.


All of the following are possible reasons why families may choose to seek therapy except __________. A. improving communication B. dealing with children's behaviors C. overcoming language barriers between family members D. dealing with a change in family dynamics


All of the following are types of schizophrenic disorders except __________ schizophrenia. A. catatonic B. paranoid C. differentiated D. disorganized


All of the following describe an individual who has a high need for achievement except ___________. A. generally being future-oriented B. often delaying gratification in pursuit of goals C. generally handling negative feedback poorly D. often pursuing competitive entrepreneurial careers


All of the following describe the image above except __________. A. neural communication B. neurotransmitter release C. hormone release D. nervous system functioning


All of the following help to reduce the problem of social traps except ___________.


All of the following physical reactions occur when our fight-or-flight response is triggered except __________. A. dilating pupils B. increasing heartbeat C. increasing digestion D. increasing perspiration


An individual in middle adulthood often begins to experience which of the following changes? A. reflecting on personal mortality B. evaluating life's purpose C. pursuing new challenges D. developing intimate relationships


Children of permissive parenting have a tendency to be __________. A. unproductive in school and lacking in self-control B. obedient and productive in school, with low self-esteem C. happy, confident, and competent, with high self-esteem D. aggressive, immature, and perform poorly in school


Cochlear implants are surgically implanted electronic devices that send __________. A. electronic signals to the auditory nerve for processing B. sound vibrations to the cochlea for transduction C. sound vibrations to the ossicles in the middle ear D. electronic signals about sound waves to the brain


Nate didn't do as well on his SAT as he and his family had hoped he would do. He knew it was because he wasn't smart enough. He was sure that if he had tried harder on the test, he would have had a much higher score. He felt like everything was all his fault. This shows an example of __________. A. striking out at others B. self-indulgence C. blaming oneself D. giving up


Of the following statements, which does not describe a key feature of consciousness? A. Consciousness is continuous. B. Consciousness is selective. C. Consciousness is permanent. D. Consciousness is private.


Of the following, which is not a helpful way to use hypnosis in treating dissociative disorders? A. having the patient work through the traumatic experience B. having the patient recall repressed painful memories C. having the patient keep painful memories hidden D. having the patient work through trauma associated with amnesia


One characteristic of personality traits is that they __________. A. cannot be classified B. cannot be defined C. are fairly stable D. are unstable


One historical reason that people in the Indian subcontinent have been reluctant to use livestock for food has been that __________. A. their digestive systems are unable to handle meat and proteins B. they refused to eat meat in order to show resistance to British imperialism C. they are able to use cattle as a labor mainstay of their agriculture D. they can use the meat from cattle as fertilizer to make crops grow better


One way bulimia is different from anorexia is that bulimia __________. A. does not pose any real danger to the individual B. may cause an individual to become obsessed with food C. is hard to detect because the person's weight is often normal D. often causes the individual to starve themselves


One who believes that wrong behavior is the behaviors that are punished is in the ___________ of moral reasoning. A. unconventional B. postconventional C. preconventional D. conventional


Patients A, B, C, and D all have similar symptoms and situational stressors. The major difference is that patient A's Axis V rating scale is 77, patient B's is 92, patient C's is 15, and patient D's rating scale is 32. Which of the patients would be given a more severe diagnosis? A. Patient A B. Patient B C. Patient C D. Patient D


People who view themselves independently of others represent the idea of __________. A. self-enhancing societies B. collectivism C. individualism D. communist societies


Prejudice and discrimination that is based on one's gender is ____________.


Psychologist B. F. Skinner believed that superstitions were caused by __________ reinforcement of __________ behavior. A. continuous . . . intentional B. continuous . . . accidental C. intermittent . . . accidental D. intermittent . . . intentional


Psychologists claim that all of the following brain structures influence one's emotional response except __________. A. the thalamus B. the prefrontal cortex C. the spinal cord D. the amygdala


Ramona and her family agree that what got Ramona through law school is what got her through obstacles all her life: her belief in her ability to succeed even when things are tough. Which part of the social cognitive theory addresses this view on Ramona's successes in life? A. observational learning B. reciprocal determinism C. self-efficacy D. response tendency


Raquel tends to get extremely upset if she does not get her way, and she feels that it is a reflection of how much of a failure she is bound to be. Raquel would most likely benefit from __________. A. systematic desensitization B. family therapy C. rational-emotive behavior therapy D. aversion therapy


Raymond Cattell created the 16PF self-inventory assessment by first taking 4,504 personality traits and removing all of the __________. A. nouns B. homonyms C. synonyms D. antonyms


Research indicates that catharsis generally reinforces the tendency to __________. calm down quickly after a provocation deal with anger in adaptive ways lash out toward others decrease aggressive behaviors


Research indicates that dreaming may be responsible for inspiring creativity by __________. A. stimulating beta waves, which are responsible for waking brain activity B. rehearsing the daily activities for which one may need preparation C. allowing for the emergence of old data in useful, new patterns D. giving the brain long periods of rest where it is not overworked


Sigmund Freud believed mental disorders were caused when an individual __________. A. recognized personal negative qualities B. masked painful feelings C. buried feelings in the unconscious D. distorted the present reality


Sleep stages are defined in terms of the __________. A. amount of time spent sleeping B. length of restful sleep experienced C. occurrence of brainwave patterns D. number of dreams experienced


Some students work hard in school in order to get high grades. Based on this information, these students are motivated by ___________. A. homeostasis B. drives C. incentives D. instincts


Square A and square B are the same color. This illusion demonstrates which of the following? A. Illusions are influenced by perceptions of movement. B. Illusions are influenced by perceptual constancies. C. Illusions are influenced by tricks in depth perception. D. Illusions are influenced by the situational context.


The __________ is the main control center for the autonomic nervous system. A. forebrain B. thalamus C. hypothalamus D. cerebrum


The behavioral perspective is criticized for all of the following except ___________. A. overlooking the influence of biological traits B. providing an inadequate model of human functioning C. not being efficiently backed by research D. representing a fragmented view of personality


The biomedical technique in which a part of the brain is destroyed with electric current is known as __________. A. electroconvulsive therapy B. prefrontal lobotomy C. bilateral cingulotomy D. tardive dyskinesia


The biopsychosocial model of abnormality states that behavior is influenced by all of the following except __________ factors. A. genetic B. physiological C. labeling D. psychological


The concept of "magnetisme animal" implied which of the following? A. Most animals are magnetically conductive. B. A person's health is related to their pets. C. Every person has a raw, magnetic energy. D. Vegetarians lack essential curative properties.


The crisis in Erikson's identity versus role confusion stage of psychosocial development is that the individual must __________. A. be creative, productive, and nurturing B. control one's behavior in social situations beyond family C. realize who or what one wants to be D. form a close, intimate relationship with someone else


The current manual for classifying mental disorders is the __________. A. DSM-III B. DSM-VI C. DSM-IV D. DSM-V


The decision-making component of personality that mediates between desires of the id and societal norm is the __________. A. unconscious B. id C. ego D. superego


The elaboration likelihood model emphasizes the use of __________ persuasion and __________ persuasion methods. A. direct . . . elaborative B. peripheral . . . elaborative C. direct . . . peripheral D. indirect . . . direct


The fact that older locusts use less energy to fly than younger locusts suggests that __________. A. younger locusts are incapable of flying efficiently B. efficient flying is an innate behavior that is only apparent in some locusts C. the older locusts have learned a more efficient way to fly D. flying is a learned behavior that the younger locusts must practice


The fight-or-flight response can best be describe as a(n) ___________. A. physiological response in cats B. abnormal condition of the nervous system C. adaptive physiological response to danger D. way for the body to release emotion


The majority of human traits are polygenic, which means they are __________. A. determined by a single gene B. developed at birth C. influenced by multiple genes D. learned over time


The parenting style that can be described as lenient or inconsistent is called __________. A. authoritarian B. authoritative C. permissive D. backbone


The primary __________ cortex specializes in receiving signals from different parts of the body. A. visual B. motor C. somatosensory D. auditory


The somatosensory cortex is in the __________ lobe. A. frontal B. occipital C. parietal D. temporal


The stimuli for kinesthesis is the __________ energy of joint and muscle movement. A. thermal B. electrical C. mechanical D. chemical


Therapeutic boarding schools help parents cope with their teens who have borderline personality disorder in all of the following ways except __________. A. teaching the parents how to positively support their teen while they are at home B. providing family therapy while the teen is in treatment C. teaching the parents to persistently support the teen's unstable self-image D. teaching the patient how to interact appropriately with their peers


Those who have experienced night terrors will usually __________. A. experience restful sleep throughout the night B. have a vivid recollection of the incident afterwards C. have anxiety about going back to sleep after an incident D. use alarm clocks to wake themselves at regular intervals


Tracy is very angry at what he perceives as unfair treatment from his supervisor at work. Which of the following would be an example of maladaptive behavior that occurs in response to Tracy's anger? A. running five miles after work B. communicating his feelings at a later time C. verbally abusing his boss D. listening to music


Twin studies research indicates that two-thirds of personality can be attributed to __________. A. nonshared environments B. shared environments C. genetic influences D. environmental influences


Undifferentiated schizophrenia differs from other schizophrenic disorders in that symptoms are __________. A. often mostly negative in nature B. entirely positive in nature C. too inconsistent to classify D. too consistent to classify


Upon returning to the pre-fugue state, an individual will most likely __________. A. lose all memories and sense of self-identity, then create a new identity B. seek medical care due to the time that was lost C. forget all events or experiences that occurred during the fugue state D. remember only the events that occurred during the fugue state


Using humor to reduce stress can help one to do all of the following except __________. A. change one's appraisal of events B. enhance positive emotions C. limit social support from others D. moderate the negative impact of stress


Victor Vroom claimed that one's level of motivation toward action is based on all of the following factors except __________. A. expectancy B. instrumentality C. internal needs D. valence


We know that we are becoming more calm when our parasympathetic nervous system causes saliva to __________ and blood pressure to __________. A. increase . . . increase B. decrease . . . decrease C. increase . . . decrease D. decrease . . . increase


What type of illusion is represented by the image? A. phi phenomenon B. color misperception C. impossible figure D. structural illusion


When Marc was an infant, he did not adapt well to change, but as a preadolescent, he will eventually accept changes if they are introduced gradually. Marc is most likely __________. A. difficult B. easy C. slow-to-warm-up D. securely attached


When a psychologist claims that experience and learning are key elements in initiating developmental changes, the psychologist most likely supports which theories of development?


Which factor in persuasion would be concerned with the message's audience? A. channel factors B. message factors C. receiver factors D. source factors


__________ refers to the ability of an individual to survive and reproduce, whereas __________ is any inherited characteristic that increases one's chance of survival. A. Adaptation . . . fitness B. Natural selection . . . fitness C. Fitness . . . adaptation D. Adaptation . . . natural selection


__________ tests try to eliminate cultural bias. A. All IQ B. Dove C. Culture-fair D. Stanford-Binet


B. F. Skinner claimed that response tendencies are aquired through any of the following except __________. A. observational learning B. life experience C. operant conditioning D. inherited characteristics


Which of the following activities would a person most likely be performing when displaying this EEG pattern? A. doing some light reading on a Saturday afternoon B. napping at a hotel resort in the early evening C. performing yoga in the middle of a garden D. preparing a presentation for an important executive


Which of the following axes and terms are not correctly associated according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)? A. Axis I: Dissociative disorders B. Axis II: Mental retardation C. Axis III: General medical conditions D. Axis IV: Global assessment and functioning


Which of the following choices would be an important reason why individuals are more likely to seek treatment if they have medical insurance? A. Most therapists are usually trained to treat white, middle-class Americans. B. Treatment is not covered if it is found to be medically necessary. C. Individuals seek treatment from a therapist with a similar ethnic background. D. The cost of treatment becomes more affordable with medical insurance.


Which of the following is a method of scaffolding? A. explaining the correct way of doing something without errors B. correcting the mistakes of a learner without explaining why C. telling a learner that they have made a mistake D. showing a learner how to correct common mistakes


Which of the following people was one of Sigmund Freud's instructors and believed that hypnosis could cure hysteria? A. James Braid B. Josef Breuer C. Milton Erickson D. Jean Martin Charcot


"He only helped because he wanted to impress Susan" is an example of internal attribution.


"You make lots of money because you're intelligent" is an example of external attribution.


A binocular depth cue is a cue that helps detect distance based on the use of either eye.


A hormone is an organ that secretes chemical substances into the bloodstream. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


A mood disorder is characterized by an inability to recall important information, usually traumatic or stressful in nature, that is too extensive to be normal forgetfulness


A organism must purposefully model a behavior in order for others to learn from it.


A superstition is usually based on rational thinking.


A victim of a serious traffic accident will always develop posttraumatic stress disorder.


Abnormal behaviors are considered similar across cultures.


According to kin selection, one will demonstrate altruism only to immediate family members.


According to social scientists, prejudice and discrimination are the same thing.


According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, the arousing stimulus first triggers the physical response, then the subjective experience of emotion follows.


According to the article "Self-Concept," those who do not have self-worth also tend to have high self-esteem.


Adolescence is the time between birth and the onset of puberty.


Adults who have had a traumatic experience will most likely develop a dissociative disorder.


Aggression is often reduced after alcohol consumption.


Albert Bandura and B. F. Skinner agree that cognitive factors play no role in personality development.


All behaviors occur only after conscious thought.


All drugs that are capable of producing an altered state are illegal.


All electromagnetic radiation is visible to the human eye. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


All men in their late teens to mid-20s are at risk for developing a schizophrenic disorder.


All neural activity during sleep is directed toward dreaming.


All substances that cause altered states are prohibited by governments.


An EEG measures the electrical output of the brain by using sensors that are attached to someone's hands and feet.


An ethnic identity is primarily composed of a person's race.


An increase in a form of "giving up" behavior or thinking is linked to individuals with an optimistic outlook on life.


An individual with a somatoform disorder usually avoids seeking medical attention


An observer must know that social learning is occurring for it to be effective.


Antidepressants work by gradually decreasing psychotic symptoms and behaviors


Anxiety sensitivity is the apparent cause, origin, and development of a particular disease.


Anxious-ambivalent children tend to be disorganized when exploring their surroundings.


As a romantic relationship progresses, it is most likely to transform from companionate love to passionate love


As the sleep cycles continue, the proportion of REM sleep in each cycle decreases.


Audition is another word for being able to see. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Authoritative parents expect obedience without question from their children.


B. F. Skinner is responsible for establishing the law of effect.


Babies who are considered slow-to-warm-up tend react to stimulation with negative emotions.


Bandura found that children who witnessed aggressive behavior being punished were far more likely to be aggressive than children who did not.


Catastrophic thinking is the tendency to minimize events or situations that could become serious or dangerous.


Children raised in substandard circumstances should experience a gradual increase in IQ.


Chromosomes from the mother control whether a child is male or female.


Classical conditioning occurs when a particular behavior is reinforced by its consequences.


Classical conditioning occurs when the unconditioned stimulus evokes a response from a neutral stimulus.


Collaborative learning focuses on the learning of an individual.


Conditioning occurs when two events that usually go together become associated with each other.


Consciousness appears to be an exclusive feature of organisms that develop civilizations.


Creating laws outlawing discrimination has done little to change prejudiced views or behaviors.


Culture-fair tests are used because they are the best at predicting academic achievement.


Delirium is a condition that initiates a progressive decline in cognitive activity due to the gradual dysfunction and loss of brain cells


Delta waves are the type of brain waves associated with alertness.


Depression appears to occur more in men than in women.


Disorganized schizophrenia is the most common type of schizophrenia.


Dissociative identity disorder is the feeling of becoming separated from prior memories after wandering away from home.


Dreaming is a well-understood phenomenon.


Dreams only occur during REM sleep.


Driving while sleep impaired is much safer than driving while intoxicated.


Drugs always produce the same sensation in first-time users.


Drugs are substances that cause a change in a person's physical, not mental, state.


During REM sleep, brain activity greatly decreases when compared to other stages of sleep.


During the process of perception, the brain interprets incoming stimuli before stimuli are detected by the senses.


Each society can have only one culture operating within it at a time.


Electroconvulsive therapy was developed as a way to prevent the seizures experienced by schizophrenic patients.


Emotional elevation generally decreases acts of altruism.


Emotional elevation only occurs in animal kin groups


Every person will eventually reach identity achievement in all aspects of their identity.


Everyone can be hypnotized.


Evidence supporting the humanistic perspective is easily measured.


Formation of the humanistic perspective resulted because the psychodynamic and behavioral perspectives received positive support within the field of psychology.


Freud identified four levels of consciousness.


Glaucoma is a group of diseases that causes damage to the retina. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Going to bed earlier tends to reduce the amount of sleep the body needs to feel rested.


Groupthink tends to stimulate rational discussion within groups.


Having distorted perceptions about another group can lead to decreased conflict between groups.


High intelligence quotient (IQ) is the only indicator of giftedness.


Higher-order conditioning occurs when a conditioned response acts as an unconditioned response.


Humans do not have innate behaviors.


Hypochondriacs seek out medical care in order to verify that they do not have an illness.


If a test's scores follow a normal curve, most of the grades will fall on either end of the scale.


If an individual does not develop at the same rate as their peers, they may be developing abnormally.


Impressions of others are based upon their self schema


In a high context culture, one is very likely to see lots of indicators explicitly expressing the proper and expected behaviors.


In a relationship with low amounts of equity, both individuals equally contribute to making important decisions.


In general, dreams are considered to be important in Western society.


In order to seek psychotherapy, one must have a diagnosed mental disorder.


In the Stanford prison experiment, students with a predisposition to mental disorders and sociopathy were assigned as prison guards.


Individualist societies are less likely than collectivist societies to put an emphasis on working hard.


Individuals in the postconventional level emphasize behaving in a manner that will not cause them to be criticized by authority figures.


Individuals who suffer from a mental disorder are most likely to commit violent crimes.


Individuals with a psychological disorder are extremely different from individuals without a psychological disorder.


Innate behavior occurs as a result of practice and repetition.


It is uncommon for individuals experiencing a divorce to seek therapy.


James Vicary proved that subliminal manipulation was possible by flashing imperceptible images of words during a movie. T F


John B. Watson illustrated how nature influences behavior by conditioning an infant to fear a white rat.


Kinesthetic disorders enhance one's ability to perform voluntary movements.


Lighting a fire on a cold night to get warm is an example of a positive reinforcement.


Making a list of situations or objects that cause anxiety is part one of the process in aversion therapy.


Maslow associated some traits, such as dependency, unfriendliness, and a lack of appreciation for the world around oneself, with self-actualizing persons.


Medications have proven to be unhelpful in treating anxiety disorders.


Meditation is only effective when sitting in the lotus position.


Men often seek therapy more than women


Mental retardation that is environmental in origin has a specific physical cause.


Mindful meditation should focus on the mental image that brings the most happiness.


Minorities are less likely than European Americans to live in physically, environmentally, or intellectually impoverished environments.


Mirror-image perceptions tend to create feelings of respect between parties in conflict.


Most land mammals have the ability to rest one hemisphere of their brains at a time.


Narcolepsy is a parasomnia.


Nerve cells do not begin to develop until after a child is born.


Object permanence is formed near the end of the preoperational stage of development.


Once assigned, attribution is a permanent status.


Once someone has a sensory cell, they have that cell for life.


One main difference between dementia and delirium is that delirium only affects people over the age of 65.


One of the characteristics of middle adulthood is peak physical health.


Otoliths are small stones in the semicircular canals that shift when the head moves.


People can withhold their first impression if it suits them.


People from the same family share the same genetic code.


Positive punishment occurs when a pleasant stimulus is removed after demonstration of a behavior.


Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are symptoms that reveal when a patient is having a successful reaction to treatment.


Posthypnotic suggestion can create a trigger in a person that causes them to react violently.


Professor George Engel believed mental illness was a disease that should be cured.


Projective tests are personality tests wherein individuals answer a series of questions about their own characteristic behaviors.


Psychologists who support continuity theories of development claim that development occurs as a result of biological processes.


Punishment is more effective when applied at least an hour after the target behavior has occurred.


Receiving an electrical shock when you forget to turn off the power before working on an electrical socket is an example of a negative punishment.


Reports from dream studies indicate that most dreams are positive.


Research has supported that self-report inventories need more comparative data in order to meet the criteria of a psychological test.


Research indicates that attitudes are generally very good predictors of behavior.


Research indicates that excessive amounts of cortisol may result in the development of gigantism. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Research indicates that genetics does not influence levels of aggression.


Research indicates that inattentional blindness often decreases when people work on tasks that require a great deal of attention.


Research indicates that individuals experience less moratorium and achievement as age increases.


Research indicates that social isolation tends to decrease aggressive behaviors.


Research indicates that stage theories are more accurate than developmental theories when it comes to assessing developmental changes.


Research indicates that the majority of adults experience a midlife crisis.


Researchers agree that love is one of the easiest constructs to define and measure.


Researchers who studied acupuncture in mice discovered that inserting an acupuncture needle deactivated pain-suppressing receptors.


Robert Sternberg's analytical intelligence highlights how experiences shape intelligence as well as how intelligence is shaped by experience.


Shaking hands is a cultural universal.


Sleep is a kind of temporary coma


Sleeping in very cold temperatures improves the restful effects of sleep.


Solomon Asch showed that most people will reject and resist the efforts of an otherwise unanimously agreed group.


Somatization disorders occur more often in men than in women.


Someone diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder often chooses jobs that require minimum contact with others.


Stereotype vulnerability refers to savants.


Stimulus discrimination occurs when an organism generalizes one consequence to many stimuli similar to the discriminative stimulus.


Studying to make a good grade on an exam is an example of internal motivation.


Subtractive color mixing involves mixing lights, as seen in theaters. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Superordinate goals are not effective in resolving group conflicts.


Symptoms associated with dementia usually develop within a few hours or days.


Temperament is an aspect of personality that often changes throughout someone's life.


The behavioral perspective of personality suggests that by studying unobservable behaviors, answers as to how personality develops can be found.


The brain processes billions of pieces of information every second.


The evidence is conclusive; aggression and violence in the media lead to aggression and violence in the general population.


The evolved module for fear of learning, which is also known as preparedness, consists of how well one is prepared when exposed to a frightening situation


The facets of intelligence include practical, experiential, and creative intelligences.


The medical model of abnormality suggests that psychological disorders have symptoms that cannot be treated medically.


The nervous system communicates internally by releasing hormones through the bloodstream. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The purpose of a defense mechanism is to get uncomfortable feelings out into the open so they can be dealt with in a healthy manner.


The reciprocity norm only occurs within kin relationships.


The thalamus sends auditory information to the primary visual cortex. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The value put on timeliness in the United States is actually a cultural universal in every culture.


There are five levels of mental retardation.


There are four phases of self-regulation: forethought, performance, self-reflection, and punishment.


There is only one way to decrease unwanted behavior.


Vygotsky believed that scaffolding limited communication between the teacher and the learner.


Western and Eastern cultures tend to view dreams in the same ways.


When individuals go through the process of acculturation, they are likely to shed all the customs of their past culture.


According to social exchange theory, altruistic behaviors benefit the individual who performs them.


Alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs, but have some restrictions as to their usage.


An effective way to eliminate the dangers of social traps is to pass legislation that makes the selfish advantage of social traps less desirable.


An example of collectivism is an individual defining oneself as an obedient son.


An individual who exhibits a mixture of schizophrenic symptoms most likely has undifferentiated schizophrenia.


Animals, like humans, rely heavily on their sense of smell to function in daily life.


Any form of biomedical therapy can be used in conjunction with other forms of psychotherapy.


At the embryonic stage, the zygote becomes the embryo.


Attitudes can be formed through interaction with and observation of others


Biofeedback advocates say their treatment can help relieve tension headaches.


Both fear and excitement activate the release of norepinephrine in the body. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Both learned and innate behavior can occur as a result of automatic processes.


Both retinal disparity and convergence increase as an object gets closer to the individual.


Business and industry hiring is one use for personality assessments.


Carl Jung believed that dreams could be indicators of both past and future behaviors.


Classical and operant conditioning both take into consideration the individual ways that people can react to the same stimuli


Cognitive psychologists believe cognition occurs between the stimulus and response in classical conditioning.


Companionate love usually lasts longer than passionate love.


Concept formation is the ability to categorize information that aids in cognitive development.


Consciousness refers to a state of awareness or alertness in which the subject is cognizant of one's environment and self.


Conversion disorders are more common in rural populations or in areas of lower socioeconomic status.


Culture contributes to the context that a behavior is acceptable.


Culture is represented by groups that are characterized by shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices.


David Buss, an evolutionary theorist, has attributed the Big Five personality traits to evolved ancestral needs.


Defining intelligence can be tricky because intelligence can mean different things to different people.


Despite contrary evidence, twin studies have led some researchers to believe that one's family environment does not significantly influence personality.


Developmental norms are used as a benchmark to determine where one should be developmentally.


Developmental psychology is the field that primarily studies how humans grow and develop.


Down's syndrome is one organic cause of mental retardation.


Drive-reduction theory best describes the idea that a physiological need creates an aroused tension state, which motivates the organism to satisfy the need.


Due to the brain's plasticity, experiences during childhood have a strong impact on who we become.


During the prenatal stage, doing drugs can result in intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), which can cause a baby to be born too early, too small, or both.


Ear wax, which is produced in the external auditory canal, contains chemicals that guard the ear from infections. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Emotional avoidance is a way to ignore feelings, such as guilt or shame.


Endorphins are the body's natural pain killers because they block pain from the brain.


Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development emphasizes that development occurs by overcoming an emotional crisis in each of the eight stages of one's lifetime.


Even if you have actually taken a placebo, it is possible to suffer from the effects of the drug you believe you have taken.


Experiencing empathy can motivate altruistic behavior.


External factors such as prior knowledge and experience influence how incoming information is perceived.


Food preferences are governed by exposure and environment, which may explain why there are many food preferences associated with culture.


Gender roles dictate a society's view on applying makeup.


Getting regular exercise is part of good sleep hygiene.


Going without sleep is actively harmful for every creature that needs sleep.


Hallucinogens distort an individual's perceptions of reality


Harry Harlow's experiment concluded that contact comfort was an important factor in determining attachment.


How similar two individuals are to each other influences how attractive one appears to the other.


If people are aware of the dangers of social traps, they are more likely to cooperate with each other.


In Milgram's obedience studies, most people gave the most extreme shocks even though they thought the shocks would be deadly.


In interpersonal attraction, the phrase "Birds of a feather flock together" is more accurate than "Opposites attract."


In operant conditioning, many complex behaviors are learned through shaping.


In operant conditioning, the consequence shapes the behavior.


In order to perceive something, one must first focus attention upon it.


In persuasion, one-sided arguments are generally less effective than two-sided arguments.


In regard to self-modification, a program of intervention should be designed to increase or decrease target behavior.


In the Minnesota Twin Study, identical twins reared apart had more similar personalities than fraternal twins reared together.


Individuals suffering from an eating disorder may experience several medical problems caused by their eating habits


Individuals will generally have an easier time establishing a positive ethnic identity if they are from an ethnic group that has much in common with the dominant culture.


Individuals with a neurotic personality tend to have negative views of themselves and their emotions.


Individuals with a personality disorder tend to believe their behavior is completely normal.


Insight therapies involve verbal interactions between a therapist and a client that are used to promote positive changes in one's life.


Insurance companies will usually only cover psychotherapy if it is considered medically necessary.


Intelligence tests were originally used to differentiate between students who were having academic difficulty and students who were not.


It is possible to practice the customs of many different cultures at once.


Lawrence Kohlberg believed an individual's moral behavior was an outcome of one's current stage of cognitive development.


Life experiences sometimes propel an individual who is in a state of achievement to experience moratorium again.


Many groups experience polarization, which is when opinions become more and more extreme.


Many of the physical symptoms experienced by someone with a somatization disorder seem to be caused by psychological issues.


Modeling therapy involves mimicking productive ways to solve problems after observing another model a specific behavior.


Observable behaviors include both learned behaviors and instinctive behaviors.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder is marked by unwanted behaviors that are repeated excessively and are uncontrollable.


One of the implications of John B. Watson's work was that human phobias might be the result of classical conditioning.


One way to determine obesity is through the body mass index (BMI).


One's cognitive dissonance can increase as the number of conflicting beliefs increases.


One's consciousness changes as one encounters new experiences.


One's motivation can lead people to interpret the same situation differently.


Optic nerves cross the midline in the optic channel to ensure that visual signals go to each hemisphere of the brain. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Peer teaching is a type of collaborative learning.


People with high self-efficacy would most likely believe that they were unable to perform simple tasks.


Per year, most American children are in school less than they watch TV.


Perception of color is determined by the wavelength of light that an object reflects. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Performance on IQ tests have steadily increased over the generations.


Phobias are generally out of proportion to the actual danger.


Prejudice can be an unconscious phenomenon.


Problems with sleep are more common than sleep disorders or parasomnias.


Projective tests are personality tests wherein individuals respond to vague stimuli in a way that may reveal their needs, feelings, and personality traits.


Proper nutrition during pregnancy helps the placenta develop healthily.


Psychiatric nurses are registered nurses who can also provide psychological services.


Psychologists who favor the theory of continuous development tend to refer to stage theories of development as "discontinuous."


Reciprocal liking is adaptive because it lowers the risk of relationship rejection.


Research has indicated that physical punishment is the most effective kind of punishment.


Research has shown that men are more likely than women to develop Parkinson's if they are exposed to some environmental factors like pesticides and industrial chemica


Research indicates that individuals experiencing depression often experience anxiety disorders.


Rhodopsin is a light-sensitive receptor located in rod cells that announce the arrival of light. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Robert McCrae and Paul Costa are known for their contribution to the Big Five in explaining dominant traits.


Role schema can affect the way people perceive themselves.


Role-playing can be used to help people with prejudiced views understand their effect on the affected group.


Scientific research shows that birds are capable of regenerating their hair cells. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Self-hypnosis is generally regarded as a safe practice.


Self-reaction involves adjusting ineffective regulation strategies that have been implemented in order to accomplish a goal.


Self-regulation involves planning, performing, and evaluating one's goals.


Self-report inventories are personality tests wherein individuals answer a series of questions about their own characteristic behaviors.


Skills that define intelligence depend on the culture in which the test is developed.


Sleep is a biological function.


Sleep is an universal biological need.


Sleep may have some ability to help the brain rewire itself.


Sleep problems are fairly common among both adults and children.


Sleeping is a behavior that is dependent on both instinctive and environmental conditions.


Smoking can increase someone's risk for developing macular degeneration. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Social learning theory takes into account the influence of reinforcement on behavior.


Some believe that the effects of hypnosis may not be from hypnosis but from people believing that hypnosis works.


Some clinicians are able to develop a clearer understanding of a future patient if the patient already has a prior diagnosis.


Some psychologists suggest that sleep has evolved in order to allow humans to dream.


Some research supports the claim that individuals with antisocial personality disorder may not exhibit the same increase in stress hormone levels when under stress as those without the disorder.


Some researchers claim that video games reward violent behavior.


Someone who displays symptoms of an anxiety disorder would be given an Axis I classification of mental disorders.


Someone who has anorexia nervosa may hide weight loss by wearing loose clothing.


Someone who has been continuously teased about one's appearance may develop an eating disorder.


Stage theories and continuity theories of development can be used together to adequately assess changes in growth that occur throughout life.


Symptoms involved with somatoform disorders feel very real to the patient but are often imagined, especially when they are unable to be diagnosed.


Taste buds are located in and around papillae, the tiny bumps on the tongue. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Teacher expectations generally impact the level of academic achievement a student can obtain.


The Human Genome Project was an international project aimed at mapping and sequencing all of the genes in human DNA.


The Stanford prison experiment was terminated early due to pyschological abuse suffered by the prisoners at the hands of the guards.


The corpus callosum is comprised of more than 200 million axons that connect the hemispheres of the brain. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The dominant culture may or may not be aware of the different beliefs existing in a member of the subculture.


The effects of stereotype threat usually impact those who are high achievers.


The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The medical model is currently the primary way to explain the causes of psychological disorders.


The medical model of abnormality states that psychological disorders should be viewed and treated in the same manner as physical illnesses.


The olfactory system is the sensory system that deals with the sense of smell. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The optimistic view of human nature held by supporters of the humanistic perspective led to more positive views of human nature throughout the field of psychology.


The social interaction theory explains that the purpose of aggression is to control another person's behavior.


The strength of one's ethnic identity can increase or decrease as a result of stereotypes or acts of discrimination within a society.


The tactile system is the sensory system that refers to the sense of touch.


The types of movies that one likes is influenced by learned behaviors.


The visible spectrum of light that humans see is merely a narrow portion of the larger spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


There are four aspects of learning through observation that make it more likely for someone to recreate a behavior they have witnessed.


There are three principles of test construction: standardization, reliability, and validity.


There is a positive correlation between tests that measure different things.


There is controversy that some therapists may influence patients into developing certain personalities in order to issue a diagnosis.


Those seeking professional hypnotherapy should look for professionals holding medical degrees from accredited and trusted institutions.


To some extent, sensory receptors in the skin are specialized to detect and register specific stimuli. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Values are beliefs or philosophies that individuals consider to be personally important.


When a behavior is highly resistant to extinction, the organism takes longer to stop responding after a reinforcement is no longer given.


When a response becomes generalized, then someone will react to things that remind them of the first stimuli that caused a response.


While learning something new, processing information can occur without demonstration of behavior.


Daniel has been describing situations about being stalked by a government agency that is trying to recover information implanted in his brain. He will also babble incoherently, soil his clothing with excrement, and hold a statue-like pose for hours at a time. Daniel can most likely be diagnosed with __________ schizophrenia. A. paranoid B. catatonic C. disorganized D. undifferentiated


Ray won't eat cream of wheat cereal. He doesn't particularly enjoy the taste or texture of the cereal. Based on this information, Ray most likely has a problem with the ____________ of cream of wheat. A. appearance B. satiability C. availability D. palatability


Social factors that can lead to psychological problems as a result of obesity include which of the following? A. high blood pressure B. cancer C. shortened lifespan D. discrimination


Successful resolution of the integrity versus despair stage of adulthood should result in ___________. A. regret B. bitterness C. self-love D. satisfaction


The _________ perspective is a belief system that emphasizes free will and the ability of individuals to control their behavior. A. trait B. psychodynamic C. behavioral D. humanistic


The __________ is the innermost region of the brain. A. forebrain B. midbrain C. hindbrain D. brainstem


The __________ processes sensory information from all the senses (with the exception of smell) before transmitting it to the cerebral cortex. accessory structure sensory nerve brain thalamus


The average age at which an infant can sit unattended is approximately __________ months. A. two to three B. eight to nine C. three to five D. five to seven


The conversion of physical energy or stimuli into neural activity that can be processed by the central nervous system is __________. adaptation conduction saturation transduction


The disorder where one is fearful of public spaces and leaving the comfort of one's own home is __________. A. acrophobia B. coulrophobia C. claustrophobia D. agoraphobia


The effects of burnout can lead to all of the following consequences except __________. A. reduced work attendance B. reduced work performance C. increased chances for health issues D. increased productivity


The fact that sea turtles automatically move toward the ocean once hatched is an example of a(n) __________ behavior. A. unusual B. practiced C. learned D. innate


The idea for the medical model began when Philippe Pinel discarded the idea that __________. A. mental illness was a sickness of the mind B. patients should be treated with kindness C. mental illness was caused by physiological damage D. mental illness was caused by demon or spirit possession


The nerves of the somatic nervous system connects to which two parts of the body? A. motor muscles and chemical receptors B. heart muscles and sensory receptors C. cranial muscles and motor receptors D. skeletal muscles and sensory receptors


The organ that provides oxygen and nutrition to the fetus and filters out bodily wastes is the __________. A. heart B. zygote C. blastocyst D. placenta


The research on the Big Five's effectiveness indicated that the trait perspective is __________. A. inconclusive B. inconsistent C. ineffective D. effective


Watson's "Little Albert" experiment demonstrated which of the following pairs of classical conditioning processes? A. acquisition and discrimination B. discrimination and extinction C. extinction and generalization D. generalization and acquisition


What is the difference between a person schema and a self schema? A. Person schemas deal with personality traits, while self schemas deal with social roles. B. Person schemas deal with behavior during social situations, while self schemas deal with personality traits. C. Person schemas deal with social roles, while self schemas deal with social aspects and personality. D. There is no difference except that person schemas apply to others and self schemas apply to oneself.


When researchers create __________, they are destroying a piece of the brain. A. holes B. currents C. images D. lesions


Where is the brain located? A. in the spinal cord B. in the neck C. in the chest cavity D. in the skull


Psychologists only focus on how people think and feel.


Psychometric psychology is a subfield that focuses primarily on the development of personality tests.


Qualitative research generally uses numbers to represent research data.


Quota sampling is mostly based on participant availability or volunteers.


Sigmund Freud learned about his patients by conducting experiments in his laboratory.


Supporters of the behavioral perspective believe that only unobservable behaviors should be studied.


The American Psychological Association is the only organization that can approve psychological research studies.


The field of psychology has made great strides toward equality by ignoring minority groups.


The first formal laboratory for research in psychology was established by B. F. Skinner.


The news media is a valid source for learning about variable relationships.


Jane is a psychologist. She submits a study on sleep to a prestigious journal, and the journal publishes the study. Later, Jane notices that the study has a serious flaw, which makes her results meaningless. Select the option in which Jane acts ethically.

A. Jane submits a correction and retraction to the journal.

The psychologist best known for being the first female president of the American Psychological Association and for being denied a doctoral degree from Harvard because of her gender is __________.

A. Mary Whiton Calkins

Which of the following statements is not true about minorities in psychology today?

A. Minorities make up half of the population earning degrees in psychology.

Which of the following statements is not correct concerning qualitative and quantitative research?

A. Research cannot use both qualitative and quantitative methods in a study.

After the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, the National Center on the Psychology of Terrorism was founded to research psychological aspects of terrorism. This is an example of how __________ affect theories and perspectives in psychology.

A. current events

The __________ is a brain imaging technique that allows cognitive and biological psychologists to see the anatomy and the function of the brain.


Karl Popper, a 20th-century philosopher, claimed that genuine scientific theories are __________.

A. falsifiable

Social science is a branch of science that deals with the nature of __________.

A. human society

Socrates believed that __________.

A. knowledge is born within us

Imagine you have a friend who is interested in math and techniques used to analyze research findings. What subfield of psychology best matches this person's interests?

A. psychometric psychology

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) assists in __________.

A. regulating eating behavior and how we respond to stress

Three out of five seniors remain undecided about a college major at the end of their senior year. What type of data is represented?

B. quantitative

Ethics is a discussion of how people __________ behave.

B. should

One of the main arguments that animal rights advocates present is that animals have rights because they __________.

B. are capable of suffering

All of the following are job duties an industrial/organizational psychologist may perform except __________.

B. creating business products

A person who is interested in researching how people learn in educational settings and how motivation and intelligence affect learning would most likely study __________ psychology.

B. educational

William James was one of the leading founders of which school of thought?

B. functionalism

All of the following should be considered when designing a study except __________.

B. how to interpret collected data

A significance error is an error that occurs from drawing an incorrect conclusion about the __________ within a study.

B. level of statistical support

In traditional naturalistic observation, the subject or subjects being studied __________.

B. may be unaware that observation is being conducted

A researcher who does not want to manipulate or interfere with the behavior of research subjects would conduct a __________ study.

B. naturalistic observation

The nervous system is composed of __________ or nerve cells.

B. neurons

Which of the following is not considered a natural science?

B. psychology

Data that consists of numbers and measurements is called __________ data.

B. quantitative

In a single-blind study, neither the researchers or the participants are aware of group assignments.


It is best to keep the purpose of the study's research from the subjects in order to keep their involvement private.


One of the purposes of an experiment is to determine whether the dependent variable affects the independent variable.


A nondirectional alternative hypothesis claims that no difference will be found between the research variables.


Animal research is a recent scientific invention.


Collecting research data is the final step in the scientific method.


Current ethical standards for psychology experiments were established by Freud in the 1920s.


Descriptive research attempts to explore cause-and-effect relationships by manipulating data.


Descriptive statistics is used in order to analyze the relationship between variables.


Determining which type of research method to use in a study is an important part of developing a research question in the scientific method.


Ethnocentrism helps researchers avoid cultural bias when interpreting research findings.


In a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode are the same value.


One of the major ethical issues with the Tuskegee syphilis experiment was the lack of respect given to the subjects in the experiment.


Placebos are sometimes used in research in order to demonstrate the effects of participant expectations or beliefs on the outcome of behavior.


Psychological research has been deemed sexist at times because most psychology researchers and study subjects are male.


Psychologists are supposed to make the most ethical decision they can in any circumstance.


Psychology is a combination of the Greek words psyche, which means "soul" or "mind," and logos, which means "the study of


Researching known information is an important process of developing a research question


Statistics assists in establishing practical guidelines for improvement.


A case study allows a more detailed look at the life of a single subject than any other study.


A confounding variable can also be considered an extraneous variable.


A researcher may use a two-tailed test to evaluate a directional hypothesis.


A well-designed experiment can be replicated by others.


An inaccurate assumption often made in statistics is that variable relationships are linear.


Convenience sampling can produce biased research results.


Experimental research focuses on explaining why various phenomena happen.


For centuries, philosophers have explored questions about how the mind works and acquires knowledge.


Functionalism is the school of thought that studies the function and purpose of consciousness and behavior.


Inferential statistics allows a researcher to make inferences about a specific population based on data taken from a sample.


Job prospects in the field of psychology are best for those with a doctoral degree in psychology.


Kenneth and Mamie Clark's doll experiment was cited in the landmark US Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education.


Love, which can't be observed or measured directly, is an example of a psychological construct.


A Punnett square is used to determine the __________. A. probable outcome of a genetic cross B. different forms of a gene C. result of a gene mutation D. actual outcome of a genetic cross


A person suffering from bulimia will most likely have dental problems due to the __________. A. exposure to stomach acid from vomiting B. vitamin deficiency from the deprivation of food C. lack of healthy hygiene habits D. tendency to eat foods high in sugar


A person who constantly does work for other people and does not receive credit may begin to feel __________. A. burnout B. catharsis C. resilient D. hopeful


A primary identity in an individual suffering from a dissociative identity disorder is usually more __________ than the other identities. A. passive B. narcissistic C. aggressive D. authoritative


A small community has many fishermen who each have a small boat. They are told that a large company will begin fishing near their waters. The fishermen worry that there will not be enough fish for each of them to catch. The fishermen generally don't communicate well. Based on your knowledge of social traps, what is the most likely outcome of the above scenario? A. The fishermen will begin to fish more often, depleting the local fish supply. B. The fishermen will petition the large company to fish elsewhere. C. The fishermen will cooperate together to avoid over fishing the area. D. The fishermen will ignore the large company and not adjust their practices.


A stimulus with a low predictive value means that __________. A. it is harder to predict when a consequence of a stimuli will occur B. it is easy to predict when a consequence of a stimuli will occur C. a consequence will not follow a particular stimulus D. a consequence will most likely follow a particular stimulus


A(n) _________ scan uses radioactive markers in the blood to monitor blood flow and metabolic activity via x-ray. A. PET B. CT C. TMS D. EEG


After a long day of being nice to impolite customers at the restaurant where she works, Marisa comes home and unwinds by playing several hours of a violent video game. When she is finished playing, she feels a little better about all of the times she had to endure the rudeness of her customers and couldn't say what she was thinking. A psychologist would say that she enjoys the game because it acts as a __________. A. catharsis B. physiological arousal C. maladaptive emotion D. verbal outburst


After witnessing a vicious crime, Charlie began having nightmares, started distancing himself from his friends and family, and feels immense guilt over not doing more to help. Charlie should see a therapist who specializes in __________. A. posttraumatic stress disorder B. obsessive-compulsive disorder C. specialized phobic disorders D. alternative treatments


All of the following are found to have a strong association with individuals who have a personality disorder except __________. A. being an adopted child without a family history of personality disorders B. having a biological relative with a schizophrenic disorder C. being an adopted child with a biological relative with a mental disorder D. having a biological relative with a personality disorder


All of the following are shaped by learned behavior except __________. A. innate reflexes B. personality traits C. emotional responses D. personal habits


An attitude that is considered strong is likely to __________. A. have a great effect on behavior B. be easily subject to change C. come to mind with difficulty D. have been caused by peripheral persuasion


As Simon passed by a homeless man at the traffic light, he immediately locked the door to his car, thinking to himself that the man was probably a criminal. Simon also refuses to give money to homeless individuals because he feels that they are to be blamed for their conditions. Based on this information, Simon is most likely demonstrating __________. A. just-world phenomenon B. in-group bias C. scapegoating D. cognitive dissonance


Believing that individuals who are neighbors will automatically know one another reflects the Gestalt principle of __________. A. proximity B. similarity C. closure D. continuity


Belinda is part of a jury that is split evenly between those who feel the defendant is guilty and those who feel the defendant is not guilty. If the jury cannot decide on a verdict, a mistrial will be declared. During the next vote, Belinda changes her vote from guilty to not guilty. As a result of the first shift scheme, what would be the likely effect of Belinda's vote? A. The jury will declare the defendant to be not guilty. B. The jury will declare the defendant to be guilty. C. The jury will be unable to make a declaration of guilt. D. The jury will decide to remove Belinda's vote from the outcome.


Bill is motivated to work hard in school because his parents promised him a car if he graduates in the top ten percent of his class. It could be said that he is being motivated by __________. A. rewards B. pride C. beliefs D. values


Collaboration between the therapist and the patient known as __________ is important to achieve in order for treatment to be successful. A. therapeutic bond B. eclectic therapy C. psychotherapy D. clinician comfort level


Cultural characteristics that are spread by the mass media, such as movies and television, are examples of cultural __________. A. diffusion B. assimilation C. appropriation D. accommodation


During which stage of sleep does body temperature begin to fall? A. stage 2 sleep B. stage 3 sleep C. stage 4 sleep D. REM sleep


Emotions can lead one to engage in adaptive behavior when they _________. motivate one to increase prosocial behavior cause one to want to become physically violent toward another decrease kind behavior toward others increase panic or anxiety in individuals


Freud believes that defense mechanisms are reactions people have to protect themselves from uncomfortable feelings. The article "High on Anxiety" suggests that some people want to feel __________ instead of calm because that's the feeling they're used to operating under. A. anxious B. happy C. excited D. angry


Girls are usually completely physically mature by _____ years old. A. 17 B. 19 C. 14 D. 21


Hans Eysenck makes a connection between __________ and __________in explaining personality development. A. genetic factors . . . conditioning B. childhood experiences . . . internal drives C. internal drives . . . conditioning D. genetic factors . . . childhood experiences


In classical conditioning, a stimulus is used to provoke or elicit a response that __________. A. it didn't elicit naturally before conditioning occurred B. it elicited naturally before conditioning occurred C. was impossible to elicit before conditioning occurred D. was only elicited on occasion before conditioning occurred


Individuals with personality disorders rarely seek treatment for their disorder because they have a general mistrust for others and __________. A. often believe their behavior and way of thinking is completely normal B. usually realize there is no known cure for their disorder C. can manage their symptoms without the care of a doctor D. often become anxious about the inability to control their symptoms


Katherine, a 30-year-old woman, has had difficulty recalling certain time frames from her childhood, and she becomes anxious when returning to her grandparents' home to visit. Katherine is most likely suffering from __________. A. dissociative amnesia B. demoralization C. dissociative identity disorder D. dissociative fugue


Kenneth has just received his annual job performance review. Due to his hard work, Kenneth's salary was raised. Later in the day, Kenneth sees someone he doesn't know changing his car tire on the side of the road and pulls over to help. Which of the following factors is most likely responsible for Kenneth's altruistic behavior? A. personal happiness B. feeling of guilt C. witnessing altruism D. feelings of similarity


Lawrence Kohlberg theory of moral reasoning consists of __________ levels of moral development and __________ stages. A. three . . . six B. eight . . . four C. six . . . three D. four . . . eight


Researchers focusing on cultural influences on personality have discovered that __________. A. there is both variability and similarities regarding personalities among cultures B. there is more variability than similarity in personalities across cultures C. individualistic and collectivistic perspectives do not have much impact on personality D. people in individualistic and collectivistic societies are similar in their dominant personality traits


Robert has a history of depression but worries that if he seeks treatment he will be fired from his job. Robert's apprehension to get help is an example of __________. A. subjective influence B. using his mental illness as a crutch C. a self-fulfilling prophecy D. a fear of being stigmatized


Scarlet began to overeat and oversleep as a result of feeling increasing stress due to her lack of employment. She began drinking alcohol heavily on the weekends and stopped working out. At her last physical health checkup, Scarlet's doctor diagnosed her with diabetes. Based on this information, a psychologist would most likely conclude that Scarlet's stress is ___________. Please select the best answer from the choices provided leading her to engage in destructive behaviors interfering with her work productivity in a negative way leading her toward positive personal changes causing her to reevaluate her decisions in life


Someone who appears to be lacking in intelligence according to intelligence testing scores but seems to excel in other domains is said to have __________. A. savant syndrome B. prodigy syndrome C. a brain injury D. high general intelligence


Tendency to attribute faults of one group to another group in opposition is __________.


The __________ is a network of nerves located in the brainstem. A. reticular formation B. cerebral cortex C. hypothalamus D. medulla


The area of the brain involved in production of speech is __________. A. Broca's area B. Wernicke's area C. the occipital lobe D. the parietal lobe


The difference between adaptive and maladaptive behavior is that adaptive behavior is __________ and maladaptive behavior is __________. Please select the best answer from the choices provided constructive . . . destructive destructive . . . constructive unhealthy . . . positive negative . . . healthy


The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that regulates __________. A. hunger B. food preference C. achievement motivation D. the need for acceptance


The image is an example of how we interpret individual elements of a form and make them into a whole, which is a result of __________ processing. A. bottom-up B. top-down C. top-bottom D. bottom-top


The nerves that make up the spinal cord carry commands between the __________ and the brain. A. peripheral nerves B. spinal nerves C. motor nerves D. cranial nerves


The only skin sense that has identifiable sensory receptors is __________. A. pressure B. cold C. warmth D. pain


The phi phenomenon demonstrates that illusions can be influenced by __________. A. perceptions of movement B. perceptual constancies C. tricks in depth perception D. the situational context


The practice of associating negative responses with a behavior that is problematic or undesirable is known as _________. A. aversion therapy B. systematic desensitization C. cognitive therapy D. rational-emotive behavior therapy


The type of somatoform disorder involving an individual developing or imagining symptoms of a disease or sickness is __________. A. hypochondrias B. somatization disorder C. conversion disorder D. Munchausen's syndrome


The type of stress that occurs as a result of being prevented from pursuing a goal is __________.


Three types of inattentional blindness include all of the following except __________. A. choice deafness B. change blindness C. change deafness D. choice blindness


Timothy is having a debate with another person. During the debate, Timothy's opponent claims that Timothy is not intelligent enough to argue correctly. This causes Timothy to become embarrassed. Based on the above reading, why is Timothy likely to respond to this insult with aggressive behavior? A. Timothy feels threatened by his opponent's remark. B. Timothy is habitually angry and aggressive. C. Timothy believes aggression will prove his intelligence. D. Timothy understands that aggression is a tool.


Twin studies conducted to assess the impact of environment on personality revealed all of the following except __________. A. heredity has minimal effects on one's personality B. environment appears to influence personality more than heredity C. a large part of one's personality appears to be influenced by genetics D. environmental influences do not significantly appear to influence one's personality


Uriela is walking to school. Daniel pushes her aside as he runs down the street. Uriela becomes upset with Daniel because she believes his behavior was caused by his rudeness. What kind of attribution has Uriela assigned to explain Daniel's behavior? A. a stable internal attribution B. an unstable internal attribution C. a stable external attribution D. an unstable external attribution


What disagreement did Sigmund Freud have with both Josef Breuer and Jean Martin Charcot? A. whether hypnosis was a neurological or psychological phenomenon B. whether hypnosis should be conducted with pregnant women C. whether hypnosis had any value as a curative remedy for patients D. whether hypnosis was an effect of a "hidden observer" or the id


What event is considered the physical start of adolescence in females? A. menarche B. puberty C. spermarche D. estrogen


What is the effect of attractiveness on social perceptions of friendliness? A. Those who are attractive are perceived as more friendly. B. Those who are attractive are perceived as less friendly. C. Those who are attractive are not perceived on the basis of their friendliness. D. Those who are attractive are perceived to be just as friendly as the unattractive.


Which of the following is an assumption of stage theories of development? A. A person's age is good indicator of what period of development one is in. B. A person's experience is a good indicator of what period of development one is in. C. A person's learning is a good indicator of what period of development one is in. D. A person's history of social encounters is a good indicator of what period of development one is in.


Which of the following is an example of cultural diffusion? A. the spread of soccer as a sport across countries B. the use of acupuncture in the United States C. releasing old traditions after moving to a new country D. participating in the pop culture of one country while maintaining personal beliefs


Which of the following is considered a stressor in a marriage? A. having financial trouble B. having respect for each other C. spending time with friends D. feeling content with the marriage


Which of the following is not an assumption of stage theories? A. Stages are cultural. B. Stages are genetically predisposed. C. Each stage corresponds to a specific age. D. Each person goes through the stages in the same order.


Which of the following is not considered a criterion that suggests the presence of a psychological disorder under the category of "maladaptiveness"? A. personal unhappiness B. impaired functioning C. long periods of discomfort D. disruptive behavior


Which of the following is not reflective of Albert Bandura's view on personality? Please select the best answer from the choices provided Behavior is determined solely by the environment. One's thoughts and behavior can influence the environment. Individuals can manipulate their environment to suit personal needs. Environment can influence one's behavior through observational learning.


Which of the following motivational theories represents the claim that individuals are motivated by the expected outcomes of situations? A. expectancy theory B. incentive theory C. intrinsic motivation D. Maslow's hierarchy


Which of the following plays a large role in developing and remembering specific fears? A. the amygdala B. the hypothalamus C. the pituitary gland D. the hippocampus


Which of the following statements concerning differences in cultural coping strategies in response to stress is true? Please select the best answer from the choices provided Individuals in collectivistic cultures will sometimes refrain from expressing stress if there is a possibility of disrupting group harmony. Individuals in collectivistic cultures tend to focus on taking action to solve the problem causing the stressor. Individuals in individualistic cultures are often more inclined to avoid stressful situations than individuals in collectivistic cultures. Individuals in individualistic cultures are more prone to using social support as a way of coping with stress than those in collectivistic cultures.


Which of the following statements concerning the effects of happiness is not true? Please select the best answer from the choices provided Feelings of happiness generally lead individuals to demonstrate less care toward others. Happy individuals are generally more playful than individuals who are not. Research has linked levels of happiness to increases in creative problem solving. Happiness, along with love, has been found to provoke prosocial behaviors.


Which of the following statements is not true about parenthood? A. Parents or caregivers should not set boundaries for their children. B. Parents or caregivers should provide for a child's basic needs. C. Parents or caregivers should meet the emotional needs of their children. D. Parents or caregivers should keep their child safe and free from harm.


Which personality trait appears to be stable over the course of a person's life? A. neuroticism B. malfeasance C. conscientiousness D. agreeableness


William is driving his car to school. While changing the radio, he accidentally strikes and kills a man crossing the street. William's behavior could not be classified as aggressive because William's behavior was __________. A. unintentional B. irresponsible C. violent D. frustrating


________ transmit pain that is sharp, nonchronic, and well localized. A. A-delta fibers B. B-delta fibers C. C-fibers D. D-fibers


__________ are designed so that the objective of the test is not apparent to the test taker. A. Projective tests B. Source errors C. MMPI tests D. 16PF tests


__________ receptors detect presence of acids in substances, whereas __________ receptors detect sodium in substances. A. Sour . . . salt B. Sweet . . . bitter C. Bitter . . . salt D. Sweet . . . sour


A team of scientists studied the tongue closely and discovered that humans have a fifth taste receptor for glutamate, or __________, which means "yummy" in Japanese. A. teriyaki B. umami C. tsunami D. udon


According to Gordon Allport, __________ traits are common personality traits found in most people. A. primary B. central C. cardinal D. secondary


After watching the morning news, roommates Kelly and Rob argued about whether or not a man on trial should have been sentenced to prison for robbind goods and giving to those on welfare. Rob argued that the man should not have been convicted because he broke the law for a good cause while Kelly argued that the man should be convicted because it is against the law to steal so the man's behavior was wrong. Based on Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning which of the following statements would Kohlberg agree with? A. Kelly is at a higher level of moral reasoning than Rob. B. Rob is at a higher level of moral reasoning than Kelly. C. Rob and Kelly are at the same level of moral reasoning. D. Rob has more knowledge than Kelly concerning criminal behavior.


All of the following are examples of physiological motives or drives except ___________. A. hunger B. acceptance C. sleep D. thirst


All of the following factors influence the effectiveness of reinforcement in operant conditioning except __________. A. timing B. extinction C. magnitude D. shaping


All of the following reflect possible effects of prejudice behavior except ___________. A. suppress individual potential B. decrease in tension among groups C. increase of personal stress D. damage a victim's self-concept


All of the following represent possible positive effects of problem-centered instruction except __________. A. improved problem solving skills B. increased tendency to rely on others to solve problems C. increased understanding of complex concept relationships D. improved ability to make decisions in uncertain situations


All of the following would motivate someone toward attaining a career goal except ___________ A. expectation of money B. low self-esteem C. belief in success D. financial stability


An individual who practices martial arts two hours a day for four weeks before fighting in a tournament is demonstrating which phase of the self-regulation cycle? A. self-reflection B. performance C. forethought D. goal accomplishment


Biofeedback can be used to control all of the following except __________. A. heart rate B. muscle growth C. brain waves D. skin temperature


Brain development leads an infant to undergo ____________, which occurs as unused neural connections weaken and disappear. Please select the best answer from the choices provided myelination synaptic pruning motor development developmental trends


Brian longs to play with the other children in his class, but they don't seem to want to play with him. He spends most recesses playing alone in the sandbox, wishing a classmate would join him. Based on this information, Abraham Maslow would claim that Brian is likely preoccupied with his need for __________. A. self-actualization B. belongingness C. safety D. esteem


Choose the correct cycle of addiction. A. drug use, dependence, tolerance, withdrawal, addiction B. drug use, tolerance, dependence, addiction, withdrawal C. drug use, addiction, dependence, tolerance, withdrawal D. drug use, withdrawal, tolerance, addiction, dependence


Cognitive maps allow organisms to __________. A. create and speak a language B. mentally represent their environment C. achieve high levels of wellness D. train and exercise effectively


Critics claim that genetic researchers overestimate which of the following? Please select the best answer from the choices provided environmental influences on personality genetic influences on personality cognitive influences on personality evolutionary influences on personality


DSM stands for the __________. A. Diagnostic Standards for Mental Disorders B. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders C. Directory of Scientific Members D. Directory of Standard Mental Disorders


Dave is 38 years old and realizes that he hasn't accomplished many things he has wanted to do in his life. He was recently fired from his job because of cutbacks and often notices that his physical abilities appear to be changing in a bothersome way. He feels regretful about his choices in life and often feels depressed. Dave may be experiencing __________. A. intimacy issues B. a midlife crisis C. generativity D. family issues


Delusions of grandeur is the false belief that __________. A. one is being manipulated B. emphasizes self-importance C. emphasizes self-manipulation D. one is being harassed


Donald and Ignacio go to the same school and both feel only hate for each other. The two are chosen to represent their school in a trivia competition. The school counselor encourages them to work together to beat the other school, promising a letter of recommendation for both if they succeed. What is the most likely effect of the contact between Donald and Ignacio? A. Donald and Ignacio are likely to experience increased feelings of prejudice. B. Donald and Ignacio are likely to experience reduced feelings of prejudice. C. Donald is more likely than Ignacio to experience reduced feelings of prejudice. D. Ignacio is more likely to reach out to Donald in order to resolve their differences.


Early theories on hunger suggested __________. A. hunger and eating are influenced by only biology B. stomach contractions caused hunger C. a damaged hypothalamus caused hunger D. parts of the brain controlled hunger


Glen is attempting to use operant conditioning to train his dog, Thor, to fetch a ball upon command. To test Thor's understanding, Glen throws the ball and yells, "Pineapple!" Thor does not fetch the ball. Which process of operant conditioning has Thor demonstrated? A. stimuli optimization B. stimuli discrimination C. stimuli extinction D. stimuli generalization


Gordon Allport categorized personality traits in all of the following categories except __________. cardinal primary central secondary


Hans Eysenck's ___________ represents a structured progression of traits and behavior that defines one's personality.


Hereditary factors that influence cognitive development consist of __________. A. environments that promote strong sibling relationships B. genetically transmitted characteristics inherited from one's parents C. parenting styles practiced by the caregiver D. physiological changes that happen in the brain


Humans and animals are able to detect touch and monitor the position of their muscles due to __________. pain receptors mechanoreceptors chemoreceptors photoreceptors


If Culture A appropriates one of the customs of Culture B, what is the most likely outcome? A. Culture A will become indistinguishable from Culture B. B. Culture A will gain one custom, and Culture B will remain relatively unchanged. C. Culture B will gain one custom, and Culture A will remain relatively unchanged. D. Culture A will gain one custom, and Culture B will lose one custom.


In 1988,a research study was conducted on twins reared apart and twins reared together, resulting in the support of genetic influence on personality. What was this study called? A. the Family Study B. the Minnesota Twin Study C. the Mississippi Study D. the Genetic Study


In classical conditioning, the __________ stimulus causes an unconditioned response. A. conditioned B. unconditioned C. controlled


In the inner ear, a coiled tube called the __________ contains the receptor cells for hearing. A. basilar B. cochlea C. pinna D. ossicle


Jan walked into her friend Emily's room for the very first time and immediately noticed that the print and color on the walls was similar to the style and color of clothing Emily usually wore to school. Which part of the social cognitive theory could address the reason Emily's style and room are similar? A. observational learning B. reciprocal determinism C. self-efficacy D. response tendency


John Atkinson claimed that all of the following factors influenced one's need for achievement except __________. strength of motivation probability of success incentive value of success length of time needed for a goal


Kaelon believes that most people cannot be trusted. More than not, individuals he has relied on in the past have failed to do as they promised or were using his generosity to their advantage. Recently, a coworker proposed that he would help Kaelon move and offered his truck to Kaelon to assist in the move. Kaelon immediately became suspicious and declined the offer to help, believing his coworker would fail to help him. Based on this information, we may conclude which of the following? A. Kaelon's perception is distorted because his coworker really is willing to assist in the move. B. Kaelon's prior relationship experiences have influenced his perception of his coworker's behavior. C. Kaelon is unable to understand his coworker's behavior because he is unable to perceive altruistic behavior. D. Kaelon's keen perception is detecting dishonesty in others before it is demonstrated.


Karen walked into her dorm room and immediately noticed a horrible smell. She decided to clean her dorm and take out the trash. The emotion that prompted her to sanitize her surroundings was most likely __________.


Kevin has his mother's blue eyes and her shyness, which can both be attributed to __________. A. habits B. heredity C. environment D. culture


Many of our basic biological functions, such as breathing, exist at the __________ level. A. preconscious B. nonconscious C. unconscious D. conscious


Matthew is a finalist in the spelling bee. He receives his final word: "punctilious." He does not spell it correctly and he is eliminated from the spelling bee. If Matthew explains his failure using an stable external attribution, how might he express it? A. "I was just unlucky." B. "That was a really tough word." C. "I really wasn't trying that hard." D. "I'm not a good enough speller."


Neuroticism, psychoticism, and extraversion are the three dominant personality traits according to __________. A. Paul Costa B. Hans Eysenck C. Gordon Allport D. Robert McCrae


Of the following, which is not likely to occur while utilizing collaborative learning? A. Each student researches and then shares necessary information vital to completing the task. B. Each student works independently to come up with a solution for solving a problem. C. One student teaches another in learning about a new math concept. D. Each student is matched with another student of varied ability, and together they complete the task.


One difference between approach-avoidance conflicts and avoidance-avoidance conflicts is that approach-approach conflicts deal with making a choice between two __________ goals, and avoidance-avoidance conflicts deal with making a choice between two __________ goals. A. unappealing . . . appealing B. appealing . . . unappealing C. unattainable . . . attainable D. attainable . . . unattainable


Pierce is driving home. He notices a driver swerving dangerously around the road. He also notices that the driver is a teenager. This is the second teenaged driver that Pierce has noticed driving erratically in the last three months. Pierce believes that teen drivers are the worst drivers. Based on the vivid cases cognitive bias, why does Pierce believe that teenaged drivers are particularly poor drivers? A. Pierce has read many scenarios about how teens are poor drivers. B. Pierce is more easily able to recall experiences with poor teen drivers. C. Pierce has a prejudice against teenagers in general because of his own youth. D. Pierce is blaming the small group of teen drivers for everyone's bad driving.


Ralph is part of a group of amateur jugglers. The group is successful and is in its eighth year of existence. One day, a new juggler joins and proposes a new method of juggling. The new method is clearly superior to the old method Ralph's group favors, but it would require all the members to relearn many techniques. Based on the concept of groupthink, what is the most likely response of Ralph's group to the new member's proposal? A. Ralph and his group will quickly adopt the new method. B. Ralph and his group will quickly reject the old method. C. Ralph and his group will have long discussions with the new member. D. Ralph and his group will ask for more evidence to support the new method.


Rebekka is walking home from school. While she walks, she passes a panhandler. She recognizes the panhandler as a local construction worker who was laid off two months ago. Based on the just-world phenomenon, how is Rebekka most likely to react psychologically to the presence of the panhandler? A. Rebekka is likely to feel sorry for the panhandler, inferring that he is not responsible for his plight. B. Rebekka is likely to look down on the panhandler, inferring that he is responsible for his plight. C. Rebekka is likely to feel neutral about the panhandler, inferring that he used to be a valuable community member. D. Rebekka is likely to attempt to help the panhandler, inferring that his welfare is her responsibility.


Recurring and multiple symptoms involving pain, gastrointestinal problems, and pseudoneurological issues can be a sign of __________. A. body dysmorphic disorder B. somatization disorder C. conversion disorder D. hypochondrias


Research indicates that all of the following can result from an eating disorder except __________. A. death B. brain tumors C. heart disease D. suicidal tendencies


Researchers performing __________ insert a weak electric current into the brain to stimulate it. A. lesioning B. ESB C. EEG D. PET


Sam is going to be introduced to a person whom he will be working with for a long time. When meeting that person for the first time, it is likely that Sam's initial impression will be __________. A. influenced by the person's inner characteristics B. formed without Sam's conscious input C. Sam's permanent impression D. expressed formally during the meeting


Shane is someone to watch out for when he gets angry. He has been known to throw things, and he even hit someone once. He always regrets what he said and did while he was angry, but that only lasts until the next time that he is angry. Researchers would say that Shane's anger is ___________. A. adaptive B. maladaptive C. in control D. normal


Since George Engel's introduction of the biopsychosocial model, some medical schools now focus on teaching __________. A. doctors to see the body as a machine B. patient-centered, problem-based care C. how to treat the symptoms of a mental illness D. patients to self-treat their illness


Some researchers believe there is no such thing as true altruistic behavior because they believe that helping behavior__________. A. is unrelated to biological concerns B. is motivated by self-interest C. influences cognitive functioning D. is too uncommon to be observed


Successful marriages have all of the following characteristics except __________. A. good communication B. good debating skills C. shared values and interests D. commitment


The Stanford prison experiment led researchers to conclude which of the following? A. External situations have no effect on one's personality characteristics. B. Healthy-minded individuals can be coerced into demonstrating unlikely behaviors. C. One's behavior is independent of societal expectations and roles. D. Human behavior is not easily changed by the expectations of others.


The __________ lobe contains the primary sensory cortex, which controls sensations such as touch or pressure. occipital parietal temporal frontal


The __________ nerve connects with the auditory nerve to relay information to the brain about balance. A. cochlear B. vestibular C. optical D. kinesthetic


The affective component of an attitude usually describes the subject's __________ the attitudinal object. A. knowledge of B. emotions toward C. actual behaviors toward D. intentions for


The area of the brain involved with comprehension of speech is __________. A. Broca's area B. Wernicke's area C. the occipital lobe D. the parietal lobe


The areas for speech are found in the _________ and __________ lobes. A. frontal . . . occipital B. temporal . . . frontal C. occipital . . . parietal D. frontal . . . parietal


The emotion of elevation generally occurs when __________ helpful behaviors. A. performing B. witnessing C. discussing D. considering


The fact that everyone in Bill's family weighs roughly the same is an indicator of __________ factors influencing obesity and weight control. A. environmental B. biological C. psychological D. cognitive


The id personality structure is influenced by the __________ principle, which is the instinctual drive to reduce tension through immediate gratification of urges. A. unconscious B. pleasure C. reality D. anxiety


The kinesthetic system is the sensory system that involves ___________. A. the bones in the middle ear and inner ear B. information from the muscles and joints C. the sensory receptors in the vestibular sacs D. information from the olfactory cilia


The medical model of abnormality states that psychological disorders are __________. A. social issues B. diseases C. demons D. rare


Which of the following statements concerning schizophrenia is not correct? A. Schizophrenia is a very costly illness due to its early onset and lengthy hospitalizations. B. Patients with chronic disorders can be treated successfully and have a full recovery. C. Schizophrenic disorders have numerous symptoms that may consist of delusions and hallucinations. D. Patients are less likely to relapse if they return to a supportive family after treatment.


Which of the following statements does not describe a feature of social perception? A. Social perception happens automatically. B. Social perception happens slowly. C. Social perception happens unconsciously. D. Social perception happens universally.


Which of the following statments does not represent the relationship between culture and one's moral reasoning? A. One's thought and beliefs are generally independent of cultural influences. B. Cultures generally differ in what behaviors are considered appropriate. C. Many cultures value an individual's rights and well-being when establishing moral standards. D. Many cultures consider situational influences when judging one's behavior as right or wrong.


_________ is the universal urge to strive for perfection in order to overcome feelings of inferiority. A. Pleasure principle B. Striving for superiority C. Collective unconscious D. Reality principle


__________ is best known for his work with multiple intelligences. A. Charles Spearman B. Howard Gardner C. John Mayer D. Peter Salovey


__________ is considered to be logical, rational, and realistic. A. The unconscious B. Secondary-process thinking C. Primary-process thinking D. The id


A tornado tore through Seth's thirty minutes ago. Althought his life is not in danger right now, his heart is still racing and he notices his hands are shaking as he sifts through what is left of his house. Seth is likely in the ___________ stage of Selye's general adaptation syndrome. A. alarm B. freeze C. resistance D. exhaustion


According to Freud, the preconscious level of consciousness would be used to __________. A. pay attention to one's sore feet B. perceive an approaching car C. recall one's memories of childhood D. urge one to eat more potato chips


According to Solomon Asch's and other research results concerning conformity, all of the following increases an individual's tendency to conform except __________.


According to research, one's level of happiness is related to all of the following except __________. A. self-esteem B. optimism C. physical attractiveness D. close friendships


According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, the eye has cones sensitive to colors associated with ___________. A. red, green, and yellow B. green, purple, and red C. red, green, and blue D. black, brown, and white


After reading the scenario and the choice answers, Brad answered that he would be the kind of person that would stop and help an elderly woman carry her groceries home because it was the answer that made him look the best. The error that could arise from Brad's answer on a personality test is called __________. A. deliberate deception B. response bias C. social desirability bias D. response set


After receiving a reward for escaping the puzzle box, the cats ________. A. appeared to enjoy the box more B. escaped more slowly C. gradually learned to escape more quickly D. increased the length of time in the box


All of the following are common physical changes that accompany a fight-or-flight response except __________. A. increasing heart rate B. increasing respiratory rate C. decreasing body temperature D. hormone release


All of the following are possible causes of preeclampsia except __________. A. genes B. stress C. low birth weight D. autoimmune disorders


Despite his fear of germs, Howard Hughes neglected his own hygiene despite having those around him follow strict cleanliness practices. Hughes had these odd behaviors because __________. A. he believed he was unable to escape any infection B. he developed obsessive-compulsive disorder at an old age C. he thought he would be contaminated from the outside D. his paralysis at a young age prevented him from being self-sufficient


Edward spends a lot of time studying for his exams. He usually takes practice exams when he studies. During his study time, he drinks a lot of soda and coffee. When he takes his actual exams in class, he is frequently bothered by a strong urge to have soda or coffee. What is the conditioned response (CR) in this scenario? A. spending time studying B. taking practice exams C. craving soda and coffee D. drinking soda and coffee


Electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) is used mostly on __________. A. plants B. humans C. animals D. inanimate objects


Franz Mesmer believed that his ability to heal people was based on his manipulation of which force? A. electricity B. gravity C. magnetism D. inertia


Gilbert cannot leave his house without flushing the toilet three times. He is worried not flushing will cause a back-up and flood his house. Gilbert is most likely suffering from __________. A. normal anxiety B. generalized anxiety disorder C. obsessive-compulsive disorder D. posttraumatic stress disorder


Identity achievement has been associated with all of the following except _________. A. high self-esteem B. achievement motivation C. insecurity D. conscientiousness


Images that fall on the optic __________ are not visible because this area lacks rods and cones. A. chiasm B. nerve C. disk D. hole


In self-serving bias, individuals are more likely to attribute their successes to __________. A. environmental factors B. contextual factors C. personal characteristics D. supportive individuals


In the past, behaviorists were not likely to view cognition as a part of learning because cognition __________. A. does not affect behavior B. disproved their theories C. is unobservable D. had never been studied


In which prenatal stage is a fetus' genitalia clearly male or female? A. zygote stage B. germinal stage C. embryonic stage D. fetal stage


Incongruence is a disparity between what is personally experienced and one's __________. A. view of others B. internal drives C. self-perception D. unconscious urges


Jonah wanted to be on the basketball team in high school, but two weeks before tryouts, he became highly anxious to the point that he couldn't eat very well without his stomach feeling queasy. As a result of his stress, Jonah increased his time of practicing basketball and asked an old team member to help him develop new skills he needed in order to make the team. After hearing that he made the basketball team a day after tryouts, Jonah went out for a large pizza with the rest of the team players. Based on this information, a psychologist would most likely conclude that Jonah's stress __________. A. led him to engage in destructive behaviors B. interfered with his school work in a negative way C. led Jonah toward positive personal changes D. chronically impaired Jonah's health


Jonathan was usually energetic and loud when playing a game of basketball, but at home his family would describe him as reserved and calm. The best possible explanation for the difference in behavior is __________. A. trait perspective B. personality abnormality C. trait expression D. personality type


Juniper, a college student, is walking to her next class, which begins in five minutes. She knows that the professor is very irritated by lateness and may ask her to leave the classroom if she is late. While she is rushing to the class, she notices a man lying on the sidewalk. The man is clutching his throat and turning blue. When she notices this, Juniper's palms begin to sweat and she feels agitated. Juniper notices that there are many other students in the area who have noticed the man. Which of the following factors is likely to encourage Juniper to perform an altruistic act? A. Juniper is in a hurry to get to her next class. B. Juniper sees there are many other witnesses. C. Juniper interprets the man's distress as an emergency. D. Juniper is not sure whether the man deserves help or not.


Katherine is at the movie theater. She waits in line for ten minutes, and then the ticket seller is very rude to her. When she gets inside to buy her snacks, her order is incorrect. Finally, she goes into the theater itself and finds only one open seat even though the ticket seller told her that there were plenty of open seats. She storms back out to the lobby and asks for the manager. When the manager arrives, Katherine yells and screams at her. According to the principle of fundamental attribution error, what are other theater-goers likely to think of Katherine's behavior? A. "She must be mad because of the lines." B. "I wonder if her movie was oversold." C. "Wow, I'll bet she is rude to everyone." D. "Man, that's tough luck for her."


Kathy is a big fan of horror movies. Although she was initially too afraid to watch them alone, she soon found that she could not get enough of them. Kathy began to watch television shows that were more violent as well. Which of the following effects is most likely responsible for Kathy's behavior? A. aggressor effect B. victim effect C. appetite effect D. hostile expectation bias


Larry is doing poorly in his science class, and if something doesn't change, he will fail. Which of the following would qualify as a defense mechanism in this situation? A. Larry hires a tutor to get help with the concepts he isn't understanding in class. B. Larry decides he isn't ready for the class, so he drops it and signs up for an introductory-level science class instead. C. Larry denies that he is behind and is convinced that he will ace the final without getting any help. D. Larry sets up an appointment with his professor to see what he can do to improve his score in the class.


Located in the back of the head, the __________ lobe is where most visual signals are sent. A. frontal B. temporal C. occipital D. parietal


Major organs form and cells continue to divide in the __________ stage. A. zygote B. germinal C. embryonic D. fetal


Psychologists vary in agreement on the validity of __________. A. social desirability bias B. response bias C. source errors D. projective tests


Which of the following choices is an accurate example of how the use of cultural tools is important in the development of one's cognitive developmental process? A. For the development of language skills, it is helpful to use symbolism in forming words to match mental pictures. B. Categorizing shades of blue from shades of purple helps one to make accurate concept formations. C. The use of an abacus to solve a mathematical equation is useful in helping the brain form a mental picture of the problem. D. Using cultural tools frequently causes connections in the brain's nerve endings to strengthen.


Which of the following is a requirement for the establishment of a superordinate goal? Both groups must be able to accomplish the goal alone. Only one group should be committed to accomplishing the goal. Both groups should be willing to cooperate to accomplish the goal. One group should take charge of the responsibilities of both groups.


Which of the following is an example of sensory adaptation? not remembering that you have to study for a test in psychology cheering for a college football game in the cold winter weather not realizing how hot the bath water is after soaking in it for a while being more appreciative of a work of art after studying it for an hour


Which of the following is not an advantage that attractive people enjoy in interpersonal relationships? A. being perceived as more popular B. being perceived as more intelligent C. being perceived as more honest D. being perceived as more successful


Which of the following is not one of the four basic elements of client-centered therapy? A. authenticity B. reflection C. conditional positive regard D. empathy


Which of the following is the most common pharmacological treatment for addiction? A. aspartame B. codeine C. methadone D. euphoriad


Which of the following regions of the brain is the largest? A. hindbrain B. midbrain C. forebrain


Which of the following relationships is most likely to be classified as an example of companionate love? A. a whirlwind affair B. a newlywed couple C. a couple married 30 years D. a pair of long-term friends


Which of the following situations involves an external attribution? A. Desiree believes she did well on the exam because she is intelligent. B. Thomas believes he did well on the exam because he knows a lot about math. C. Nick believes he did well on the exam because the exam was easy. D. Cassidy believes she did well on the exam because she tried very hard.


Which of the following statements concerning Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences is not correct? A. Gardner is not interested in assessing levels of intelligence. B. Gardner has based his theory on research in various areas of psychology. C. Garner claims that musical intelligence is dependent on spatial intelligence. D. Gardner claims that individuals can possess more than one type of intelligence.


Which of the following statements concerning childhood brain development is not true? A. Children seldom remember events that occurred before the age of three. B. Infants can make cause and effect associations before the age of three. C. Synaptic pruning occurs as the growth of fatty tissues around neurons increase. D. Myelination helps to speed up information processing during childhood.


Which of the following statements concerning moral development is not true? Please select the best answer from the choices provided Children generally become better at telling the difference between moral and conventional transgressions as they age. Children commonly use internal standards to reason about behavior at an early age. What is determined as right or wrong is universally defined and agreed upon. Parental views on what is right and wrong greatly influence children's moral reasoning.


Which of the following statements concerning testosterone is not correct? A. Testosterone is produced by both the testes and ovaries. B. Testosterone assists in the development of male sex characteristics. C. Testosterone is considered a stress hormone that helps regulate blood pressure. D. Testosterone assists in bone and muscle formation.


Which of the following statements concerning the Minnesota Twin Study is not true? Please select the best answer from the choices provided The Minnesota Twin Study revealed that the "Jim twins" had uncommon similarities even though they were raised apart. The Minnesota Twin Study focused on comparing the personalities of fraternal twins with identical twins. The Minnesota Twin Study found that identical twins were less similar in personality than fraternal twins. The Minnesota Twin Study has helped established support for the claim that heredity influences personality.


Which of the following statements would best express cultural relativism? A. "I don't understand how they could deal with that gross food." B. "This is making my stomach upset just by watching." C. "I wonder why they decided to make food out of worm paste." D. "Eating worms for a religious ritual is so uncivilized."


Which of the following theorists claimed physiological, social, and psychological needs motivated people toward certain behaviors? Please select the best answer from the choices provided John Atkinson David McClelland Abraham Maslow Clark Hull


Which psychological perspective states that personalities are determined mostly by one's genes? A. humanistic B. psychodynamic C. biological D. psychoanalytic


With the onset of puberty, boys and girls are able to __________. A. have fun with their siblings B. listen more effectively C. reproduce D. better control their emotions


_________ is a well-known evolutionary theorist who claims that the Big Five personality traits were passed down through generations. A. Abraham Maslow B. Carl Rogers C. David Buss D. Hans Eysenck


__________ and __________ both heavily relied on dream analysis in their treatment of patients. A. Alfred Adler . . . Albert Ellis B. Alfred Adler . . . Carl Jung C. Sigmund Freud . . . Carl Jung D. Sigmund Freud . . . Alfred Adler


__________ is a form of learned helplessness used as a way to avoid unpleasant outcomes to uncomfortable or painful situations. A. Genetic predisposition B. Misplaced anger C. Giving up D. Negative thinking style


A __________ earns a doctoral degree in medicine, provides therapy for those with severe disorders, and is able to prescribe medication for various disorders. A. counselor B. psychiatric nurse C. psychologist D. psychiatrist


A vervent monkey is in a tree eating bugs that are crawling along the branches. The vervent monkey sees a hawk circling overhead. The hawk is a predator of the monkeys. The vervent monkey cries out, warning the other monkeys to descend to the ground below the trees. In this scenario, what is the unconditioned stimulus for the vervent monkey's behavior? A. the vervent monkey eating bugs B. the vervent monkey crying out C. the group of monkeys descending D. the sight of the hawk circling


According to Carl Jung, an inherited pattern of thought, or symbolic imagery that has universal meaning, is called a(n) __________. A. layer of awareness B. defense mechanism C. compensation D. archetype


According to some research, why might individuals who are emotionally unresponsive to threatening situations be more likely to develop personality disorders? A. These individuals are highly susceptible to anxiety or stress when faced with negative consequences. B. These individuals are usually aware of their disorder ahead of time and tend to avoid any situations that may cause anxiety. C. These individuals tend to overreact in situations that would not usually cause anxiety or stress. D. These individuals are not affected by anxiety or stress when faced with negative consequences.


According to the Big Five, a person who can be described as disciplined, punctual, and organized most likely scored high in __________. A. extraversion B. neuroticism C. agreeableness D. conscientiousness


According to the article "Can You Raise Emotional Intelligence?" by Jack Mayer, all of the following are components of emotional intelligence except __________. A. the understanding of the general nature of emotions B. the meaning of individual emotions C. the capacity to undercover similarity and differences between emotions D. the ability to solve puzzles in a timely manner


After Alison saw her sister knock an earring down the drain after setting them next to the sink, Alison began putting her earrings in her jewelry box when she took them off. Which part of the social cognitive theory addresses Alison's new behavior? A. reciprocal determinism B. response tendency C. self-efficacy D. observational learning


All of the following are criticisms of the biological perspective on personality except __________.


All of the following are key hormones in muscle and bone formation except __________. A. cortisol B. estrogen C. growth hormone D. epinephrine


All of the following are possible causes for a mood disorder except __________ factors. A. biological B. psychological C. environmental D. religious


All of the following are possible effects of establishing subordinate goals except ____________.


All of the following are probable ways to de-escalate conflict between groups except ___________.


All of the following are regulated by the medulla except __________. A. breathing B. swallowing and vomiting C. coughing and sneezing D. the fight-or-flight response


All of the following influence one's experience of pain except __________ factors. A. biological B. psychological C. socio-cultural D. economical


Although environmental factors play a role in the best parenting style for each family, according to research in the US, the one that is most effective is the _________ style of parenting. A. neglectful B. authoritarian C. permissive D. authoritative


An individual with avoidant personality disorder will display all of the following symptoms except __________. A. constant worry of being criticized B. restraint from becoming too intimate C. avoidance of work-related activities D. exaggeration of personal accomplishments


Anorexics are often hungry but refuse to eat, which is misleading because the literal meaning of anorexia is "__________." A. unhealthy dieting B. excessive hunger C. excessive weight loss D. loss of appetite


Appropriation is best described as the process by which __________. A. two different cultures trade customs B. one aspect of a culture is spread to another group C. two similar cultures merge and adopt common customs D. one culture adopts features from a nearby culture for its own benefit


At the corpus callosum, __________ occurs between the two hemispheres. A. integration B. processing C. thinking D. communication


Dave watches his brother climb a tall but brittle tree. When a branch snaps, Dave's brother falls out of the tree and breaks his leg. Dave thinks about this event often. Even though he is physically capable of climbing, he never climbs the tall, brittle tree. Which process best explains why Dave does not climb the tall but brittle tree? A. lack of attention B. lack of retention C. lack of reproduction D. lack of motivation


During weeks 17-20, quickening occurs, which is when the __________. A. fetus' sense of hearing is developing at a rapid pace B. mother can hear the fetus' heartbeat with headphones C. fetus' heart rate increases to 150 beats per minute D. mother is able to feel the fetus move inside her womb


Electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) is used on humans during brain surgery to map out ___________. A. nerves and neural pathways B. impulses and nerve functions C. blood flow and mental activity D. the brain and critical structures


Enlarged brain ventricles are presumed to signify __________. A. an excess of dopamine activity B. frontal lobe abnormalities C. development of brain tissue D. a deterioration of brain tissue


Escalation of conflict is the result of all of the following issues except __________. A. having incompatible goals B. creating imbalances of power C. holding uncompromising positions D. agreeing about cause of conflict


Feelings of __________ can undermine group members' performance on IQ tests. A. self-fulfilling prophecy B. gender bias C. culture D. stereotype vulnerability


Georg Von Békésy won a Nobel Prize for his research on the basilar membrane, which showed that it contains a(n) __________ wave. A. auditory B. coiled, fluid-filled C. isometric D. traveling


If one is acting according to the principle of defensive attribution, what is the most likely attribution of a person who sees a homeless man? A. "Society should have done more to help him." B. "I wonder if the shelters turned him out?" C. "Boy, that guy has rotten luck." D. "Great, another lazy drifter in town."


If someone takes a self-inventory assessment and tends to agree with almost all the statements made on the test, what source error may be occurring? A. social desirability B. deliberate deception C. lie scale D. response set


In general, a social schema could most accurately be described as __________. A. rigid B. permanent C. concrete D. malleable


In order to avoid negative effects of trauma, individuals with dissociative disorders may engage in all of the following except __________ . A. emotional avoidance B. repression C. dissociation D. vulnerability


Individuals in a dissociative fugue state may not attract attention or receive immediate medical care because __________. A. while in a fugue state they tend to be aggressive, so people avoid them B. they will usually retreat to a quiet place and keep to themselves C. fugue episodes only require attention if there is more than one episode D. they will show no signs of illness nor do they often display odd behavior


Integration of visual input and monitoring the body's orientation in space are functions of the __________ lobe. A. temporal B. frontal C. occipital D. parietal


Many animals rely on their __________ to alert them about changes in temperature. pain receptors mechanoreceptors photoreceptors thermoreceptors


Many people report having a phobia for snakes even though they have never been exposed to a snake. This fear is an example of __________. A. helplessness to an unfamiliar stimuli B. misinterpretation of stimuli C. classical conditioning D. preparedness


Melinda and Deborah are part of a softball team. After a difficult loss, the two girls angrily blamed their teammate Alice for the team's poor performance. They convince the rest of the team that Alice's performance lost them the game although Alice did very well. The rest of the team begins to treat Alice disrespectfully. Which of the following best describes the prejudice experienced by Alice? effect of vivid cases in-group bias categorization scapegoating


Molly is eating red and black jellybeans from a paper bag. She is not looking at the jellybeans as she eats them. She likes red jellybeans, but she does not like black jellybeans. The amount of jellybeans she has to take from the jar before she gets a red one is never the same. Which of the following statements is true? A. Molly is on a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement. B. Molly is on a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement. C. Molly is on a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement. D. Molly is on a variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement.


Mr. Willis separates his students into four teams that each represent four different perspectives on a social issue. Each group is to establish an argument supporting why their perspective is correct and then present the information to the class. After each group presents their perspective, Mr. Willis guides the class through a period of analyzing and questioning each perspective. Which of the following types of collaborative learning approaches has Mr. Willis utilized? A. problem-centered instruction B. peer teaching C. cooperative learning


Of the following statements, which describes what pessimistic individuals tend to do? A. They blame situational factors on their own personal failures. B. They continually expect positive outcomes despite their own limitations. C. They blame their personal inadequacies on situational factors. D. They attribute limitations to personal flaws instead of situational factors.


Of the following, which is not a method Howard Gardner has used to gather evidence to support his theory of multiple intelligences? A. researching developmental influences B. studying prodigies C. studying the effects of brain damage D. studying cultural differences


Percy walks to his parked car. He discovers that one of his windows is broken. He does not know how it happened. Based on the information above, what type of attribution will Percy likely make? A. Percy will likely make an external attribution. B. Percy will likely make an internal attribution. C. Percy will likely make both an internal and external attribution. D. Percy will likely be unable to make an attribution.


Which of the following questions is true in regard to facial expressions across cultures? A. People are generally less accurate in identifying expressions of individuals from one's own culture. B. The type of expression displayed on one's face is generally recognizable across cultures. C. Similar events generally trigger differing emotions in individuals across cultures. D. Individuals across cultures generally interpret emotions in a different manner.


Which of the following situations is most likely to increase prejudice? A. engaging in role-playing roles to understand another's behavior B. developing empathy and understanding for the views of others C. advocating for new laws to that decrease discrimination D. ignoring inconsistencies between personal behaviors and beliefs


Which of the following statements about arranged marriages is not true? A. They generally occur in third-world countries. B. They generally occur in collectivist societies. C. They generally occur in traditional societies. D. They generally occur in first-world countries.


Which of the following statements about cultural variations is true? A. Individuals living in a culture express that culture in predictable and identical ways. B. Individuals living in a culture share no characteristics with those from different cultures. C. Individuals living in a culture are experiencing a culture unchanged from the one of the generation before them. D. Individuals living in a culture tend to adapt to cultures and then adapt cultures to suit themselves.


Which of the following statements concerning behavioral expressions of emotion is not true?


Which of the following statements concerning depression is not correct? A. Individuals with depression have more than one depressive episode in their lifetime. B. Women often experience more depression than men. C. Individuals with depression stop engaging in activities they normally enjoy. D. Depression only occurs in adolescents and adults rather than children


Which of the following statements does not refer to how psychotherapy is helpful to an individual who seeks treatment? A. It teaches the patient new ways to deal with difficult situations or stress. B. It can be used to help people discover new ways to overcome difficulties. C. It can be comforting just to have someone to vent to. D. It allows therapists to use several techniques in treatment.


Which of the following statements is not a criticism of psychodynamic perspectives? Please select the best answer from the choices provided Theoretical claims have poor testibility. Theoretical claims have inadequate evidence. The perspective is presented from a sexist point of view. The perspective fails to highlight influence of childhood experiences.


Which of the following statements regarding adoption studies is false? A. Adopted children show some similarity in IQ scores. B. Siblings raised together have higher similarities in IQ than children raised apart. C. Unrelated children raised together show significant resemblance in IQ. D. In all instances, adopted children show higher IQ similarities than related children.


Which of the following statements would not be considered a clinical benefit to labeling an individual with a mental illness? A. A diagnosis can provide information effective in helping patients with disorders. B. A diagnosis provides accurate communication within the mental health community. C. Individuals would have a better understanding of psychological issues and where to seek help. D. A label is subjective to clinicians and can therefore cast doubt on the patient's diagnosis.


Which of the following theorists claimed that individuals are motivated by internal drives that assist in maintaining biological homeostasis? Please select the best answer from the choices provided John Atkinson David McClelland Abraham Maslow Clark Hull


Which prenatal stage begins when a zygote is created through fertilization? A. fetal stage B. zygote stage C. embryonic stage D. germinal stage


Which stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning is based on one's personal code of ethics? A. unconventional B. conventional C. preconventional D. postconventional


Which system consists of nerves that initiate communication? A. the central nervous system B. the somatic nervous system C. the parasympathetic nervous system D. the peripheral nervous system


Which theorist conducted an experiment in which a rat was conditioned to press a bar in order to receive a reward, illustrating how nurture influences behavior? A. Francis Galton B. John B. Watson C. Gail Gross D. B. F. Skinner


Why are drugs like sleeping pills described as the opposite of amphetamines? A. Depressants can induce feelings of euphoria, while stimulants can cause severe pain. B. Depressants can result in death, while stimulants cannot. C. Stimulants slow breathing and heart rate, while depressants increase those functions. D. Stimulants increase breathing and heart rate, while depressants slow these functions.


__________ and __________ make up the Full Scale IQ score on The Wechsler Intelligence Scale. A. Aptitude . . . achievement scores B. Mental . . . chronological age C. Verbal . . . mathematical ability D. Verbal . . . performance scores


__________ is the best example of a Type A personality. A. Bonnie, a relaxed, fun-loving professor B. Susan, a brilliant, self-confident accountant C. Clay, a reflective, open-minded artist D. André, a competitive, easily angered journalist


"I won the lottery because I'm lucky" is an example of external attribution.


A caregiver's love, affection, and acceptance are considered conditional if they're given only when the child is well-behaved or meets set expectations.


A caregiver's love, affection, and acceptance are unconditional if they're given regardless of the child's behavior or expectations the child has met.


A collectivist society usually contains individuals who have strong group identification.


A drug like cocaine causes more dopamine to be produced in the brain.


A neutral stimulus causes no response.


A person can practice discrimination without being prejudiced.


A person who practices effective self-regulation generally has high self-efficacy.


A reduction of the oxygen supply to the brain due to a heart attack or stroke can result in an organic disorder.


A self schema determines how a person sees oneself in relation to one's culture and society.


A symptom of schizophrenia could be having unusual beliefs that have no factual basis.


According to Carl Rogers, anxiety stems from incongruence, where one experiences differences between self-perceptions and reality.


According to James Marcia, one aspect of identity development involves the adoption of a set of ideals and values.


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