Psychology of Personality Final Exam Review

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According to situationists, the upper limit of personality coefficients is estimated as ________.

.30 to .40

monozygotic (MZ) twins share ___ percent of the genes that vary across individuals, and dizygotic (DZ) twins share, on average, ____ percent of the genes that vary across individuals


According to the studies of non-twin relatives, the average heritability coefficient for most traits is about


Different informants may not agree about the personality of a common target individual because _____.

All of the above

Personality is an individuals characteristic patterns of

All of the above

In 1996, Charles Whitman killed his wife, mother, and 14 more people at the University of Texas before he was killed by the police. An autopsy revealed a tumor affecting Whitman's


Evidence from research and from brain damage case studies suggests that the ___ is/are the location of cognitive control, serving to anticipate and plan the future and help regulated emotions in response to it.

Frontal lobes

A projective test yields _____ data

B data

The thematic apperception test and the Rorschach test elicit _____ data.

B data

When a researcher examines the association between behaviors at a party on Friday night and how many times someone volunteers to answer questions in class on Monday, she is looking at the association between _____ and _____

B data; B data

The field of study that attempts to explain individual differences in behavior (I.e personality traits) are shared by biological relatives is called ____

Behavioral genetics

Which of the following behaviors would be the easiest to predict accurately?

David will generally be on time for work most days next week.

What is the oldest brain-imaging technique?

Electroencephalography (EEG)

Faking responses in order to influence test results is most difficult on ________ constructed tests.


Because Jesse's teacher believes that he is intelligent, she challenges him with extra assignments and generally encourages his curiosity. At the end of the school year, Jesse performs better on the school's achievement test than any other student. Jesse's enhanced performance is likely due to the ________.

Expectancy effect

A researchers asks participants to imagine that they have been excluded from their circle of friends and then takes images of their brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning technology. The images generated in this study would be considered _____ data.

Experimental B

Which trait is associated with attractiveness?


The chemicals that are released from the hypothalamus, the gonads, and the adrenal cortex are called ____, whereas the chemicals released by bio electrical impulses throughout the brain are called ____.

Hormones ; neurotransmitters

The factor analytic technique of a test construction is designed to ____.

Identify groups of test items that seem to be alike.

Which of the following is the best example of a situationist argument?

Knowing Robert's extraversion doesn't really let us predict his behavior.

Records of employee absenteeism are what type of data?

L data

_____ data are fairly easily verifiable, concrete, real-life outcomes of possible psychological significance

L data

A researcher who starts with an interest in delinquency and then identifies the traits associated with that category of behavior is taking a

Many trait approach

What does the acronym MMPI stand for?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

If a test consists of a list of True/False questions and is graded using a computer-scored answer sheet, then it is a(n) ________.

Objective test

The Big Five are believed to be orthogonal factors of personality. What does orthogonal mean?

People's scores on one of the factors do not predict their scores on any of the other factors.

What is the best way for a researcher to judge the face validity items on a measure ?

Read and consider the content of the items.

If you were shown an inkblot and asked to describe what you saw, you would be taking the ________.

Rorschach test

Dr. García wants to measure the earliest autobiographical memories of the participants in her project. She would most likely obtain ____ data.

S data

Which kind of data is the least expensive to collect ?

S data

When a psychologist asks a question because he or she wants to know the answer, the question elicits ____. When a psychologist asks a questions because he or she wants to see how an individual will respond to that stimulus, the test elicits _____.

S data ; B data

In order to examine the relationship between early life experiences and adult criminality, Dr. Robbins asks his research participants to fill out questionnaires describing their early life. He then obtains copies of their arrest records from the county courthouse. The questionnaires used in Dr. Robins study would be ____ data, whereas the arrest records would be _____ data.

S data ; L data

What is the technical name of drugs like Prozac?


Personality assessment refers to ____.

The measurement of any characteristic pattern of behavior, thought, or emotion.

If Dr. O'Connell wants to learn about Laura, why might Dr. O'Connell want to avoid using S data ?

The person supplying the S data may not want to or be able to provide accurate reports about Laura

Which of the following psychologists is often credited with starting the person-situation debate?

Walter Mischel

Which of the following behaviors is an example discussed in the textbook of the many-trait approach?

Word use

According to the text, what is the best approach to the test construction?

a combination of all three approaches

What might be the evolutionary function of crying, according to recent research described in the text?

a way to elicit social support

Nerves that send messages from the body to the brain are called ________, whereas nerves that carry messages from the brain to the body are called ________.

afferent nerves and efferent nerves

Increasing the number of items on a test makes it a better instrument according to which principle ?


Different informants may not agree about the personality of a common target individual because

all of the above

In order to improve personality research, researchers can

all of the above

The situationist argument holds that ________.

all of the above

What term refers to different forms of the same gene?


Which of these brain structures is thought to play a role in judging whether stimuli offer threats or rewards?


When gathering data or clues about personality, the best policy is to

collect as many clues as possible

A long life is associated with what trait?


The avoidance of drug abuse is associated with what trait?


Which trait has been consistently linked to a range of health outcomes?


The number between -1 and +1 that indexes the linear association between any two variables is called

correlation coefficient

The projections from nerves that receive stimulation are called ____


To obtain S data, a psychologist can ____.

develop a questionnaire

Sally is a strong proponent of the lexical hypothesis. Where would she likely begin her search for the essential traits of personality?


Good coping is positively associated with what trait?

emotional stability

Studies focused on ________ are interested in learning how early experiences shape genetic expression.


Which hormone is associated with the fight-or-flight response ?


A researcher who tries to discover the most important or basic personality traits that exist is taking a ____ approach


The field of study that attempts to explain how patterns of behavior characteristic of entire human species originated because of the survival value they had for our ancestors is called

evolutionary psychology

Attractiveness is associated with what trait?


Happiness is associated with what trait?


Which Big Five domain captures a tendency to experience positive emotions?


What brain region appears to be important for the abilities to plan ahead, to anticipate consequences, and to engage in moral reasoning

frontal lobes

What brain region is responsible for both an individuals strong time management skill and ability to consistently do the morally right thing?

frontal lobes

What part of Phineas Gage's brain was damaged in his accident?

frontal lobes

The ___ refers to the underlying genetic structure that leads to the observable ___

genotype; phenotype

According to the evolutionary theory, a mans greatest worry is that

he is not the biological father of the children that he is supporting

People who adjust their behavior to best fit the situation are called ________, and people whose behavior is guided by their personality are called ________.

high self-monitors; low self-monitors

The lower your score is on measures of psychological health and well-being, the _

higher your score is on neuroticism

If a trait is influenced by genes, then it ought to be more highly correlated across pairs of ________ than across pairs of ________.

identical twins; fraternal twins

Which of the following would NOT be a pronounced symptom in a patient who suffers frontal lobe damage?

impaired language abilities

Low self monitors are more likely than high self monitors to be described as


According to the textbook, there are no perfect ____ of personality, only _____

indicators; clues

The case of railroad worker Phineas Gage illustrates that ________.

injuries to the brain can affect personality and behavior

Nerve fibers that organize and regulate transmissions between nerves are called


I data are ___.

judgments made by knowledgeable observers

What term refers to brain regions that have been injured, removed, or destroyed?


Someone who is ___ is likely to express his or her personality consistently from one situation to the next.

low in self-monitoring

What is a primary goal of the trait approach to personality?

measuring and conceptualizing individual differences

Across a wide variety of cultures, ________ are more likely than ________ to place a higher value on physical attractiveness.

men and women

Which Big Five domain captures a tendency to experience negative emotions


Chemicals that facilitate communication between neurons are called


Which of the following would be an example of natural B data ?

observations of the number of times a subject told a joke in a day

Which of the big five traits appears to be the most complex and difficult to grasp


During the prehistoric era of human development, women were most likely to calm everyone down and band people together when faced with a threat. According to S. E. Taylor, what hormone is associated with this response?


We would expect a newlywed couple to have high levels of which hormone


Which hormone is associated with the tend-and-befriend response


Researchers must use clues to personality in their research because

personality is something hidden that resides inside an individual

Dr. Akita is designing a test to measure sociability. She writes items that seem directly and obviously related to sociability, such as "I like to go to parties" and "I enjoy the company of other people." Dr. Akita is using the ________ method of test construction.


The basis of the ________ method of test construction is to come up with items that seem directly, obviously, and logically related to what it is you wish to measure.


The reason that objective tests include so many items is to increase the ________ of the test.


The neurotransmitter dopamine is associated with systems that

respond to reward

The idea that feelings of the self-esteem evolved to gauge social acceptance is known as the ___ theory


A recent study indicates that a serotonin-related genetic allele seems to influence the development of depression in conjunction with

stressful life events

A psychologist administering the TAT asks respondents to

tell stories about pictures that the psychologist shows them

A major disadvantage of L data is ______.

that the data are influenced by multiple factors besides just personality

As a result of Timothy's genes, he went through puberty later than his peers. Because he was much smaller than other boys, they tended to pick on him, and he fought back to protect himself. As a young adult, Timothy is more aggressive than his peers. This scenario illustrates that his aggression is ________.

the result of an interaction between the genetic expression and the resulting social environment

The sole basis on which items are selected for empirically derived personality scales is whether ________.

they are answered differently by different kinds of people

What technique can be used to temporarily knock out regions of the brain without having to create lasting lesions

transcranial magnetic stimulation

Mani is seriously depressed at age 18. Research using the Q-sort suggests that as a child, he probably would have been described as ________.


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