Psychology Quiz 2

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A particular electrical signal being transmitted to a neuron is sufficient to generate an action potential. If the magnitude of the incoming electrical signal is doubled, the action potential will ________.

undergo no changes in strength, speed, or duration

Which of the following nourishes the brain and provides a protective cushion?

Cerebrospinal fluid

________ is referred to as your sense of balance


Which one of the following choices gives a correct example of a poly-genetic trait with the correct reason?

Eye color; affected by numerous genes

What is the main difference between the somatic nervous system and the automatic nervous system?

One is made of nerves connecting to the skeletal muscles and sensory receptors, and the other is made of nerves connecting to the heart, blood vessels, and glands

________ is a chemical message sent by another individual.


Neurotransmitters drift away after being released into the synaptic cleft, and some are inactivated by enzymes. Some are reabsorbed into the pre-synaptic neuron. This process is called:


Used to control many aspects of everyday behavior, the three neurotransmitters categorized as monoamines are:

Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine

Sariah enters a room with several chirping crickets in it. Upon first entering the room, Sariah can hear the chirping; however, as she begins to talk to her friends, she is no longer aware of the chirping even though it is still there. The fact that Sariah no longer perceives the chirping sound demonstrates sensory ________.


Petra walks into a brightly lit Psychology lab to participate in an experiment involving the ability to perceive the colors of the rainbow. Which photoreceptors will be most useful during this experiment?


In a resting state, sodium (Na+) is at a higher concentration outside the cell and potassium (K+) is more concentrated inside the cell. During an action potential, the sodium levels ________ inside the cell.


Randolf is walking down the street of his hometown, after being away for several years, when he smells the scent of freshly baked pie coming from a local baker. He suddenly has vivid memories of walking down this street as a child, holding both of his parents' hands, and swinging between them, feeling relaxed and happy. This is because the sense of smell projects directly to the ________, which is responsible for ________ memories.

limbic field; emotional

People who have their corpus callosum severed for medical reasons would be able to tell you about which images shown to ________.

only the right visual field

Which nerve carries visual information from the retina to the brain?

optic nerve

What is vertigo?

spinning sensation

The space between two neurons is called the ________.


Your ears receive sound waves and convert this energy into neural messages that travel to your brain and are processed as sounds. This is an example of ________.


What is released by motor neurons controlling skeletal muscles?


The sympathetic division is the branch of the _________________ that mobilizes the body's resources for emergencies, and the parasympathetic is another branch that ______ conserves bodily resources.

Automatic nervous system; generally

_______ disparity refers to the slightly different view of the world that each eye receives.


Inattentional ________ refers to the failure to notice something that is completely visible due to a lack of attention


What is described by the concept of perception?

how sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced

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