Psychology Quiz 5

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Kino's parents gave her four-year-old son, Lan, a noisemaker to celebrate his birthday. Since receiving the gift, Lan has played with his noisemaker everyday. Desperate for some peace and quiet, Kino gives Lan a lollipop, which takes Lan's attention away from the toy and gives Kino some peace and quiet. However, once the lollipop is gone, Lan returns to his noisemaker. Kino gives Lan another lollipop. In this example, what kind of reinforcement process is taking place?

Lan is being positively reinforced for playing with the noisemaker. -AND- Kino is being negatively reinforced for giving Lan a lollipop.

Which of the following individuals believed that cognition was an important part of behavior?

Marin Seligman

In John Watson's experiment with "Little Albert," he demonstrated that:

human emotional responses could be conditioned

Animals' tendency to revert to genetically controlled patterns is:

instinctive drift

The learning/performance distinction is a kind of:

latent learning

One of B. F. Skinner's famous experiments involved:

teaching rats to learn how to obtain food.

Köhler determined that insight:

cannot be gained through trial-and-error learning alone

For each day of the week that Tanya is good, she earns a fake dollar from her teacher. By the end of every week, Tanya has the option of using her dollars to buy something from the school store or saving them to buy something at a later time. The issue of fake dollars in response to good behavior is an example of _______.

behavior modification

The mental events that take place inside a person's mind while behaving are known as:


Shortly after eating a piece of his great aunt's famous coconut cake, which he's had many times, Amad became very nauseous. Now, whenever his great aunt offers him a piece of cake, Amad quickly declines. Which of the following concepts best explains Amad's change in behavior?

conditioned taste aversion

The heart of operant conditioning is the effect of _________ on behavior.


Noah is a junior in college and has always been an average student. This semester, he has a political science class for which he feels very passionate, and he sees himself pursuing a career in politics. For the first time, he wants to do well so that he can get an "A." This is an example of which element of observational learning?


Pavlov's dogs exhibited stimulus discrimination when they:

did not demonstrate a conditioned response upon hearing ticking sounds similar to the metronome.

Bandura found that consequences:

do matter in motivating a person to imitate a model.

A stimulus that has no effect on the desired response is a(n):

neutral stimulus

In Tolman's study of latent learning, one group of rats was rewarded for getting out of the maze, a second was not rewarded during training trials but was rewarded eventually, and a third group of rats was:

not rewarded

Doretha eats all of her dinner knowing that afterward she will get a bowl of ice cream. Doretha's behavior is best explained by what type of learning?

operant condtioning

Bandura conducted some of his research to study:

possible links between children's exposure to violence on television and aggressive behavior toward others.

In toilet training a cat, "Lid Up, Seat Down" is known in operant conditioning as:

preparing the training arena

Severe punishments, such as hitting:

provide a successful model for aggression.

In defining learning, "_____" refers to the fact that when people learn anything, a part of their brain is physically changed to record what they have learned, and that change remains even if the behavior does not.

relatively permanent

After a lengthy period during which the UCS was not applied, Pavlov's dogs stopped responding to the metronome. If a weaker conditioned response to the metronome occurred at some point after this, it would be a demonstration of:

spontaneous recovery

Pavlov believed that the CS, due to its association close in time with the UCS, came to activate the same place in the brain originally activated by the UCS. What is this belief called?

stimulus substitution

Whenever you take a shower in your bathroom at home, the water in the shower turns icy cold just as the toilet in another bathroom is flushed, causing you to cringe. After several experiences of this occurrence, you find that you tend to cringe whenever you hear a toilet flush, even when you're not in the shower. In this example of classical conditioning, what is the unconditioned stimulus?

the cold water

Fishing is an example of an activity with a:

variable interval schedule of reinforcement.

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