Psychology Test 2

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All of the following are examples of sensation EXCEPT: _______.

sleeping in a bed

________ sense is the body process that is mostly to blame if you become dizzy after a long ride on a carousel at the amusement park.


________ pain is detected in the organs.


When you smell an odor, which aspect of the substance you are smelling actually enters your nose to create the sensation of smell?

particles of the substance itself

While on a class field trip, Erika was mistakenly guided away from her group because she was standing closer to students from another class. The rule of perception to which this mix-up may best relate is _______.


What sensory receptors are triggered by chemical substances?

receptors for taste and smell

A person will perceive a coin as a circle, even if it is held at an angle to appear to the eye as an oval, because of:

shape constancy.

Dominique is making a rice dish for 5 people that requires 4 teaspoons of salt. If one were to add just one more teaspoon of salt to their rice after tasting it, half of the time he/she would be able to notice a difference. If Dominique decides to triple her recipe to feed 15 people, which would call for a total of 12 teaspoons of salt, how many teaspoons of salt would need to be added for a person to be able to taste the difference half of the time?


Full dark adaptation, such as going from constant light to sudden darkness when turning out one's bedroom lights, takes about:

30 minutes.

_________ is the rotation of the two eyes in their sockets to focus on a single object.


Which of the following statements related to culture and perception is TRUE?

Culture can affect visual perception.

The ________ illusion tends to occur more in societies with lots of buildings that have straight lines and corners.


__________ literally means "distant feeling" and is commonly used to refer to the claimed ability to read another person's thoughts, or mind reading.


The linear perspective is an example of:

a monocular cue.

Which of the following sounds would be least likely interpreted by the brain as a high pitch?

a mooing cow

Amber can hear the horn from the train that runs 20 miles away from her house 50% of the time that the horn toots. If she were any further away from the train, her chances of hearing the horn would decrease. In this situation, which of the following concepts is being demonstrated?

absolute threshold

You're in your car driving down the highway and you notice that as you look down the straight road, the sides of the road seem to merge together at some point. Which cue of depth perception best relates to this visual experience?

aerial perspective

In the figure-ground relationship, one has a tendency to perceive objects:

as existing on a background.

The ________ passes messages from the ear to the brain.

auditory nerve

Which of the following foods would most likely produce a brothy, or umami, taste?

chicken noodle soup

Normal aging causes loss of hair cells in the:


Cones are the special cells responsible for:

color vision.

Closure is the tendency to:

complete figures that are incomplete.

The tendency to believe that the dummy, not the ventriloquist, is doing the talking is largely due to:


People who are blind from birth, but later have their sight restored, are unlikely to develop:

depth perception.

The olfactory bulbs are located:

directly below the frontal lobes.

Research has shown that subliminal perception:

does not work in advertising.

How many primary taste sensations have been identified by researchers?


Dara tends to have motion sickness while spinning around during her gymnastics routine. Her teacher advises her that she can avoid this problem by:

focusing her eyes on a distant, fixed object.

As your lens hardens through aging, you may have trouble with:

focusing on near objects.

In opponent-process theory, there are _______ primary colors.


When you first put on your scarf, you can feel it quite easily. After a while, however, you forget that you are wearing a scarf at all—the sensation is gone. Which of the following processes is occurring?


While everyone else seemed to be enjoying the Chex Mix at the party, Jean was unable to eat it, noting that it was just "too seasoned for her taste." Based solely on her comment, one could probably assume that Jean _____.

is a supertaster

Several hours after falling asleep, Naomi awakes realizing that she has to go to the bathroom. After turning on the bathroom light, it takes her eyes several seconds to adjust to the brightness of the room. In this example, Naomi is experiencing ________.

light adaptation

When Stephen looks out at a field of red, purple, and yellow tulips, he can only see shades of gray. His condition is:

monochrome color blindness.

Randy and Amad are both listening to the same music. Randy thinks the music is mellow and relaxing while Amad thinks the music is unpleasant to the ear. Randy and Amad appear to have different _______ when it comes to the music they are listening to.


One's tendency to perceive things in a certain way because of previous experience or expectation is called:

perceptual set.

While on active duty in the army, Chris was involved in a serious accident that led to the amputation of his leg. Though his leg is no longer there, Chris still reports feeling burning and tingling in his missing limb. Chris is most likely experiencing _______.

phantom limb pain

As many as 50 to 80 percent of people who have had amputations experience a condition called:

phantom limb pain.

Sound wavelengths are interpreted by the brain as:


Which part of the eye receives sensory signals and relays that information to the brain?


Darren mixes white paint in with some of his blue to enhance the look of the sky in his painting. By adding white, Darren has just altered the ______ of his blue paint color.


You get into your car and the radio is on. The volume appears to be extra loud, so you turn it down to a more comfortable level. After a while, the once comfortable level seems to be too low, so you turn up the volume. What has happened?

sensory adaptation

The cilia in the nose act most like:

the taste buds on the tongue.

While walking past her bed, Crystal stomped her toe on the bed's post and experienced severe pain that eventually subsided. What type of pain did Crystal experience?


Dr. Rafael wanted to see if he could get his students to develop a sudden craving for ice cream. While showing to his class a short video about eating disorders, he arranged it so that a picture of someone eating ice cream would flash for less than a second every 5 seconds. Following the video, more than half of the students in the class reported having a desire for ice cream. In Dr. Rafael's experiment, which of the following was demonstrated?

subliminal perception

Thomas Young's theory of color vision:

suggested that color vision is made possible by red, blue, and green cones.

In _________, a small, stationary light in a darkened room will appear to move because of the lack of cues to indicate that the light is not moving.

the autokinetic effect

After sticking a Q-Tip too far in his ear, Terrence experienced severe pain, drainage, and partial hearing loss in his ear. He was examined by his doctor and was told that there was damage to his ear, and that the bones in his middle ear were visible. The part of Terrence's ear that was most likely damaged was ______.

the eardrum

When you close your eyes and raise your hand above your head, you know where your hand is because of:

the kinesthetic sense.

Color is largely determined by:

the length of the wave.

Kinesthetic sense involves:

the location of body parts in relation to the ground and to each other.

Sound waves and light waves share:

the properties of wavelength, amplitude, and purity.

If you stare at something for a long time, it does not disappear because:

tiny movements of the eyes keep them from adapting to what they see.

If you are experiencing habituation:

your receptor cells themselves are less responsive to an unchanging stimulus.

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