Psychology Test 5

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1. Piaget stated that the best learning occurs when there is a teacher who knows more than the student. Vygotsky called this method of learning ... social learning.


14. Spontaneous Recovery means to forget; Extinction means to remember.


15. The following words or phrases are all HOL: creativity, innovation, thinking, improvisation, invention and conditioning. LTL results in a retention of about 80%. STL results in a retention rate of about 20%.


4. Classical Conditioning uses a signal to cause a natural behavior in children, most psychologists and animals. It was investigated by Pavlov. Instrumental conditioning was investigated by Thorndike using cats in small boxes. Operant conditioning was investigated by B. F. Skinner, the most celebrated Cognitive Psychologist. He used lab rats and pigeons during his research and investigated punishment as a motivator and reinforcer. Skinner concluded that positive reinforcement that uses meaningful rewards was the most powerful type of teaching and learning. Personality research has also revealed that intrinsic motivation is much stronger than extrinsic, although when used together sustained POW's in Vietnam.


5. During the class exercise using Jung's Word Association, we discovered that all college students think in LOL terms. Two kinds of behavior in all organisms are voluntary and involuntary. Edward Tolman discovered "latent learning" (remembering) in lab mice that led the mice to voluntary decisions based on learning. Decisions that added to survival in a maze to obtain food and in a barrel of water in order to survive.


6. Punishment is more effective than teaching your child.


8. Levels of learning could include the following: creativity, understanding, application of learning in one's own life, teaching others, and helping others (Maslow's Transcendence and Rogers' Congruency). Rescorla and Wagner were cognitive psychologists that said "surprise" could be an effective emotion when teaching.


9. Tolman (rats), Kohler (apes) and Harlow (chimp infants) demonstrated a little HOL in animals. Harlow's work is now used in NICUs. Eric Kandel used the giant sea slug to investigate the chemical basis of HOL. Aplysia has more than twice as many neurons as humans so it was a good subject for investigating HOL.


10. Operant Conditioning by B. F. Skinner involves a meaningful reward after a positive behavior is performed by a child or animal, for example.


11. Negative Reinforcement is positive in that it removes a negative.


12. Instrumental Conditioning by Thorndike is unexpected learning.


13. The following vocabulary is HOL: creativity, innovation, improvisation, critical thinking, and understanding human relationships and mental disorders.


2. The word Acquisition applies to both LOL and HOL. LOL includes: spontaneous recovery, extinction, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, schedules of reinforcement, FAP, CC, IC and OC plus habituation and dishabituation (the art of paying attention so a habit can be formed).


3. The following ideas apply to LOL: instincts, reflexes, habituation and dishabituation, FAP, mimicking, CC, IC and OC. Shaping is a form of conditioning that breaks down a complex and complicated preferred behavior into small and discrete steps that can be taught and then combined to form the preferred behavior. OC or Operant Conditioning by B.F. Skinner uses reward systems to shape behavior. A fixed interval of reinforcement would be when we all get paid after we have done the directed ... work.


7. Classical conditioning by Pavlov and his dogs used various triggers such as bells, whistles and lights to cause a reflexive like response. The triggers are scientifically known as conditioned stimuli. A wolf in the wild only responds to instinctual unconditioned stimuli such as hunger that drives the wolf pack to hunt for food. Upon bringing down it's prey, salivation is unconditioned.


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