Psychology Unit Test Two

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Running, lifting a book, and sweeping a floor are all actions associated with the use of which nervous system?


Just as Khalif approaches the podium to give his speech, he realizes that his heart is racing, his mouth is dry, his breathing is faster, and his mind is completely blank. The division of Khalif's nervous system that has just been activated is the _________.

sympathetic division

The ________ allow(s) people and animals to deal with stressful events.

sympathetic division

In a railway system, once a train stops at a particular location, people are able to exit the train and walk through a corridor that eventually connects to another train. Which part of the neuron works much like the train station?


After a neurotransmitter travels across the ________, it fits into a place on the dendrite

synapse; receptor site

The cilia in the nose act most like _______.

taste buds on tongue.

What sensory receptors are triggered by chemical substances?

Receptors for taste and smell

Cassie's mother suffered a stroke. Since then, she sometimes says strange things, such as, "I need to go to the store to buy some canaries," when she means to say that she needs groceries. Cassie's mother seems to be suffering from _________.

Wernicke's aphasia

The ________ is to involuntary muscles as the ________ is to voluntary muscles.

autonomic nervous system; somatic nervous system

The ________ part of the spinal cord transmits messages to and from the brain. The ________ part controls life-saving reflexes.

outer; inner

Collin has diabetes for which he has to receive insulin shots. Collin's need for insulin is most likely related to problems with his __________.


The bumps on the tongue are called _______.


After an exhausting 10K run, Sophie sits down to allow her body to rest. Several minutes later, she notices that her breathing and heart rate have slowed down, and she begins to feel extremely hungry. The division of the nervous system responsible for Sophie's physiological changes is the __________.

parasympathetic division

After a stressful situation, the parasympathetic division allows the body to ________.

put back the energy it burned

The ________ passes messages from the ear to the brain.

auditory nerve

Sound wavelengths are interpreted by the brain as _______.


Which of the following sounds would be least likely interpreted by the brain as a high pitch?

A mooing cow

Which of the following examples would be most similar to a neuron?

A silicon chip in a computer that receives and transmits information between input and output devices as well as between other chips

Which of the following parts of a neuron work most like a telephone wire that carries information away from a telephone?


In an attempt to ask for water, Josh, who recently experienced a stroke, said, " dink...otter." Josh seems to be suffering from ________.

Broca´s aphasia

Miguel had a metal plate inserted in his head after suffering a serious head injury. Miguel's doctor now wishes to examine his brain to see if any damage has occurred since his surgery. Which of the following procedures might the doctor prefer to use?

CT scan

How many primary taste sensations have been identified by researchers?


Alcohol is an agonist for _______.


Which of the following statements is true about an agonist?

It mimics or enhances the effects of a neurotransmitter.

________ is the insertion into the brain of an animal of a thin, insulated wire through which an electrical current is sent that destroys the brain cells at the tip of the wire.


_______ refers to the ability to constantly change both the structure and function of many cells in the brain in response to experience and trauma


Deep brain stimulation is widely used to treat ___________.

Parkinson's disease

When you smell an odor, which aspect of the substance you are smelling actually enters your nose to create the sensation of smell?

Particles of the substance itself

A molecule of neurotransmitter is to a(n) ________ as a key is to a keyhole.

Receptor site

Which brain structure serves as a relay station for sensory information?


Light adaptation, which involves going from a darkened room to one that is brightly lit, takes about ______.

a few seconds.

The blind spot in the eye is due to _______.

a hole in the retina where ganglion cells become the optic nerve.

Alicia quickly pulled back her hand just as she touched the hot curling iron on the dresser. Which neuron is responsible for carrying the message from the muscles in Alicia's hand to her spinal cord, allowing her to yank her hand away from the hot curling iron?

afferent neuron

________ carry messages from the senses to the spinal cord.

afferent neurons

Researchers have found that nicotine, one of the main substances in cigarettes, indirectly releases dopamine, which produces a "feel good" sensation in people who smoke. Based on this finding, nicotine would be an example of a(n) ______.


The peripheral nervous system is made up of __________.

all the nerves and neurons that are not contained in the brain and spinal cord

To help control Chloe's nausea, Chloe's doctor gives her Zofran (ondansetron), which blocks the action of serotonin, a chemical involved in the body's nausea response. In Chloe's case, the medication prescribed by her doctor acts as a(n) ________.


____ focuses on the biological bases of psychological processes, behavior, and learning

behavioral neuroscience

A team of researchers is working on a new procedure that could result in the regrowth of neurons in the spinal cord. With which part of the nervous system is the team most concerned?

central nervous system

Normal aging causes loss of hair cells in the _______.


Much of the research over the past 10 years has focused on the ________ markers for ADHD, such as attention problems, which may or may not be combined with neuroimaging.


Cones are the special cells responsible for _______.

color vision.

Endorphins help the body ________.

control pain

The venom of a black widow spider causes neurons to release a flood of the

convulsions and possible death

Adrenal glands produce hormones called ________.


the charged particles inside and outside the cell are called


messages from other cells are received by the ____


If the pancreas secretes too little insulin, it results in ________. If it secretes too much insulin, it results in ________.

diabetes; hypoglycemia

The olfactory bulbs are located _______.

directly below the frontal lobes.

Partial firing of a neuron __________.

does not happen

Research has shown that subliminal perception _______.

does not work in advertising.

Phineas Gage lacked ________ because of the damage to his prefrontal cortex.

emotional control

When a person is hurt, ________ are released.


When researchers destroy the reticular formation of rats via deep lesioning, the rats _________.

enter a coma-like sleep from which they do not wake up.

The process by which the structure of a neurotransmitter is altered so that it can no longer act on a receptor is _______.

enzymatic degradation

Roger Sperry was looking for a cure for which disease when researching differentiation of the left and right hemispheres of the brain?


Humans with damage to the amygdala show decreased __________.

fear response

As your lens hardens through aging, you may have trouble with

focusing on near objects.

In opponent-process theory, there are ________ primary colors.


The ________ secrete hormones that regulate sexual behavior and reproduction


Endocrine glands differ from other glands in that they release ________, which flow directly into the bloodstream to affect target organs.


Melatonin and thyroxin are examples of _________.


Jared is 2 months old and cannot yet sit upright on his own. Jared's inability to sit on his own is most likely due to which of the following?

jared's cerebellum has not yet fully developed

The research of Ernst Weber led to the formulation of a theory of _______.

just noticeable differences.

The left hemisphere of the brain specializes in which of the following?


Darius has been diagnosed with a tumor that affects the right side of his visual field. The tumor is most likely in which lobe of Darius's brain?

left occipital lobe

An auto accident rendered Chris's nervous system unable to send messages for him to swallow, so he is using a feeding tube. Which brain structure was most likely damaged in the accident?


In some animals, seasonal behaviors such as breeding and molting are influenced by ________.


When Stephen looks out at a field of red, purple, and yellow tulips, he can only see shades of gray. His condition is _______.

monochrome color blindness.

The nerves carrying messages from the central nervous system (CNS) to the voluntary muscles comprise the _________.

motor pathway

what is the name of the cell that sends and receives messages in the nervous system


The visual centers of the brain area are contained in the _________.

occipital lobes

"Packets" of light waves are referred to as _______.


Miley suffers from sleep deprivation because her body doesn't produce enough melatonin. Which gland is most likely responsible for Miley's sleep deprivation?

pineal gland

Afferent neurons, efferent neurons, and interneurons make up the __________.

reflex arc

Light bends as it passes through substances of different densities, a process known as _______.


In the ________ stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome, the body is working at a much increased level of resistance, using resources until the stress ends or the resources run out.


The ________ stimulates the upper part of the brain, keeping people awake and alert

reticular activating system

Which part of the eye receives sensory signals and relays that information to the brain?


While cutting wood for his daughter's playhouse, Lee accidentally severed his finger. Fortunately, Lee was quickly rushed to the hospital where his finger was successfully reattached, and Lee was eventually able to regain some function and feeling in his once-severed appendage. Which of the following is/are responsible for helping to repair the nerve fibers in Lee's finger that give him the ability to regain function and feeling?

schwann cells

If you are experiencing habituation, _______.

sensory receptors are still responding to stimuli.

Lately, Wanda has been having trouble sleeping at night, and has also experienced a sharp decline in appetite and energy level. A decrease in which of the following neurotransmitters might be responsible for Wanda's sudden change in behavior?


SSRIs treat depression by blocking the reuptake of ________.


Natalie sees a beautiful flower, so she walks over to touch and smell it. She is using the _________.

somatic nervous system

What special cells found in all the tissues of the body may offer promise for addressing diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's?

stem cells

________ can become other cells, such as blood cells, nerve cells, and brain cells, when those cells need to be replaced due to damage or wear and tear.

stem cells

recent research has shown that some types of glial cells have properties similar to

stem cells

Thomas Young's theory of color vision _______.

suggested that color vision is made possible by red, blue, and green cones.

what occurs to a neuron when it receives a chemical message

the cell becomes positively charged on the inside

Color is largely determined by _______.

the length of a wave

when a neuron receives a stimulus that is very strong, the result is that _________.

the neuron fires in an all-or-none fashion

At the age of 21, Donte stands at 5 feet 2 inches in height. If it is believed that an endocrine gland is most likely responsible for Donte's lack of growth, which gland might his doctor be most interested in studying?

the pituitary gland

Sound waves and light waves share _______.

the properties of wavelength, amplitude, and purity.

during ____ sodium ions cannot enter the cell

the resting potential state

If you stare at something for a long time, it does not disappear because _______.

tiny movements of the eyes keep them from adapting to what they see.

The spinal cord is divided into ________ main areas.


The eardrum is also known as the ______.

tympanic membrane.

Lindemann proposed that the most recent taste to be identified should be called _______.


The image projected on the retina is _______.

upside down and reversed from left to right.

Wever and Bray theorized that groups of auditory neurons take turns firing in a process called _______.


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