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Intergeratnional ombility

Between generations Parent working class, son higher class


Beyond suburbs, prosperous areas outside of city

Bulimia nervosa

Binge eating then puring/induced vomiting


Biological characteristic (male/female), what you are born as, not binary Intersex: 1 or 3+ sex chromosomes XXY: Kleinfelter's (males that are female like)or XO Turner's syndrome (Females that are short) (meiosis 1 nondisjunction in sperm, joins with normal egg) (Sperm has XY or ) Meiosis II nondisjunction results in spermatogonoium becoming spermatics with XX or YY or O, creats children that are XXX (sueprfemales) or XYY (Jacobs Syndrome (super males), or XO (turner's syndrome) if fertilized with normal egg XX or XY

Peer pressure

Want to do something to maintain relationships with person. Ex: Doctor write antibiotics for virus bc don't want to make patient mad

Actualizing Tendency

Want to get to self-actualization (full potential)

Sexual selection

Natural selection arising through preference for one sex for characteristics in individuals of other sex


Need 1. Pressurized sound wave (stmiuli) Areas of high and low pressure Higher walvenegth=travel further, deeper into cochlea (like how red travels faster) Sound waves travel different lengths around cochlea 2. Hair cells (receptor, in cochlea)


Need drug to feel normal, not just euphoric


Need more of drug for same effect, endocytosis of receptors because too much dopamine, same amount of drug smaller effect Decreased sensitivity to drug when you take it more Cross Tolerance; Reduction in efficacy to a novel drug due to a common CNS target

Secondary reinforcers:

Need to be learned Need to pair it with primary reinforcer to have value Money, can be used for primary reinforcers

Psychological/mental disorders

Needs to cause distress/disability, just weird doesn't mean mentally ill or psychological disorder

Drive reduction is what type of reinforcement/punishment

Negative reinforcement


Negative social label


Negative time of stress, bad for body, builds up over time, happens when you perceive something as physically or emotionally threatening, body primed to respond to threat

Anxiety Disorders

Phobias GAD Panic disorders (panic attacks)


Physical Traits and behaviors selected for, evolution, if contribute to success of species Cultural Universals due to natural selection: Common practices/beliefs across all cultures, all have ways of dealing with illness, medicine, healing, or wedding/funeral ceremonies, language Exist everywhere, so this type of behavior was selected for Evolution shape culture, but culture shaped human evolution

Material Culture

Physical and technology aspects of live, food, houses, phones


What benefits society as a whole, common ownership of production, human needs and economic demands


Stable predisposition towards a behavior, stable characteristic, cause person to constitently behave in some way

Social Isolation

Voluntarily isolates itself, have separate set of believes, values, like the Amish Social exclusion=not voluntarily


Voluntary movement, also position information, sides are involved in movement of limbs, middle of cerebellum coordinates middle body movement and walking Speech and moveemnt of eyes

4 elementary mental functions for babies (according to Vygotsky)

crAMPS Attention, memory, perception, sensation


Mushroom, hallucinogen

White Matter

Myelinated axons Brain: White inside, grey outside, axons go down tracks of white matter


Scientific descriptions of of customs of people


# of people moving to live permanently in/out of countries (not vacation)

Intensity of light wave

# particles

Relative poverty

% level below the median income of country <60% of median income If country's income goes up, absolute poverty same, relative poverty increases Incomes so low, excluded from society

How many cranial nerves


Death/mortality rate

# deaths/1000 people High mortality rate DOES NOT mean lots of young or unnatural deaths

Fertility Rate

# of births a women is expected to give, usually 2.1 children >2=increase in population =2 no change <2 decreases population

Dependency Ratio

# of dependent people/Labor force <14+>65/(between 15-64) * 100% Higher ratio-->more dependent people are


+ type of stress, perceive situation as challenging but moving, enjoyable!

Schizophrenia: Positive symptoms and negative

+Hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, insomnia Positive=addition of symptoms that are not part of normal experience -Apathy, lack of interest in activities, social withdrawal, hypersomnia Negative=absence of normal experience

How many % of people have serious mental illness that causes severe diability/distress


Index of dissimilarity

0 is total segregation, 100 is perfect distribution, for residential segregation

Prevalence of Schizophrenia


Ideal Bureacracy (Max Weber)

1. Division of labor: People trained for specific tasks, more efficiency, but more alienation Leads to trained incapacity: So specialized, lose touch with overall picture 2. Hierarchy of organization: Supervisor, clarifies who's in charge Deprive people of voice in decision making, shirk responsibility (I was just following orders) 3. Written rules and regulations: Clear expectations, equal treatment, unity Stiffens creativity, don't want to take initiative Results in goal displacement (following rules just as important as goal of organization) 4. Impersonality: Unbiased manner, equal, professional treatment Alienation, discourage loyalty, those in charge=cold 5. Employment based on technical qualifications: Meritocracy, not favoritism Decreases discrimination Decreases ambition, only do what's necessary to get job and nothing more Peter principle: Every employee keeps promoted until reach incompetence (can't handle the position), not good enough at job to get promoted any further Selection is based on performance on current role, not expected performance in future role, so stop getting promoted once can't do the job anymore

4 factors for self-efficacy

1. Mastery of experience (if done successfully before) 2. Social modeling (person looks like you can do it) 3. Social persuasion: Encouraging/positive, overcome self doubt 4. Psychological responses: Nervous, anxious, stress is bad for self-efficacy

3 stages of self conscious development

1. Preparatory phase: imitation, can't take perspective of others 2. Play stage: Predent play, social relationships, others POV, role-taking, mentally taking another perspective of another person,a cting on that perceived viewpoint 3. Game stage: People can take on multiple roles in society, focus on generalized other, concerned about other people's reactions to what they do Last stage: I and the Me Prepatory stage: imitation Play: Pretend play, take on perspective of others Game stage: Generalized other, people have multiple roles

3 components of self-concept

1. Self-image/percieved self How you would describe yourself 2. Self-esteem/self-worth How much value you place on yourself 3. Ideal-self What we wish to be

Social Movement Stages

1. Shared idea by a few 2. Incipient stage: Public takes notice of situation that they are protesting 3. People organize in group and raise up 4. Succeed and change society, or adapt. If successful, absorbed into institutions once desired changes have been made. If failed, they are not active anymore, but leave mark Even failed social movements leave a mark (Nazism)

Max Weber 3 types of authority

1. Traditional: Long-established cultural patterns 2. Charismatic: Extraordinary personal abilities that inspire devotion and obedience 3. Rational-legal authority/bureaucratic authority: Legitimized by legally enacted rules and regulations such as governments

Primacy Bias

1st impressions are strong, long, easily built upon 1st impression more important than later, recent information

What frequencies can we hear

20-20,000 hZ

How many % of people have mental disorders every year


How many spinal nerves


Myers Briggs Personality Test

4 lettesr, one of 16 personality types, sets of traits/behaviors

Gustation: 5 main tastes

5 main tastes: Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami (taste glutamate) Taste receptor cells in taste buds, taste buds located in papillae Taste bud has multiple cells/receptors (all 5 of them) Each taste bud has all 5 taste receptor cells Each taste bud can detect sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami Fungiform (anterior), look like mushrooms, tips and sides Foliate (side), folded, back of tongue on both sides Circumvallate(Back), flat mounds, back of tongue ^These are areas with taste buds Concentrated on anterior (front of tongue)

Total population of world

7.4 billion


<1000 people per square mile, less than 25,000 people Alaska, farm


>50,000 people


>500,000 people

Compares perceptual discrimination performance of Berinmo speakers and native English speakers. What does the linguistic determinism hypothesis predict? Compared to the perceptual discrimination performance of native English speakers, performance of Berinmo speakers will be: Native speakers know cross-category differences that are defined by color names in their language, less attentive to within category differences Berinmo language: No separate color names for blue and green, but distinguishes between nol and wor (two categories that vary on the yellow-green continuum) A) Equal on nor-wor and worse on blue green B_) Equal on nor wol and blue green C) Worse on nol wor and blue geren D) Worse on nol wor and better on blue green

A Can't classify blue and green into separate categories, so do worse. No limiation on nol-wor continuum

Participants experience physiological arousal from watching violent programs and (label A-D with which theory of emotion it is) A) This arousal is followed by aggressive emotions B) They simultaneously experience aggressive emotions C) They interpret their arousal, which results In aggressive emotions D) This leads to fight or flight responses that are perceived as aggressive emotions

A is James-Lange B is Cannon-Bard C is Two-factor/Shacter-Singer D is nothing

Personality Disorders

A, B, C Weird, wild, worried PSS BAHN ADO A: Paranoid: Distrust and suspcision Schizotal: Odd beliefs/magical thinking (t=typical of schizophrenia) Schizoid: Emotionally detached in relationships, little emotion (similar to antisocial), D=distant) Borderline: Unstable relationships, unstable emotions, variable self image, compulsive, brink of emotional/relationship issue, displays characteristics of stereotypical teenager Antisocial: no regard for others, inconsiderate, no remorse for crimes Histrionic: wants attention, displays emotion outwardly, wears bright clothes (H for hollywood) Narcisstic: Huge egos, needs admiration and praise, grandiose (thinks highly of themselves), like Portnoy Avoidant: inhibited, feel inadequate, try to avoid putting themselves in situation where they can be criticized Depedent: Submissive, clingy, stay in physically abusive relationships Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: Not OCD, focused on life being ordered, things being perfect, control everything OCD=order, wash hands

People in different cultures vary in their interpretations of: A) Adults facial expression B) Children's facial expressions C) Postures and gestures D) Frowns and smiles

A, B, D are facial expressions, universally recognized, independent of cultural influences

Split brain patients, participants were shown target colors on left side of visual field. A) Patients show CP in absence of access to color names B) Corpus callosum plays significant role in color processing C) Patients show CP in absence of color perception D) Frontal lobe plays significant role in recognition of color

A. Stimuls presented to left 1/2 of split brain visual field, sent to right hemisphere. Split-brain so right hemisphere no access to left hemisphere (linguistics) CP=categorical perception

Student attends seminar on efficacy of prostate cancer screening. Which situation would she be least receptive to change screening measures? A) She has a family member who was diagnosed through screening B) She has never used screening C) Family members received false positive D) Volunteered to sign up men for screenings

A. Elaboration likelihood model, strength of argument and psychological status are related. Strongly invested-->central route of processing

Experience violent movement during REM would cause what? A) Difficulty concentrating B) VIvid memories of dreams C) Inability to fall asleep D) Restlessness while awake

A. Need successfull cycling through REM to have quality sleep. Waking up during REM prevents dream from forming a memory, so not B Can fall asleep, just disturbances after falling asleep Poor sleep-->tired, not restlessness


ANOSEmia, can't perceive order

Bipolar and Related Disorders

Abnormal negative mood and mania (talk quickly, ltitle sleep, bad decisions, high self-esteem, delusions of grandeur), then crash Manic depressive disorder Hypomania: milder forms of mania, can be not bad, get lots of work done, little sleep Bipolar I dosrder: Hypomania becomes manic without major depressive disorder (or just mania) Bipolar II disorder: Remains hypomania + one major depressive order, no mania disorder Cyclothymic disorder: Hypomina and dysthymia (long term depression)

Dissociative DIsorders

Abnormality in identity or memory Lost memory for part of life, or multiple personalities


Above brainstem, relay station (eye/ear info), not taste or smell

Group meetings 3 steps for drug rehabilitation

Acceptance (i have a proble) Surrender (accept help) Active involvement in activities/meetings, help other addicts


Acid, hallucinogen

Factitious Disorder

Act sick when not sick to be in sick role, injure themselves, fasilfy tests (Muhnchausen's syndrome) To be in sick role, not for money Factitious disorder/Manchuasen's by proxy: When one person makes another person look ill so medical care can be provided by that person

Group attribution error

Action of one person is representive of entire group or vice versa

Relative Deprivation Theory

Actions of groups oppressed/deprived of rights that others in society enjoy, lead to social movements like Civil rights movement Also upsurge in prejudice when people are denied rights they think they are entitled to 3 things for social movement 1. Feelings of relative deprivation Has to be relative, based on how they perceive their situation, difference between expectations and reality 2. Feelings of deserving better 3. Conventional means are useless


Activities that one must do, often related to obsessions



Withdrawal (Acute vs. post acute)

Acute withdrawal: Up to few weeks usually, physical withdrawal; symptoms, varies by person, for alcohol only 2 days, imrpvoement 4-5 days Post-acute More emotional/psychological symptoms, same for everyone Anxiety, mood swings, irritability, tiredness, variable E, low enthusiasm, disturbed sleep, variable concentration Roller coaster of emotions: Change every minute and hour, disappear for weeks then come back aagain Lasts for 2 years Alcohol withdrawal can cause seizures, use benzos


Adderrall, stimulant

Substance-use disorders

Addicted to drug, impairment in school, work, home Not everyone has this, can drink alcohol without having substance-use disorder Problem with subtsance use Stronger cravings, using more and more, trying to get more, failing to cut back, cutting school. family, work to get more Also withdrawal: Sick/unwell after stopped using drug Physiologically dependent Can't get substance use disorder for caffeine


Addiction, need the drug, emotional and physical dependence

Age Stratification Theory

Ageism, ascribed status, inequality, hierarchical ranking of people Age is way of regulating behavior of a generation

Life Course Approach/Life Course Theory

Aging it a social, psychological, biological process that begins from time you were born till you die. Holistic perspective, developmental processes, experiences across a person's life. How experiences from earlier in life affect outcomes later in life

Social Cognitive Theory

Aka social learning theory Theory of behavior change that emphasizes interactions between peopel and their environment, also includes cognition (unlike behaviorism). Triarchic theory: BEC Environment, cognitive (cognition/motivation, self-efficacy) and environment Person, environment and behavior Bandura Social factors, observational learning, environmental factors (opinions/attitudes of friends and family) Important part is personal control (perceived behavioral control), internal or external locus of control We influence environment and environment influenced by us People have personal control over personality by choosing experiences

Korsakoff's Syndrome

Alcoholism, malnutrition, eating disorders lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine) Don't absorb or process all nutrients they need Not caused by brain injuries usually Thiamine: Important bc converts carbohydrates into glucose, important for neurons Damage to certain areas of brain causes poor balance, abnormal eye movements, mild confusion, memory loss (Wernicke's encephalopathy at this stage=precursor to Korsakoff's) If diagnosed in time, can reverse or prevent furture damage Untreated, progresses into Korsakoff's, main symptom of severe memory loss with confabulation (make up stories to fill in memories) Not progressive, if treated and diagnosed, can get better Healthy diet, thiamine injections, no alcohol, take vitamins Anterograde and retrograde amnesia

Modernization Theory

All countries follow path of development from traditional to modern society, with some help traditional countries can develop similarly to today's developed countries Internal social dynamics, political, social changes as country adapts to new technologies

Most common form of Dementia is

Alzheimer's disease

NT categories

Amino acid neurotransmitters: GABA (CNS) and Glycine (Spinal Cord) Peptide NT's Opiods (endorphins) Monoamines: Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine from tyrosine Serotonoin from tryptophan Histamine from histidine Acetylcholine: Acetyl group + choline (N+ bonded to some stuff)

Agression center

Amygdala, also decreased frontal lobe activation (imulse control)

Ethnic Villages

Chinatown, little Italy, small communities

Temporal Lobe

Auditory and olfactory information, also Wernicke's area

Lower class

Manual labor, low-paying jobs, working class, blue-collar


Anxiety, fear, agressiveness/anger

Exchange Theory/Exchange-Rational Choice THeory

Apply rational choice theory to social interactions Study family relationships, work relationship, parenting, partner selection (interpersonal interactions Interactions are done by weighing rewards vs. punishments of each action Rewards: Social approval, money, gifts, positive gestures (smile) Punishments (negative gestures (frown), social disapproval, public humiliation Self-interest and interdependence We form relationships to benefit ourselves, no one is self-sufficient

Anterior chamber

Aqueous humor, from cornea to anterior of lens

RAS/Reticular formation

Arousal, alertness, consciousness

Urban Decline

As people move out of cities, cities fall into disrepair, buildings abandoned, unemployment/crime rises, population of city declines

Media exposure helps to instill norms and values A) Assimilation B) Discrimination C) Socialization D) Stratification

Assimilation is immigrants or minority groups take up aspects of mainstream culture Discrimination is behavior based upon prejudice Stratification is objective position within social hierarchy Socialization: For norms and values (C is right)

Projectoin Bias

Assume other people have same beliefs we do


Attachment point for muscles, extra protection, lined with conjunctiva whites of th eye, posterior 5/6 (cornea is anterior 5/6)


Attributing human characteristics to non-human animals Can ascribe meaning to action of animals, don't know if right because can't speak to animals Dog sleeping with you, you think love, maybe just body heat

What type of personality is more prone to prejudice


Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Autism, ADHD, Intellectual disability (retardation)

What is anomie? A) Group promotes polarized thinking among its members B) Individual feels disconnected from larger community C) Group overemphasizes consensus among its members D) Individual feels too influenced by the larger community

B Anomie=lack of social norms, so breakdown of connection between individual and community

Conflict theory relies on what? A) Norms and Rituals B) Power and status C) Agression and attachment D) Conformity and assimilation

B Conflict theory is capital, power, and status Norms and rituals is closer to symbolic interactionism C is social behavior

U.S> economy entered a recession, what would happen? A) # of immigrants coming for college drop B) # of undocumented immigrants drop C) # of immigrants moving to reunite family drop D) # of immigrants seeking refugee status drop

B Not A, don't worry about job until 4 years Undocumented usually lookking for job C, want to reunited with family, so still want to reunite with family D escape persecution, still want to leave terrible situation

Sarah is a medical student who really wants to get a tattoo but is concerned how employers and patients might view it? A) Sarah is peer pressured into socially acceptable behavior B) Fear of stigma of tattoo prevents Sarah from getting it C) Medical field is prejudiced against people with tatttoos D) By not getting the tattoo, she is obeying her future role of doctor in soecity

B Stigma: Identify an individual with a socially unacceptable group, negative label given to group of people Not A, not from peers, from society's expectations Not C, not prejudice , not harder to get hired Role of doctor doesn't require you not to have tattoo

Meditation is normative part of daily life. A) Value B) Folkway C) Taboo D) Socialization

B. Folkway=traditional behavior learned from social group Value is idea about what is right, don't describe the behavior Taboo is a norm that prohibits discussion or practice of something Socialization is learning cultural norms, not the behaviors performed due to learning

Why looking at dimly lit object with peripheral vision at night results in clearest image of object? When looking at side of object: A) Two images are sent to brain, which results in clearer image B) Image falls on periphery of retina, which is denser in rods C) Image falls on fovea, which results in clearest image D) Single image sent to brain, which results in clearer image

B. Fovea lots of cones, detail (but when light), focus well Periphery of retina has lots of rods, sensitive to light and dark changes, results in clearer image in dark Rods more sensitive to shape and movement A is true, two images are sent to brain of any object that is not focused on, but doesn't mean clearer Looking to side of object will result in two images (from either retina), not one


Back of eye, inside retina, blood vessels to nourish retina Black if all light absorbed, different colored choroid gives them better night vision

Optimism bias

Bad things happen to other people, not me

Vestibular System

Balance and spatial orientation Depends on limbs and semicircular canals in inner ear Posterior (in back), lateral (horizontal), and anterior) Canals filled with endolymph, movement of head-->how quickly and what direction head is moving when endolymph is moving, can determine strength and plane/direction our head is moving Otholith organs: Utricl and saccule, help detect linear acceleration and head positioning. Have CaCO3 crystals attached to hair cells. If from ying down to standing up,c crystals move, pull on hair cells, triggers AP. Dizziness/vertigo, endlolymph still spinning, we're not spinning (because we spin fast or for long time), continues moving, indicates to brain we're still moving even though we stopped Scuba/astronuat (no gravity), mess up otholith organs Rotate in opposite direction from which you were spinning to combat dizziness, so then endolymph moves/cancels out endolymph direction from spinning/dizziness

Base drum vs. bees (frequency)

Base drum low frequency (pitch) Bees high frequency (pitch)


Based on moral value/believe, truthfulness, no actual punishment

Discrimination Magnet

Based on race, gender, sexual orientation, physical mental health Social exclusion results, can't participate in society

Illness experience

Being ill and how to cope, change self-identity Chronic illness, every decision revolves around decision Stigmas around mental illness or STD affect how others perceive you


Bends light, cilliary bodies/susepensory ligaments change shape, focuses light specifically on fovea


Benefit private industries the most Regulate flow of goods and services, reduce tariffs (taxes on imports, also called duty or customs), customs easier, trading easier


Blood, marriage, adoption Nuclear family more emphasize in U.S> Rural families: Production bases, large Urban families: Consumption based, small Abuses through neglect: Children's basic needs not met, poor nutrition, lack of supervision, lack clothes Also child abuse (physical abuse) Elder Abuse: Can't take care of elders bc nursing homes too expensive, neglect of elderly members, robberies Spouse abuse: Physical or psychological Economic issues usually the problem, limit support network of victim

Bottom up is (inductive/deductive reasoning) and top down is (inductive/deductive resoning)

Bottom up is inductive (data-driven, specific to general) Top down is deductive (general to specific) (Top down, two d's)


Brain, inhibitory NT's

Social anomie

Breakdown of social bonds between person and community> Social groups disbanding and alientation from social groups, to resolve it, social norms must be strengthened and groups need to redevelop sets of social norms. Functionalist: Alientation when individuals feel social norms/social bonds are weak, people purposlessness, aimlesness, not attached to society rapid social change can lead to social anomie


Bunch of people living together in place, interact with each other Shared culture Structure that provides organization for people Phone

External motivators A) Play music while engaging kids in task that requires recognizing emotional experiences B) Putting emotionally expressive faces on toys that children play with C) Give children 10 minutes of play time every time they correctly name an emotional expression D) Having kids play memory game that requires matching emotional expression with labels

C A and B makes facial expression interesting to children External motivators are introduced as an outcome of a response, given incentive (play time) for producing correct response

Alice poor rural family, became CEO. Bill raised in working class urban, became president of university Which concept least applicable? A) Meritocracy B) Inergenerational mobility C) Social Reproduction D) Relative Property

C This is opposite of social reproduction (perpetuation of inequalities through social institutions like education and economy, transmit social inequality from one generation to the next. Due to four types of capital Financial/economic capital (income/waelth, property, assets) Cultural capital (Shared outlook, believes, knowledge, and beliefs passed between generations) Non financial social ssets that promote social mobility, education, intellect, style of speech, dress, or physical appearance Class-based cultural practices Human capital (education and job training a person receives, skills, abilities) Socail capital=social network, connections D because Alice was poor in rural, Bill was poor in urban

Answering a question with no right answer, what do you rely on? A) Analogy B) Heuristics (rule of thumb) C) Intuition D) Trial and Error

C, didn't receive feedback to know if error occurred, just got random feedback

Activist Movement

Change some part of society, type of social movement

Which is not true? A) As people get older, recall declines B) Recognition is stable in adults without memory impairments C) AD accelerates aging process D) People without memory impairments do better in recognition than recall

C: AD recognition and recall both decline Normally aging, gap between recognition and recall increases, and cues more important

Summary of brain studying

CAT/CT: X-ray, structure MRI: Radio waves (similar to NMR) and magnetic magnets, structure fMRI: MRI + blood flow/oxygen consumption, brain activity PET: Brain activity, swallow/inject radioactive glucose tracer so invasive


Can be caused by urban renewal, redo neighborhood, but targets wealthier community, increases property value, people there pushed out, can't afford property anymore, leads to great inequality in cities

Benzene/aromatic compounds

Can smell them, aromatic!


Can't leave city, unemployed, elderly, homeless, poor


Can't support people throughout their life Groups/organizations only affecting limited period of life Travel basketball team, sorority, girl scouts, boarding school

Elimination Disorders

Can't urinate/defecate at appropriate times or places

Consumer culture

Capital, economy focused on selling consumer goods, spending consumer money

Gordon Allport

Cardinal traits, central traits, secondary traits Cardinal traits: Characteristics that direct mosf of person's activites, dominant trait that influences all behaviors, including secondary and central traits Selflessness, power, Central Trait: Less dominant than cardinal: Honesty, sociability, shyness Secondary trait: Preferences or attitude: Love for modern art, reluctance to eat meat

Social Startification

Categorizing people into different SES stratum based on income, wealth, social status, power Open stratification systems-->Achieve status, social mobility


Cerebrum (cerebral cortex)

Ways to increase self-control

Change environment: Move candy to top level of shelf, harder to reach. Make good choices easier to reach Operant conditioning: Reinforce/reward yourself for doing something good, punish yourself for doing something bad. Reward good punish bad Classical conditioning: Healthy snack every time you get a craving for chocolate, over time, start to crave healthy snacks (Refocus desires to LT goals Deprivation: Object of temptation completely removed, can be problem, make you want it more, ego depletion, strict diets are likely to fall to temptation

Looking Glass Self

Charles Cooley Influenced by opinions of what I think/imagine others think of me, how what they actually think of me Self-concept is shaped by how we perceive others are looking at us

Chemical signals/olfactory signals (pheromones) vs. sound signals (speed and long vs. short lasting)

Chemical/olfactory=slower, longer lasting Sound=quick, short lasting (predator iss here!) Lots of chemical signals in given area=noisy, stay in environment for long time


Chemicals, solute concentrations (osmoreceptors), blood pH (CO2 levels), prostaglandins (nocireceptors) Nose, tongue, blood, tissue

Ciliary body

Ciliary muscle and suspensory ligaments Also secretes aqueous humor

Person with abnormal circadian rhythm is unable to A) Stay asleep for appropritae amount of time B) Fall asleep at right time of day C) Function normally without abnormally long period of sleep D) Fall asleep without use of sleep aid medication

Circadian rhythm=sleep at night and awake during day, not amount or quality of sleep B


Cities/towns with >1000 people per square mile

Karl Marx:

Class Consciousness: Workers realize they have solidarity (unity/common interest), come together, overcome oppression and exploitation False consciousness: Can't see that they're oppressed, don't have solidarity


Class/status/position determined solely based on achievements and ability, birth/background doesn't matter,e qual opportunity

Operant vs. classical extinction

Classical, just give CS/NS, no US Operant: No more reinforcement


Classless, money less community, all property owned by community, type of government

Inner ear

Cochlea and semicirrcular canals


Color, detail, fewer than rods, mostly center, faster recovery time 6 M 60% red, 30% green, 10% blue cones Fast recovery time, fire more frequently RGB (Trichromatic theory): Can mix red and yellow to make oragne, but cna't mix red and green or blue and yellow Opponent process theory of color vision: RGBY cones, 4 cones, Red and green oppose, blue and yellow oppose, black and white oppose, only one color can dominate at a time, processing occurings in gangilon cells Doesn't oppose trichromatic theory, just builds on it Two processes support opponent process theory: Color blindness and afterimages RG colorblindness, should not be able to see yellow (because need Red), but can see yellow, can't see red. Even poorly activated red cones can see yellow Afterimages: See blue, activates blue cones, inhibits yellow cones, look away, inhibit blue, activate yellow, aftercolor is yellow , almost all of them are in fovea Fovea most detailed picture, look for Waldo Fovea


Common courtesy, manners Saying thank you, open door, telling friend his zipper is done


Computerized Axial Tomography CT scan X-rays create image of brain (tumor/abnormal swelling/blleding), but can't tell what areas of brain are active in a given time Computerized composite of x-ray images, slightly lower resolution than MRI, not as good for soft tissue but faster than MRI's, usually combiend with radioactive dye like PET scan to show structure and activity Shows structure X-ray radiation, resolves between tissue levels (density)

Substance-induced disorders

Conditions caused by substance Mood disorders, anxiety, sleep psychosis


Cones mostly, some rods

Esteem Support

Confidence/encouragement Believe in you

Which is least relevant for determining possible influence of conformation bias on child abuse? A) Parental concealment of child abuse from physicians B) Physician attention to evidence of child abuse C) Challenges posed by interpreting child abuse symptoms D) Emotional sensitivities around child abuse as a subject

Confirmation bias: Favor information that confirms preexisting beliefs Involves searching for evidence and interpretation of evidence Stronger for emotionally charged topics A is social interaction, not cognitive processing factor

Social capital

Connections, social networks, tangible resources Social support=emotional resources from social network


Conscious sensory experience of neural processing

Encoding specificity

Context-dependent memory basically and state-dependent memory (moods)

Muscle Stretch Reflex

Contracts after muscle is stressed Knee jerk: Involuntary response of leg kicking out Hammer hits tendon below knee cap Somatosensory neurons (afferent) in muscle spindles form excitatory synapse with another neuron in spinal cord, sends axon out back to same muscle that was stretched, excite skeletal muscle cells to contract (lower motor neurons/efferent) Muscle on underside of legg are inhibited when topside of leg is excited


Control impulses, delay gratification Long term goals over short-term temptations

ANS Efferent Neurons

Control smooth muscle cells, cardiac muscle, gland cells Sympathetic nervous systems: Middle of psinal cord, short axon synapses with short ganglia close to spine, second neuron goes to target cell (smooth, cardiac or gland cells) Parasympathetic nervous system: Starts at brain stem or bottom of spinal cord: 1st neuron sends long axon, synapse with ganglion, short axon to target cell Synapse is short then long Para is long then short

Eyes (converge/diverge) when objects are closer

Converge Two c's!!!

World Systems Theory:

Core Nations, Periphery Nations Core: More economically developed, strong gov and institutions Periphery: Less economically developed, weak governments and institutions

Rational Choice THeory

Cost benefit analysis for every choice, maximize personal gain This is true for pattern of choices, not any individual choice Self-interest, personal desires, goals Can explain social change/social instiutions 3 assumptions: 1. Completeness; E very action ranked A>B>C 2. Transitivity A>B, B>C, so A>C 3. Independence of irrelevant alternatives (if have fourth option x, won't change order of how ranked A, B, C) A>B>C, B>X>C, so A>B>X>C

Rational Choice Theory

Cost benefit analysis, pros and cons, do best thing for themselves

Skeptical Perspective

Critical of globalization, actually regioinalized, not globalized Not global capitalism National borders remain important, transnational corporations still tied to home countries


Culture at meso-level (medium) of a subcommunity Diminishes itself from larger community Large enough to affect people throughout lifetime, affect your life longer than microculture Meso=medium Communities, organizations, cities, states, clans, tribes, not whole country Live in Rural Illinois, subculture of farming Unique compared to larger society, but share some similarities Ethnic groups, Jews, elite upper class Can cause tension with dominant group

Discrimination and health is stronger for U.S> born members of one ethnic group than it is for immigrant members of same etnig group. This suggests that discrimination on health is most likely related to: A) Social segregation in the U.S> B) Length of residence in the U.S> C) Place of residence in the U.S. D) SOcial integration in the U.S>


Which is most consistent with social constructinoism? A) Techonology is predictable application of knowledge B) Techonology is human response to environmental pressures ) Technology is built from collective effort of innovators D) Techonlogy is embedded with values of group who create it

D, Technology is product of groups/people rather than natural processes, so it's a social creation A is wrong, dont think inevitable application of knolwedge B wrong, doesn't talk about how technology is social product C is wrong, not just response to natural pressures, it's actually social forces

Which strategy to change attitudes of doctors towards onbese patients is best supported by Elaboration Likelihood Model of attitude change? A) Release guidelines outlining how doctors should treate obese patients B) Increase scrutinty to policies that medical offices and hospitals have towards obese patients C) Educate physicians on how to adjust clinial practices to fit obese patients' needs D) Increase physician awareness that such a bias exists and is negatively affecting their patients' care

D. ELM is about how attitudes are created and changed. Peripheral information: Intuition, emotion, not facts, peripheral is passive Central: Has ability and motivation to understand, more cognitive, more concrete C doesn't justify attitude change, no reason for why changes need to be implemented D is central route, facts, want to provide best care

Young girl moved to U.S., mimics actions in order to feel more accepted A) Ethnocentrism B) Cultural relativism C) Multiculturalism D) Assimilation

D. A is opposited to taking on aspects of new culture, believe own culture is most important, judge culture of others from own perspective B is understanding a culture C is respecting cultures D is becoming part of culture


Drunk (alcohol), or high (cocaine/heroine or marijuana) Effects of drug on person


DO behavior to get reward or avoid punishment DO behavior withotu questioning=oning why Agree to act because another person or group told him to do so Has to be behavior that is requested b person or group

Mesopic vision

Dawn or dusk, cones and rods




Death drive/death instinct


Decline in memory and other cognitive functions to point of interfering with normal life


Decrease CNS activity, HR< BP, processing/reaction time Act on GABAr, open up Cl- channels, hyperpolarize, inhibit excitation

Testosterone (decreases/increases as we age)

Decreases, 75 year old man less aggressive than 17 YO adolescence, muscle building, wider faces (not long round faces), irritability, assertiveness, impulsiveness, frustrated easily Males more aggressive than females Produces in testes or ovaries

Parcinian Corpuscle

Deep in skin, deep push/poke

Cultural Imperialism

Deliberate imposing of own cultural values on another culture


Depressant Decreased inhibitors, decreasing cognitive control, lack of coordination, slurring of speech, think more slowly, disrupt REM sleep (and forming memories) Other drugs with alcohol=bad


Depressant Most commlny prescribed depressant Sleep aids, anti-anxiety or seizures Enhance response to GABA (open up GABA-activated Cl- channels) -zelam, -zolam Long acting=for anxiety Short acting=for sleep (also medium acting)


Depressant Tranqualiziers, sleep, reduce anxiety Anesthesia, anticonvulsant (decrease seizures), anti-anxiety Negative side effects, reduced memory, judgement, concentration -barbital


Desires conflicts with value or long term goals

Parallel Processing

Detects/focus all information (color, form, motion) at same itme

Youth bulge

Developing countries, decrease in infant mortality but still high fertlity rate

Theory of Differential Association

Deviance is a learned behavior that results from continuous exposure to others that violate norms and laws: Learned from observation of others, believes new behavior as norm and rejects norms/values Monkey see monkey do Strong relationship with person who violates norms (deviant)-->than you will be deviant Other way around too


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders 5, from APA

Max Weber

Didn't say capitalism would collapse necessarily 3 independent factors that dictate person's reaction to inequality: Class; Economic position in society Status/prestige: social honor popularity, respect Power: ability to get their way, social change, despite resistance of other Inequalities-->conflict, but more than one source of conflict

Collective behavior

Different from group behavior because it it time-limited, short social interactions (group stay together, socialize for long time) Collectives open, anyone can join, groups exclusive Collectives loose norms, groups strong well-defined norms Violates societal norms usually, deviance for collectives, driven by group dynamics like deindividuation

Disassortative mating/non-assortative mating

Different/diverse traits mate with higher frequency than random mating

Authoritative parenting (punishment or discipline)


Side-effect discrimination

Discrimination in one area affects another One town in Texas, all black people assumed guilty So guilty, apply for job later on, don't get job because guilty One institution influence another institution negatively


Disgust, wrong no matter what context Incest, cannablism

Culture Shock

Disoriented, uncertainty, fear when encounter unfamiliar cultural practices Can feel sad, lonely, homesick

Mass Media

Disseminate information print media, digital media (internet, tv, radio) Functionalist: Entertianment for leisure time, socialization, colective experience of watching Olympics, community building (internet communities) enforcer of social norms, tells us what society expects us through rewards and punishments (criminal to jail), promoter of consumer culture through commercials Conflict Theory: Gatekeeping: Small # of people and corporations control what information is presente don media, done by government or large media companies. Mass media reflects dominant ideology, people make choice of what media is produced (gatekeepers) are white, rich, male. Racial minority, LGBT, working class, women (all minorities) can be underrepresented or stereotyped Tokenism: One minority character added to movie as stand in for entire group Feminist theory: Depictions of men and women stereotyped Interactionist Perspective: Microlevel mass media, how it shaped everyday behavior. Burs lines between solidary and group activities, how we connect using mass media (email/text instead of phone)


Dominant group ascribes racial identity to people in minority group that they don't ascribe to themselves


Dominant religious organization that includes most people in society: Luterhanism in Sweeden, Islam in Iran

Mesolimbic Reward pathway

Dopamine produced in VTA, released into NA, amygdala, prefrontal cortex (attention, planning), hippocampus Food, social interactions, stimulant drugs Amygdala: I love this cake, I'm very happy NA: Motor function, let's take another bite of this cake Prefrontal cortex: I'm going to put attention into this cake and plan to eat it another day as well Hippocampus: Let's remember this cake, I want to make it again Serotonin (satiation) goes down Addictation/reward pathway takes over rational choices: Food to animal sick, avoid food Drug to animal sick, still wants drug! Another pathway: Dopamine made in Substancia Niagra

Sensory Adaptation

Down regulation of sensory receptor over time, especially if no change in stimuli Jk doesn't have to be downregatulion (light) Hand touches table, intiially notice, then later on don't even notice

Ill Health Magnet

Drag people away, can't participate in society, leads to social exclusion


Drawn to cities due to cultural benefits and convenience. Artists, students, entertainment, intellctuals


Drawn to cities for jobs, partners, entertainment

Residential segregation

Due to race, income, different neighborhoods Concentration: Clustering of different groups Centralization: Segregation+clustering in central area Political isolation, segregated communities are politically weak, political interests don't overlap with other communities, don't have political influence Linguistic isolation: Communities isolated have own language, may limit jobs Spatial mismatch: Low-income people in segregated communities have opportunities that are further away, harder to access. Mismatch between where people live and where opportunities are at Lower access to education and healthcare


E transform from one form into another Light E transformed to E energy by rods and condes


Each brain area is devoted to specific personality, thought, emotion (wrong)

Labelled Lines Model

Each taste bud has 5 axons, send separate taste information to different parts of the gustatory/taste receptor, remain separate in the brain, synapse on different parts of the gustatory/tatse cortex Each taste cell/receptor is specailize to one of 5 tastses, has 1 axon synapsing on specific part of brain No mixing Sweet, Umami, Bitter GPCR receptors, G-protein activated, ion channel opened, depolarization, AP Salty, sour ion channels, bind to receptor (which is ion channel), depolarizes AP Salty receptor inside sweet cell: NaCL binds to sweet cell, axon to sweet place in cortex, perceives it as sweet signal

Globalization two major impacts

Economy Culture

Lower motor neurons

Efferent neurons of PNS synapse on and control skeleta muscle Muscles of limbs and trunk LMN signs: Weakness, atrophy of skeletal muscle, fasiculations (involuntary twitches0< hypotonia (decrease tone of skeletal muscle, how much muscle is contracted when is relaxed0, hyporeflexia (Decreased muscle stretch reflex)


Efficiency, calculability, predictability, uniformity, control Not necessarily bad


Electroencephalogram: External, doesn't tell us about activity of individual/group of neurons, just sum total Can tell us about seizures, sleep stages, cognitive tasks Not invasive


Emile Durkheim Institutions: Structures that meed needs of society Social facts: Ways of thinking and acting formed by society Ex: the law (similar to norms), "glue" Dependent on all structures, like cell Manifest functions:Intended consequences Latent functions: Indirect/unrecognized consequences Social dysfunction is bad, may reduce stability of society Small societies: held together by similarities Large societies: Specialization, people dependent on each other, mutual independence Change to production/distribution/coordination force others to adapt to maintain stable state of society Unable to explain social change and conflict, just equilibrium between social facts and institutions Little conflict or change

Behaviorist language another name

Empiricist, BF skinner, operant conditioning, reinforcement

Reciprocal Determinism

Environment, individual (cognition, emotion, motivation, self-efficacy, expectations, beliefs), and behavior All three influence each other Bandura Same thing as social cognitive theory?

Dramaturgical APproach

Erving Goffman Front stage: People in social setting, manipulating how he's seen to gain acceptance from friends, don't like baseball but watching baseball Back stage: Private area, be yourself, do what you want

2 types of aversive control

Escape and avoidance learning Situation is motivated by threat of something unpleasant (negative reinforcement)

Instinctual Drift

Established habits, learned using operant conditioning are replaced by innate food related behaviors Revert to instinctual behaviors that interfere with conditioned response


Established religious bodies in larger society Roman Catholic Church

Withdrawal symptoms

Ex: Took lots of coke, things not as strong as coke won't give you that much dopamine that you're used to, dopamine decreased, depressed, anxious, headaches, etc.


Excite CNS< increase HR/BP, alertness, more awake, more energetic, jittery, vaosdilate, increased glucose metabolism in brain, similar effect to stress Increased dopamine (Blocks reuptake), serotonin, and NE, intense crash when wears off, addictive Dopamine mostly

2 parts of self concept

Existential Self and Categorical self Has to be consistent (not tired, or sunburned, or awake) Existential self: most basic part of self-concept. We are separate and distinct from others. We are constant/consistent throughout life (tired is not consistent, not self-concept 2-3 months, objects are separate/distinct from themselves Categorical self: Age and gender are first two categories Then skill and size Traits, comparisons, careers

Multinational/Transnational corporations (T&C's)

Extend beyond borders of countries Use different counties to sell, manufacture, distribute, market their products McDonald's, Ford, GE, Coca Cola, General Electric, KFC Lots of political influence Developing nations: Tax-free zones, cheap labor, T&C's bring jobs and industry to these agricultural areas, higher product output, more employment worldwide, cheaper prices

Order of hearing

Exterior auditory canal, eardrum (typanic membrane) vibrate, MIS vibrate, fluid fushed in oval window, out circular window of cochlea (perilymph moves, causes endolymph to move, which causes hair cells/tip links to move), opens up K+ channels, Ca2+ comes in, K+ comes in, AP to axons of auditory nerve, primary auditory cortex (temporal lobe) (Time ticking=temporal lobe)

Actor-observer bias

FAE (judging others), more internal and self-serving bias (judging ourselves) Scccess=itnernal, failure=external More self serving bias in individualistic cultures We are actors We are observing others

Resource Mobilization Theory

Factors that help/hinder a social movement like access to resources Practical stuff Need money, materials, political influence, media, strong organizational base, charismatic figure/leader, need to gather people with shared idea in some place MLK Jr.

A beta fibers

Fast, thick, covered in myelin, high conductance, less resistance (big diameter) Touch hot stove, immediately move hand

Fight for wage equality between men and women Labor right or feministy

Feminist movement. Equal rights and treatment for men and women, about gender Labor Rights: Protect employees from being taken advantage of from employers. About class, not gender

Tangible/Instrumental support

Financial support, material goods, services, taking some of your responsibilites support so you can do other stuff Bring dinner when you're sick, lend money when in between jobs, money from bank

Social class is mostly determined by

Financial wealth

Visual cues

Find mate, color on birds, mimicry, camouflage, luminescent communication (fireflies glow to attract mate), gaze following and social cues (look where someone else is looking, silent way to signal location of food or predator)

Inclusive fitness

Fitness of you and all your closely related individuals Yourself and closely related relatives' fitness More likely to act altrustically to your kin (kin selection) Altruism and sacrificing yourself can increase inclusive fitness

Dependent stressor

For depression, depressed person more stressful events than he or she influences Caused by person's internal outlook I'm stressed out because I think I am stupid, this leads to me feeling demoralized, which leads to me not studying and falling behind. Falling behind is the dependent stressor, this stressor is dependent on my internal attitudes of myself (demoralized/stupid).

Independent stressor

For depression, occurs without the person's influence, equal for depression and non depressed people Death of loved one

Medicaid, medicare

For elderly

Incentive Theory

For motivation, external rewards/reinforcement, different from operant conditioning because that's behavior, this is internal motivation This is positive reinforcement

Collective Identity

For social movements, shared solidarity, experiences, common interests


Formal norms, can be severe or not severe (j-walking)

During 1st week nothing, during 2nd week got prize every time, 3rd week, got variable ratio reinforcement

Frequency of response should increase over course of study (after positive reinforcement, responses increase)

High pitch corresponds to high what


Posterior chamber

From behind iris/posterior of lens to inner reitina, has albumin (proteinO, water, salt Filled with vitreous humor

Cultural Assimilation

Fusion of ethnic minorities into dominant culture


Gender they're romantically attracted to


Gender they're sexually attracted to

I and the Me

George Herbert Mead Me=what I think others think of me Conforming, socialized self object I: Subject, response to me Dickhead do whatever you want, spontaneous, less socialized, autonomous Actual self balance between I and the me

Who invented social behaviorism

George Herbert Mead Mind and self emerge through process of communicating with others


Give information to yourself, bats and cholocation


Gives eye color

Hyperglobalist Perspective

Globalization is new age, countries interpenetrate, nation states not important, all countries are one big society

Systematic Desensitization

Good with phobias. Teach client to replace anxiety with relaxation. Teach person relaxation techniques. Slowly. spiders are introduced, want person to associate spiders with relaxation. First maybe a picture, than a plastic one, then one in a cage, then one out of the cage Type of counterconditioning. Used to be negative response (anxiety/stress) to spiders, now turned into relaxation in response to spiders


Government with single person, king/queen

Population Transfer

Group is forcefully moved from territory, due to racial differences usually

Social Movement

Group of people with shared idea come together Can create lasting effects, encourage or resist change Organization, leadership, resources Small group with an idea is not social movement


Hallucinations (seeing and hearing things not there), altered perceptions, heightened sensations to colors, tastes, smells, sounds, colors, can increase E or calm down, articial feeling of social connectedness and mood swings, depends on person Mess with serotonin, usually damgae neurons that produce serotonin (mood), so no serotonin=depressed Can be used to treat PTSD




Harmony/unity>problem solving/disagreeing opinions Most popular opinion, suggestion by popular leader is adopted Don't rock the boat


Heat, cold, certain food chemicals (capsaicin) Skin for external stimuli Hypothalamus for internal stimuli


Heavily populated urban informal settlement, substandard housing, lack sanitation, clean water

Social Stratification

Hierarchy in society (class-based hierarchy)

Expansive Population Pyramid

High birth, high death, and later on high birth, falling death rates

Demographic Transition

High birth/high death to low birth/.low death (fertility/mortality) Developed/industrialized countries, population stabilizes Immigrants: increase fertility decrease mortality (healthier people migrate) Economic changes, industrialization, affect fertility and mortality rates Mortality rate falls before fertility rate does, so population grows rapidly, then fertility rates drop, so stabilize population Stage 1: High birth, high death Limited birth control, want kids to work for you, lots of disease/poor nutrition, lots of young and small old population, high stationary pyramid Stage 2: High birth, decreased death Population rises, more improvements in food, sanitation, health, industrial revolution, early expanding population pyramid More older people, still lots of young Stage 3: Birth starts to fall, death continues to drop Population still growing Birth rates fall because birth control, social trend towards smaller families, sent to school, not working Death rates drop because better healthcare, more industrialized Middle East Slower population expansion, more elderly Late expanding population pyramid, fewer young people Stage 4: Population stabilizes Low birth and low death rates Low stationary More contraception, more women in workforce, focus on careers over children U.S./Australia Stage 5: World population forced to stabilize (speculation)

Phootopic vision

High light levels vision

Perfectionist (high low self esteem, high low self efficacy)

High self efficacy, low self esteem (critical about themselves)

Basilar Tuning

How cochlea differentiate between different frequencies/different sounds Varying hair cells in cochlea At base of cochlea=high frequency sounds (small wavelength, don't travel very far) At apex/end of cochlea, long wavelength, short frequency As sounds of different frequences reach ear, stimulate different parts of basilar membrane, which then stimulate (different axons to different pats) of primary auditory cortex 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 kHz in primary auditory cortex Base=1600 Hz Apex=25 Hz Creates tonotopical map in primary auditory cortex, different parts of temporal lobe are sensitive to different freuqenices

Growth rate

How much population grows or shrinks over period of time. (People added-people removed)/(starting population)*100% (Birth+Immigration-death-emigration)/(starting population)*100% (Current-initial)/initial * 100% Positive growth rate means bigger population than before

Intensity of somatosensation

How quickly neurons fire, cold=low intensity, hot=high intensity


How religious a person is


How someone thinks about/perceives/evaluates themselves Same as self-identity, self-awareness

Past-in-present Discrimination

How things done in past, even if no longer allowed, still have consequences/face discrimination After desegregate schools, legal for blacks to attend white schools, but still discriminated against

Social Scripts/Behaviorial script

How to behave in a situation, expected behavior in a situation Violent video games, think that should violent when argument Lash out at someone when arguing

Master gland in body



Hytothalmus sends it

I vs. Me

I is spontaneous, autuonomous, Identity, i is the subject, response to the Me Me is formed with interaction with others and social environment, conforMEing, Me is object, how person thinks other people see him

Intensity of sound wave

I=density of medium*f^2*amplitude^2*velocity of wave in medium


Ideas and practices spread from well known to not well observed Spread of invention, discovery, or ideas from one place to another Captalism, democracy, religious beliefs spreading, music, phone technology, computer softward spreading Exploration, military consequest, missionary work, mass media, tourism, internet McDonald's in Asia, Nike in Japan, Spanish language, ALS ice bucket challenge Result of economic globalization (good thing) Spread scientific innovations, culture Good thing about econ

Non-material/symbolic culture

Ideas, values, beliefs, tend to resist change

Reciprocal Altruism

If interact with person more than once, more likely to be cooperative/altruistically More obligated to help someone if they've helped us Also expect future reward if we helped someone

Strain Theory

If person is blocked from obtaining goal, frustrated/strained and turn to deviance to achieve that goal Increased access to illegal, not legitimate ways means to achieve success

Modeling is same as another term

Imitation, mirror neurons


Immigrate/emigrate for political reasons

Interference effect

Irrelevant information interfering with recall

Higher mental functions according to Vygotsky

Independent learning and thinking Higher mental functions=cognition Solve puzzle as kid, hard, parent gives you tips and strategies, second timea round, you internalize and do them on your own

Self stigma

Individual internalizes (social stigma) negative stereotypes prejudices, and discrimination, feel rejected by society, avoid interacting with society Basically feel effects of social stigma

FAE occurs more in (individualistic/collectivist) cultures

Individualistic, Western Europe/American Success=internal, failure=external Collectivist: Africa, Asia, East Europe Success=environment Failures=internal

Dependency Theory

Inequalities between countries Periphery/3rd world countries export resources to core countries (first world) Poor will remain poor, remain dependent, don't have means to become a developed nation, not because they are in earlier stage of development, they can't develop into first world country, their economy integrated into world economy as underdeveloped countries

Conflict Theory

Inequalities between different groups Karl Marx: Fedualism, capitalism, socialism Class consciousness (Karl Marx): lower class realized they were being exploited, overthrow status quo Thesis: Generally accepted state rich ran factories, working class did labor Antithesis/reaction: Opposed the accepted state Class consciousness, push back of those unhappy with thesis/current situation Thesis and antithesis can't exist Thesis=happy existing Antithesis=looking for change Leads to synthesis/compromise: Creation of new state, will become new thesis Thesis is always more powerful party Antithesis always opposes thesis Mostly economic issues, doesn't explain stability, how society is held together (unity) Models drastic change well Equal rights, women's suffrage movements, resulted in synthesis and new thesis

Oral, inhalation, injection (fastest to slowest drug routes)

Injection (intravenous)>Inahlation>Oral/pills (go through GI tract) Also order of addiction Faster route of entry=more addictive potential, more dependent Transdermal: Through skin absorbed,nicotine patch, slowly, have to be absorbed through skin Intramuscular: Needle stuck into muscle, can be fast or slow Epipen=fast, open up airways during allergic reaction Slow=vaccine, arm gets score Fastest intramuscular is faster than intravenuous

Complex behavior

Innate and learned behaviors Birds start to fly, genetically programmed, but can get better over time

Instincts/Innate learning

Innate behaviors: Taxis, kinesis, FAP (mating), migration, circadian rhythm (waking up early to sing, biological clock) Performed correctly 1st time in response to stimulus Innate learning=instincts, hard-wired

Primary reinforcers

Innately/basic/primal satisfying need, food, water, sex


Institutions designed for particular purpose, collective goal, want maximum efficiency

Loudness/intensity level is measure of what


Retroactive interference

Interference that goes backward Learning new stuff interferes with old stuff

Proactive Interference

Interference that goes forward Old stuff interferes with trying to learn new stuff


International Classifical of diseases, from WHO

Person comes from wealthy family but loses all of his money. THIs is an example of Intergenerational or intragenerational mobility

Intragenerational mobility (within an individual's lifetime and due to own actions, not ancestors). Intergenerational mobility affects multiple generations as ancestors' actions affect current generations

Xenocentrism (xeno=foreigners)

Judging another culture to be superior to own culture


Laws of dominant society is violated, expectations and values strongly disagree with values from larger society Subculture that rejects some of larger culture's norms and values, develop own norms to live by Mormons believe in polygamy Polygamy: more than one spouse Polygyny: more than one wife Polyandry: multiple husbands Amish: Religious, simple lifestyle, no technology

Social Facilitation

Leads to most dominant response, for easy/practiced/learned tasks, it improves, for hard/difficult/novel tasks, it gets worse (because more anxiety, yerkes-dodson)

Poverty Magnet

Leads to social exclusion, dragged out of society, into periphery


Learned tendency


Learning norms and values, social expectations of society, culture, values, beliefs about acceptable behavior and values

Latent Learning

Learning without explicit change in behavior, Learned beavhior not expressed until required


Leaving out of a country

Right side of body is controlled by (right/left) side of brain

Left side

Ethnic minority

Less than 1/2 of total population (sometimes), treated differently due to some characteristic, can be absorbed into majority after 1-2 generations Treated differently because of cultural or physical characteristic Women are minority (even though >50% of population)


Libido is part of it, life drive

Phototransduction cascade

Light hits rod/cone (usually on), turned off, bipolar cell (usually off), now on, turns on retinal ganglion cell, goes to optic nerve and brain Optic discs inside rod, stacked on top of each other Lots of proteins on disc (rhodopsin/photopsi/coneopsin), contains retinal (11-cis retinal)

Meissnher's corpuscle

Light stretch, light touch, flutter (for non-hairy skin) hairy skin=hair follicle receptor

Caste System

Little social mobility Role determined by family you're born into and who you marry, lots of stability


Locus Coerulus in pons releases it, also ANS but less so than acetylcholine (look this up)

Personality Disorders

Long term mental and behavioral features, outside of accepted societal norms A: Weird B: Wild: C: Worried

Mood/depressive disorders

Long-term emotion=mood, not related to events Mood is subjective epxerience people has of their emotions Mood (how someone says they feel) becomes affect (how emotional state) is displaced to others) (person crying)


Look at what happens in brain as people speak, write, think

Group foraging

Look for food in groups, can lead to competition within group is food is scarce Lions, but can take down more larger and more prey if work together

Feature Detection

Looking at object, break it down into component features to make sense of what you're looking at "Care for more" (Waitress has nice features) Color: Trichromatic theory Form: Physical boundaries and hsape Parvocellular Pathway (parvo pathway): Pink pyramid (form, shape, spatial resolution, boundaries, color) cones responsible Motion: Magnocellular pathway (magno pathway) High temporal resolution (time, motion), poor spatial resolution, no color (rods responsible)

Conversion Disorder

Looks like neurological symptoms only (speech, swallowing, seizures, paralysis) Neurological disorders that are incompataible with any known neurological or mental condition, can't eplxain symptoms based on test or clinical exam

Neurocognitive DIsorders

Loss of cognitive or other functions of brain after nervous system has developed Delirium: Reversible episode of cognitive, higher brain problems, many causes (drugs, stuff in blood, infections) Dementia: irreversible, progressive (AD or stroke)

Emotional Support

Love, trust, affection caring Listening and emphasizing Physical support (hugs, puts on back) Friends, family, those closest to you

Stationary/Constrictive/contractive population pyramid

Low birth and death rates Developed countries More older people Higher dependency ratio Australia, Japan, Morocco


MRI image, but look at which structures are active. Neurons active require oxygen, measuring amounts of oxygenated vs. deoxygenated blood in brain. Composite of several MRI changes, registering changes (shows activity as colored areas over MRI), slow but high resolution of soft tissue like brain Useful for brain activity levels of different parts of brain, brain function studies

Social Reproduction

Maintain social inequality across generations, if you're rich, your parents were probably rich Due to social, cultural, financial capital

Lesion studies/experimental ablation

Make brain lesions/destroying itissue in order to observe behavior change in animals, not done in humans! Tissue removal: Surgical removal, surgical aspiration (suck out brain tissue), or severe nerve with scapel (less invasive, destroy brain tissue in place) Radiofrequency lesions: Destroy tissue in surface of brain and eep inside brain. Wire is inserted in brain to determine the area, pass high freqeuncy current, heats and destroys tissue, destorys cell bodies and axons Neurochemical Lesions: More precise, excitotoxic lesions (excitotoxins are chemicals that bind to glutamtae repceotrs, cause influx of calcium, too much excitement, kills neuron) Kainic acid: Destorys cell bodies, doesn't influence axons Oxidopaine (6-hydroxydopamine) destroys dopamien and NE neurons, models Parkinson's disease, destroys substantia niagra neurons Cortical cooling (cryogenic blockade) invovles cooling down neurons until stop firing Cryoloop: Implamented between skull and brain, it's reversible, so knock out nerves, see effect, then brain animal to normal functioning Temporay lesions via neurochemical means: Mucimol bind to GABA receptors and inhibit them

Middle Ear

Malleus to stapes (Three ossicles, smallest bones in body)


Many metropolises connected (urban complex of 44 million people in NYC area from Boston to Washington D.C.)


Many types of discrimination (sex/gender/culture/race) Multiple forms of discrimination at same time Black woman who is Buddhist Double, triple jeopardy Compounds, even more at a disadvantage Person's place in society hierarchy is determined by social class, gender, race and ethnicity

Somatosensory Homunculus

Map of your body in brain. Sensory Strip. Topological map of entire body in the sensory cortex (parietal lobe) Info from body all ends up in somatosensory cortex, diffferent ares of body have signals that go to different areas of this strip Touch different parts of cortex and stimulate them, patient would say they feel it in their hand. If removing brain tumor, want to make sure they aren't removing parts involved in sensation, lose sesnation in those areas Stimulate this part of humunuculus, as if touching wrist More "strip" is dedicated to parts of bod more sensitive to tough (hands, fingers0


Marijuana/Cannabis, also depressant and hallucinogen, stimulant Depresssant: Removes inhibitions, imapirs motor and coordination and perceptual skills (like alcohol) Disrupt memory Up to a week Medication to relieve pain and nausea (not opiod though)

Maternal mortality rate

Marker for healthcare systems Rate at which mothers die during childbirth

Gender identity

Masculine/feminine, what they identify as, behaviors, roles activities in society Social construction, not fixed, varies across time and place, fluid, subject to social processing Cis-gender: Same biological sex and gender identity Trans-gender: Biological sex and gender identity don't match Gender Queer: Don't identify as male or female Agender: Reject gender categories Gender Fluid: Moving across genders Nonbinary: Not identifying with any specific gender Third gender: Cultures that recognize non-binary gender Man, woman, transgender, intersex, masculinity, femininity

Surveys limitation

May give dishonest answers

What are the fast sensory receptors

Mechanoreceptors (position, vibration, touch) Large axons, large diameter, thick myelin sheath, myelinated, thick Touch can be fast or slow, fine touch is fast neurons, less precise is slow neurons

A delta fibers

Medium fibers, smaller diameter, less myelin (pain after touch hot stove after removing hand


Megnetoencephalogram Better resolution than EEG, rare, need large machine and special room Records magnetic fields produced by electric currents in brain, measured by using SQUIDS (Superconducting quantum interference device), invasive


Men are governing body as heads of families and communities

Men vs. Women

Men do well in school=intelligence, prioritize job=good, live shorter time, take more risks, likely to get heart disease (high stress), less psychological illness Women do well in school=work hard, prioritize job=looked down up, live longer, likely to get psychological illness


Mental Shortcut

Somatic/Physical Symptom Disorder

Mental disorders manifest in physical symptoms May or may not be able to explain the physical condition, may or may not be related to physical conditon Can be any symptom

Somatic Symptom Disorders

Mental disorders worsen physicla symptoms or lead to own physical symptoms


Mental map


Meth, stimulant


Method for attitude/behavior change ELM for persuasion is attitude change

Symbolic Interactinism

Microsociology, small-scale view Society=buildup of everyday interactions How shared meaning established Subjective meanings people believe to be true Humans ascribe meanings to things, and act towards things based on their meanings George Herbert Mead Language allows people to generate meaning through interactions, humans modify meanings to thought processes Herbert Blumer We act based on meaning we give to something Different people assign different meanings to same things. We give meanings to things based on social interactions Meaning we give something isn't permanent, can be changed Ex: Tree, I think it's shade, so sit under it Other person thinks ants, doesn't sit under it I feel ants on back, modify meaning Ignores total societal forces that change people's lives Interaction, interpretation




Midbrain, pons, medulla


Midbrain, pons, medulla Medulla: Heart beat/breathing, automatic activity of heart and lungs Reticular formation: Neurons scattered throughout brainstem, respiration, digestion, autonomic functions, lower/higher functions, sleep/wake cycle, filters stuff and sends info to thalamus, arousal, awareness Reticular Formation: Arousal, sleep/wake, awareness, motivation Long tracts: Collection of axons connecting cerebrum and brainstem, UMNs and somatosensory are two examples Cranial nerves: Most cranil nerves attached to brainstem, there are 12 pairs


Minority group absorbed into majority


Minority groups segregated and exploited


Molly, ecstasy, stimulant and hallucinogen

Financial capital

Money and assets, property

MDMA is stimulant, increases monoamines, what effect on sleep and latency to sleep (increase/decrease)

Monoamines usually epi and dop. Excitatory on CNS, so increase monoamines=stimulus, decrease sleep, increased latency to sleep


More info available to public, less religion

Partial reinforcement schedule is better why

More resistant to extinction than continuous reinforcement, continuous reinforcement becomes less reinforcing over time

Secondary deviance

More serious consequences, stigmatizing label, severe negative reaction to it You take steroids but whole team doesn't take steroids, they treat you like cheater


More than cones, movement, periphery vision, night, light/dark, mostly periphery, slow recovery time 120 M rods, 1000x more sensitive to light Slow recovey time (still see bright lights after lights shut off), takes a while to adjust to dark, rods need to be reactivated, takes a while to adjust to light

Life-table/mortality table

Mortality rate by age. Tells you infant mortality or old age deaths


Most common excitatory neurotransmitter RAS: (conscisouness) has projections of glutamate into cerebral cortex Increased cortical arousal


Mostly cones, some Rods Center of macula is fovea, all cones, no roda


Motivations associated with pleasure, or release from displeasure, don't have to be bad (desire to drink water)

Frontal Lobe

Motor control, decision making, LTM storage, top-down processing

Frontal Lobe

Motor cortex, prefrontal cortex (executive function, direct other areas of brain), Broca's area

Basal Ganglia

Motor functions, also cognition and emotion


Move from rural to urban areas Industrial revolution, losing jobs on farms due to machines/technology, move to cities to find work/housing Improved utilities (power, water, transmit) and building More job opportunities, better options/services for education, healthcare, etc.

Internal migration

Move within same country, urbanization for example

Suburbanization/urban sprawl/suburban sprawl

Movement away from cities to get larger home, to suburbs Cities spreading out Commuter longer, harder to get quick medical help Suburbs can become independent of cities Atlanta


Movement/behavioral of body Teach yourself to move in a way to complete a task If I life my arms up, I will catch the ball Behavioral, movement


Moving into a country

Dissociaitve Identity Disorder

Multiple Personalities disorder Child abuse or extreme life stressor Extremely rare, just movies


Natinoal origin, distinct cultural patterns Shared social experiences or ancestry, socially constructed Puerto Rican, Japanese, Japanese, Jews

Transformationalist Perspective

National governments are changing and transforming, world is changing, outcome unknown


Neural Transformation of multiple neural signals into perception

Gray Matter

Neuron cell bodies Spinal cord: Grey inside, white outside


Neurons die, cortex shrinks, memory loss, can't retrieve or encode recent memories, difficulty short term memory Early stages, short term memory difficult, can still remember childhood, know how to use stuff, remember general information (procedural memory) episodic memory, semantic memory More severe difficulties with language, lose childhood memories, can't recognize people Initially STM issues, then LTM issues (episodic, procedural, semantic memory loss) Amyloid plaques (beta-amyloid protein) (outside cells, space between cells), NFT (hyperphosphorylated TAU) (inside cells) , loss of neurons Shrunk, atrophy, cerebrum decreased in size Disease terminal, progressive Anterograde and retrograde amnesia


Neutral type of stress, exposed to something stressful but doesn't actively or directly affect you. Natural disaster news on other side of world


No abnormalities in brain Decrease activity in limbic and fronal lobes More cortisol Raphe nuclei/sertonin Locus coerulus/Norepinephrine VTA/dopamine Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (increase monoamines in synapse) Monoamines: Epi, NE, dopa, serotonin, melatonin (darkness) Catelcholamines (2 OH's on phenyl, from tyrosine)=dopamine, NE, Epi Childhood abuse stressful events, limited social support, genetics 13% of men, 22% of woman Genetic, lower reward circuit activity Learned helplessness Cognitive distortions (negative thought pattern) Attribution: Internal causes, friend doesn't call you back because you're stupid, not because he's busy Bad grade=I'm stupid, not teacher made hard test Co-rumination/empathy: If you hang around depression people, get depression Low SSES, social isolation, childabuse, internalization of prejudice

Primary deviance

No big consequences, doesn't affect self-esteem, doesn't feel immoral/wrong Person takes steroids, but whole team takes steroids

Correct rejection

No, absent


No, present

What are the slow receptors

Nociception and thermoception Small diameter axons

Gate control theory of olfaction

Nociception theory. Non-painful input closes gate to painful input, so pain sensation can't ravel to CNS Fast blocks slow

Timing of somatosensation

Non adapting: AP fires at constant rate, throughout time stimulus is applied Slow-adapting: Neuron fires at beginning of stimulus, slowly calms down/adapts (Tonic receptors) Fast-adapting: Neuron fires at beginning of stimulus, then stops, then starts firing when stimulus stops (Phasic receptors0

Cultural capital

Non-financial social assets, education, intellect, dress, physical appearance, how you talk, practices (crochet, golf), knowledge Foreign languages Knowledge, skills, educations, associated with difference in social status Rich people all do these kinds of things, you can connect with rich epople


Opening in middle of iris Gets bigger when dark, also SNS Gets smaller when light, PNS

Assortative Mating

Non-random mating, people with certain phenotypes/genotypes/similarities/genes/physical appearance tend to mate with each other with higher frequency Large animals mate with large animals But could result in inbreeding, increase likelihood of recessive, homozygous traits passed to offspring Best, helps increase inclusive fitness of organism

Gender Differences

Norms, socialization, different roles/expectations, different characteristics of masculinity and femininity, punished if break norms

Social Facts

Norms, values, institutions

Anorexia nervosa

Not eating enough food

Parkinson's disease

Not enough dopamine in substantia nigra Progressive neurological disorder Motor abnormalities and mental dysfunction Slowed movements, tremor, increased muscle tone, abnormal walking, balnace issues (falls) Muscles stiff, tremor Lose dopaminergic neurons in SN SN is part of basal ganglia (motor functions) Loss of neurons projecting to striatum--->motor abnormalities Lewy Bodies: Abnormal structures, alpha-synuclein clumps (this protein is normally present) Do these kill dopamineric neurons, or somethign kills neurons and these are formed? Advanced stage: Wide spread neuronal loss, lewy body depositions throughout cortex Lewy Body Disease: Mostly cognitive issues, less abnormalities from basal ganglia dysfunction, seaprate from parkinson's


Obey orders/follow orders/obey authority, no cognitive component Positive; Firefighter says don't enter building Negative: Holocaust


Often causes whole class of stimuli to be enhanced as well. Repetition of painful stimulus may make one more responsive to loud noise

Disengagement Theory

Older adults and society separate, become more absorbed as they age, separation allows for self-reflection Says that elderly people still involved in society are not adjusting well Aging is inevitable, mutaul withdrawl/disengagement, decreased interaction of old person and social system he belongs to. Natural and acceptable for person to withdraw from society Opposite of activity theory Mutual withdrawal of person and society Loss of roles, dismissed from society, transfer of power from one generation to next


Olfactory epitehlium (olfactory sensory cells) Separtaed from brain using cribiform plate (piece of bone) Olfactory sensory cells drndrites/nerve endings have receptors on them, specific to 1 type of molecule, molecule binds, causes cell to fire, AP end up in olfactory bulb. All cells sensitive to benzene (one type of molecule) will fire to one location in olfactory bulb called glomerulus (designation point for various sensory olfactor cells that are sensitive to same molecule) Acetone glomerulus Benzene glomerulus Double benzyene glomerulus At glomerulus, receptors synapse on Mitral/tufted cell that projects to brain, Lots of olfactory sensory cells synapsing on one mitral/tufted cell, then to brain (amygdala) Molecule binds to GPCR, G-protein dissociates, binds to ion channel, depolarizes, causes AP, activates mitral/tufted cell, to amygdala, to olfactory/piriform cortex 100's of different olfactory sensory cells sensitive to particular molecules, send projections to one glomerulus corresponding to 1 type of moleucle, every one glomerulus has one mitral/tufted cell

Iron rule of oligrachy

Oligrachy: small group of people have power and control of country, organization, or institution No matter how democratic the organization is, will eventually be ruled by few people, more bureaucratic over time because conflict theory (people in power want to stay in power), also people in power maybe more intelligence, more skills, so more valuable

Master Status

One status that dominates other statuses that a person might hold

Negative priming

One stimiulus decreases reaction time to another stimulus Ex: Always looking for red pen, then look for blue pen, takes longer time

Positive priming

One stimulus increases reaction time to another time


Only cones, no rods, where dimple is


Opiates=natural (T=tree=natural) Opiods=synthetic Narcotics=sleep inducing, same thing as opiods, because opiods are like depressants Decrease CNS function, decrease HR/BP, relaxation, sleep (used to treat pain and anxiety) But acts on endorphins, depressants act on GABA receptors Analgesic (reduce perception of pain) Can lead to euphoria Mimics endorphins Vasodilator, pupil constriction Die by respiratory failure






Opiod, also helps people addicted to opiods Acts at endorphins, but acts slower, dampens high, eases withdrawal, if try to take heroine, can't, methadone bound at endorphin sites



Structural Oppression

Opression and inequality due to capitalism, racism, patriarchy Conflict theory Men=mind Women=body Language is gendered (policeman, fireman)

Optic discs

Optic discs stacked on top of each other in every rod/cone, has proteins called rhodopsins (rods) or cone opsins/photopsins (cones) In proteins, there is retinal (11-cis retinal), light hits, makes it into 11-trans retinal/a;ll-transretinal Retinal changes chape, rhodopsin changes shape 1. 11-cis retinal-->all-trans retinal in rhodopsin 2> Shape change in retinal-->shape change in rhodospin-->transducin (alpha,beta, gamma subunit) leaves rhodopsin, activated 3. Transducin alpha activates PDE 4: PDE converts cGMP to GMP 5. GMP binds to Na+ channel and closes them, so hyperpolarization, cell turned off cAMP keeps channnels open, turned on Bipolar cells: Rods turned off, on center bipolar cells active, which turns on retinal ganglion cells, sends signal to optic nerve in brain

Demand characteristics

Subjects change behavior to match what they think experimenter wants to see

Which demonstrates an organizational change in the context of child abuse diagnosis and prevention? A) Adding pediatric subspecialty in child abuse pediatrics B) Increase in research on child abuse since the article C) Passage of state laws in 1960s that mandate child abuse reporting D) Continued debate over how to understand the problem of child abuse

Organization: Group with identifiable membership that engages in concerted action to achieve common purpose Proliferation of knowledge is not organizational change (B) Political mobilization and legal change is not organizational change Public discourse/discussion is not organizational change Pediatrics is an organization


Organizations more laws, more policy customer service, go through 12 menu policies before reach someone to help you

Impression Management

Our attempt to control how others see us in the front stage Multiple scripts for you as an actor, multiple front stages, play different front stage role every time Football team captain (get people fired up, yelling, beast mode!), volunteers at hospital (nice, quiet, caring), need to get rec letter from professor (act professional, wear suit and tie) Backstage: work on front stage impression management Put on-makeup, different outfits, training area for impression management Multiple front stages, one back stage Impression management=different actors/different front stages for different situations


Outermost part of eye, bends light the most, anterior part

Length of PTSD symptoms

Over 1 month


Overgeneralizing Thought/cognition to group of people Cognition

TrpV1 Receptor

Pain and tempeature same receptor Heat and pain (change in T) causes conformational change in protein Cell is poked hard (hand pokes needle) cells broken up, release different molecules that bind to Trpv1 receptor, causes conformational change, activates cell, sends signal to brain Capsaicin binds to TrypV1 receptor in tongue, same response

What is frustration aggression hypothesis? A) Keeping IV in study 1 with the addition of telling participants that the child they are helping or hurting is the same sex or opposite sex b) Replacing IV in study 1 with placing attractive toy in room and telling 1/2 of subjects they can't play with it

People more aggressive when frustrated B A is in-group/out-group bias

Reinforcement Modeling (agression)

Parents who give into demands of child during temper tantrums-->more tantrums in past Reinforcement, tantrum, don't need to eat vegetables, so do it again Also parents yell/hit each other, child pick up model that aggressive behavior

What sensory processing does parietal, occipital, and temporal lobe do?

Parietal: Somatosensory cortex: Occipital: Visual information Temporal: Auditory and olfactory

Adaptive Associations

Part of natural world, easier to learn these associations, not easy to learn associations that were not Called Adaptive associations, learned faster than ones with no biological value Ex: Phobias, develop phobias that impacted our ancestors, not ones that are dangerous to us Height, snakes, spiders, avoid food that made you sick, evolutionary advantageous to have these phobias so passed on But no phobias against cars, even though more dangerous

Upper motor neurons

Pass through cranial nerves, control muscles of head and neck Control the LMN's Synapse on LMNs in brainstem and spinal cord, UMN's are found in cerebal cortex UMN start in cerebal cortex, axons travel down through braintsem, meets spinal cord, most of theses axons cross and traevl down other side until reach LMN: Corticospinal tract If goes to brainstem: Corticobulbar tract UPN signs: Hyperreflexia: Muscle spindle receptors activated, without periodic stimulation of LMNs by UMNs, hyerpseensitve, get bigger reflex Clonus: Rhytmic contractions of antagonist muscle: Foot goes involuntariyl up and down, cause is hyperreflexia Hypertonia: Increased tone of skeleta muscles, increased muscle tension, decreased muscle stretch Extensor Plant Response: Scrap along bottom of foot, should be flexor (toes come down on object), toes extend up here though

Gender Inequalities

Patriarch society, women private sphere at home, less pay


Peer pressure, change attitudes, beliefs, opinions, behaviors, thinking (cognition) to align with group. Necessary for group to function normally Positive (see people running out of building, conform to behavior and run away) Negative (peer pressure to to drugs)

Kin Selection

People act more altruistically to close kin than distant kin/non-kin People share last names Morphing faces, trust that person more Evolutionary advantages

Empathy-Alturism Hypothesis

People are altruistic due to empathy Starts early in development If baby starts to cry when other baby cries, more empathy, more altruistic

Gender Schema

People are gendered by society Sex-linked characteristics are maintained and transmitted to other members of society What constitutes men/female characteristics, stereotypes ingrained in society Cognitions regarding what constitutes sexual identity/role Children learn about what it means to be male or female from culture, they then change their behavior to fit with gender norms and expectations of society Generation to generation, gendering people, how people learn stereotypes/gender roles from generation to generation and throughout their life General description/collection of events

Rural Rebound

People get sick of cities, moving back out to rural areas People looking for simpler/slower life, move to scenic rural areas

Social Constructionism

People shape reality/knowledge through social interactions/agreement Social products, made of values of society Social Construct: Everyone agrees to treat it one way, regardless of inherent value (money) Knowledge/reality is not real, exists because everyone is society agrees on them Nations, books, the self (identity created by interactions with other people) Weak Social Constructionistism: Social constructs are dependent on Brute facts: Most basic and fundamental facts, what explains quarks Physical realities that exist outside of human input Institutional facts: c Created by social conventions, rely on other facts Only exist as a function of society's structures and beliefs Money depends on the paper we have given value Strong social constructionism: All of reality is dependent on language and social habits no knowledge is real, all social constructs, no brute facts We created idea of quarks and how to explain it, no facts that just exist Only human thoughts or actions explain reality, not fundamental brute facts Doesn't consider effects of natural phenomenon on society, difficulties explaining natural phenomenon (brute facts) Berger and Luckman Everything is created from mind of society Stereotypes

Third Person Effect

People think that mass media has greater effect on other people than it has on them

Continuity Theory

People try to maintain same basic structure throughout their lives overtime. As they age, people make decisions to maintain structure and use it to adapt to external changes and internal changes of aging. Older generations continue to age and adapt, society has to adapt with hem, maintain save activities, behavior, relationships, as early in life Homeostasis Older adults try to maintain same activities, behavior, relationships as they did earlier in life Life course approach Micro level, pertains to individual, functionalist, tries to stay in equilibrium/homeostasis Internal structure: Beliefs, personality, ideas remain constant External relationship: Relationships, social roles provides support for maintaining stable self concept and lifestyle

Anti-Malthusian Theorem

People won't die, population can continue to grow

Birth rate, Death/mortality rate, Immigration rate, emigration Rate

Per 1000 people, per year

Social Selection

Peron's health can influence social mobility. Social conditions can affect reproductive rates of people

Gender Dysphoria

Person ID as different gender than what society represents them as

Social Identity Theory parts

Personal Identity: unique to each person, personality traits Social identity: Groups you belong to in your community, emotional significant tied to this 1. Categorization of people 2. Identification with group you're in, take on norms, emotional significance, roles 3. Social comparison CIC theory

If physical injury, it was probably caused by what

Physical injury 4 groups mice 1. Mice with sugar water (+ something that made them sick in water) + tones and lights, then given sugar water only (no tones/lights)-->taste aversion 2. Mice with sugar water (+ something that made them sick in water) + tones and lights, then given tap water + tones/lights, drink water 3. Mice with sugar water (normal) + tones and lights and shock, then tap water and tones and lights, don't drink (because think that environment/tones and lights are causing shock), aversion to even tap water 4. Mice with sugar water (normal) + tones and lights and shock, then sugar water + no tones and lights, fine, drink, environment changed, sweet water didn't cause harm


Physical or verbal behavior intended to harm

Order of sound wave

Pinna (pins, blood) (Ear flap), external auditory meatus/auditory canal, tympannic membrane (Eardrum), malleus, incus, stapes (hammer, anvil, stirup) (these 3 are ossicles) Stapes attached to oval/ellipitical window, vibrates back and forth, gets vibrates, pushes fluid and causes it to go around cochlea At tip/inner most part of circle is, fluid goes back out to the round/circular window, when fluid goes out DOesn't go back to oval window because organ of corti/tecotrial membrane/basial membrane is in middle of cochlea Hair cells (cilia), fluid push back and forth in cochlea, electric impulse is transported to auditory nerve in brain This fluid is perilymph

Outer ear

Pinna to tympanic membrane (including eardrum)


Pons, medulla, cerebellum

Environmental Justice

Poor, more environmental burden, airports, waste facilities, factories, more obesity, asthma, less environmental benefits (gyms, healthy nutrition, etc.) Fair distribution of environmental benefits and burden

Exogeous/external cues to attention

Pop out effect, loud noises, bottom-up processing, bright colors



Status/social status

Position in society Son, student, friend


Position, vibration, touch, pressure receptors (baroreceptors), sound waves


Position/balance, sense of where body is in space Semicircular canals Cognitive awareness of body in space, subconscious, not always thinking about it Also some in muscles: Spindle (receptor/sensory) in muscles send signals up to spinal cord and brain, spindle has protein that is sensitive to stretching Muscle contracts, spindles contract/stretches, so can tell how contracted or relaxed every muscle is Cognitive, balance/position


Positive or negative Emotion/Affective Prejudice is an attitude Affective Behavioral (tendency to discriminate) Cognitive I don't like city people because they're dity


Positon Emission Tomography: Not deailed structure, but can combien with MRI or CCAT scan for that. Inject glucose into cells, see what parts of brain are more active (more active=use glucose) More invasive, 3D images of tracer [] within the body are constructed with protein Swallow radioactive tracer, shows activity, low resolution Cancers and metasis

Baby Boomers

Post WWII, 1945-1965 born, moving out of work force


Potential reproductive capacity of females, how many children a woman could have, never reached because birth control, economic reasons, etc.

In-group biases

Preferential biases because share identity


Previously normal human conditions get defined as medical conditions, studied, diagnosed, treatment Sadness/attention (mental health sisues) overdiagnosed depression and ADD can't focus does not mean ADD depression does not mean sad Everything has medical fix Pregnancy: C-section Beauty: Plastic surgery

In group vs. primary group

Primary group=closest friends and family, love, emotional support, love ('family comes first) In-group=shared identity, belong because same nationality, religion, ethnicity, etc.


Private ownership of production, market economy, supply and demand, profits motivated

Educational Segregation/stratification

Property taxes fund schools, residential segregation of education

Middle class

Professionals, lower middle class=blue collar Upper middle class=white collar

Pull and push factors

Pull promotes moving to new area Push promotes leaving old area

Authoritarian parenting (punishment or discipline)


Race and thenic groups

Racial and ethnic minority groups have bigger families, less access to healthcare, higher incarceration rates, lower paying jobs, higher school dropout rates Mostly due to different access/education levels Not true for Asian americans


Racial and ethnic variation


Radical, reject values of outside society, when there's a breakdown of societal belief systems, short-lived, depend on inspirational leader who will only live so long


Radio waves, exposed to magnetic field Radio waves added to magnetic field, disrupts orientation of atoms, as atoms move back to alignment with magnetic field, they release signals and those are used to create image, doesn't tell us anything about brain function Much longer time, but better for brain


Raphe nuclei in midbrain/medulla Low levels-->Depression

Nativist language another term

Rationalist/biological/innate, Chomsky LAD, UG, critical/sensitive period (0-8/9) LAD only active during critical/sensitive period, then specialized for that language

Recency Bias

Recent actions most important than initial impression You're only as good as your last game


Reinforce norms, rewards/punishments for behaviors in accord with or against norms + sanction: Reward for conforming to norms - sanction: Punishment for violating norms Formal sanction: Officially recognized and reinforced Informal sanction: Unofficially recognized, no specific punishment


Released for LMNs and autonomic nervous system, nuclei are in frontal lobe called Basilis and septal nuclei released into cerebral cortex Help muscles contract

Reactionary/Regressive Movement

Resist change in society, social movement type


Respect/admiration, usually due to occupation


Result of economic globalization (bad thing) Workers abroad exploited, sweatshop conditions Outsourcing=get work from abroad, less jobs in core country Greater profits and more employment in host-countries (where jobs and moved to) That's why T&C have lots of political power, if you try to regulate them, they outsource

Economic Globalization

Results from global market competition for cheap labor (see Transnational corporations card)

Urban Renewal

Revamping old parts of cities to become better

Left side of visual field goes to (right/left) side of brain

Right side of brain


Rosd and cones in eye (light, visible wavelengths)


Rule by 1 person, type of authoritarian, no consent of citizens, obedience to authority


Rules, structures, rankings that guide organizations Doesn't mean red tape or lines, doesn't have to benegative


Same as Fads

False alarm

Same as false positive, yes, absent


Same as hysteria

Cultural Transmission

Same thing as socialization Learn culture, and passed from generation to generation

Neo Malthusian

Says birth control is answer Population increases exponentially 2, 4, 8, 16 Food increases arithmetically 1, 2,3 Will run out of food so need birth control

Ego depletion

Self-control is limited resource. Use a lot of it, can be used up, requires lots of E and focus for self control If use a lot of it one task, then later on, may give in to temptation because don't have self-control left Self control is a muscle, can be strengthened with practice, but fatigued/depleted with overuse

Marshmellow test tested what

Self-control, if wait 15 minutes, get another marshellow

Ego preservation

Self-serving bias failures due to external factors


Sensory functions


Separate addict from drug, initial period Flushes out toxins from body Nicotine, slowly, reduce cravings


Separate and not equal (to resources)


Serve some role in society, meet human needs Family, education, religion, politics Acutal phone case

Palliative care

Severe illness, provide quality of life


Sex, attracting mate, and after mating (nest building, feed young)

Paraphilic Disorders

Sexual arousal oto unusual stimuli

Sexual Orientation/Sexuality

Sexual attraction+Sexual fornication Norm is straight Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, queer


Shared way of life Knowledge, beliefs, values Artwork, language, literature Customs, knowledge behaviors, learned, socially transmitted Ideas, values, objects that are meaningful to group of people Ways of thinking, behaving, and feeling Allow people to gain meaning from object and ideas around them Rules/guidelines/instructions that guide and teach people how to live Learned, socialized Shaped from generation to generation Software on phone, constantly updated Rules/expectations for interacting with each other 1. In one society, people share culture 2. Culture is adaptive, evolves over time 3. Culture builds on itself, cumulative, ongoing 4. Culture is transmitted, socialization High Culture: Experiences and attitudes that exist in highest class, wealth, formality Normative culture: Values and behaviors in line with larger societal norms (avoidance of crime) Popular culture: Mainstream normative society, attending game, watching parade

Informational SUpport

Sharing information, giving advice, can cone from people or online


Sharing of culture, money, products, ideas, services, goods, information, people between countries due to international trade, transportation, communication Cause cultural and economic changes



Cost Signalling

Signals to others that person who's giving/altruistic has sources Increased trust in person who have helped others in past Signals that person is more open to cooperation Develop a reputation of being the nice guy, so more reciprocal altruism for you

Systematic processing

Similar to central processing

Heuristic processing

Similar to peripheral processing

Are thermoception and nociception fast or slow


C fibers

Small diameter, unmyelinated Lingering sense of pain


Smaller, established in protect of established church, break apart from churches Mormon/Amish

Ipsilateral senses

Smell and taste Don't synapse on thalamus Smell synapses on amygdala Smell bypasses thalamus, straight to temporal lobe, that's why memories Orbifrontal cortex is first place of integration

Companionship support

Social belonging, companionship while you engage in activity

Class System

Social mobility, background and education

Mass Society Theory

Social movements only form for people seeking refuge from main society, isolation-->join social movement Nazism, Fasicim, Stalinism People joined social movements were irrational, dangerous, dysfunctional People only join to satisfy psychological need for involvement Not really supported

Racial Formation Theory

Social, economic, political forces that result in socially constructed racial identities White, African American, Latin American, Asian groups


Socially accepted behavior, dependent on context, situation, location, historical circumstances, vary by country, change over time Fornal norm: Written down Informal norm: Understood, less precise, no specific punishment


Socially accepted behaviors (norms) of a social group/status


Socially accepted behaviors in a status/social group, how you perform in the status


Socially defined category based on (perceived) physical differences between groups of people 99.9% identical all humans, no genetic basis for race Changes, in 1800, looked white, but black ancestor, considered black Changes over time


Socially defined, defined by shared language, religion, nationalist, history, or some other cultural factor Shared culture and ancestry Shared language, history, or nationality Change over time

Gender Roles

Society gives them messages about proper behaviors, attitudes, activities of males and females, how they should behave and thick Societal norms, dictating what behaviors are acceptable, appropriate, desirable for person based on sex Socialization, parents, school, religious, media Worse for male to act feminine than female to act masculine Masculine roles more valuable (succeeding in job vs. taking care of family) Working mothers weird, stay at home dad weird

Ludwig Gumplowicz

Society shaped by war/conquest, cultural/ethnic conflicts causes certain groups becoming dominant over others Conflict theorist


Sociocultural development Social interactions!! Interaction with adults plays role in development of cognition Social interactions between children and adults around them (skillful tutor/model, someone older) Tutor=model Model behavior according to tutor Requires MKO (tutor), learner+MKO-->earning and higher mental functions (independence) Zone of proximal development (ZPD): Link between of can't do to can do Allows learner to use skills they already have and expand learning to things they can't do Part where most sensitive intsturction/guidance should be given by MKO Puzzle example: Guidance in zone, can't do puzzle-->can do puzzle, get more skills through learning Language: Adults transmit language to children through social interaction, language accelerates thinking, understanding Language and thought are separate, but later on get language, connect to cognition, they merge

Parietal Lobe

Somatosensory cortex (touch, pressure, pain), spatial manipulation (in 3D)

Internal/private speech

Speak out loud to themselves, most likely occurs in children More private speech-->more socially compentent


Specialized olfactory cues Dog pee to mark territory Chemical signal, released by 1 member of species, sensed by another species to trigger innate response Insects, mating, fighting, communication


Specific racial, ethnic, or religious minorities are concentrated, usually due to social or ecnomic inequalities


Spinal cord inhibitory NT's

Malthusian Theorem

Stage 5 of Demographic transition World run out of resources, global food shortages, don't have enough resources for everyone, high mortality rate, population will be forced to stabilize, starvation, people will die Constrictive pyramid, less young people

Activity Theory/Normal theory/implicit theory/lay theory

Stay busy, engage, active, maintain social interactions, participate in middle-aged roles=successful aging Looks at how older generation looks at themselves. Certain activities/jobs are lost, so these social interactions need to be replaced so elderly can be engaged and maintain moral/well-being Aging is delayed and quality of life better when old people socially active still




Stimulant, active ingredient in tobacco products


Stimulant, anesthetic, also hallucinogen

Higher order/second order conditioning

Stimulus 1st made meaningful or consequential for an organism through initial step of learning, then that stimulus is used as basis for learning about new stimulus Animal associate bell with food (1st order), then learn to associate light with bell (2nd order)


Stimulus substitution. Conditioning of an unwanted behavior or response to a stimulus into a wanted behavior or response by association of positive actions with the stimulus. Get rid of unwanted response, and replace it with new, wanted response. Treatment for aggression, fears, phobias Systematic desensitization is one type, aversive conditioning is another type

ROle exist

Stops engaging in a role previously central to their identity, must establish new identity Transition from worker with deadlines and responsibilities to retired person, leisure time


Strict Religious beliefs, too extreme-->social problems


Study of overt (observable, not necessarily obvious) animal behavior


Study of particular people and places

Internal Capsule

Subcorticla cerebrum (nuclei, deep in cerebrum) Internal capsule, many important pathways, corticospinal tract

What is bad about snowball sampling?

Subjects are linked through social networks, leading to sampling bias

Hawthorne effect/observer effect

Subjects change behavior because they are observed

Gender Oppression

Subordinated (lower in rank), abused


Successive approximations are each reinforced, part of operant conditioning, until reach target behavior

ANS system neurotransmitters

Sympathetic: Pre: Ach, Post: NE Para: Pre: Ach, Post: Ach

Somatic Symptom

Symptoms simliar to those that may occur to illness/physical, unrelated to mental disorder, but cause is psychological Abdominal pain because of stress, no physical signs

Token economy

System of behavior modifications based on systematic reinforcement of target behavior. Reinforcers are tokens that can be exchanged for other reinforcers (ex. prizes)

Culture Lag

Takes time for culture to catch up with technology, results ins social problems Material culture changes rapidly, non-material culture resists change Cars 1st invented, no speeding laws, no stop signs

Which characteristic (target, source, message) is most important

Target characterics because filters info (interested, motivated, importance) first in pre-processing stage Source characteristics=environment (venue) and speaker

When have cold, your sense of (blank) is wekened

Taste When eat, molecules travel up back of throat and some go into nose, so smell and taste used at same time when eating/tasting


Tendency to think in certain ways


Thin layer of cells, moisturize cornea from dust and debris, protects cornea, right inside eyelids

Taste aversion

Think get sick, was from your food, not environment

False Consensus Effect

Think that everyone agrees with you


Thoughts that occur repeatedly and involuntarily

Absolute Poverty

Threatens survival, don't have basic stuff, same no matter where you are $1-$2 a day Shelter, food, water When medium level of income rises, less people live in absolute poverty

Solitary foraging

Tigers, look for food by yourself

Permissive/Indulgent Parenting

Too lax, too lenient, few behavioral expectations for child

Tyrrany of choice

Too many choices, can negatively impact cognition and behavior Shopping for sperrys, take a long time, informatoin overload (overwhelmed), decision paralysis, increased regret over decision made Too much control is not good either


Too much dopamine Genetics and environment Diagnosed with clinical interview Antipsychotic medicine (haloperidol)-->decrease dopamine Positive Symptoms: Hallucinations (auditory most common, visual also common), delusions (false beliefs), psychosis, disorganized behavior, disorgznied speech/thinking, nonsensical spech Delusions of persectuion (they are out to get me) Delusions of reference (Random environmental event is believed to have special and personal meaning, person on TV is sending special message to them) Delusions of Grandeus: Famous or important figure like Jesus or Napoleon, or unusal powers (can fly) Delusions of control: Thourhgts controlled by outside, alien forces, insertion (someone planting thoughts inside my head) Negative symptoms: Decreased emotional expression, motivation, social behavior, enjoyment, Flat affect, Avolition (reduction in goal-directed ability, looks like disinterest, lose motivation), Alogia (poverty of speech, lessening of speech fluency and productivity, speaking less), catatonia (moving less), Anhedonia (no enjoyment) 1%, males and females equally Prodrome: Period of time before schizophrenia before symptoms are actually present Suicide, stop engaging in society, incarceration, homelessness Mesocortical limbic pathway affected Mesocortical: Midbrain (VTA) to frontal lobe Mesolimbic: Midbrain (VTA) to limbic Dysfunction in parts of frontal cortex that causes cognitive symptoms, limbic system causes negative symptoms, abnormal activity in temporal cortex causes positive symptoms

Endogenous/internal cues of attention

Top dowon processing, stop taht only makes sense to you, mouse pointer, Cocktail party effect

Somatosensory communication

Touch and movement (mating dance), body language, pair bonding, show teeth when threatened, perk ears when alarmed

Typical Antipsychotics (1st gen)

Treat positive symptoms but make negative symptoms worse, tranquizliers for example, lots of side effects Neuroleptics

Atypical Antipsychotics (2nd gen)

Treat positive symptoms, don't do anything to negative sympotms (no side effects), more risk of stroke, reduced side effects, more tolerable


Treated unjustly, encouraged to occupy gender based social roles (feminist theory)

5-6 and 8-9 year olds can both use accommodation about novel experiences (true/false)


Optic Chiasam

Two optic nerves from each eye Light from nasal side crosses optic chiasm Light from temporal does not cross optic chiasm

What is feature detection?

Type of visual processing which the visual cortex analyzes information including lines shapes and motion

Social Institutions

Universities, medicine, family, hospitals, schools, laws, religion, business, education, religioin, government, health, economy Still there after an individual is gone


Up regulation, opposite of sensory adaptation Light hits photoreceptor in eye, cause cell to fire, fires AP, connected to 2 cells, which fire AP, by time it hits brain, amplified

Hair cells in cochlea

Upper and lower membrane of organ of corti Tip links gets pushe dback and forth by endolymph mvoement, stretch open potassium channels, K+ flows into cells, then Ca2+ also flows in, AP, activates Spiral Gangion cell, then auditory nerve

Food deserts

Urban areas, no grovery stores, can't exericse, only fast food or gas -station, malnutrition, no gyms/playgrounds

Evolutionary Game Theory

Use of mathematical models to represent complex decision making in which the actions of other group members must be taken into account. Success of an individual in the "multiplayer game" depends not only on his or her own strategy but also on the strategies and decisions of the other "players". The most successful strategies result in greater fitness and will be favored by natural selection Those best fi to environment survive, pass genes onto offspring, more common those genes Predicts traits/behaviors based on evolutionary impact on grop

Coviration model

Used to explain behavior, assign whether external or internal disposition Consistency, distinctiveness, consensus High consistency-->internal disposition High distinctiveness, high consensus-->external disposition


Used to measure brain activity

Aversive conditioning/Aversion therapy

Used to stop behavior/habit that you want to break UCS (shock), UCR (Pain) Pair smoking (NS/CS) with shock, so every time want to smoke, you feel pain, even though no shock Form of counterconditioning

Scotopic vision

Very low levels of low light

Motivational Interviewing

Used to treat drug treatment, find intrinsic motivation for change, goal directed therapy Also can use CBT or group meetings (AA or Narcotics ananyomous)

Insight Learning

Using past skills, using math skills previously learned to solve new problem Aha!!! Moment

Extinction Burst

Usually operant conditioning, burst of activity during beginning of extinction procedure. Each time clap, get food. No clap, no food, so start to clap more before realizing no food, then stop clapping

Social stigma

Usually stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination Negative social label from society because of behavior or in some group

What kind of organization is a university? Utalitarian, coercive, normative

Utalitarian (get rewarded/paid for services)

# responses vs. time for 4 types of partial reinforcement schedules (most to least)

VR>FR>VI>FI Ratio>interval Variable>Fixed


VTA and substantia nigra, arcuate nucleus Low levels-->Parkinson's High levels-->Schizophrenia

This type is the best type of reinforcement

Variable Ratio, Gambling, in variable ratio average # of responses the same If fixed ratio was 5, then 3, 7, 6, 4, etc. for variable ratio

Upper class

Very wealthy businessman, family wealth

Occipital Lobe

Vision, also called "striate cortex)

Contralateral senses

Vision, hearing, touch All synapse on thalamus Somatosensory tracts: Deliver info to spinal cord, carries info to brain in one of the tracts, crosses to other side, goes to cerebrum

Means of production

Way we produce goods (factories and farms) Owned by wealthy, have lots of workers, class divide, hierarchy of upper/lower class

Similarity Bias

We don't befriend people who aren't like us

Garbage man vs. athletes

We value jobs that requires lots of specialization, education (doctors0, rather than whether essential or not Garbage man essential Athlete not esseential


Weakening of social and political power of religious organizations, decrease in religious involvement

Gender expression

What gender they express

SIck role

What society thinks you should do when sick 1 .Hurry up get better 2. Don't return or don't get better-->deviant and harmful to society

Gender Script

What we expect men and females to do, how we expect people to act when we interact with them, they should act according to script (conventions that we ascribe to their gender) So we meet girl for date, they should be soft spoken, and I should pay for the meal For specific event


When norm is violated, doesn't have to be negative, just behaving different from what society thinks is normal Vegetarian is deviant

Heinz dilemna

Wife dying of cancer, drug that can cure it, dont't have money, should you steal it? Kohlberg

Blind spot

Where optic nerve connects to retina No cones or rods

Intragerational mobility

Within one peron's lifetime, usually vertical

Education, housing, employment, politics

Without any of these, regulated to fringes of society


Working class, worth determined by ability to do manual labor

World Systems Theory

World is one unit, not individual countries 3 categories Core: Western Europe and U.S. Strong central government, independent of outside, economically diversified, industrialized, strong middle and working class, production of material goods, not raw materials Semi-periphery: India and Brazil Not dominant in international trade, but diversified/developed economy. Periphery countries moving up or core countries going down Periphery: Latin America and Africa Weak governments, depend on core countries and transnational corporations, narrow economic activity (1 type usually) usually raw material, high % of poor/uneducated people, strong upper class that controls most of economy, lots of inequalities Developed, developing, underdeveloped


Yes, present

Labeling Theory

behavior is deviant if people judged the behavior and labelled it as deviant, depends on what's acceptable in that society/subculture Steroids deviant in sports Not deviant in medicine

Total population increase rate

births+immigration/1000 ( per year) * population, then get population increase Growth rate (includes increase and death rate), can be negative if population decreasing

Phobic responses are acquired through (classical/operant)

classical conditioning

Visual Transmission

electrical activation of one neuron by another neuron


ideal self and real self have lots of overlap-->positive self concept When ideal self does not match real self, get incongruity


incidence of childbearing, natural ability of human beings to have babies

Covert behavior

not observable behavior







Most of retina is covered in ___


Sexual identity

sex, gender identity, attraction, fornication, gender expression 5 don't have to match

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