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Learning to stay focused in the present moment, without judgment, is the goal of:


The following are associated with Cyclothymic Disorder

Mood instability and reactivity in social interactions; The depression symptoms are likely to be the more problematic aspect of the disorder; It is often mistaken with Borderline Personality Disorder

Which form of treatment has been found to have a high level of effectiveness with antisocial personality disorder? (QUIZ 3)

None - Therapeutic communities; methadone; marriage therapy

In exposure and response prevention therapy, a person is exposed to ____ and prevented from participating in ____

Obsessional cues; rituals (compulsions)

All of the following are possible symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder...

Odd or peculiar appearance or behavior. Ideas of reference or bizarre perceptions. Paranoia or Suspiciousness

When treating someone with paranoid personality disorder, all of the following are recommended strategies for therapists...

Operating in a professional, straightforward, and honest manner; Giving clients a sense of control over the frequency and nature of treatment; Avoid doing things that would be perceived as intruding on the client's privacy.

Treatments for children with ADHD include...

Parent-Management Training; Behavioral interventions in the classroom; Medication management

The first-line treatment for children with mood disorders should involve ____ and ____

Psychotherapy; parent psychoeducation

A manic episode can include or lead to....

Psychotic symptoms; Hospitalization; Significant impairment in functioning

All of the following are characteristic of the diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder...

Refusal to sleep away from home; Nightmares involving a fear of separation; Excessive worry about a bad event happening, like being kidnapped, that would prevent the person from being with attachment figures.

This is NOT a DSM-5 communication disorder

Regressive communication disorder

Regarding the prognosis for bipolar disorder...

Relapse is almost assured even when treatment recommendations are followed; Prognosis is worse when multiple episodes have occurred or when the rapid cycling specified applies; Prognosis is worse when the person has a co-occuring substance use disorder

The following are DSM-5 communication disorders

Social (pragmatic) communication disorder; Speech sound disorder; Childhood onset fluency disorder (stuttering)

A necessary feature of any treatment for avoidant personality disorder is _______

Social Skills Training

Regarding ADHD and medication....

Stimulants are the most common medication used in the treatment of ADHD

This is a group treatment specific to BPD that combines CBT skills training with a systemic perspective. It has been shown to reduce depression, impulsivity, and overall functioning

Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS)

True or False: In general, treatment interventions for schizoaffective disorder will be similar to those for schizophrenia


True or False: Interpersonal therapy is particularly effective in bereavement-related depressive episodes and in the treatment of depression for the elderly population.


True or False: Major depressive disorder is the most frequently occurring debilitating disorder affecting people worldwide.


True or False: Self-directed treatments for agoraphobia have been found to be as effective as clinician-directed therapy (although attrition may be higher without a therapist).


True or False: Specific learning disorders in the DSM-5 include the domains of reading, written expression and mathematics


True or False: The DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing schizophrenia is the same for children and adults


True or False: The treatment for cyclothymic disorder is generally the same as that for other bipolar and related disorders.


True or False: Treatment for Tourette's and other tic disorders generally involves medication along with cognitive or behavioral therapy.


The "interpersonal and social rhythm therapy" approach for bipolar disorder emphasizes ...

The importance of circadian rhythms and establishing a stable/consistent daily routine and balanced lifestyle to more effectively manage one's moods

The following are characteristics of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)...

The presence of 5 or more premenstrual symptoms; The symptoms begin the week before menses and peak with the onset of menses; The symptoms must be severe enough to disrupt work, academics, or interpersonal functioning

It is not easy for those with narcissistic personality disorder to openly acknowledge:

Their vulnerabilities; Their mistakes/wrongdoings; Problems or difficulties they are facing.

The FDA has approved certain mood stabilizing and other medications for use with bipolar disorder. The role that these medications play in treatment can best be described as .....

These medications form the foundation of evidence-based practice for bipolar disorder and are used from the very beginning of treatment.

Adults with antisocial personality disorder most often enter therapy because...

They are court ordered to do so.

The following are characteristics of Persistent Depressive Disorder

Depressed mood plus 2 or more additional symptoms of depression; 2 or more years of depression symptoms for adults; 1 or more years of depression for children and adolescents

In this therapeutic approach for BPD, the therapist accepts and empathizes with the client's emotional pain while also challenging the person to develop better coping skills and reduce self-defeating behaviors. It has also been effective at reducing suicidal and self-harming behaviors.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

The most validated form of therapy for BPD is...

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

A common characteristic of those with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is...

Difficulty in regulating emotions; Instability of self-identity; Impulsivity (e.g., overeating, shopping, drug use)

General guidelines when treating those with schizoid personality disorder include all of the following...

Discussing the possible benefits of therapy and establishing goals in a collaborative way.; A gentle, consistent, accepting, and supportive approach.; A cognitive-behavioral approach that gradually encourages social involvement.

The following best describes key characteristics of paranoid personality disorder

Distrust and suspiciousness about the motivations of others

All of the following qualities can apply to the diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder...

Dramatic and attention-seeking; Use physical appearance and seductiveness to influence others; View relationships as more intimate than what they really are.

Important intervention components for intellectual disability

Early interventions, including special education; Family involvement and parent training; Behavior modification

Social anxiety disorder is more likely to occur when family members...

also have this disorder.

Regarding autism spectrum disorder (ASD)...

children and adolescents with ASD are at increased risk for bullying and violence

With Bipolar II Disorder, functional impairment is mainly related to the _____ symptoms


When working with clients with delusions, a recommended strategy is for therapists to...

discuss the delusions enough to understand them, then gently suggest alternative explanations

Possible symptoms of a manic episode include...

increased activity; grandiosity; racing thoughts; increased talkativeness; decreased need for sleep; distractibility

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be diagnosed if...

someone only experiences obsessions or compulsions

Regarding the treatment of separation anxiety disorder for children...

the combination of a CBT-type treatment and medication is effective.

Regarding the diagnosis of intellectual disability, it is

the new name for what used to be called mental retardation

Panic disorders involves persistent...

worry of experiencing another panic attack OR changes in behavior to avoid the recurrence of an attack.

________ is a highly structured and well-established treatment for those who experience chronic depression that has strong research support. Clients learn to recognize how their depression contributes to their interpersonal problems. This therapy is designed to modify individuals' thought patterns and feelings while also improving their ability to relate interpersonally.

Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP)

Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) include...

Communication may be the most important area to address early in the treatment for most children; Effective interventions are based on the child's interests, engage the child's attention, and include positive reinforcement for desired behaviors; Early intervention programs are often very intensive, providing 1-to-1 treatment for 20-40/week

______ is a manualized version of CBT that was one of the first evidence-based practices for childhood separation anxiety.

Coping Cat

The name change of this diagnosis (mental retardation) to ______ ______

"intellectual disability" was supported by U.S. Federal Law

The following are characteristics of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)

3 or more temper outbursts per week; Between outburst the person is chronically angry or irritable; The outbursts can be verbal or behavioral

Which of the following is the most likely scenario for therapists to prepare for when working with those who have OCPD?

A client's goal is to determine the absolute right and wrong solution to a situation.

Because most people who are later diagnosed with bipolar disorder first present with depression, it is important to assess someone with MDD for ______ and ______

A family history of bipolar disorder; a personal history of elevated mood or increased energy

The most likely recommended strategy to use with clients who have histrionic personality disorder...

A here-and-now approach that helps them realize how their behavior is impacting others and preventing them successful relationships; then setting realistic goals for change.

The following best describes the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder...

A pervasive pattern of disregarding the rights of others and violating social norms.

The LEAST LIKELY component to include when treating an adult with a specific phobia is...

Medications like benzodiazepines

The most effective treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is:


Regarding Bipolar I Disorder....

After someone has had a 1st manic episode, 90% will have another manic episode in the future

Regarding interventions with schizophrenia...

An integrated treatment for both substance use and schizophrenia is advised because of their co-occurance; Family-focused interventions help reduce relapse and rates of re-hospitalization; Group socialization/support ant social skills training may be considered for those stable on their medication

Specific phobias _______

Are often accompanied by other diagnoses and are associated with an increased suicide risk.

How are those with dependent personality disorder likely to view or relate to the therapist?

As a "magical helper" on whom they rely; They may develop romantic feelings toward the therapist; They are likely to be cooperative and want the therapist to take the lead in the sessions.

Which is the most important initial objective for therapists when working with those with borderline personality disorder?

Assess the potential for self-harm/suicide and develop a safety plan with the client.

Possible symptoms of dependent personality disorder are...

Avoid disagreements for fear of being rejected or losing support; Preoccupied with fears of being left to care for oneself; Excessive need for reassurance from others.

Individuals who meet the criteria for social anxiety disorder:

Avoid social situations or endure them while feeling anxious.

Two characteristics of schizoid personality disorder are _____ and ____

Avoiding close interpersonal contact with others; a lack of interest in intimate relationships.

The following are evidence-supported treatments for MDD

Behavior activation therapy Interpersonal therapy Emotion-focused therapy

The best approach for someone with paranoid personality disorder that is entering therapy for the first time is...

Behavioral Therapy

Regarding ADHD

Behavioral interventions should be incorporated into all aspects of the child's life (e.g. home and school)

The following therapies are possible interventions in the treatment of MDD

Exercise therapy Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT) Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

True or False: Most children who experience persistent irritable mood eventually develop bipolar disorder.


True or False: Most people with bipolar disorder take their prescribed medication consistently, thereby stabilizing their mood.


True or False: Tourette's disorder involves either a motor or a vocal tic


True or False: Treatment of agoraphobia with CBT has had very limited success (i.e., <20% improve).


The following can make a person more susceptible to schizophrenia...

Family history of schizophrenia; Use of cannabis and stimulants; Childhood trauma

With regards to Family-Focused Therapy (FFT)...

Family members learn how to communicate effectively with each other; Those with bipolar disorder and their family members learn to better understand the disorder; FFT has been found to decrease relapse and re-hospitalization rates of bipolar disorder

The following are possible symptoms of avoidant personality disorder...

Fear of negative evaluation and being judged by others; Only participate in social situations when the person is assured of being liked; Feelings of inferiority or social ineptness.

All of the following symptoms can apply to the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder...

Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment; Self-harming behaviors or suicidal ideation; Intense anger or rage.

The onset of borderline personality disorder seems to be best understood as a combination of ___ and ___.

Genetic predisposition; environmental stressors.

A therapeutic approach for hair pulling or skin picking that is designed to identify stimulus triggers for the behavior, engage in more positive competing behaviors, and encourage social support is called:

Habit Reversal Training (HRT)

Children who later develop antisocial personality disorder may...

Have grown up in families in which a first-degree relative had antisocial personality or substance use problems; Have been ignored by parents or received discipline that was inconsistent or excessive; Not have had any role models of empathic tenderness.

For the diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder, a person must have experienced both a _______ and a _______

Hypomanic episode; major depressive episode

Regarding the DSM-5's diagnosis of ADHD...

If a child only displays symptoms of ADHD in a school setting, the diagnosis of ADHD cannot be given

Regarding Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) and other diagnoses...

If temper outbursts only occur in the context of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), then only ASD is diagnosed

The DSM-5 diagnosis of excoriation is defined as recurrent skin picking that results:

In skin lesions even though one ha attempted to stop or reduce this behavior

In addition to the effective treatment approach mentioned (CBT), research indicates that effective therapy for GAD must also address _____ and _______

Interpersonal issues; emotional processing

Regarding the diagnosis of a delusional disorder...

It involves the presence of 1 or more delusions for at lease a 1-month duration; The delusions can be considered either bizarre or non-bizarre in nature; Persecutory delusions are the most common type

Regarding Bipolar II Disorder...

It is more common than bipolar I disorder

Possible symptoms of the MDD specifier "atypical depression"

Leaden paralysis (arms and legs feeling heavy, weighed down); Increased appetite and weight; Hypersomnia (increased sleep)

Cognitive behavior group therapy (CBGT) can help social anxiety disorder by:

Learning new skills from others; Experimenting with new ways of interacting; Providing connections with others and receiving feedback from peers.

The diagnosis of major depressive disorder could include any of these symptoms...

Loss of energy; Change in eating or sleeping habits; Decreased ability to concentrate or make decisions

Psychotic symptoms can occur during a _______ or _______

Manic episode; major depressive epsiode

The MDD specifier used when depression begins during pregnancy or within 4 weeks of giving birth is...

Peripartum onset

All of the following are possible symptoms of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder...

Preoccupation with perfection, rules, and details; Difficulty delegating to others; A need to be in control.

Kernberg and Kohut have developed ____ approaches that can help some people with narcissistic personality disorder make positive changes and develop a more accurate sense of self. Both therapies are ___ in nature.

Psychoanalytic; Long term

There is a wealth of controlled clinical trials that support a combination of three components of treatment for panic disorder. These include...

Psychoeducation about panic symptoms; Interoceptive exposure; Cognitive therapy.

All of the following are characteristics of those with antisocial personality disorder who are more likely to benefit from therapy...

Those who have not been violent; Those who express some remorse for their actions; Those who do not create fear in the clinician.

The overall goal/objective of therapy when working with those with dependent personality disorder is...

To improve their self-reliance and autonomy

True or False: The specifier of "with rapid cycling" that can be used with bipolar disorder requires the occurrence of four or more separate mood episodes in the preceding 12-month period of time.


The diagnosis of intellectual disability is based on

a deficit in both intellectual and adaptive functioning

autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has seen...

a worldwide increase in the number of children being diagnosed with autism

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