PUBH 2313 Final

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brewing teas

DO NOT use pots made of aluminum or cast iron for brewing teas because it disintegrates into the herbal preparation; use glass, ceramic, or stainless steel

Sleeping Prophet

Edgar Cayce, psychic healer and trance channeler, would lie down and enter a trance and then give readings of patients, 20,000 readings total


Greek for sleep; focuses on awareness and attention to internal stimuli through a trance-like state where participant is highly responsive to suggestion(s)

choosing an HMO

HMOs are best for healthy people without serious preconditions, lower premiums and copay

Dr. Jean Valnet

French army surgeon, used Eos as antiseptics in WWII, wrote The Practice of Aromatherapy in 1977

Rene-Maurice Gattefosse

French chemist that created term aromatherapy, began research after treating burns with lavender oil

Greek chiropractic origin

Hippocrates devoted two chapter in Corpus Hippocrateum to manipulative procedures; Galen influenced Hippocrates and used cervical manipulation to heal paralysis of Eudemas' hand

most common quacks

Hoxsey cancer treatment, HIV/AIDS treatments, Arthritis, dietary supplements, weight loss aids, sexual enhancers, diabetes, influenza

healthcare providers

MD, DO, chiropractors, and nurses; have trained in naturopathic treatment modalities

meditation research

NCCIH found that meditation relieves stress, musculoskeletal pains, has potential to help quit smoking, has beneficial impacts on chronic illness and mental health

NCCIH result presentation

NCCIH website and in professional journals

malpractice insurance

OB/GYN has the most expensice malpractice insurance

choosing a PPO

PPOs are best for people with serious preconditions, more flexibility for specialists but higher premiums

Healthy People 2020

aims to increase the proportion of people that will be able to follow the instructions of providers, increase the proportion of people who say their providers helped them fill out paperwork, increase the amount of people who understand their providers instructions for their treatment

holistic medicine

aims to treat the patients body and mind

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

aka Osho, used laughter, crying, and silence as mediation techniques to let go of attachments to past and future egos and ultimately achieve enlightenment

vipassana meditation

aka insight meditation; rational method of purifying mind of stress or pain causing thoughts, watching breathing as it happens without attempting to control it

halasana position

aka plough position, good for stretching lower back and neck

consumer responsibilities (CRR-8)

all parties in healthcare system must take responsibility for maximizing healthy habits, being invloved in specific decisions, disclose info about wants and needs, etc.

herb uses

alleviate disease, support immune system, detox body

conventional physicians

allopathic and/or osteopathic

health savings account

allows a person to save pretax dollars to use for medical insurance expenditures that aren't covered by insurance, people with high deductible plans are eligible only

regionalized services

allows hopsitals to share expensive equipment


amount of money you need to pay for each service or office visit

epidemiological study

analyze data from various population groups over a point in time or over several years


ancient healing method that uses fingers to find trigger points on body surface, used to promote flow of Qi and stimulate immune system

pale tongue

anemia or lack of blood in body

Trouble in Toyland

annual safety report on most popular toys on the market, published by US PIRG

tea tree oil

antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, boosts immunity, treats fungi toes, not recommended for baths due to irritation

investigational medicine

approved testing of medicines or devices on consumers but not completely approved for distribution; treatments are discontinued if they are harmful, outmoded, or useless


aqueous extractions of crude herbs or herbal powders

analytical studies

are akways quantitative

pitta out of balance

arouses anger, hatred and jealousy

correlation stats

assess relationship of 1+ variables to another variable

nursing home categories

assisted living facilities and skilled nursing homes

Jean Valnet

author of Practice of Aromatherapy, WWII surgeon that used essential oils as antisepctics

dry diagnosis

avoid fried food, spicy, broiled, etc.

nidan parivarjan

avoidance of disease-causing and aggravating factors

mindfulness meditation

awareness and focus on present thoughts and actions without judging, in order to become aware of oneself and analyze your own life

principle of the cosmos

ayurvedic principle that states the universe consists of 5 elements (tattwa) that form the physical universe and serve as building blocks of nature

Bach Remedies

Tinctures made from flowers to treat emotions rather than disease; 12 Healers, 7 Helpers, Second 19 were original groups

mind-body intervention

complimentary medicine therapy that focuses on communication between mind and body, many practices originate from Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine

philosophy of mixers

comprise the majority of practitioners and are supported by American Chiropractic Assoc.; believe that disease is caused by pathogens and that subluxations can cause neurological imbalance; use adjustments to treat pain and musculoskeletal disorders


concentrate made by steeping 1 oz of herbs in 2 cups of water; use more delicate parts of herbs like leaves, flowers, and light stems

Essential Oils

concentrated plant oils, applied to skin or inhaled


connectedness of physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health


conservative, educated, wealthy; want info and typically rely on doctor suggestions, value thorough and accurate info


conservative, value tradition, loyal to people/products, fewer resources and less concerned about popular things

choice of providers and plans (CRR-2)

consumer has the choice to choose their plan and physician in their network to meet their own demands, giving them a wide variety of options

respect and nondiscrimination (CRR-5)

consumers cannot be refused coverage because of race, ethnicity, religion, income, etc.

complaints and appeals (CRR-7)

consumers have the right to complain or express concerns about unfair treatment

confidentiality of health info (CRR-6)

consumers have the right to confidentiality of their info without worry that it will be disclosed without consent

participation in treatment decisions (CRR-4)

consumers have the right to decide whether or not they want treatment, and which treatment

access to emergency services (CRR-3)

consumers have the right to know the availability to emergency services, their costs, and what is covered


consumers with low or fixed income or in region with little resources, focus on immediate needs

reporting quackery

contact the FDA or FTC, state attorney or attorney general

buying standardized herbs

contain a minimum level of major active ingredients

DSHEA dietary supplements

contiain one or more dietary ingredients meant to be taken by mouth

integrative health

coordinated approach to bring alternative medicine and conventional medicine together

short-term care insurance

cover individual for 7, 15, or 30 days but no longer than 26 weeks

long-term care insurance

covers people who require help and supervision with activities of daily living (ADLs), makes care affordable, covers patient after several weeks/months up until 65YO

Ad Self-Regulatory Council

create and implement standards of truth in advertising

nonphysician acupuncturist training

accreditation from ACAOM, 2-3000 training hours, Diploma in Acupuncture certification, NCCAOM certification exam

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)

addressed patient rights and included insurance coverage issues, like: covering patients with preexisting health conditions, free preventative care, and illegitimate insurance termination, etc.


ads that began to air after Reagan deregulated cable TV

2017 ad study

advertisements use more smiling faces during the halth risk sections of commericals

fair balance ad criteria

advertisers must explain the pros and cons of their product

Sufi dancing

dance of universal peace or 'whirling dervishes'; performed under strict oversight of Sufi master, intended to find inner peace and harmony by dancing in circles from partner to partner

gurdijieff sacred dances

dancing technique where the movements are coordinated to different rhythms, meant to train the dancers to focus only on the present moment


deconcoction or infusion is mixed with 1/4 to 1/2 part olive oil and/or rubbing alcohol; is rubbed into sore muscles and joints

benefits of meditation

decrease metabolic rate, reduce blood lactate levels, reduce free radicals, increase serotonin

HMOs costs

decreased users personal costs, but have not decreased overall healthcare costs

gauss rating

degree of strength of magnets

first step of ayurvedic treatment

determine dosha type

Samuel Hahnemann

developed homeopathy in 1790

NHIS most common CAM therapy

dietary supplements that are not vitamins or minerals

reminder ads

discuss product but not disease it treats, don't need to address risks

product claim ad

discuss specific product and disease, must address its risks and benefits

Bureau of Consumer Protection (BCP)

division of FTC designed to protect consumers from businesses that choose to use fraud or deception in the sale of their product

naturopathy beliefs

do no harm, body will heal itself, promote health, prevent disease; diet, stress, and genetics are mineral imbalance factors

William Fitzgerald

doctor that introduced zone therapy to the US and the idea that the body is divided into 10 vertical zones

NCCIH homeopathy remedy study

found that homeopathic remedies are relatively safe and unlikely to casue severe side effects

Benedict Lust

founded American School of Naturopathy after curing himself of TB with hydrotherapy

Daniel D. Palmer

founded chiropractic medicine; taught himself anatomy and physiology at time when physicians had no formal medical education

Mary Baker Eddy

founder of Christian Science

Robert Koch

founder of bacteriology, found causes of TB, cholera, anthrax

Andrew Taylor Still

founder of osteopathic medicine

second pulse (pitta)

frog pulse; middle finger denotes pitta dosha; strong pulse means strong pitta; feels excited and moves like a jumping frog

Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine

fully informed about herbals and their uses, follow detailed guidelines and code of practice; DO NOT prepare or dispense herbal medicines

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

funds and conducts research about complementary health approaches

NCCIH funding

funds the Center for Dietary Supplements Research Botanicals

so what claim

gives a claim that is not proving anything about the product

CO2 Extraction

gives more intense scent because more chemicals are released; plants placed in tank with CO2 under high pressure that liquidates it, solvent is added to extract EO

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

government agency responsible for regulating vaccines, blood supply, cosmetics, OTC and Rx drugs, food products except poultry and beef; became regulatory agency after the Federal Food and Drug Act


government insurance for everyone who has paid social security and is 65+, and also some disabled people, accounts for largest proportion healthcare spending in US


government insurance for people who meet financial need criteria and for those who are disabled, covers 80% of care expenses, largest insurance provider

Fair Balance

government requirement that pharma ads must present accurate balance of benefits and risks to consumer

White House Comission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy

government should ensure safety of CAM roducts, facilitate dialogue between CAM and traditional medicine and the public, help evaluate the ways states regulated CAM practitioners


greek physician known for anatomical knowledge


ground crude herbs, ingested naturally or cooked into teas

Online and Onboard

happy with care but open to alternatives, use online sources extensively

Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine

have academic centers at Stanford, Michigan, and Duke

vata attributes

have cold hand and feet, hate cold weather, quick lifestyle, forget things quickly


have many resources available to them, are willing to try out anything cutting edge like alternative care, motivated by image, achievement and self-expression

shirshasana position

headstand pose that increases brain blood circulation, aids nervousness, tension, and fatigue and spinal alignment

future healthcare costs

healthcare costs are predicted to increase 5.6% every year until 2025, accounting for 19.9% of the GDP

blue tongue

heart disease


heat is used at acupuncture points, artemisia is burned near body to heat up meridian and increase the flow of energy and blood

research on massages

helpful for all ages, helps feelings of isolation and loneliness in elderly, beneficial for lower back pain, anxiety and stress, PMS symptoms, pregnant women

rolling chinese method

helps those who suffer from migraines

effectiveness of biofeedback

helps treat incontinence, eases Raynaud's disease symptoms, helps fibromyalgia patients, kids with ADD

lower herb

herb that is used to attack the organism that is causing illness and is taken on a short-term basis


herb used to regulate blood

most popular aspects of TCM

herbal medicine and acupuncture

ginger root

herbal remedy for nausea


herbs and/or spices

dried decoctions or concentrated granules

herbs are made into teas, then remove solids, and then let it evaporate to leave concentrated powder ; about 4x as potent as herbs

crude herbs

herbs that are collected, dried and sifted

crude herbs

herbs that are collected, dried, cut, sifted; may be cooked into teas


herbs that are rubbed into sore muscles and joints

upper herbs

herbs that expel illness, gentle strength and function, could take months/years to take effect

middle herbs

herbs thought to cure illness, eliminate suffering if taken quickly, increase lifespan if taken gradually

chiropractic philosophy on vaccines

historically have been opposed to vaccination because of their belief in diseases are only caused by spine problems, but are starting to accept them

Eastern Shiatsu Massage

holistic massage for relaxation, uses acupressure techniques with hands, thumbs, elbows, and knees to unblock meridian points and restore health and energy


homeopathic remedy for anxiety and headaches

naturopathy major body systems

immune, elimination, nervous, hormonal systems

Content and Compliant

inactive subgroup that are happy with the way things are, like their doctors and have established trust

pale tongue diagnostic

indicates anemic condition

coating on tongue

indicates toxins in stomach or small/large intestine

top areas of waste in healtcare

inefficient claims processing, defensive medicine, preventable diseases and disorders

information disclosure (CRR-1)

information given to consumers must be accurate and easy to understand, should have assistance when making an informed decision


initial amount you pay before the insurance company will pay


insertion of stainless steel needles into skin at acupuncture points on body, releases endorphins


insight technique designed to break down ordinary thinking patterns, includes story, question, or statement that can only be solved through intuition


insight technique using introspection to gain a deeper understanding of an aspect of reality, like death

Children's Health Insurance Program

insurance offered to children whose parents don't have health insurance and don't qualify for medicaid

health maintenance organization (HMO)

insurance plans usually provided through employers, has main in-network provider who acts as gatekeeper for all services, typically cheapest insurance type

indeminity insurance

insurance that allows you to choose your provider, most expensive and flexible type of insurance, must pay annual deductible and annual max payout to be fully reimbursed

decreasing term life insurance

insurance that decreases in value over the life of the policy

whole life insurance

insurance that offers death benefit and savings account

shamana therapy

intended to achieve balanced state of body and alleviate disease symptoms through 7 procedures; focuses on spiritual dimensions of healing, milder than Shodhanam therapy

snehan treatment

internal and external therapy; internal = 2 tsp of medicated oil or butter; external = medicated ghee body massage given a few times a week

RTH Laennec

invented the stethoscope

FDA drug approval process

investigational new drug application (IND), clinical studies, new drug application (NDA), approval for sale; takes about 2.5 years

silent mind meditation

involves directly perceiving and feeling the world and how we think

experiemtnal study

involves randomly selecting subjects and randomly assigning them to treatment or control group


is derived from daisy flower

assessing spirituality

it is difficult to assess spirituality because it varies from person to person

white tongue

kapha imbalance and mucus accumulation

Casual and Cautious

largest of all subgroups, concerned about care but aren't engaged because they have no need

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

law that allows families to have group coverage for limited periods of time if a parent lost their coverage because of reduced work hours

Ralph Nader

leading advocate for consumer health and safety

kapha out of balance

leads to attachment, greed and envy, lethargy

Flexner report

led to reform of medical school curriculum

level term life insurance

life insurance that pays the same amount on the death of the policy holder at any time during the life of the policy

future of naturopathy

likely to become the most prevalent because it can be integrated into conventional mediccal practices and is cost-effective

physician network

list of physicians that are associated with a particular insurance plan


long and lean biotype

Out and About

look for the greatest number of options for their healthcare

Shop and Save

look for the least expensive path to receive healthcare

vata type qualities

love sitting, sleeping, and doing nothing


low-resources but compulsive buyers, care about their perception by others and try to be seen at a higher social status, tend to smoke and suffer later in life,

maintained by Public Citizen Health Research Group, outlines the effectiveness and potential harm caused by 18,000+ medications

Water is West claim

make a statement that is tru to all products that are like it

physician and clinical services costs

make up 20% of healthcare costs

product claim ad

makes a claim about the safety or effectiveness of a product

Direct to consumer marketing

makes a pitch for a specific product

Affordable Care Act

mandates that certain licensed CAM therapist should not be discriminated against, but doesn't require insurance plans to cover it

federal and state mandates that raise insurance premium

mandates that require health insurance plans to add specific benefits or services

massage therapy

manipulation of soft tissue and muscle by applying a variety of physical methods

Eastern Lomi-Lomi Massage

massage intended to increase energy flow in body, uses the Hawaiian concept of Huna (harmony and love), gentle but deep working of the muscles

basic kneading

massage technique done flat and smoothly like kneading dough, used on fleshy areas and quads

deep sustained pressure

massage technique given up the length of sausage-shaped muscles on either side of the spine, eases pressure on cervical area in neck


massage technique using the knuckles on the skin, rotate in a rippling movement in small circles

circular stroking

massage technique where both hands work on the same side simultaneously, typically used on back and other large areas

cat stroking

massage technique where hands are placed at the top of the area being massaged and glide down with light pressure

fan stroking

massage technique where hands are placed palm-down and smoothly slide up by leaning into it with a straight back, fingers are fanned out on both sides, slowly releases pressure

circular pressure

massage technique where pressure is applied lightly with the thumbs, use a circular motion and gradually increase pressure

static pressure

massage technique where the thumbs are placed on the skin and the therapist leans into them and increases pressure, held for 10 seconds at each pressure point, good for releasing tension

thumb stroking

massage technique where thumbs stroke firmly upward and out, left thumb is lower and the right thumb is higher

western holistic massage

massage that deal with the person as a whole, combines kneading strokes on tights muscles and strokes to aid lymphatic drainage

Western Esalen Massage

massage that uses ocean sounds for slow rhythm that emulates body rhythm, long and slow strokes are given to awaken awareness and then the contact deepens and muscles are kneaded; stress management massage

Effleurage technique

massage where hands are placed across the body with fingers together and thumbs slightly stretched; use successive light or deep stroking or gliding motions across body contours

petrissage technique

massage where the stomach is kneaded, rubbed, or rolled to stimulate and relaxation and the release of toxins; use the whole hand with fingers together and thumbs stretched out in order to squeeze the rounder body contours

Infant massage study

massages help infants younger than 6 months, improves sleep, reduces crying and stress


mediated enema, herbal oils and such are placed in liquid medium and used as an enema to cleanse colon

Medicare Part A

medicare hospital and homecare insurance, paid through payroll taxes

Medicare Advantage/ Part C

medicare insurance that mixes A and B, can include Part D prescription benefits, more expensive upfront but reduces overall costs

Medicare Part B

medicare medical insurance, paid through monthly premium, covers doctor services and outpatient care

meditation and nervous system

meditation reduces sympathetic NS activity and increases parasympathetic NS

main causes of disease

mental factors, lifestyle, dosha imbalance, metabolic toxins


mental hygiene or psychotherapy

energy therapies

method of healthcare where one manipulates body energy to improve health


mild electrical pulses are relayed via acupuncture needles to trigger points in skin

principles of mind-body intervention

mind, body and spirit are: interconnected, stress and depression hinder disease recovery, psychoneuroimmunology explains mental process that affect immunity, gives value to placebo effect, social support enhances CAM therapies


monthly payment for health insurance

Sick and Savvy

most active subgroup, have health issues that need immediate attention, actively engaged with healthcare providers to receive care

steam distillation

most common method of extracting oils, plant parts are heated and molecules evaporate, steam is cooled and condenses, water is drawn off the oil and results in pure oil

white willow bark

most commonly used to treat pain


most famous physician of all time


movement meditation position, walking while focusing on breathing and leg movement, intended to focus on the present moment and being self-aware

Zen archery

movement position through archery meant to focus on breathing and internal energy to become self-aware

Human biofield

multidimensional, vibrational, reflectional of the emotional and mental energy of the physical form and links our cellular activity to the body meridians

Ayurvedic physician training

must complete 18 month course to become licensed

medication ads

must include research results of medical trials

oil used for anointing


trigger-point acupuncture

needles are inserted at location away from organ/tissue being affected and Qi is channeled through nerves

earlobe needling

needles or staples used at ear acupuncture points

medical malpractice

negligent practice in medicine that causes injury or death of a patient

preferred provider organization (PPO)

networks of physicians that work with an insurance company with a negotiated rate for services, copay is higher for out of network doctors

Reiki practitioners

no formal training, mastering of the art, serve as channel for qi by using their hands to transmit their energy to sick people

reflexologist training

no licensing laws requiring special training but it allows to be more effective, standard set by American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB)

NCCIH magnet therapies

no scientific evidence to support magnets as medical devices; could be harmful if patient has insulin pump or pacemaker, minimal but untrusted evidence for pain management

Buddhist meditation

one-pointed focus (ekagatta) to become detached from thoughts, disciplined practice that helps relieve anxiety and fear

Dr. Stephen Barrett

opponent of alternative medicine because it needs to be studied further to determine its merit; founder of

chiropractic philosophy on water fluoridation

oppose fluoridation because they believe that disease causes are traced to the spine

consumers union

organization responsible for policy and action based on publications of Consumer Reports, strive to create a safe marketplace

hospital assessment surveys

overall patient satisfaction with hospital experiences have shown steady increase since 2010, good for smaller facilities but showed steady declines as the facility increased in size

kapha attributes

overweight, slow metabolism; slow lifestyles but good long-term memory; compassionate laid-back people

primary beneficiaries

people that receive death benefit upon the policy holder's death

contingent beneficiaries

people who receive death benefit when the policy holder dies and the primary beneficiaries are deceased or not found


perception of feeling the symptoms of a disease

Carl Zeiss

perfected the microscope


person who promotes medical fraud/deceit


person who recieves benefit when someone dies

red or yellow-green tongue

pitta imbalance

essential oils-absolute

plant extraction obtained by using chemical solvents

essential oils-CO2

plant oil extracted by CO2 method


plant that helps ease pain

insight technique

popularized by Maharishi (guru), focuses on negating your false self to find your true nature and become enlightened


powdered herbs , dried concoctions, or concentrated extracts placed in gelatin capsules


powdered herbs, dried concoctions, or concentrated herbal extracts with a binding substance added, then pressed into tablets

suggestions for meditation

practice frequently, find joy in your current life, take each experience in the moment then move on, practice kindness to yourself and others


practitioner of and contributor to the field of herbal medicine; include shamans, healers, holistic MDs, pharmacists, etc.

First degree reiki

practitioners place their hands on sick person's hands and the energy will go where it has to, no specific placement

pregnant women massage oil

pregnant women should not use arnica, clary sage, fennel, cinnamon, clove, and juniper when getting a massage


preparation of fresh, dry, ground herbs that are applied to the skin directly or wrapped in a cloth


preparation of fresh, dry, ground, or powdered herbal mixture that is wrapped in thin cotton or wool cloth and applied to the skin

pathya vyavastha

prescription of diet and activity

private insurances and CAM

private insurances are more likley to cover CAM therapies if they offer more savings than conventional therapies

Consumer federation of America

pro-consumer group that focuses on advocacy, research, education, and service; investigates issues and published findings as well as advancing policy discussion in the government

medical necessity

procedure that is required for the benefit of a person's physical health

Alexander Technique

process of learning how to release muscle tension, developed by actor Fred Alexander after experiencing chronic laryngitis; involves walking, standing, sitting, etc. for 30-45 mins and having a teacher point out posture flaws

cold-pressed extraction

process of making essential oils by using high mechanical pressure to force oils out

vata out of balance

produces fear and anxiety, eating and digestive disorders

DSHEA Supplement definition

products that are intended to supplement the diet, contains one or more dietary ingredients, are taken orally, are labeled as supplements

Pure Food and Drug Act and Shirley Amendment

prohibited companies from making fraudulent claims and ads about their products/services

Pure Food and Drug Act

prohibits companies from making fraudulent claims about their products or advertising those claims to the general public

Stark Law

prohibits physicians from referring patients to another provider or facility that they have a financial relationship with

Ruth Drown

promoted Therapeutic Machine that was said to access etheric life force energy from drop of patients blood and would produce a photo of tissue anywhere in the body; Radio-Vision device that could diagnose patient without them being present because the radio waves travel over distances

vata dosha in balance

promotes creativity and flexibility

psychological benefits of massage therapy

promotes general well-being, reduces stress, improves mood and sleep

hypnosis effects

promotes health and mastering of ones own awareness states, do not lose control of themselves and act on their own free will, remember everything that happened while hypnotized

pitta in balance

promotes understanding and intelligence

variable universal life insurance

provides death benefits and cash values that vary when the investment portfolio changes


provides healthcare for military members, provide life insurance, disability comp, and burial allowances

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

provides info about getting safer medical care

satvajaya therapy

psychotherapy or mental health counseling; meditation used to restrain from excessive substance abuse to improve memory or self-esteem

Deloitte Review

published 6 categories that describe how people are engages in their healthcare decisions; 2 groups aren't very engaged but are the larger groups (56% of all), other 4 are engaged but smaller

Patriot Act

pulled pseudophedrine from OTC availability because it was used to make meth


purchased by Medicaid patients to supplement limitations of Medicare, cannot be part of Medicare Advantage, doesn't cover long-term care, dental, eye, hearing, or private nurses

chiropractic treatment

purpose is to adjust vertebrae or other misaligned joints to release pressure on nerves that connect to the rest of the body


quack device that claimed it could read skull topography and diagnose mental illness or personality

sports/energy bands

quack devices that claimed to improve strength, balance, and coordination through energy balance

Pinkmans Vegetable compound

quack herbal remedy that claimed to cure female problems and eventually depression, moodiness, headaches, backaches, fainting spells


quack procedure that claimed it could cure ailments by bombarding body with color spectrum by attuning the body

Dr. Wilhelm Reich

quack psychiatrist who promoted the Orgone Energy Accumulator, orgone energy would heal any disease or illness, arrested for fraud by FDA


quackery that claimed it could cure 150 ailments by ingesting radium with distilled water


quackery that claimed the use of UV rays could be used for therapeutic purposes

Taoist meditation

quiet, still, and calm while concentrating focus to ignore sensory stimuli, enhances self awareness and insight; involves breathing through nostrils and using the abdomen to breathe

laser acupuncture

rays or lasers are used instead of needles to facilitate trigger points

stages of decision making and ad influence

recognition, info search, alternate evaluation, purchase, evaluation


rectal or vaginal suppository made with cocoa butter, water, or honey, mixed with powdered herbs

Reflexology research

reduces anxiety and pain in patients with breast and lung cancer; effective for PMS symptoms; improves quality of life in palliative stage of cancer; reduces labor time

Chiropractic Doctor (DC) training

referred to as Doctors; 3 years of undergrad scientific courses, 4-5 years at chiropractic college accredited by Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE), board exams and licensing requirements, specialization for most

scientific medicine

reflects established conventional knowledge based on standard methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment; reviewed by med schools, research centers, professional orgs and journals, and gov offices


regulates blood sugar, blood pressure, resist fatigue, increase oxygen utilization, and enhances immune system


reiki ceremony of initiation to the force of energy , precursor to becoming a practitioner


rejuvenation treatment

rasayana treatment

rejuvenation treatment

rasayana therapy

rejuvenation treatment that nourishes body and boosts immunity, strength, and vitality; uses drugs, herbs, diet, and lifestyle change

stages of hypnosis

relaxation stage to prepare to think deeply, dissociation of past to focus on moment, responding to suggestions, return to awareness and reflect on experience

Dr. Eunice Ingham

renamed zone therapy to reflexology, author of Stories the Feet Can Tell

longitudinal study

research design that follows a population from one point in time to another time in the future

controlled clinical trial

research method involving a number of people using an experiemtnal and control group

quantitative research

research that finds an amount of something

risk section of ads

risk info must be contained in a block of text distinct from the rest of the ad


round glass cup is heated and used to create vacuum on skin, promotes circulation and Qi, opens pores to flush out toxins

Florence Nightingale

sanitized hospitals during the Crimean War, greatly decreased deaths

flexible spending accounts

savings accounts set up by employers that allow employees to contribute on a pretax basis to reimburse healthcare expenses, HSA members are ineligible, money not used in year goes to employer


sealed gelatin capsules that hold tinctures or concentrated liquid herbal extracts

Burmese position

seated mediation pose resembling Buddha's pyramid, sitting on pillow with knees touching the ground

half lotus position

seated meditation pose where feet are placed on the opposite thighs, symmetrical and very stable

US Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) (1994)

set new guidelines with regard to the quality, labeling, packaging, and marketing of supplements; resulted in dietary ingredients no longer being subjected to pre-market safety evaluations

current procedural terminology

set of codes that set the guides for determining physician fees

white tongue coating

signals poor digestion

point of service plans (POS)

similar to HMO and PPO plans, but you can choose either an HMO or PPO provider every time you go to receive care

internal qigong

similar to meditation, focus on breathing and thinking to increase qi, open meridians, lungs, and strengthen organs

therapeutic touch

similar to reiki, energy therapy where hands are held several inches away from the patient and send energy via the hands in an effort to heal

naturopathic physician training

similar to traditional physician

Physician Accountability/Doctor Discipline

site maintained by Public Citizen Health Research Group, provides information about doctors that have been disciplined by state or national boards

transcendental meditation

sitting 15-20 mins 2x a day and keeping a blank mind, helps people see beyond their thoughts and to experience the source of thoughts

Zen meditation

sitting still and emptily, eliminating mental thoughts and images, shallow breathing


small group, young, first to try and quit trends, social and outgoing


smallest group, see self-expression as a function of building things, value practical things that are self-sufficient and are seen as valuable in their lives, tough it out mentality

pitta attributes

smart but critical, little patience and quick temper

first pulse (vata)

snake pulse; index finger denotes vata dosha; strong pulse means strong vata; pulse is irregular and thin moving in waves like snake

home/folk remedies

some are effective for specific things but not all diseases/disorders, some are completely useless

second degree reiki

specific hand placement and integrated symbolism, allows for healing of mind and emotions

So What claim

statements that are true, but provide no info about the product's benefits

acupuncture point injection

sterile syringes are used to inject trigger points with vitamins, minerals, medicine, etc.

acupuncture needles

sterilized or disposable, as thick as a human hair, conical tips to prevent tissue damage

storing herbs

store in empty glass container in a cool, dark cabinet


successful professionals, self-reliant, like to buy namebrands and expensive luxuries

hypnosis social psychological model

suggests hypnosis is explained by suggestibility, positive attitudes and expectation, doesn't involve altered conscious state

hypnosis neo-dissociation model

suggests that hypnosis activates subsystem of psychological and physiological parts which results in an altered conscious state

tapotement technique

superficial form of percussion that is done quickly, tapping the body or face, may be done by cupping, hacking, and pinching

third pulse (kapha)

swan pulse; ring finger denotes kapha dosha; strong pulse with movement that resembles a swan

essential oils used as carrier oils

sweet almond, sesame, sunflower


system that categorizes consumers into 8 groups based on what motivates their decision-making

how can one decrease healthcare costs?

taking advantage of wellness programs in health plans

essential oil not used as carrier oil

tea tree oil

Active Release Technique (ART)

technique designed to treat scar tissue adhesions and small muscle tears or under oxygenated muscles

empty mind meditation

technique that creates awareness by emptying the mind, involves sitting in a lotus position and letting the mind go silent


technique used to associate a product/service with public figures

chiropractic belief

the body has an inherent ability to heal itself if nerve impulses can travel freely between the brain and the rest of the body


the extent to which a test predicts the outcome it is supposed to predict

bioelectromagnetic therapy

therapies that use magnets, light, sounds to emit energy that will heal a patient

complementary practices

therapies used alongside traditional treatments, like aromatherapy after surgery

homeopathic training

there are no uniform licensing or professional standards in the US

why did insurance companies leave exchange pools?

they were losing money


thick, sticky substance made by trees


tool that delivers a light and measured force to correct vertebral alignment, preceded by soft-tissue massage techniques

naturopathic physicians

training similar to MD; pre-med undergrad, clinical xp, NPLE after year 2 and 4 of ND school

chiropractic medicine

treatment method based on belief that the muscular, skeletal, and nervous system interact and disease or pain is due to blockage of their interaction; from Greek words cheir (hand) and praktikos (done for)

unproven treatments

treatments of unknown value, have not been proven to be useful or effective by Western standards

recognizing quackery

treatments/devices that offer: quick and painless cure, secret formula claims, claim the medical community doesn't want you to know, testimonials or undocumented cases, cures everything even things without cure, requires immediate payment

bandwagon claims

tries to covince consumer to follow trend/crowd based on a common feature

massage oils

typically use mineral oils and aromatherapy oils like lavender, tangerine, lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree, etc.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

ultimate authority for ad laws in US, establish what is dishonest or misleading

Federal Trade Commission

ultimate authority to create regulatory laws for advertisements

external qigong

use movement to project qi that can affect their energy or that of others, involve single or combination of movements, reduces blood pressure and increases flexibility


use of botanical medicines to treat diseases

Western Swedish Massage

use of firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension, and promote stress relief and improve blood circulation; deeper pressure on specific areas of muscle tension is deep tissue massage

magnet therapy

use of magnet on or around the body to restructure the flow of energy in the human body for healing and well-being


use of the body's electrical signals to heal, involves visual or audio stimulation to give a response and then are trained to control their responses, like heart or breathing rates

Weasel claim

use terms that make products sounds great, but don't really say anything about it

baby massages

use vegetable or plant oil (grape seed or sweet almond) so the oil is not harmful, mineral oils aren't use because they aren't readily absorbed and could be harmful

solvent extraction

used for extracting EO from blossoms that cannot be distilled; wash blossoms with hexane that dissolves compounds, filter solution, waxy mass remaining is eliminated by agitating and freezing the solution, leaves absolute

cowhage plant

used to prevent or lessen side effect of drugs for Parkinsons

cranberry juice

used to treat urinary tract infections

soaking or macerating

used when heat can damage plant components; soak plants in animal fat or vegetable oil, fat/oil picks up scent of plant, pure grain alcohol dissolves EO compounds leaving fat behind, vacuum distillation removes alcohol, leaves behind floral absolute

rhythm and song meditation

uses a combination of rhythm/music, breathing, and chanting during meditation to reach a desired state of calmness

Eastern Ayurveda massage

uses a reed massage mat placed on an Indian-style futon or cotton mattress, use ayurvedic massage oils, provides relaxation, circulation, and eliminates body toxins

variable life insurance

uses part of the premium to purchase stocks, bonds, and mutual funds


using the mind, body, and spirit to control disease, enhance quality of life, and promote well-being

black or brown tongue

vata indication


vertebrae that have moved out of position and cause pressure or irritate spinal nerves

reflexology technique

wash feet with rose water to soothe, press points on feet to stimulate circulation, use talcum powder not oil, record feelings of crystals in feet

theory of the 5 elements

water, fire, wood, metal, earth

information research stage

when a consumer looks for options that will satisfy their needs

Direct to Consumer Marketing (DTC)

when an ad makes a direct pitch for a specific product

need recognition stage

when consumer recognize a need for something

peer-reviewed journals

where most researchers present their findings to the public

future of CAM medicine

will increase in costs and use

peppermint oil

world's oldest medicine, canbe safely ingested or used in soaps, shampoo, tea; helps treat digestive disorders and nausea

chiropractic diagnosis

x-ray, physical exam, and then template for treatment

outside-in herbs

yang herbs that are used on the outside and work into the body, like skin ointments

inside-out herbs

yin herbs that are ingested and work from the inside, out

yoga benefits and function

yoga helps treat health problems like back pain, respiratory problems, depression, etc.; increases flexibility, strength, muscle tone, and posture

Reiki Principles

you must make a conscious decision to improve yourself, you must accept responisibility for your healing process in order to have long-lasting results

CBO ACA cost estimation

CBO estimates the ACA would reduce the deficit by $143B over first 10 years and $1.2T in the 10 years after that

Eastern Tuina Massage

Chinese body therapy that uses hand techniques that massage soft tissue, muscles, and tendons; acupressure directly applied to move the flow of Qi

Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Healthcare Industry

Clinton administration council created after rise of costs and consumer dissatisfaction with HMOs, responsible for keeping the president informed on healthcare system's status

Physician's Assistant (PA) education

Bachelors, Masters, PA school

Nurse Practitioner (NP) education

Bachelors, RN credentials, Masters, licensing and certifications, specialization

first phase qigong

1000-300 BCE; qi was first recorded as energy source, Zhuang Zi Daoist philosopher describes connection between breathing and personal health

American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB) certification

110 hours of hands-on training, 40 hours of history and theory, 55 hours of anatomy and physiology, 5 hours of business ethics and standards, 10 hours of supervised practicum, 90 hours of postgrad sessions (200 total hours)

Bach Remedies

12 Healers, 7 Helpers, Second 19

amount of chiropractors that are identified as straights


Alexander Technique teachers

1500-1600 hours of instruction and 3 years at an accredited teacher training site

final phase qigong

1911-present; emphasis on wellness, used all around the world, is a mix of practices from many countries

acupuntcurist training

2-3000 training hours in an independently accredited master's program


2-4 qts of deconcoction or infusion are strained and then added to a tub for a bath

second phase qigong

200 BCE 200 AD; Han Dynasty, religious era of qigong after introduction of meditation from Buddhism, was kept secret but leaked to public, focused solely on health and well-being and emphasized religious tone

physician acupuncturist training

200-300 hours of specialized training, pass acupuncture exam

NCCIH meditation studies

2009, TM has positive effects on coping with stress in young adults; 2013, meditation positively impacts smoking cessation

Use of meditation

2012 NCHS study found that 18 million (18%) American adults used meditation in the past year because of positive effects on anxiety, pain, mental health, and CVD and cancer emotional effects

insurance alltime high

2016, 91.2% of Americans had health insurance

US gov healthcare expenses

29% of annual healthcare spending comes from the US government

amount of acupuncturists in US


Physician Assisstant (PA)

33 month graduate curriculum, can provide diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventative healthcare services

massage therapist training

500 hours of study, high school degree, courses in kinesiology physiology anatomy and clinical massage techniques, licensing, NCETMB or MBLEx exams

third phase qigong

500-1911; Liang Dynasty, became martial art where each form represents a different animal, style, and sequence of movement

Ayurvedic herbal medicine

600+ herbal formulas and 250 single-plant drugs

healthcare spending

Americans pay $3.2T annually on healthcare, 33% private health insurance, 20% medicare, 17% medicaid, 11% out of pocket

diet product quackery

Americans spent $60B on weight loss products, including products with unlisted, prescription-only, or unrelated ingredients


DoD healthcare program, offers 11 programs including pharma, dent, and retirement

History of reiki

Dr. Usui was meditating in a temple on mountain and gained healing powers, one must ask for healing and give something in return, records of reiki lost during WWII

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Privacy Law, mandates that patients' medical records are kept private and protected

Hulda Clark

Ran century nutrition clinic in TJ, Zapper provided electrical current designed to kill parasites in body therefore curing diseases like cancer and HIV; Syncrometer was said to measure frequency of any disease or organ like tuning a radio

third degree reiki

Reiki Master Healer/Teacher/Grandmaster, mastery of symbols and are expected to train new practitioners and pass along skills and attunements


Sanskrit for 'completion' or circle; circular symbols with a pattern inside that represent all aspects of life, used in meditation to focus and reach deeper levels of unconsciousness


Sanskrit for 'union'; believed to increase body's prana storage, intended to achieve self-realization, enlightenment, and soul liberation

Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) education

bachelors, DO school, residency/fellowship, clinical XP


balancing treatment

carrier oil

base or vegetable oil derived from fatty portions of plants; used to dilute Eos made by CO2 or Absolute methods


basic life force in the body in Ayurvedic medicine

Chiropractic Philosophy of Traditional Straights

believe in innate intelligence and have been called a faith-based and unscientific belief; strictly manual spine manipulations and follow Palmer's doctrine

carrier oils are

best if cold-pressed


blood detox, blood-letting and herbal treatments


body is in state of conscious relaxation and feeling of well-being; "a way of being, seeing, and loving" Jon Kabat-Zinn


body's capacity to heal itself

insurance billing out of network

can be any amount the hospital considers appropriate


can help alleviate PMS pain

turmeric dangers

can worsen gall bladder disease

infused oil

carrier oil mixed with herb(s)

infused oil

carrier oil that is mixed with one or more herbs

high deductible health plan

catastrophic insurance, doesn't reimburse medical services until deductible is paid

stages of therapeutic touch

centering, meditation to focus and channel energy >> assessment, finding the location needing healing by moving hands around patient >> rebalance, hands move in long strokes to rebalance patient's energy >> treatment, energy is focused into the location that needs healing >> evaluation, final asessment of patient and end of session

yin and yang inbalance

change proportion to bring themselves back into balance

Tips for the savvy consumer

check with doctor before taking supplements, learn who is responsible for efficacy, find current info on the products

Mylan Burch

claimed a serum of steroids and chemotherapy chemicals could cure cancer, showed positive results but was not a doctor, fled to Cook Islands, California, and is believed to be practicing in Switzerland

US herbal products

classified as dietary supplements


cleansing treatments involving Panchakarma, purifies body of toxins, returns balance to body


cloth is soaked in infusion or deconcoction after the herb has been strained, cloth is applied to the skin

behavioral advertising

collection of online consumer info to tailor ads specifically for consumer

external qi

comes from the air the breathe and food we eat

Consumer Rights and Responsibilities (CRR)

document that discusses the rights of consumers related to 8 areas of healthcare: plan info disclosure, choice of provider and plan, access to emergency services, participation in decisions, respect and non discrimination, confidentiality, consumer responsibilities

traditional naturopath training

does not have an undergraduate or higher education degree

Florasols/Phytols Extraction

done by Dr. Peter Wilde, use of gaseous solvents to extract aromatic oils and biologically active components for perfumes or food, no heat used

Ayurvedic causes of disease

dosha imbalance, metabolic toxins, mental factors


doshas are evenly distributed

common vata disorders

dry skin, dry hair, and mental confusion

kapha dosha

earth and water; forms bones, tendons, muscles; holds cells together, lubricates joints, supplies water to body

concentrated herbal extracts

either liquid or solid form, 2-100x as concentrated as crude herbs

physiological benefits of massage therapy

eliminates wastes, improves circular, stimulates lymph system to eliminate toxins


elimination of kapha toxins through nose, neti pot with salt water or medicated oil used to cleanse sinuses

help-seeking ads

encourage consumers to seek medical attention for ailment, little regulations


energy force guided by a god, stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing, developed by Dr. Mikao Usui

Patient Bill of Rights

ensures right to choose doctor, ends lifetime and annual limits on insurance coverage, ensures young adults are covered under parent's plan

Better Business Bureau

ethical marketplace that sets the standard for trust, quality, and calling out substandard behaviors

how did ACA provide greater access to healthcare

expanded Medicaid to make more people eligible, created tax credits for people with an income 100%-400% of the federal poverty level

kapha in balance

expressed as love, calmness, forgiveness, strong


extracts EO from fruit rinds; soak rinds and pith in water, oils drips out and soaks into sponges, sponges squeezed into containers


extracts made by soaking herbs in solutions, typically alcohol


false representation of medical treatment or device that is said to be effective but really isn't

future of reflexology

favorably received among PTs, massage therapists, and nurses; medical staff train to use as complementary therapy


federal agency responsible for conducting research and reviews involving complmentary and integrative health approaches

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

federal regulatory agency responsible for vast array of products, investigate claims of products that can possible cause fires, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazards

US Public Interest research Group

federation of state level groups that conduct research, provide advocacy, and conduct community organizing to address consumer issues of public concern, is free of lobbying and solely focuses on the good of the consumer

NCCIH yoga study

females have lower stress compound related to CVD and T2D, lower blood sugar, 5x lower C-reactive protein related to inflammation


fire and water; located in small intestine; controls digestion, absorption, nutrition, metabolism, body temp


floral water or distillate water that remains after distilling an essential oil

Chiropractic Philosophy of Objective Straights

focus solely on the correction of chiropractic vertebral subluxations

Patient Care Partnership (PCP)

focuses on areas of care and the consumer rights associated with them, like right to high quality care, names and expertise of medical staff, and receive care when you need it

US Postal Inspection Service (USPIS)

focuses on the use of the postal service to defraud consumers through faulty ads of jobs and products


forced purging aided by substances, removes pitta toxins that accumulate in liver and gallbladder


forced vomiting for therapeutic purposes; consume licorice or salt water and rub tongue


form of chiropractic practice that sets bones without the use of surgery


form of exercise designed to redirect the flow of qi to improve well-being


form of massage that involves applying pressure to points on feet and hands; based on idea that reflex are in the feet and hands correspond to different body parts

2012 NHIS acupuncture survey

found that 3.5 million american adults had used acupuncture in the past year

Cochrane acupunture review

found that acupuncture has placebo effect on carpal tunnel syndrome

Dr. Dean Ornish

found that comprehensive lifestyle changes can reverse heart disease

ginger studies

found that ginger can safely relieve pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting

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