Public Speaking
Anything that impedes the communication of a message. Interference can be external or internal to listeners. External means the audience. Internal means comes from within.
Five tips for a purpose statement
It should be a full infinitive phrase, not a fragment. It should be phrased as a statement, not a question. It should avoid figurative language. It should be limited to one distinct idea. It should not be too vague or general..
Incremental plagiarism
occurs when a speaker fails to give credit for specific parts—increments—of the speech that are borrowed from other people.
Patchwork plagiarism
occurs when a speaker patches a speech together by copying verbatim from two or three sources.
four objectives of a speech introduction.
Gain attention, interest Reveal topic Establish credibility, goodwill Preview body
Appreciative listening
is listening for pleasure or enjoyment
Your goal in public speaking is to have your intended message to be the message that is actually communicated. Achieving this depends both on what you say and how you say it. Organize your ideas so your listeners don't get lost.
are brief statements that indicate exactly where a speaker is in the speech or that focus attention on key ideas.
Main Points
are the central features in the body of a speech, they should be selected carefully. Speeches should have a limited number of main points. Most speeches contain from two to five main points.
are words or phrases that join one thought to another and indicate the relationship between them.
Comprehensive listening
focuses on understanding the speaker's message.
the time and place in which speech communication occurs. Speakers must be alert of certain situations like funerals or graduation ceremonies.
Eight Guidelines to an outline
The preparation outline should include the speaker's specific purpose statement. The preparation outline should include the speaker's central idea. The preparation outline should clearly label the introduction, body, and conclusion of the speech. The preparation outline should have a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation. The preparation outline should state main points and subpoints in full sentences. The preparation outline should label transitions, internal summaries, and internal previews. The preparation outline should include a bibliography.E
Steps in speech making process
1. Choosing a topic 2. Determine the general purpose 3. Figure out the specific purpose (The specific purpose should indicate precisely what the speaker wants the audience to know or believe after the speech) 4. Central Idea further defines the specific purpose
There are three criteria for effective informative speaking.
1. The information should be communicated accurately. 2. The information should be communicated clearly. 3. The information should be made meaningful and interesting to the audience.
Informative speeches can be classified into four types.
A. Some informative speeches are about objects. B. Some informative speeches are about processes. C. Some informative speeches are about events. D. Some informative speeches are about concepts.
Similarities between Public Speaking and everyday conversation
In both, people organize their thoughts logically. In both, people tailor their message to the audience. In both, people tell a story for maximum impact. In both, people adapt to feedback from listeners.
Four basic methods to delivering a speech
Manuscript speeches are often used in situations that require absolute accuracy of wording or that impose strict time limits upon the speaker. Memory speeches which are memorized Impromptu speeches are presented with little or no immediate preparation. Extemporaneous speeches are carefully prepared and practiced in advance.
Seven Elements in a Speech Communication Process
Speaker,Message,Channel,Listener,Feedback, Interference, Situation , and Ethnocentrism
Your success as a speaker depends on you- on your personal credibility, your knowledge of the subject, your preparation of the speech, your manner of speaking, your sensitivity to the audience and the occasion.
indicate when a speaker has completed one thought and is moving on to another.
is a physiological process that involves the vibration of sound waves on the eardrums and the firing of electrochemical impulses from the inner ear to the brain.
Empathic listening
is listening to provide emotional support for the speaker.
Internal Summaries
remind listeners of what they have just heard.
The listener is the person who receives the communicated message. Everything a speaker says is filtered through a listener's frame of reference- the total of his or her knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes. To be an effective speaker you must be audience-centered
Global plagiarism
is taking an entire speech from a single source and passing it off as one's own.
the belief that one's own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures. Avoid this when delivering a speech.
Three tips for preparing effective main points...
-Speakers should keep their main points separate and distinct. -Speakers should try to use parallel wording in their main points. -Speakers should balance the amount of time devoted to each main point. -Once the main points of a speech are in strategic order, a speaker must make sure that the supporting materials are effectively organized. -It is crucial that supporting materials be well organized because misplaced supporting materials are confusing to listeners. -Details and evidence need to be directly relevant to the main points they support. -Speakers should use connectives to strengthen their organization in the body of the speech.
Seven ways to improve listening
-The first step in improving listening skills is to take listening seriously. -A second way to improve listening skills is to become an active listener. -A third way to improve listening skills is to resist distractions. -A fourth way to improve listening skills is not to be diverted by appearance or delivery. -A fifth way to improve listening skills is to suspend judgment until hearing a speaker's full message. -A sixth way to improve listening skills is to focus one's listening. -A seventh way to improve listening skills is to develop strong note-taking skills.
six major steps students can take to control their nervousness and make it a positive force in their speeches..
1. be at your best physically and mentally. No cramming or partying late in the night. 2. As you waiting to speak, quietly tighten and relax your muscles. This can help provide an outlet for extra adrenaline. 3. Take a couple short breathes, deep breathes before you start to speak. Deep breathing breaks helps calm nervous. 4. Work especially hard on the introduction. It is much easier to finish your speech when you do this. 5. Make eye contact with the audience. They are your friends. 6. Concentrate on communicating with your audience rather than on worrying about stage fright. 7. Use visual aids.
There are six guidelines for effective informative speaking.
A. Informative speakers should be wary of overestimating what the audience knows. B. Informative speakers should find ways to relate the subject directly to the audience. C. Informative speakers should avoid being too technical D. Informative speakers should avoid abstractions. E. Informative speakers should personalize their ideas. F. Informative speakers should be creative in thinking about ways to achieve their objectives.
Speakers can improve their speech delivery by following a five-step method.
First, the speaker should go over her or his preparation outline aloud. Second, the speaker should prepare a speaking outline. Third, the speaker should practice the speech aloud several times using only the speaking outline. Fourth, the speaker should polish and refine the delivery. Fifth, the speaker should give the speech a dress rehearsal under conditions as close as possible to those he or she will face during the actual speech.
Four steps for Impromptu speeches
First, they should state the point to which they are responding. Second, they should state the point they want to make. Third, they should use whatever support they have—examples, statistics, or testimony—to prove their point. Fourth, they should summarize their point.
four main causes of poor listening.
Not concentrating is one cause of poor listening. Listening too hard can also interfere with effective listening. Jumping to conclusions also prevents listeners from hearing messages accurately. Focusing on delivery and personal appearance instead of listening to a speaker's message is another cause of poor listening.
How to conclude:
One method is to summarize the main points of the speech. A second method is to conclude with a quotation. A third method is to end with a dramatic statement. A fourth method is to refer back to the introduction of the speech.
Methods of introduction
One method of gaining attention is to relate the topic to the audience. A second method is to state the importance of the topic. A third method is to startle the audience. A fourth method is to arouse the curiosity of the audience. A fifth method is to question the audience. A sixth method is to begin with a quotation. A seventh method is to tell a story.
Critical Thinking
Public speaking helps people develop critical thinking skills. Critical thinking involves a number of skills. Critical thinking involves being able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of an argument. Critical thinking involves distinguishing fact from opinion. Critical thinking involves judging the credibility of sources. Critical thinking involves assessing the quality of evidence. Critical thinking involves discerning the relationships among ideas.
Differences between public speaking and everyday conversation
Public speaking is more highly structured than ordinary conversation. Public speaking requires more formal language than ordinary conversation. Public speaking requires a different method of delivery from ordinary conversation.
The channel is the means by which a message is communicated. When you pick up the phone to call a friend, the telephone is the channel.
Four aspects of physical action are especially important for public speakers.
The first aspect is personal appearance. The second aspect is movement. The third aspect is gestures. The fourth aspect is eye contact.
A speech conclusion has two primary functions.
The first function is to signal the end of the speech. The second function of a conclusion is to reinforce the audience's understanding of or commitment to the central idea of the speech
Five tips for preparing an effective introduction.
The introduction should usually be relatively brief. Speakers should keep an eye out for potential introductory material as they research the speech. Speakers should be creative when devising their introductions. Speakers should not be concerned with the exact wording of the introduction until the body of the speech is finished. The introduction should be worked out in detail so it can be delivered effectively.
The messages, usually nonverbal, sent from a listener to a speaker. Most situations involve two way communication. Feedback is affected by one's frame of reference.
Four guidelines for effective speaking outlines.
The speaking outline should follow the same visual framework used in the preparation outline. The speaking outline should be plainly legible. The speaking outline should be as brief as possible. The speaking outline should include cues for delivering the speech.
Four types of connectives
Transitions,Internal previews,Internal summaries, and Signposts
Critical listening
involves evaluating a message either to accept it or reject it.
Central Idea
is a concise statement of what the speaker expects to say in the speech. Often called a thesis statement, the central idea encapsulates the main points to be developed in the body of the speech. Unlike the specific purpose statement, the central idea usually crystallizes late in the process of preparing a speech. A well-worded central idea should meet four criteria. It should be expressed in a full sentence. It should not be in the form of a question. It should avoid figurative language. It should not be too vague or general.
A preparation outline
is a detailed outline used to plan a speech.
is a mental process that involves paying close attention to, and making sense of, what is heard.
is the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs. Ethical issues arise when we ask whether a course of action is moral or immoral, fair or unfair, just or unjust, honest or dishonest.
Internal Previews
let the audience know what the speaker will take up next.
When main points are arranged spatially...
main points follow a directional pattern.
When main points are arranged chronologically....
main points follow a time sequence.
When main points are arranged causally...
main points show a cause-and-effect relationship.
Advantages over Extemporaneous Speeches
t gives greater control over ideas and language than impromptu delivery. It allows for greater spontaneity and directness than memorized or manuscript delivery. It encourages conversational vocal qualities, natural gestures, and strong eye contact.