Public Speaking Midterm Study Guide

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What are eight steps to fine tuning your listening skills?

1. Get ready to listen 2. Minimize personal barriers to listening 3. Leave distractions behind 4. Do not rush judgment 5. Listen first for content, second for delivery 6. Become an effective note taker 7. Be an active listener 8. Provide feedback

Five steps of preparing to speak

1. Select and narrow an audience centered topic 2. develop content through research and sound support. 3. Draft the introduction, body, and conclusion. 4. Develop the language of the speech with care. 5. Practice.

What are the four stages of listening?

1. Sensing- to become aware 2. Interpreting- attach meaning to a speaker's words. 3. Evaluating- assessing the worth of the speaker's ideas and determining their importance to you. 4. Reacting/responding- providing feedback to the speaker's message

what are the nine main strategies for reducing apprehension? why are they effective

1. Take a public speaking course 2. Focus on your audience, not yourself 3. reframe your message. 4. prepare. 5. take several deep breaths. 6. realize that you may be your own worst critic. 7. gain skill and confidence by choosing to speak. 8. visualize your success as a speaker. 9. release tension through assertive and animated delivery.

How are the steps important and how do they contribute to the overall success of the speech?

1. Understand the audience, choose an appropriate topic, determine general and specific purpose. 2. Support ideas with research, use examples and construct analogies. 3. strong structure to the speech 4. relate language to audience's level of knowledge, use language for specific effect, be culturally sensitive. 5. rehearse the delivery of your speech, flow

why is it important to have the introduction planned and well rehearsed?

A planned out introduction captures the audience's attention and focus, provides a motive for the audience to listen, it enhances your credibility, and will clearly preview the message and organization.

what are the advantages of presentational aids in a speech? What are the disadvantages?

ADVANTAGES- They are available, engaging, persuasive, entertaining, memorable, increase clarity, make ideas concrete, help organize ideas DISADVANTAGES- limited availability, impersonal, time consuming, death by PowerPoint, potential for reductionism

what are the main types of presentational aids?

Actual objects, three dimensional models, two-dimensional reproductions, audio and projected images

What are the 10 key demographics that speakers should consider?

Age, Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Education/Knowledge, Group Affiliation, Occupational Groups, Socioeconomic Status Religious Background, Political Affiliation, Geographic Identifiers.

what are the stages of the physiological symptoms of apprehension?

Anticipatory stage- before the speech Confrontational stage- beginning of the speech Adaptation stage- begin to calm down about a minute in Release stage- returning to normal levels.

What are beliefs, values, and attitudes. How does each affect how a listener interprets a speech?

Attitudes- predispositions to act in a certain way that influences our response to objects, events and situations. Beliefs- represent a mental and emotional acceptance of information. judgments about the truth or the probability that a statement is correct. Values- socially shared ideas about what is good, deep-seated abstract judgments about what is important to us.

options for sharing technology based presentational aids.

Audiotape/CD/iPod Video, DVD, and Online Media Sharing Sites

what are some guidelines for writing survey questions?

Avoid leading questions, avoid ambiguity, ask everyone the same questions, be aware of time constraints

what are the guidelines for constructing speaker's notes?

Avoid overloading your outline, Include only necessary information, reduce your sentences to key phrases, include transitions in an abbreviated form, notes must be legible

when does apprehension peak?

Before and during the first two minutes of the speech.

What are the three purposes of an introduction?

Capture the attention and interest of your audience, establish your credibility as a speaker, and preview your speech.

options for displaying 2d presentational aids, advantages and disadvantages.

Chalk or Dry Erase Board- they are in every classroom and there is not preparation time, however they are not very professional and they have to turn away from the audience to use. Poster board- low cost and easy to use, however they can be unprofessional and get damaged. Flip chart- allow for spontaneity, however they can be difficult to read and the marker may bleed. Repositional note pad- they can be used anywhere and anytime throughout the speech, however they look unprofessional

What criteria are important to follow when making and using computer generated images.

Choose a presentational aid that fits your purpose, the occasion, and your audience. Emphasize only relevant points. Implement the rule of six. Select appropriate design features. Avoid allowing your presentational aid to upstage you. Preview and practice

Organizational patterns

Chronological organization- step by step/past-present-future Spatial- sequence of ideas moves from one physical point to another. Cause and effect Problem-solution organization Topical organization- not tied to time and space.

What are the two main types of audience analysis?

Demographic & Psychographic

what organizational pattern is best for informative speaking?

Descriptive- Topical, spatial, chronological Demonstration- spatial, chronological, and cause-effect/problem-solution Explanation- chronologically, topically

overall principles that speakers should follow when using presentational aids.

Do not let your presentational aid distract your audience. Be aware of timing and pauses. Make sure the equipment is working but be prepared for failure. Use multimedia presentations only with careful planning and practice.

what are the public affairs pillars of MSU? what role does communication play in public affairs?

Ethical leadership, community engagement, cultural competence.

What is the difference between hearing and listening?

Hearing- the physical ability to receive sounds. Listening- the attending, receiving, interpreting, and responding to messages presented aurally.

what is the role of observing and listening in learning about an audience?

Helps you gather information about your audience in a very informal way.

What are three general purposes for a speech?

Inform, entertain, persuade

how do informative, entertaining, and persuasive speaking differ? how do the differences manifest themselves in the specific purposes?

Informative speeches are meant to enlighten your audience, increase understanding. Persuasive speeches are given in an attempt to influence your audience to agree with your point of view. Entertaining speeches are given to amuse your listeners on a special occasion.

Why is an audience's interest level important?

It helps you better adapt to your audience. Collect information about what audiences expect.

How can speakers adapt to the audience's level of knowledge and use language for specific effect?

Paint memorable pictures with your words by using relatable examples and descriptions. Choose effective language to communicate your ideas.

what are the four main components of a planning outline?

Parallelism- how you construct your sentences. Coordination- main ideas Subordination- support your main ideas. Division- points and subpoints are distinct and identifiable in your outline.

differences between physical, psychological, and behavioral manifestations of communication apprehension?

Physical- rapid pulse, dry mouth, shaky hands, sweating Psychological- fear and anxiety Behavioral- observed by audience members

What is plagiarism and why is it unethical.

Plagiarism is using another's work, words, or ideas without inadequate acknowledgement. It is unethical to not give credit when using ideas that are not your own.

What kind of language is preferred in speeches and why?

Plain english

what are the difference between a planning outline and speaker's notes?

Planning outline- includes most of the information that you will present in your speech. Speakers notes- abbreviated key word outline

Why is it important to study public speaking? (7 reasons)

Public speaking is a valuable activity, influences success in college, teaches critical thinking skills, influence career and community success, key to leadership, complement technology, part of our democratic tradition

what types of questions are most helpful for public speakers. examples.

Scale questions- how often do you vote? Open ended questions- how do you feel about a 12 month school year?

Eight elements of the communication process, explain the process and give an example of each

Sender/receiver- words you choose, structure of speech Receiver/sender- having a meaningful impact on the receiver. Message- maximize understanding, clarity Channel- medium through which the message is sent. Feedback- messages the audience sends back to the speaker (applause, yawns) Noise- things that interfere with the communication process. Occasion- time, place, event, and traditions that define the moment in which you are speaking. Cultural Context- cultural differences that exist in the audience

How do listeners try to reduce dissonance?

Shoot the messenger, seek the support of others who share their point of view, convince yourself that the speaker's message has nothing to do with you, do not think about it and hope it goes away.

What is it meant to be audience centered and why is this important?

Showing your audience that you understand their needs and want to help them achieve their goals. Results in a stronger, more tailored speech that resonates with your listeners.

How do the general purpose and specific purpose differ?

Specific purposes identify the intended audience and include the general purpose as well as the main thrust of the speech.

what is the difference between the strongest point pattern and the equality pattern?

Strongest point pattern- you spend the most time in your speech on the first point, less time on the second point, and even less time on the last point of your speech. Equality pattern- giving equal time to each point.

What is the difference between terminal and instrumental values?

Terminal values are ones that we would like to achieve within our lifetime. Instrumental values are things that help us achieve terminal values (intellect, ambition)

What is ethnocentric, and how can a speaker avoid ethnocentrism in speeches?

The belief that one's own culture is superior to other cultures. Can be avoided by examining language usage, examples, stories, and illustrations.

What is cognitive dissonance, and how does it affect the listener?

The tendency to agree with ideas that tend to fit our value system and disagree with those ideas that conflict with our value system. It causes inconsistency and confusion with the listener.

What is a thesis statement's role in a speech?

The thesis statement is the central message you want listeners to take with them. It distills your speech into a central message.

What are stereotypes and why are they unethical?

They are generalizations related to race, ethnicity, or nationality. They can be offensive and can compromise the connection that you are trying to make with your audience.

what are the two types of connections and how are they important in creating unity in a speech

Transitions- verbal bridges between ideas, words, phrases, or sentences that tell your audience how ideas relate. Internal Previews and Summaries- extended transitions/ follow a main point and act as reminders; useful to clarify or emphasize what you have just said.

What are the various ways that a speaker can access audience information?

Using a questionnaire, survey questions, observe and interview

the criteria a speaker should take into consideration when choosing a presentational aid to use.

Value to presentation Item safety Ease of transportation Size of object and audience

what is communication apprehension?

an individual's level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons.

what are reasons that audiences stop listening?

attention drifts, distractions, preconceived notions, disagreement, prejudiced or inflexible, form our own opinions.

what are the ethical issues speakers should be concerned with when giving an informative speech?

avoid calculated ambiguity, do not rely on outdated information, give them enough information, do not take information out of context.

why are the criteria for critiquing speeches important for outside of class?

because when we speak or present in our future careers, we will be evaluated similarly.

Why is listening important to public speaking?

by understanding the needs of your audience, you are able to develop and deliver speeches that will best get your meaning across. you are also better able to evaluate speeches of others.

what are the main goals of informative speaking?

communicates information and ideas in a way that your audience will understand and remember.

what are the guidelines for effective informative speaking? what role does the audience play in these guidelines.

consider your audience's needs and goals consider your audience's knowledge level capture attention and interest immediately. sustain audience attention and interest by being creative, vivid, and enthusiastic cite your oral sources accurately.

What does it mean to be a culturally sensitive speaker and why is this important to accomplishing a speakers goal?

do not make negative or inappropriate remarks towards audience members from different cultures. You do not want to offend your audience.

What is a subpoint, and what is its purpose in an outline?

each subpoint is an extension of the point it supports in the outline.

What is a speech critique?

evaluating the impression that a speech made on you

why is it important to organize a speech?

flows smoothly, clear structure helps get point across better, helps see where you have too much/too little information.

what are ways that speakers can create a speaker-audience connection? Examples.

get to the point quickly, have confidence, don't act above your audience, use humor, get personal, encourage participation

why is repetition so important in informative speaking?

helps listener keep an internal summary and reinforces your main point.

What makes a topic relevant?

if you can relate to the topic.

what are the differences between the introduction, body, and conclusion of a speech?

introduction- supports the body of your speech and captures audiences attention conclusion- reinforces your message and brings speech to a close body- includes main points and supporting materials that reinforces your specific purpose and thesis statement.

what is the role of a positive and supportive environment in helping speakers control public speaker apprehension?

limit speakers apprehension because they feel less self conscious

What does it mean to be an audience centered speaker and how can a speaker learn how to understand the audience.

making your intended audience central in your message

what is supporting material?

material that you gather to support each main point.

how many main points should a speech have and why?

no fewer than two and no more than five, if you add more you may confuse your listeners.

What are the criteria for evaluating speeches?

organization, research/supporting material, analysis, language, verbal and nonverbal delivery.

What are a few types of supporting materials?

public opinion poll, essay, anything that affirms a speaker's idea in some way.

what are the four steps for selecting main points?

select your main points, support the main points, choose the best organizational pattern, create unity throughout the speech.

what is signposting?

signposting tells the audience how many points you have or how many ideas you intend to support. acts a transition because it keeps the audience informed as to where you are in the speech.

special considerations for technology mediated communication?

speaking on camera: pastels are the best color to wear, avoid red white and orange clothing, avoid check and metallic clothing. act correctly in front the camera. radio: speak clearly and passionately, point out all of your main points and transitions. Videoconference/skype/webinars: eye contact, speak clearly into the microphone

How formal are speeches in comparison to writing?

speeches are more informal

what should the thesis statement identify?

the main ideas of your speech

what are the functions of presentational aids in a speech?

they can enhance effectiveness of presentations and satisfy a need for information and entertainment.

What are the three purposes of a conclusion?

to reinforce the message, to summarize the main points, to provide closure in some way that relates your message to your listener's life.

why is it important to relate the new with the familiar?

using metaphors, analogies, similes, and other forms of speech is useful. visually expresses the idea. references to the familiar helps listeners assimilate new information.

What is the role of rehearsal in an effective speech?

without practicing your speech, it's difficult to know whether the speech flows and the material "works" for you

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