PubPol 201 Exam 1

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policy and legal foundations

1) authors for US in afhganistan=legal authorities of 2001 (still is auto to control authority for US military operations vs terrorism overseas= 20 years later even when hastily made) 2) 2001 pres military order (drafted by DoD, signed by Bush)= created authority for guatanmo bay -Instead prosecute under Article 3 in civil court= sent to bay (DoD facility) -conterversial and no clear resolution 3) 2004 IRTPA= act to create office of director of ntl intelligence (reform in intel community of nat security)

plot characteristics of 9/11 (no Cold War mention?)

1) command and control (operation chief in '98) 2) comms= no surveillance 3) logisitics= planning (1 1/2 years) 4) $$$= 400,000 costs in planning, 3 trillion in impact 5) training people= hijackers trained in US 6) travel= in/out of country 7) weapons= not history of hijackers that not land plane

prioritization of nat security

1) counter terror 2) great power competition 3) econ strength 4) medical preparedness 5) cyber security 6) homeland defense

common gov justifications for gov intervention in markets/self interests

1) dec risk/harm to others 2) protectionism of incompetent people 3) dec risk to self

9/11 policy challenges

1) info sharing 2) collaboration (personal level, with contact people) 3) prioritization (so many signs but counter terrorism not seen as priority) 4) integration 5) border security 6) capabilities 7) aviation security

levers and pubH examples

1) inform= vaccine recs from physicians 2) implore/exhort= "why I vaccinate" pediatrician campaign -goes deeper to invoke feelings/values 3) subsidzie= affordable care act 4) tax= tobacco/alc 5) make= stnd for health curriculum in public schools, stnds for food safety 6) buy (grant= Gov give money to NGO, no direct product in return) contract= from private market (pay firm to develop vaccine) 7) prohibit(prohibition, oblige)- speed limit, age restrictions

3 facets of Jihad acc. to policy

1) personal 2) military connotation (defend themselves) 3) offensive= (regarded as extremist), (retaliate to harm vs Muslims=some actions fall into terrorism definition)

Facts about pubpol

1) policies are often more than one type: -P and mutliple levers p and multiple levers P and p one policy 2) every complex problem in society is going to need many different kinds of policy attn to solve (P, p, symbolic with levers and then ask good lever, but what else is happening?)

designations and sanctions (pieces of counter-terrorism spectrum)

(foreign tear designation to st dept= material support) -Inspiration by idea foreign group designated= provided tools for actions dept of st: -FTO's -speccially designated list global tear (SDGT) -terror for exclusion list -rewards for justice (bounties and money rewards) dept of treasury: -office of foreign assets control (OFAC) DOJ: -most wanted list

why is this imp?

***how probs are defined and framed is strongly related to policy response that a re def, debated, and implemented goal: goof math b/w prob and resp defintion

equity lens considers...

**structural chance**= Marco forces dis/adv and opp/barriers= ways in which social systems and Marco forces structure adv/disadv opps and barriers ***ALMOST EVERY HEALTH DISPARITY INDICATOR/OUTCOME IS PATTERNED BY SOCIAL FACOTRS= bc of structural chance (e.g. access to services) -+ outcomes distribution b/w pops and subpops due to: personal endowment, adv of oppos, env

Most of the time an argument is b/w

-how diff framing of prob -NOT if there is a problem -disagree over def/frame but agree that there is a prob diff thoughts/data=diff policy paths) -DATA ALONE NEVER ENOUGH TO DEF PROB- have to think about what's driving prob in 1st place (can show prob though)

CT prioritization

-in past has been the targeting of group leadership via military operations (creates policy issues) -now need shift to focus on far right attacks (role of poli rhetoric and no fed gov focus= not challenged and seen as having federal support)

elements of social control

-inherent in construction of social robs are value statements and moral reasoning= how people/sys ought to behave -inherent in construction of social probs are elements of social control= ways mems of society try to influ/contrl/shp behavior of others -diff frames lead to different social control efforts -**how prob defined/frame= diff policy paths (police brutality)

social probs are collective behavior

-many conds in society that could be perceived as problems -but social prob are not mirrors of objs conds =need soc/poli processes= IT IS the collective and social definitions of conds in society that create social probs

most econ think A1 (control and slow growth) achieveable

-need pubH and econ policy responses -effpubH resp is essential for econ growth -onyl achieve econ growth in pandemic with active gov stimuli -wil be a series of "waves of virus" as NPI's relax and virus inc, then NPI's reinstalled -how long? Until enough of pop has herd immunity via effective vaccine

Terrible Catch 22 with COVID

-no good path -NPI's needed to control infectious disease also have significant impact (neg) on econ, edu, and other imp aspects of social welfare -if econ open up fully, virus repro rate inc and quickly grows exponentially

social probs

-not accurate to say some conds labeled as probs bc they are more imp/serious versus others -if a set f conds becomes labeled as a prob, it doest mean that the conds have worsened/changed -several poli/econ/social forces are at work in defining social probs

police power at st/local level

-provide health, safety, and welfare of citizens through laws/regs -based on st sovereignty as gov authority -st and local gov can: portes, persevere, and promo health, safety, MORALS< and gen welfare -restrict personal and econ interests within fed and st constant limits

main points of social constructions of social probs

-pub policies designed to solve robs but probs are socially/poli defined -recip or policy attn also frame/constructed -sci evi helps in def probs and souls

3) risk to self (?)

-reg of self-regarding behavior" (only affect person concerned and no others) -assume competent person ex) helmet mandaten, seat belt law, ban trans fat food, age restrictions ("sin taxes") protection from risk to self -policy most diff to justify -warranted by paternalism -interfere with liberty of action is sometimes justify by need to protect public health, safety, welfare, and happiness of people subject to coercion -assumes people face constraints (??) in pursuing own interests (inadeq info, lim will power, competing incent, social, env, econ constraints)

social prob ex's:

-sex traffic -gun violence -welfare fraud -gentrification -illegal imm -teen pregnancy ( how prob defined= main val issue was rate of unmarried ness inc when preg was actually going down= reflection of values)

values also influ framing of recipients of policy

-target groups framed as deserving or undeserving of policy benefits/burdens -schneider and ingram theory

equity lens asks following questions

-what groups of people being inclu/exlu in def of social problems -how are groups being framed? in prob def? (+/- or ignored?) -how have pub pol contributed to problem? -what policies are being promoted to add prob?

recap (1st counter terror presentation for counter terror module)

1) 9/11 seminal event in US history and elevate counter terror as most significant nat sec priority for 10-15 years 2) US gov counterterrorism enterprise broad and diverse, but still pred. focused on kinetic options, military force, "hard power" tools 3) counter terrorism no longer dom priority nat sec and competes with other US priorities for finite resources/capabilities 4) counter terrorism strategy and policy evol over +5 years, great reliance now on partnerships, burden-sharing, levering tech, and reducing footprint overseas


1) Flu clinics sub= primary 2) regs in buildings (fire code, handles, etc)= primary 3) insur comp pay for rehab after concussion= 3rd 4) clean indoor air act= 1 and 2 (2= reduce risks/assist in quit), primary= prevent smoke in 1st plave 5) soda tax= 2nd (assist to reduce risk/quit), 1st (prevent form drinking in first place to red obesity) 6) Pap smear screen for cervix cancer= 2nd 7) mandate face masks= 1 8) diabete app= 3 9) respiBLUE app= 2 (early stage of prevention/assist in red risks), 1 (dec spread/prevention of it in buildings)

US cons, 3 primary funds

1) allocate power b/w fed and state gov and states (federalism) 2) divide power among 3 branches of gov (sep of power) 3) to lim gov power (protect individual liberties)


Grant (buy) Contract (buy) (from private market) Produce (make, create stnds, etc) ex) trash: city or city contracts private company

Pub H prof core values

- health -prevention -equity

1) protect people who cannot...

-"best interests principle"= gov may safeguard welfare of people who are not in position to protect self by making decision n their best interest -rationale: some people have insufficient understanding of capacity to make informed choices to deliberate (parens patriae power= paternalism) -child labor laws -ppl in coma, mental issues -gov can interfere with autonomy yet should have goal of making decision a person would make if they were "competent"

AA and Latin experience worse outcomes from COVID

-B/C of macro-level soc determinates of health (SDOH) that drive distribution of socio econ resources/power and sys racism, instit discrimination (all driven by and reinforce through policy) (racism)

vacc policy

-MANY POLICY LEVERS -see notes 9/14

why cases increases but death rate decreasing (for COVID)

-NPI's in place and edu about virus= those most vulnerable to serious illness cont to have dec exposure -***NPI (primary prevention) have prevented millions of cases/thousands of deaths in US and effects linger even when NPI's relax -new cases in young= dec death -pub health testing, tracing, iso/quarantine (prima nd secondary prevention) ***CLEAR LONG-TERM EFFECTS/TRADE-OFFS B/W VIRUS CONTROL AND ECON GROWTH -what is the right balance?

tobacco 21

-PUP law= define legal age to purchase, possess, and use -policy= retailers fined for violating if sell to ppl under 21 (punish seller, not user) -18-20= can use/possess primary justification: protect people from selves (other laws protect from secondhand) alc= protect from others (Drunnk driving)

housing is an important SDOH

-avg min wage= cant afford two bed apt -abilty to pay rent is decreasing -DT exec order: suspend eviction (not rent) until end of year 5 pronged test: 1) best effort to use other resources 2) don't expect to make more than 99,000 or 198,000 3) experience substantial loss of HH income 4) best effort for timely partial payments 5) eviction likely lead to homelessness or severe hardship -MI exec order: experience in July 15th but now MI Eviction Diversion Program= - $50 mill to landlords in exchange for forgiving late fees up to 90% of back rent due -network of non-profits -eliigble: tenants to 100% of area median income, tenants below 50% of area median income who received eviction notice Elg for: one time rental assistance up to 90% last due rent since march, case management services up to 3 months -landlords must forgive late fees and at least 10% back rent due

using equity as lens in systematic thinking about pub policy

-equity lens= looking at definition of social problems/media/pub discusses and policy agendas from a perspective that includes deep consideration of influ of racism, sexism, and other terms of bias and discrimination that create social inequities -an equity lens= is used to critically examine and reframe: analyses and dis of causes and magnitude of social problems, media and other public discourse about problems, anal/dis of policy solutions, policy agendas and actions

Larry Gostin framework

-framework for policy justification -tensions b/w pub/priv sectors are high in pubH policy -bc health so debated and valued, sometimes society assumes gov need not justify pubH interventions BUT must b/c "intrude on individual rights and liberties and incur econ costs" -can be used to justify or deem policy app as "good" -dveelop for PubH pol and regs but can be used more broadly -view as framework for build a pol that arg that: is data/research driven, but also incorporates values, considerate multiple policy dimensions, uses clear criteria for justify pol outside of politics or what is poli feasible -is somewhat personal, as diff people will weight diff steps in Framework diff **REMINDER= justice pol address an imp prob and would be eff, doesn't mean its a good policy!!**

2) protectionism from others

-harm principle= holds that comp adults should have freedom of action unless pose risk to others/community -foundation= strong interest in autonomy, personal governance of that that is free from controlling interferences -avoidance of harm to others is typically regarded as adequate reason for constraining autonomy **personal freedoms extend only so far as they don't intrude on health, safety, or other legitimate interests of others** quarantine( restrict well persons exposed), isolation (restrict of ill persons) (ex= TB and forced treatment) -stnds, inspections, fines= restaurant, housing stnds -compulsory actions= speed limits, alc consume, env tobacco laws, partner notification of STI's

Framework questions

1) policy actually signifies add or contrib to prob trying to address, based on obj sci 2) intervention effective based by showing a reasonable fit b/w means and end (will it work?) 3) (econ) costs are reasonable when compared to benefits (is it worth the costs?) 4) H R8 burdens are reasonable when compared to P(benefits) (ben outweigh burdens) 5) ben, costs, burdens, are fairly distributed so that services are provided only when needed and reg burdens are imposed only where risk to community exists and are faint borne by diff policy target groups (+/- fairly distributed and borne by diff groups) -primary and secondary burdens (seat belt ex 9/16) 1-3= evi rely on 4-5= moral/value questions/debated

police power buckets

1) protect people who cannot protect themselves 2) protect people from others 3) protect people from themselves

PubH 3 P's

1) protection= actions to elim/reduce risks from env haz, unsafe water, food, drugs, etc 2) H promo= policies/processes that allow indidvual to inc control over and improve own health -focus= pops, broad determination of health 3) Disease prevention= 3 types a) primary= prev of onset of disease/injury -immuniz, anti-smoke edu, safe housing -PURE prevention b) secondary= ident/control disease processes in early stage (to dec severity/prevalance) before signs/symps apparent -ex) HIV text (dec severity), Mammogram (dev severity/death rate before symptoms of cancer) _NOT PREVENTION but before symps= early stages and dec severity -indoor smoke laws= deincent smoking= dec risks= dec severity= secondary c) tertiary= prevent disability by restoration to optimal level of function ex) rehab, diabetes management, obesity surgery - try to bring to better state of health and already have disease (policy= levers of sub, inform, reg, but also enter into medical realm) EXAM!!!

tobacco control policy

1) try to prevent from smoke in first palce -moralsuasion (implore/exhort), edu secondary (2) intervent/assist in quitting (to reduce risk factor of caner= red cancer= inc life expectancy)

approaches to counter-terrorism

1) unilateral (US only operations) 2) bilateral= with other countries -training, advise, equip armies (but US not front line) 3) multilateral -under umbrella of large campaigns (UN) Afghanistan= NATO, US forces Iran= coalition, US forces ISIS/Syria= not a lot of US forces= and broader collaboration

When consider support of policy ask:

1) what specific prob is policy trying to address 2) does policy match prob def/frame that you support -fram fair and evi-based 3) policies Come with +/- -distribution +/- fair? 4) does policy inclu element of "social control" -or assump of how people ought or must behave (esp marginalized groups)

pubH policy module (COVID) review

1)pubH= aims to promote, protect, and prevent (pop) 2) pubH law= main powers for gov to tell people what to do= police powers (st) 3) framework for analyze your opinion and regarding specific pub policies= Gostin framework to justify pubH policy 4) social determinants of health of health framework for understanding social inequities of H, including racism (3 levels) 5) COVID= inequities and pub pol causes and responses

10 great public health achievements

1. Vaccination. 2. Motor-vehicle safety. 3. Safer workplaces. 4. Control of infectious diseases. 5. Decline in deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke. 6. Safer and healthier foods. 7. Healthier mothers and babies. 8. Family planning. 9. Fluoridation of drinking water. 10. Recognition of tobacco use as a health hazard.

schneider and ingram theory

:policy targets pops benefit= framed as deserving (+ construct) NAD have poli power burden/ignored= framed as underserving AND have little poli clout -convergence of poli power and social constructions create four target pros with diff +/- from policy: 1) advantaged= = + construction, and policy power - dec burdens, inc + 2) contenders= - construction yet poli power -burdens dec, but benefits + and hidden 3) dependents: + contrast yet no poli power - burdens inc, benefits symbolic 4) deviants= neg construct, no poli power (policy attentions= inc burdens) -burdens inc, + dec

Symbolic Policy

A policy that satisfies public demand for statements of principles or values, without any resources to support them. A policy that expresses desired values but has little if any material impact on people. -statements/declarations about problems but have no action plan or resource allocation -BUT STILL IMP bc can pave way for policy attention (for P and p agendas) -declarations= AA history month (we care but no action) -Illegal policy= st passes laws that are uncons (e.g abortion)= can be legal when/if federal law changes exec order where they don't have the authority =unactionable ex) Trump exec order of loans (have to go through congress), but symbolic/is important statement

Structural Racism

A system in which public policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms work in various, often reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial group inequity


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -health protection agency= protect from healthy, safety, and see threats


Department of Justice one of the entities, along with the Office of Inspector General (OIG), that coordinates fraud and abuse control. -headed by US AG -fed prison system, investing fin fraud -review conduct of local law enforcement


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the primary investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), serving as both a federal criminal investigative body and a domestic intelligence agency. -domestic intell/sec service of Us (enforcement agency)

threat typology

Global jihadists (ISIS) Shia extremists (Iran gov, Lebanon Hizballah) State sponsors (Libya, Iraq, Soviet Union pre 1989) Far right extremist (Neo nazi's, white supremacists) Single Issue extremists (Earth liberation front) Far left extremists (Red Army Faction) Palestinian extremist (Hamas, PLFP) Ethnonationalist extremist (IRA, ETA) Narco-extremists (FARC, ELN)

Counter-terrorism roles and resp (post 9/11)

Main: disrupt 9via abroad or arrests/enforcement of laws (DoD and FBI) 1) detect (IC, FBI) 2) Identify (IC, DHS) 3) protect (DHS) 4) promo(st) 5) develop (USAID) 6) Assistance (DoD, St, DOJ0 7) prosecute 8) penalize 9) rehab and prevent=less well equipped, developed, understood, resourced in US


National Security Council a committee in the executive branch of government that advises the president on foreign and military and national security


Non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI) -pop focus -cornerstone of disease control =type of policy that aims at pops during epidemics, rather than individual via medical care -2 types: 1) improve hygiene/exposure= hand wash, surface cleaning, edu/mandate for masks -aimed at primary preventions 2) Dec Amount and Density of Physical actions b/w people= social distance, closures, stay at home, gathering bans, travel restrictions **aimed at primary prevention (imp to focus on vaccine AND NPI's)

*come at issue with lots of policy levers, through multiple policy paths*

P and p can have many levers P and p can be one policy (UM COVID)

P vs P pubH

P: -Mary J laws -speed regs -smoke bans -immunz req for school -indoor tan tax -tax smoke p: -guidelines for cancer screen but gov can step in and tell insur when have to pay for screenings (p influ P) -menu nutrition (P in some places if req labeling in restaurants, cities) -insur comp dec prem to non smokers -Gov my plate

Key points

policy attempt to address and has been construct/framed/def via poli/soc processes -EVERY GROUP getting policy attention has been construct framed/def via soc/poli processes -H process to frame/social construct and part of policy process -***way prob is construct/frame has everything to do with policy sol that are considered, prioritized, and implemented**

Domestic terrorism stature

Pros -addresses gaps in uS legal foundation -est transparent criteria for illegal activity -provides more flexibility for prosecution (e.g. material support) -authorizes add. tools, resources, capabilities for investigators/analysts -create new bureaucratic structure to centrally org/divide activity -serves as deterrent for future attacks Cons: -further restriction of 1st amend (of holding any ideology)= concern of civil liberties groups -but have to find balance in expense for appropriate level of privacy and preventing/punshing domestic terrorism -conflicts with other fed changes (hate crimes) in add to st level charges -pot. chilling legit to 1st amend -raises possibility of fed abuse and overreach -shifts focus and attn from other counter terrorism priorities -dec FBI authority -pot galvanizes some extremists to violent action -more consistent/def and how act -truly horrific event to create such statue= often the case (but with COVID???) -research how 1st amend already restricted (esp for non-white peoples)

Basic Reproduction Rate

Ro= R naught -average expected number of subsequent cases from 1 case -when infected agent 1st hits commun=no immun/policy resp Ro for covid= 2.6 (1.9 to 6.5)

class 3 recap

Terrorism landscape more diffuse now than at any point in post 9/11-era• Global jihadists, Iranian-supported groups, and far-right extremists all competing for limited resources and capabilities •Achieving strategic defeat against terrorist groups is elusive goal

social determinants of health

The conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age, shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources at global, national, and local levels 1) econ stable 2) neighbor/phys env 3) edu level (inc= inc in health) 4) food 5) commun/social context 6) health care sys


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services -protect healthy of all US and provide essential Human services


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development -develop and execute policy on housing and cities


US Department of Defense -coordinate and supervise all agencies go government related to nat sec and military


US Department of Homeland Security -exec, public security

critical race theory

a movement in social, political, and legal theory that aims to discern the subtle effects of racism and related forms of prejudice A paradigm grounded in race awareness and an intention to achieve racial justice -resp to "colorblind" society/policy 1) racism exists (prej normal in society) 2) race is social (not bio) construct= notions of "race" vary across societies and within societies over time 3) interest convergence= majority will allow racial justice progress only as long as there is a + for them; racism about power and control resources 4) centrality of experiential knowledge (story telling)= understand racism is an interdisciplinary science endeavor and needs to center on the experience of those affected 5) inter-sectionality= race and racism work in convert with gender, ethnic, social class, and sex ident

Public Health

both field of sci and an imp area of gov resp Focused on examining the health needs of entire populations with the goal of preventing health problems. -focus group commun and pops -concernd with prevent, patterns, and prevalence of disease/injury -interventions aimed at groups of ppl -policy interventions key (vs clinlical/medical= individual, disease presentation focus, diagnostic/treatment)

not illegal in US to hold extremist ideas

as long as 1) not connect to terrorism desginate ideo 2) engage in criminal activity -but can have gun US unique bc 1st amend (allows hate speech) and 2nd (allow to carry weapon)

preventions for CounterT

primary: prevent radical terrorism ideology -education prog targeted at young Muslim boys -nat surveillance= FBI track MI military plans secondary:assume terrorism exists, how dec severity troops to ISIS to contain violence threat/prevent attacks TSA/barred doors on planes= prevent attacks tertiary: bring back "normalcy" -Osama raid to bring back sense of calm/normalcy/sense of revenge to American public -when caught terrorists, rehab or something to restore to "optimal function" and help with ideology

strong evi base for impact of NPI's on

control commun spread in epidemics -national experiements= can compare diff policies in diff places and timing and how affected population

non-intervention lever

doing nothing, accepting the status quo and not changing the policy

R(e) or R(t)=

effective repro number =needs to be <1 for virus to die out in a commun/pop -when policies are in place!!!


formal consequences for violating/not following

values are important in

framing -subjectivty always comes into play


fundamental to individual/societal well-being -fund for: edu attainment, phys/mental/spritual wellbeing, econ perf, family stable and func, commun strength -**imp indicator of well being of society WHO= st of complete phys, mental, social, well being and not merely absence of disease/infirmity

definitions of terrorism

hate crimes versus domestic terrorism -diff def b/w dept and law (which allows actions to be taken/material support)= inconsistent actions/understanding/material support FBI: intl= vio, criminal acts committed by individd and/or groups who are insp by or also with designated foreign terrorist orgs, or nations (st-sponsored) domestic=...... by groups to futher ideology goals stemming from domestic influences such as those of poli, realignment, social, racial, or env nature" DoD: counterterrorism= actions or operations that are taken to neutralize terrorists and their organizations and networks in order to render them incapable of using violence to instill fear and coerce gov or societies to achieve their goals -Insp by ISIS= intl terrorism= FBI given tools to deal with it -foreign link to list of foreign terror orgs (FTO)= declared as intl terror (but no such list for domestic)

socio ecological model

individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, public policy 5 levels/drivers of health SUMMED INTO THREE: 1) Micro= w/in and b/w people 2) Mezzo= neighborhood/community 3) Macro= instit/sys ex) to address housing security, quality, and affordably: have to solve/address all three levels (Mezzo, Macro level) (cant just build shelter bc is only one level= won't solve problem)


informal no consequences of not following

UM COVID fee for kits

informal policy that implores= behave change but no conseq Formal policy that subsidized and obliges= have to pay fee and kits are free

persuasion/moral susasion

informational (ness but not sufficient) exhort (implore)= strong appeal/common values, to change a behavior (more effective) -can be an informational pamphlet, but goes deeper to invoke values/feelings

Socio-ecological model

intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, community, public policy (left= downstream,mirco) (right= upstream deter of health, macro)

attack timeline

more blue (domestic) terrorism as time goes on

policy levers/paths

non-intervention persuasion/moral susaion incentive procure Law and Regs

Law and Reg

require prohibition and oblige

Face coverings

small p= individual businesses reqs face coverings for entry big P= gov mandate with consequences for not following MI= mideamnaor and $500 fine TX= ban local gov from madnating, July= madnated for counties with +20 cases, $250 fine


subsidize (econ gain for doing or not doing something) Tax (puts price on something to make demand go down)

***key point

there are many neg econ, social, health impacts of NPI's -NPI req to reduce R(e) below 1 also wreak havoc on econ/edu/healthcare -keeping virus under control req mandate NPI's and req gov subsidies and changes in service to aide during the pandemic

policy levers=

tools that are non-intervention (e.g. don't change the policy) that are used for implementing policies (8 strings to their bow) devices for comparing policy approaches to a problem **policy tool classification

inequities in COVID related to

way entrenched inequality in US relate to W disparities (US not prepared to place NPI's to control virus that also hurts econ (not socialist/support sys))

overall framework for policy analysis

what is the specific policy what problems is it trying to solve? and how is that prob being framed? who are the stakeholders? will policy be effective?

can local/st gov mandate masks?

yes!! BUT have to ensure approach using is a legal channel in their jurisdiction (executive order, law, ordinance) MI= whitmer authority to extend exec order beyond 30 days (1945 vs 1976 law)

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