PUR3000 Exam 2

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A typical 90-second VNR, says one producer, costs a minimum of ____________ for production and distribution

$20,000 to $50,000

Proximity Impact (consequences) Conflict Timeliness Prominence Novelty/irony

Makes good news stories

the public relations staff will send a memo to reporters and editors about a news conference or upcoming event that they may wish to cover. Such memos also are used to let the media know about an interview opportunity with a visiting dignitary or celebrity or what photo and video possibilities are available

Media alert or advisory

When people have no prior information or attitude disposition regarding a subject, the mass media play a role in telling people what to think. Mass media effects also are increased when people cannot verify information through personal experience or knowledge but are highly dependent on the media for that verification.

Media-dependency theory

people who have no prior info or attitude disposition regarding a subject.

Media-dependency theory

-Professional associations, trade groups, labor unions-People who share common business or social interest -Often use the strength of their common bond to promote professionalism of their members EX: IABC, PRSA

Membership organization

Simply making claims to an environmental conscience (=Greenwashing) is__________________ .

NOT effective

Which is a major difference between a press release and a news conference?

News conference is more 2-way communication.

first class mail, fax, e-mail, electronic wire services such as online newsrooms

News releases, photos, media kits, and other media materials can be distributed by

People endorse ideas only if the sponsor proposes an action, recommendations must be clear

Suggestions for Action

True or false: In the Tylenol Case Study, scholars have come to recognize Johnson & Johnson's handling of the Tylenol crisis as the example for success when confronted with a threat to an organization's existence.


-Commercial announcements use controlled media. -Advertisers pay the right to choose the form, placement, and timing of messages. -PSAs are uncontrolled - media outlets make decisions about whether to use the PSA or not (and when to use it) -Commercial announcements tend to promote marketplace transitions, PSAs promote social causes and behavior change -Paid commercial announcements promotion social causes and behavior are NOT PSAs

Two major differences between commercials and PSAs

What to say and how to say it

Two parts of media training

Membership Organizations - Professional associations, trade groups, labor unions, chambers of commerce Advocacy Groups work for social causes- EX: PETA, Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace, NRA Social Service Organizations -Foundations, cultural groups, religious groups Health Organizations - hospitals (some are for profit), health agencies Educational Organizations - child care, instruction for primary and secondary students, colleges, universities, trade schools, and schools for special needs students.

Types of Non-Profits

People communicate and behave in an effort to manage and reduce the uncertainty in their lives. This theoretical approach relates to

Uncertainty reduction theory/situational theory

Mock interviews and expected Q&As

Valuable media training tools

News report (90-second, voice over narrative), B-roll (unedited video, without narration), Identification of clients and sponsors, Provide script, spokesperson info, contacts

Video News Release (VNR)

Produced in a format that TV stations can easily use or edit based on their needs. They are relatively expensive to produce, but they have great potential for reaching large audiences through TV stations, websites, or YouTube channels

Video News Release (VNR)

unedited video/pictures submitted by practitioner (with no narration)

"B-roll" refers to:

Employees have been called the organization's


A valuable method in training executives to deal with media is:

a mock interview

Despite all the clamor about social media, public relations practitioners must seriously bear in mind, social media is only

a tool.

Most widely distributed news releases are now sent by

e-mail or posted on organizational online newsrooms.

A good online newsroom, at minimum, should have

(1) current and archived news releases; (2) the names, phone numbers, and direct email addresses of public relations contacts; (3) photographs; (4) product information; and (5) an opportunity for journalists to sign up for a daily RSS feed if they regularly cover that particular company or industry.

News releases, photos, media kits, and a host of other media materials can be distributed by five major methods:

(1) first-class mail, (2) fax, (3) email, (4) electronic wire services, and (5) online newsrooms

What are some of the basic rules for writing with clarity so messages can be understood?

1. Produce messages that match in content and structure the characteristics of the audience 2. Use symbols, acronyms and slogans - avoid jargon 3. Avoid cliches and hype words 4. Avoid euphemisms and discriminatory language

PR Newswire data show that a news release with a photo receives __________________more views

1.8 times

_________________ of journalists surveyed visit a corporate newsroom at least once a week.

30 percent

TEKGROUP found that the % journalists thought it was important for a company to have an online newsroom,

98 percent

_________ can take the form of a phone call, a text message, or even a Tweet, the email remains the most popular and widely used method to _______ a story

A pitch; pitch


A successful radio or television show guest appearance has three requirements:

Corporate sponsorship is popular because:

A. It enhances reputation B. the product/brand gains visibility C. it generates publicity (all)

• written for the ear • more concise • more conversational • more expensive to produce

ANR(Audio News Release) vs. news release

stronger credibility is created with stakeholders and the organization has the opportunity to frame the issue rather than reacting to someone else's framing.

Advantages of self-disclosing a problem or issue

-EX: PETA, Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace -Organizations that fight for social causes can have significant impact -Tactics: lobbying, boycott, mass demos, reconciliation, etc.

Advocacy groups

Media content sets the agenda for public discussion. The media not only set an agenda, but also convey a set of attributes about the subject of the news. These positive or negative attributes are remembered and color public opinion.

Agenda-setting theory

• Intimidation, control, fighting, manipulation • No regard for other person's feelings • Anger-driven • Lose respect and trust

Aggressive communication style

Environmental relations, Corporate philanthropy, Education commitments, Employee involvement, Public health commitments, Corporate sponsorship

Areas of CSR (Corporate social responsibility)

• More effective & appropriate • Focus on specific issues and problems • Recognizes values and beliefs • Doesn't violate others' rights • Open and tolerant • Attack issues and not persons

Assertive communication style

What should the interviewee know about the interviewer before the interview.

His point of view his interests his likely questions (all of these)

an association of business professionals who work to improve their city's commercial climate and to publicize its attractions. Serve as boosters of local business growth.

Chambers of Commerce

1) Issues identification - scanning and monitoring 2) Issues analysis-assessing potential impact on the organization 3) Strategy options a)Set higher standards, b) work with human rights groups to monitor possible violations, c) establish a new policy 4) Action plan 5) Evaluation

Chase and Jones described process as five basic steps:

among nonprofit agencies for their share of donations is intense.


strategies enable the organization to position itself favorably in anticipation of actions such as litigation, boycott, adverse legislation, elections, or similar events that will play out in "the court of public opinion."

Conflict positioning

even if the messages are presented are in the public interest, corporations have to purchase time or space for their ads.

Corporate Advertising

Dannon yogurt's support of the National Wildlife Federation (giving the NWF 1.5 percent of all profits) is a form of:

Corporate philanthropy

Corporate philanthropy can be considered a form of:

Corporate social responsibility

of high priority in today's modern corporation

Corporate social responsibility

Which of the following is NOT among the guaranteed benefits of paid advertising?

Credibility of what does appear in print media

include the implementation of the crisis management plan as well as the hectic, 24/7 efforts to meet the needs of publics such as disaster victims, employees, government officials, and the media

Crisis communication

The process of anticipating and preparing for threats that have the potential to damage an organization's reputation with important constituents and influence the organization's survival

Crisis communication management

source credibility


ATTACK THE ACCUSER. The party that claims a crisis exists is confronted and its logic and facts are faulted. DENIAL. The organization explains that there is no crisis. (• Shifting the blame) EXCUSE. The organization minimizes its responsibility for the crisis. Any intention to do harm is denied, and the organization says that it had no control over the events that led to the crisis. JUSTIFICATION. Crisis is minimized with a statement that no serious damage or injuries resulted. Sometimes, the blame is shifted to the victims. INGRATIATION. Actions are taken to appease the publics involved. Consumers who complain are given coupons, or the organization makes a donation to a charitable organization. (Bolstering) CORRECTIVE ACTION. Steps are taken to repair the damage from the crisis and to prevent it from happening again. FULL APOLOGY. The organization takes responsibility and asks forgiveness. Some compensation of money or aid is often included.

Crisis response strategies

- Deny (Denial, Attack accuser, Shifting blame) - Diminish (Excuse, Justification) - Repair (Ingratiation, Bolstering, Corrective action, Apology) Defensive >>> Accommodative

Crisis response types

a perspective on media use that emphasizes the impact media exposure has on individuals

Cultivation Theory

The constant efforts _________ to publicize exhibitions, performances, and events, as well as support ongoing fund-raising, present many opportunities for _______________________.

Cultural organizations; public relations professionals

A transaction process based on a shared interpretation of reality via symbols

Definition of Communication

awareness > interest > trial > evaluation > Adoption

Diffusion of innovation theory explains that individuals adopt new ideas or products through five stages

1: Innovator :2.5% 2: Early adopter : 13.5% 3: Early majority : 34% 4: Late majority : 34% 5: Laggards: 16%

Diffusion theory

- Do give television news directors maximum flexibility in editing the material using their own anchors or announcers. - Do produce the video package with news footage in mind. Keep soundbites short and to the point. Avoid commercial-like shots with sophisticated effects. - Do provide television stations with a local angle. This can be done by sending supplemental facts and figures that reflect the local situation. - Do good graphics, including animation, are a plus. Stations are attracted to artwork that shows things in a clear, concise manner. - Don't superimpose your own written information on the actual videotape. Television news departments usually generate their own written notes in their own typeface and style. - Don't use a stand-up reporter. Stations do not want a reporter who is not on their own staff appearing in their newscast.

Dos and don'ts of VNR's

- Do include relevant, local angle - Do have a visually appealing set - Do use a credible spokesperson - Don't make it similar to a commercial - Don't be dishonest about content

Dos and don'ts of satellite media tours

The largest social media network in the world is


Instructing information as a part of a crisis response facilitates coping with a crisis by addressing public's emotional needs such as fear, confusion, compassion, etc.


It is considered permissible and ethical as part of the persuasion process to advocate for something you do not believe in as long as you're being well compensated.


The basic idea behind issues management is reactive analysis.


(1) lack of message penetration, (2) competing messages, (3) self-selection, and (4) self-perception.

For purposes of discussion, the limitations on effective persuasive messages can be listed as

_________________ is a major public relations task of these groups, in which they create communication campaigns and programs, and require a staff (including volunteers) to handle their ___________________.

Fund-raising; fundraising work

involves the broader functions of gathering information, disseminating management's views, and cooperating with government on projects of mutual benefit as well as motivating employees to take part in the political process.

Government relations

"Who (says) What (to) Whom (in) Which Channel (with) What Effect"

Harold Laswell

Corporate philanthropy (the donation of funds, products and services to various causes) has numerous benefits for the corporation: strengthened reputation, increased media opportunities, increased community and government relations, employee recruitment & retention, enhanced marketing, research and development, and increased profits -Examples of corporate philanthropies are P&G and Tyson

How Fortune companies use CSR (recent trend)?

Provides editors and reporters with variety of information and resources Prepared for distribution at: Major events (community relations) New product launches (integrated marketing campaign) News (press) conferences (crisis events)

How are media kits used

engage in extensive information efforts to reach their constituents.

How do members of Congress use PR?

• Put the public first • Be accessible • Take responsibility • Communicate with key publics • set up a central information center • Never say, "no comment" • Be honest. Don't obscure facts and try to mislead the public • Provide a constant flow of information • Monitor news coverage and telephone inquiries • Be familiar with media needs and deadlines • Designate a single spokesperson

How to communicate in a crisis

Actions taken to appease publics involved, such as free coupons or charitable donations, are referred to as


"Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand."

Interaction theory

What currently plays a crucial role in election fund-raising:


Highest paid specialty area in PR.

Investor relations

Key audiences - financial analysts, individual and institutional investors, shareholders, prospective shareholders, financial media and employees

Investor relations

PR professionals must be knowledgeable about communication and finance

Investor relations

is at the center of keeping a company's health and wealth communicated to shareholders and prospective investors.

Investor relations (IR)

is the organized activity of identifying emerging trends, concerns, or issues likely to affect an organization in the next few years and developing a wider and more positive range of organizational responses toward the future

Issues management

• Predict problems • Anticipate threats • Minimize surprises • Resolve issues • Prevent crises

Issues management

Research in Everett Roger's book, "Diffusion of Innovation," shows that there are five time-factor levels of how people approach innovation. Individuals who are often skeptical and somewhat resistant but bow to peer pressure are the _________ level:

Late majority

a formal process closely aligned with corporate and organizational governmental relations.


represent the interests of virtually the entire spectrum of U.S. business, educational, religious, local, national, and international pursuits.


___________________efforts are aimed at the defeat, passage, or amendment of legislation and regulatory agency policies in the interests of the corporation or advocacy organization. Roles public relations plays


Appealing to the audience's sense of logic. Convincing based upon knowledge. ______ appeal enhances ethos appeal.


message exposure accuracy in dissemination of the message acceptance of the message attitude change change in overt behavior

Objectives of communication

similar to traditional news releases, but the format is condensed and single spacing is used.

Online news releases

Highly interested in a subject or issue Better informed on an issue than the average person Avid consumers of mass media Early adopters of new ideas Good organizers who can get other people to take action

Opinion Leaders

75% of journalists use_________ for stories

PR sources

A public information officer for a local school district must constantly deal with parents, the school board, and other community and governmental organizations. A university director of public relations or even marketing communications, on the other hand, has less interaction with parents but must deal with ongoing student recruitment, campus controversies, and alumni relations.

PR strategies used by Educational Organizations

Which one of the following statement is NOT true about PSAs and commercials?

PSAs use controlled media

• Anxiety driven • Taken advantage of • Avoids confrontation • Intimidated

Passive communication style

Through transmission of a message, communicators manipulate w/ propaganda rather than discuss; ETHICS mainly separates the two

Persuasion vs. Propaganda

• Proactive Phase: Issues management, Environmental Scanning • Strategic Phase: Crisis management, Risk communication • Reactive Phase: Crisis communication, conflict resolution. • Recovery Phase: Reputation management, image restoration

Phases of strategic conflict management

-PR specialists arrange for selected items to appear on movies or TV shows -Mutually beneficial for product and producers of TV shows or films - PR practitioners should be alert to publicity opportunities on TV programs and movies

Product placements

Members of a profession or skilled craft organize for mutual benefit.

Professional Associations

an unpaid announcement that promotes the programs of government or voluntary agencies or that serves the public interest. Only nonprofit, civic, and voluntary organization are eligible to use these

Public service announcements (PSA)

Of the five factors presented in "Diffusion of Innovation" that influence a person's evaluation of a product or idea, which factor emphasizes the degree to which an innovation is perceived as better than the idea it replaces.

Relative advantage

The mission of organized religion, as perceived by many faiths today, includes much more than holding weekly worship services and underwriting parochial schools. Churches also distribute charity, conduct personal guidance programs, provide leadership on moral and ethical issues in their communities, and operate social centers where diverse groups gather.

Religious groups

the collective representation of an organization's past performance or the track record of the organization in the public's mind


First step of writing a speach

Research (Who is intended audience? Who is speaking? understand speakers speech patterns)

1. Begin early and initiate a dialogue with publics that might be affected. 2. Actively solicit and identify people's concerns. 3. Recognize the public as a legitimate partner in the process. Engage interested groups in two-way communication and involve key opinion leaders. 4. Address issues of concern, even if they do not directly pertain to the project. 5. Anticipate and prepare for hostility. To defuse a situation, use a conflict resolution approach. 6. Understand the needs of the news media. Provide accurate, timely information and respond promptly to requests. 7. Always be honest, even when it hurts.

Risk communication techniques

_______is a series of pre-booked, one-on-one interviews from a fixed location with a series of journalists or talk show hosts.

SMT (satellite media tour)

A key point to remember when dealing with reporters, especially in interviews, is

Saying "no comment" is an indication that you may be hiding something.

Albert Bandura; people learn from one another via observation, imitation and modeling

Social Learning theory

Society is a product created by humans

Social construction of reality theory

-Foundations -cultural groups -religious groups

Social service organizations

attractiveness expertise sincerity trustworthiness

Source credibility

lobbying, litigation, mass demonstrations, boycotts, reconciliation, and public education.

Strategies of Advocacy Groups

Which of the following characterize the media that today's' public relations practitioners must deal with?

They are aggressive, opinionated, and throw themselves into story coverage.

Messages are often repeated extensively to reach all members of the target audience and to help them remember and enhance their learning. One way to do this is to convey information:

Through a variety of channels.

usually consists of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, or distributors in the same field. Corporate entities, not individuals, are the members

Trade Associations (Groups)

News releases Fact sheet Photos with captions Basic brochures Key people A new feature of the product or service Bio on spokesperson or chief executives Contact information such as email addresses, phone numbers, and website URLs

Traditional Media Kits (aka press kit): (9x12 folder with inside pockets)

Changing attitudes would be considered an Objective of Communication


Changing attitudes would be considered an Objective of Communication.


Environmental scanning is in the first phase of strategic conflict management.


Much easier to keep up a good reputation than to restore a negative reputation


• Immediate time, real time • Reach is worldwide • Uncontrolled ("Traditional media gatekeeper have lost their power in today's print-and-click world") • Issues tracking, research • Media management • Controversial security problems & legal questions • Malicious and irritating practices

What are the key aspects of the Internet in relation to public relations

• A website is the organization's digital front door; it must be well designed. • Webcasts are now used for news conferences, briefing financial analysts, and training employees. • Podcasts, readily available on mobile-enabled devices, can be either audio or video. • Blogs are used by organizations, employees, and others to provide information and opinion in a more informal way.

What are the new technologies that are used in public relations and how are they used

Interaction between individuals working on a particular project is facilitated by what are known as Wikis Wiki "allows almost everyone in the agency to set up a well-organized, attractive, customized workspace for any number of tasks -And social media

What are the new types of software/tools being used in public relations

Public relations practitioners train executives to do media interviews by playing the role of a reporter in a mock interview video taping for reviewing Q&A sessions

What is important in preparing a media interview?

-Be newsworthy -Invite all news outlet that might be interested -Choose convenient location -Set date/time with media schedules in mind -Issue invitation early -Prepare media kit and visual materials -Train spokesperson -Anticipate questions

What is important in preparing a news conference?

Discuss with speaker the purpose (objectives) of the speech, key facts and major points, and primary messages Use personal pronouns Avoid jargon Use simple words Use round numbers Use contractions Avoid empty phrases Use active verbs Vary sentence length Use questions Make comparisons and contrasts Create patterns of thought Don't dilute expressions of opinion Avoid modifiers-Keeping the audience in mind:Know your listeners Use their language Use visuals Use humor carefully Watch your facts Focus on benefit Remember nonverbal cues such as SPEAK

What is important in writing and giving a speech?

Sum of individual opinions on an issue affecting those individuals, collection of interested views

What is public opinion

-Timeliness: correspond with annual seasons, governmental rulings, new laws, social trends, etc -Localization: national release should be relevant to a local audience—reporters are always looking for the "local angle" -Humanization: should show how real people are involved or affected -Visual appeal: provide vibrant, compelling sound bites that not only promote, but also illustrate and explain

What makes a good ANR

The first question before engaging in a media interview is

What purpose will this serve the organization

Enhancing reputation through corporate associations, Product brands gain visibility, Focal point for marketing sales campaigns, Generating publicity and media coverage

Why corporate sponsorship has been popular?

to inform the public about health and safety issues and to promote the state as a tourist destination.

Why do state agencies conduct campaigns?

Risks voluntarily taken tend to be _____________


Corporations must build a rapport with business editors and reporters by being __________ about company operations and policies.

accessible, open and honest

Traditionally, governments have always engaged in campaigns to:

all answer choices are correct (educate, inform, motivate, persuade)

The loyalty and financial support of ________ are crucial to the ongoing operations of a college or university. _________ are considered the major foundation of any fund-raising effort because of their immediate association with the institution.

alumni; Alumni

A trade press is most likely to use a(n)

application story

Learning about the diverse characteristics of the people who make up the audience

audience analysis

What is not a reason why corporate-sponsored events are popular?

builds social capital with the media

The most difficult persuasive task is to

change or neutralize hostile opinions

- Use symbols, acronyms and slogans - Avoid jargon - Avoid clichés and hype words - Avoid euphemisms - an inoffensive word or phrase that is less direct and less distasteful than the one that represents reality (pre-owned) - Avoid discriminatory language

clarity of message

- the desire to have consistency in your life - if campaigns demonstrate two conflicting beliefs, they'll feel this - they'll want to resolve the discomfort from contradictions in belief system - focuses on messages contrary to one's predispositions

cognitive dissonance

public relations professionals must develop ____________________________to influence the course of conflicts to the benefit of the organization and, when possible, to the benefit of the organization's many constituents

communication strategies and processes

a pervasive condition in life, occurs when two or more groups or organizations vie for the same resources. In business, these "resources" can be sales, share of market, contracts, employees, and, ultimately, profits. In the nonprofit sector, the _____________ might be donations, grants, clients, volunteers, and even political influence.


Many messages fail because the audience finds the message unnecessarily _________ in ________ or language. The most persuasive messages are direct, simply expressed, and contain only one primary idea.

complex; content

Many nonprofit groups advocate differing positions, resulting in ongoing _____________ with one another


Perception of risk increases when the messages of experts


occurs when two groups direct their efforts against each other, devising actions and communication that directly or verbally attack the other group


are used to bring a heated conflict, such as collapsed salary negotiations, to a favorable resolution.

conflict resolution techniques

1. many factors determine the stance or position of an organization when it comes to dealing with conflict and perceived threats against the organization. 2. the public relations stance for dealing with a particular audience or public is dynamic; that is, it changes as events unfold

contingency theory

A task that may be seen as the most essential task of public relations people in the eyes of those who public relations people work is

coordinating interviews for their executives with the media.

corporate sponsorship can be considered a form of

corporate social responsibility

"Public opinion is the sum of individual opinions on an issue affecting those individuals." "Public opinion is a collection of views held by persons interested in the subject."

definition of public opinion

Most communication models have five basic elements: source, encoder, signal, decoder, and


(1) drama, (2) statistics, (3) surveys and polls, (4) examples, (5) testimonials, (6) endorsements, and (7) emotional appeals

devices experts use for structure of messages

Public opinion on an issue may have its roots in self-interest or in events, but the primary catalyst is public ____________.


Reputation repair and maintenance is achieved through

effective issues management, risk communication, and crisis management techniques

An army of specialists, including public relations experts, are retained by major candidates to organize and raise money for ______________________.

election campaigns.

provide a cost-effective way to directly reach thousands of media across the nation and even the globe with a single click.

electronic news services

The reality is that public opinion is somewhat _______ and extremely difficult to measure at any given moment.


When matching media with your targeted audience, you are more likely to use television for

emotional impact

Public relations and human resources departments concentrate on communicating with ____________ just as vigorously as it does on delivering the corporate story to the outside world.


• Do not use false evidence • Do not intentionally use unsupported reasoning • Do not falsely represent yourself • Do not use irrelevant appeals as diversions • Do not make false links to favorable values, motives, or goals • Do not cover up consequences • Do not use baseless emotional appeals • Do not oversimplify complex situations • Do not feign certainty • Do not advocate what you don't believe yourself

ethics issues related to persuasion

We talked about the elements of a public relations program in class throughout the semester. Which of the following statements about a public relations program is TRUE?

evaluation methods should be developed and in place prior to the onset of the public relations program.

A supplementary reference tool that summarizes key points about an event, product, or company for media

fact sheet

There are two kinds: The first one is basically a summary sheet about the characteristics of a new product that serves as a quick reference for a journalist writing a story. A second kind, often called a corporate profile, is a one-page summary in bulleted list format that gives the basic facts about an organization or a company

fact sheets

Psychologists say the most effective emotional appeal is one coupled with ____________________. The emotional appeal attracts audience interest, but logical arguments also are needed for the appeal to be persuasive.

facts and figures

When distributing PSA to media, practitioners should not submit multiple PSAs on the same subject in various lengths because it will confuse the media


If the public understands the problem and its factors, it perceives less risk.

familiarity breeds confidence

Johnson & Johnson employed which overall strategy in the Tylenol crisis:

forgiveness & sympathy

An elected official is an example of a(n)

formal opinion leader

positions as elected officials, presidents of companies, or heads of membership groups

formal opinion leaders

the media focuses attention on certain events and then places them within a field of meaning idea that people use sets of expectations to make sense of their social world and media contribute to those expectations

framing theory

takes up a lot of resources and uses up a lot of built up goodwill

image restoration

Those who have clout with peers because of some special characteristic. They may be role models who are admired and emulated or those who can exert peer pressure on others to go along with something. In general, _______________________ exert considerable influence on their peer groups by being highly informed, articulate, and credible on particular issues.

informal opinion leaders

Convincing popular TV programs to write a cause into their plot-lines is called:

issue placement

occurs when the organization makes behavioral changes or creates strategic plans in ways that address the emerging issue.

issues management

Minimizing a crisis with a statement that the damage was "not severe" and "no serious injuries involved" is known as which type of strategy?


Strategic—for the purpose of achieving particular objectives Management—planned, deliberate action Competition—striving for the same object, position, or prize as others Conflict—sharp disagreements or opposition resulting in a direct, overt threat of attack from another entity

key components of strategic conflict management

represent the interests of an entire industry. However, labor unions advocate on behalf of employees

labor unions

Fund-raising is a critical issue for nonprofit organizations. Depending on their mission and strategy, nonprofits seek donations from ______________ or_______________ or small contributions from __________________.

large corporations; foundations; individuals

The less direct contact we have with an issue, the more we depend on the media

media dependency theory

Major roles of public relations professionals in health organizations are to communicate information about:

medical advances, availability of health services, and potential health risks

The most widely used document issued by practitioners to news media is:

news release

50% of news in Wall Street Journal comes from

news releases

Most widely distributed are now sent by e-mail or posted on organizational online newsrooms.

news releases

___________________ must be accurate, informative, and written in journalistic style.

news releases

Multimedia __________________________ harness the capabilities of the Internet and social media by embedding photos, video, links, social tags, and so on, into the basic ___________________.

news releases; news release


non- verbal cues (S-P-E- A-K)

Once self-interest is involved, opinion is

not easily changed

Which is not a suggested guideline in preparing for a news conference

only invite the key media to the conference

people who take an interest in issues and organize public discussion or public action about them are called

opinion leaders

For many nonprofit organizations, ________________ among members are necessary for their common interest


psychologists have found that the public tends to be _________. It is often assumed that a small vocal group represents the attitude of the public, when in reality, it is more accurate to say that the majority of the people are apathetic because an issue doesn't interest or affect them.


Emotional appeal


The dominant view of public relations is one of

persuasive communication actions performed on behalf of clients

Studies show that more people "read" _______________ than read articles


A good ______ is based on research and a creative idea that will appeal to the journalist or editor


Public relations personnel "_______" journalists and editors with story ideas about their employer or client.


Most business crises are


The Internet is the first major revolution in communication since the invention of the

printing press

"Propaganda is the deliberate and systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist." (Jowett & Donnell) - Difference from persuasion is that propaganda sells a belief system or constitutes political or ideological dogma - Really about manipulation rather than discussion

propaganda vs. persuasion

The attempt to classify people by lifestyle, attitudes, and beliefs is called


All agencies of the federal government employ

public affairs officers

Because of their large numbers and the many families that they represent, students make up the largest ___________________________—for good or bad—that a university has.

public relations arm

____________________are not published or posted unless they appeal to media gatekeepers who choose the content.

publicity photos

• Change or neutralize hostile opinion • Crystallize latent opinions and positive attitudes • Conserve favorable opinions

purposes of persuasion

Which is NOT a rule of thumb during a crisis situation?

put company needs at the highest level to ensure cooperation

Which is not an element of the issues management approach?

react to surprises

verbal or written exchange to communicate information regarding risk to public health, safety and environment

risk communication

The severity of consequences affects

risk perception

Elihu Katz says the two major intervening variables in the flow of persuasive messages are__________________ ; these are consistent with the limited-effects model of mass communication.

selectivity and interpersonal relations

the context through which messages are interpreted


Opinion is highly _______ to _______ By and large, public opinion does not anticipate _______. It only reacts to them. _______ trigger formation of public opinion. Unless people are aware of an issue, they are not likely to be concerned or have an opinion about it. Awareness and discussion lead to crystallizing of opinions and often a consensus among the public. ________ of unusual magnitude are likely to swing public opinion temporarily from one extreme to another.

sensitive; events; events; events; events.

"social epidemics" are set in motion by a few people who are set apart by "how _________ they are, or how ________ or ____________ or ___________ among their peers."

sociable; energetic; knowledgeable; influential

Increasingly, public relations officers need to monitor ______________ to stay atop emerging issues for the institution to forestall embarrassing and damaging blows to the reputation of their institution.

social media

In interviews, the interviewers seek

someone who can provide material for a "good story"

Charisma, sincerity, and expertise are all key factors of

source credibility

The primary difference between stakeholders and stakeseekers is

stakeholders relate to those who already have a vested interest in an organization while stakeseekers are trying to become involved

- Publicity - Creation of Events - Use of Services - Creation of Educational Materials - Newsletters

strategies for Social Service Organizations

Which is not a phase of strategic conflict management?


The federal government grants non-profits _________ status because they enhance the well-being of their members, in the case of trade associations, or enhance the human condition in some way, in the case of environmental groups or medical research organizations.


Lobbying, litigation, mass demonstration, boycotts, reconciliation, fund-raising

the PR tactics used by advocacy/activist groups

study also found that management...causes 50% of __________

the crises

The more complex a situation

the higher the perception of risk.

Which of the following is a benefit publicity has over guarantees associated with advertising

third-party endorsement

(1) economic performance, (2) social responsiveness, and (3) the ability to deliver valuable outcomes to stakeholders.

three foundations of reputation

A message is more persuasive if environmental factors support the message or if the message is received within the context of other messages and situations with which the individual is familiar.

timing and context

The value of information and its newsworthiness are based on

timing and context

(1) financial irregularities, (2) unethical behavior, and (3) executive misconduct.

top three triggers for a crisis

One of the most active forms of corporate government relations is the work of ___________________ in Washington, D.C., and state capitals on behalf of industries.

trade associations

Aristotle's ideas of "ethos" deals with notion of credibility.


Coordinating media interviews for their management is a key role that public relations practitioners have (true or false)


Good media relations require a formal media relations policy and following sound principles of dealing fairly, honestly, and intelligently with their representatives. (true or false)


If the fact that the acceptable rate of accuracy is 70 percent among internet journalists is an indication, then dealing with some media has become risky. (true or false)


Trade show booths would be an example of a method to reach active information-seekers.


True or false: In terms of customer relations, customer service, in many ways, is the front line of public relations.


From mass media > opinion leaders > followers

two-step flow theory

a one-line headline, a brief paragraph outlining the story idea or event, some of journalism's five Ws and H, and whom to contact for more information

typical contents of a one-page media advisory

*Active vs. Passive audiences *Your primary target audiences may be different on different occasions *Your primary public might be comprised of different people at different time *You have to be flexible why? The public is not static *High involvement vs. low involvement

uncertainty reduction theory/ situational theory

Which is not a suggested guideline of speechwriting

use modifiers

The concept where an audience actively pursues messages that can fulfill individual needs is known as

uses and gratification

Concept matured in 20th century with public opinion polling, between two world wars became empirical

why did the concept of public opinion mature?

to tell citizens about city services and promote economic development

why do major cities employ public information specialists?

to tell the public about the activities and policies of various agencies.

why do states employ public information officers?

These special websites are used as collaborative spaces where ideas or guidelines can be shared and developed with multiple audiences


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