PWS 375

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What does the Enviornmental Rights framework tend to push policy towards?

Absolute Positions

Exercising the precautionary principle means to __________________.

Act with caution, even when the perceived threats are uncertain

Once a person forms an opinion about the likely risk from an environmental problem, it is difficulty to change that opinion. This is a cognitive bias referred to as

Anchoring effect

What value matches the following statement: "Knowing that our kids and grandkids will be able to enjoy a particular species in the future."

Bequest Value

A __________ ____________ problem is due to the increased transaction costs in negotiating solutions as the number of parties increases.

Collective action

Initiated with an international conference in 1972, The United Nations Environment Program has been instrumental in establishing which agreement?

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

What U.S. proposed dam construction project was never constructed in one of the first victories for the preservationist movement?

Echo Park

What US Environmental Law is heralded as the strongest protection of biodiversity in the world?

Endangered Species Act

One of the main foci of Environmental Jusice also known as "substantive environmental justice" is centered around

Equal distribution of burdens

Congress has been open to arguements of cost-benefit analysis for choosing environmental regulation.


A power utility offers to subsidize the homeowners costs to increase the amount of insulation in homes. The utility in-turn recieves a federal tax rate incentive. This is an example of ____________.

Financial payments

As the first chief of the US Forest Service, this individual espoused the conservationist doctrine of 'wise use' of natural resources.

Gifford Pinchot

Which is not true about externalities?

Internalizing externalities gives a false price signal to buyers

What was the historical significance of the 1977 amendment to the Clean Water Act?

It recognized the value and ecosystem services provided by habitats such as wetlands

Who founded the Sierra Club?

John Muir

The majority of legislation passed under the Environmental Justice framework is done at which government level?

Local Level

The need for watershed organizations grows out of what environmental policy theme?

Mismatched scales

Sustainable Development at it's core dictates that we must develop within the constaints of?

Natural Systems

A regulatory instrument that seeks to charge or tax those who impact the environment at a cost-level equal ot the harm imposed is a __________________.

Pigouvian Tax

The broad subject of environmental law is often viewed as comprising which two distinct fields?

Pollution Law and Natural Resources Law

Which regulatory tool is most associated with low administraiton costs?

Property Rights Regulations

What principle is demonstrated in the Madison v. Ducktown Sulphur, Coppr and Iron Co. case (1904)?

Regulatory action should be more proactive than reactive

Which of the following was not an outcome of the Scenic Hudson Preservation Conference v. Federal Power Commission case?

Resolution of the conflicting viewpoints between the Federal Power Commission and those who opposed the construction of the dam

Deciding whether to build a nuclear or coal fired power plant is an example of a ___________ choice.

Risk - Risk

This following definition belongs to which term: "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Sustainable Development

A market based economy does not inherently promote environmental protection because ________.

There is no market to exchange public goods

The significant effect of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring was

To demonstrate the environmental impacts of pesticides

What was the motivation for the creation of a forest reserve system in the Adirondacks by New York State?

To protect a clean water supply

A major factor in determining whether to use a technology or health based regulatory standard is _____________.

administration cost

Reflexive laws are those that _______________.

attempt to change behavior through education

What do anthropocentric rights encompass?

current and future generations of humans

One disadvantage to prescriptive regulation is __________________.

little incentive for innovation

In 1990, a science advisory board evaluated EPA's budget priorities and found that ____________.

there was little connection of agency spending to highest priority environmental concerns

A situation where an individual's personal incentive works against the collective long-term best interest is knows as

tragedy of the commons

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