Python Unit 7 - Lists & Dictionaries
A dictionary is a set of elements where each element is a key-value pair.
A key is a value in a dictionary that can be used to retrieve a matching, corresponding value.
A list is a set of elements where each element has a corresponding index position.
A value is stored in a dictionary and that can be accessed with a corresponding key.
An element is a specific value within a list.
append method
The append method adds a new element to the very end of a list.
clear method
The clear method empties all elements from a dictionary.
list concatenation operator
The concatenation operator for lists is the plus symbol ( + ). It can be used to join two lists together.
del statement
The del statement removes an element from a list.
extend method
The extend method adds a list to another list.
index method
The index method returns an element in a list with a given index position.
indexing operator
The indexing operator in Python is square brackets ( [ ] ). The indexing operator is used to specify a single element with a corresponding number.
insert method
The insert method adds a new element to a specified index position within a list.
keys method
The keys method is used to create a list of all keys in a dictionary.
len function
The len function returns the number of elements in a list.
pop method
The pop method removes an element from a list.
remove method
The remove method removes an element from a list.
sort method
The sort method puts elements of a list in a ranked order.
values method
The values method is used to create a list of all values in a dictionary.