Quiz 1; chapters 1/2

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National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA)

establishes standards for professionalism, education, research, and practice settings entry-level athletic training clinical integration proficiencies code of ethics


failure to receive informed consent may constitute __________________, which is an unpermitted or intentional contatct with another individual without their consent; although many courts require that intent to harm be present in an allegation of ______________, a wirtten documentation should be obtained from an individual or parents of minor childrne prior to treatment to avoid litigation 16


in cases involving ______________________, an individual is potentially entitled to compensation for injury or harm sustained; the burden of proof of negligence lies with the harmed individaul; specifically the person must prove the four elements of neglgience; these include: there was a duty of care owed to the injured person by the person responsible for the injury there was a breach of that duty there was harm (e.g. pain and suffering, permanent disability, or loss of wages) the resulting harm was a direct cause of the breach of duty 13

standard of care

in defining ___________________, it is important to distinguish between reasonable person standard of care and professional standard of care; reasonable person standard of care is a minimum standard that requires an individual to act as a reasonably prudent person

medical well-being

in ensuring proper acre for the individuals under their care, it is essential that coaches, physical educators, personal trainers, and other specialists responsbile for the medicaal well-being of their players, students, and clients protect themselves with regard to liability, a legal-responsiibliity for one's acts; failure to attend to that responsiblity could result in a lawsuit for damages sustained 11

team physicain

in organized sports, such as interscholastic, intercollegiate, or professional athletic programs, a ______________ may be hired or may volunteer their services ot tdirect the healthcare team; this individual supervises the various aspects of healthcare and is the final authority to determine the mental and physical fitness of athletes in organized programs 6

primary care physician

in some settings, particularly outside the athletic setting, the ________________ or family physician assuems a key role in providing medical care to athletes and physically active individuals of all ages; the services provided by the _______________ can vary with the background and expertise of hte individual; services performed by a _____________________- can range form completing a participation examination for a young athlete to counseling a middle-aged patient with multiple risk factors for coronary artery diseases on the parameters for safely beginning an exercise program; in some settings, the __________________ assumes the responsibility of determining the medical eligibility or cealring an individual for participation in an activity 6

absence of athletic trainer

in the ___________________, the coach should be able to: assess and recognize potentially severe injuries provide emergency first aid initiate appropriate referral for advanced medical care, if necessary


in the absence of an atheltic trainer, the _____________ should be able to: assess nad recognize potentiall severe injuries provide emergency first aid; and initiate appropriate referral for advanced medical care, if necessary


in the absence of an athletic trainer, the _____________ should be able to: assess and recognize potentially severe injuries; provide emergency first aid; and initiate appropriate referral for advanced medical care, if necessary

refusing help

individuals have the right to refuse treatment exception: increased risk for further injury

Athletic trainer domains

injury/illness prevention and wellness protection clinical evaluation and diagnosis immediate and emergency care treatment and rehabilitation organization and professional health and well being


legal action involving the practice of sport nad physical activity injury care is typically tried under ___________ law; a _____________ is a civil wrong done to an individual, whereby teh injured party seeks a remedy for damages suffered

state practice governance

licensure certification registration

Strict liability

makes the manufacturer liable for all defective or hazardous equipment that unduly threaten an individuals personal safety

implied warranty

manufacturers have a duty to care to design, manufacture, and package equipments that will not cause injury to an individual when used as intended; this is called _________________

assumption of risk

participants and parents of minor children should (1) understand that risk for injury exists, (2) appreciate the nature of the risk, and (3) voluntarily accept the risk; understanding and comrehending the nature of hte risk is determined by the participant's age, experience, and knowledge of pertinent information about the risk 15

failure to warn

participants must be informed that risk for injury exists and understand the nature of that risk

exculpatory waiver

physicains cannot totally exclude an individual from participation, but rather only recommend the indivudal not to participate because of a medical condition that increases the risk of further injury and/or death as a result of participation; in these situations, a ______________ can be used; an ______________ is based on an individual's assumption of risk and is a release signed by teh individual or parent of an individual under the age of 18 that releases the phyysician from liability of negligence 14

tort law

practice of athletic training normally tried under _________________; can be omission or comission of care

foreseeability of harm

recognizing a potential danger and removing the danger before an injury occurs


responsibilities of the ______________ in absence of an athletic trainer include: assessment of the nature and severity of injury determination of the appropriate courtse of action in managing an injuryimplementation of the appropriate course of action (e.g. administring basic first aid and initiating an emergency care plan as necessary) 7

immediate care

the _____________ domain identifies the role of the athletic trainer subsequent to determining the nature and extent of an injury or illness; the athletic trainer must be prepared to care for and prevent further ham for various conditions 4; as such, _____________ could range form implementation of standard emergency care for a life-threatening condition (e.g. activating the emergency medical plan) to rendering standard immediate care ofr a musculoskeletal injury, such as immobilizing a possible fracture and applying cold and compression to a sprain or strain 4


the ______________ responsibilities include: instructiosn for proper skill development and techniques development and implementaiton of condition programs that are physiologically nad developmentally appropriate inspection of equipment, facilities, and playing fields/ courts to ensure that their use is safe for participation evaluation of the status of participants prior to permitting them to engage in activiteis supervision during activities 6

team approach

the ______________ to the delivery of healthcare allows for a comprehensive prevention, assessment, management, and rehabilitaion of injury; the collaborative efforts of various specialists can best serve participants in sport and physical activities

risk of injury

the _______________ is apparent with participation in sports nad physical activities; while participation in sports and physical actiities can be an importnat component of a healthy lifestyle for both children and adults, participatns can expect to sustain an injury at some point in time 5

coach/ physical educator/ fitness specialist/ sport supervisior

the ________________ are responsible for teaching various skills and/or strategies related to sports and physical activities; in many cases, these individuals are also responsible for administering and supervising activities or activity areas within an institution or health club facility; in borht instances, _____________ are responsible for injury prevention, onsite assessmen,t and managment of injuries, including reducing the potential for further injury or harm 6

performance domains

the ________________ of an athletic trainer include: (1) prevention, (2) clinical evaluation and diagnosis, (3) immediate care, (4) treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning, (5) organization and administration, and (6) professional responsibility

National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA)

the _________________ establishes standards for professionalism, education, research, and practice settings for athletic trainers

National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA)

the _________________ establishes standards for professionalism, education, research, and practice settings for athletic trainers; as medical experts in the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities, athletic trainers are uniquely qualified to provide healthcare services to athletes and the physically active 8


the _________________ has a responsibility to inform participants of the potential for harm associated with participation in physical activity; _____________ should require participants to complete an assumption of risk form conforming their understanding of the risk of injury

activity participant

the _________________ must also play a role in efforts to maximize injury prevention; it is the responsibility of the _________________ to adhere to prescribed guideliens for their activityy; such responsibilities could include maintaining an appropriate level of fitness; performing within the ruels or guideliens of an activity; and maintianing and wearing safety equipment; in the event of an injury, the participant should know the protocol for reporting an injury and seeking immediate healthcare; in some cases, an injury may be apparent to the coach or supervisior, but there will definately be scenarios where an injury is not readily apparent to an observer 7


the __________________ should actively engage in actions to reduce the risk of injury and potential litigation

team appraoch

the __________________ to the delivery of healthcare allows for a comprehensive preventiono, assessment, management, and rehabilitation of injury; the colalborative efforts of various specialists can best serve participants in sport and physical activities 8

team appraoch

the __________________ to the delivery of healthcare allwos for a comprehensive prevention, assesssment, and magement of an injury or illness, as it taps the expertise of individual specialists workign in conjunction with one another and the patient; by having healthcare professionals from different disciplines work collaboratively, a venue is in place for addressing in injury from different perspectives 5

organization/ administration

the ___________________ describes the responsiblties of athletic trainers in developipng nad executing a series of plans, policies, and procedures to ensure responsive and efficent operation of the athletic trainign program; general areas that warrant attention in this domain include documentatio nand maintennace of the healchare records, inclduing those pertaining to health services (i.e. precipitation exeaminations, injury evaluations, immediate treatment nof injuries/illnesses, rehabilitation progress, and medical clerance to participate); other services rendered to an injured party (e.g. counseling, educational programs, referrals to specialists); confidentiality of medical records; financial management; facility management; personnel management; purchace of equipment and supplies; equipment-recondition records; compliance with defined safety standards; emergency care protocols; public relations; and normal operating procedures

Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer

the ____________________ is the professional organization responsible for both the certification of athletic trainers and defining the major performance domains of the athletic trainer 3

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

the ____________________ of 1996 includes laws that are intended to protect the privacy of patients; the component referred to as the Privacy Rule was designed to ensure patient confidentiality by establishing standards for controlling the use and disclosure of an individual's health records; the interpretation of the application of these laws in sport settings has been a source of confusion for professionals in the sports medicine community 17

National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA)

the ____________________ represents over 30,000 members in the athletic training profession; the current mission of the ________________ is to enhance teh quality of healthcare provided by certified athletic trainers and advance the athletic training profession 3

treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning

the athletic trainer is responsible for the ___________________________ programs approptie to the diagnossi made during the evaluation and assessment phase; in consultation with a physician, a comprehensive treatment program is developed, including therapeutic goals nad objectives, selection of appropriate therapeutic modalities and exercise, use of pharmacologic agents, methods to assess and docuemnt progress, and criteria for terutn to participation; information gathetered and documented during ___________________ assist the physician in determining when the individual may be cleared for participation 5

pre-participation examination

the basic objective of the __________________ is to determine the general health and fitness level of a physically active individual to ensure safe participation in a particular sport/activity

clinical evaluation/ diagnosis

the domain of _________________ addresses the responsibilities of hte athletic trainer in using standardized clinical practices to make decisions regarding the nature and severity of an injury or illness; evaluation or assessment, can involve several scenarios, including on-field primary assessments, off-field inital assessments, and follow-up assessments; in each situation, the evlaution must follow as systmetic format that include sa history of hte injury or illness; observation and inspection of hte condition; palpation fo soft tissues and bony structures; and a variety of tests (ROM, muscle strength, sensory and neurologic function, ligamentous/capsular integrity, and functional status) 4

professional responsibility

the domain of __________________ focuses o nthe expectations of the athletic trainer relative to adhering to ethical, legal, and other professional standards; the knowledge and skills identified in this area are intended to ensure appropriate care in all aspects of healthcare delivery (e.g. patient assessment, care, and treamtent; knowledge of current best practices; administrative functions)


the domain of ___________________ encompasses a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills addressing the risks associated with participation in sports and physical activities; such risks range in severity from minor to potentially catestrophic injuries or illnesses 4


the following elements must be proven with regard to a coach being _____________: a duty to care a breach of that duty harm directly caused by that breach of duty


the following elements mut be proven with regard to a coach being negligent: a duty of care a breach of that duty harm directly caused by that breach of duty

athletic trainer

the major performance domains of an ______________ include: 1. prevention, 2. clinical evaluation and diagnosis, 3. immediate care, 4. treatment, rehabilitation, and conditioning, 5. organization and adminsitration, and 6. professional responsibility

preparticipation examination

the use of a __________________ performed by a licensed physician as a requirement for participation in a sports team or in a physical fitness program can be an effective strategy for ensuring an individual's health and safety as it pertains to their participation in physical activity or sport 13


while it may not be by choice, the ______________ is a member of hte healthcare delivery team; in many instances, the coach is hte first indivdual to respond to an injured participant; as such, it is essential that the coaches understand their roles and responsibilities to ensure the safety of the participant, as well as to ensure theor own protection in a potnetially liable situation 5


wrongs against an injured party may be attributed to __________________; __________________ can occur as a result of an action or lack of an action by a professional who had a legal duty of care 12

exclusionary cause

(informed consent); identifies conditions not treated by the certified athletic trainer

Board of Certification (BOC)

Awards the ATC credential Role Delineation Study Standards of Professional Practice

National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA)

The ____________ is the professional organization that oversees the profession; represents over 30,000 Athletic Trainer members; helps establish standards for professionalism, education, research, and practice settings

Board of Certification (BOC)

The ________________ is responsible for both the certification of athletic trainers and defining all the domains athletic trainers will practice; at the completion of an athletic training student's education, they sit for the ________________ certification examination; it's a national exam, aka boards, and once they pass they are awarded the title of certified athletic trainer


____________- have a responsibility to use reasonable care to protect their own health


_____________ is failure to provide a duty of care _____________ torts can result from malfeasance misfeasance nonfeasance malpractice gross negligence

standard of care

_____________ is measured by what another minimally competent individual educated and practicing in that profession would have done to protect an individual from harm or further harm


_____________ occurs when an individual commits an act that is not their responsibility to perform

goals of preparticipation exam

______________ include: determine general health and current immunization status detect medical conditions that are not healed or may predispose the individual to injury or illness so medical treamtent can start prior to sport/activity participation identify health risk behaviors that may be corrected through informed counseling establish baseline parameters for determining when an injured individual may return to activity assess physical maturity evaluate the level of physical fitness classify the individual as to the readiness for participation recommend appropriate levels of participation for individuals with medical contraindications to exercise meet legal and insurance requirements related to participation in physical sports

team approach to healthcare

______________ involves: team physician primary care physician coach or sport supervisior physical activity participant physical therapist strength and conditioning specialist additional specialists including exercise physiologist, nutritionist, biomechanist, EMT & paramedic

Injury/illness prevention and wellness protection

______________- think of this how do athletic trainers prevent overall injuries form occurring; this involves many things, including preparticipation examination where athletes come in before the season starts and they undergo a battery of medical tests, physical and medical tests to ensure they are physically capable of participating in the sport; can include safety checks on equipment, working with strength coaches to design/implement appropriate conditioning programs; having ankles taped before practice

Treatment/ rehabilitation

______________- working with athletic trainer, physical therapist, or other allied health care professional that specializes in rehabilitation going through a protocol to rehab a torn ACL, meniscus, shoulder muscle, etc.

Athletic trainers

_______________ an allied health care profession, work in collaboration with a team physician, their role/goal is to provide health care and optimize activity of physically active populations, which many times includes those participating in sports

informed consent

_______________ implies that an injured individual has been reasonably informed of needed treatment and consents to receiving that treatment

athletic trainer work settings

_______________ include: clinical settings secondary schools colleges/ universities professional sports industrial/occupational settings physician practice other employment settings

product liability

_______________ involves: implied warranty expressed warranty strict liability NOCSAE

Athletic trainers

_______________- are just one of the many professions that provide care to physically active/ athletic populations

coach strategies to avoid litigation

_______________- include: inform the individual about the inherent risks of participation obtain informed consent form the individual or their guardian prior to participation in the sport/activity and prior to any treamtent should an injury occur provide proper supervision and instruction forsee the potential for injury and correcting the situation before harm occurrs perform regular inspection of fields, gymnasiums, and activity rooms use quality products and equipment that do not pose a threat to the individual post warning signs in plain sight on and around equipmenet to inform about the risks involved in abuse of equipment and to describe proper use of hte equipment maintain accurate healthcare records; maintaining strict confidentiality of all medical records establish a well-organized emergency action nplan act as a qeasonably prudent professional in caring for all participants 13

failure to warn

_______________- participants must be informed that risk for injury exists and understand the nature of that risk; may be done on the Assumption of Risk form

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)

_______________- the organization that sets the standards for athletic training education programs and recently ______________ has changed the standards for education and has moved the entry level Athletic training from a bachelors to a masters level

Sports medicine

_______________- very broad term it involves a complex branch of health care involving athletic trainers to team physicians to physical therapists to chiropractors to a team dietitian to provide care to a sports population

Good Samaritan laws

_______________: conditions vary from state to state, but immunity generally applies only when emergency first aiders: acts during an emergency acts in good faith acts without expected compensation is not guilty of misconduct or gross negligence

assumption of risk

_______________: individual acknowledges understanding of the risks of his or her participation in the activity and voluntarily chooses to participate, assuming all risks of injury or even death due to his or her participation


________________ also knwon as an act of comission occurs when an individual commits na act that is not their responsibility to perform; for example, if a PE teacher suspects a student sustained a lower leg fracture due to angulation of invovled bones, the teacher could be liable, if their managment of hte injury included straighteniing the leg and immobilizing it in a splint 12

duty to care

________________ for a coach includes teaching proper and appropriate techniques for an age group; providing appropriate supervision of activities; providing quality safety equipment; ensuring a safe participation environment; and taking proper actions when an injury is sustained


________________ have a duty to care to design, manufacture, and package equipment that will not cause injury to an individual when used as intended


________________ involves the right to privacy

sports medicine

________________ is a braod and complex branch of healthcare, encompassing several disciples; essentially, it is an area of healthcare and special services that applies medical and scientific knowledge to prevent, recognize, assess, manage, and rehabilitate injuries or illnesses related to sports, exercises, or recreational activities, and in doing so, it enhances the health fitness and performance of the participant 3

comparative negligence

________________ is relative degree of negligence damages awarded on a proportionate basis

physical therapist

________________ provide a unique and valuable resource in the overall rehabilitation of an individual; _____________ often supervise the rehabilitation of injured participants in a hospital setting, an institutional clinic, or a sports medicine clinic 7

ccomparative negligence

________________ refers to the relative degree of negligence on the part of the professional (defendant) and the participant (plaintiff), with damages awarded on a basis proportionate to each person's carelessness 18


________________ should complete a basic athletic and cardiopulmonary resuscitation as minimal protection against litigation

Implied warranty

________________- expectation that equipment will not cause harm or injury to an individual, when used as intended to be used


________________- improper, illegal, or negligent activity or treatment by a medical professional

Strict liability

________________- makes the manufacturer liable for all defective or hazardous equipment that unduly threaten an individuals personal safety


________________- national operating committee on standards for athletic equipment that sets the standards for athletic equipment and certifies when the athletic equipment meets it

foreseeability of harm

________________- recognizing a potential danger and removing the danger before and injury occurs

Team physician

________________- usually professional sports they supervise all aspects and are the final decision maker

clearance for participation

________________: final authority is supervising team physician, not the certified athletic trainer


_________________ have a duty to care to provide developmentally appropriate instructions to participants; in addition, they have a responsibility to supervise attentively

informed consent

_________________ involves: injured party has been reasonably informed of needed treatment, possible alternative treatment, and advantages and disadvantages of each course of action obtain prior to any treatment potential for battery

standard of care

_________________ is measured by what another minimally competnet individual educated and practicing in that profession would have done to protect an individual form harm or further harm

proper supervision

_________________ of participants involved in sport and physical activity can help to reduce the rate of injuries; in the capacity of a supervisor, coaches must be alert and attentive; _________________- involves active monitoring, not passive observation; in providing supervision, the coach should be positioned such that all participants can be systematically and routinely observed

duty to care

_________________ refers to the legal obligation to provide a professional standard of care to protect individuals under their care or supervision from unreasonable risks that could potentially be harmful

Clinical eval and diagnosis

_________________- all the evaluations you see an athletic trainer do; on field first to respond, off field evaluations, whatever examination that occurs its always going to follow a systematic approach: take history, observe/inspect the area, palpate it, ROM assessment, strength assessment, neurological exam, testing integrity of ligaments in the injured area

Primary care physician

_________________- nonprofessional sports decision maker

Immediate care/ emergency care

_________________- providing immediate care to an athlete especially for any type of emergency situation; such as a catastrophic injury; if athlete presents with signs of heat stroke, the trainer must activate EMS, monitor the temperature of the athlete, cooling the athlete, full body ice immersion, providing immediate care to the athlete; also occurs if there is some sort of fracture, immobilize the fracture and get him to the necessary health care professional

sports medicine

__________________ is a branch of medicine that applies medical and scientific knowledge to improve sport performance


__________________ occurs when an individual commits an act that is their responsibility to perform, but uses the wrong procedure or performs the correct procedure in an inproper manner; for example, if a personal trainer responsible for conducign a pre-activity participant screening fails to perform the screening in a manner consistent with professional guideliens and standards 12


__________________ occurs when an individual fails to perform their legal duty of care


___________________ are primarily concerned with the role of proper dietary care in the prevention and treatment of illnesses; however, a _________________- can provide valuable input regarding hte specialized needs of athletes and physically active individuals 8

duty to care

___________________ refers to the legal obligation to proivde a professional standard of care to protect individuals under their care or supervision form unreasonable risks that could potentially be harmful; _______________ for a coach includes teaching proper and appropriate techniques for an age group; providing appropriate supervision of activities; providing quality safety equipments; ensuring a safe participation environment; and taking proper actions when an injury is sustained

professional standard of care

___________________ requries an individual to use the knowledge, skills, and abilities that conform to the standard of care for their particualr specialization; in a liability case, ________________ is measured by what another minimally competent individual educated and practicing in that profession would have done to protect an individual from harm or further harm; as such, the standard of care differs depending upon the profession 12

Organization/ professional health and well-being

___________________- falls into 2 categories, more though of as organization/ administrative like record keeping of medical records, medical clearance forms, purchasing equipment, acquiring supplies, developing emergency action plan

foreseeability of harm

____________________ exists when danger is apparent or should have been apparent, resulting in an unreasonably unsafe condition

sports medicine

____________________ is a branch of medicine that applies medical and scientific knowledge to improve sport performance


____________________ should present information in a manner that is both developmentally nad instructionally appropriate; instruction that is developmentally appropriate takes into consideration characteristics of the participant, such as age, physical maturation, fitness, and skill level, previous physicla activity experiences, and intellectual capacity 18


_____________________ occurs when an individual commits an act that is their responsibility to perform, but uses the wrong procedure, or does the right procedure in an improper manner 12


_______________________, also known as an act of omission, occurs when an individual fails to perform a legal duty of care; for example, if a coach knows that a player has sustained an injury and permits or persuades the athlete to continue to play, the coach has not exercised reasonable care 12

actions that can result in litigation

________________________ include: failing to warn an individual about the risks involved in participation treating an injured party without their consent failing to provide medical information concerning alternative treatments or the risks involved with the treatment to a participant failing to provide safe facilities, fields, and equipments being aware of a potentially dangerous situation and failing to do anything about it failing to provide an adequate injury prevention program allowing an injured or unfit player to participate resulting in further injury or harm failing to provide quality training, instruction, and supervision using unsafe equipment negligently moving an injured athlete before immobilizing the injured area failing to employ qualified medical personnel failing to have a written emergency plan failing to properly recognize an injury or illness, both as immediate acute care and long-term treatment failing to immediately refer an injured party to the proper physician failing to keep adequate records treating an injury that did not occur within the school athletic environment 11


a ______________ cannot release any medical information about an injured individual without that person's written consent, if the person is older than 18 years of age; release of any medical information for individuals younger than 18 years of age must be granted by the child's parent or legal guardian

team appraoch

a ___________________ can provide an effective means for ensuring quality healthcare for phyiscally active individuals; establishing the responsibiltiies of the various members of the healthcare team is essential to appropriate care

foreseeability of harm

a duty of care for coaches is to recognize the potential for injury and remove that danger before an injury occurs; ___________________ exists when danger is apparent or should have been apparent, resulting i nan unreasonably unsafe condition; this potential for injury can be identified during regular inspections of gymnasiums, field areas, swimming pools, safety equipment, and athletic training facilities 18

team appraoch

a majority of professional and college and professional sport programs have access to a team of professioanls that oversee the healthcare of their participants relative to injury prevention, assessment, immediate management, and rehabilitation; unfortunately, some personnel and provisiosn are not readily avaiable to the millions of other participants in sport, recreation, exercise, and physical activity programs; in particualr, the areas of injury preventio nand immediate management are overlook or relegated to the coach, physical educator, or fitness specialist, regardless of their background 5

National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA)

according to _______________, athletic training is a discipline practiced by athletic trainers; athletic trainers are allied healthcare professionals, who work in collaborataion wiht physicians to optimize activity and participation of clients; as medical experts in the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions, involving impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities, athletic trainers are uniquely qualified to provide healthcare services to athletes and the physically active 3

Good Samaritan Laws

although __________________ were developed to encourage bystanders to assist others in need of emergency care by granting the bystanders immunity form potential litigation, these laws do not protect an employee of an institution or fitness facility who render inappropriate care to a participant

exculpatory waiver

an _________________ is a contract that releases the professional from any liability to the individual executing the release; similar to an assumption of risk, in signing an ____________________, the participant acknowledges their understanding of hte risks involved in their participation and their voluntary choice to participate in the face of those risks 15

expressed waranty

an __________________ is a written guarantee that the product is safe for use

exercise physiologist

an _____________________ cna provide information pertaining to hte physiological mechanisms underlying physical activiteis; as such, the _________________ can offer theoretical and practical suggestions regardung the analysis, improvement, and maintenance of health and fitness as well as rehabilitation of heart diseases and other chronic diseases/ disabilities 7


applying basic laws of physics in performing mechanical analyses of human movements a ________________ can offer practical insight into improving human performance as well as preventing sport and physical activity related injuries; information pertaining to kinematics, the study of spatial and temporal aspects of motion, can provide valuable information pertaining to injury prevention, while information regarding kinetics, the study of forces associated with motion, provides a basis for understanding injury mechanisms 8

athletic trainers

as medical experts in the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities, athletic trainers are uniquely qualified to provide healthcare services to athletes and the physically active

informed consent

authorization to provide treatment for an injury should be obtained in writing prior to the beginning of participation; __________________ implies that an injured party has been reasonably informed of the needed treatment for the services that a coach may need to perform, possible laternative treatments, and advantages and disadvantages of each course of action; to be valid, _________________ can only be obtained form one who is competnet to grant it, that is, an adult who is phiscally and mentally competnet or the parent in the case of children under the age of 18

good samaritan laws

beginning in the 1960s, several states enacted legislation to protect physicians or other recognized medical personnel from litigation that may stem fomr emergency treatment provided to injured individuals at hte scene of an accident; these laws, nicknamed ________________ were developed to encourage bystandards to assist others in need of emergency care by granting them immunity form potential litigation; although the laws vary form state to state, immunity generally applies only when the emergency first aider (1) acts during an emergency, (2) acts in good faith to help the victim, (3) acts without expected compensation, and (4) is not guilty of any malicious misconduct or gross negligence toward the injury party 19

duty to care

coaches, physical educators, personal trainers, and other specialists have a legal obligation to provide a professional standard of care to proect individuals under their care or supervision from unreasonable risks that could potentially be harmful; this obligation, referred to as _________________ encompasses a variety of responsibilties, such as teaching proper and appropriate techniques for an age group, providing appropriate supervision of activities, providing quality safety equipment, ensuring a safe participation environment, and taking proper actions when an injury is sustained 12


criteria required to prove ______________ include: duty to care breach of duty injury causation

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