quiz 10

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As opposed to aggradation, incision is caused by ____.

all of these

Sediment yield is a function of (among other things)

all of these

Chemical weathering occurs because ____.

all answers are correct

Water triggers landslides because ____.

all four answers are correct

Water flows more quickly in a(n) ____.


Weathering is the ____.

beakdown of rocks into smaller units, including soil

Infiltration slows down in a rainstorm because ____.

both answers are correct

Surfaces steepened beyond their angle of repose ____.

cause gravity to overcome friction, causing slope failure

Uplift is important to erosion primarily because it (pick one) ____.

increases elevation, and therefore slope

Ultimate base levels include ____.

the ocean and inland seas

Solifluction is ____.

slow motion of soil over smooth layers such as ice or mud

The slowest mass movement is ____.


Bed load includes ____.

saltation and traction

Freezing water and salt crystal formation produce physical weathering because they ____.

expand when they do so, cracking rock

Chemical weathering is more rapid and effective in ____.

hot, wet climates

Water is a particularly good chemical weathering method because it ____.

is a carbonated oxidizing and reducing agent

Spheroidal weathering occurs in desert rocks because ____.

of all three factors: fracturing, and forceful, deeper weathering upon and within more exposed corners rock corners are more exposed

Infiltration increases as ____.

soil particle size increases

Field capacity is ____.

the amount of water held in suspension by capillary action after draining

The most effective and significant erosion and transportation agent is ____.

water because it is so dense and fast flowing

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