Quiz 11 Warner

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A balloon tied to the ground with a rope floats in the air. The volume of the balloon is 1 L and the pressure in the balloon is 0.8 atm. If the balloon is placed deep underwater where it compresses so the pressure in the balloon is 4 atm, what will be the new volume of the balloon? ___ L

0.2, 0.2 L(any of these)

If the gas in the above system has a volume of V at a pressure of P, what is the volume of the same gas at a pressure of 4P? ___ V

0.25, 0.25V, .25, .25V(any of these)

A sample of gas occupies a volume of 40 L, has a temperature of 280 K and a pressure of 15 kPa. Calculate the number of moles of gas which are present in the sample.

0.26 mol

A sample of O2 occupies 75 L at 1 atm. If the volume of the sample doubles, what is the new pressure of O2? ___ atm


A sample of helium gas occupies 12.9 L at 315 K and 1.20 atm. This sample contains how many moles of helium? ______ mol He


Calculate the pressure exerted by 66.0 g of CO2 gas at -14.5 °C that occupies a volume of 50.0 L. ______ atm

0.637, 0.636, .636, .637(any of these)

2.00 moles of an ideal gas was found to occupy a volume of 17.4 L at a pressure of 3.00 atm and at a temperature of 45 °C. Calculate the value of the gas constant 'R' in L*atm/mol*K?


If we have 10,000 gaseous molecules at 100∘C which exert a pressure of 0.10 atm0.10 atm in a container , then adding another 10,000 gaseous molecules of any substance at the same temperature to the container would increase the pressure to _____ atm.

0.2 atm

A chamber with a fixed volume is shown above. The temperature of the gas inside the chamber before heating is 25.2 °C and its pressure is 0.600 atm. The gas is heated with a flame to a temperature of 72.4 °C, what is its pressure at this temperature? ___ atm


A sample of oxygen gas occupies 23.4 L at 298 K and 86.5 kPa. This sample contains how many moles of oxygen?

0.817 moles

A sample of argon gas occupies 24.5 L at 345 K and 0.980 atm. This sample contains how many moles of argon?

0.848 moles

Daryl adds 100 mL of boiling water to 200 mL of ice water. If she then puts the 300 mL of water into a freezer, at what temperature will the water freeze?


A sample of gas Y occupies 500 L at the pressure of 80 KPa. After changing the volume of the sample, the pressure of it is 400 KPa. What is the new volume of the gas? ___ L

100, 100 L(any of these)

The above shows a sealed flask filled with oxygen gas. The gas has a temperature of 300.0 K and a pressure of 101 kPa. If the temperature increases to 320.0 K, what is the new pressure of the oxygen gas? ___ kPa

108, 107(any of these)

The image above shows a chamber with a fixed volume filled with gas at a pressure of 1560 mmHg and a temperature of 445.0 K. If the temperature drops to 312.0 K, what is the new pressure of the gas in the chamber? ___ mmHg


Assuming nitrogen behaves like an ideal gas, what volume would 14.0 g of nitrogen gas (N2) occupy at STP? The gas constant is 0.0821 L*atm/mol*K


1.20 L of oxygen gas is held in a flexible vessel at STP. If the vessel is transported to the bottom of Pacific Ocean where the pressure is 100 atm and the temperature is 15 °C, what is the new volume of the gas?


A gas sample in a rigid container at 455 K is cooled to 273 K where it has a pressure of 1 atm. What was the original pressure of the gas in mmHg? _____ mmHg

1270, 1266, 1267(any of these)

The above shows a balloon full of gas which has a volume of 120.0 mL at 300.0 K. Assuming pressure remains constant, what is the volume of the balloon if the temperature of the gas increases to 320.0 K? ___ mL


A birthday balloon had a volume of 14.1 L when the gas inside was at a temperature of 13.9 °C. Assuming no gas escapes, what is its volume when the balloon warms up to 22.0 °C? ___ L


420 mL of a gas at 25.0°C is compressed to 210 mL. What is the temperature of the gas after compression?


175 mL of Cl2 gas is held in a flexible vessel at STP. If the vessel is transported to the bottom of the impact basin Hellas Planitia on the surface of Mars where the pressure is 1.16 kPa and the temperature is -5.0 °C. What is the new volume of Cl2 gas in liters? ___ L


A 100. mL sample of oxygen is heated from 320 K to 480 K at constant pressure. What is the new volume?

150 mL

A container holds four times as many moles of CO2 as O2. If the total pressure in the container is 20. atm, what is the pressure exerted by carbon dioxide? ___ atm

16, sixteen(any of these)

A container holds four times as many moles of CO2 as O2. If the total pressure in the container is 20. atm, what is the pressure exerted by carbon dioxide? ___ atm Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

16, sixteen(any of these)

A 2.0 L sample of a gas at 640 mmHg is allowed to expand into an 8.0 L container at a constant temperature. The new pressure is _____.

160 mmHg

A rigid steel tank filled with 62.7 L of nitrogen gas at 85.0 atm and 19°C is heated to 330°C while the volume remains constant. What is the final gas pressure in atmospheres? _____ atm.

176, 175, 175.5(any of these)

1.00 mole of an ideal gas occupies a volume of 22.4 L at 0 °C and 760 mmHg (STP). It is cooled to −41°C while the pressure is increased to 805 mmHg. What is the new volume of the gas in liters? _____ L

18, 17.9(any of these)

A sample of nitrogen gas occupies a volume of 2.00 L at 756 mm Hg and 0.00° C. The volume increases by 2.00 L and the temperature decreases to 137 K. What is the final pressure exerted on the gas?

190 mm Hg

A cylinder with a moveable piston contains 198 mL of nitrogen gas at a pressure of 1.22 atm and a temperature of 302 K. What must the final volume be for the pressure of the gas to be 1.52 atm at a temperature of 370 K?

195 mL

The image shows a piston system where gas is compressed. If the uncompressed system is at a standard pressure of 1 atm, what is the pressure of the compressed piston? ___ atm

2, 2 atm(any of these)

A rigid container holds 22.4 L of an ideal gas at STP. How many moles of gas need to be added to the container to make the pressure equal to 325 kPa? 1 mol + _____ mol


80.0 mL of fluorine gas is held in a flexible vessel at STP. If the vessel is transported to the surface of Venus where the pressure is 92.0 atm and the temperature is 460 °C, what is the new volume of the gas in milliliters? ___ mL

2.33, 2.34(any of these)

4.00 L of an ideal gas at 0.817 atm and 39.0 °C is brought to STP. What is the volume of the gas at STP? ______ L

2.86 L

The pressure and temperature inside a bike tire is 10 atm and 10 K respectively. What will the pressure become in the tire when the temperature is increased 20 k?

20 atm

If the volume at a certain temperature is 40 mL and suddenly pressure is doubled, then the new volume will be _____.

20 mL

A 15.0 L tank of gas is contained at a high pressure of 8.20 X 10^4 torr. The tank is opened and the gas expands into an empty chamber with a volume of 6.00 X 10^4 L. Calculate the new pressure of the gas. _____ torr

20.5, 20.5 torr(any of these)

What is the typical pressure of the air in a scuba tank?

200-300 atm

250 mL of argon gas is held in a flexible vessel shown above. If the pressure changes to 12.0 atm, what is the new volume of the gas at 20 °C?


20 mL of hydrogen measured at 15°C is heated to 35°C. What is the new volume at the same pressure?

21.38 mL

Assuming a gas behaves like an ideal gas, what volume would one mole of the gas occupy at STP? The gas constant is 62.4 L*kPa/mol*K

22.4 L

The above shows a gas system which has a volume of 250 mL at 280K. If the pressure keep constant, what is the volume of the gas system at 250 K?

223 mL

A sample of argon has a volume of 5.0 dm3 and the pressure is 0.92 atm.If the final temperature is 30.° C, the final volume is 5.7 L, and the finalpressure is 800. mm Hg, what was the initial temperature of the argon?

232 K = -41° C

If the uncompressed gas in the above system has a volume of 300.0 mL at a pressure of 20.0 kPa, what is the volume of the gas when it is compressed to a pressure of 25.0 kPa? ___ mL

240, 240.(any of these)

A sample of nitrogen gas is at a temperature of 50.0 °C and a pressure of 2.00 atm. If the volume of the sample remains constant and the pressure increases to 3.20 atm, what is the new temperature of the nitrogen gas? ______°C

244, 243.8(any of these)

The gas pressure in an oxygen tank is 3.90 atm at a temperature of 298 K. If the pressure decreases to 3.20 atm, what is the temperature of the gas in kelvin? ___ K


If the gas in the piston above has a volume of 20.0 L at a temperature of 25 °C, what is the volume of that gas when it is heated to 100 °C if the pressure remains constant? ___ L


What would be the approximate volume of the air in a typical scuba tank if the pressure were 1 atm?

2500 L

A container with a fixed volume, filled with hydrogen gas at −104°C and 71.8 kPa is heated until the pressure reaches 225.9 kPa. What is the temperature of the hydrogen gas in degrees Celsius? _____ °C

258, 259(any of these)

A 500. mL container holds 2.76 g of oxygen gas at −26°C. What is the gas pressure in mmHg?

2660 mmHg

A gas balloon has a volume of 80.0 mL at 300K, and a pressure of 50.0 kPa. If the pressure changes to 80.0 kPa and the temperature rises to 320 K, what is the new volume of the balloon in milliliters? ___ mL


A sample of sulfur dioxide occupies a volume of 652 mL at 40.° C and 720 mm Hg. What volume will the sulfur dioxide occupy at STP? Give your answer to the nearest whole number.

539 mL

A certain mass of a gas occupies a volume of 2 liters at STP, keeping the pressure constant. At what temperature would the gas occupy a volume of 4 liters?

546 degrees C

A sample of air occupies 10 L at 127°C and 1 atm pressure. What volume will the air occupy when it is cooled to -23°C at the same pressure?

6.25 L

The image above shows a balloon filled with gas which has a volume of 100 mL at 300K. Assuming constant pressure, what is the absolute temperature of the gas if the volume of the balloon increases to 200 mL? ___ K


You have a balloon filled with hydrogen gas which keeps it at a constant pressure, regardless of its volume. The initial volume of the gas is 736 mL at 15.0 °C. The gas is heated until its volume is 2.28 L, what is its final temperature in degrees celsius? _____ °C


One mole of an ideal gas was found to occupy a volume of 20.0 L at a pressure of 930. mmHg and at a temperature of 25 °C. What is the value of the gas constant in L*atm/mol*K


What volume is occupied by 2.33 moles of an ideal gas at 0.953 atm and 44°C?

63.6 L

The image above shows a gas held in a chamber with a fixed volume. The gas begins with a temperature of 333 K and a pressure of 4.00 atm (green) that increases to 7.65 atm (orange) as the gas is heated. What is the temperature of the gas when the pressure increases to 7.65 atm? ___ K

637, 636(any of these)

Given that a vessel contains 0.672 mol O2, 0.128 mol CO2, and 0.200 mol N2.If the total pressure of the vessel is 100 atm, what are the partial pressures of O2, CO2, and N2 respectively?

67.2 atm, 12.8 atm, 20.0 atm

A balloon filled with 1.22 L of gas at 286 K is heated until the volume is 2.86 L while the pressure remains constant. What is the temperature of the gas in Kelvin? _____ K


What is the volume occupied by 12.9 g of carbon dioxide at 31 degrees Celsius and one bar pressure? (R= 0.083 bar L K^-1 mol^-1)

7.40 L

In the phase diagram of water, at high pressure, the solid and liquid boundary shows a positive slope.


Pressure is inversely proportional to the number of molecules in the gas.


Solids will expand easily upon heating. This expansion is caused by the decreased energy of particle vibration.


Strong intermolecular forces produce a lower rate of evaporation and a higher vapor pressure.


The absolute temperature of a gas is a measure of the strength of the intermolecular forces of attraction of that gas.


The average kinetic energy of gas molecules is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature.


The combined gas law is the combination of Dalton's and Avogadro's law.


The critical temperature is the lowest temperature at which the substance can possibly exist as a liquid.


The freezing point of pure water is 3 degrees C


The intermolecular forces of attraction in water are much weaker than those in organic liquids.


The kinetic molecular theory is also known as the macroscopic model and explains the entire microscopic properties of gases.


The molar volume of carbon dioxide gas is maximum at standard temperature and pressure.


The spaces between the molecules in liquids are large, so liquids have very high compressibility.


The strength of the metallic bond does not depend on the packing arrangement of the metal atoms.


The total pressure of gas molecules is equal to the product of the partial pressure of individual components.


The value of the gas constant R is 0.082 liter atm.


The volumes of two gases under similar conditions of temperature and pressure are directly proportional to the square root of their densities.


Under similar conditions of temperature and pressure, equal volumes of all gases contain different number of moles or molecules.


Vapor pressure is independent of the temperature of the liquid, so raising the temperature does not affect the rate of evaporation.


Vaporization and condensation are two different names given to the same process.


When the universal gas constant is divided by Avogadro's number, the ratio is called Planck's constant.


When volumes involved in chemical reactions are given at standard conditions, the conversion between moles of gas and the volume of gas cannot be determined by using the universal gas law.


True or False: Assuming the number of moles of gas K is constant, pressure and volume are directly proportional under isothermal conditions.


True or False: At a constant pressure, the volume of a gas system is 40 mL. If the temperature of the gas system doubles, the new volume will be 20 mL.


True or False: H2O2 decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen as described in the following reaction: H2O2 (l) → H2 (g) + O2 (g) If a sample of the products is collected and the total pressure is 12.4 atm, the partial pressure of oxygen gas is 12.4 atm.


Consider the phase diagram below. Substance C is in the:

Gas phase

If a substance is in the vapor form, it is said to be in the _____ phase.


The combined gas law represents a combination of information from:

Gay-Lussac's law, Boyle's law, Charles's law

What scale is used to measure absolute temperature?


What temperature scale must be used when applying Charles' law?


What happens when a liquid is heated?

Kinetic energy increases. Vapor pressure increases.

In the ideal gas equation, 'n' represents the:

Number of moles of the gas

Which mathematical combination of pressure, temperature, and volume is constant for an ideal gas?

P x V / T

For an ideal gas, the number of moles per liter in terms of its pressure P, gas constant R and temperature T is:


The mathematical form of Gay-Lussac's Law is:

P/T = k

The combined gas law is represented as:

P1V1 / T1 = P2V2 / T2

Which of the following scientists was the first to determine the relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas?

Robert Boyle

Increasing the pressure in the cylinder by adding a gas not involved in the reaction will increase the total gas pressure in the cylinder.


One mole of hydrogen gas will occupy the same volume as one mole of oxygen gas if their temperature and pressure remains the same.


Solids are the only state of matter that is not a fluid.


The combined gas law can be used to explain the mechanics where pressure, temperature, and volume are affected. Some examples are air conditioners, refrigerators and the formation of clouds.


The combined gas law gives a simultaneous effect of the changes in pressure and temperature on the volume of gas.


The combined gas law states the ratio between the pressure-volume product and the temperature of a system remains constant.


The compressibility of gases is very high.


The constant random motion of gas molecules causes them to collide with each other and with the walls of their container.


The equation PV= nRT can be manipulated to solve for any of the five quantities in the equation.


The freezing point of a substance is the temperature at which the solid and liquid forms are in equilibrium.


The melting of ice occurs at the same temperature as the freezing of water.


The phase of a substance may change due to the changes in temperature.


The relationship between temperature and pressure was investigated by French chemist, Joseph Gay-Lussac.


The relationship between the pressure and the volume of a gas is commonly referred to as Boyle's law.


The relationship between the volume and temperature of a gas is often referred to as Charles's law.


The universal gas law can be used to determine the molar mass of an unknown gas provided the pressure, volume, temperature, and mass are known.


The vibrational forces overcome the attractive forces holding the particles of the solid together while a material melts.


The volume of a given amount of gas is directly proportional to the number of moles and temperature while inversely proportional to the pressure.


Vapor pressure is directly related to the volatility of the substance.


When the molecular motion balances the intermolecular forces of attraction, the substance is said to be in the liquid phase.


When volumes involved in chemical reactions are not given at standard conditions, the conversion between moles of gas and volume of gas can be determined by using the universal gas law.


With pressure remaining constant, the volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature.


The _____ point is the highest temperature at which the substance can possibly exist as a liquid.


The critical pressure is the pressure that must be applied to the gas at the _____ in order to turn it into a liquid.

critical temperature

The highest temperature at which a substance can exist in the liquid phase is called its _____.

critical temperature

When the pressure on a gas increases, will the volume increase or decrease?


A liquid is placed in a closed container and time passes until the level of the liquid is constant.The general situation described by the rate of evaporation is equal to the rate of condensation called a:

dynamic equilibrium

Boyle's law in mathematical form is:

either a or c

Collisions between gas particles and between particles and the container walls are __________ collisions because there is no overall loss of kinetic energy.


A gas that completely obeys all of the assumptions of the kinetic-molecular theory is called a(n) _____.

ideal gas

Vapor pressure _____ with the rise in temperature.


The unit of a kPa•L is equal to a _____, the SI unit of _____.

joule; energy

When a liquid is heated, the average _________ energy of its particles will increase.


When a substance is heated the:

kinetic energy increases

What does a solid become when it is subjected to high pressure near the freezing point?


To evaluate R, the volume of a gas measured in _____, while the temperature of the gas is measured in _____.

liters; Kelvin

Complete the sentence using total, partial or complete. The pressure that one particular gas exerts when it is part of a mixture of gases is called the ______ pressure of that gas.


Which of the following are practical uses of compressed gases?

scuba tanks anesthesia for major surgeries propane tanks for barbecues

At room temperature and pressure, the distance between gas particles is about _____ times the diameter of the particles themselves.


What is the critical pressure?

the pressure required to liquefy a substance at the critical temperature

What is the Combined Gas Law equation?

(P1V1)/T1 = (P2V2)/T2

A sample of krypton gas in a container of volume 1.90 L exerts a pressure of 0.553 atm at 21°C. How many moles of gas are present? _________ mol Kr


A balloon with a volume of 5.0 L is filled with a gas at 760 torr. If the pressure is reduced to 380 torr without a change in temperature, what will be the volume of the balloon?

10,000 mL

A sample of carbon monoxide gas occupies 224 L at STP. This sample contains how many moles of oxygen atoms?

10.0 moles

The image above shows a rigid container filled with gas at a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 10.0 atm. If the temperature increases to 320 K, what is the new pressure of the container? ___ atm

10.7, 10.67, 10.6(any of these)

A sample of gas occupies 2.00 liters under standard conditions. What temperature would be required for this sample of gas to occupy 3.00 liters and exert a pressure of 4.00 atm?

1,638 K

The unheated gas in the above system has a volume of 20.0 L at a temperature of 25.0 °C and a pressure of 1.00 atm. The gas is heated to a temperature of 100.0 °C while the volume remains constant. What is the pressure of the heated gas? Ignore the block labeled "A". ___ atm


If 0.0714 moles of N2 gas occupy 1.25 L of space, how many moles of N2 gas have a volume of 25.0 L? Assume temperature and pressure remain constant. ___ moles


A balloon is filled with 3.60 L of H2 gas at STP. If the balloon is taken into a sea where the pressure is 2.50 atm and the temperature is 10.00 °C, what is the new volume of H2 gas in liters? ___ L


A sample of argon gas has a volume of 500 mL at a pressure of 1.5 atm. If the pressure is increased to 4.0 atm, the new volume is given by:

1.5 X 500 / 4.0

At 27 degrees C and one atmospheric pressure, a sample of gas has volume V. . What will be the volume of the sample at 492 degrees C and a pressure of 1.5 atm.

1.7 V

A 5.00 L sample of helium expands to 12.0 L at which point the pressure is measured to be 0.720 atm. What was the original pressure of the gas? _____atm


355 g of chlorine gas (MW = 70.9 g/mol) is held in a vessel with a fixed volume of 70.0 L. What is the pressure of the gas in atmospheres if its temperature is 30.0 °C? _____ atm


A sample of oxygen gas occupies 42.0 L at STP. This sample contains how many moles of oxygen gas?

1.88 moles

At a constant pressure, what should be the percentage increase in the temperature in Kelvin for a 10% increase in the volume?


A flask holds five times as many moles of N2 as O2. If the total pressure in the jar is 18 atm, what is the pressure exerted by oxygen? ___ atm


Two gases A and B with a mole ratio of 3 : 5 respectively, are combined in a container and exert a pressure of 8 atm. If B is removed, what would be the pressure due to A only, with the temperature remaining constant?

3 atm

The volume of a gas at STP is 1.12 x 10^-7 cc. Calculate the number of molecules of gas.

3.01 x 10^12

A piston system is shown above. Assuming constant pressure, what is the absolute temperature if the volume decreases to 100 mL?


Calculate the volume occupied by 32.0 g of O2 gas, the pressure of the O2 gas is 78.5 kPa at 25 °C. ___ L

31.5, 31.6(any of these)

The initial temperature of a 1.00 liter sample of argon is 20.° C. The pressure is decreased from 720 mm Hg to 360 mm Hg and the volume increases to 2.14 liters. What is the final temperature of the argon?

314 K

At what Celsius temperature does 0.750 mol of an ideal gas occupy a volume of 35.9 L at 114 kPa? ______°C

383, 384(any of these)

A movable chamber has a volume of 18.5 L (at a temperature of 18.5 °C). Assuming no gas escapes and the pressure remains constant, what is the temperature when the chamber has a volume of 19.8 L? ___ °C


A sample of hydrogen gas occupies 50.4 L at STP. This sample contains how many moles of hydrogen atoms?

4.5 mols

The temperature of 20 liters of nitrogen was increased from 100 K to 300 K at constant pressure. The change in volume will be:

40 liters

21.7 mL of gas at 98.8 kPa is allowed to expand at constant temperature into a 52.7 mL container. What is the new pressure of the gas? _____ kPa.

40.7, 40.6(any of these)

A sample of gas X occupies 10 m3 at a pressure of 120 kPa. If the volume of the sample is compressed to 3 m3, what is the new pressure of the gas? ___ kPa

400, 400 kPa(any of these)

At STP (101.3 kPa, 0 °C), what volume would 2.00 moles of oxygen gas occupy? The gas constant is 8.31 .

44.8 L

What would be the volume occupied by two moles of propane gas at standard conditions?

44.8 liters

A sample of Krypton gas occupies 66.7 L at 25.0 °C. Assuming constant pressure, what would the temperature of the gas be in kelvin if the volume increases to 100.0 L? ___ K


A car tire was inflated to 82.0 kPa in a repair shop where the temperature is 26.0 °C. What is the temperature of the gas in the tire if the pressure in the tire increases to 87.3 kPa when it is taken out of the repair shop? ___ °C


3.00 L of a gas is collected at 150 K and then allowed to expand to 15.0 L. What must the new temperature be in degrees C in order to maintain the same pressure (as required by Charles' Law)?

477 degrees C

If two gases, A and B, in separate 1 liter containers exert pressures of 2 atm and 3 atm respectively, what will be the pressure exerted when both gases are put together in a single 1 liter container?

5 atm

How many moles of carbon dioxide gas occupy a volume of 81.3 L at 204 kPa and a temperature of 95.0 °C? ______mol CO2


What volume of oxygen can be obtained at 18.0 degrees Celsius and 750.o mmHg pressure from decomposition of 20.0 grams of potassium chlorate?

5.46 liters

A 7.0 L sample of methane gas is collected at 50.0°C . Predict the volume of the sample at 0°C.

5.9 L

The pressure of a mixture of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen is 300 kPa. What is the partial pressure of oxygen if the partial pressures of the nitrogen and carbon dioxide are 200 kPA and 48 kPa, respectively?

52 kPa

Argon makes up 0.93 % of the atmosphere. In a given sample of air, the partial pressure of argon is 6.54 mmHg. What is the pressure of the sample?

703 mmHg

217 mL of neon gas at 551 °C is brought to standard temperature (0 °C) while the pressure is held constant. What is the new volume? _____ mL

71.9, 71.9 mL(any of these)

Assuming oxygen behaves like an ideal gas, what volume in liters would 3.50 moles of oxygen gas occupy at STP? ___ L

78.4, 78.5(any of these)

A 12.2 L volume contains 1.00 mol of oxygen at 1 atm pressure and 298.15 K. All the oxygen is converted to ozone, also at 1 atm pressure and 298.15 K. What is the new volume of gas?

8.1 L

At 20 °C, 2.00 moles of H2 gas was found to occupy a volume of 24.0 L at a pressure of 203 kPa. What is the value of the gas constant?

8.31 L*kPa/mol*K

4.00 moles of an ideal gas was found to occupy a volume of 100. L at a pressure of 99.1 kPa and at a temperature of 25.0 °C. What is the value of the gas constant in L*kPa/mol*K?

8.31, 8.314(any of these)

In an ideal gas equation, when the units of pressure and volume are Pa and cubic meter respectively, then the volume of R will be _____.

8.314 J K^-1mol^-1

A balloon contains 0.950 mol of nitrogen gas and has a volume of 25.5 L. How many grams of N2 should be released from the balloon to bring the volume to 17.3 L? _____g N2

8.56, 8.55, 8.54(any of these)

On Venus, the atmospheric pressure is 2700 mmHg and nitrogen gas makes up 3.0 % of the atmosphere. What is the partial pressure of nitrogen on Venus? ______ mmHg


A sample of gas has a volume of 100.0 L at 135°C. Assuming the pressure remains constant, what is the volume of the gas if its temperature decreases to 72.0 °C? ___ L


A 750 mL sample of nitrogen is heated from 80°C to 92°C at constant pressure. What is the final volume?

903 mL

At which of the following point do the three phases of a substance coexist?


Which of the labeled points represent the triple point of the phase diagram below?


According to the ideal gas equation, the pressure of a gas is:

All of the above

Avogadro's number helps in:

All of the above

Which of the following is/are an application(s) of Avogadro's law?

All of the above

Which of the following statements is/are correct for the universal gas law?

All of the above

Consider the phase diagram below. Which substance is in the liquid phase?


Which of the following transition is considered the phase change from water to steam?


What is 'R' in the ideal gas equation?

Both A and B

Which of the following is the mathematical expression of Avogadro's law?

Both A and B

At STP, between 4.0 g of helium and 44.0 g of carbon dioxide:

Both helium and carbon dioxide will have the same number of molecules

If the mass and volume of a gas in a closed container are held constant, the gas temperature decreases and so does its pressure.


If we double the amount of pressure, the volume will be doubled.


If we keep temperature and pressure constant, then the volume of the gas is inversely proportional to the number of gas molecules.


In Gay-Lussac's law, temperature is measured in Celsius.


The relationship between the volume and temperature of a gas is often referred to as _____.

Charles's law

Which curve represent the phase boundary of equilibrium between solid and liquid?

Curve CA

Which portion of the curve represents the temperature of the fusion phase boundary?

Curve CA

Steam distillation is based on:

Dalton's law

What is the change of state from gas to solid called?


In a given mixture of gases which do not react with one another, the ratio of partial pressure to total pressure of each component is equal to its weight percent.


The triple point is the one condition of temperature and pressure where the solid, liquid and vapor states of a substance can all coexist at _____.


As the temperature increases, the rate of _____ increases.


0.0834 is the value of R in liter-atmosphere per degree per mole.


3.15 L is the volume of hydrogen when 4.99 L of it are cooled from 12°C to -25°C.


A closed vessel containing an equal number of nitrogen and oxygen molecules are at a pressure of P mm Hg. If nitrogen is removed from the system, then the pressure will be 2P.


A liquid is converted into a gas upon sublimation.


A phase diagram cannot be completely represented by two-dimensional diagrams.


A sample of gas has a volume of 425.1 L when its temperature is 25 degrees C and its pressure is 290 mm of Hg. 142.1 L volume will be occupied by the gas at STP.


According to Avogadro's law, one mole of any gas at standard temperature and pressure will contain different number of molecules.


According to Boyle's law, P1V1 is not equal to P2V2 at constant temperature.


According to Charles law, gases contract on heating.


According to Dalton's law of partial pressure, pressure of dry gas is equal to the sum of pressures of moist gas and aqueous tension.


At high temperature and low pressure, liquid water is the stable phase.


Avogadro's law is applicable only to ideal gases.


Charles's law is applicable to liquids.


Gay-Lussac's law states that for a gas at constant pressure, volume is directly proportional to temperature.


Generally, the values for the melting point of a solid and the freezing point of its liquid form are different.


If temperatures and pressures are the same, 1.00 mole of hydrogen gas will occupy the same volume as 8.00 moles of oxygen gas.


The melting point and _____ point of mercury is 234.32 Kelvin.


The phase diagram of substance M is shown above. Initially, M is at point B. After a significant decrease in temperature, M is at point A. What phase change has M gone through?


Which change of state represents sublimation?

H20 (s) ---> H2O (g)

A liquid is placed in a closed container and time passes until the level of the liquid is constant. Which equation describes the situation?

H2O(l)<-- --> H2O(g)

An ideal gas is placed in a container with volume V at temperature T. If the volume is halved and pressure remains constant, the temperature will be _____.


According to Avogadro's law, the ideal gas constant:

Has the same value for all the gases

According to gas law, which of the following is/are correct?

If the number of gas molecules and the temperature remain constant, then the pressure is inversely proportional to the volume

When there is an increase in temperature of a gas in an enclosed container, the pressure will also increase due to the:

Increase in kinetic energy of molecules

According to the kinetic molecular theory of gas:

Molecules are in a state of ceaseless and random motion in all directions

0.44 g of a colorless oxide of nitrogen occupies 224 mL at STP. The compound is:


Which of the following is compressible?

Na (g)

Assuming the temperature of a gas in a closed system is constant. If the volume is increased, how can the system adjust to the change?

Pressure decreases

If the temperature of a gas in a closed system remains unchanged and the gas system is compressed, how will pressure of the system change?

Pressure increases

Which of these is a constant in the ideal gas equation?


Which phase is represented by the area above the curve ACD?


A phase diagram is a graph which the conditions of temperature and pressure under which a substance exists in the _____.

Solid Liquid Gas

Consider the phase diagram below. Substance A is in the:

Solid phase

If a graph is plotted between volume (y-axis) and temperature (x-axis) at a constant pressure, a _____ line is obtained.


A substance undergoes a phase change. Before the change, the substance does not flow and after the change, the substance expands to fill its container. The phase change is:


Carbon dioxide and iodine is an example of a materials that easily undergoes _____.


Ferrocene is purified by ________ using gentle heating at atmospheric pressure.


Particles of this state matter are closely packed and are not easily compressed. After a change, the particles are able flow and are easily compressible. The phase change is:


The phase change involved in the following particle diagram is: OOO O O O OOO --> O O O


The phase diagram of substance M is shown above. Initially, M is at point A. After a significant decrease in pressure, M is at point C. What phase change has M gone through?


What is the change of state from solid to gas called?


_____ is the change of state from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state.


Which type of curve is shown by DC in the given phase diagram?

Sublimation curve

Gay-Lussac's Law applies when the container of gas is rigid, while Charles's Law applies when the container is flexible.


If the pressure and the amount of the gas is kept constant, the volume of a given sample will increase in a linear fashion with the temperature.


In a mixture of gases, each gas exerts pressure independently of the others.


In a phase diagram of water, the melting point of ice decreases as the pressure increases.


In the below mentioned phase diagram of water, the curve OC shows the effect of pressure on the melting point of ice.


In the phase diagram shown here: the line OC is almost vertical because the melting point of a solid is not very sensitive to changes.


200 mL of hydrogen and 250 mL of nitrogen each measured at 15 degrees Celsius and 760 mm pressure are put together in a 500 mL flask. 684 mm will be the final pressure of the mixture at 15 degrees C.


28.32 L of chlorine was liberated at normal conditions of temperature and pressure. 28.80 L will be the volume of the gas at 12 degrees C and 780 mm pressure


32 grams oxygen, 2 grams hydrogen, and 28 grams nitrogen will each occupy a volume of 22.4 liters at STP.


400 mL of nitrogen gas at 700 mmHg and 300 mL of hydrogen gas at 800 mmHg were introduced into a vessel of 2 L at the same temperature. The final pressure of the gas mixture will be 260 mmHg.


A gas occupies 3.00 L at standard temperature. The volume at 350°C is 6.84 L.


A phase diagram is a chart which shows the complete description of the distinct phases in equilibrium of a specific substance.


A solid cannot be compressed because the particles in it are closely packed.


A solid substance melts when it is heated up to such a level that the intermolecular forces balance the molecular motion.


According to Gay-Lussac's law, at constant volume, the pressure of a fixed amount of gas varies directly with temperature.


According to the ideal gas laws, the molar volume of a gas is given by RT/P.


According to the universal gas law, If the temperature changes and the number of gas molecules are kept constant, then either pressure or volume (or both) will change in direct proportion to the temperature.


At STP, one mole of any gas occupies 22.4 liters.


At constant pressure, the volume of a fixed mass of an ideal gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature.


Avogadro's law states that the equal volumes of gas at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules.


Each curve represents two phases in equilibrium.


Equal volumes of all gases under similar conditions of temperature and pressure contain an equal number of molecules, i.e., V is directly proportional to N.


For a fixed number of moles of gas at constant volume, the pressure will increase with a rise in temperature due to an increase in the average molecular speed.


For a gas under constant pressure, volume and temperature increases at a constant rate.


For ideal gases, the molar volume is given by the ideal gas equation.


Gay Lussac's law provides the mathematical relationship between pressure and temperature.


The average kinetic energy of gas particles depend(s) on the:

Temperature of the system

With the help of his dad, a boy inflated a bunch of balloons outside on a hot, sunny day. The outdoor temperature was 26°C. Then the boy took the balloons inside his air-conditioned house, where the temperature was 20°C. What do you think happened to the balloons after they had been inside the cool house for a while?

The balloons shrink.

Why are the particles of liquids and solids so much closer together than those of gases?

The lower kinetic energy of the particles allows attractive forces to keep them together.

What is different about the general structure of the phase diagram for water compared to most other substances?

The slope of the line between solid and liquid is negative.

In the ideal gas equation, R represents _____.

The universal gas constant

Which of the following correctly describes the A point of the phase diagram?

Triple point

True or False: Gas A and gas B behave like ideal gases, 5.00 moles of gas A and 5.00 moles of gas B occupy the same volume at STP.


True or False: In a closed gas system, pressure and temperature are directly proportional.


Which of the following remains constant in Gay-Lussac's law?


When high pressure is applied to a gas, its _____.

Volume decreases

Assuming the pressure of a gas in a closed system is constant. If the temperature is increased, how can the system adjust to the change?

Volume increases

Which of the following correctly describes the characteristics of a triple point?

Where three phases of a substance coexist

Avogadro's Law applies to which situation?

a small balloon deflating as air is let out

What quantity is held constant in a combined gas law problem?


The process of a gas being converted directly to a solid is called _____.


What type of relationship exists between the temperature and volume of a gas?

direct relationship

According to Charles' law, volume and temperature vary


Which is a variable in Avogadro's Law, but is constant in Boyle's, Charles's, or Gay-Lussac's Laws?


How do the vapor pressure of solids generally compared to that of liquids?

much lower

Which temperature scale should be used when solving Charles's Law problems?

only the Kelvin scale

Gases are compressible because of:

the very large space between gas particles

What type(s) of motion do the particles in a solid undergo?

vibrational only

Kelvin temperature is equal to:

°C + 273

Hexane is a nonpolar liquid. The vapor pressure of hexane at its normal boiling point is _____.

= 1 atm

The rate of condensation of a gas depends on:

All of the above

When water vapor _____, it gives the same amount of potential energy which it gained.

Changes into water

The process of converting gas molecules into liquid molecules is known as____.


____ intermolecular forces produce a lower rate of evaporation and a lower vapor pressure.


A liquid which evaporates rapidly, such as lighter fluid, has a high vapor pressure.


What is the relationship between the altitude and the vapor pressure of liquids?

The higher the altitude the higher the vapor pressure.

What is the relationship between the altitude and the boiling point of liquids?

The higher the altitude the lower the boiling point.

What is the relationship between temperature and vapor pressure?

The higher the temperature the higher the vapor pressure.

What is the relationship between vapor pressure and boiling point?

The higher the vapor pressure the lower the boiling point.

What best describes the kinetic energy of two gas particles before and after a collision?

The total kinetic energy of the two particles stays the same.

Evaporation is a type of _____ and is a surface phenomenon.


The freezing point of pure water is _____ degree(s) Celsius.


The actual volume of molecules of gas is negligible as compared to the total volume of gas since:

A large volume is occupied by empty spaces

If the temperature of a liquid is raised above its boiling point, then the substance in its gaseous phase is called _____.

A vapor

Which is a property of most solids?

All of the above

Which of the following factors influences rate of evaporation?

All of the above

Which of the following is/are true?

All of the above

Which of the following statements regarding gas temperature and kinetic energy is/are correct?

All of the above

What is the relationship of vapor pressure to temperature of a liquid?

As temperature increases, vapor pressure increases.

_____ is a process in which the liquid state is converted into gas state.


_______ is the conversion of a liquid to its vapor below the boiling temperature of the liquid.


According to 'Kinetic Molecular Theory', the rate of motion for the particles is independent of the temperature.


All molecules have the same kinetic energy and hence the same speed.


An increase in the temperature of a liquid decreases the rate of evaporation.


As the temperature increases, the rate of evaporation decreases.


At its boiling point, the vapor pressure of liquid is higher than its atmospheric pressure.


Condensation is the change of state from a liquid to a gas.


Condensation occurs when a vapor is heated.


Consider two 100 mL samples of water, one at 40°C and one at 80°C.None of the water molecules in the 40°C sample have a higher kinetic energy than any of the molecules in the 80°C sample.


Consider two 100 mL samples of water, one at 40°C and one at 80°C.The average kinetic energy of the molecules in the 80°C sample is twice as great as the average kinetic energy of the molecules in the 40°C sample.


If the air already has a large concentration of a particular substance evaporating, the evaporation rate of that substance will increase rapidly.


If the intermolecular forces between molecules are relatively strong, the vapor pressure will be relatively high.


If the intermolecular forces of attraction are much weaker than the molecular motion, then the substance is either a gas or a solid.


Temperature, according to the kinetic molecular theory, is a measure of intermolecular attraction.


The process by which a gas changes into a liquid is called sublimation.


The rate of evaporation decreases with the increase in the temperature of the liquid.


When a liquid substance evaporates, it turns into a solid.


If the attractive forces in a substance is much less than the molecular motion, then the substance will be in _____ state.


Weak intermolecular forces produce a ____ rate of evaporation and vapor pressure.


As the temperature increases, the vapor pressure _____.


As the temperature rises, the number of molecules escaping from a liquid surface _____.


When heating a substance, its average kinetic energy _____.


A puddle of liquid is evaporating. What happens to the temperature of the liquid that remains in the puddle?

It decreases.

When the absolute temperature of gas molecules is increased 4 times, the average kinetic energy:


A liquid is placed in a closed container and time passes until the level of the liquid is constant. At this point, the rate of evaporation is equal to the rate of condensation.


Above a temperature of absolute zero, atoms and molecules are constantly in random motion.


Absolute zero is the temperature where all particle motion ceases.


All gases are made up of a very large number of minute particles. The average distance separating the gas particles is large compared to their size.


An example of condensation is when someone breathes in front of a mirror and droplets are formed.


Average kinetic energy is directly related to temperature on the Kelvin scale.


For an ideal gas, the forces of attraction between the molecules of the gas are negligible.


Gases are in constant rapid motion with random collisions.


Increasing temperature increases the rate of evaporation.


Particles with a kinetic energy lower than the threshold energy cannot escape the surface of the liquid.


The SI unit of vapor pressure is pascal(Pa).


The average kinetic energy of a collection of gas particles is dependent on the temperature of the gas.


The more kinetic energy acquired by the molecules of a liquid, the faster the rate of evaporation.


The process by which water is converted into water vapor is called evaporation.


Vapor pressure is the measure of molecules escaping from the surface of the liquid.


Which statement(s) are TRUE for a liquid that is at its boiling point?

The molecules all throughout the liquid have enough kinetic energy to enter the gas phase. The vapor pressure of the liquid and the atmospheric pressure are equal.

Which of the following factors affect the average kinetic energy of gases?

The temperature of the gas

What is the relationship between the temperature of a gas sample and the kinetic energy of the particles of the gas?

They are directly related.

The ideal A gas at X °C The ideal B gas at Y °C The ideal C gas at Z °C If the kinetic energies of the three gases is expressed as: KEA > KEB > KEC, which of the following is the correct relationship of temperatures X, Y, and Z?


If the temperature of a substance increases, will the particles of that substance be moving faster or slower or at the same speed as they were before the temperature changed?


In which of the following states of matter would molecules be moving the most?


Would you expect ethane (C6H6) to have a higher or lower melting point than water?


What best describes the path of the gas particles in a given sample of gas?

straight path which changes upon collisions with other particles

The average speed and kinetic energy of the particles in a gas are proportional to the measured _________of that gas.

temperature, tempature (any of these)

The average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter at 600 K is _____ as the average kinetic energy of the particles in another sample at −73°C.

three times greater

The ______ pressure is the pressure produced when molecules are released from the liquid state and enter the gaseous state above the surface of the liquid.


_____ is the pressure exerted by a vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phase at a given temperature in a closed system.

vapor pressure

_______ ______________ is a measure of the force exerted by a gas above a liquid in a sealed container.

vapor pressure

Which statement(s) is/are TRUE for a liquid that is evaporating?

vapor pressure < atmospheric pressure Bubbles cannot form.

Which statement(s) is/are TRUE for a liquid that has reached its boiling point?

vapor pressure = atmospheric pressure Bubbles can form.

The _______ forces overcome the _______ forces holding the particles of the solid together while a material melts.

vibrational attractive

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