QUIZ 12 142 CA

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When an accumulated counter underflows, what is the next count? a. +32,767 b. -32,768 c. 0 d. The counter stops.

a. +32,767

In the figure shown, switch I:012/10 is now open. When switch I:012/10 is closed, counter C5:0 will do which of the following? a. Increment by 1 b. Decrement by 1 c. Not count, and the accumulated value will remain at 0

a. Increment by 1

What is the highest allowed preset value and how is it stored? a. 1,064 in 2s complement b. 32,767 in 16-bit binary c. 32,767 in 2s complement d. 1,064 in 16-bit binary

b. 32,767 in 16-bit binary

Up and down counters can be programmed together to count up and down. a. True b. False

b. False

When a counter goes up by 1, it is said to do which of the following? a. Advance b. Increment c. Escalate d. Decrement

b. Increment

Output O:013/01, shown in Rung 2 of the figure below, is true: a. only when the count is equal to the preset value. b. when the count is equal to or greater than the preset value. c. when the count is less than the preset value. d. when the count goes to 011.

b. when the count is equal to or greater than the preset value.

Where in memory are accumulated counter values stored? a. First word b. Second word c. Third word d. Fourth word

c. Third word

When an up counter accumulated value equals the preset value, the counter will: a. reset itself. b. stop counting. c. continue to count. d. continue to count but go into an overflow condition as soon as the accumulated value exceeds the preset value.

c. continue to count.

A(n) ________ occurs when the accumulated count exceeds the upper limit. a. system error b. reset c. overflow d. increment

c. overflow

What number reflects the limit of a decrementing accumulated count? a. 0 b. Unlimited c. -1,064 d. -32,768

d. -32,768

When the accumulated count is equal to or greater than the preset count, which bit in the Allen-Bradley SLC 500 family will be true? a. CU b. CD c. OV d. DN

d. DN

A counter ________ when the count goes down by 1. a. reverses b. increments c. debases d. decrements

d. decrements

The reset rung in the figure shown resets counter C5:0: a. automatically when the count reaches 010. b. automatically when the count reaches 011. c. only when the count reaches 32,767. d. only when switch I:017/12 is closed.

d. only when switch I:017/12 is closed.

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