quiz 2 LA Politics

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Indicate what were the three most common restrictions regarding the right to vote in early 20" century Latin America. Sum up some arguments in favor and against such restrictions

(21)The three most common restrictions concerned wealth, education, and gender. In regards to income, the restrictions often required voters to be taxpayers, earn a certain amount, or own property. Proponents of these restrictions argued that people that did not pay taxes should not reap the benefits of voting if they would not carry the burden of society. They also felt that the poor would be manipulated and lacked will. Extending the right to vote to the poor also threatened the power of the elites.

Latin America is a region of the world where rules for mandatory voting are very common. What are the pros and cons of compulsory voting?

(24) Some of the advantages of compulsory voting include ensuring the legitimacy of elected officials, it encourages political equality (especially for the poor), and reducing political polarization that occurs with voluntary voting. The disadvantages include the infringement upon personal freedoms, violates a person's decision not to vote, and voluntary voters tend to be more informed.

Which Latin American countries allow for indefinite reelection of the president? What are some of the potential problems of unlimited presidential reelection?

(29) The Latin American countries that allow for indefinite reelection of the president are Honduras, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Venezuela. Some potential problems of an unlimited presidential reelection are the threat of tyranny and the opportunity for the president to use public resources to diminish opposition and remain in power.

Why do we consider proportionality an important outcome of electoral rules? What specific feature of proportional representation is closely associated with less disproportionality between the share of votes and the share of seats?

(35) It is important because proportionality is greater under proportional representation than under majoritarian rules. The specific feature of proportional representation that is closely associated with less disproportionality between the share of votes and the share of seats are a high district magnitude.

Name four institutional rules aimed at judicial independence, and describe how they may enhance such independence.

(41) Four institutional rules aimed at judicial independence are appointment rules, length of tenure, removal proceedings, and clauses specifying the number of judges in higher courts. These rules enhance such independence by preventing the legislative and executive powers from having unilateral control of appointments, reducing incentives to please appointers, limiting the fear of dismissal from people in politics.

Several analysts of presidential politia have argued that divided government or fragmentation of power among the elected branches tends to promote judicial independence, whereas undled government undermines it. What is the rationale behind this claim?

(43) These analysts believe that in a disunified government, it is more difficult to sanction judges. As a result, members of the judiciary are more inclined to act independently. Also, they argue that a disunified government makes it more likely for an elected branch to veto certain proposals that could overturn high court decisions.

What is the difference between abstract and concrete judicial review? What is the difference between a priori and a posteriori judicial review? Mention Latin American countries that utilize each procedure (one per rule)

(45) Abstract reviews happen when there is not an actual case, typically because of a special request from someone in authority (like an executive or congress member). An example includes Brazil. Concrete reviews occur when there is an actual case. An example is Argentina. (45, 48) A priori review occurs when the constitutional review is able to happen before a bill is formally enacted. This review occurs in Costa Rica. A posteriori judicial review happens when a constitutional review can only occur after a law gets adopted. This review occurs in Mexico and Argentina.

What is the difference between erga omnes and inter partes decisions? Which of these two types of decisions is considered to give courts greater power? Name Latin American that utilize each procedure (one per rule)

(47) With erga omnes decisions, the ruling will affect how the new law affects all individuals involved while inter partes decisions only affect the parties involved in the case. Erga omnes decisions are considered to give courts greater power. Brazil utilizes erga omnes decisions. Costa Rica uses inter partes decisions.

What is political culture? What are some of the main topics investigated by political culture and addressed in chapter 9 of the assigned textbook?

(55) Political culture is citizens' psychological and subjective orientations toward politics. Some of the main topics investigated were the levels of confidence in institutions, political ideology, interpersonal trust, and support for democracy.

What individual traits tend to be associated with greater support for the idea that democracy la better than any other form of government? What individual traits tend to be associated with higher levels of political tolerance?

(58) Some traits that are associated with support for the idea that democracy is the best form of government include satisfaction with one's own democracy, education, and a higher age. Some traits associated with political tolerance are education, younger ages, and long-term patterns of democracy.

Why would measuring democratic norms by just asking people about their support for democracy may be problematic? This question capturing something else is being influenced by other factors besides a commitment to the ideal of democracy? What other types of questions (that did not ask directly about an individual's evaluation of democracy as a system of government may be appropriate to capture the prevalence of democratic norms?)

(59) The problem with merely asking people about their support of democracy is that their definition or interpretations of democracy will vary. The question will likely be influenced by contextual factors and the type of democracy represented in the person's country. Asking questions that concern institutions and practices associated with a democracy are likely to yield better responses.

Why is interpersonal trust considered an important trait of a society's political culture?

(65) The degree of interpersonal trust influences public support of certain policies and institutions. It also influences whether the people think their government is corrupt and whether the norms are antidemocratic.

What do surveys tell us about the relationship between citizens ideological identification and their preferences for economic principles in Latin America

(71) Apart from some exceptions, there were little differences between the leftists and rightists when it came to reducing income inequality. Rightists even supported state-owned businesses more than leftists.

What is the difference between the personal vote and the partisan vote? Name one rule that promotes the personal vote" and another that promotes the "partisan vote.

The difference between the personal vote and the partisan vote is that the personal vote concerns the situations in which politicians pursue votes based on the individual's popularity instead of the reputation of their party and the partisan vote is more party-centric. One rule that promotes the personal vote is open-list proportional representation because there is competition between members of the same party. One rule that promotes the partisan vote is closed-list proportional representation.

What is the most common rule for electing presidents in Latin America? What is the most common electoral rule for choosing members of congress in Latin America?

The most common rule for electing presidents in Latin America is majority runoff. The most common rule for choosing members of Congress in Latin America is proportional representation.

What are two characteristics of electoral rule that effect proportionality between share of votes and share of seats?

Two characteristics of electoral rule that affect proportionality between share of votes and share of seats are district magnitude and the electoral formula.

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