Quiz 2

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These types of cell junctions anchor adjacent cells together and resist their separation during contractile activities.

Adherens junctions and desmosomes

Choose the directional term that would make the following sentence correct. The sternum is ___to the heart.


Which is a function of the tissue shown in the diagram?

Conduct nerve impulses to muscle fibers

Which directional term means farther from the attachment of a limb to the trunk or farther from the origination of a structure?


Which of the following is NOT a connective tissue? Bone, Blood, Cartilage, Tendons, Epidermis?


Which plane divides the body into anterior and posterior portions?


Functional classification of exocrine glands is based on

How the gland release its secretory product

Epithelial tissue

Is used as a covering of body surfaces Is used as a lining of body cavities and hollow organs Is used to form glands Usually has a free surface that interacts with external environment

Which directional term means farther from the midline?


In which of the following locations would you most likely find the transitional epithelial?

Lining of the urinary bladder

Which of the following is NOT one of the main tissue types found in the human body? Epithelial, Connective, Myocardial, Muscle, or Nervous?


Where on the diagram is the femoral area?

Near the femur

Where on the diagram is the cervical area?

Near the neck

Which cavity contains the heart?

Pericardial cavity

The function of the secretion of a serous membrane like the pleura, is to

Reduce friction between neighboring organs

Immature, undifferentiated cells that can divide to replace lost or damaged cells

Stem cells

Choose the directional term that would make the following sentence correct. The heart is ___ to the liver.


A transverse plane will cut a body or organ into

Superior and inferior portions

The lungs are located in the

pleural cavity

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