Quiz 2 Questions

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Q2: McAuley and colleagues conducted a study investigating efficacy and adherence for 60- to 80-year-old exercisers over a 12-month period. The participants were asked periodically about their efficacy-related adherence (belief that they would be able to adhere to the exercise program for the upcoming 3 months). When did these exercisers exhibit the LOWEST level of efficacy-related adherence?

at the beginning of the program after 3 months after 6 months after 9 months A: *at the end of the 12-month program

Q1: Which of the following statements regarding self-efficacy is true?

Efficacy affects behavior change, but behavior change does not affect efficacy. Efficacy changes are not related to changes in exercise adherence. A: *Exercise behavior can influence feelings of efficacy. Self-efficacy is a trait and therefore not changeable. Men in general tend to have higher self-efficacy than females.

Q9: A quarterback needs to shift his attentional focus from surveying the field for receivers to delivering a pass. This shift would be from

broad-external to broad-internal A: *broad-external to narrow-external broad-external to narrow-internal narrow-external to broad-external

Q10: The relationship between arousal and performance depends on one's interpretation of the arousal level. This is the basic approach of

catastrophe theory drive theory A: *reversal theory inverted-U hypothesis zones of optimal functioning

Q7: Collective efficacy refers to

A: *each individual's perception of the efficacy of the team as a whole the aggregate of each individual's own self-efficacy the coach's view of the efficacy of the team as a whole the belief that the team can win the championship the beliefs that coaches have in athletes and athletes have in coaches

Q5: The Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) is an example of a

A: *situation-specific trait anxiety situation-specific state anxiety general trait anxiety general state anxiety state-trait-specific anxiety

Q3: According to the catastrophe model, a catastrophe occurs with

high state and high trait anxiety high physiological and high somatic anxiety A: *high cognitive anxiety and high physiological arousal high somatic anxiety and low physiological arousal low state and high trait anxiety

Q4: A highly trait-anxious athlete (compared to a less trait-anxious athlete) would perceive competition as

more threatening and less anxiety producing less threatening and less anxiety producing A: *more threatening and more anxiety producing less threatening and more anxiety producing none of these

Q6: Research indicates that high-ability golfers relied on _______ for efficacy information whereas lower ability golfers relied on _______ for efficacy information.

previous practice; handicap coach evaluation; handicap coach evaluation; previous practice A: *handicap; previous practice handicap; coach evaluation

Q8: The strongest and most dependable information on which to base self-efficacy judgments comes from

vicarious experiences emotional states verbal persuasion physiological states A: *performance accomplishments

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